Planetactive: : Full Service Digital Marketing with maximum ROI
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Planetactive combines modern marketing strategies with strong ideas, creative communication and advanced technology. We’ve been tapping the world of digital marketing for companies since 1997 – from campaign development to media management, search, email marketing and even creating transaction focused websites as well as 360° marketing.
experience planetactive
Our focus is on developing complex digital marketing concepts which map out the complete customer journey and enable a maximum ROI. Under the name of “Brand Performance Marketing”, Planetactive offers a unique, highly integrated strategy with which quantitative goals as well as qualitative success factors of brand communication can be achieved with unprecedented efficiency.
an Ogilvy Company
XPA 17
With innovative technology, Planetactive enables a transparency and efficiency in digital marketing that was previously unheard of. Our success is founded on the team of digital marketing specialists that has grown to over 100 over the past twelve years. It is also due to TEMcontrol, the data management system developed by Planetactive which today is used around the globe by our parent company Neo@Ogilvy. We are constantly measuring and analyzing every parameter for success in near real-time and use the insights gained to continue optimizing the measures in play and surpass benchmarks wherever possible. Planetactive is a subsidiary of Neo@Ogilvy, the worldwide digital and direct media network from Ogilvy, with offices in Düsseldorf, Zürich and Vienna. Neo@Ogilvy Düsseldorf, in effect the media arm of Planetactive, was one of the first branches of the global Ogilvy Networks. This is also where Neo@Ogilvy’s global Center of Excellence Adserving & Analytics is based. Sample references: AXA Winterthur, British Airways, Conrad Electronic, Cisco, ebookers, Hannoversche Direkt, IBM, Intel, Kodak, L’Oréal/Biotherm, Lenovo, LG Electronics, Manor, Migros, Pfizer, South African Tourism, Travelhouse etc . IImprint: Chief editor of this edition: Dirk Schmidt CEOs: Stefan Längin, Martin Sinning, Simone Alberts, Olav von Allwörden, Matthias Kurwig
Brand Performance Marketing
Planetactive GmbH Plange Mühle 1 40221 Düsseldorf
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best results for Brand & Business > trailblazing international smb campaign for cisco > The new challenge: blended search
xpa 17 XPA
he time when digital marketing mainly revolved around achieving transaction or sales related goals is long over. In the past few years, we have seen the number of branding campaigns on the internet steadily rise. It comes as no surprise then that the internet is often the key medium for reaching relevant target groups.
IHRE ZIELGRUPPE! Sie wollen klassische Display-Kampagnen realisieren? Nutzen Sie unsere ausgereiften Optimierungstechnologien zur effizienten Ansprache Ihrer Zielgruppe!
For advertisers, branding with digital media up to this point has meant forgoing the transparency and efficiency they are used to from transactionoriented marketing. In the past, they have had to determine in the briefing phase whether their goals were of a qualitative or quantitative nature. Campaigns were then accordingly implemented and benchmarks were usually only tracked and optimized in quantitative cases.
In this edition of XPA, we will introduce a mature strategy entitled brand performance marketing, which enables the efficient realization of complex marketing goals. We’ll show you what that looks like in practice with our case study on an international campaign for Cisco. Along with additional case studies – such as the one about a 360° campaign that led to a listing in Guinness World Records – we’ll also introduce other interesting developments from the world of digital marketing. “Blended search” for example is a topic which you cannot avoid these days. Enjoy the read and I hope this edition provides you with some useful marketing insights.
This represented an unsatisfactory situation for many advertisers as their marketing goals are often complex and very individualized. You can’t try to put every campaign into one of two categories: “Quality” or “Quantity”. An integrative strategy and the corresponding set of tools that would allow the inclusion of qualitative parameters such as brand impact and recall into the process of measuring and optimizing had always been lacking. This kind of strategy would allow fine tuning between transaction and branding-oriented goals throughout a campaign.
Sie wollen reichweitenstarke Bewegtbild-Formate in Ihrer Zielgruppe umsetzen? Kein Problem mit Adconion.TV – der größten unabhängigen Content Distribution- und Monetarisierungs-Plattform für Bewegtbild-Werbung!
Stefan Längin, Managing Director
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PLAYBOY Alles, was Männern Spaß macht
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TOMORROW FOCUS Sales Der Premium-Onlinevermarkter mit 17,1 Mio Reichweite
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FOCUS Online Das große Newsportal mit 4 Millionen monatlichen Nutzern
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jameda Ärzte suchen, finden und bewerten Das automatisierte Nachrichtenportal für Deutschland
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TOMORROW FOCUS setzt auf Erfolg durch Vielfalt: Wir können auch Ihr Unternehmen mit einem breiten Dienstleistungsspektrum in allen Stufen der digitalen Wertschöpfungskette unterstützen. Über 500 Mitarbeiter freuen sich darauf, mit Ihnen in Kontakt zu treten. Überzeugen Sie sich selbst:
Die TOMORROW FOCUS AG hat sich in den vergangenen Jahren zu einem der größten Internet-Medienunternehmen Deutschlands entwickelt. Neben dem Portalgeschäft mit bekannten Internetmarken und einer der reichweitenstärksten Vermarktungsorganisationen entstanden stark expandierende Geschäftsfelder in den Segmenten E-Commerce, Mobile und Technologie. Um den Unternehmenserfolg langfristig zu sichern, investieren wir weiter, in unsere bisherigen Produkte und in neue Portale, Performance-Marketing und Internationalisierung.
06 Brand Performance Marketing Better results for brand & business
10 Trailblazing international SMB campaign for Cisco Leads, branding and insights
14 The new challenge: blended search Time to act
16 E-mail marketing and online advertising for Vacations, reports and ROI
18 Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy in Düsseldorf‘s Harbor Amazing (in)sights
20 Social Media for Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG DVAG goes Web 2.0
22 360° city marketing in Krefeld World record!
26 Planetactive news
28 New Study: Digital Marketing Compass 07 Spotlight marketers
29 Viewpoint Wolfgang Lange from Biotherm on luxury brands and digital marketing
Read more than 100 articles online, rummage around in the archive or download complete editions at:
XPA 17
xpa 17
XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: Better results for brand & business
Better results for brand & business
Brand Performance Marketing
Whether transaction or brandoriented marketing – BPM provides extraordinary efficiency with tracking and optimization throughout the entire customer journey.
Digital marketing is primarily characterized in that its success is relatively easy to measure and translate into numbers. It also offers numerous possibilities for optimizing measures on short notice to improve the efficiency of display campaigns as well as search engine and e-mail marketing. Tracking and optimizing individual – usually transactionoriented – measures generally does not suffice for achieving a maximal return on the marketing investment in digital media. In this sense, “performance media”, the measurement and optimization of media use throughout a campaign, is a good first step towards increasing marketing efficiency. However, much more is needed to sustainably improve ROI.
