10-11-2013 The Patriot (Joint Base Charleston)

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Joint Base Charleston, S.C.


Vol. 4, No. 37

Team Charleston – One Family, One Mission, One Fight!

Friday, October 11, 2013

U.S. Air Force graphic / Airman 1st Class Michael Reeves

A survivor’s tale:

INSIDE ‘Delicious ambiguity’

Dealing with change and uncertainty See page 2


Green Knights visit Charleston See page 5

UEI COUNTDOWN 53 Days Begins December 2, 2013

Weekend Weather Update JB CHS, SC

Friday, October 11


(0% precip)

High 82º Low 61º

Saturday, October 12 Sunny

(0% precip)

High 83º Low 63º

Sunday, October 13

Partly Cloudy

(10% precip)

High 80º Low 61º

Jessica Newbury’s battle with cancer Story and photos by Airman First Class Chacarra Neal Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

"I found a lump in my right breast in 2009," said Jessica Newbury. "Two years after my mom passed away from this very same thing." Newbury was only 25 years old when she started her battle with breast cancer. "The doctors diagnosed me with Ductal Carcinoma in Situ and Invasive Cancer," said Newbury. "My right breast had Stage 0 Breast Cancer. But my left breast had Stage 2B Breast Cancer." Ductal carcinoma in Situ is the earliest stage at which breast cancer can be diagnosed. The doctors told Newbury Ductal Carcinoma in Situ is noninvasive, indicating that it has not yet made it to breast tissue outside of the ducts. However, Invasive Ductal Carcinoma known as infiltrating ductal carcinoma is cancer that begins growing in the duct and invades the fatty tissue of the breast outside of the duct. Invasive Ductal Carcinoma is the most common form of breast cancer, representing 80 percent of all breast cancer diagnoses. Newbury remembers that she was given three and a half weeks to prepare for a surgery that would remove not only her cancerous tumors, but also her breasts. "The cancer was progressive and doctors had to move quickly," said Newbury. "It didn't give me much time to mentally prepare for what was happening, but there was no time to waste." Newbury then started chemotherapy and radiation. "Most patients go to chemotherapy every three weeks," she said. "But because of the type of cancer I had, and how aggressive it was, I was required to go every two weeks. The process can only be described as grueling." Newbury went through chemotherapy for a total of 15 months. "A normal day of chemotherapy consisted of blood work in the morning to insure my white blood cell count was high enough to support the chemotherapy treatment," explained Newbury. "It basically poisons your body." Chemotherapy was an all-day event for Newbury, taking five to six hours at a time. "After chemotherapy, I would be extremely sick for the next five days or so," said Newbury. "Chemotherapy was on Tuesdays and I didn't start to feel better until at least Saturday or Sunday." Radiation and chemotherapy impacted Newbury's ability to perform in the workplace. Newbury joined the United States Navy in 2003 and served for eight years as a machinist mate 1st class. With her condition, she could stay in the Navy, but wasn't allowed to continue

Jessica Newbury, poses for a picture Oct. 9, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Newbury joined the United States Navy in 2003 and served for eight years as a machinist mate before her medical retirement. Newbury is a breast cancer survivor and continues to be an inspiration for those that know her and her story.

her same job because of radiation exposure. "I was a nuclear instructor," said Newbury. "I trained nuclear operators to work in the fleet. I loved my job and I had no desire to do anything else!" Now, Newbury is medically retired. "Everybody's definition of a fighter is different," said Machinist Mate 1st Class Michael Okert. "Mine is Jessica Newbury. For her to go through the numerous treatments and surgeries and still be able to come to work every day with a smile on her face, no matter how much pain she was in, that's impressive. She refused to let cancer win the fight. That's a fighter to me." Newbury says the hardest part of the entire experience was losing her hair. "I was very self-conscious," she said. "When I stopped wearing a wig I had really, really short hair. It was more of a thing for me, than for the people around me." Newbury says her command gave her the inspiration and support she needed to get through this difficult time. "When I was in the hospital or having a surgery, my command was incredibly supportive by sending me flowers and bringing my husband food," Newberry said. Jessica Newbury has been married to her husband Scott Newbury for nearly 10 years. "I know its cliché, but my husband was amazing, he was really helpful," said Newbury. "He actually shaved my head for me when I started

to lose my hair. And I shaved his too!" Scott would get Jessica out of bed and moving when she needed to. "He was kind of the regiment enforcer," said Newbury. "When I didn't want to get out of bed he helped me up. We would walk to the end of the driveway and back. He pushed me to do a little more every day." Newbury was forced to have a hysterectomy leaving her unable to have children in the future. Scott and Jessica still want to start a family and will start their adoption process next year. "I am currently working on my master's degree in project management," said Newbury. "If all goes well I will be graduating in December, and Scott and I can start the adoption process. We're more excited than anything to raise a mini Newbury." In support of raising money and awareness, Newbury will be running the Susan G. Komen Race for the Cure on October 19, 2013, in Daniel Island, S.C. "The technology has come so far with digital mammograms," said Newbury. "The benefit of knowing that you are OK outweighs the little bit of discomfort that comes along with it. The nurses and technicians make it as quick and painless as possible, while maximizing your privacy." Newbury has been in remission for a little over four years today.

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BLACK 01/29/08


Life is about ‘delicious ambiguity’

The Patriot • October 11, 2013

Joint Base Charleston Air Base & Weapons Station About The Patriot

The Patriot, the official weekly paper of Joint Base Charleston is published every Friday by Diggle Publishing Co., (843) 412-5861, a private firm in no way connected with the U.S. Air Force or the U.S. Navy, under exclusive written contract with the 628th Air Base Wing. This civilian enterprise newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families. Its contents are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, the Department of the Air Force or the Department of the Navy. The appearance of advertising in this publication, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by DoD, Air Force, Navy or Diggle Publishing Company of the products or services advertised. Editorial content is edited, prepared, and provided by the 628th Air Base Wing Public Affairs Office of Joint Base Charleston. All photographs are Air Force or Navy photographs unless otherwise indicated. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user or patron. The Publisher and Public Affairs office reserve the right to refuse any advertisement deemed against DOD regulations or which may reflect poorly on the bases or personnel.


The deadline for submitting stories for space-available publication is prior to noon of the Friday preceding the desired publication date. The Patriot staff reserves the right to edit all copy submitted for publication.

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Joint Base Charleston commander Col. Jeffrey DeVore Public Affairs Officer Capt. Frank Hartnett Patriot Editor Chuck Diggle

Editorial Content

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Commentary by Col. Darren Hartford 437th Airlift Wing commander

"The best laid schemes of Mice and Men oft go awry..." – Robert Burns

"Life is about not knowing, having to change, taking the moment and making the best of it without knowing what's going to happen next. Delicious Ambiguity." – Gilda Radner

