Heart Of Texas Today September-October 2015
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Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
Heart Of Texas Today Sept.-Oct. 2015
Publisher Alice Sadler Graphics & Production Golden Monkey Productions Head Writer David Blackburn Don’t Scare Me, I Poop Easily.
7 The Need for a Real Estate Professional 9 True Or False: Vehicle Warranty 10 Me-Ma and the Devil go Trick-or-Treating
Contributing Writers Kelly Dooley David LeMeilleur Denise LeMeilleur Lainie Johnson
14 Hill Country Jamboree
R. D. Shade
16 Interacting with your Newborn
TD Cooper
18 Me-Ma and Christopher C. Tarantula 22 Halloween Party Foods 26 Border Collie Mania
Nancy Foster Illustrator Border Collie Mania Layne Roach
Cover Photography 31 Renowned Artist Headline at Museum Courtesy of of Western Art’s 32nd Annual Art Show and William Kierce Exhibition
To Advertise Call 830-370-9257 0 370 9257 www.heartof h texastoday.com The Opinions expressed in Heart Of Texas Today are those of the advertisers and writers. And not necessarily those of this magazine.
“Come , little leaves,” Said the wind one day, “Come to the meadows With me and play: Put on your dresses Of red and gold, For summer is past, And the days grow cold.”
SHERMAN & CO., REALTORS ® 819 WATER STREET ONE SCHREINER CENTER 68,7( ‡ .(559,//( 7; OFFICE: 830-257-7588
%($87,)8/ &86720 +20( %8,/7 ,1 Located in Kerrville’s newest 55+ Gated Community. Over 3000 sq. ft. plus 2-car garage & covered porch. &DOO (G RU .HOO\ ± 2QO\ ± 0/6
GENTLEMAN’S RANCH CLOSE TO TOWN!!! Gorgeous Tuscan home on 79+ rolling ag exempt acres located just outside Kerrville city limits. Wonderful views from the large covered back patio. Fenced & cross-fenced property great for horses or cattle. 1600-sq. ft. storage barn or workshop. Now offered at $1,750,000. MLS #87754 Call Joann Faust or Kelly Dooley to schedule your private tour!
*(7 $:$< )520 ,7 $// Remodeled vintage cottage on very private acre. :RRG Ã&#x20AC;RRUV )LUHSODFHV LQ RXW 3ULYDWH ZHOO ([WHULRU SDLQW MRE LQ SURFHVV &DOO .HOO\ WRGD\ ± 0/6
&86720 +20( 21 $&5($*( 3757-sq. ft. home with workshop & game room. Ag Exempt / No restrictions / Close to town :LWK $FUHV 12: RQO\ 2U :LWK $FUHV 12: RQO\ &DOO .HOO\ ± 0/6 RU
V HZ L 9
)$%8/286 52&. +20( ,1 1257+:(67 +,//6 *UHDW URRP 5HF URRP 0RWKHU LQ ODZ 6XLWH :RRG Ã&#x20AC;RRUV &DOO -RDQQ RU .HOO\ ± 1RZ RQO\ ± 0/6
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
%5 %$ 0,' &(1785< &+$50(5 *RUJHRXV ZRRG Ã&#x20AC;RRUV 0RGHUQ NLWFKHQ PDVWHU VXLWH &DOO -RDQQ RU .HOO\ 1RZ RQO\ ± 0/6
)RU 6DOH RU /HDVH %($87,)8/ 72:1+20( ,1 5,9(5+,// $5($ 2 BR, 2-1/2 BA with nice covered patio. )RU /HDVH DW PRQWK )RU VDOH DW &DOO .HOO\ WRGD\ 0/6
Residential Lots & Land $&5( %8,/',1* 6,7( ,1 +817 Area of nice homes. HOA river park and 90+ acre area for hiking, birding, etc. 5('8&(' WR 0/6 &DOO .HOO\
Commercial Properties G
Joann Faust, Agent (830)-329-2902 Joann@ShermanCo.com
29(5 ,1&20( 352'8&,1* $&5(6 21 7+( *8$'$/83( 5,9(5 Restaurant, Beer Garden, B&B Rooms, Cabins 2QO\ 0/6 &DOO -RDQQ RU .HOO\
Ed Hamilton, Broker Assoc.