With “brand performance marketing” (BPM), Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy is now completing a path that it started down ten years ago with the measurement and optimization of the first online campaigns. Brand performance marketing is an intelligent, results-oriented strategy that is based on the experiences of over a decade of successful marketing. “Brand performance marketing is our answer to the two central challenges facing digital marketing today,” explains Stefan Längin, Managing Director at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy. “On the one hand, today’s marketing isn’t as focused on transaction and sales-oriented concepts as it used to be. Brand advertising on the internet is becoming increasingly important and customers are looking for the transparency and efficiency they are accustomed to from transaction-oriented marketing in their branding campaigns as well. With BPM, we include such qualitative success factors as brand impact or recall in the measuring and optimization process. On the other hand, we go beyond most performance strategies with brand performance marketing. We track every measure along the customer journey and optimize media use as well as creative aspects. This allows us to considerably improve the marketing ROI.“
Spotlight on brand advertising WIn the early years of online marketing, campaigns focused completely on quantitative goals such as achieving clicks, registrations and sales. In the meantime, qualitative goals are playing an increasingly important role and European marketing executives are investing almost exactly as much in online branding campaigns now as they are in transaction/performance campaigns. This was demonstrated in the Digital Marketing Compass 06, a 14 country study by Neo@Ogilvy Düsseldorf about online media in Europe. For 2009, European marketers have planned to spend 38 percent of their online budget
on branding campaigns and 41 percent on transaction campaigns. Branding campaigns on the web have therefore established themselves across Europe and traditional media continues to face increasing competition from the internet – especially when it comes to establishing brands. Planetactive showed how efficient online branding can be as early as 2003 with the “ON Study”. With TEMimpact, the agency finally developed a concept with which qualitative success factors could be measured through online panels and other methods. The results were then used to continually optimize design and media use throughout branding campaigns. It is basically the same as transaction-oriented campaigns although optimizing branding campaigns has its own set of rules. The integrative approach with brand performance marketing naturally plays a large role then when advertisers are pursuing quantitative and qualitative goals. This is increasingly the case with large, often international campaigns (see the “Cisco” article in this edition). Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy matches the qualitative results with the quantitative data from the ad server and condenses the results into meaningful reports. Customers therefore have complete transparency and can individually tailor their campaign between branding and transaction goals. This enables advertisers to optimize their measures towards brand recognition in one country and more towards generating leads in another where the brand is already firmly established.
Complex marketing goals “The marketing goals for many advertisers are complex and very individual. You can’t try to put every campaign into one of two categories: “Quality” or “Quantity”. As an agency, we have the task of providing customers with advice appropriate to their situation and the tools for efficiently achieving these complex marketing goals,” explains Stefan Längin. The second central characteristic of brand performance marketing is the consistent increase in efficiency along the customer journey by tracking every measure while at the same time optimizing media use and creative aspects. That requires close teamwork between the Creation and Media heads which is rarely possible if different agencies are handling media and design.
then used to track and optimize the campaign for Amazon’s launch into the German market. In a 1999 campaign for Lufthansa, the landing page linked to the banner ads was also included in the measuring and optimization process. Text and design was constantly changed on the landing page in an attempt to increase the conversion rate – user clicks on the booking page. The result was impressive: Within half a year, the method was able to increase the return on media spending by 735 percent. The next step: In 2001, Planetactive/Neo@ Ogilvy integrated ad server, landing page and e-mails in a campaign for the Swiss company Bluewin AG. This made tracking along almost the entire customer journey possible.
Tracking along Customer Journeys The analyses of numerous campaigns consistently show that campaign tracking alone is only a milestone on the way to achieving maximum ROI. The value of the individual measures really only becomes visible once the entire customer journey is viewed. For example, sometimes website A’s banner generates more clicks than the one on website B. Media planners that have click rate evaluations available are tempted to concentrate a great percentage of the budget on website A, since success is more visible there. What they don’t know is what users did after they clicked on the ad – did they just look at the landing page or did they actually make an order or register (conversion). By tracking the landing page, it suddenly becomes clear that the conversion rate of users on website B is much higher. It therefore makes more sense to increase media usage on website B in spite of the lower number of clicks. Today it is possible to measure every reaction of each individual customer journey – from banner to landing page/website right up to newsletters. This means that purchases or bookings through a newsletter can be attributed to the advertisement on the website that the user used to register for the newsletter even months later.
When it comes to tracking and optimization, Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy belongs to the pioneers in the German speaking region. In 1998, Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy became the first agency in Europe to develop its own ad server, which was
Planetactive: Online marketing pioneer since 1997 Optimizing potentials in campaigns are seen not just at the beginning of the customer journey, but also in the websites and e-commerce applications. The high transparency that becomes possible with BPM and the use of web analytics tools relentlessly uncovers weaknesses in content and user guidance. Optimizing websites is no longer merely about quantitative goals such as streamlining the purchase process. Qualitative aspects, such user interaction with the brand, also become visible. The keyword here is “engagement mapping”. This means that touch points are defined and assigned a specific value that reflects the intensity of the brand experience. Watching a video for example has a higher value than viewing an info page. This allows us to evaluate users’ interaction with the brand and forms the basis for an optimization strategy which can be used across the entire campaign.
Objective: Maximum ROI
EUnique technology: TEMcontrol, the data management system developed by Planetactive, enables detailed analyses.
It gets even more interesting when determining the actual ROI. To do this, the eCommerce application or booking engine is included in the tracking and the customer provides the profit margin for completed transactions to the agency. These are then used for the ROI reporting. This allows us to determine which customers produce the most revenue/profit and we can adjust advertising measures accordingly. This plays a role not only in optimizing display campaigns, but also in managing search engine marketing. Once the profit margin has been established, we can see what value individual keywords have and make a decision on which ones to bid for.
However, more is tracked than just direct reactions with brand performance marketing. With post impression tracking, it is possible to determine users that have seen a banner and then visit the website manually days later. These also influence the success analysis.
Unique technology The concepts and technology for tracking along the customer journey have been continuously perfected at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy over eleven years. Numerous case studies verify the success of the strategy. Our own campaign and data management system, TEMcontrol, is constantly being refined. The unique system is used around the world by Neo@Ogilvy while customers such as Cisco, SAP, British Airways and Lenovo benefit from the high marketing transparency that is now possible. The result of Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy’s pioneer work: the Global Competence Center “Adserving & Analytics” from Neo@Ogilvy based in Düsseldorf. TEMcontrol is the technological backbone of brand performance marketing. The system can compile and automatically process the data from every platform that users come in contact with on their customer journey. It also enables comprehensive engagement mapping. Typical data sources such as ad server log files, data from search engines, web analytics applications or e-mail responses are processed by TEMcontrol. Even data from customers, such as transaction logs, registrations and purchases via shopping applications can be integrated. Most analyzing processes are quick and largely automated.
The advisors and media planners at Planetactive/ Neo@Ogilvy have direct access to numerous reporting tools. They can access flash dashboards over the web to view all of the most important key performance indicators. The data can be converted into excel spreadsheets for marketing controlling as well as other formats. You can even integrate the data into campaign review PowerPoint presentations with a simple click.
