Menu Pinsa's

Page 1 Freshly cooked to order Vers bereid terwijl u wacht

Antipasti Starters - Voorgerechten

(V.): vegetarian food

1 Pane - 1,60 (V.) toasted bread / brood geroosterd Sneetje

2 Pane con olio - 2,60 (V.) toasted bread and extra-virgin olive oil / brood geroosterd Sneetje n extra vierge olie

3 Piccolo antipasto - 3,50 (V.) piadina and extra-virgin olive oil / Piadina en extra vierge olie

4 Olive - 3,80 (V.) Italian olives with toasted bread / groene Italiaanse olijven met brood geroosterd Sneetje

5 Antipasto Formaggi - 10,50 (V.) buffalo mozzarella, gorgonzola, brie, scamorza

6 Piccolo Sauté di Cozze- 10,50 mussels with white wine and parsley / Mosselen in witte wijn en peterselie

7 Prosciutto di Parma e Bufala - 11,50 Parma, buffalo mozzarella, artichokes / Parma ham, buffelmozzarella, artisjokken

in the picture: PIZZA EYE ( mozzarella, spicy sausage, spinach, smoke cheese, gorgonzola cheese and egg)

7 Affettati Misti - 12,50 Parma, salami, lonza, cheese and artichokes / Parma ham, salami, kaas en artisjokken

Pinsa’s Awards 1° Italian Pizzeria in Nederland 26° Italian Pizzeria in the World

8 Gamberetti al Vino e Martini - 14,50 Prawns with garlic, herbs, white wine and Martini / Garnalen met knoflook, kruiden, witte wijn en Martini

TOPPER 2012 1° Italian Pizzeria in Amsterdam

Bruscettone Sneetje geroosterd brood 13 Classico - 7,20 (V.) Fresh tomato, mozzarella and garlic / Verse tomaat, mozzarella en knoflook

14 Acciughe - 7,80 anchovies and mozzarella / ansjovis en mozzarella

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DE VISU MELIUS QUAM DE AUDITU GAUDERE Spaarndammerstraat 770 - 1013 TJ Amsterdam

Tel. +31 (0)20 386 86 80 Mobiel +31 (0)61 7194923

15 Tonno e cipolla - 8,50 Tuna, onion and mozzarella / Tonijn, ui en mozzarella

16 Scamorza e prosciutto - 8,80 smoked cheese and prosciutto / gerookte kaas en ham

Insalate Salade

(V.): vegetarian food

13 Scamorza e Rucola- 6,80 (V.) smoked cheese, rocket salad and bread / gerookte kaas, rucola en brood

14 Scamorza, Rucola e Parma - 7,80

Lasagna Lasagne is een eeuwenoude schotel die zijn oorsprong vindt in het oude Rome, zo’n 100 jaar voor Christus, ten tijde van Cicero en Horatius. Onze Lasagne is bereid met verse, eerlijke ingrediënten en verse, zelfgemaakte pasta. De bolognese saus heeft vier uur lang gekookt.

Parma, smoked cheese, rocket salad and bread / Parma, gerookte kaas, rucola en brood

15 Insalata della Teresa - 8,50 (V.) Cucumbers, tomatoes, cheese, olive and oregano / komkommers, tomaten, kaas, olijven en oregano

9 Caprese con mozzarella di bufala - 12,50 (V.) tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and basil / tomaten, buffelmozzarella en basilicum

Carne Main courses - Hoofdgerechten 25 Prime Rib eye steak - Entrecôte - 26,50

Grilled steak with fresh tomato / Gegrilde Biefstuk met verse tomaat note: A cut from the rib, it is one of the most popular steaks because of its excellent flavor and tender texture.

Zuppa Soup - Soep

Pizza Rossa With tomato sauce

16 Zuppa di pomodoro - € 5,40 (V.)

(V.): vegetarian food

Tomato Soup / Tomatensoep

17 Zuppa di verdura - € 6,80 (V.) Vegetable Soup / Groentesoep

Lasagna e Ravioli

Main courses - Hoofdgerechten 23.1 Lasagna alla bolognese - 13,50 23.2 Lasagna con verudre (V.) - 14,50 10 Gnocchi di Patate con pesto (V.) - 12,50 wit ricotta and spinach / met ricotta en spinazie

