Joint Base Charleston, S.C.
Vol. 4, No. 11
Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!
Friday, March 22, 2013
JB Charleston leadership signs DUI Battle Plan U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan
Colonel Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander, and Col. Darren Hartford, 437th Airlift Wing commander, sign the DUI Battle Plan March 13, 2013, while Chief Master Sgt. Avery Jones, 628th Mission Support Group superintendent, Senior Master Sgt. Michelle McMeekin, 628th Force Support Squadron career assistant advisor, Maj. Daniel Michel, 628th Medical Group director of psychological health, and Chief Master Sgt. Larry Williams, 437th Airlift Wing command chief, attend the signing. The DUI Battle Plan is a comprehensive campaign aimed at reducing drunk driving and reinforcing positive life choices. The battle plan was modeled after a campaign launched at Travis Air Force Base, Calif. The plan reduced DUIs by 42 percent after only one year of implementation at Travis AFB. Locally, the campaign will officially kick off on April 1, 2013.
WINNERS 628th LRS wins big
See page 3
IT’S ELECTRIC! ELEN maintains the C-17’s power See page 5
AMXS beats APS in season opener See page 8
Weekend Weather Update JB CHS, SC
Friday, March 22
Mostly Sunny
(10% precip)
High 61º Low 46º
Saturday, March 23
(60% precip)
628th SFS continue patrol tactical shooting training By Petty Officer 1st Class Chad Hallford Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
FORT JACKSON, S.C. – Sailors and Airmen from Joint Base Charleston's 628th Security Forces Squadron, received instruction on boat and land-mounted M240B machine gun operations at Ft. Jackson, S.C., March 12, 2013. The training, which takes place over the course of several weeks, enables the JB Charleston - Weapons Station Harbor Patrol Team to support the 628th SFS' unique mission of protecting the waterways bordering the JB Charleston Weapons Station. The training, which starts with weapons and boat familiarization, concludes with water-based qualifications and qualifies security forces personnel to become part of the HPT team. "Like other job openings in the Air Force, I simply applied, and as a benefit of joint basing, I have a unique opportunity to serve on the HPT with our Navy and civilian crewU.S. Air Force photos / Senior Airman George Goslin mates," said Airman 1st Class Cort Romo, A member of the 628th Security Forces Squadron fires a M240B machine gun during a weapons familiariza628th SFS installation entry controller. tion and proficiency training course March 14, 2013, at Ft. Jackson, S.C. The 628th SFS performed the trainThe training also allowed current HPT ing for M240B proficiency for use on patrol boats on the Cooper River and surrounding waterways. members to maintain their weapons profiderblock," said Navy Petty Officer 1st Class Bradley Nguyen, a gunner's ciency by using this opportunity to gain extra trigger time. Instruction began with M240B gun basics, progressed to single, double mate assigned to the 628th SFS and lead instructor for the course. The weapon is capable of firing up to 600 rounds-per-minute and has a and triple-shot control, and continued into rhythm shooting and runaway gun stoppage. The second day's evolutions included night shooting, with maximum effective range of approximately 1,960 yards for an area target and 870 yards for a point target. and without the aid of night-vision goggles. "The M240B is a devastatingly powerful, crew-served weapon that "The training sessions we have conducted up to this point are building blocks," said Senior Chief Petty Officer Vincent Stephens, a master-at- requires increased tactical skill, instinctive response and smart decision arms assigned to the 628th SFS and range officer-in-charge. "The addi- making since we operate in a populated environment," said Nguyen. "Our tional skill sets we learn and the muscle-action repetition will aid all of us goal is that the skills learned in a training environment become habit, so if our crews are called into action, operating the weapons will be second by providing the necessary tools used during our patrols." "I've never fired the M240B before," said Seaman John Freeman, a nature and they will execute their mission professionally and by the book." One of the highlights of the training event was a talking gun exercise, master-at-arms and activated reservist from the Navy Operational Support Center Columbia, assigned to the 628th SFS. "From learning the basics of an evolution where HPT shooters develop communication skills and trigger control, advanced tactics and night shooting, becoming proficient weapon proficiency sufficient to deter or repel adversaries by providing constant fire from multiple weapons. The talking gun exercise was conin all of these skills will be essential during our patrols." "The 7.62mm ammunition leaves the muzzle at 2,750 feet per second ducted during the day with both guns ground-mounted and at night with (1,875 mph). The round will definitely punch through a small boat or cin- one gun on the ground with the other gun boat-mounted. The evolution involves teams communicating each gun's status between teams with no lapse in firing the weapons. The training is conducted in four parts. In addition to the initial weapons familiarization and night training using night vision goggles, SFS forces will complete the training by participating in exercises that simulate firing from a boat while it is still on land, and finally from a boat on the water.
High 65º Low 56º
Sunday, March 24
Thunder Storms
(70% precip)
Petty Officer 2nd Class Jessicarose Thurber, 628th Security Forces Squadron master-at-arms, unloads ammunition during a weapons familiarization and proficiency training course March 14, 2013, at Ft. Jackson, S.C.
High 70º Low 48º
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BLACK 01/29/08
Members of the 628th Security Forces Squadron receive a safety brief during a weapons familiarization and proficiency training course March 14, 2013, at Ft. Jackson, S.C. See more photos on Page 11.
Being the bad guy isn’t so bad
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot
The Joint Base Charleston Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DOD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs offices of both bases reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed to be against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.
The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.
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Joint Base Charleston commander Col. Richard McComb Public Affairs Officer Capt. Frank Hartnett Patriot Editor Staff Sgt. Anthony Hyatt Assistant Editor Airman 1st Class Tom Brading
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Commentary by Maj. John Groff 8th Maintenance Operations Squadron
KUNSAN AIR BASE, South Korea – Who likes to be the bad guy? Do you? How many of you like to tell someone they need a hair cut or to stop chewing tobacco outside a tobacco-use area? No one likes to be the bad guy; no one likes to correct someone doing something wrong. Is it because of the confrontation or is it the fear of not being liked? Over the years of my service, I've noticed that more supervisors choose to overlook items that are clearly against regulation. I think for some it's because they'd prefer to be well liked by everyone. Let's look at two examples how supervisors can be a good or bad guy: One example is writing an enlisted performance report. Supervisors that don't provide feedback and can't take the time to sit down with their
Airmen to discuss performance areas needing improvement will likely write that "firewall 5." So they get to be a good guy. That good guy would also be the one that would write a 4 without any feedback or explanation. A bad guy would provide constructive feedback and hold their Airmen accountable when they don't improve or correct their performance. Bad guys feel they owe it to their Airmen to tell them how they're performing. How else will they ever learn how to improve? If you correct poor performance most Airmen will listen and improve. Most Airmen want to do a good job but they can't read minds. The next example is on-the-job training. I believe we're the best-trained Air Force in the world. We take training very seriously. We take the time to make sure our Airmen know what they're doing by running them through technical schools prior to sending them to the field. Then, supervi-
sors are expected to take them to the next level. What happens if the good guy doesn't correct their behavior on the job? They might hurt themselves, others or damage expensive equipment. A bad guy would stay as long as it takes make sure their Airmen are the best at what they're assigned to do. Even if it makes them work longer hours or figuring out new ways to help the Airmen succeed. A bad guy will exhaust all their efforts trying to do that. Being the bad guy for the right reasons can be gratifying whether it's rules we all have to follow, keeping Airmen from being hurt, or helping them get back on track with their career. My bad guy code is to be firm, fair, and polite. Whatever your policy is, stick to it. Treat everyone equally and fairly, and be polite; there's no room for jerks in the Air Force . We're counting on you to be our bad guy when you need to be. Being a bad guy is not so bad!