Mature corporate culture The measurability and efficiency of marketing are central topics today. This often leads some to overlook the fact that a lack of engaging advisors, excellent ideas and creative design makes any kind of resounding marketing success impossible. Digital marketing is all about solid teamwork and Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy has had a unique corporate culture – very different from the usual division of labor seen in just about any other traditional agency – from the start. Everyone feels responsible for the success of the advertising measures and this is evident on a daily basis. Creative professionals become analysts, media planners become creative professionals and advisors get involved in the creative development of campaigns. We are also able to avoid conflicts thanks to one simple fact: Digital marketing doesn’t have any gray areas where vanity and arrogance can thrive. A solid foundation of factual data is the basis for every discussion. The high transparency that characterizes brand performance marketing is reflected in the processes and structures at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy – right up to the large, open offices. For Stefan Längin, who has been aboard since 2000 and heads up the agency since 2008, the value of the agency’s corporate culture can hardly be overstated. The way he sees it, this culture has grown organically over the last 12 years and represents the soil for continuous innovation and advancement. It represents the central requirement for the success of BPM projects, where numerous employees from various disciplines come to the table at every phase to find a way to maximize the customer’s result. Brand performance marketing is more than just a successful marketing strategy – BPM is also a type of agency philosophy.
xpa 17
XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: Better results for brand & Business
Brand performance marketing is the preliminary conclusion of a development that began back in 1997. Since its launch, Planetactive has made a name for itself in measuring and optimizing the effectiveness of online marketing and started collecting experience in the area of online branding at an early stage. A few milestones:
Planetactive is the first agency in Europe to develop its own ad server.
Planetactive networks ad servers, landing pages and e-mails for the first time in one campaign.
Successful brand introduction using only online advertising. Planetactive launches Opodo.
Planetactive develops TEMimpact, a tracking solution that matches quantitative data from the ad server with the qualitative results of the research. First customer: AOL.
“ON study”: Planetactive develops and advertises a fictional brand and tracks qualitative success factors – showing how efficient online branding can function.
International campaign for introducing the Mercedes R class. TEMimpact used to continuously measure success and optimize campaign.
TTEMcontrol, the Planetactive data management system, becomes international standard at Neo@Ogilvy.
Definition of brand performance marketing. 5 country campaign for Cisco with tracking and optimization throughout the entire customer journey in regards to both quantitative and qualitative success factors.
The four campaign concepts
xpa 17
XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: Trailblazing international SMB campaign for Cisco
1. „Color“ Concept advertising and Landing page
Trailblazing international SMB campaign for Cisco
Leads, branding and Insights
It’s no coincidence that the Planetactive/Neo@ Ogilvy reference list reads like a who’s who of top international businesses including British Airways, Lenovo, American Express, SAP, Kodak and Cisco. For the most part, these global players have wideranging experience in digital marketing and many recognized the possibilities and advantages presented by brand performance marketing at an early stage. High levels of marketing efficiency are provided by c l o s e collaboration bet ween Media a n d
Creation, Tracking and Optimization throughout the entire customer journey, a powerful global data management system and, last but not least, the ability to optimize campaigns when it comes to branding and transaction goals. The international lead generation campaign for small business products from Cisco highlights how brand performance marketing offers new insights that lead to a progressive optimization of every measure and delivers the basis for later campaign roll-outs in other countries. With military precision, Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy Düsseldorf planned and developed the campaign, then made the initial launch in the UK and Canada. Nothing was left to chance in the process.
Pilot campaigns in the UK and Canada Cisco is aiming to tap the lucrative market of small and medium-sized businesses (SMB) with a number of innovative products, such as the Cisco Spam & Virus Blocker. March 2009 marked the start of the online campaign for the Spam & Virus Blocker, which was to be marketed in the UK/Ireland, Canada, USA, Australia/New Zealand and Germany. The primary objective of the campaign was to generate qualified leads. Of course, developing brand recognition was also a major focus, as Cisco was generally known for its networking solutions for large corporations up to that point and was relatively new to the SMB market. The first campaigns in the UK and Canada have pilot characteristics on two levels. First of all, they deliver data which can be used for the launches in the other countries, and secondly, it provides insights on marketing Cisco products to SMB customers. In other words, a complex task. But a complex task tailor-made for the strategy of brand performance marketing – an approach which indentifies and analyzes quantitative as well as qualitative parameters for success.
Four creative concepts launched The pilot function of the campaigns in the UK and Canada was also underlined by the fact that Cisco launched with different campaign concept. The creative directors at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy Düsseldorf developed four complete concepts, with each having their own advertising material, landing pages and newsletters. The “Statements”, “Color”, “Editorial” and “Monster” concepts were pitted against one another in testing – analyzed for their branding and transaction effects, and then optimized accordingly. For the “Monster” idea, Creative Director Tim Schädla developed a hairy, attention-grabbing Spam Monster that was later developed into a 3D model. “We wanted to personify the abstract frustration that comes from virus attacks and spam. We could then use this character as a key visual throughout our advertising measures and later even in other forms – such as a plush give-away,” explains Tim Schädla. On March 30, the six-week long pilot campaigns in the UK and Ireland were launched. Two weeks later, the eight-week Canadian pilot was set in motion. Ads were posted on content networks as well as news and IT websites. The campaign was complemented by keyword advertising on Google, Yahoo and MSN. For the Cisco team at Planetactive/ Neo@Ogilvy Düsseldorf – consultants, media planers, creative directors and search professionals – this marked the beginning of the most intensive phase of the project. TEMcontrol, the agency’s in-house data management system, constantly delivered a whole host of data. This data was evaluated on a daily basis and compiled into reports which were regularly sent to the managers at Cisco. Weekly teleconferences between Cisco and the agency provided the opportunity to discuss the results and determine optimization measures. These were then promptly implemented by Media and Creation.
2. „Statements“ concept advertising and Landing page
3. „Monster“ Concept Advertising and Landing page
4. „Editorial“ concept advertising and Landing page
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Quantitative and qualitative analysis
New insights for comparing countries
Maximal transparency is the name of the game, as the pilot campaigns are intended to provide the basis for Cisco’s future SMB marketing approach. That’s why market research was initiated in the UK at the beginning of the campaign in cooperation with Dynamic Logic. This provided initial information on qualitative success factors such as brand recognition, advertising recall and willingness to buy.
The excitement built as the first two weeks of the UK campaign came to a close, the campaign in Canada was launched and the first results started to flood in. Putting the information freshly gleaned from the first two weeks of the UK campaign to use, the Canadian campaign launched with only three creative concepts. The campaign also benefitted in other ways from the experience gained from the UK. The campaign was launched with measures that had already been partially optimized. For instance, the raffle had a much lower profile, as evaluations from the UK campaign showed that B2B managers were more interested in information than in potential prizes.