24.1 Ravioli ricotta e Spinaci (V.)

Gnocchi It has been a traditional Italian pasta type of probably Middle Eastern origin since Roman times. It was introduced by the Roman legions during the enormous expansion of the empire into the countries of the European continent

wit ricotta and spinach / met ricotta en spinazie

MEDIUM 10 stuks - 10 pieces -

9,00 € / Large 15 stuks - 15 pieces - 13,50 €

27 Origano - € 7,50 (V.) with tomato and oregano / met tomaten en oregano

28 Marinara - € 7,80 (V.) with tomato, oregano and garlic / met tomaten, oregano en knoflook

29 Margherita - € 9,50 (V.) with tomato, mozzarella and basil / met tomaten, mozzarella en basilicum

30 Acciughe - € 9,80 with tomato, mozzarella and anchovies / met tomaten, mozzarella en ansjovis

31 Siciliana - € 10,00 with tomato, mozzarella, anchovies and capers / met tomaten, mozzarella, ansjovis en kappertjes

32 Matriciana - € 10,20 with tomato, bacon, onion and pepper / met tomaten, bacon, ui en peper

24.2 Ravioli con Südtiroler Speck e Provola

33 Funghi - € 10,50 (V.)

wit Südtiroler Speck e Provola (smoked cheese) / met Südtiroler Speck e Provola (gerookte kaas)

with tomato, mozzarella, mushrooms / met tomaten, mozzarella, champignons

MEDIUM 10 stuks - 10 pieces -

10,50 € / Large 15 stuks - 15 pieces - 16,20 €

Südtiroler Speck Speck is a distinctively juniper-flavored ham originally from Tyrol, a historical region that since 1918 partially lies in Italy. Speck's origins at the intersection of two culinary worlds is reflected in its synthesis of salt-curing and smoking.

34 Vegetariana - € 11,00 (V.) with tomato, mozzarella and grilled vegetables / met tomaten, mozzarella en gegrilde groenten

35 Prosciutto e Zucchine - € 11,50 with tomato, mozzarella, prosciutto and zucchini / met tomaten, mozzarella, ham en courgette

36 Prosciutto e Funghi - € 11,80 with tomato, mozzarella, ham and mushrooms / met tomaten, mozzarella, ham en champignons

Pizza Rossa With tomato sauce

(V.): vegetarian food

Pizza Bianca Without tomato sauce

37 Prosciutto Fumè - € 11,80

44 Vegetariana Bianca - € 11,50 (V.)

with tomato, mozzarella, cooked ham and cheese / met tomaten, mozzarella, ham en gerookte kaas

mozzarella and grilled vegetables / mozzarella en gegrilde groenten

38 Parmigiana - € 11,80 (V.)

45 Chile Habanero - € 11,50 zeer scherpe!

with mozzarella, tomato, grilled eggplant, basil and Italian parmesan cheese / met mozzarella, tomaten,

with mozzarella, sausage and chile habanero / met mozzarella, chile habanero en saucijs

gegrilde aubergine, parmigiano kaas en basilicum

46 Primula - € 11,50 (V.)

39 Quattro Stagioni - € 12,50

mozzarella, arugula, fresh tomatoes, Italian cheese / mozzarella, rucola, verse tomaten, italiaanse kaas

with mozzarella, tomato, ham, Italian artichokes, black olives and mushrooms / met mozzarella, toma-

47 Provola Chic - € 12,50 (V.)

ten, ham, italiaanse artisjok, zwarte olijven en champignons

mozzarella, provola, mozzarella and dried tomatoes / mozzarella, provola, mozzarella di bufala en

40 Salame e Peperoni - € 12,50 New recipe! With schiacciata Romana!

gedroogde tomaten

with salami, peppers, black olives, mozzarella and tomato / met salami paprika, zwarte olijven, mozza-

48 Boscaiola - € 13,50

rella en tomaten

mozzarella, Italian sausage and mushrooms / mozzarella, Italiaanse saucijs en champignons

41 Margherita Chic - € 13,50 (V.)

49 Frutti di Mare - € 15,50

with tomatoes, buffalo mozzarella and fresh basil / met tomaten, buffelmozzarella en basilicum vers

with seafood / met schelpdieren

Extra (Pizza)

42 Gustosa - € 13,80 (V.) tomatoes, mozzarella, gorgonzola and red endive / tomaten, mozzarella, rood andijvie en gorgonzola