Integrity - doing the right thing even when … everyone's watching? Commentary by 1st Lt. Melissa Boatwright 1st Combat Camera Squadron
Integrity First: The Air Force's first core value is defined as doing the right thing even when no one is looking, but, is that really when our moral compass is tested ... in the safety of solitude, when there is no pressure to conform and no opportunity to be judged? Sometimes. Other times, our integrity is tested for all to see. I was walking through a crowded subway platform and saw an Air Force member, in uniform, taking a picture of someone crouched next to a homeless man. From my vantage point, it appeared the two were mocking the man. As an Air Force officer, I was concerned for the Airman. Was he poking fun at a man who was already down on his luck? Did he know how his actions appeared to others? I wondered, but I didn't stop to ask. As often happens during times when our integrity is publically tested, we tell ourselves it's none of our business, we don't know the details or we're being unfair. The truth is we don't want to make a scene, to be judged, to be wrong and embarrassed. It's been months, and I continue to replay the event. I should have stopped. I should have asked what was happening. If the answer was anything less than honorable, I could have used it as a teaching opportunity for the Airman. We sometimes forget that these moments allow us the opportunity to reinforce the value and importance we all have in maintaining our legacy. We can use these opportunities to remind one another that when we wear the Air Force uniform, a uniform that thousands have died while wearing in defense of our country, we represent everyone who has ever worn the uniform. If we don't protect the honor that our uniform represents, who will? Since I didn't say anything, I will never know if this Airman was tarnishing our honor or not. However, I do know, in that moment, I did not act with integrity. I did not do the right thing; not because no one was watching, but because everyone was. Doing the right thing when no one is looking is hard, but doing the right thing when people are looking is harder. It's so much easier to silently walk by when something could or should be corrected. Integrity first isn't about doing the easy thing; it's about doing the right thing because that's what's expected of us. That's what our fellow Airmen and country need from us. So
this year, I renewed my commitment to Integrity First no matter who is watching. I hope you'll join me.
Diamond Tip: Maintaining fitness standards
Commentary by Master Sgt. Ronald Roper 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron first sergeant
As a first sergeant and former Unit Fitness Program Monitor, I have seen a fair share of our service members who failed a fitness assessment test and then told me they didn't know what score was required to pass, what their responsibilities were or simply saying, "I didn't know." While these may just be excuses for failing a FA test, I thought I would take a moment to highlight your role as an Airman. It will benefit you to take the time to read and understand Air Force Instruction 36-2905, which sets forth your personal responsibility for maintaining standards. Specifically, each Airman is responsible for the following: • Knowing the block of time within his/her FA is required to remain current. If a FA has not been scheduled in the period required to remain current, notify the designated FAC representative, UFPM, or superior authority in writing (includes e-mail) to schedule the FA and request
it be scheduled within the physiologist/wing FPM review required testing window. It is ultithe case at the Deployment mately the member's responsibiliAvailable Working Group. The ty to ensure their FA is scheduled. DAWG will ensure an appropri• Remain current as defined in ate medical evaluation has been AFI 36-2905. Failing to remain completed, decide whether or current as well as failing to attain not a medical evaluation board a passing score on the applicable is required and refer the case to FA before the end of the performthe individual's primary care ance report reporting period will manager for MEB initiation or result in a "Does Not Meet additional medical work-up. Standards" rating on the member's The fitness program has been officer performance report/enlistMaster Sgt. Ronald Roper part of our culture for some ed performance report if, as of the years now, and it may change closeout date of the performance report, curren- over time, however it's not going away. Make cy or a passing score is not obtained. sure you stay up to date on these changes as • Monitor his or her FA exemptions, schedule they affect you. any necessary medical examinations and initiate Take the time to read AFI 36-2905, and learn FA test arrangements in a timely manner. what to do in situations if you're hurt or ill durIn addition, AFI 36-2905 outlines what to do ing your FA test, know your scores required to if you become ill or injured during the FA test. pass, and how to help those you supervise so It discusses how many exemptions are allowed you don't become one of the Airman in the in a continuous year and 24-month period commanders or first sergeants office explaining before a member is referred to the unit comto them why you didn't know about the FA test. mander, who will in turn, request the exercise Remember, excellence in all you do!
Inappropriate conduct at work
Commentary by Toby Housey 628th Air Base Wing Equal Opportunity
Do you occasionally make jokes or engage in discussions about sex while at work? Do you utilize racial or religious slurs in the duty section? Do you feel since no one complains about these behaviors nothing is wrong? Do you feel these behaviors are acceptable because you work in a predominantly male or female duty section? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it's likely you are engaging in inappropriate conduct at work that may have unlawful discriminatory and sexual harassment overtones and you are in violation of Air Force policy. These types of
violations can result in corrective actions to include separation or termination. While making jokes in the duty section based on race, color, sex (to include sexual harassment), national origin, religion, age or disabilities may be funny for some individuals in the short term, these types of behaviors have long term effects on a unit. Despite the intent, these actions cost units thousands of dollars and reap havoc on unit cohesion and pride, which results in unnecessary spending and unhealthy organizations. Individuals who are affected by these types of behaviors tend to become emotionally consumed and struggle at times to accomplish their portion of the mission. While individuals affected by such conduct
should resolve these concerns at the lowest level by confronting the offender, no one wants to be perceived as the odd man or woman out. Just because someone does not state they are offended by your conduct does not mean they are not. Should an individual really have to ask someone to cease conduct or behavior in which the Air Force already has policies in place to prevent? At the end of the day, we should strive to create and maintain duty sections conducive for all, not some. We must be respectful and mindful of our actions and constantly ask the question; is this helping or hurting my unit? Unlawful discrimination and sexual harassment are preventable. Let's do our part to prevent it!