Newsletter tracking was also included in the campaign analysis after a time. Users who registered for the Cisco newsletter on the landing page, which was combined with a raffle, received newsletters over a four-week period with specific offers from Cisco. Clicks and opening rates were also recorded for this measure and the results included in the campaign reports. Every action undertaken by users was measured and weighted as part of engagement tracking. “Our main currency, if you will, were the clicks on the ‘Contact us’ button,” explains Rolf Jüstel, Managing Director at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy Düsseldorf. “Here, users had the opportunity to initiate contact with Cisco via e-mail, chat or call center. We included a corresponding pop-up with a promotion code which was meant to be given to the operator at the call center and would inform us about which campaign concept the user had seen. The site was optimized to focus on the ‘Contact us’ button with the aim of generating the maximum amount of leads at the lowest costs.“
But the UK campaign also benefitted from the results in Canada. One example was the landing page in Canada – it had a “Buy now” button which performed even better than the “Contact us” button. A little background: Cisco employs direct selling in Canada in contrast to the UK. In an effort to transfer the strong impact of the “Buy now” button to the UK, a button reading “Buy now from any of our trained partners” was placed on the landing pages during the campaign extension. The comparison of the creative concepts implemented delivered valuable knowledge. The “Statement” idea, for example, performed best in terms of the number of leads generated both in the UK/Ireland and Canada campaigns, followed by the “Monster” concept in the UK and “Color” in Canada. The evaluation of the qualitative values in the UK showed however that “Color” delivered the best results in brand recognition and recall. This knowledge can be used later to balance the campaign between the marketing objectives of branding and transactions. Overall, the qualitative advertisement impact
Canada: Brand Metrics
analyses by Dynamic Logic showed a significant jump in all central impact areas such as brand recognition, advertisement recall and willingness to buy. .
Comprehensive keyword advertising This was also indirectly confirmed in evaluating the search activities. From the launch onwards, the display ads were supplemented by keyword advertising and a context-based campaign in the content network. Up to 1500 keywords were booked. To reach SMB customers specifically, certain text ads were used which tended to address the targeted group of SMB managers rather than private users. An interesting note: text ads with integrated free call numbers were clicked on at a significantly higher rate. Overall, the evaluation showed that as the campaign advanced, certain keywords such as “Cisco Spam Blocker” were being increasingly searched for. This was yet more evidence that the tactic of increasing brand recognition within SMB circles and connecting the Cisco brand to specific products was certainly the right one.
Measurable success in every area Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy took a lot of care in tracking the landing pages and pushing optimization with the objective of generating better conversion rates. The powerful and comprehensive reporting carried out by TEMcontrol delivered the foundation for this type of work. The landing pages were tweaked over and over again to offer users the best possible site journey. It paid off. The conversion rate and therefore the number of leads generated constantly increased in both countries.
All in all, the two pilot campaigns in the UK/Ireland and Canada were extremely successful. Real-time tracking and the constant optimizations by Media and Creation allowed us to dramatically enhance the efficiency of the campaigns. The cost per acquisition, measured by the use of the “Contact us” and “Buy now” buttons, decreased by 234 percent during the campaign in the UK/ Ireland and 254 percent in Canada. The efficiency of keyword advertising also improved substantially: over the course of the campaign, the CPL fell significantly. The insights gained provide the basis for campaign launches over the course of the year in the USA, Australia/New Zealand and Germany. At the same time, the insights support Cisco in continuing to market itself in the SMB market, a relatively new business from the company’s perspective. The Cisco campaign clearly shows that brand performance marketing makes both possible: a better return on investment for transaction-driven campaigns and improved brand performance in the digital world.
Canada: results after 6 weeks campaign
250% +233 %
+150 %
+160 %
+150 % +117 %
Cost per Lead
Daily Number of Leads
+80 % 50%
Aided Brand Awareness
Online Ad Awareness
Products designed for small business
Helps transform, evolve, grow
Leader in IT security
Worldwide Leader in networking
# Leads
Trend CPA
Eye-Tracking: Apparently, the display of extra visual information does not affect how people scan search results pages.
The New challenge: Blended Search
Here’s how you can benefit from blended search 1.
time to act
The enhancement of search results with other multimedia results has significantly changed the appearance of results pages as well as the way users perceive the pages.
It is almost two and half years since Google showcased to an amazed public its new way of presenting search results called “Universal Search”. Whether there were any ulterior motives in using the search terms “Steve Jobs” and “Darth Vader” to demonstrate Universal Search in the official Google Blog, we don’t know. What we do know however is that Universal Search caused quite a stir among SEO professionals. Universal Search – in the meantime, the more fitting term “blended search” seems to be catching on – describes the extension of Google search results through the integration of other Google services. These include Google Base, Google Local and Google News for example. In some cases, the enhancement of the search results has fundamentally changed the appearance of the search pages. Where previously there was just a basic listing of search results, you increasingly find maps or thumbnails of videos or photos.
More and more blended search results Unlike in the United States for instance, where blended search has developed very quickly, online marketing companies in Europe have barely reacted to the new challenges. Up to now, blended search has primarily been a topic of conversation among SEO specialists and was the subject of much speculation. For example, it is not entirely clear according to which criteria Google chooses search terms, the search results for which will then be enhanced by blended search. What is certain however is that more and more search terms lead to blended search results. Google seems to be gradually adjusting to the new possibilities and is constantly gaining new experiences and analyzing them, which then determines the further development of blended search. Perhaps this is another reason why online marketers are only hesitatingly using the new opportunities and gladly blocking out the risks that blended search brings with it for traditional SEO strategies. Rene Meissner, Head of Performance Media at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy feels certain that “it is slowly becoming high time for companies to act and take more heed of blended search in their own SEO strategies”. She adds: “Google recently announced that, already, 25% of all searches lead to blended search results. Even if this figure is likely to be somewhat lower on, this shows that blended search is growing in importance.”
losing clicks? SEO professionals have to get used to the fact that, in blended search, users’ perception of search results pages changes, primarily through the inclusion of maps, photos and videos. This results in a change of emphasis in the search results, as images attract more attention than text. Already, experts estimate that a “number 1 listing” in Google search results (which, according to statistical examinations, has been able to achieve 40% of all clicks) could lose up to one-half of its clicks when video search results are displayed.
xpa 17
XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: The new challenge: blended search
Be aware that blended search is increasing in importance. Check the results pages for your search terms regularly. In a study that involved 34 participants and analyzed using eye-tracking how blended search results are perceived, Google tried to allay fears. Displaying extra visual information apparently has no influence on how users scan the search results pages. According to the study, scanning patterns already learned would be maintained. However, we can assume that the perception and clicking patterns of the users will change once they have found out that visually enhanced results can take them where they want to go faster. Visually enhanced results certainly attract more attention, as everyone can appreciate.
Now is the time to take advantage of opportunities Blended search is not just something that poses risks but also offers website operators new opportunities for prominent positioning in Google search results. However, traditional SEO is not enough to maintain companies’ hard-won positions in search listings in the face of competition from multimedia elements. Instead, Google services will be required to achieve attention-grabbing positions with the help of listings or visual elements. What is certain is that any type of search engine optimization that does not take videos, news and maps into account leaves a considerable amount of traffic potential unused – and this doesn’t just apply to Google. With all large search engine operators, companies should get used to the fact that they will have more and more competitors for the coveted first positions. Whether it’s in the shape of videos, podcasts, blogs, maps, photos or news – search results are becoming increasingly multimediabased, which means that now is the right time to focus SEO strategy on blended search.
