What they don’t tell you about internet marketing

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What they don’t tell you about Internet Marketing

FREE EBOOK by digitalldesign


First of all, thank you very much for getting this eBook and for making the commitment to read it and be willing to go for your goals.

We are very please to be able to help you, this is the main reason why we created this Free Ebook. Enjoy the information and the insights. Have a lovely day. digitalldesign team

INDEX 1. Disclaimer 2. Intro 3.

The Truth - what you need to know and they don’t tell you


Stay away - scams and unethical information


Tips and recommendations




The solution (add the about us)


Thank you


What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK


Disclaimer The information provided in this eBook is only for general informational purposes. While you try to keep the information up-to-date, there are no representations or warranties, expression or implications about the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability or availability with respect to the information, products, services, or related graphics contained in this eBook for any purpose. Any use of this information is at your own risk. The author has made every effort to ensure that the accuracy of the information in the book was correct at time of publication. The author does not assume and at this moment disclaims any liability on any party for any loss, damage, or disruption caused by errors or omissions, whether such errors or omissions as a result of accident, negligence or any other cause. This is a free eBook. You are allowed to give it away (in unmodified form) to whomever you wish. This guide is a copyrighted work, provided to you with “All Rights Reserved.” It may not be changed or modified or sold. But, of course, You are allowed to give it away (in unmodified form) to whomever you wish and you can use what you learn here to grow your business. © 2018 digitalldesign.com.au All Rights Reserved.


What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

Intro It is important to know that Internet marketing is not a magic wand that will transform your idea or business into an overnight success. Overnight success is possible when there is a lot of work put in. Preparing for overnight success takes:

Effort + time + discipline + knowledge + action It is highly important to know the truth of what is going on behind the scenes of the Internet marketing and online business, which a lot of companies won’t tell you. The purpose of this eBook is exactly to bring that truth to the surface and present it to you. There are no hidden tricks here; it is all clear and transparent with the maximum of integrity. You are aware that it doesn’t matter how long you have been in business, we all have our quiet days no matter what area of the industry you work in, and sometimes even have quiet months. This is when you have to embrace it and use it as an opportunity to grow your audience and build your business. You should never neglect marketing because you never know what opportunities could open up for you and your business. So where do you start? You might compare yourself to your big budget competitors and think that you are wasting your time. But you will be surprised at the things you can do to generate awareness of your product or service. This is why this eBook is so valuable, because it will offer you the clear and straightforward necessary information that you need to know, and the information that you need to be aware of when starting your online business or taking your business to a higher level.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK


What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

The Truth what you need to know 1) It is not easy to make money just by having an online business It is not a magic bullet to just have a website to make money online, it is possible, but it takes effort, and in some cases, it is hard or harder than having a physical business. An online business requires a lot of preparation, strategy and know-how. You need to be aware of what it takes to have an online business; you need to have the basic foundation set up, it will include but not exclusively: a website, the right valuable and engaging content, the right SEO content, social media, and the list goes on. You need to be active online and offline to have a successful online business.

2) SEO is not the magic wand SEO could be a fraction of the formula for a successful online business. SEO is related to Google search and Google ranking; you just can’t rely on Google to bring your business. There are several cases that online businesses are being successful by word of mouth, referrals, press-releases, etc. Note that if you have very valuable content and spread the word about that product sooner or later, you will get the fruits of that work. People will know about it, and they will keep coming and referring other people, this happens, and as you can see, SEO was not even in the picture, it has grown organically.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

3) Website templates are not the key to success in fact, templates are crap, most of the times they are a patch, a quick fix. They are not very reliable, not long-lasting and they can’t handle many changes without conflicting with the code. The most popular website templates are WordPress, Wix, Magento, Joomla, etc. The standard lifespan of a template is one year, maximum of 2 years, after that they could become obsolete; new themes come up, new changes, new updates, etc. And the old 1-year templates may not support those changes and updates. What happens most times is if you use a template, then if you do or don’t do any customization on it when you update them, it could crash the whole website. In other cases, after 1 year the template is obsolete, that means that there won’t be any chances of updating the theme or upgrading unless you change for another theme. In the end it is a mess, keep in mind that templates are made to fit the purpose for a short time and then move on. On the other hand if you want to use your website just for a showreel or a simple shopfront of your business by all means, that would work for much longer as long as you don’t touch the structure and keep it as it is.