Like most of you, I have an established routine in the morning as I get ready for work, to include what route I drive to my office. Not long ago, the road I drove every day out of my neighborhood was closed and remained so for several weeks. If you had heard my complaints as well as those of my neighbors, you would have thought life was never going to be the same. Other people had changed our routines and did not ask for our opinion. We had no say in or control of the matter. It was an outrage! As I write this, the US Government is going into the second week of "shutdown." Since October 1st, it seems every day I get a new piece of guidance on what the shutdown means for our Airmen. I learn what TDY's are or are not allowed, what we can or cannot spend money on, who is or isn't going to get paid and who is or isn't going to be 'furloughed' (as of this writing all civilian and military Airmen at the local level will be working and getting paid). The uncertainty of the situation is causing a lot of angst and rightfully so. Uncertainty and change, in any facet of life, but especially when it comes to our finances and livelihood, are upsetting. Certainty in my knowledge of the pattern of events gives me comfort. A change to my routine or to what I view as 'normal' quickly makes me uncomfortable. It does not take long for me to establish a comfort zone. If you have ever sat in a classroom for a day and had someone sit in 'your seat' following a break, then you have an idea of how disruptive and uncomfortable dealing with change can be. Personally, I like to know what is coming up in the future and plan accordingly. Tell me the rules of the game and I will happily build my plans on how to proceed. Some of our routines become bedrock truths: The sun is going to rise in the east and the government is going to pay me every two weeks. When events beyond our control put those ground truths in flux, it causes us to worry and lose our

focus on whatever we had planned. we can, takes some of the uncerIt can be very easy to spend our tainty out of our day. When the days wringing our hands about what changing environment puts our the future holds and hope things ability to complete our mission at will return to normal. But that is not risk, it can also drive us to new productive. There are things we can heights as we examine the how's control and things we can't; discernand why's of what we do, in order ing between the two helps us deal to find more efficient and effecwith uncertainty. There are also tive ways to do our mission. In things you can do both personally, other words, change and unceras well as organizationally, to better tainty can drive innovation. Col. Darren Hartford adapt and deal with uncertain times. 437th Airlift Wing commander Leaders at all levels need to I am reminded of a story of two identify those items that don't men who built houses. One did not care about the contribute to safe mission accomplishment in quality of the foundation before he built his home. either the short or long term. Sometimes we can When a strong wind and rain storm came, the stop doing something for a little while and its house blew down. The other man took his time on okay (delaying an oil change in your car) but the foundation and made sure his home was solid. eventually things break down (what happens When the winds and rain came, his home was when you never change the oil in your car). safe and secure. Like the second man in this tale, Leaders have to know the difference between if you have a strong personal foundation you can those short and long term risks and decide what better weather the storms of life. needs to be done to make the mission happen or The Comprehensive Airman Fitness (CAF) even change how the mission happens. As the program helps us build strong personal foundavision document says, "Every Airman should contions. As we develop our mental, physical, social stantly look for smarter ways to do business. The and spiritual pillars we become more adapt at person closest to the problem is often the one with dealing with the stress that uncertainty causes as the best solution. Leaders should empower well as develop coping mechanisms. It can also Airmen to think creatively, find new solutions, equip us to find opportunities in the changing and make decisions. Airmen at all levels must environment. Additionally, staying true to the Air have the courage to take risks and learn from misForce core values of integrity, service and exceltakes as we pursue a stronger Air Force." lence will help guide our actions in new and There are many ways to deal with change and changing environments and allow us stay true to uncertainty, in my opinion it comes down to your ourselves and to the standards our profession and your organization's attitude. Gilda Radner demands of us. was one of the original comedienne's on the TV The Air Force has a long history of accepting Show, Saturday Night Live. In 1989, she passed and dealing with change. One can make the away following a long fight with cancer. Her argument that the early Airpower advocates' quote above conveys her attitude and mental abiliability to see how technology had changed the ty to adapt to her uncertain future. Are you perbattlefield and their ability to not only adapt, but sonally equipped and prepared to handle the stress exploit the new reality led to the creation of our that uncertainty causes? Is your organization service. In the latest Air Force vision statement it focused on its mission? Are you ready to chalsays, "Airmen, using their unique perspective, lenge the 'old way of doing business' to find a have long stood for and pioneered innovative more efficient and more effective method of getways to win the fight while shaping the future." ting the mission done? I find that it is possible to Indeed, adaptation to change is a part of our Air adapt to uncertainty or a changing world just like Force culture. it is possible to adapt to a new route to work. If When our organizations are dealing with fiscal you keep looking for those new routes, and new and manpower unknowns, focusing on what our challenges, it can keep your perspective fresh and mission is, at the Air Force, MAJCOM, Wing, or give you the ability to spot new opportunities. even the flight level, will shape our everyday Uncertainty is not comfortable, but we can get actions. Staying focused on completing that misthrough it and if we handle it well, we will be a sion and doing our jobs as best and as safely as better Air Force for it.

Diamond Tip: Deployments, are you prepared?

By Master Sgt. James Kasch 14th Airlift Squadron First Sergeant

As I prepare for my upcoming deployment I ponder what an Airman deploying for the first time might think. Since this is not my first deployment I have a good idea of what to expect and how to prepare. However, I think back to SrA Kasch and how nervous I was before departing on that first adventure. I would like to cover a few key topics that should hopefully put a few at ease and also help them prepare to support the mission downrange. Once you receive the notice to deploy, a checklist will accompany you until the day you depart. Read the checklist thoroughly. Then read it again. If you know your estimated departure date, set up a timeline to complete the required tasks in a timely manner. Medical out processing can begin as far out as 120 days from departure. Note whether or not your deployment requires any additional Computer Based Training. You would be surprised how many there may be. I had to accomplish 23 CBT's for my most recent deployment. Some training certifications are valid for 12 months while others are 24. Do you need to requalify on weapons training? My previous career field only required rifle qualification; this deployment requires I qualify on the M-9. Do you need chemical war-

fare training, Self-Aid Buddy Care, CPR, etc? All or most of these questions can be answered by your squadron deployment manager. Since some of these require advanced planning and scheduling, get on top of these sooner rather than later. Do you have a will or Power of Attorney ? Each of us should complete a will prior to any deployment. If you deploy more often, ensure it is up to date. Does your spouse or family need a POA to take care of things for you while you are away? You would be surprised what might happen back here at home station while we are downrange accomplishing the mission. As a First Sergeant I have first-hand knowledge of some issues that arise. Make sure your family has your First Sergeant's contact information. We are here to help take care of the issues. The POA is a great tool for your family and helps alleviate the need to contact you for numerous issues. Another thing to prepare for your deployment, be ready to depart up to 10 days before your scheduled arrival date. Don't make any financial plans within that last two weeks that you can't change at a moment's notice. You will not get reimbursed for personal travel or other incidentals due to your deployment departure. I received my travel plans and my departure date five days earlier than expected. Needless to say, my family who had scheduled to visit moved

their plans to accommodate the unexpected change. Most of the information above can apply to all, but I don't want to leave out the single Airman. As a dorm resident, ensure your living quarters are squared away and clean. Leaving one morsel of food out could turn your room into the insect dream house. Perform a thorough clean-up. Leave the room ready for a dorm inspection. Check with your dorm manager for specific items of high interest. Prepare your car for a long time without you. Unless you give the keys to someone else you might want to invest in a car cover. Some people think disconnecting your battery is another way to safeguard your vehicle, check with the car's manufacturer for specific guidance regarding that issue. If you live off of the base, make sure your residence is looked after when you are gone. Six months can be longer than you think. This items covered above are not all inclusive, just a few things to consider. If this is your first deployment, ask questions, seek advice from servicemembers who have deployed before. If this is just another deployment out of many before, look out for that new guy or gal. Show them the way, lead and they will follow. Remember what your first one was like. We will never leave an Airman behind, we will never falter, and we will not fail.

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com Or “like” us on Facebook by searching for “Charleston Military”

The Patriot • October 11, 2013



All commissaries return to normal hours from Defense Commissary Agency

FORT LEE, Va. – Military commissaries worldwide returned to normal operating schedules Oct. 7, said the director and CEO of the Defense Commissary Agency. "This is certainly good news for our patrons and our employees," said Joseph Jeu. The DeCA announcement comes in the wake of the Department of Defense's Oct. 5 decision that most DOD civilians would be recalled to work beginning Monday, Oct. 7. As part of DOD's guidance, commissary operations were deemed necessary support to service members and their families. Most stateside stores had previously closed Oct. 2 as part of the government shutdown. Overseas commissaries had been allowed to remain open. "We recognize the disruption that the shutdown presented to our stateside patrons as far as access to their commissary benefit," Jeu added.

