SEO Risks to Take and Avoid

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SEO Risks to Take and Avoid July 30, 2018

Many companies are nervous about trying something new, which they are not familiar with. But you need to sometimes be ready to take risks which may lead to a sudden and serious growth in your business. Then the question that has to be asked is when to take SEO risks and when to avoid them SEO Risks which can be Taken:1. Test Large and Small Changes The main goal of SEO is to get traffic. It will not happen if nobody clicks on your website in the first place. What if you’re getting your website to rank well for certain keywords, but no one is actually clicking on your link?. There may be a number of reasons for this, and it may take some time to analyse why it is not performing as well as expected. And the only way to do that is A/B testing. You can take one element at a time, it may be meta description, titles, content etc. and test them against variations. But it may likely take a bit of trial and error to come up with the correct wording and layout combination which increase website traffic. During this time, you may find a combination that doesn’t work well at all and ends up reducing what traffic you have. But however, you can take up the risk, because once you find the best results, you’ll be able to focus on that element and continue to drive more traffic and get better returns. 2. Give High-Quality Backlinks Backlinks are a well-established part of SEO, they help increase rankings and build authority. The risk is that you may lose a few web visitors by providing a link to other high-quality sites, but at the same time, you’re showing Google that you are referencing reliable sites with established authority. But keep in mind, you may get penalized by Google for getting too many links to your site from poor quality sites, 3. Enhance Site’s URL Structure

Make your homepage URL look short and simple so that it can be easily remembered. Subsequent pages should have targeted keywords and be must be specific about the content of the webpage. Because if the URL is too long then the search engine will truncate it after the cut-off point. However, if you do it right, you can end up with a streamlined structure that appeals to search engines. 4. Update or Redesign Your Website Although it is not time-consuming, Website redesign may be risky and expensive. This avoids your website to look outdated. These type of changes may be risky, but Google understands that every website goes through changes, so your rankings will usually bounce right back. Fortunately, the updated website has a better chance of bringing in more new clients. 5. Buy Expired /Available Domains Some website owners, for some reason, don’t renew their domains, making them available for others to buy and use. You can purchase some domains with a history and then redirect them to your site which can increase valuable backlinks to your website. There are some serious risks with this, expired domains that were filled with spammy content and links will also be transferred over to your website. This can cause potentially drop in rankings. SEO Risks which must be avoided:Some of the SEO risks must be taken, but some must be avoided. Here are the list of risks which must be avoided 1. Poor Doorway Pages Doorway pages are simple to create as they target specific keywords. Google will let doorway pages slide only if they offer unique information to the visitors of the site. 2. Neutral Backlinks must be avoided

SEO may not boost due to Neutral backlinks that you give to your website. If no action has been taken against your website by Google, the backlinks on your website are safe. You can deny links but if you attempt to deny all your neutral links, you risk potentially blocking sites that can improve your ranking. 3. Deleting Content or Pages It may seem like no big deal to delete a page from your website, but once a page is deleted, the keywords it once ranked for are now gone. Instead of risking the loss of those rankings, consider keeping the webpage. Simply redirects them to a similar page with a relevant product or service. 4. Avoid Use of Exact Match Keywords in Anchor Text It seems logical to have your targeted keyword as the anchor text for a link to your website. Since you want your site to rank for that keyword. But, Google has greatly cracked down on this practice and will punish websites who overdo this practice. Don’t take a risk, better look for more natural ways to link to your site and develop a more varied backlink portfolio. 5. Avoid Making Too Many “Small” SEO Changes to a Site Updating the content of your website may be a good idea as Google favours it, but however constantly changing the content and the look and feel of your website will not go unnoticed by your website visitors or Google. Making too many changes to your website or making the changes too often will raise red flags for Google. This may make your website suspicious or will get a penalty from Google. SEO and Digital Marketing is achieving wonders for many companies. DigiSciFi Technologies is one of the best digital marketing services in Bangalore providing all sorts of the solution in the following domain:

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