2. Inform yourself on relevant services (News, Maps etc.) and, WHERE NECESSARY, REGISTER, e.g. with the Google Business Center, for local searches/maps. Provide products to Google Product Search or use a Google Video Sitemap.
3. Be aware that competition is also tough in the services area. Optimize the contents of your website and create multimedia content (e.g. videos of presentations).
4. Publish all content such as campaign videos, campaign images, presentations, product descriptions etc. on as many platforms as possible, e.g. YouTube, Flickr etc. Make sure pictures are of good quality and have a clear label/description. Use headlines, tags etc.
5. Ensure for example that videos appear for certain searches and that they can be played directly in the search results. Give your videos watermarks and an intro and outro with your URL.
6. Monitor further developments closely. If necessary, speak to agencies that not only have expertise in the area of traditional SEO but can also support you in restyling your website and in the production/ integration of multimedia content.
xpa 17
XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: E-mail Headline marketing des Kapitels and online advertising for
Email-Marketing and online advertising for
vacations, Reports and ROI
Display advertising for The tracking extends as far as the booking stage, which enables the full ROI to be determined.
The number of trips booked over the internet is constantly increasing across Europe. In Germany, BITKOM (Federal Association for Information Technology, Telecommunications and New Media) reported that more than 12 million people opted for online booking during the peak travel period of summer 2009 alone. In no other area of e-commerce is the competition as tough as it is in the marketing and sale of vacations. Only companies that keep a constant eye on their marketing spending and are prepared to work ceaselessly on their strategies’ performance can be successful here in the longterm. ebookers is one of the leading online travel agencies in Europe and has been operating in twelve countries since 1999. In Switzerland, ebookers has been active as a fully-licensed travel agency since 2000 and has secured a top position in the market with its attractive prices, wide range of offers, easyto-use booking options and high-quality service. Planetactive Zurich has been taking care of ebookers display advertising and e-mail marketing activities since the beginning of 2007. All strategies employed are tracked in detail up to the booking stage and, based on the margins communicated by ebookers. ch, Planetactive compiles regular ROI reports that show what kind of return on investment the strategies are producing. These reports, which also show the results of posttracking, allow ebookers to align its offers even more with the needs of its customers and further improve its marketing intelligence and ROI.
Different product lines “Our ROI reports allow maximum monitoring of efficiency and provide with a solid foundation on which to make decisions in the area of marketing,” explains Nicolas Noth, Managing Director at Planetactive Zurich. “ROI is of course not the only criterion. As a full-service travel agency, must constantly keep an eye on its brand and cannot merely advertise the product lines that generate the highest ROI.” In the sales-oriented quarterly campaigns that Planetactive has been implementing since the beginning of 2007, the five major product lines Hotels, Flights, Sun Holidays, City Breaks and Car Hire are promoted. These product lines differ however in the number of bookings and in the profit margins achieved. The Flights product line receives the most bookings for example while Sun Holidays has a disproportionately high profit margin. Planetactive advertises two flights per quarter on websites with a wide reach and on CPC networks. Standard formats are used, with specific offers being advertised – usually three per product line. The advertisements are produced both in German and French. Since 2007, we have managed to considerably increase the efficiency of the campaigns through optimizing both the use of media and creative aspects of the advertising.
Using e-mail marketing to boost sales Planetactive Zurich has been supporting in its e-mail marketing activities for over two years. Here too, many useful insights have been gained, with which we were able to continuously improve performance. Approximately 12 times per year, Planetactive produces the travel agency’s standard newsletter which is clearly focused on generating sales and sent to around 220,000 recipients. The newsletters usually have a specific theme: Sometimes it might be a product line like “City Breaks” while at other times it may be a particular destination like the USA or a specific
occasion (e.g. spring, summer vacations). It has been shown that a thematic focus along with a personal greeting improves the newsletters’ success. After an intro with a personal greeting, modules follow containing concrete offers. These modules can be individually tracked with tracking pixels. Post-tracking is also used for a period of thirty days with the newsletter. Afterwards, ebookers receives the detailed ROI report with an analysis of the newsletter’s success.
Better still: interest-based newsletters In addition to the standard newsletter, special newsletters are sent out several times a year. These newsletters give information on specific campaigns such as competitions or short-term discount campaigns. All ebookers newsletters can be distributed based on customers’ profiles and in such a way as to include offers tailored to the interests of the recipients. When customers register for the newsletter via one of the layers developed by Planetactive on the website, they are asked about their personal travel preferences. If they wish, they can also register here to receive text messages and will then receive free messages on their cell phone informing them of special offers. The use of interest-based newsletters has paid off, achieving a doubled opening rate in the German-speaking region. In the case of both sales-oriented strategies – display advertising and e-mail marketing – increasing efficiency and improving the ROI are the focus. has therefore systematically allocated both activities to an agency that understands not just the importance of implementing a creative strategy but also of tracking, reporting and optimizing every measures used. Notable successes were achieved through close teamwork based on a spirit of partnership. A further advantage for is that the confidential information needed for the ROI reports only has to be distributed to one agency and the reports for display advertising and e-mail marketing are standardized.
Along with the standard newsletters, several special newsletters are published each year on specific topics or campaigns.
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XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy Headline des Kapitels in Düsseldorf’s Harbor
Amazing (in)sights
Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy in Düsseldorf’s Harbor Customers who visit Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy’s Düsseldorf office are always impressed. The view from the offices is simply amazing: a 180-degree panorama from the Medienhafen (MediaHarbor) across to the TV tower, the Old City and the Rhine all the way to Oberkassel. However, it was not this inspiring view that encouraged the agency to move in 2006. Instead, it was the building’s use of space, which is ideal from an organization and workflow point of view. A total of well over 1,000m² spread out over two halls as well as a kitchen, a recreation room and meeting rooms ensure an open, generous atmosphere and short walks. The latter is important as the 90+ employees work in teams that are created for different projects and are therefore constantly changing. In this customer-focused organization, everyone works with everybody else at some stage: the creative professional with the media planner, the search professional with the account director or the project manager with the technology specialists. The floor plan encourages a culture of togetherness, which is important here as a large share of communication between employees is done by e-mail and in this way, people know who they’re working with and usually see them on a daily basis. Despite this layout, a lot was done to ensure that an open-plan office type of atmosphere does not take hold. Acoustic sails separate individual areas from each other while seating areas and couches allow people to take time out, either alone or in small groups and the comfortable recreation room with plasma TV and Wii console ensures a little diversion. In short: a pleasant working environment with room to expand, meaning the prospects for future growth are bright too.