AFB Commissary open and holding sale

The Joint Base Charleston Air Force Base Commissary will be holding an “inside sales event” October 16-18 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. each day. Sale lists will be made available closer to the sale; look for

it online at commissaries.com. Click on “locations,” then Charleston AFB, then “local store information.” Or find information on the Commissary’s “welcome” table.

Since the shutdown began, about 11,000 of DeCA's more than 16,000 employees were furloughed. The path to stateside commissaries reopening began upon President Obama's signing of the Pay Our Military Act into law. DOD subsequently determined the legislation did "allow the Department of Defense to eliminate furloughs for employees whose responsibilities contribute to the morale, well-being, capabilities and readiness of service members." With all commissaries open, Jeu asked that patrons be patient as product delivery schedules return to normal. "We will do everything possible to ensure that our shelves are properly stocked with the products our customers want when they shop," he said. "However, there will be a short adjustment period as our stores settle back into their pre-shutdown operating and delivery routines." Customers should check their store's Web page on www.commissaries.com for their store's operating schedule.

About DeCA: The Defense Commissary Agency operates a worldwide chain of commissaries providing groceries to military personnel, retirees and their families in a safe and secure shopping environment. Authorized patrons purchase items at cost plus a 5-percent surcharge, which covers the costs of building new commissaries and modernizing existing ones. Shoppers save an average of more than 30 percent on their purchases compared to commercial prices savings amounting to thousands of dollars annually. A core military family support element, and a valued part of military pay and benefits, commissaries contribute to family readiness, enhance the quality of life for America's military and their families, and help recruit and retain the best and brightest men and women to serve their country.

Obama: U.S. will continue to pursue terrorists overseas By Nick Simeone American Forces Press Service

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for Congress to end the government shutdown and raise the nation's debt limit. In a separate raid Oct. 4 in Somalia, U.S. military personWASHINGTON – Just days after U.S. forces carried out nel carried out a targeted operation against Abdikadir raids in Libya and Somalia to bring wanted terrorists to jus- Mohamed Abdikadir, also known as "Ikrima," identified as a tice, President Barack Obama made clear Oct. 8, 2013, the top commander of the al-Qaida affiliated al-Shabaab terrorist United States will continue to carry out similar strikes over- group. A Pentagon spokesman said that operation did not lead seas as long as threats to the nation exist. to Ikrima's capture. Obama made the comments two days after Defense "Where you've got active plots and active networks, we're Secretary Chuck Hagel announced the military had seized al- going to go after them," Obama said, referring to terrorists and Qaida member Abu Anas al Libi during an operation in Libya. others who pose risks to the United States. He said the quickLibi has been indicted in New York in connection with the strike military operations carried out by U.S forces in Libya and 1998 U.S. Embassy bombings in Kenya and Tanzania. Somalia do not signal the opening of a new war against terror"We know that Mr. al-Libi planned and helped execute ism. "There is a difference between us going after terrorists who plots that killed hundreds of people, a whole lot of are plotting directly to do damage to the United States and us Americans," Obama said in response to a question at a White being involved in wars," and made reference to an address he House news conference that dealt almost entirely with his call delivered in May in which he said the United States will continue to dismantle networks that pose a direct danger to the country. "We've got to engage in a war of ideas in the region and engage with Muslim countries and try to isolate radical elements that are doing more 366 TOTAL SAVES FOR 2013 danger to Muslims than they are doing # of Days Since Last to anybody else," he said. JB Charleston DUI - 25 "The operations that took place (September 15, 2013 - NWS NPTU) both in Libya and Somalia were examTotal # of DUIs for ples of the extraordinary skill and dedJB Charleston 2013 - 12 ication and talent of our men and women in the armed forces," he added. "They do their jobs extremely well, with great precision, at great risk Joint Base Charleston’s Airmen Against Drunk Driving offers free, confidential rides home. to themselves." To volunteer, email AADD.charleston@charleston.af.mil

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The Patriot • October 11, 2013


1 CTCS train to maintain mission readiness

Airmen from the 1st Combat Camera Squadron practice maneuver tactics during a simulated patrol Oct. 4, 2013, on Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C. Combat Camera Airmen trained on how to document outside the wire operations by patrolling through four villages and engaging hostile forces in simulated training. The exercise was geared to familiarize and test the Airmen on their ability to operate outside the wire as combat documentation specialists.

Airman 1st Class Logan Brandt, 1st Combat Camera Squadron combat photographer, hydrates during a break from simulated patrolling on Oct. 4, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station, S.C.

U.S. Air Force photos by Tech. Sgt. Rasheen Douglas

Staff Sgt. Perry Aston, 1st Combat Camera Squadron combat photographer, watches out for hostile forces attacking from the rear during an exercise Oct. 4, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

Tech. Sgt. Lakisha Croley, 1st Combat Camera Squadron alternate non-commissioned officer-in-charge of photography training, provides security for her team to get into position during an exercise Oct. 4, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston Weapons Station, S.C.

To See More Photos & News, Visit www.Charleston.Af.Mil

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The Patriot • October 11, 2013



Green Knights come to Charleston

By 2nd Lt. Alexandra Trobe Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

"That rumbling sound you hear when a group of bikes come together is not noise. It is the harmony of a brotherhood coming together for a purpose and a cause." To members of the Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club, Chapter 37 this brotherhood represents a broad range of Department of Defense riders active in the Joint Base Charleston area to include active duty, reserve, DoD civilians, retirees and their dependents who ride all styles of bikes. The GKMMC is one of the three largest public service motorcycle organizations in the U.S. alongside with the Blue Knights representing policemen and the Red Knights representing the fire service members. The annual Knights of the Round Table Tournament is a motorcycle challenge between these three motorcycle groups and is hosted by the GKMMC 37 this year at Short Stay Naval

Recreation Area, Moncks Corner, S.C. on Oct. 17-20. Competitions between knights includes best costume, blacksmith challenge, farthest traveler, the joust, a slow race, a timed race, and obstacle, roadkill, and best knight. The totals will be tallied to determine which motorcycle club will win the coveted knight's scepter and host next year's competition. The GKMMC are the reigning champions and will be looking to defend their title. Chapter 37 of the GKMMC is actively involved in the JB Charleston area assisting with motorcycle safety classes, awareness and events providing motorcycle mentorship for all DoD riders. Members of any of the knights' organizations are welcome to compete, registration will be held on-site. However, all are welcome to enjoy the event and check out these great organizations. The GKMMC 37 attends local and overnight rides enabling riders to continue to grow as motorcyclists by sharing the road with fellow riders they can relate to and share a common interest with. For more information about the GKMMC or the KRT event please contact Patrick "PapaMac" McMillin at 843-560-6521.

U.S. Air Force photos / Airman 1st Class George Goslin

Chief Petty Officer Richard Butler displays his "colors" while sitting on his motorcycle at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base April 2. The Green Knights Military Motorcycle Club is a non-profit organization for military and Department of Defense motorcyclists and has more than 100 chapters all over the world. Butler is a machinist mate assigned to the Nuclear Power Training Unit and is the road captain for the Green Knights.

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Petty Officer 1st Class Scott Rothfusz sits on his motorcycle at Joint Base Charleston - Air Base April 2. Rothfusz is an electronics technician assigned to the Nuclear Power Training Unit and is the Green Knights Treasurer and Ride Director.