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The Patriot • March 22, 2013
2012 AMC Logistics Readiness Professional of the Year Award winners announced
Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
Air Mobility Command recently announced the winners of the 2012 AMC Logistics Professional of the Year Awards and Joint Base Charleston came away with five individual and one team award. The 628th Logistics Readiness Squadron won the Lt. Gen. Thomas P. Gerrity Unit Award for their superior performance for maintenance and support for the Air Force mission. "It's a great honor and privilege for several of our Airmen and our unit, being selected as the best in AMC," said Lt. Col. Craig Punches, 628th LRS commander. "In 2012, our Airmen fueled 3,000 C-17 Globemaster IIIs with 29 million gallons of fuel, managed 1,100 vehicles and 10,500 vehicle repairs, moved 38,000 crews, and seized 'The Best Not Mission Capable Rate' for supply in AMC, ensuring the base flew 2,000 missions and delivered the most active duty combat cargo in the Air Force." The 628th LRS enhances rapid, global mobility and sustainment for America's armed forces by providing supplies, equipment, vehicles, war reserve materiel, port services and fuels valued at more than $500 million to Joint Base Charleston, to include one air base wing, two air mobility wings and multiple tenant units.
Crazy D’s Food & Spirits
AMC Logistics Readiness Materiel Management Civilian Manager of the Year: John Adams, 628th LRS, JB Charleston - Air Base, S.C.
AMC Logistics Readiness Vehicle Operations Airman of the Year: Senior Airman Brian Wilson, 628th LRS, JB Charleston - Air Base, S.C. Gen. Thomas Gerrity Individual Award: Lt. Col. Craig Punches, 628th LRS, JB Charleston - Air Base, S.C.
Gen. Thomas Gerrity Unit Award: 628th LRS, JB Charleston - Air Base, S.C.
"Our Airmen are the backbone of the base," said Punches. "Not only do we provide logistic support for the air base, we also operate cranes, trains and boats to help supply the 4,500 students at the Navy Nuclear Power Training Unit, and we also moved 17 million pounds of munitions in conjunction with the Naval Munitions Command for all of the Department of Defense. It is truly an honor to be a member of the best LRS in Air Mobility Command."
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The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Alternatives for Airmen obtaining college degrees
Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
The Air Force announced the suspension of new applications for tuition assistance March 12, 2013, due to budget cuts from the Congressional sequestration process. More than 104,000 Airmen used tuition assistance in 2012, which cost the service $128 million. The Army, Coast Guard and Marines have also suspended their tuition assistance programs. Joint Base Charleston Airmen interested in pursuing their college education may find the news disheartening, but there are still many alternatives available to pursue a degree including multiple alternatives to obtaining a Community College of the Air Force degree without tuition assistance. A variety of options remain for military students to finance their educational goals, links to useful websites are listed below that offer additional information on possible financial options. Useful Links:
9/11 G.I. Bill -- Application for Benefits
DANTES -- Scholarship Web Sites
All of the general education requirements for the CCAF can be completed with free CLEP and DANTES tests. Study guides for the tests are located at the JB Charleston - Air Base library. Individuals interested in CLEP and DANTES can also go to the Peterson's Air Force Education Resource Center at At the Petersons site, Airmen will find practice tests for all 33 subjects and the website maintains "Master the CLEP," an e-book that has subject reviews and practice tests for the five general CLEP subject tests required for your CCAF (college composition, humanities, college mathematics, natural sciences and social sciences/history.) In addition to obtaining a CCAF, there are other alternatives available to your college degree. Airmen can apply for Pell grants and/or student loans. Information on these programs is available at is a website where students can complete and submit their FAFSA online. Students and families may also print the FAFSA on the web worksheet and PDF FAFSA from the site. After submitting the FAFSA, students may use this site to check the status of their application, view processing results, and submit corrections. Pell Grants provide up to $5000 per year and, on average, pay for four to seven classes and books. The FAFSA website also provides information on low interest loans to pay for tuition. Other federal resources include: is Federal Student Aid's gateway website for students. It provides a wealth of knowledge, including information about applying for college and financial aid, information about financial aid, scholarship and career searches, and managing loan repayment. If you want to begin exploring your financial aid options and get an early start on the financial aid process, try FAFSA4caster. allows students and families to receive an early estimate of eligibility for federal student aid. This website provides students with an opportunity to increase their knowledge of the financial aid process and become familiar with the various types of federal student aid that are available. On this site, students and parents may apply for a Federal Student Aid Personal Identification Number, or FSA PIN. A FSA PIN allows students and parents to sign the FAFSA electronically. A FSA PIN will also allow students to access application information after they submit the FAFSA, sign and access other financial aid documents such as loan promissory notes, and access loan information after they leave college. The Smart Student Guide to Financial Aid website includes information on scholarships, loans and information on financial aid applications. Other useful websites:
The Post-911 and Montgomery GI Bill are also available for qualified active-duty individuals. However, Airmen should remember that part-time students get paid less than full-time students and will not be able to obtain the basic housing allowance that individuals are eligible for once they separate or retire from the military. A less popular option is paying tuition outright, which, if you can afford it, can result in a substantial tax benefit. For example, the American Opportunity Tax Credit provides a maximum annual credit of $2,500. Airmen with additional questions can contact the JB Charleston - Air Base education office. Once there, they can also get additional information to see what scholarships are available and how to apply to them. For information on all education programs, visit the Air Force Virtual Education Center at or call 963-4575/7201.
Free Application for Federal Student Aid
DANTES -- Financial Aid Information
10% O FF
To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit:
Webster University Introduces Military Tuition Assistance Protection (MTAP) Plan
Webster University is stepping up to provide military students with access to funds for their education following the suspension of Department of Defense tuition assistance (TA) funds due to the sequestration. Webster University is stepping up to provide military students with access to funds for their education following the suspension of Department of Defense tuition assistance (TA) funds due to the sequestration. Through the Webster Military Tuition Assistance Protection (MTAP) Plan, eligible and qualifying current, transfer and new students will receive a Webster grant covering the suspended TA payment.
Military services suspended tuition assistance programs as a result of sequestration. Members of the military were informed that new applications for tuition assistance will not be accepted due to the $85 billion in automatic spending cuts that went into effect on March 1, 2013. Thousands of service members take advantage of the tuition assistance program, which allows them to take college courses that prepare them for their jobs in the military and for their transition to the civilian workforce.
“We are proud to serve our service members at this crucial time,” said Brig. Gen. Mike Callan, USAF (Ret), Webster University associate vice president for Military and Governmental Programs. “We don’t want them to have to interrupt their studies due to the lost TA payment, and this is the least we can do to help them when they do so much for us.” Rated one of the top schools for military students by Military Advanced Education Magazine, Webster University is offering the MTAP Plan which includes:
• No application fee for new degree-seeking students or transfer students. • A grant covering up to $250 per credit hour to replace the suspended U.S. Government TA funds. • A refund for current Webster University students registered for the Spring II term who have already replaced the suspended U.S. Government TA funds with their own monies. • Immediate assistance for spring and summer enrollment.
This grant can be used for undergraduate or graduate classes – both in class and online at any Webster University location, including our 39 military locations. Grants will be given for Spring II, which begins on March 18, and for the Summer term, unless the military tuition assistance is reinstated. When the military tuition assistance is reinstated, the Webster MTAP Plan will cease. Students interested in pursuing Webster’s MTAP plan should contact the Webster location of choice.