Kelly Dooley, Agent (830) 459-0452 Kelly@ShermanCo.com
(830) 739-0056 Ed@ShermanCo.com
SHERMAN & CO., REALTORS ÂŽ 819 WATER STREET ONE SCHREINER CENTER 68,7( Â&#x2021; .(559,//( 7; OFFICE: 830-257-7588
Possible Owner )LQDQFLQJ 64 )7 %8,/',1* ,1 :(67 .(559,//( 0.344-acre lot on main artery near Junction Hwy. 3RVVLEOH RZQHU ÂżQDQFLQJ ZLWK JRRG GRZQ SD\PHQW &DOO (G RU .HOO\ 2QO\ Âą 0/6
/$5*( 2)),&( :$5(+286( %8,/',1* )25 /($6( *RRG YLVLELOLW\ DQG DPSOH SDUNLQJ &DOO .HOO\ WRGD\ VT IW IRU PRQWK 0/6 VT IW IRU PRQWK 0/6
The Need for a Real Estate Professional
by Kelly Dooley, Realtor ÂŽ
VT IW %8,/',1* 21 %86< &251(5 $W WKLV SULFH FRQVLGHU DOO XVHV Walk-in cooler. Many updates 2006-2010. 5HGXFHG WR RQO\ &DOO (G RU .HOO\ Âą 0/6
Commercial Lots & Land
+,*+ 9,6,%,/,7< &200(5&,$/ $&5( property in Kerrville. City utilities available. 0/6 2U FDQ VHOO DV WZR VHSDUDWH DFUH ORWV DW HDFK &DOO (G RU .HOO\
The hot days of summer will soon be replaced by chilly mornings and evenings. Our recent rains gave us a EULHI UHVSLWH IURP WKH GUDXJKW EXW DUHD ZLOGÂżUHV UHPLQG us of the effects of dry summer heat. Meanwhile, more homes have sold in the U.S. since )HEUXDU\ .HUUYLOOH KRPH VDOHV KDYH GHÂżQLWHO\ peaked, and residential rentals are in demand. This upward real estate trend is welcome, and adds even more reasons why it is so important that sellers and buyers are assisted by experienced real estate agents. Unforeseen challenges wait around every corner during the course of a transaction; and selling and buying real estate becomes more complicated every day. The most recent changes were originally scheduled to take effect August 1st, but the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has announced a delay to October 3rd, in order to give lenders, title agents, and real estate professionals additional time to prepare for the changes. Any loan applications received October 3rd or later will be subject to the new regulations that require predetermined time periods and processes for buyers to receive adequate notice regarding mortgage loan details. These changes could result in mortgage loans taking longer to process. 7KH FRQWHQWV RI WKLV DUWLFOH DUH WKH RSLQLRQ RI .HOO\ 'RROH\ D professional real estate agent with Sherman & Co., RealtorsÂŽ in .HUUYLOOH 7H[DV 2WKHU SURIHVVLRQDO UHDO HVWDWH EURNHUV DQG DJHQWV PD\ GLVDJUHH RU KDYH RWKHU YLHZV
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015 7
You don't have to be an expert to know that preventive maintenance is the best way to make sure your vehicle is running properly. Call us at 895-2888 to schedule a Multi-Point Inspection for your vehicle, our ASE Technicians have the skills, knowledge and combined over 100 years of experience to know how to maintain todayâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s vehicle.
7+( ',(6(/ '5
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Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
We thanked her and said we were going to Me-Ma’s, which was just half a block away and we’d be careful. As they rode off Willa Dean leaned out the back window and screamed, “I bet it’s Marvin Hancock. I saw him stealing stuff at the carnival.” J.D. and I agreed that Marvin was probably the one. He was four years older than us and meaner than snake spit. So we got a good grip on our bags and headed to Me-Ma’s. If she was in a good mood, maybe she’d fix us a cola to go with the pop-corn balls. When we got close to her house some big kids, maybe three or four, all wearing masks, jumped out of the bushes and demanded our candy. J.D. ran, keeping a grip on his hard won treats and I followed right behind. We flew like the wind and when we got onto Me-Ma’s porch one of the kids yelled, “Go on inside, Chickens. We’ll be here when you come back.” Pounding on the door brought Me-Ma out with a large tray on which rested the remains of a pyramid of golden brown, succulent pop-corn balls. She took one look at us and knew something was wrong. At the kitchen table (and yes, we got cola with our pop-corn balls) we told her about how Willa
Dean told us about the crooks and then how they tried to take our candy. She laughed out loud--the first time, I think, since Poppy died. “You know,” she said when she calmed down. Your Great-Grandma, ‘Old Mother’, held off the raiding troops with a shotgun when they tried to take her horses during ‘The War’.” I knew when she said it like that, that she wasn’t talking about either of the World Wars. Nope. This was the ‘War of Secession’. “I still have that gun, you know.” She got up from the table and went into the pantry. When she came out she was carrying the shortest shotgun I’d ever seen. “My father sawed the barrels off before he left to war. It spreads the shot wider. ‘Course she’ll knock you flatter’n a pancake with her kick. Let’s see if she’ll still work with a little rock salt.” Me-Ma slipped out her back door, real good for an old woman like her I thought, and cut through her vegetable garden toward the sidewalk out front. We knew that’s where Marvin and his gang of miscreants were waiting, lusting after the candies and treats we had worked so ard to acquire.