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The Patriot • October 11, 2013


JB Charleston - Weapons Station hosts USS Tiru reunion

USS Tiru (SS-416) reunion group poses with the entourage of Naval Support Activity Charleston shipmates who participated in the public affairs-guided tour of the Weapons Station at Wharf Alpha Sept. 28, 2013.

Story and photo by Petty Officer 2nd Class Chad Hallford Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Joint Base Charleston - Weapons Station hosted the 60member USS Tiru (SS-416) reunion for a public affairs-guided tour of the installation, Sept. 28, 2013. "We were glad to see the current status of the base and learn of many of her advancements," said USS Tiru former commanding officer and retired Navy Cmdr. Charles Steinert. "It was fun to meet with the new generation of shipmates, who are standing up to man the watch in the finest of Navy traditions, and to reconnect." The Tiru was a Balao-class diesel submarine commissioned from 1948-1975 and was temporarily homeported in Charleston during the 1970's. The tour, included stops at "Charlie's place," Wharf Alpha, and All Saints Chapel. The stop at Wharf Alpha included a memorial service during which more than 200 USS Tiru shipmates were paid final tributes. "I learned a great deal about the base," said Naval Support Activity Charleston administrative assistant Petty Officer 3rd Class Mason Riley, "Interacting with these veterans and hearing their sea stories was an incredible experience."

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Story by Kimberly Yates AF Virtual Education Center

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Due to the lack of a Fiscal Year budget, all Tuition Assistance for classes starting on or after Oct. 1, 2013, will be suspended until further notice. Effective immediately, the ability to apply for TA through the Air Force Virtual Education Center is on hold. Airmen with approved TA for FY14 may incur debt with their school should they attend classes. Students should take action to withdraw from their current class or pursue using another funding source, such as the Montgomery GI Bill or the Post 9/11 GI Bill. Please continue to monitor the AFVEC for updates regarding TA. Pending final DoD approval and release of the Air Force FY14 Military Tuition Assistance program, Airmen will not be able to apply for FY14 courses until further notice. Once approved, Airmen may submit MilTA requests for FY14 using the Air Force Virtual Education Center. The Air Force is NOT stopping or suspending MilTA. Airmen are cautioned to avoid making financial decisions or commitments without an approved MilTA form. Financial decisions made without an approved MilTA form will be the responsibility of the Airman.

To see the Patriot online or download a PDF of the paper, please visit www.CharlestonMilitary.com

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The Patriot • October 11, 2013


Airman builds partnerships using his Indian roots

Story and photos by Senior Airman Dennis Sloan Joint Base Charleston Public Affairs

Senior Airman Roshan Joseph is an aerospace propulsion maintainer with the 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron at Joint Base Charleston, S.C., where he makes sure all C-17 Globemaster III aircraft engines are in first-rate condition at all times. But more than 14 years ago he had never even set foot in the United States. At the young age of 11, Joseph and his family packed up only what they could carry and left India to make a new home in the concrete jungle of Chicago, Illinois, more than 8,000 miles away. "The large skyscrapers soaring high into the sky were definitely one of the first things I noticed when I arrived in Chicago," said Joseph. Chicago is home to the third tallest skyline in the world and where Joseph came from, trees set the standard for towering height. "The buildings and scenery were different for sure, but the pace at which everyone was moving really surprised me," said Joseph. "India has a more laid-back and easy-going culture to it, so Chicago's atmosphere was a polar opposite." Aside from the scenery and obvious culture differences, Joseph was about to face many more challenges. "I thought things would be easier once I made it to the United States of America, but I was very wrong," said Joseph. "I knew English, but was taught more of a British English than American English, so right away there was a language barrier on top of everything else." Something as simple as a group of friends discussing where and what to get for lunch threw Joseph for a loop. "I still remember the first time a friend of mine in school asked if I wanted to get a burger and fries," said Joseph. "’What is a burger?’ I laugh at the situation now, because I

Senior Airman Roshan Joseph 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron, aerospace propulsion maintainer, teaches two Indian Air Force maintainer students about the C-17 Globemaster III engine they will be working on in India Oct. 10, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston, S.C. Joseph has taught several Indian Air Force classes while stationed at JB Charleston. When previous class members of his return to the base with an Indian Air Force C-17 he takes his current class out to the aircraft to meet with the crew.

really enjoy burgers, but at that moment I had never even heard of or eaten one before." One thing Joseph welcomed with open arms was that his school teachers in America would not strike him with a ruler

An Indian Air Force member looks at a C-17 Globemaster III engine while Senior Airman Roshan Joseph 437th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron aerospace propulsion maintainer, goes over how the engine works Oct. 10, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston, S.C.

See the Patriot online at


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or stick if he answered a question incorrectly or failed to complete a homework assignment. "When I found out that the teachers didn't handle situations like that so drastically, I couldn't believe it, but didn't argue," Joseph said with a laugh. Joseph's mother had family living in Chicago who helped them with adjusting to the city and the new country. When Joseph entered high school, he started to get more involved in clubs and extracurricular activities, which eventually led him to join his school's civil air patrol organization. "I always loved the idea of flight and everything to do with it, so the civil air patrol really seemed like a great program," said Joseph. After five years of actively participating in the civil air patrol, Joseph decided it was time to join the Air Force and that the aircraft maintenance career field would be a perfect fit for him. "I knew I wanted to work on the engines and learn more about how such large aircraft could rocket off the ground with ease," said Joseph. "My parents weren't too excited to see me go." Joseph left for basic military training in November of 2010 and by the middle of 2011, he was at his first duty location, hands already dirty from maintaining C-17 engines. "It was a good feeling to have my dream of working on aircraft become a reality," said Joseph. What Joseph didn't know was that he would soon be combining his cultural background with his technical training to teach others in a very innovative way. One of Joseph's supervisors knew he spoke several Indian languages and approached him about helping to train airmen from the Indian Air Force. "I was definitely honored to have been chosen to help with the program and was willing to do anything I could to get these airmen up to speed," said Joseph. "I never forgot my native language and knew this experience would only make me better at it." The classes Joseph was teaching ranged from 15 to 20 Indian airmen, all looking to him for help and offer answers to their questions. "I saw a lot of myself in the Indian Air Force airmen," said Joseph. "When they come here to learn how to maintain the C-17 for their air force, they come across the same cultural differences I had experienced. I had to sit down with them and explain the reason behind why we do things a different way than they might." Joseph has taught several Indian Air Force classes while assigned to JB Charleston. When previous class members of his return to the base with an Indian Air Force C-17, he takes his current class out to the aircraft to meet with the crew. "I always want them to be able to see their fellow airmen in the field doing the job," said Joseph. "It really gives them confidence in knowing they will be able to do the job." Once the class is trained and qualified to maintain a C-17, they return to India to start their on-the-job training, but before they leave, they always thank Joseph and give him a token of their appreciation. "Working with Joseph is always a positive experience and we are very proud of him," said Praveen Singh, Indian Air Force Junior Warrant Officer. "I've received everything from an Indian Air Force patch to a plaque and even a shot glass once," said Joseph. "It's sad to see them go, but I'm happier knowing I was able to help them make their air force better." Joseph is still training airmen from the Indian Air Force, but is always looking to the future. He hopes to become a flying crew chief someday, but enjoys what he is doing right now. "Not only is Joseph strengthening NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) relations, but (he's) also bridging a gap between the Indian Air Force and United States Air Force," said Tech. Sgt. Robert Pennington, 373rd Training Squadron instructor.


