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How do you see the future? You can apply data science to predict lot of things other than TRUMP and KIM JONG UN. Humans are complex machines created by GOD and their brains have extraordinary power to imagine the unknowns to go after the impossibles. Human created the Machines and they are also complex not as much as Humans though, they are incomparable. Atom Bombs, Hydrogen Bombs are the man made machines to destroy the human race and 2 KG students are fighting each other on Social Media to show their prowess and how they can destroy each other through machines. My recommendation – pls meet somewhere in the middle of the Pacific ocean and have wrestling to decide the superior leader. Anyways I do not want to digress from Machine Learning, we can learn 2 individuals later. Machine Learning can happen only through training the machines on different set of conditions, its basically an artificial intelligence by which we tell our robots to do certain actions on few specific pattern or data match. It’s a complex subject. Let’s take an example – you want to devise market strategy for your new product launch. How would you go about it? You need to first of all check if similar product or similar launches were done by somebody else so better it is start from those experiences and identify what not to do to focus what should be your way to succeed. We need to review the data from various sources to analyze what was effective and what was the waste of time. And in the new world the analysis could be very complex and time consuming job because of the sheer size of the

input. There are many data sciencemechanisms to analyze the data and do the machine learning to predict what could be the successful way for you to achieve your goal and convert new product launch into profitable venture. Marketing and Brand Promotion is not really a job of english speaking marketer rather its a science that need to be applied effectively to devise the plan and the approach by utilizing the data science techniques to do effective marketing else you can continue doing BLIND Marketing as the world has seen the Surge of Digital Marketers who are just posting promotional prints without applying analytical mindset. And this doesn’t really apply only to Marketing rather it applies to everything which is not straight-forward and require learning of data to decide plus and minuses. The real usage of machine learning is in decoding the efficient ways of running complex machines like aircrafts, turbines, heavy duty gensets and complex systems. Connect with us – we might be able to change your Marketing Perspective completely. Director – DigiSciFi A Software Company providing solutions in Digital Marketing with Data Science Intelligence,


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