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“ Say YES to life ”


ho I am

Trish Murray is probably one of the most optimistic persons that you’ll ever meet in your life. She is a self-motivated person who always sets herself to overcome any obstacle that comes her way. She is bubbly, confident, happy, and always moving forward. It can be said with utter confidence that she is a true YES to life. It goes without saying that nothing gets in her way or takes her out of her willingness to live her life in a positive manner. This explains why she has that constant drive that is not only contagious but inspiring as well. What makes Trish such an ideal person is that she doesn’t leave anything undone, no regrets and no dramas. And at the end of the day, even after all the action she still manages time to be with her family and loved ones. For her, spending time with important people in her life plays a crucial role in inspiring her to become a compassionate yet powerful person.

“You could call me low maintenance, with a high need for fun and/or intrigue.�


T Story RISH

In my early 20’s, I started my own modelling agency and promotional company. While I was busy doing business, I thrived on the success of others, which as it turns out, is an important element to be a good agent.

When people shared with me their plans and goals, I would listen and encourage them to keep moving forward, no matter how big the challenge first appeared. This included connecting them to other people I would know would be a positive influence on helping them reach their goals. Turns out I am a pretty good connector. Organically, I turned this skill into a business. For example, if a company wanted to launch a new product, I knew how to bring all the elements and right people together. This might include models, sound technicians, staging crew, and special effects, from musicians to magicians! You name it.


INSTALifestyle The more I did events such as these, the more successful they would be and the more ambitious they became. Organisations now trust me. This is an example of how my business prospered for over the first ten years. In 2004 I tasted international success when two of my models hit the big time. The first was Jennifer Hawkins who won Miss Universe. Six weeks later, Gemma Sanderson won Australia’s Search for a Super Model. Both gorgeous girls were already successful, however this attention torpedoed them onto the international modelling scene. That level of success is rare so on the back of those events, and my own new family, that year I sold the agency to a well-known TV personality. It was about this time, a close friend and I invented the Yummy Mummy Body Wrap. The Body Wrap was aimed at pregnant women (just like both of us at the time), to assist wearing our normal clothes, pretty much right throughout pregnancy. The Yummy Mummy Body Wrap is one Item – worn 3 clever ways. Women loved our ethos of pregnant women being celebrated, sexy and unashamedly feminine. Media attention helped drive the success of the product and before we knew it, we had taken the label internationally. In particular, the Japanese market loved our new brand. While creating a fashion product was incredibly challenging and a massive learning curve, it is still one of the proudest things we had both ever done. Following on from the success of Yummy Mummy Body Wrap, Westfield and other national brands invited me to join their fashion marketing teams. I was engaged as a Fashion Stylist and together, we created the space to connect fashion with shoppers. While at the time I didn’t consider myself a fashion stylist, when an opportunity knocks, I had learnt the advantages just say yes and go for it. I helped fashion brands find the right tools to help women (and men), buy clothes and accessories personally suited to them covering off their individual colouring, their own body shape, individual lifestyle and personal budget.


INSTALifestyle For me, I know that all opportunities have high value. The magic is learning how to spot and listening out for these types opportunities. However, we often we play the “I’m too busy”, game and miss the moment and therefore miss the opportunity. The interpretation of a breakthrough for me is growth. I have learned a lot in my life by embracing challenges and saying a big enthusiastic YES to opportunities that come my way. I would not have learned nearly as much if I’d said no. Finally, my beautiful aunt often reminds me … “Life is Not A Dress Rehearsal.” Great words to live by so please feel free to borrow them.

“Life isn’t A Dress Rehearsal”

Trish Murray


Breakthrough Is because I say, YES! TO THE OPPORTUNITIES Yes. Saying yes and looking at the “How” after. Just say yes. And say yes to growth. Don’t say yes because, you’re only saying yes because, you think it’ll make loads of money. This to me is based on financial success. And that is nice, we all like it. We all want it. But it’s not the only measure. I think it’s about, opportunity knocks, you say yes, then you will work ‘How to do it” the next week. It is really good to acknowledge and give yourself a pat on the back and just go: You know what? ‘that was awesome that I said yes, even though I was completely fearful, I did it anyway’.






When it rains...