The Patriot • October 11, 2013


Airmen participate in Commanders Challenge Run Participants begin the Commander’s Challenge Run Oct. 4, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The Commander's Challenge is held monthly to test Team Charleston's fitness abilities.

U.S. Air Force photos by Senior Airman Dennis Sloan

Capt. Marie Harnly, 628th Civil Engineer Squadron Chief of Operations Engineering, pushes towards the finish line during the Commander’s Challenge Run Oct. 4, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. Harnly was the top female runner with a time of 21:04.

Members of the 628th Civil Engineer Squadron pose for a group photo after the Commander’s Challenge Run Oct. 4, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. The Spirit Award was given to the 628th CES.

DoD Camera

RELOCATION ORDERS Air Force CV-22 Ospreys wait to depart the flightline at Hurlburt Field, Fla., Oct. 3, 2013. The Air Force relocated the aircraft to prepare for the possible arrival of Tropical Storm Karen.

U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 3rd Class Billy Ho U.S. Air Force photo / Staff Sgt. John Bainter

SUNRISE SCRUB U.S. Navy sailors clean the flight deck during a deck scrub aboard the amphibious assault ship USS Bataan in the Atlantic Ocean, Oct. 3, 2013. The Bataan is underway conducting routine qualifications.

U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 3rd Class Erik Foster


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Capt. Sylvester D’Agrella, 628th Civil Engineer Explosive Ordinance Disposal flight commander, runs towards the finish line during the Commander’s Challenge Run Oct. 4, 2013, at Joint Base Charleston – Air Base, S.C. D’Agrella was the top male runner with a time of 17:48.

U.S. Navy photo / Petty Officer 1st Class Eric Dietrich

ROPE READINESS U.S. Coast Guardsmen fast rope from an MH-60S Seahawk helicopter onto the flight deck of the guidedmissile cruiser USS Monterey during a training exercise in the Arabian Sea, Oct. 2, 2013. The Monterey is deployed to support maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts in the U.S. 5th Fleet area of responsibility. The Coast Guardsmen are assigned to Advanced Interdiction Team 4 and the helicopter is assigned to Helicopter Sea Combat Squadron 26. RELAY RACE U.S. Navy Petty Officer 2nd Class Rolando Brooks pushes himself out of the pool during a relay swim race on Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, Oct. 5, 2013. Competitors swam one lap of the pool while wearing their combat uniform and carrying a brick, then performed pushups, while their teammates treaded water. The race was part of the Captain's Cup, a series of sporting events on the base.


October 15 / A “Good Credit – I Want That!” class will be held from 12:00 to 1:00 p.m. Join us whether you are trying to build, fix, or maintain good credit. Learn what it takes to reach a great score.

October 16 / A “Spouse Introduction to JB Charleston – Air Base” class will be held from 9:30 to 11:30 a.m. This is a fun, fast-paced introduction to JB Charleston AB for military spouses who have recently moved here. Meet other newly-arrived spouses, connect with your unit Key Spouse and learn where to shop, dine and play in the Lowcountry.


All classes or events will be held at the Airman and Family Readiness Center (Building 500) unless otherwise specified. For more information, or to register for a class or event, please call 963-4406.

October 17 / MANDATORY TAP Preseparation Briefings will be provided for Separatees and Retirees from 8:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. DID YOU KNOW…per Public Law 107-103, in the case of anticipated retirement, retiring service members can receive pre-separation counseling up to 24 months prior to DOS? And a separating service member can receive pre-separation counseling up to 12 months prior to DOS. This is the first step in the process to making you “career ready” to leave the service; and this briefing/counseling is required prior to attending the TAP GPS Workshop.

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The Patriot • October 11, 2013


October 18 / A “VA Benefits Briefing” will be held from 8:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Learn about all your VA benefits in this briefing! If you are exempt from the TAP GPS Workshop, you will need this. Open to all Active Duty. A Workshop for VA Disability Claims will be held from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. The VA representative will cover the VA claims and filing process. VA One-on-One Disability Claims Assistance will be provided from 12:30 p.m. to 2:30 p.m. NOTE: Members (who do not have a copy of their medical records) must sign an authorization letter (authorizing the VA representative to obtain your medical records) at the Joint Base Charleston – Air Base Clinic’s Family Practice section. This letter must be signed NLT the Monday prior to the week’s Friday VA One-on-One Assistance with Disability Claims that you plan to attend.

See more briefs at www.charleston.af.mil

To submit a news brief, send an e-mail to Patriot@charleston.af.mil. Make the subject line "NEWS BRIEFS." Submissions must be received no later than close of business the Friday prior to publication.

Most AF civilians return to work

By Tech. Sgt. Vanessa Kilmer Air Force News Service

In accordance with a memo Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel released Oct. 5, the Air Force has recalled most of the nearly 104,000 Air Force civilian Airmen placed on emergency furlough due to government shutdown. However, a significant number will not yet be able to return. In his memo, Hagel stated that immediately after President Barack Obama signed the Pay Our Military Act into law, he directed DOD's Acting General Counsel to determine whether he could reduce the number of civilian personnel furloughed due to the shutdown. After consulting with attorneys from the Department of Justice and the Department of Defense, the secretary said the Pay our Military Act does not permit a blanket recall of all civilians. However, he said, DOD and DOJ attorneys concluded that the law does allow the DOD to eliminate furloughs for employees whose responsibilities contribute to the morale, wellbeing, capabilities and readiness of service members. According to DOD guidance for implementation of the Pay our Military Act, in addition to already excepted civilians, civilian Airmen who contribute to the morale, wellbeing, capabilities, and readiness of service members should also be removed from furlough status. Previously furloughed employees that fall in this category returned to work beginning Monday. Upon return to work, they

may only perform "excepted" duties which encompass those duties necessary for the protection of life and property, so there will continue to be ongoing impacts due to the government shutdown. "You've heard that we are bringing back many of our civilian teammates, but a significant number of them will not return. That is not what we or OSD wanted; however, the DOJ/OMB/DOD negotiated position on the interpretation of the law does not eliminate furloughs all together and leaves many of our civilian Airmen left behind," said Acting Secretary of the Air Force Eric Fanning. "Everyone's work supports our Airmen, but the mechanics of the legislation is the driving force of who comes back, not the value of the work. This is unfair and simply a disruptive situation for you and your families. From day one, our primary focus has been to rapidly get as many people back to work as soon as possible; and we will continue those efforts. We are a team, a family – always have been. We will not be a fully-functioning organization until the last member returns." Oct. 7, 2013, supervisors began notifying Air Force civilian employees who will return to work next week. The Air Force is utilizing all possible means of communication including supervisor contact, social media, Air Force Personnel Center and AF.mil. For current government shutdown information, visit AF.mil's Government Shutdown page, the Air Force Portal and/or contact the Air Force Personnel Center Total Service Center at 800-525-0102.

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The Patriot • October 11, 2013

Rec Review


Rec Review is produced by the 628th Force Support Squadron Marketing Office as a supplement to The Patriot. All prices for events and services advertised are subject to change without notice. For questions about Rec Review, call the Marketing Office at (843) 963-3809. Mention of any sponsor or sponsorship in this publication is not a federal endorsement for the product or service. For more information on Force Support facilities, visit our website at www.JBCharleston.com.

The Patriot • October 11, 2013

MARKETPLACE Queen Pillowtop Mattress Set w/ warranty. $150! King for $225. Can Deliver $150 843-696-5712

Military: Want To Place A Free Ad? Go To www.CharlestonMilitary.com


Come Join the Fun at CafeMoms.com.... info, playdates & meet other Moms on the base! group "Moms on the NWS in Charleston SC"

MOPS (Mothers of Preschoolers) For Moms with kids birth through kindergarten. Meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Old Fort Baptist Church, 10505 Dorchester RD. Summerville, SC 29485. Contact Heather Hansen 873-2283 for more information.