Here’s an outlook of what are the options There are 2 options here: a)

WordPress (or any other templates)


Customised website

a) WordPress – it is the most commonly used website structure at the moment, by using a WordPress template; it is a cheap solution for those who want a quick fix.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

The pros and cons of having a WordPress website: Pros – A website can be created from a question of hours or up to 2-3 days depending on the type of website that you desire. - It is easy to find and implement extra features and plugins. - It is a more affordable solution. - It is cheap. - It is a quick fix. - May look professionally good as a first impression.

Cons - It is a structure that is not very reliable; one significant change/customization could put the whole website structure in jeopardy. - Most times, after a while, the templates won’t support updates, so the website ends up being a liability. It is an uncertainty that could end up being a more costly option. - The lifespan of a WordPress template could be 1-2 years. - The CMs (Content Management System, in some cases, is compli cated for those who are not familiar with websites and coding). - It uses plugins as a setup for features and functionality; this makes it so messy because the more features and functionality you have on your website the higher the risk of code conflict and crash the web site; it is an unstable platform.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

b. Customized/Custom Made website – This is probably the best option in the long run. The pros and cons of having a Customized/custom Made website: Pros – The website will be built exactly the way you desire the most; design and functionality. - It will have the structure working precisely by your preferences; built to last. - The CMs will be tailored in a user-friendly way, easy to understand, easy to use because it can be created the way you wanted and the way you will understand it.

Cons – It is a bit more costly, because it will be tailored to your requirements, but could be well worth the investment.

4) Trusting the Hosting Space Company Trusting the Hosting Space Company to advise you of what you need to have on your website and online business is not a good idea. Hosting Space companies will tell you that you will need a lot of addons to your website or hosting space, but the truth is you don’t. Their business is to sell as much of their products and services as they can. So, if you are not aware of what you need and if you are not aware of what really matters, they will upsell you everything, this will cause you to waste money. Here are some examples:

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

Useless services from Hosting space companies that will be a waste of money for you Email Protection It is almost impossible for hosting space companies to protect everyone’s email. It takes a massive team of people to supervise and control all the hacking that goes with everyone’s email. This is a service that they provide which they won’t be able to accomplish, they would fail at some stage, and they won’t take any responsibility for that.

Site protection Same as the situation above, it is almost impossible for hosting space companies to protect everyone’s email. It takes a massive team of people to supervise and control all the hacking that goes on everyone’s website. If we take the example of Visa and PayPal; these companies have a vast team of people monitoring every transaction that happens through them and even then, they got hacked. This is another service that they provide that they won’t be able to accomplish, they would fail at some stage, and they won’t take any responsibility for that. Domain name Protection Some hosting providers say that they can protect your domain name and personal information from identity theft and scams. It is the same situation as the above ones; It is almost impossible for hosting space companies to protect your domain name. As the examples of Visa and PayPal, It takes a massive team of people to supervise and protect 24/7 everyone’s domain name from hackers. This is another service that they provide which they won’t be able to accomplish, they would fail at some stage, and they won’t take any responsibility for that.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK SEO plans These plans that they offer are the general basic ones. In a bigger internet scale, those SEO strategies are almost meaningless; it won’t make much difference. Be aware that effective SEO strategies take a lot of effort, time and skills, and it is highly costly for companies to do it, especially if they have to do it individually for each of their clients.