“If there is water, I’m playing in it. I am drawn to rain showers, a bubbly brook or the ocean. I am at my happiness when I can hear, see or smell water.” What is Your Approach to Living Your Life? I believe that life really becomes vibrant when you make the best of presented opportunities. For me, a person who takes every opportunity on board never says that his/her life is boring or dull. As a matter of fact, that person’s life becomes incredibly dynamic. I believe in dynamic planning for life. This means that I have to be really organized and have a plan for my wage, my month, and my year. At the same time, I have to be prepared to make instant changes and have myself prepared for any scenario. So, if someone says, we’re trying to shoot this tour but we cannot do that now because of some complications, I say ‘aw, that really sucks because I was just coming for this project’. However, I don’t fall apart because things didn’t go as planned. Instead, I continue with the plan. I tell myself that one of the opportunities got away but I can still make the best of it and work on other parts of my life. This means that I might visit my corporate clients, meet different people or reach out to loved ones I haven’t seen for ages.

“Do more of what makes you happy”



n e e u Q

Be Your Own

It is because I’m not a person who sits down going, ‘ah, this entirely sucks’. I try to do other stuff instead of remaining bound to anything. It is important for everyone to always have an alternative plan. I’ve noticed that lots of people get really bound to stuff. I want to say one thing to them: Just let go of anything that is holding you down! There is a beautiful breeze, sun shining, there’s shopping and a lot of amazing stuff to do. Why cancel your plans or just feel disappointed? We’re living in Australia, what are you talking about! It is important to understand that we become fulfilling prophecies. So, you become what you say you are. When you say that I’m too fat, I’m too thin or I’m not so rich, the whole world and universe are listening to you. I am going to give you an interesting life lesson. Some people have all the money to buy anything in the world and yet they are still unhappy.


INSTALifestyle My vision is that “stuff” doesn’t visit you in hospital. When your chips are really done and you’re in hospital, the ones who turn up are your friends and loved ones. So, the bottom line is that you can make plans but try to enjoy life to its fullest. One of the things that I do in my life is to inspire others. Not just women but everyone and that’s why I do workshops, speeches, etc. I have been really busy inspiring international people and changing lives of others. Going, thank you so much you changed my life and I look at myself differently, which is really, really beautiful. After all, I have to walk the talk. All in all, my aim is to inspire others and create a positive impact on their lives. It is really beautiful when someone tells you that ‘thank you so much, you have changed my life’.

“Just relax and enjoy LIFE.”

“Surround yourself with beautiful things.”




I am passionate about helping people align their outward appearance with their inner beauty. I want them to feel like a rock star – on the inside. With 30 years expertise in the fashion and beauty industry, I unpack “presence”; and demonstrate the power of your own presence by teaching the tools that model’s and celebrities’ have used for years. My hardness ever assignment was to style a blind lady while filming for the TV show “Random Act of Kindness” She was not expecting me and I needed to dress for her a special gala event she didn’t know too much about. Why explaining to her why I was recommending what she should wear, it dawned on me that she had never seen colour. Therefore I had to explain colour via other senses such as touch and smell.. It was extremely rewarding because I had to dig deep and walk a day in her shoes. She was so inspiring. The night of her big reveal, her fiancé, who was also blind, came and thanked me for making her look so beautiful. He of course couldn’t see her, but for him, she was shining from the inside out. It was an experience I will never forget and totally crystalized why I am so passionate about what I do for a living.

“Kindness is always fashionable.”


“Secretly, I am a ship spotter. Marine traffic is my computer home page and I have binoculars at all my ocean facing windows.�


Girls just wanna have fun. In my past life, (if you believe in that, even just for fun), I think I must have been a Sulphur-crested cockatoo. These birds are cheeky and playful. I am a coffee snob; coffee and beautiful soft sheets. The rest, all the other stuff, I am not precious about. You could call me low maintenance, with a high need for fun and/ or intrigue. But secretly, I am a ship spotter. The Marine traffic app is my computer home page and I have binoculars located near all my ocean facing windows. The bigger and ugly the ship the better; like freighters and aircraft carriers.


I am a tree hugger

I simply love tr





I am a tree hugger – I simply love trees. I am in awe of how a forest communicates. We can learn so much if we just sit still at the foot of a large tree, while remind ourselves how old the beautiful tree is, how slow they grow and how all the trees and plants are all work together for their own survival. Simply breathtaking.

“Surround yourself with

beautiful things.”

I LOVE WHAT I DO Everyone has his or her own passion It’s about having the courage to find out what your passion is. You will already know what your passionate about because it’s the same thing that really turns you on. Don’t worry about the money. The money will come. When asked what was my breakthrough moment, there wasn’t any one moment in time. A breakthrough is constantly taking place. A breakthrough is an attitude. A breakthrough is to be present in the moment and nourishing yourself with good vibes of possibilities.