43.1 Tonno e cipolla - € 12,50 with tomatoes, mozzarella, tuna and onion / met mozzarella, tonijn en ui

43.2 Tonno e Carciofi - € 13,50 with tomatoes, mozzarella, tuna and Italian artichokes / met mozzarella, tonijn en taliaanse artisjokken

43.3 Parma e carciofi - € 15,80 tomatoes, mozzarella, prosciutto di Parma© and Italian artichokes / tomaten, mozzarella, prosciutto di

Calzone Gevulde Pizza + Salade

€ 1,20 Olijven/olives € 1,80 Rocket salad/rucola/basilicum € 2,00 Mushrooms/champignons € 2,20 egg plant/Aubergine courgette/zucchini € 3,50 mozzarella di bufala

Parma© en Italiaanse artisjokken

Waarom onze Pizza Speciaal is! Wij gebruiken een van de betere mixen van Italiaanse meelsoorten: Soya-, graan- en rijstmeel van biologische teelt. Het meel heeft 48/72 uur rustig kunnen rijzen, wat de verteerbaarheid ten goede komt. De Pizza is: - dun - knapperig - licht verteerbaar - laag in caloriegehalte. Hand gerolde pizza, gebbakken op steenplaten.

50 Vegetariana - € 12,80 (V.) mozzarella and grilled vegetables / mozzarella en gegrilde groenten

51 Prosciutto e Funghi - € 13,80 with tomato, mozzarella, ham and mushrooms / met tomaten, mozzarella, ham en champignon

52 Marchigiana - € 15,80 with mozzarella, fresh mushrooms and sausage from Marche / met mozzarella, verse saucijs uit Marche en champignons

The reasons why our pizzas are special! We use one of the best Italian mixtures of flour: bio soybean, wheat and rice flour. We leave our dough to rise for 48 hours. Features of our Pizza: Thin - Crispy - Low calorieand - Light - Easily Digested

Spaarndammerstraat 770 - 1013 TJ Amsterdam

Tel. +31 (0)20 386 86 80 Mobiel +31 (0)61 719 49 23

Pizze gourmet Luxury Pizza 43.1 Carbonara -€ 11,80 with bacon, eggs end mozzarella / met spek, eieren en mozzarella

43.2 Gorgonzola - € 12,50 - nieuw recept! with Gorgonzola en pine nuts / met gorgonzola en pijnboompitten

Pizza del mese Pizza van de Maand 43.12 Eye Pizza € 15,80 -


mozzarella, meat, spinach, smoked cheese, gorgonzola cheese and egg / mozzarella, ham, spinazie, gerookte kaas, gorgonzola kaas en ei

43.15 Veggie Pizza (V.) - € 12,50 - NEW! Tomato, garlic, artichokes, mushrooms, grilled peppers, olives and zucchini / Tomaat, knoflook, artisjokken, champignons, gegrilde paprika, olijven en courgette

43.3 Rucola Chic - € 13,80 Dried tomatoes, arugula, olives and mozzarella / Gedroogde tomaten, rucola, olijven en mozzarella

Pizza in honor of the new film museum in Amsterdam: EYE Film Institute Netherlands EYE Film Institute Netherlands is located in Amsterdam in the Netherlands. It includes a cinematography museum formerly called Filmmuseum, founded in 1952. Its predecessor was the Dutch Historic Film Archive, founded in 1946. The museum was situated in the Vondelparkpaviljoen since 1975 and in 2009, plans were announced for a new home for the museum on the northern bank of Amsterdam's waterfront. It is open from April 2012

43.4 Pizza Boerenkool - € 13,80 - winter alleen! met Boerenkool, bacon en mozzarella

43.5 Sei Formaggi (V.) € 14,80 with mozzarella, provola, gorgonzola, goat cheese, parmiggiano, brie

Pizza for two Luxury Pizza

43.6 Pizza 50mila € 15,80 New recipe! with Mozzarella, Lonza (it's a traditional Italian cold cut - salume - made from pork) rosemary and

43.13 Pizza Russian Roulette € 32,50


Double pizza with double toppings: mozzarella, tomato, mushrooms, ham, olives, smoked cheese and arti-

43.7 Pizza 1861 € 15,80


with tomato, mozzarella, pesto, pine nuts, rocket, buffalo mozzarella and fresh parsley / met toma-

Info Pizza Russian Roulette: in a slide of pizza we put "Red Savina pepper" (one of the world's hottest

ten, mozzarella, pesto, pijnboompitten, rucola, buffelmozzarella en verse peterselie

chilli) and then twirls the pizza. You then choose a piece of pizza... If you’re lucky, your anxiety reaches a

