Mercury The Sun The sun is the largest object in our solar system. It is actually a star, and there are many more stars in the Universe, but the Sun is the closest to us, which is why it appears to be so large. The Sun is actually made up of gasses, and does not have land like Earth. The Sun is very hot. Its surface temperature is over 6,000 degrees Celsius.
The Planets There are eight planets in our solar system. Each of them revolve around the Sun on their axis, or the set path they take around the Sun. They also rotate, or spin, on their axis. This is why we have night and day. Almost all of the planets have at least one moon.
The planet closest to the sun. It is visible from Earth, and is sometimes called the morning or evening star. Mercury has no moon.
Venus Known as Earth’s sister, Venus is about the same size as Earth. It is very hot, and cannot sustain life. Venus has no moons.
Jupiter Jupiter is the largest planet in our solar system. It is made of gas, and is known as one of the “gas giants.” It has a huge red spot, which is a storm the size of earth. It has been there for 300 years. Jupiter
Saturn Saturn is larger than Earth and is made up of liquids. It has many rings as well as at least 34 moons.
The only planet with life, Earth is like an oasis, with water and land. It has one moon, named Luna.
Mars The climate of Mars is more like Earth’s than any other planet. This makes scientists believe that it could sustain life. Mars is smaller than Earth. Mars has two moons.
Uranus spins on its side, unlike the other planets. It is believed to have oceans on its surface, and diamonds at its core. It has 27 moons.
Neptune Neptune has a storm like Jupiter, called the Great Dark Spot. Neptune has 6 rings and at least 13 moons.