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XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: Social Headline media desfor Kapitels Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG
Social media for Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG
DVAG goes Web 2.0
More and more companies are using the tools of Web 2.0 for their corporate communications and marketing activities. Those with responsibility for these areas have recognized that dialog-oriented strategies employed in the digital media allow new relationships with relevant target groups to be developed. They have also discovered that many messages can be conveyed better and more credibly in the digital media than with traditional media. The use of social media such as blogs, forums and opinion portals proves highly efficient in this regard. Companies open up for their target groups, enter into direct, personal dialog with them and let customers and other interested parties take part in current developments. In return, marketing departments receive valuable feedback and suggestions on how products and services can be further developed. Customers become multipliers, whose recommendations can serve to boost sales. DVAG’s corporate blog is the boss’ business. Dr. Helge Lach (right), member of DVAG’s Executive Board, uses the blog himself.
Dialog instead of announcements
The boss gets involved in the blog
Social media are really ideal for companies offering services that are highly individualized and in need of explanation, such as those in the area of financial planning for example. Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG, a leading independent financial sales company, is systematically focusing on dialog-oriented concepts in the digital media to demonstrate transparency, promote personal contacts with its target groups and strengthen customers’ trust. This pays dividends – and not just in times of financial crisis. With 5.2 million customers, over 37,000 financial advisors and sales revenue of over € 1.2 billion, DVAG is a heavyweight in the market for comprehensive financial service products. Dr. Helge Lach, a member of DVAG’s Executive Board with responsibility for marketing, is pursuing a clear strategy with regard to Web 2.0: “In the medium-term, we will offer all our important target groups such as advertisers, our advisors, the press and of course our customers dialog-oriented communications channels on the web,” he explains.
At, Deutsche Vermögensberatung AG’s official weblog, those with an interest in the world of finance can get first hand information and discuss topical issues. The author of the corporate blog is Dr. Helge Lach. The fact that such a senior figure in the company participates in the blog shows what high value DVAG places on dialog with customers and other interested parties. At the same time, it represents a piece of pioneering work: Among companies the size of DVAG, it is extremely unusual that members of the Executive Board would enter into personal dialog with the public.
Planetactive has been supporting DVAG in the planning and implementation of its digital marketing activities since 2007. Planetactive’s strategically-oriented approach impressed DVAG’s financial service advisors. The issue of Web 2.0 quickly arose. The first ideas discussed showed that the use of social media would not only have a positive impact on DVAG’s SEO strategy but would also be an ideal support to the continuation of the company’s communications strategy on the web.
Der Biotherm in touch! Club hat nun eine attraktive Plattform in der digitalen Welt.
DVAG commissioned Planetactive to develop various dialog-oriented strategies. The first of these included a separate “Press” section on the web and the corporate blog.
“With our corporate blog, we want to set a precedent for greater openness and transparency,” explains Dr. Lach. “Web 2.0 gives us the opportunity to actively look for dialog, demonstrate closeness with our target groups and promote trust in DVAG. Blogging is a key component of this.“
DVAG’s careers blog plays an important role and not just in the recruitment of new staff.
In mid-October 2009, Planetactive launched DVAG’s careers blog, another web offering from the Frankfurt-based company. Employee communications and the recruitment of skilled advisors are very important to DVAG. Competition for the best employees is tough and the demand for skilled advisors is huge. On the new website www., a team of several authors now discusses current topics, reports on everyday professional practice and invites others to join in the discussion. With its consistent use of the opportunities that Web 2.0 offers, DVAG is focusing on closeness to its target groups, transparency and dialog through the digital media. Financial advice has always been a sensitive topic and customers’ need for security, expertise and openness is considerable. Plus, with over 37,000 financial advisors, DVAG knows that it won’t get far without proper communications.
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XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: 360° Headline city marketing des Kapitels in Krefeld
360° city marketing in Krefeld
World record!
The world record has been achieved! At an event that was well attended, a representative from Guinness World Records measured the huge postcard.
Today, digital media are part of every marketing mix and, in some cases, are even taking on a primary role in the execution of 360° campaigns. Campaign-specific websites can often form the center of these marketing activities, allowing the possibility of identification by providing an opportunity for dialog, creating a link between all strategies and including user-generated content. Through an extraordinary campaign, the city of Krefeld has proven how the use of digital media is not only successful in marketing products and services but also leads to new levels of quality and efficiency in city marketing. The campaign was designed and implemented by Planetactive/Neo@ Ogilvy in close cooperation with its sister agency Tillmanns, Ogilvy & Mather and the marketing department of the city of Krefeld.
Strengthening identification
Involving the residents
Krefeld is a medium-sized city in the Lower Rhine area. Located between the larger cities of Duisburg and Düsseldorf, Krefeld has something of an image problem. Although the tradition-rich “city of velvet and silk” offers a high quality of life, it is all too often belittled and the city’s residents don’t identify particularly strongly with their hometown. This is why Krefeld’s Mayor Gregor Kathstede commissioned the creation of a broadly-based, multi-phase image campaign, with Planetactive/ Neo@Ogilvy being responsible for the campaign’s concrete implementation. Supported by their colleagues in the sister agency Tillmanns, Ogilvy & Mather, Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy’s digital marketing professionals were able to demonstrate their 360° expertise while working on this project.
It quickly became clear that city marketing is a sensitive topic that differs considerably from traditional product marketing. Unlike product marketing, city marketing always has to remain authentic because any statements made can be checked at any time by the residents in their everyday lives. In addition, city marketing campaigns immediately become the local topic of conversation and often prove controversial. A high degree of credibility is therefore required.
The briefing for the project made it clear that this was not a traditional outward-focused location marketing campaign, for promoting business or attracting investors, but instead that Krefeld’s residents should be at the center of all activities. The idea was to address the people in an emotive way and highlight all that Krefeld has to offer its residents with the aim of increasing their loyalty to the city in the medium-term.
For the mentioned reasons, the digital marketing specialists at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy decided to place user-generated content at the center of the campaign. This provided an ideal avenue for the city’s residents to get involved while also guaranteeing a high degree of authenticity. Since the campaign was to last a total of three years, the first step included the creation of a campaign motto which should serve as a sort of link between all the campaign’s activities and provide potential for identification. In coordination with the city’s marketing department, the slogan “Krefeld – schön hier” (Krefeld – it’s beautiful here) was chosen as the campaign motto and used as a concise trademark by Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy, thereby effectively conveying the campaign’s key message. In late 2008, the first phase of the campaign (which lasted until mid-2009) was developed. “Through the use of digital media as part of an intelligent 360° campaign, we wanted to take city marketing to a whole new level in terms of quality,” explains Sven Vaders, Account Director at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy. “We decided to invite the residents of Krefeld to document their personal impressions and experiences using photos – optionally with accompanying anecdotes – and share these with others on a website.” Friedhelm Kutz, manager of Krefeld’s marketing department, adds: “This ensured that people would engage with their city in an active and
emotional way and reflect on Krefeld’s many beautiful features.“
Working together to achieve a world record As meaningful as inclusive campaigns are, the critical point is always motivating people to take part. Especially in the initial phase of a campaign, nothing can be left to chance. In the end, nothing less than a world record attempt was decided upon as an incentive to get people to participate. With a little help from the campaign, Krefeld was aiming for a spot in history with a Guinness World Record. The idea was to create the world’s largest postcard from all the photos the residents of Krefeld sent in. In this way, the city’s residents could show the world how beautiful their city really is. The raffling of a Ford Fiesta among all those who participated in the campaign acted as a special incentive to take part. After the campaign idea was approved by the city authorities, work began at full speed with an entire agency team working towards the world record. Firstly, a campaign website ( had to be developed, which was to act as a focal point for all campaign activities.