“Enriching lives and creating opportunities for purposeful careers is an essential part of our commitment to be the first choice for military education,” said Webster University President Elizabeth (Beth) J. Stroble. “That means being there to support them during this difficult time. We believe it is important to equip service members with the resources to continue their career advancement.”
“Degree completion is critical to advancing one’s career,” said Julian Schuster, Webster’s Provost, Senior Vice President and Chief Operating Officer. “Whether a military student is preparing for promotion to higher levels of responsibility or transitioning out of the military into another career, uninterrupted studies are the best way to help military students reach their goals successfully and efficiently.”
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The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Senior Airman Paul Wilhems, 315th Maintenance Squadron Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems specialist, performs routine checks on a C-17 Globemaster III March 18, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Airmen and civilians from the 437th MXS ELEN shop perform maintenance on lighting equipment, motors, batteries, anti-icing controllers, caution and warning panels and many other parts.
ELEN Airmen electrify Joint Base Charleston
Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Tom Brading Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
Every day, C-17 Globemaster IIIs fire up their engines and ascend through the skies, conducting rapid airlift missions around the world. In its 20 years of service, the C-17 has delivered aid, wounded warriors and also supported ongoing combat operations. The plane itself is a technological marvel packed with miles of wire transmitting electricity to thousands of sensors and hundreds of switches, dials and indicators. Keeping these advanced aircraft functional requires dedicated Airmen. Each volt of electricity coursing through those miles of wires serves a crucial purpose to the overall mission. But when electrical components break down or lose power, there is a group of electrifying Airmen and civilians who not only know what all those sensors and dials and indicators do, they also know how to repair them when they break. The 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron and the 437th Maintenance Squadron Aircraft Electrical and Environmental Systems specialists may work at different locations on Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, but their mission is similar. Both units are vital to mission success by ensuring the aircraft is reliable, ready for anything, and the pilots and crew are safe. The electrical aspect covers everything from the miles of wiring to the lighting panels, while the environmental component maintains and repairs the heating and air cooling systems. When components need to be repaired, they're sent to the 437th MXS back shop, where Airmen and civilians apply their training and skills, performing maintenance on lighting equipment, motors, batteries, anti-icing controllers, caution and warning panels and many other parts. "In the back shop, we primarily do in-shop repair of the air-
craft," said Harry Leming, 437th MXS ELEN shop foreman. A retired Air Force master sergeant, Leming is a 38-year ELEN employee at JB Charleston. "It's challenging work, but as an electrician, it's rewarding to be able to troubleshoot electrical problems." According to Leming, ELEN Airmen also routinely assist in other shops. "When specialists in shops like hydraulics, fuels and avionics need electrical or environmental assistance, they call us," said Leming. "It's a team effort that gets those planes in the sky and every member of the team plays a big part." In addition, each C-17 at JB Charleston is routinely inspected every 120 days by 437th MXS ELEN Airmen to ensure corrective actions are taken when there is an electrical problem, and electrical and environmental components of the aircraft are in compliance with Air Force technical directives. The 437th AMXS ELEN Airmen do a similar job, however, the structure and routine isn't as controlled as it is in the back shop. "One thing I've learned on the flight line is to be prepared for anything," said Senior Airman Stephen Razis, 437th AMXS ELEN specialist. "You never know what to expect throughout the day, and that's what I prepare for. The mission relies on our job performance, so knowing every aspect and detail of the job keeps the planes in the sky." From the MXS back shop to the AMXS flight line, ELEN Airmen bring more to the fight than most know. "Every time an aircraft leaves JB Charleston, I know one of our Airmen was instrumental in ensuring it takes off," said Tech. Sgt. John Lapinski, 437th MXS ELEN section chief. "Having a hand in that is incredibly rewarding."
Airman 1st Class Ryan Carroll, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Aircraft Electronic and Environmental Systems specialist, services the liquid oxygen system on a C-17 Globemaster III March 19, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.
Carroll spends his days on the flight line servicing and preparing C-17 Globemaster IIIs for flight. Carroll prepares for any type of ELEN emergency because on the flight line, “anything is possible.”
For Patriot stories, photos and archives, visit:
Wilhems receives a new water separator bag/filter from Airman 1st Class Michael Ficken, 437th Maintenance Squadron ELEN specialist March 18, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C.
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
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Photos courtesy of
The Patriot is published by Diggle Publishing Company
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The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Get APR on purchases and balance transfers through April 28, 2014. 1
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Courtesy photo
Melissa Wrighten (left), Navy Federal Credit Union employee, and Angela Gordon (second from right), Trust Federal Credit Union employee, present gift cards to the winners of the 2013 Joint Base Charleston Military Saves Campaign which took place from Feb. 20, 2013 to March 2, 2013. Military Saves Week is a dedicated opportunity for the military and civilian community to come together to emphasize the importance of saving while encouraging individuals to take action.
Military Saves Week comes to a close at JB Charleston
Courtesy of Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
The Military Saves Campaign recently wrapped up at Joint Base Charleston, March 2, 2013. Military Saves Week is a dedicated opportunity for the military and civilian community to come together to emphasize the importance of saving while encouraging individuals to take action. The Airman and Family Readiness and Fleet and Family Support Center presented awards to the following individuals: Division I Poster Contest Winner Jasmine Miller
Division I Poster Contest Runner-up Azaria Miller
Information accurate as of January 2013. 1 APR = Annual Percentage Rate. Your special rate will apply for all balance transfers or purchases made using your variable rate Visa Platinum credit card between January 15, 2013 and April 28, 2014. Excludes transfers from existing South Carolina Federal Credit Union credit cards. Not applicable to cash advances. For balance transfers from other issuers/merchants, continue to make your monthly payments to the issuer/merchant until you receive a statement from the issuer/ merchant reflecting the balance transfer payment. South Carolina Federal Credit Union will not be responsible for any finance charges or late fees incurred due to your nonpayment. Any balance transfers processed after the promotional period will incur finance charges at the standard rate. 2 Rates based on credit worthiness and vary with the market based on the Prime Rate. Up to 2% Foreign Transaction Fee applies.
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Division II Poster Contest Winner Paul Gottshall, son of Staff Sgt. Kimberly Gottshall, 315th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Division II Poster Contest Runner-up The Yon Family (Savannah, Isaiah, David, Sharon, & Katherine), dependents of Captain Richard Yon Learn and Earn Carnival Drawing Winner Petty Officer David Shamblen and sons Cade and Cole Most Military Saves Pledges Petty Officer 1st Class Adam LaMar
To To see see the Patriot online or the Airlift download a PDFonline of the paper, Dispatch or please visit download a PDF of the
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CNP talks tuition assistance, PTS and more with Sailors in Norfolk
Be a part of what’s next.