Operation Saving Jake is in Point Royal SC, but service military personnel and veterans in SC with service Animals (Dogs) PTSD service dogs and you could do an article on them to put the word out. justine@savingjake.org, Justine at 843-808-5253. With a story they might get some donations becouse the dogs are provided free and training cost 20,000 to 30,000 bucks. could be information for some personnel at Joint Base Charleston.

Looking for 4 players and 1 coach for a new USSSA 13U boys travel baseball team. Practice will be in the Summerville/Ladson area. Tournaments are on the weekends. Contact: Rhona North at 843.754.8017 or at rhonanorth@gmail.com.


3br/1ba fixer upper in N Charleston. Fenced yard, attached garage with open floor plan. All offers considered! Call Curt 843-278-5454.

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See the Patriot online (and back issues) at


G.E. Washer And Dryer Selling As A Set Only $250.00 Cash Only Call Betty At (843) 425-3077. 20" Color TV with Remote. Estate Sale. Great for spare TV or Kids Room. Only $30. 797-0410

See the Answers, Page 6

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www.CharlestonMilitary.com • 843-412-5861 fax 843-628-3454 • info@CharlestonMilitary.com Diggle Publishing, PO Box 2016, Mt. Pleasant SC 29465

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One ad per military family per issue. Military may re-submit ad each week. Only personal ads qualify to run for free (ie: garage sales, home rentals, pets, autos, furniture, etc.) Business-related ads (even if a home business) do not qualify to run for free and must be paid. (See information below.*) We DO NOT accept “work at home” or “multi-level-marketing” ads. Ads which do not adhere to submission guidelines may be rejected without notice. The Best Way To Submit A Free Classified Ad Is With Our Online Form At www.CharlestonMilitary.com We do not take ads by phone. Please do not call us to confirm receipt of your free ad.

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Crossword of the Week

CLUES ACROSS 1. Bawled out 10. Former “Today” host 12. Shape anew 13. Skulls 15. Renting dwellers 16. Choose to refrain 18. Anno Domini 19. Old French small coin 20. Carry out 21. Dashes 24. Expresses suspicion 27. Followed the trail of 30. The highest point of something 31. Geological times 33. Cartilaginous structure 34. Hill (Celtic) 35. Bura 37. Center of a wheel 39. __ de plume 41. String, lima or green 42. Greek goddess of discord 44. Move back and forth 47. Britain’s Sandhurst (abbr.) 48. Comedian Carvey


49. Public promotion 50. Federal residential mortgage insurer 52. Location of White House 53. Gives an answer 56. Populates 61. Fires a weapon 62. More tense 63. An outstanding achievement 65. Annotations

CLUES DOWN 1. Buddhist monk of Tibet 2. Egyptian sun god 3. Soft roe 4. Garden planting areas 5. Atomic #89 6. Soul and calypso songs 7. Large European flatfish 8. Expunction 9. Impression in a surface 10. PBS filmmaker Burns 11. Former OSS 12. Draft an edict 14. Assistant 15. Proclamation upon finishing

17. Slight head bend 22. Asian ethnic hill people 23. SE Asian goat antelope 24. Aware of the latest trends 25. Person of Arabia 26. Industrial process to produce ammonia 28. Expressed pleasure 29. The plural of crus 32. Old Thailand 36. Riboneucleic acid 38. One who assembles books 40. Cosa Nostra member 43. Pouchlike structures 44. Violent action 45. ___ of March 46. Slum area of a city 51. Valuable, useful possession 54. Philemon (Biblical abbr.) 55. Shaped bread 56. Fruits of the gourd family 57. Copyread 58. Double curve 59. Photographs (slang) 60. Side sheltered from the wind 64. Atomic #86

;<8& $7% # 12 The Patriot • October 11, 2013






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0 ! D% *,,

0 ! 01 Lexus 300 ES 05 Grand Caravan Chevy Trailblazer 04 Ford F-150 04 Toyota Sequoia LtdD6E& O9 Chevy HHR LT 07 Chrysler Aspen Ltd D6D;D< 04 =5: .' !,=A! D< A2,04!4 0B0: ? ,0. =:0 D6 B=. * , .:4 0.?!45*0. D7 (4B5,!4 4=*5!4 D/ *0. A *,, D% =* + !.:=4B /& 63( 93- $ & *-" 3( . $

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- % *# $ 3 - (& (8& - % *# $ 3 - (& (8& and runs great runs and looks great loaded, extra clean, 1 owner auto, 4x4, extra clean moonroof, 1 owner, like new auto, one owner 3rd row, extra clean Looks Loaded, 4x4, V8, Leather, Loaded, Moonroof, 63( 93- $ & *-" 3( . $

- %"6%

# 63( $ 3 - $"# & 8 .* ! (&3-($ 93- $ & - %((&-(( $( 63( 3 4x4, extra clean 0 63( 93- $ & ( 93- $ & (6-"& ( ( 93- $ & 93- $ & ( 93- $ & %6.3 . ( 0 63( 93- $ & 3 - $( 93- $ &

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.:4 4'!4 =4B

$ & & %6.3 .

1D //% / //% 8 00& < 00& 8 00& / //% 1 1D //% " //% 4,995 5,995 7,995 8,995 6 //% 1D //% / //% 1D //% / //% 1D //% " //% % 6 //% % //% % //% 1D //% 8 00& 1< //% 11 //% /% 7 //% 11 //% 1< //% 11 //% 1; //% % //% /% % //% 7 //% ; //%

1D //% 1D //% 8,995 7 00& " //% 11 //% 11 //% 1; //% 11 //% 6 //%

04 1%D !'=, 4 D% D6 =+0. D" *,, +-- 6 - " 2E 15 1 >6 1C1; 151--

E< 1%D +-- 6 - " D/ 2E 15 1 >6 22 1C1; 151--

+66 / "/;5 * E7 +66 / "/;5 * E8 15 B3-15"5 E8D6 15 B3-15"5 04 1%D !'=, 4 22 =+0. D/E7 D6 Nissan Sentra SER 07 D6 *55 . ;%D D/ 04 !'=, 4 D6 =+0. D" *,, !!:,! 1< ?!4:* ,! C )6 =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! D" D6 002!4 1D D/ D6 =+0. 04 !'=, 4 =+0. D/ D6 D" *,, *,, 0 '! ( 4'!4 1D 002!4 002!4 1D *55 . ;%D D6 11 04 40@. * :04* 0 '! 1%DD 4!@ !4 =4B & D& !4 =4B *, . & D/ 0B0: ? ,0. =:0 D;11 B=. * , .:4 D6 . . D%D7D/ (4B5,!4 *, . 4=*5!4 D/ 1%D *0. A D6 04 =5: .' !,=A! 1D 002!4 0B0: -4B 1< ,*25! 2B !4 D6 =--!4 ; 06E< Nissan Maxima 3.5 12 Suzuki Kizashi SE 10 Nissan Altima 13 FIAT 500 Pop *,,