One universal feature of all the campaign strategies was the campaign logo designed by Planetactive.
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XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: 360° Headline city marketing des Kapitels in Krefeld The residents of Krefeld were able to find information on the campaign and upload their photos on the website.
The web continues to play an important role in the second phase of the city’s marketing campaign.
All information on the world record attempt was available on the website and it was here that people could upload their personal photos and contributions without any hassle. The people of Krefeld were able to view photos already submitted in a gallery, send e-cards, invite friends and acquaintances to take part and learn about events, sponsors and other activities. As the website was being developed, particular attention was paid to ensuring that it was very user-friendly as it could not be just assumed that all those participating would be experienced web users.
Cross-media linking
City lights and billboards were also part of the 360° concept.
Outside the web, there was plenty of other work to be done for the campaign. Numerous strategies were employed to ensure that the world record attempt became a topic of conversation and that as many residents as possible took part. Regular coordination meetings were held between the agencies and the city’s marketing department. Advertising material for billboards and city lights
was created, radio adverts put on air, media plans developed, sponsors sought and integrated into campaign activities and Welle Niederrhein’s support coordinated. Not to mention, the rules and requirements for the world record had to be ascertained from the staff at Guinness World Records and the sequence of events for the actual world record attempt (which was scheduled to take place on May 10, 2009) planned. On January 15, 2009, Krefeld’s Mayor Gregor Kathstede announced the start of this special image campaign. The campaign proved popular immediately with the residents and the regional press gave in-depth reports on the innovative idea. People, including us at Planetactive/Neo@Ogilvy, looked forward in anticipation to the world record attempt. Would enough photos be submitted to create the world’s largest postcard and set a new world record?
While the number of photos submitted to the website grew continuously, there was still a lot to do. Promotion teams were employed to inform people about the campaign and distribute tens of thousands of flyers and car stickers at events like ice-hockey matches, Sunday shopping days or at the Krefeld race course. Meanwhile, at Planetactive/ Neo@Ogilvy, we continued to work towards the event, with lots of minor problems having to be resolved. The printing and transportation of the huge postcard had to be planned and new questions continually popped up for us to ask the people at Guinness World Records. Planetactive/Neo@ Ogilvy’s digital marketing professionals broke new ground time and again working on this project and displayed commitment and enthusiasm all the way.
The biggest postcard in the world The innovative city marketing campaign for Krefeld was a resounding success. The city’s residents really got excited about the campaign and submitted a total of 7,813 photos: enough to create the world’s largest postcard. Now the printing of the postcard had to be arranged – and in light of its world record dimensions, this was no easy feat for the printers. Even transporting the card (for the card to be considered a postcard, it had to actually be sent by post) was not without its pitfalls and had to be carefully planned.
The next phase Those working on the campaign did not have much time to relax after the success of the first phase of the campaign. The pressure was on to start planning the second phase of the campaign, where the residents of Krefeld were again invited to participate, this time being asked to make suggestions on how the city could be made more beautiful and on how to enhance the spirit of togetherness in the city. The motto “Schön hier” was changed – logically enough – into “Schöner hier” (It’s more beautiful here). The popular website remains the focal point of all campaign activities. The 360° campaign for the city of Krefeld impressively shows how city marketing today can benefit from the use of digital strategies and public involvement through user-generated content. If companies/organizations wish to reach people, they should encourage them to take part. It doesn’t always have to be a world record attempt.
On May 10, 2009, it was time for the main event. The entire agency team traveled to Krefeld to experience the campaign’s success first-hand. Surrounded by a colorful entertainment program, the postcard was officially delivered to Krefeld’s Mayor by TNT Express and measured by a judge from Guinness World Records. The old record of 28.8m² was smashed after 15 years and replaced with a new record of 42.294m², giving Krefeld a well-deserved world record.
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XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: NEWS Social Media Monitoring with Radian6 Social media are playing an increasingly important role in digital marketing. Since the middle of this year, Planetactive has been using an account with Radian6, one of the most efficient monitoring platforms for social media, to determine how brands perform in blogs and forums. Radian6 does more than just allow social media to be scanned using search terms – it also offers detailed analysis features to ensure greater transparency.
three new trainess atPlanetactive
Planetactive’s new website has been completed in time for the dmexco. The website is all about brand performance marketing. Those interested can find information as well as case studies on BPM here and can find out what services Planetactive and Neo@Ogilvy have to offer for marketing in the digital age.
Neo@Ogilvy Neo@Ogilvy Düsseldorf started an extensive campaign for Kodak in Germany at the beginning of October entitled “Drucken mit Gewinn” (Print and Prosper). Printer owners can find out how much they overpaid for printing last year than they should have on the website w w Neo@Ogilv y Düsseldorf is responsible for all media planning and execution in print and online media as well as TV. The campaign runs until December 2009.
Planetactive has the interesting task of advising LG Electronics (based in Willich, Germany) on search engine optimization. Seeing as LG Electronics is re-launching its websites worldwide, there is plenty of work to be done by the search engine optimizers. Planetactive is implementing numerous strategies, including keyword research and landing page mapping. As early as the beginning of this year, Planetactive had supported LG Electronics in developing advertising campaigns.
the importance of it security Planetactive is implementing numerous projects for secunet Security Networks AG. The Essen-based company is one of the leading German providers of sophisticated IT security. Planetactive tasks include re-launching secunet’s German and English websites ( / along with providing search engine optimization (SEO) and ongoing support. Planetactive is also developing a CMS-based microsite framework which allows microsites to be assembled in the short-term. These are part of the company’s online campaigns for the second half of the year, for which Planetactive is creating advertising material for both online and print media and will be responsible for media planning and purchasing.
Paid Search: Neo@Ogilvy uses Marin Software Neo@Ogilvy will soon be using Marin Software’s paid search management solution in all its offices worldwide. Marin Software is one of the leading international providers of management programs for keyword advertising at enterprise level. Marin Search Marketer® considerably increases the efficiency of keyword advertising campaigns. The software combines campaign management features, tendering procedure optimization as well as reporting and analysis functions on one platform and can be linked to Neo@Ogilvy’s data management system TEMcontrol. This allows the results of display and search campaigns to be compared and analyzed on a unique user basis.
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360° campaign for Kodak
SEO for LG Electronics New style guide for Raiffeisen Österreich Together with e-force, Raiffeisen’s center of internet expertise, Neo@Ogilvy is revising the internet style guide for the biggest banking group in Austria. Raiffeisen Österreich has been supported for many years in its traditional advertising activities by Ogilvy & Mather and is now taking advantage of the digital expertise of the Ogilvy Group. The first step involved selecting 1,100 existing pages and analyzing them regarding design and functionality as well as looking at their strengths and weaknesses. Afterwards, various design trials and basic layouts were created, both for the public homepage and for the Raiffeisen Club page. The next step involves the detailed design of all website elements as well as compiling the online style guide as a basis for future internet appearances by the Raiffeisen banking group.