NORFOLK – Chief of Naval Personnel addressed Sailors during an all-hands call aboard Naval Station Norfolk, March 18. Vice Adm. Scott Van Buskirk took this opportunity to discuss issues affecting Sailors' naval careers, their families and their futures. One of the big-ticket items in the news lately is tuition assistance. "Ninety percent of Sailors who use TA complete the courses they take and Navy leadership is actively working to keep TA in this tough economy," said Van Buskirk. "They are looking at the structure to allow those Sailors who are eligible to continue to use it." He also discussed the continued impact Sailors have throughout the fleet from an operational standpoint. "The missions you are accomplishing are making a difference in the world because you are all tremendous ambassadors," said Van Buskirk. "We have supported deployments on the ground and on ships and are fully engaged in supporting critical missions from the Horn of Africa to Afghanistan to the Western Pacific." Van Buskirk said his number one priority is to man the fleet by ensuring Sailors are assignable, deployable and distributable. "In the last year, we have had 90 percent PTS approval and greater than 95 percent in the last four months," said Van Buskirk. Van Buskirk said the Navy is continuing to make improvements to PTS, which increases Sailors' ability to have a say in their career and improve the ability to distribute Sailors where we need them most. During a question and answer session, Van Buskirk took questions regarding the Navy's current financial state since enacting sequestration and what the future holds. "It feels good to know that the Navy leadership hears our concerns and for the CNP to come and let us know that he is on our side and doing everything for Sailors," said Petty Officer 2nd Class Darius Branch. When asked about retirement pay, Van Buskirk said a commission will be stood up to look at retirement pay, but current active duty will be grandfathered into the current retirement pay. Much of the question and answer session focused on family-related programs, and Van Buskirk assured attendees the Navy is dedicated to helping Sailors and their families. "Our Navy remains committed to maintaining the funding for our Sailors and family readiness programs as much as possible, and our goal is to have no impact on those programs in the future," said Van Buskirk.
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Soccer season opener ends in thriller
By Staff Sgt. Anthony Hyatt Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
As the intramural basketball season wraps up at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base, athletes have begun trading in their basketball shoes and lacing up their soccer cleats. The 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron Soccer team managed to squeak by the 437th Aerial Port Squadron squad in a 4 - 2 shootout win in JB Charleston's 2013 intramural soccer season opener March 14, 2013, as the sun set on the field. Both teams came out of the gates rusty. The first goal of the season didn't come until the 7th minute of the first half, when Mohammed Rezk from AMXS stole an errant pass from the APS goalie and scored. It wasn't long before APS answered back with a goal of their own in the 11th minute. Jesse Ritz from APS, then gave his team the lead with a goal of his own less than a minute later. (APS 2 - AMXS 1) "Last year we went undefeated, but this year we have a lot of new players so this first game was more of a learning experience," said Nolan Jones, 437th APS soccer coach. "We are more prepared and even more excited to go out and win our next game." AMXS answered with a goal at the 14th minute to tie the game 2-2. U.S. Air Force photos / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan But just seconds later, Ritz' effective dribbling allowed him Frank Del Valle Coss, 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron intramural soccer team forward, takes the first shot of the shoot out to weave through the APS defenders to score a goal from against the 437th Aerial Port Squadron intramural soccer team March 14, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base soccer fields. more than 15-yards out, erasing the tie. The teams went into The 437th AMXS soccer team squeaked by the 437th APS soccer team in a 4 – 2 shootout win in Joint Base Charleston’s 2013 intrahalf-time with a score of APS 3 and AMXS 2. mural soccer season opener. Both offenses didn't allow their opponent to get comfortable on defense as they exchanged goals. "APS has a really good team that can move the ball around the field efficiently," said Andrew Gravett, 437th AMXS soccer coach. Both teams offenses started getting hot with three goals scored early in the second half. APS once again jumped in front and was able to break a 4 - 4 tie by scoring a goal at the 20th minute. (APS 5 - AMXS 4) With a little more than four minutes left in the game, AMXS' Brian Garcia-Velilla, was able to find the net and notch the score at 5-5, sending the game into a penalty shootout. The team scoring the most goals out of five penalty shots would win the game. After exchanging goals on the first two attempts, AMXS went on to score their third goal while managing to block an APS goal (AMXS 3 goals - APS 2 goals). AMXS made their fourth attempt forcing APS' next goal to be a "must-make." Brandon Ferris, AMXS goalie, blocked the final attempt, clinching his team's first win of the season. "Ferris came up huge in our victory today," said Gravett. "He played goalie on last-minute notice and he made the game-winning save in the shootout. Our team showed a lot of resiliency in staying in the game all the way to the end and not faltering in the shootout." Soccer games are scheduled to be played on Tuesdays and Thursdays at 5:30 p.m. and 6:30 p.m. at the soccer fields near the JB Charleston - Air Base Youth Center. Anyone interested in JB Charleston - Air Base's Intramural Sports program should contact their unit sports representative or contact the Air Base Fitness Center at 963-3347. Those inter- Nolan Jones, 437th Aerial Port Squadron intramural soccer team coach, moves the ball towards the 437th AMXS intramural soccer team’s goal during the first game of the season March 14, 2013, ested in the Weapons Station Intramural Sports program can call 764-4118. Austin Johnson, 437th APS intramural soccer team goalie, grabs the game ball from the back of the net after a member of the 437th AMXS intramural soccer team scored March 14, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base soccer fields.
at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base soccer fields.
Mohammed Rezk, 437th AMXS intramural soccer team forward, performs a sliding kick while the 437th APS intramural soccer team goalie attempts to block the ball March 14, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base soccer fields. Andrew Gravett, 437th AMXS intramural soccer team coach, places the ball at midfield for the start of the game against the 437th APS intramural soccer team March 14, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base soccer fields.
See more photos online at charleston.
Julius Murray, intramural soccer referee, changes the score on the side line board after the 437th AMXS intramural soccer team scored their second goal of the game against the 437th APS intramural soccer team March 14, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base soccer fields.