0 ! D" C )6 D6 0 '! ( 4'!4 0 '! 1%DD 0 '! 4!@ D% D6 04 =5: .' !,=A! 63( .* ! (&3-($ 93- $ & 3 - %((&-(( $( 2/& (&4 * (! 5/* " $ (&4 * (! 5/* " $ 2/& 5/* " $ (*93- /&/&%"$ . + "" "& 5/* " $ & 2/& 5/* " $ (* + ""new 63( "& 5/* " $ & 2/& & 5/* " $ &$ &4$ * & 5/* " $ &$ &4$ * Speed, moonroof, like new 60.* (& (8& - 93- $ & ( .* ! (&3-($ 93- $ & - %((&-(( $( 63( 3 63( 93- $ & 3 - %((&-(( $( - "& ""93- ! $ 4 - "& ! $ 4 - $"# $ & & 8 ( 93- $ & *-" 3( . $ (

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- % 9 *# $ 3 - $ & (& 93- (8& - % *# $ 3 - (& (8& 93- 93- 0.* $( $"# & 8 $(8 %"$ . loaded, clean Auto, ( (& (8& - 93- $ & $( (&$: 0 #extra %"$ . (& (8& - $ & $( (& (8& - 93- $ & ( &$: 4# %"$ . (& (8& - $"# & 8 (& (8& - 93- $ & ( 93- $ & %6.3 . 9 ( (& (8& - 93- $ & ( 93- $ & $(8 $( $"# & 8 $(8 %"$ . (6-"& ( $ & ( 93- $ & 0 .* ! (&3-($ 63( 93- $ & 63( 93- $ & 63( $( $"# & 8 63( 93- $ & *-" 3( . $ 3- $ & ( 93- 9 93- $ & *# $( 93- $ & Leather, 0 63( 93- $ & ! ! !! !$ ! ! $! $!! $ $

1D //% 1< //% 1% //% 7 //%

/% /%

0 00& 11,995 6 //% 1% //% 1D //% 1; //% / //%

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2E 00& 1; //% 12,995 1% //% 1% //% " //% 11 //% 17 //% 1D //%

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22 00& 1% //% 1% //% 1% //% 13,995 16 //% 1< //% 11 //%

1< //% 11 //% 1< //% # 00& # 00& 10,995 11,995 1< //% 11 //% 1< //% 1% //% 1< //% 11 //% 1% //% 1< //% 1% //% 1; //% 1; //% " //% 1; //% " //% 1< //%

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&A& 2B !4 =--!4 ; 0. 04 ) 11D6 11 0B0: -4B

1<11 ,*25! 1< 2B !4 0B0: -4B

,*25! 2B !4 D6 =--!4 ; + =--!4 ; D6 111D 04 40@. * :04* 04 5 2! 11 1D *55 . :!44 D" ,*25! .$*.*:* ;% 07 Cadillac CTS 07 BMW 328i D6 =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 11 04 40@. * :04* !4 =4B *, . D/ 2/& 5/* &4$ * 2/& 93- 5/* " $ " $ &$ &4$ * ( $ & &$ %6.3 . 2/& ( 93- &$ $ & $(8 %"$ . &&* #&&$*&& "& 5/* 2/& &&* #&&$*&& "& 5/* " $ " $ &$3) 0.* $( $"# & 8 $(8 %"$ . 63( 93- $ & & ""! &$3) & &$ &4$ * &4$ * ! $ 4 $ 4

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- % *# $ 3 - (&$: (& %"$ . (8& -

1% //% 2< 00& 1% //% 1% //% 14,995 17 //% 16 //% 1; //% 1< //%

1% //% 17 //% 17 //% 2' 00& 1% //% 1% //% 17 //% 17 //% 2' 00& 17 //% 14,995 17 //% 17 //% 16 //% 17 //% 16 //% 17 //% 1" //% 1< //% 1; //%




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22 1C1; 5+>6 E7 >.."5 < 22 15 6 3" 2E 113"5 22 1C1; .5C

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1< !!:,! 1< !!:,! B=. 1D 0. 04 )

1D 0. 04 )

04 5 2! *55 . :!44 &A& 11 Toyota Prius D" .$*.*:* ;% *55 . A*- D6 *55 . ;%D 1;11 0 '!

0=4.!B 11 04 5 2! *55 . :!44 &A& 1< 04 =4=5

04 A2,04!4 11 04 ;%D 1; (!?B 3=*.0A D" .$*.*:* ;% 11D/ 0B0: 4*=5 D/1< *55 . A*- D/ *55 . A*- D6 =+0. !,=A! *,, D6 11 04 5 2! 11 04 5 2! *55 . :!44 &A& 1D *55 . :!44 &A& D7 11 1%D *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ D" .$*.*:* ;% 11 0B0: 4*=5 D" .$*.*:* ;% 0B0: 4*=5 D" C )6 =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 11 04 0B0: -4B

D/07 ,*25! 2B !4 1D 002!4 11 0B0: -4B

D7 1%D ,*25! 2B !4 D6 =--!4 ; Chevy Silverado Mazda CX9 Touring Chevy Silverado LS 12 Jeep Commander Ltd Mini Cooper Countrymen 13 Chevy Impala LTZ D7 D/ *55 . A*- 04 40@. * :04* D/ !4 =4B *, . & 1D *55 . :!44 &A& D" .$*.*:* ;% 11 0B0: 4*=5 1%D *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ 1< D/ D7 1%D *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ D6 =5: .' D7111D 1%D *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ *.' . ( =2!4 4!@ D6 *55 . ;%D 04 1%D !'=, 4 D6 =+0. D" *,, 1D 002!4 11 0B0: -4B

D/ ,*25! 2B !4 D6 =--!4 ; D708 1%D *.' . ( =2!4 ( 8"3 $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ .

"& &$ &4$ * 5

(! (8& - "& &$ &4$ * 5 93- $ & &$: 4# %"$ . (& (8& - $"# & 8 2/& #&&$*&& &$"6 ',! # " + & 5/* " $ #2+/ + & &$ &4$ * &$"6 10! #93- " + " $ & & 5/* " $ "&4 # " + 2/& #&&$*&& &$"6 ',! # $ & " + ((&-(( & 5/* " $ #2+/ + & &$ %((&-(( &4$ * &$"6 10!$"# # $ & " + "! ! $ 4 $ 4 & 5/* " $ "&4 # " + ( 8"3 $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ . 63( %((&-(( (&$: )/# %"$ . 63( $( (& (8& - 93- $ & ((&-(( 0 63( $( 3 - %((&-(( 93- & 8 $ & (& ( 8" 3 $ $ (*3"(&. )(8& - (&$ : )/#%" $ . 63( $"6 0!0!$( ##(& " + &$ &4$ * ""$"# ! $ 4 $"6 " + &$ (8& - &4$ * ! $ 4 2/& 5/* " $ 2/& 5/* " $ &$: 4# %"$ . (& (8& - $"# & 8 &$ &4$ * 5/* " $ 2/& &$ &4$ * 5/* " $ 2/& ( 8"3 $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ . ( 8"3 $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ . 63( %((&-(( 93- $ & 63( %((&-(( (&$: )/# %"$ . 63( $( (& $ & 3 - %((&-(( &$: $"# & 8 63( %((&-(( (&$: )/# %"$ . 63( $( (& (8& - 93- $ & ( (&$: 54# %"$ . 93- $ & ) !* .. & 7 & 93- $ & cab, V8, auto, loaded, extra clean loaded, low miles cab, V8, auto, only 35k miles loaded, low miles one owner, extra clean moonroof, V6 Crew Leather, Crew Leather, Auto, Leather, 63( $( )4# %"$ 3 3 - %((&-(( 93- $ & ( ((&-(( (& 63( (8& - (&$: 54# (&$: %"$ . $"# %"$ . & 8$"# 63( 93- 63( %((&-(( 93- $ & - %((&-(( $( 3 &$: 4# %"$ . (& (8& - &$: 4# %"$ . (& (8& - $"# & 8 1(! owner, only 23k mi, like new 3 Loaded, 63( %((&-(( (&$: )/# %"$ . %((&-(( (&$: )/# %"$ . 63( 63( (8& - 93- $( (& 93- $ & - %((&-(( 93- $ & ( (& %((&-(( (8& - 54# $"# & 8 ( 3 63( - (8& * &% - $( %((&-(( 93- $ & ( (& (8& - (&$: 54# %"$ . & 8 ( (&$:(& )5# %"$ . 93- $ & 93- $ & *-" 3( $ & . $ - %"6% - $"# ( 93- $ & %6.3 . ( 93- $ & $(8 ((&-(( $( (& (8& - $"# & 8 63( %((&-(( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ . 0.* 63( 93- $ & 63( $( $"# & 8 63( 93- $ & 63( $( $"# & 8 3 - $( 93- $ &

