How To Burn Lower Belly Fat

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How to burn lower belly fat Those who’ve tried to lose belly fat really know that it’s one of the most stubborn areas to trim. Work as hard as you may, but the obstinate fat covering your belly refuses to budge…especially lower belly fat! During my abs-obsessed phase, I spent upto 120 hours in the gym every day, out of which 60 minutes were spent just on core exercises. Despite all this, I couldn’t achieve my goal of having a 6 pack. But if we were to take the superficial reasons (like mine) off the table, belly fat is still undesirable because of its harmful impact on health. Belly fat is known to increase a person’s risk of diabetes type 2 and heart disease. All in all, in case of belly fat – if you lose it, you lose nothing…only gain health!

I also know that a lot of us – men and women – struggle to burn lower belly fat, so I decided to share my top, sustainable tips on how to burn lower belly fat, all of which I learnt the hard way. I hope these save you all the pain: 1. Avoid carbonated, sweetened drinks: Sweetened drinks are the biggest culprit behind fat retention, especially near the belly area. The problem is, liquid sugar is not registered the way solid sugar is by our brain. So, while a small 5gm brownie may fill you up, you could gulp down 250 ml of cola and not feel a thing! Sugar (sucrose) is made up of 2 components glucose and fructose. Studies note that it is fructose that the liver has a hard time processing, so a major part of it gets stored in the body and leads to fatty liver and other metabolic illnesses. 2. Eat loads of proteins: Proteins are your long-term companion when it comes to weight loss. Proteins have been proven to boost metabolism and reduce cravings by about 60%. So, if weight loss is your goal, then changing the ratio of your nutrient consumption to a minimum of carbohydrates and a maximum of proteins is a good call, provided your doctor writes off on it. 3. Watch your carbohydrate intake: Carbohydrates are crucial macronutrients for your body…but only in moderation. An excess of anything is bad and that applies to carbohydrates as well. There are studies comparing

low-carb and low-fat diets, showing that low-carb diets specifically target the fat in the belly, and around the organs and liver. So, if belly fat is your problem area, then moderating your carbohydrate intake and choosing complex carbohydrates over simple carbohydrates could help you. 4. 30 minutes of exercise: 30 minutes may sound like nothing, but you have no idea how powerful it can be when practiced every day. Exercise helps fight against heart diseases, diabetes, cholesterol, hypertension, and build a strong immunity and a balanced mental health. Exercise has been proven to help patients with depression and anxiety greatly. So, don’t make excuses, make time for it! 5. Don’t underestimate fibre: I don’t blame you. The media does not emphasize on the benefits of fibre enough, especially viscous fibre. It's important to keep in mind that not all fibre is created equal. It seems to be mostly the soluble and viscous fibres that have an effect on your weight. These types of fibres bind to water and form a thick gel that "sits" in the gut. This gel can dramatically slow the movement of food through your digestive system, and slow down the digestion and absorption of nutrients. The end result is a prolonged feeling of fullness and reduced appetite. So, now that you know these hacks, let nothing stop you from being your best, healthy and happy self! For more health, wellness and fitness articles visit-

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