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HAPPY In your professional life, you get surrounded by people of different types of nature. How do you deal with them? It’s a really cool and positive thing being around positive people. But it is not all rosy; in my professional life, I don’t always have a choice whom i spend my time with and sometimes, I have to spend time with people who may have negative energy. It can be very draining and that’s why I am protective about where i spend my time, when I can choose. Helping someone feel good about themselves is not draining if they really want to change. in fact it’s invigorating! I try to guide them as much as I can. However in a social setting, I have a choice and I make the best of it by hanging around people with a like minded mindset. Yes, we all have our good and bad days, there is a real difference, however I do not try to help those people who are always trying to get the attention of others for all the wrong reasons.




INSTALifestyle Simply take a break and enjoy. Beautiful things can come in small doses.


BEINGNow! ME What is Your Daily Day Life?

Well, I’m very lucky where I live so most mornings I try to get up really early and go out for some walk. I am happy to walk on my own but often I walk with family or friends. We’re on the east coast of Australia and that’s why we get up pretty early, just before the sunrise. The sun rises over the beach and the sight is just so stunning that it leaves you in awe. After walking on the beach, the morning walk concludes with coffee, the end game is, coffee. And then I head straight home. By the time I’ve reached home, I’ve already kind of gone through what will be the plan for the day. Because I’ve got so many things to do, my day always varies. For instance, it could be about heading to corporate space to teach presence, or going into a training session for a High School, maybe marking assignments for the Australian College of Professional Styling, working with a client for a One on one session, catching on my content or workshop notes or running errands. My plans can change at the very last minute due to various reasons such as the weather, people not showing up for a one-on-one session, emergencies, etc. Needless to say, it is about having a plan and most importantly, having dynamic planning. I just cannot spend all day doing one thing. Most of my mornings are spent working on a certain part of the business and the afternoons are spent doing something entirely different. But usually, I split up the work to make everything easy and interesting.


“It is essential that you re-energize and regroup yourself. It is like dating yourself.�

INSTALifestyle The other thing is, good fuel for my body is really important. For me, healthy food is an essential fuel for my body. And it’s difficult to maintain a healthy diet because I have such a sweet tooth. So, I’ve got to be really mindful of what type of food I’m putting into my body. Given that I know the difference between good and bad food for my body, it is also hard to stop the urge of eating something that you really love. For instance, I would prefer to eat cake, but I know that it doesn’t work in my favor and even though it gives me instant gratification, but it doesn’t help the rest of my day. And because I’m not a gym junkie, I have to be mindful of what I eat. I’ve got to look after my mind and body if I want to deliver my very best. I’ve understood one thing that if you want to deliver the best, you’ve got to treat your body like it’s your engine – right fuel and maintenance matters. My whole world is on a Google calendar. If it is not written down, I end up not doing a lot of stuff. I try to be highly organized but sometimes I’m very dynamic with planning. Unexpected things happen, especially if you’re a parent. For instance, all of a sudden, one of your kids calls you up and tells you that ‘hey, I need your help or could you come to pick me up’ and then there is this parenting thing on at 3 o’clock. Hence, I have to put everything on hold if my children need me. I am lucky that I can be picky about who I spend my time with. I’m very fortunate I get to pick: Who I work with, when I work. I get to pick and choose a lot. So, I’ve got a little rule that I started for myself. I made this rule because I get invited to a lot of events such as openings and stuff like that. Therefore, I have put this unwritten rule around myself that I only do something every second night. It’s not an unbreakable rule, it works like this; if I go out on Monday, then Tuesday night I am at home and then I go out on Wednesday.


INSTALifestyle For example, if I am attending an event tomorrow, I’m watching Netflix and spending time with my family tonight. It’s a great way that helps me in controlling where my energy goes. Sometimes people say that “oh, you’re doing things all the time”. Well, that’s entirely true. However, what they don’t see is that I manage to distribute time between my professional life and family. And I think that it is actually really important for everyone. It is essential that you re-energize and regroup yourself. It is like dating yourself. In other words, it is like saying that ‘tonight I am going to have a bath, watch my favorite TV show/movie, and regroup’. So, there is no wasted time. In fact, this helps in acquiring mind peacefulness and tranquility in life.

I manage to distribute time between my professional life and family. And I think that it is actually really important for everyone.



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This is my motto:

“Your vibe attracts your tribe” 32

m l a c y Sta and e f i l y enjo Trish


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InstaLifestyle THANK YOU h c u M y r e V

Thank you my beloved readers and followers for reading InstaLifestyle and most of all thank you for being a part of this journey. Thank you very much Trish Murray for being a valuable part of this project and for being so supportive.

INSTAlifestyle was developed and created by digitalldesign with the collaboration of Trish Murray. For any enquires email: Follow us on Instagram: instalifestyle_lux and digitalldesign_lux

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