- %$( *# $ 3 $"# - (& & 8 (8& 63( 0 $( (& (8& - 93- $ & 63( 3 - .* ! (&3-($ %((&-(( 93- ( (& (8& - (&$: 54# %"$ . $"# & 8 (& (8& - 93- $ & ( $( (& (&$: (8& - $( (8& - $"# ((&-(( (& (8& - & 8 $( (& (8& - $"# & 8 63( 93- $ & 63( 93- $ & 3 # - 63( %((&-(( $( ( 93- $ & %6.3 . ( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ . ((&-(( $( (& $ 3(8& - $"# & 8 & 8 0.* $( $"# & 8 $(8 %"$ . 63( 93- $ & 63( $( $"# & 8 ( (& (8& - 93- $ & !! !! !$ ! !$ ! ! $!! $ $!! $ $! $!!

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11 04 ;%D D/1D *55 . A*- 04 002!4

2& 00& 16,995 16 //% 1% //% 11 //% 17 //% 1" //% 1; //%

16 //% 1" //% 1% //% <D //%

16 //% 28 00& 17,995 17 //% 16 //% 16 //% 1% //% 1; //% 1/ //%

17,995 16 //% 27 00& 16 //% 1/ //% 17 //% 1" //% 1% //%

1" //% 27 00& <D //% 1" //% 16 //% 1/ //% 18,995 18,995 1" //% <; //% 1" //% 1" //% 2# 00& 1" //% 1" //% 1" //% 1" //% 1" //% <D //% 1/ //% 1/ //% 17 //% 17 //%

27 00& 16 //% 18,995 1/ //% 1" //% 1" //% 1" //% 17 //% 17 //%

1 < 1/

0. :

*-*:! 1< B=. * 0. : ;%D 4!@ *-*:! D7 =5: 04 B=. * 0. :

*-*:! 1; 0 '!

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0=4.!B 1; 1< 04 =4=5

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1D 04 1< 11 04 ;%D 1; (!?B 04 ;%D 4!@ 1; 0 '!

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*-*:! 0. :

*-*:! 1< 04 =4=5

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0=4.!B 1< 2< +66 / -;+. 1< 04 =4=5

1D 04 A2,04!4 11 04 ;%D 2< +66 / -;+. 1>3" 1< 04

04 A2,04!4 11 04 ;%D 1; (!?B 3=*.0A 1; =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 1; (!?B 3=*.0A 1;1<1< =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 1D 0. B55!B ) D7 2E "55 +/ 2E "55 +/ B=. * 0. :

*-*:! E0 +66 / B+. E0 +66 / B+. 0 '! 4 . 4 ? . 8 1D 04 !4 ! !5) !.C ;DD 1; 11 04 D7 ;%D 2E

+/ 1-/ 2< 1 ("

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+/ 1-/ 2< 1 (" =4=5

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!!2 4 .',!4 204: 1; (!?B 3=*.0A =5: .' 0.?!4:* ,! 1; (4B5,!4 0@. C 5+ 0=.:4B 08 Toyota Highlander Touring 11 Chevy Camaro LT 13 Honda CR-Z Coupe 10 Ford Mustang GT 13 Fiat 500 3=*.0A Abarth D/ *55 . A*- D6 *55 . ;%D 1>3" 11 04 5 2! 1D *55 . :!44 &A& 10 Nissan Titan SE 10 GMC Terrain SLT-1 11 0B0: 4*=5 D" .$*.*:* ;% 11 0B0: 4*=5 11 0B0: -4B

1< ,*25! 2B !4 D6 =--!4 ; 1< !!:,! 1D 0. 04 )

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leather, moonroof, one owner racing stripes, one owner, auto, only 5k miles 1 owner, extra clean only 4k miles, loaded V6, Auto, Hybrid, Loaded, Hatchback, 63( $( (&$: )4# %"$ 3 - * &(- %" -(( (&$: )4# %"$ . ( %((&-(( $ 3 - (& (8& ( 93- $ & 0 63( $( 3(-: 8 -- &3: 2/& #&&$*&& 5/* " $ 2/& #&&$*&& 5/* " $ Leather, loaded, 29k miles " . $ 9 $( 63( $( 5# %"$ . 3 - * &(- %" -(( (&$: )4# %"$ . 3 - * &(- %" -(( (&$: )4# %"$ . ( (&$: )5# %"$ . 3 - $( (&$: ) # %"$ . ( (( 0 63( $( 3(-: 8 -- &3: 0 63( $( 3(-: 8 -- &3: & &$"6 07! # " + /&*6 4 ** $/6 & " ++ *&& &$"6 ! # " + 2/& "& &$"6 '-! # " + & &$"6 07! # " + /&*6 4 ** $/6 & " ++ *&& &$"6 ! # " + 2/& "& &$"6 '-! # " + 63( %((&-(( 93- $ & 3 - $( ( (&$: 4;# %"$ . / * +2$*&& "& &$ &4$ * &$"6 1%! # " + / * +2$*&& "& &$ &4$ * &$"6 1%! # " + & &$"6 '1! # " + 5/* " $ 63( $( (& (8& - 93- $ & & &$"6 '1! # " + 5/* " $ 3 - * &(- %" -(( (&$: )4# %"$ . 3 - %((&-(( 93- $ & ( (& (8& - (&$: 54# %"$ . $"# & 8 0 63( $( 3(-: 8 -- &3: ( 93- $ & $(8 %"$ . 63( 93- $ & 63( $( $"# & 8 ( 8"3 $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ . 63( %((&-(( (&$: )/# %"$ . ((&-(( $( (8& - 93- $"# $ & & 8 3 - %((&-(( 93- $ & ((&-(( $( (& (8& - $"# & 8 63( %((&-(( 93- $ & 63( $( (& (& (8& - ( (& (8& - (&$: 54# %"$ . $"# & 8 $!! $ $ $ !! !$ ! !! !$! !! !$! !!

cab, V8, loaded, one owner ( (&$: $"# )5# %"$ . 93- $ & $ & ( 8"3 ) !* .. & 7 & $ & 63( $( (&$: )4# 63( $$(*3"(&. )(8& - (&$:)/#%"$ . %((&-(( 93- 93- $ & 2/& "& ##%"$ " + 2/& "& &$"6 ' ! " + - 93- $"# & 8 63( %((&-(( (&$: )/# %"$ . ( (& (8& - (&$:&$"6 54#' ! %"$ . $"# & 8 ( 93- $ & %6.3 . Crew 0.* & 8 $(8 %"$ . 93- $ & - $"# & 8 &$: 4#$( %"$ . (& (8& - $"# & 8

/% /% /%

16 //% 28 00& 16 //% 17,995 16 //% 1% //% 1" //% 1< //%

2& 00& 17,995 16 //% 1% //% 1< //% 1" //%

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