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New website is all about BPM
Planetactive is once again providing new training positions this year. On September 1, three young people started on their career path with us in Düsseldorf. Steffen Piper started his traineeship as an IT specialist in the area of system integration while Alena Blass and Thorsten Besancon are being trained as media designers.
Just as with the previous events, Planetactive is ensuring that the Active Experience 09 can also be experienced online ( New features this year include the integration of social media into the marketing concept with profiles for Biotherm Homme being set up on Facebook and Twitter. Numerous fans have already registered and are spreading the word.
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Planetactive puts the spotlight on Biotherm fragrances
With a new Flash website (www.duft-special., Planetactive has put the spotlight on a new special edition of the Biotherm fragrances Eau Pure, Eau d’Énergie and Eau Vitaminée. The core design elements of the special edition, such as birds, f lowers and fruits, are animated on the website and appear in succession. Men haven’t been forgotten either: the Biotherm Active Experience is taking place for the fifth time with this year’s focus on sailing in the Caribbean.
dmexco – a huge success We were very pleased with the dmexco here at Planetactive and Neo@Ogilvy. Our participation and reservation in the Agency Lounge were worth it, with the latter giving us the opportunity to have lots of interesting discussions. The workshop, which included the presentation of an international campaign for Cisco, was also well attended. Matthias Kurwig, COO worldwide at Neo@Ogilvy, traveled from New York for the sole purpose of taking part in the top-quality roundtable meeting.
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New study: Digital Marketing Compass 07
spotlight marketers
While Digital Marketing Compass 06 focused on the attitudes and mindset of European advertisers, the seventh edition of the report from Planetactive/ Neo@Ogilvy deals with the marketers of digital advertising. The study, entitled “Vermarktung von Werbung in digitalen Medien – Erwartungen, Perspektiven und Handlungsempfehlungen” (Marketing Advertising in Digital Media – Expectations, Prospects and Recommendations), was carried out by Planetactive/Neo@ Ogilvy in cooperation with the Swiss consultancy f irm moderning. One of moderning’s key service areas is research into innovation and future trends.
“The price war is slowly becoming less important. In the future, marketers will differentiate themselves more based on the quality of what they have to offer and their use of innovative technologies.“ Monika Herrmann, Managing Director of moderning, Zurich
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XPA 17 ::: planetactive ::: New study: Digital Marketing Compass 07
For the study to be as informative as possible, a combination of primary research consisting of interviews with experts in the sector and secondary research (desk research) was used. The study focused on the German-speaking world, with expert marketers in Germany, Switzerland and Austria being surveyed on the future prospects and success factors for marketing digital advertising. The study points out opportunities and risks that may arise in the sector over the next five years and highlights critical success factors for strong positioning in the advertising value chain. It then derives concrete recommendations from these. The statements made on the public’s advertising preferences and starting points for individualized sales approaches are interesting even for non-marketers.
Country-specific characteristics Overall, the experts surveyed believe the future prospects for marketing digital advertising are good even if the present economic crisis was referenced in many of their answers. The marketers consider Germany, Switzerland and Austria as markets with clear socioeconomic and sociocultural differences. Having specific knowledge of and
consideration for these idiosyncrasies is seen as a critical factor for success. Establishing greater rapport with customers, acquiring more technical know-how, developing tailored solutions and strategic expertise as well as the ability to flexibly address the smallest of market segments are considered crucial for future success.
Wolfgang Lange from Biotherm on luxury brands and digital marketing
„Online marketing should not be considered a luxury in the advertising of luxury brands.“
p to now, luxury brands have not exactly been pioneers when it comes to the use of digital media, with marketing decisionmakers in this segment relying heavily on print media. The latter will continue to be an important component of advertising strategies in the future, but at the same time, more and more companies are recognizing that investing in digital media for luxury product marketing is worthwhile and important for reaching new target groups and communicating in an up-to-date manner.
Individualized sales approach There is general agreement among those surveyed that consumers are becoming choosy, selfconfident and critical partners. They are quite discriminating and know how to use content to their own advantage. Overall, the experts see the necessity for individualization in how customers are approached – an individualization that is valueoriented and carried out on the appropriate platforms. According to those surveyed, it is important that the messages consumers receive through the digital media are also found in other media types. The experts predict that, over the next few years, online advertising used in conjunction with other media will take on a dominant role. The importance of television as an advertising channel is not expected to decline, while the necessity for closer cooperation between online and off line advertising agencies is generally emphasized.
There are huge opportunities for digital trailblazers in the luxury brands segment today because, in contrast to print media, luxury brands have not yet tapped into the online market on a large scale. The web provides an ideal platform for communicating brand values and expertise in detail, such as by publishing research results. Thanks to increasing bandwidths and captivating high-resolution displays, luxury brands can be depicted in an emotional way that arouses desire with moving images.
When it comes to the future significance of social media, opinions are split. Some of those surveyed believe that the current hype will dissipate again. All of them however are skeptical of the value of advertising on social media and stress that, up to now, only occasional financial success has been achieved. According to the experts surveyed, new ideas are needed for the sustainable success and long-term establishment of social media. If you wish to get a copy of the study, please contact Planetactive’s Düsseldorf off ice at
Wolfgang Lange is Marketing Manager at Biothermm
The importance of social media for the marketing of luxury goods is still seriously underestimated. Compared with the general population, people with a penchant for luxury have an above-average interest in Web 2.0 applications: 46% look at usergenerated videos, more than one-third communicate using instant messengers and 36% use online social communities. We had very positive experiences using tailored social media concepts for Biotherm. Users generally have a positive response when a luxury brand presents itself and opens up in Web 2.0 as it helps them develop trust in the brand and the products. New forms of interaction present themselves and the feedback from the target groups can be used to build up marketing intelligence. Finally, online communities draw out that emotional feeling of belonging that is so important for luxury brands and urge participation so that users feel “part of the club“.
According to a study carried out by Microsoft Advertising, the internet will develop sooner or later into a crucial marketing and sales channel for luxury brands. Along with the strategic marketing advantages of digital media mentioned, the commercial component also plays an important role for us. Since October 2009, Biotherm has had its own e-commerce portal,,through which the brand’s products can be purchased online We not only use digital media as a channel for communication now but also as a sales channel. This has long been the case in other luxury item segments such as fashion or accessories. therefore allows us to follow a general trend and reach new target groups that have unique purchasing patterns. We do not see the new portal as a replacement for stationary retailing. This will continue to be Biotherm’s main sales channel, especially since their advisory expertise is of key importance for the company. But the new website does allow us to supplement sales in a meaningful way and close the circle to a certain extent. We can now plan online campaigns through to the very end, measure the success of all strategies employed and optimize them for maximum ROI. For Biotherm in Germany, the incorporation of digital media is no longer a luxury but instead forms a key component of the company’s brand strategy!