What you really need from a Hosting Space company: Domain name You need to have a name to be able to have a website online. Your website/online business has to be called something, so that is why a domain name is crucial. Hosting space This is another crucial point; you need to have your domain name parked/hosted somewhere, so hosting a space is essential. No matter whether you have free hosting spaces or a paid one, you have to get it. Let’s consider this analogy: The domain name is your car or your house. You will need to have space where to put it. The car you have needs to have parking space; it could be on the street, in a carport, in a garage. The house has to be placed in a block of land, can’t be suspended in the air. The hosting is the place on the street, the carport, the garage the land for the house. This way you can understand that you will need both. There is no point in having 1 and not having the other.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

5) Social Media is not the magic bullet Social media is also not the magic bullet, remember that social media is made of people, so they are the target of your product, right? People buy from people. That is why social media works so well. So, if they don’t like your product, they won’t buy it. Additionally, social media can be so powerful that if people have had a bad experience, they will spread the word quickly. So, social media is another important part of the online business foundation; it is essential to have it after you set up the rest of the foundation/system. In the end, it all comes down to having a good quality product or service that should be the 1st aim of your business, thereby offering excellent service. If you start from these 2 when you get to the time of advertising on social media, you will be prepared for successful feedback, in some cases, your services/products can go viral from how good they are. This is gold, this is what people want, and this is what makes a social media campaign successful. If the product is excellent, they will talk about it. If the product is bad, they will talk about it. The difference is if it is good, you will have an abundance of new customers and repeat customers, but if it is bad, no one will be interested.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

6) Digital Marketing is not Internet Marketing IIn our perception, there is a distinction between digital marketing and Internet marketing. There is a slight difference between them. Digital Marketing is related to everything that is digital, related with design, web design, digital personal or business image, animation and digital entertainment. Digital Marketing can include Internet Marketing, can connect with it, but the basic is related to an image. In digitalldesign’s case, the main focus is to start by doing digital marketing and then apply the complementary process that is the Internet marketing strategies. Internet marketing is everything related to sales and selling, advertising with the aim to sell. It may contain digital marketing, but mainly it doesn’t put much effort into that, most of the times Internet marketing companies neglect the importance of having a valuable digital image. You should start with digital marketing to have your product/service image created and then apply internet marketing strategies to generate sales.

Knowledge is being aware of what you can do. Wisdom is knowing when not to do it anonymous


What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

Stay away scams and unethical information 1. Tech Support Scams Consumers are aggressively being targeted (by phone, email and online pop-ups) by fraudsters pretending to represent Microsoft, Apple or other Tech Support companies. Victims are contacted and informed that their computer has been infected with a virus. To “fix� the problem, the victim is directed to a website, asked to provide their credit card information as payment, and told to download an anti-virus program. What really happens: Computer manufacturers will not contact you to let you know if there is a problem with your computer. Computer upgrades, maintenance and virus scanning, are the responsibility of the computer owner. Treat all unsolicited contact via phone, email or popups with scepticism. Never give out personal or banking information to anyone unless you are confident you can trust the source. Be sure to install anti-virus software and update it regularly independently.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

2. Fake Apps Use caution when purchasing retail store or online shopping apps. Counterfeit apps are designed to look and feel like they belong to legitimate retail stores. Some fake apps will inundate you with pop-up junk ads, while others will result in credit card and personal information being stolen, or malware being installed on your mobile device. In some instances, mobile devices have even been locked down and held hostage until a ransom is paid to the scam artist. What really happens: - Be very cautious when deciding what apps to download. Read customer reviews associated with the app very carefully. - Never click on a link in any email to download a new app. Go to the website of the retailer to get a link to the legitimate app in the App Store. If you do decide to use an app, give as little information as possible. - Be very reluctant to link your credit card to any app. If you link it and that app is compromised, fraudsters could steal all your account information.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

TIPS TO AVOID BEING SCAMMED A) Do online searches and researches. Type a company or product name into your favorite search engine with words like “review,” “complaint” or “scam.” Or search for a phrase that describes your situation, like “IRS call.” You can even search for phone numbers to see if other people have reported them as scams. Do some independent research on a website you’re thinking of buying a product from and check out reviews from other consumers. b) Don’t pay upfront for a promise. Someone might ask you to pay in advance for things like debt relief, credit and loan offer, mortgage assistance, or a job. They might even say you’ve won a prize, but first, you have to pay taxes or fees. If you do, they will probably take the money and disappear. c) Consider how you pay. Credit cards have significant fraud protection built in, but some payment methods don’t. Wiring money through services like Western Union or MoneyGram is risky because it’s nearly impossible to get your money back. That’s also true for reloadable cards like MoneyPak, Reloadit or Vanilla. Government offices and honest companies won’t require you to use these payment methods. d) Talk to someone. Before you give up your money or personal information, talk to someone you trust. Con artists want you to make decisions in a hurry. They might even threaten you. Slow down, check out the story, do an online search, consult an expert, or talk with a friend. e) Visit websites that are scam watchers that provides information on the most common types of scams. Here’s an example: https://www.scamwatch.gov.au/types-of-scams

