History of Junaluska Elementary School
http://www.grahamcountytravel.com/cherokee.html http://www.jes.haywood.k12.nc.us/ http://thomaslegioncherokee.tripod.com/cherokeechiefj unaluska.html Junaluska Elementary School: A Historical Documentary, By: Lake Junaluska Elementary School 2008.
School address: 2238 Asheville Rd Waynesville, NC 28786
Haywood Co.
principal, and some other basic things. Giving
The Original Lake Junaluska School
Chief Junaluska Chief Junaluska was a
The original Lake Junaluska School was
chief of a Cherokee
located on the Junaluska Assembly and
Indian Tribe. At the
was established in 1925. This school
Battle of Horseshoe
served grades 1-7.
bend Chief Junaluska
This school was very different from the schools we are used to seeing today. There was no cafeteria and students had to bring their own lunches. Sometimes the parent volunteers would bring home made soup or other items like that for students who were less fortunate to eat. Eventually they students moved to the
saved President
The Fire of 1967 On October 31, 1967 there was a terrible fire at the school. Students had put on a play that night where many of them complained of being extremely hot on stage. Nobody thought anything about it because stage lights can be hot. Later that night a fire broke out. It was supposedly an electrical fire. The school burnt to the
things that has remained the same. Today the principal of Junaluska Elementary School is Micky Cope. She does a great job of supporting her faculty, staff and students. She came to the school this year from Waynesville Middle and we are very happy to have her here.
Andrew Jacksons life.
Today Junaluska school is located in between
Because of this heroic act the school was named
downtown Waynesville and the Lake Junaluska
after him. Chief Junaluska walked the trail of tears
Assembly. The mascot of the school is the
along with many other Native Americans. 4 years
Eagle. Our colors are Red White and Blue and
later he walked the entire way back to the
our mission statement is “Every child a winner
mountains of N.C. After his return he was
through programs of excellence: The Junaluska
awarded many acres of land in Robbinsville for his
Way.� This is a statement supported by
heroic acts of saving the president.
everyone at this school. We are proud of our
elementary school and there was room created for a small lunch room.
students a great education is still one of the
school and of our students and of the interesting
The Current
history we have.
Junaluska School The school known as Junaluska Elementary School that we know and love today was built in
1975. Dale Parris was the first principal of the new
school. His vision was one that is still around
today. He wanted all kids to get a good basic education and to become good citizens. This is still important today. Today a few things have changed such as some of the teachers, the