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Motorcyclist prepare for safe riding season
Story and photos by Airman 1st Class Jared Trimarchi Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs
More than 200 Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, civilians and dependents from Joint Base Charleston participated in the 2013 JB Charleston Motorcycle Safety Rodeo March 15, 2013, throughout the Lowcountry. The safety event was hosted by the 628th Air Base Wing Safety Office and the Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club, a non-profit organization for military and Department of Defense motorcyclists which has more than 100 chapters around the world. The day started with a motorcycle safety brief at the Air Base Theater, and included a mentorship ride throughout Charleston before ending at the North Charleston Coliseum, where participants attended the Eighth Annual Palmetto Police Motorcycle Rodeo. "Every time you get on a motorcycle, you'll learn something new," said Chief Petty Officer Richard Butler, a Navy Nuclear Power Training Unit repair department mechanic and Chapter 37 Green Knights' sergeant-at-arms. "Events like this are held every year to promote safe riding and build on the experience levels of all riders, whether they are new to riding or have been riding for years." The topics discussed during the briefing included personal protective equipment, training requirements, South Carolina licensing, local riding conditions, mishap reports, risk management and mentorship. Applications to join the Green Knights were also accepted. "The briefing was designed to be informative and address the seriousness of improperly handling a motorcycle," Butler said. "We want to make sure our riders are informed about the dangers of riding. Riding a motorcycle poses higher risks than driving a car. The more experienced a rider is and the more he knows about safe riding, the lower the risks." Colonel Richard McComb, Joint Base Charleston commander, Col. Albert Miller, 437th Airlift Wing vice commander, and Chief Master Sgt. Earl Hannon, 628th ABW command chief, attended the Rodeo and presented awards to riders during the event. The four categories included best custom bike, best sports bike, best cruiser and commander's choice for best bike. Before the group ride, Father Gildardo Garcia, a 628th ABW chaplain, blessed the bikes and prayed for the safety of the group. Ali Small, wife of Senior Airman Mallory Small of the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, and a first time JB Charleston Motorcycle Rodeo participant said, "The group ride was the best part of the Rodeo. It is always a blast to ride in a group setting. I don't get to ride in groups too often, so I learned some fundamentals on group riding, such as the signals riders use to communicate with one another." During the Palmetto Police Motorcycle Rodeo ride, team Charleston members were greeted by two Charleston County deputy sheriffs who discussed motorcycle handling skills, techniques, tips, safety and motorcycle laws. More than 25 deputy sheriffs from South Carolina, Georgia and Florida
Motorcycle riders from Joint Base Charleston line up before a group ride March 15, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base. More than 200 Airmen, Sailors, Soldiers, civilians and dependents participated in the 2013 Joint Base Charleston Motorcycle Safety Rodeo. The safety event was hosted by the JB Charleston Safety Office and the Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club.
completed obstacle courses designed to tests the limits of a motorcycle and the handling skills of the operators. "The deputies who ride motorcycles are required to train many hours a week on their cruisers," Butler said. "They are experts on two wheels and we learned from watching them run through the obstacles. They make it look easy, but it's not. The techniques they learn on the course can help save their life out on the road." Every year, the armed forces suffer from service member fatalities due to motorcycle accidents. "Knowing that fellow service members have been killed in motorcycle accidents really puts safe riding into perspective," said Senior Airman Aaron Glover, 437th AMXS crew chief. "Every time I get ready to ride, I make sure I'm being as safe as possible. That means always wearing my protective gear, never
riding while being tired and knowing one drink can be one too many on a motorcycle." "This safety event was intended to be informative and entertaining," Butler said. "Riders get more experience from going out on their bikes. Hopefully we can lower the number of mishaps, and riders will take the most out of this event by remembering to always put safety first."
For more information or to join the Green Knights, contact A deputy sheriff runs over a traffic cone during the Eighth Annual Palmetto Police Motorcycle Rodeo March 15, 2013, at the North Charleston Coliseum. The event was part of the 2013 Joint Base Charleston Motorcycle Safety Rodeo. More than 200 Airmen, Sailors, Solders, civilians and dependents participated alongside more than 25 deputy sheriffs from South Carolina, Georgia and Florida. The Rodeo consisted of obstacle courses designed to tests the limits of a motorcycle and the handling skills of the operators.
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Technical Sgt. Robert Porter, 315th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron crew chief, displays his award for the best-in-show sport bike March 15, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base.
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The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Warmer Weather? Time For A Cruise of Charleston Harbor
One success inspires another for today's women leaders
A beautiful way to spend time with loved ones, visiting family, business associates. Also a great birthday or anniversary gift!
Graphic by Sylvia Saab
By Martha Lockwood Air Force News Service
FORT MEADE, Md. – "Things done are won; joy's soul is in the doing." This quote from one of Shakespeare's most ambiguous plays, Troilus and Cressida, appears to be the constant theme behind the careers of many of the Air Force's most accomplished women. Whether it was the Honorable Sheila Widnall, the 18th Secretary of the Air Force (1993-97) and the first and only woman to take the oath of office as the secretary of any of the armed forces – who came out of academia to answer her country's call; or Gen. Janet Wolfenbarger, a graduate of the United States Air Force Academy in engineering sciences, who has come up through the ranks to become the Air Force's first female four-star general; or Maj. Nicole Malachowski, who in 2006, was the first woman pilot on the precision flying team the Air Force Thunderbirds, the same can be said of each: One success served only to provide the inspiration and firm foundation for the next. The joy of doing, and a recurring theme of innovation, is also the distinguishing theme throughout others' careers, as well. The four following highlighted careers are, like the three mentioned above, women who put a human face on Air Force excellence. Whether it's in academia, service, or leadership, whether they serve stateside or overseas, in times of peace or theatres of conflict, these are very human and inspiring lives. Maj. Gen. Mary Kay Hertog is a solid example of building one's successes on a firm foundation of excellence in academia, service, and leadership. She began her career in ROTC, where she emerged as a distinguished graduate in 1978. Her work at unit, major command, and Air Staff level in various positions has included commanding several large security forces units, a technical training group, and one of the largest training wings in the U.S. Air Force, at Lackland Air Force Base, Texas. She was the director of Security Forces, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force, Washington, D.C.; and prior to her current assignment, she was the commander, 2nd Air Force, Keesler AFB, Miss. Concurrently, she was pursuing her education -Squadron Officer School, Maxwell AFB, Ala.; a master's degree in industrial psychology from Webster University, St. Louis, Mo.; and both the Air Command and Staff College and the Air War College, Maxwell AFB, Ala. Today, she is the Director of the Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Office, which is the Department of Defense's single point of accountability for all sexual assault policy matters. SAPRO reports to the Office of the Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness. As with Maj. Gen. Hertog, wholehearted involvement in the Air Force is a defining characteristic of retired Maj. Gen. Marcelite Harris' career. More than a decade before Maj. Gen. Hertog, Major Gen. Harris also followed a traditional path, obtaining her bachelor's degree in speech and drama from Spellman College in Atlanta in 1964. A year later, she was commissioned a second lieutenant after completing Officer Training School at Lackland AFB, Texas. After early-career assignments as an administrative officer, Harris transitioned into the maintenance field by attending the aircraft maintenance officer's course at Chanute Air Force Base, Ill., and graduated as the first female aircraft maintenance officer. After a series of maintenance supervisor assignments in Thailand, California, and Washington, D.C., Harris became one of the first women to be an air officer commanding at the U.S. Air Force Academy. Following a series of equally stellar appointments throughout the world, Harris became the first female AfricanAmerican general in 1991. Although she retired from active duty in 1997, Harris continues a rigorous and active involvement in the Air Force. In 2010, President Obama appointed her a member of the Board of Visitors for the United States Air Force Academy. Excellence in academics, service, and leadership isn't the only path to success for women in the Air Force. And even careers that seemingly converge, often demonstrate excellence in different ways. Two people who were named to the first female fighter-pilot class in 1993 – retired Lt. Col. Sharon Preszler and retired Col. Martha McSally – found their similar skills and training put to use in different arenas. Seeing the opportunity to become a fighter pilot as full participation in "a performance-based industry," Preszler was stationed at Spangdahlem Air Base, Germany, upon completion of her training. There she flew sorties over Iraq as part of Operation Northern Watch. Ultimately becoming 20th Fighter Wing staff director and Commander's Action Group director, Preszler credits her mother with instilling in her the idea that she could fly planes, not just ride in them. Col. Martha McSally was also named to that first all-female class of fighter pilots in 1993, but it would be another year before she actually arrived. Upon graduation in 1995, she was deployed to Kuwait where she saw action in Afghanistan. In July 2004, when she took command of the 354th Fighter Squadron at Davis-Monthan Air Force Base, Ariz., she became the first woman to command a fighter squadron. There is no question that for these four women, and for the thousands of men and women who have excelled in their own Air Force niche, joy is found in a job well done. And inspiration. There must be an ideal to light the way. McSally may have said it best: "...I hope I'm a role model to both men and women because we are a fighting force and should not be concerned with the differences between us."