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

A problem is a chance for you to do your best. Duke Ellington


What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

Tips and recommendations 1. Have a website IYes, it is a good start, if you don’t have one, you may need one. Many internet marketers say that nowadays a website is not important anymore. But this may differ for different businesses. An average business needs a website, especially if you need a showreel, it is advised. Other businesses may not need, it depends on the type of activity. Because nowadays by using some innovative strategies, it could replace the website. But if you have a website already, you will have it updated and attractive. So, if this is your case, here’s an idea for you:

Add media to your website if possible You need to be accessible and encourage visitors to interact with you on your website. So, if you have some intro videos for example that will make the visitor more entertained when reaching your website. In some cases, even a ‘live-chat’ option works well as it will give the visitor a friendly greeting and the option to offer quick help. This will keep them from clicking on your site.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

Have an ‘About’ page to your website Explain what your company or who you are. If you have your profile in the About page, people feel that they know a bit about you before they invest their money. People want to know and like who they’re supporting. Have videos Use videos in a lot of your online presence. Bring your brand alive with videos on your website, blog, Facebook, if you don’t have yet start a YouTube channel. It is a very valuable tool to reach out to your target market. People are much more likely to watch a video than read a lengthy statement or click on an unknown link to a website. Here are some ideas of how a YouTube Channel can be of benefit to your business: a. Product Showcase - Showing the latest product launches, even a simple 1-minute attractive footage could be good to have for every new collection, for every new product. b. Demonstrating expertise - A simple descriptive video done on the spot that talks about the Features, Advantages and Benefits of your products and services; creates a valuable liaison with your customers. c. Showing your brand’s “personality” – It is a way to bring an action to your brand. For example by posting a simple video about a group of your target market using the products and talking positively about it and what they like about it. Simple actions like this bring more personality and more connection with its target market.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK d. Solving customers’ problems – This is probably one of the most impact advantages. Businesses are using YouTube to provide solutions for their customers. For example, they post videos demonstrating how to fix something or help troubleshoot common problems with your product. Giving ideas to match outfits for weddings, races, proms, etc. In many cases, you don’t need to spend much money or even money at all because for those cases you can do most of the videos with your smartphone camera, then upload them to your YouTube channel and share the video with your friends and social media audiences.

Write some blogs

A lot of people don’t do blogs because they think it is hard and complicated. Blogging is easy. There are many benefits to having a blog, not only are you engaging with customers, but you can use the target keywords to increase your visibility on search engines and reach your target market. It helps to engage with your target audience.

Have a Facebook Page Not having a Facebook page is like not having a phone number these days. Whenever you post something on your page, it will appear on your followers’ news feed. So you have the opportunity to promote your services, product or special offers at the click of a button. Create an Instagram Page Why is it important nowadays to have an Instagram page? Instagram is a visual-sharing social networking site where you can upload photos and images for other people to see. Instagram is about sharing your photos. People love to look at pictures and be engaged by that. So similar to Facebook, you have the opportunity to promote your services, product or even special offers at the click of a button.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

Add personality to your website and social media accounts People buy from people. That is why social media works so well. Be yourself. You don’t need to go overboard or overthink about the way you introduce yourself, just be you and you will attract the right people. Being genuine and adding value is what people want.

Talk to your customers Engage your customers online and offline, whenever you can. Ask them what it is that makes you their preferred supplier or service provider. Ask them questions. You can start the conversation by thanking them for their business and tell them that you would welcome their feedback. You may be pleasantly surprised, plus it makes people feel good when their opinion matters. Get testimonials There is nothing better than customers being able to read the testimonials of your customers. This is essential for any business. This can show your integrity and the value of your services/business/product. Testimonials will relate with other customers, so they will feel engaged and will be interested in doing business with you. Just make sure you get truthful testimonials and also that you get the customers permission before publishing anything online.