43.8 Pera e Gorgonzola (V.) € 16,80

peak you never knew existed before. If you’re know the answer...

with mozzarella, gorgonzola en verse peer / met mozzarella, gorgonzola and fresh pear

43.9 Tartufo Nero(V.) € 18,80 with mozzarella, black truffle cream, truffle oil, fresh mushrooms, brie, parsley / met met mozzarella, zwarte truffel crème, truffelolie, verse champignons, brie, peterselie

43.10 Tartufo Bianco e Rucola (V.) € 23,80 with mozzarella, white truffle cream, fresh mushrooms, rocket, parsley / met mozzarella, witte truffel crème, verse paddestoelen, rucola, peterselie

43.11 Tartufo nero esclusivo(V.) € 35,80 with mozzarella, sliced truffle, truffle oil, fresh mushrooms, brie, parsley / met mozzarella, truffel gesneden, verse paddestoelen, brie, peterselie

Infans Menu Kind's Menu 62 Pizza Margherita - € 6,50 (V.) 63 Pizza Prosciutto - € 6,80 64 Pizza Olive - € 6,80 (V.) 65 Pizza Salami - € 7,80 66 Pasta e pomodoro - 6,00 (V.) tomato sauce and basil / tomatensaus en basilicum

e y th l n o s use e uct d W o t pr s e n fi taly I f o

67 Pasta Bolognese - 7,50 with sauce bolegnese

68 Lasagna alla bolognese - 7,80 Spaarndammerstraat 772 - 1013 TJ Amsterdam

Tel. +31 (0)20 3375021 Mobiel +31 (0)61 7194923


Beverages Dranken

70 Torta al limone - € 6,50 with lemon / met citroen

71 Tiramisù - € 6,70

74 Normal 0,20L - € 2,30

72 Torta al cioccolato € 6,80

Coca-Cola/Fanta/Sprite/Ice te

75 SanPelegrino 0,20L - € 2,30

with chocolate / met chocolade

73 Gelato € 7,50

Limonata/Aranciata Rossa/Chinotto

73.1 Pizza dolce con nutella e noci € 12,50 for two persons

75 Water 0,33L

with nutella, cream and nuts / met nutella, slagroom en noten

76 Water 050 L Chaudfontaine - € 3,80

73.2 Pizza dolce con mele € 13,50 for two persons

78 Juice Apple juice/orange juic - € 3,60

with organic apples, cinnamon and cream/ met biologische appels, kaneel en slagroom

78.1 Chocomel Cold / koud

Chaudfontaine -

€ 2,30

- € 2,60 / Hot met slagroom - € 3,20

78.2 Fristi - € 2,60 79 Schweppes Ginger Ale / Bitter Lemon - € 3,60

Birra Menabrea Made in Italy

Success and recognition permeate the story of the company: from the first diploma of honour long ago in 1882 till the medals at the World Beer Championships of Chicago USA in november 2008: gold medal for Strong and Amber, and silver for Blonde in their respective categories.

The best Italian beer in the world!

gi Lui ab n Me

rico e d Fe 809 1 rea

Vino Wine/Wijn 82 Vino della Casa 82.1 0,50 L - € 8,50 82.2 1,00 L - € 15,50

83 Vino della casa Glas/Glass - € 3,50

Birra Beer/Bier 80.1 Moretti

84 Vino in bottiglia € 18,50/40,00 bottled wine / gebottelde wijn

€ 3,30 (Italian bier)

80.2 Peroni € 3,30 (Italian bier)

Prosecco & Champagne

80.3 Manabrea Bionda € 3,70 (Italian bier) 80.4 Heineken

€ 3,20

80.5 Heineken Oud Bruin € 3,80

80.6 Grolsch € 3,20 81. Strongbow € 3,20 (Cider bier)

94 Prosecco biologische 94.1 Glas/Glass - € 4,50 94.2 Fles/bottle - € 27,50 95 Spumante Italiano - € 35,50 96.1 Laurent Perrier - € 75,00

Spaarndammerstraat 770 - 1013 TJ Amsterdam

Tel. +31 (0)20 386 86 80 Mobiel +31 (0)61 719 49 23

96.2 Moet Chandon Champagne - € 85,00 96.3 Veuve Clicquot Champagne - € 95,00

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