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3/5/13 4:12 PM
628th SFS continue patrol tactical shooting training JB CHS NEWS
U.S. Air Force photos / Senior Airman George Goslin
Senior Airman Collin Kirkpatrick, 628th Security Forces Squadron patrolman, lines up ammunition cans during a weapons familiarization and proficiency training course March 14, 2013, at Ft. Jackson, S.C. The 628th SFS performed the training for M240B proficiency while on patrol boats on the Cooper River and surrounding waterways.
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Petty Officer 2nd Class Jeremiah Parker, 628th SFS master-at-arms, mounts a M240B machine gun during a weapons familiarization and proficiency training course March 14, 2013, at Ft. Jackson, S.C.
See the story on Page 1
A member of the 628th SFS fires a M240B machine gun during a weapons familiarization and proficiency training course March 14, 2013, at Ft. Jackson, S.C.
A member of the 628th SFS adjusts his night-vision goggles during a weapons familiarization and proficiency training course March 14, 2013, at Ft. Jackson, S.C.
- James Grady, Ashford graduate
13AUAM0044 • AC-0255
Crossword answers to puzzle on page 15
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Team Charleston takes on Wingman Day Airmen from the 628th Communications Squadron participate in a tug-of-war during Wingman Day March 14, 2013 at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base. Wingman Day provides an opportunity for JB Base Charleston units to take a well-needed break from their everyday routines and focus on what is truly important in this life: each other.
PDF version of the entire Patriot online each week at M n o t s e l r www.Cha Courtesy photo
Airmen with the 437th Aerial Port Squadron play a game of volleyball during Wingman Day March 14, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base picnic grounds. During Wingman Day, Joint Base Charleston Airmen participated in activities such as resiliency training, group discussions and scavenger hunts as well as sports and barbecues with their units.
U.S. Air Force photo / Senior Airman Dennis Sloan
Courtesy photo
U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. Rasheen Douglas Airmen from the 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron, race toward dodge balls during Members from the 628th ABW staff agencies compete in a game of volleyball between comWingman Day March 14, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base Fitness Center. pany grade and noncommissioned officers during Wingman Day March 14, 2013, at the Fitness Center on Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Wingman Day, a quarterly event, allows Airmen to take a break from their daily duties and come together to focus on various key topics that impact their personal and professional lives.
Courtesy photo
Courtesy photo
Tech. Sgt. Nolan Gibson, 437th Maintenance Operations Squadron Quality Assurance inspector, celebrates after eliminating an opponent from a dodgeball game during Wingman Day March 14, 2013, at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base Fitness Center.
(Right) Senior Airman Darius Session, 628th CS cyber systems apprentice, attempts to throw a Frisbee while (left) Chief Master Sgt. Michael Gibson, 628th CS, tries to block his pass during Wingman Day March 14, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base Fitness Center.
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
Easter Egg Hunt
Tuesday, March 26, 10 a.m. Air Base Library Open to toddlers & pre-kindergarten children ages 2-5. Free event. Bring a basket to collect the eggs. Advance registration needed. Call 963-3320 to sign-up or for more details.
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Rec Review
Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at
Proud commercial sponsor for this event is Santee Cooper.
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
/ Interested in becoming a first sergeant or assisting in first sergeant duties? The Joint Base Charleston first sergeants will be hosting an Additional Duty First Sergeant Symposium March 26 through 28th. This symposium is open to tech. sergeant through senior master sergeant that wants to gain an insight in first sergeant duty. Qualified individuals interested should contact Master Sgt. Tiffany Robinson, 17th Airlift Squadron first sergeant at (843)963-2913 for more information.
All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 963-4406.
March 26 / An "Unleash the Power of a Budget!" class will be held from 10 to 11 a.m. Learn to create a budget and see how it can help you reach your financial goals! / A "What's Your Score? Credit Know-How" class will be held from 1 to 2 p.m. Whether you want to build, maintain or fix your credit score, this class will cover every aspect of credit reports and credit scoring.
March 27 / A "Fine Tune Your Resume (Part II)" workshop will be held from 9 to 10:30 a.m. and from 10:30 to noon.. Receive professional feedback as you work on your resume and leave with a finished product!
/ A 'Smooth Move" workshop will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. Participants will learn from experts how to prepare and PCS smoothly. / A "Little Heroes" ceremony will be held on from 6 to 7 p.m. This is a special recognition ceremony for children (ages 4 to12 years) that have recently experienced a deployment of a parent with return dates ranging from Sept. 1 2012 to March 2013. There will be a special medal presentation and light refreshments following the ceremony. A completed application must follow a child's registration by email ( or fax (843-963-5781). Call 963-4406 to register.
March 28 / An "Exceptional Family Member Program Support Group" meeting will be held from 6 to 8 p.m. EFMP enrolled members are invited to join us.
March 29 / A Workshop for Dept. of Veteran Affairs Disability Claims will be held from 8 a.m. to noon. The VA representative will cover the claims and filing process and then individual Disability Claims Assistance will be provided from 12:30 to 2:30 p.m. Members (who do not have a copy of their medical records) must sign an authorization letter (authorizing the VA representative to obtain your medical records) at the Joint Base Charleston - Air Base Clinic's Family Practice section. This authorization letter must be signed no later than the Monday of that week's Friday VA One-on-One Assistance with Disability Claims that you plan to attend. / The opening of the new community center will be held from 2 to 4 p.m. at 1501 Touhey boulevard. Music will be provided by a local DJ, face painting, balloon animals, jump castle, Easter bunny, Charlie the River Dog and more. The event is intended for residents of Forest City air base housing.
See more briefs at To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.
Basic Resume class? If so, bring your resume to this class for review and fine-tuning. You will leave with all the tools for the finalization of your resume. March 28 / A Smooth Move class is scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon, March 28, 2013. Learn from the experts on how to PCS smoothly to your new location.