Offer discounts for limited periods It is a good strategy if you can do it from time to time. Offering discounts will create a sense of urgency and encourage people to decide to buy or book now. Make it relevant to the season such as “Summer Special” so that the reader knows it is limited.

Use SEO Keywords We mentioned before that SEO is not crucial to start your business by using an SEO service, but it is important to add to your writing work. Start like this, whenever you write something on your blog or website, make sure you are using the right keywords. Keywords are crucial in keeping you visible online. By doing this bit by bit, it will help the Search Engines. Search engines need to know the content of your website to put it in front of the relevant audience. Then once you up and running and have more budget, you may contract a company to do the SEO for you.

Spread the word Online and offline, there are so many people and organizations that would like to invite skilful speakers. You can contact local social groups, organize coffee meetings or even workshops and talk about your product/service. People love to see that the solution to their problems is available out there, just because you do something easy, doesn’t mean other people do. Find out what it is and go and teach and talk about it.

How to add even more Value Do something for charity You’ve been meaning to do something for charity for a long time, but never seem to get round to it. Well, here is your excuse. It can be your business in many ways. You could get coverage from local media and the charity itself. Join a cause and support them Find a cause that you resonate with and goes along the lines of your values and integrity and use your products and services to help them and support them. Pay it forward. Pay it forward Don’t wait until you are being paid big money to produce quality work. Produce the work, and the money will come.

Our imagination is the only limit to what we can hope to have in the future.

Charles Kettering


What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

IMPORTANT TO KNOW Find a niche If you need the inspiration to find a product or service that you can offer, read comments on websites and social media sites to stand out what repeatedly comes up as a problem for people. Find a way of solving it, and now you have a niche that you know there is a market for. Don’t forget your Social Media Whenever you write something on your blog or website, make sure you are using the right words. Keywords are vital to making you visible online. Search engines need to know the content of your website to put it in front of the relevant audience. So keep on the subject because you will confuse the algorithm. Have excellent customer service Look after your existing guests, and they will want everyone to know about you. It’s the best form of marketing. Not only do you retain your current customers, but you also gain new ones. Monitor your online reputation The Internet has many benefits but as well as building an excellent reputation; it can also ruin it. Avoid this by monitoring all comments on your posts, articles or blogs. Don’t react to negative comments; merely thank them for their feedback.


What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

The solution They say, when there is a will there is a way�, so, there is a way to create an excellent online business structure for your business. You need to contact a company or someone that knows the trades with experience in the field. digitalldesign would like to offer expert services to help you take your online business to the next level up. There are no limits to how high you can take your online business. digitalldesign can offer a whole range of services from graphic design, webs design, video production, Apps, digital magazines, e-learning courses development, online funding campaigns, Social Media, SEO and much more. digitalldesign have been around since the year 2000 and have experimented almost everything, went through all the stages of digital marketing, all the basics and now been updated with the new technologies and online strategies available. We are the experts in the trade.

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK So digitalldesign is ready to help you and your online business Why offering you help? • Because it is the integrity of our mission • We love to help you with useful ideas • Love to Help you to improve and boost your online business • We believe that you can take your business to the next level • Love to see you succeeding • Love to help you be successful • Because we love to do this and enjoy a great lifestyle

From your Idea, we create a Concept and make it a Reality. So feel free to contact us for a free business appraisal.

Whenever you see a successful business, someone once made a courageous decision. Peter F Drucker

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK


What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

Thank You

I want you to know how much I appreciate your time in reading this eBook; your reading time is very valuable to us. I would like to thank you from the bottom of the heart. I wish that this information could help your online projects and business flourish and grow grandiosely. If you have any question or doubts, feel free to contact us, I would love to help you. Warmly Johnny CEO of digitalldesign.com.au and all The team at digitalldesign e: info@digitalldesign.com.au web: http://www.digitalldesign.com.au

What they don’t tell you about internet marketing - FREE EBOOK

Do what you can, where you are, with what you’ve got. Theodore Roosevelt

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