Special Announcements
All classes or workshops will be held at the Fleet and Family Support Center, Building 755, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station unless otherwise specified. For more information, call 764-7480.
March 22 / An Interviewing for Success class is scheduled for 9 a.m. to noon, March 22, 2013. Learn positive interviewing techniques and how to respond to difficult questions. March 25 / A Home Selling class is scheduled for 3 to 4:30 p.m., March 25, 2013.
March 26 / An Education/Scholarship Opportunities class is scheduled for 10 to 11:30 a.m., March 26, 2013.
March 27 / An Advance Resume Class is scheduled for 1 to 3 p.m., March 27, 2013. Did you attend the
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A life in flight for first woman 'Thunderbirds' pilot By Airman 1st Class Alexander Riedel Air Force News Service
FT. GEORGE G. MEADE – Since 1953, the Air Force's air demonstration team, the Thunderbirds, have captivated spectators across the world and showed its audiences what the Air Force's aircraft are capable of. For two years, Lt.Col. Nicole Malachowski surprised audiences not just in the air, but especially when she stepped out of the cockpit of the fighter jet as the first woman to be accepted for a seat on the Air Force's premier show team. Being on the crew took Malachowski full circle to the root of her career, she said. At just 5 years old, she visited an air show with her parents and was fascinated by the powerful roar and agility of the F-4 Phantom II. "I remember looking my father in the eye and saying 'I want to be a fighter pilot some day,'" Malachowski said. Soon she began the journey to the cockpit by participating in the Civil Air Patrol at age 12 and took to the pilot's seat for her first solo flight at age 16 – getting her pilot's before her driver's license. She continued on her path, by applying to the U.S. Air Force Academy, receiving her commission in May 1996. Malachowski went on to serve in three operational F-15E Strike Eagle fighter squadrons, holding positions as a flight commander and instructor pilot. She quickly amassed more than 1,600 flying hours, including 185 hours of combat time in Operation Deliberate Forge and Operation Iraqi Freedom. On the ground, she also served alongside the U.S. Army's 2nd Infantry Division as an air liaison officer in South Korea. In every job, Malachowski excelled, and her flying talent and real-world experience eventually got her selected as the first female pilot in any American military air demonstration team. In interviews, however, Malachowski often repeated that she didn't think her gender set her apart. "What we need to concentrate on is what we have in common, which is that warrior spirit that's in all of our hearts, that has created us the way we are -- to choose to be a part of something so much bigger than ourselves," Malachowski said during a speech at the Women in Military Service for America
U.S. Air Force photo / Tech. Sgt. Justin Pyle
Then - Maj. Nicole Malachowski prepares to take off for a practice sortie with the Thunderbirds in an F-16 Fighting Falcon. Malachowski was the Thunderbird #3 right wing pilot.
Memorial at Arlington National Cemetery in 2006. In the Thunderbirds' famous flying diamond formation, But her role as a pioneer in the team was not lost on the Malachowski flew in the F-16 Fighting Falcon No. 3, right officer. wing jet – a position again filled by a woman today. Maj. "I never thought I would be a Thunderbird," she said in Caroline Jensen continues to inspire dreams at airshows 2007. "I still don't have my arms around it. I don't think I have across the country. fully grasped the significance, and maybe it is something I "Women have been involved in aviation since the time of will figure out in a few years." hot air balloons," Malachowski said at the 19th Annual For her, the teamwork of all Airmen is what makes the Air International Women in Aviation Conference in San Diego, Force mission possible. March 14, 2008. "It's only normal to me that women are going "Women have been an integral part of the Thunderbird to add their strength and skills to the effort of pushing aviation team for decades," Malachowski said in an Air Force press forward." release; hinting at the enlisted women who served in support and maintenance roles with the thunderbirds since (Sourced from Air Force News Service articles and Air 1974. "The women of yesterday and today's Air Force Force TV News) maintain a tradition of excellence, and it is that heritage that has given me this exciting responsibility of being the first female Thunderbird pilot." In late November 2007, Malachowski finished her tour with the thunderbirds and performed her last show in front her hometown crowd in Las Vegas, Nev. But Malachowski's career did not stop with her last airshow. Leaving behind the stressful schedule of the show team, she took on new challenges from supporting senior government leaders as a White House fellow, to her current position as the commander of the 333rd Fighter Squadron at Seymour Johnson Air Force Base, N.C. Malachowski said she hopes her service in the Thunderbirds was an example to young girls and to all children that they can achieve their dreams. "The message to all young Americans is that it's great to have a dream; it's great to have goals," she said. "Pursue something that U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. J.G. Buzanowski you are passionate about, and then pursue Then - Maj. Nicole Malachowski answers questions at the Women in excellence in that. And surround yourself with Aviation and Space Family Day March 14, 2009 at the National Air and a positive team. I hope that when they see the Space Museum's Hazy Center in Chantilly, Va. The event featured female U.S. Air Force photo Then - Maj. Nicole Malachowski is the first woman pilot on the U.S. Air Force Thunderbirds, they realize they can air and space pioneers, including astronauts, a World War II Women Air Force Thunderbirds. The Thunderbirds are the Air Force's pre- achieve any dream, and that a great team to Airforce Service Pilot and several aerospace experts at exhibit booths mier air demonstration team. where visitors could learn hands-on about science and flying. have is certainly the Air Force."
The Patriot • March 22, 2013
MARKETPLACE Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To
MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.
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Crossword of the Week
CLUES ACROSS 1. Supervises interstate commerce 4. Society ingenue 7. Old Austrian currency (abbr.) 10. Wife of Jacob 12. “Aba ____ Honeymoon” 13. Cologne 14. Christian reading platforms 16. 8th Jewish month 17. Arbitragers (inf.) 18. Goof 19. C5H12 21. Adult female chicken 22. Cooking vessel 24. Drake’s Golden ship 26. Mimicry 28. Language spoken in Nakhon Phanom 30. Betel palm 32. Fulda River tributary 33. Diet sugars & starches 38. Goat and camel hair fabric 39. Used of posture 40. Native of Istanbul 41. Elk or moose genus 43. Gave a slight indication
See the Answers, Page 14
45. Farewell expression 46. Japanese sash 49. Disturb greatly 53. Piles of combustibles 55. Suffragist Carrie Chapman 57. “Inside the Company” author 58. Counterweights 59. The total quantity 60. Daminozide 61. South American nation 62. Original “SportsCenter” anchor Bob 63. Can cover 64. Aka River Leie CLUES DOWN 1. Sudden brilliant light 2. 35% Sierra Leone ethnic group 3. Pool side dressing room 4. 24 hours (old English) 5. Abba __, Israeli politician 6. Bret Maverick’s brother 7. Glenn Miller hit “Moonlight ___” 8. Truck operator compartment 9. Composer Walter ___ 11. Hall of Fame (abbr.)
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The Patriot • March 22, 2013
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