At the kitchen table (and yes, we got cola with our pop-corn balls) we told her about how Willa Dean told us about the crooks and then how they tried to take our candy. She laughed out loud--the first time, I think, since Poppy died. “You know,” she said when she calmed down. Your Great-Grandma, ‘Old Mother’, held off the raiding troops with a shotgun when they tried to take her horses during ‘The War’.” I knew when she said it like that, that she wasn’t talking about either of the World Wars. Nope. This was the ‘War of Secession’. “I still have that gun, you know.” She got up from the table and went into the pantry. When she came out she was carrying the shortest shotgun I’d ever seen. “My father sawed the barrels off before he left to war. It spreads the shot wider. ‘Course she’ll knock you flatter’n a pancake with her kick. Let’s see if she’ll still work with a little rock salt.” Me-Ma slipped out her back door, real good for an old woman like her I thought, and cut through her vegetable garden toward the sidewalk out front. We knew that’s where Marvin and his gang of miscreants were waiting, lusting after the candies and treats we had worked so ard to acquire. J.D. and I went out the front door as instructed and within seconds they were on us like the proverbial duck, taking us like Patton took Sicily. “Hand it over, Fat-heads,” the easily recognizable voice yelled. That was immediately followed by a deep voice from the corn rows blaring, “Satan is calling you home!” With that Me-Ma let loose a blast into the air. Well, it scared me and J.D. and we knew something was going to happen. But the other three were caught totally by surprise. On the second shot Me-Ma herself howled, “Hell-fire and Damnation!” Those kids ran. They fell, ran, fell and then ran some more. Marvin went over the curb and I swear there was a loud crack before he shrieked and ran off. They were gone faster than lightning. J.D. and I went to the fence and Me-Ma was sitting on the ground laughing. The first blast had thrown her back between the corn and the second blast came when she made contact with the ground. We laughed so hard we had to go back inside and get some more cola and pop-corn balls to calm us down. And we all agreed that the puddle left on the sidewalk showed just how brave Marvin and his gang really were. Next day was even better when Marvin showed up downtown with a broken arm. When people asked him what happened he said the devil had come on him while he was Trick-or-Treating and he was lucky to get away alive. Sounded fine but me, J.D. and Me-Ma knew what had happened. Now I’m the only one that knows.
Have a Horrific Halloween 12
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
5.0 Star Rating 7/11/2015 â&#x20AC;&#x153;I have called them numerous times. Each time, they have been very respectful, do honest work, and have affordable prices. I would recommend these guys to everyone!! They were available the day I needed them instead of making me wait a week or two before they could come out. They make me feel like a priority. They will get the job done and you will thank yourself for calling them!! I'd give them more stars if I could..."
Melanie H. Kerrville, Tx
7/11/2015 "Kerrville Plumbing Communicated very effectively so I knew what to expect. They resolved my problem effectively and professionally. The problem could have been much more disruptive and costly. Job Well Done."
Jim Huddleston Kerrville, Tx 6/11/2015 "Great service and good people very reliable and fast service thank y'all for all the great service."
Kyle Lewis Kerrville, Tx
Sarah Roach and Craig Sadler along with their daughters; Ellie, Catty and Kora are happy to announce their marriage on July 5, 2015 in Kerrville, Texas
Heart of Texas Today | September-October 2015
THANK YOU to Sherman & Co., Realtors®, Hardin Plumbing, Hardin Heating & Cooling, Kerrville Construction, Gardens at the Ridge, Mini Mart, and other local businesses and organizations for jumping on board!!! These businesses and others are giving back to the community by bringing you the Hill Country Jamboree, a monthly show featuring classic country music by the Jamboree Band with Reuben Darnell, family-friendly comedy skits, and guest stars. Every show is unique, and may include variety acts such as magicians, cowboy poets, cloggers, line dancers, etc. The finale of every show will be the Gospel Minute, when a moral Biblical viewpoint will be shared along with gospel music. Events will be BYOB, and soft drinks, setups, and snacks will be available for sale. A large dance floor is also available. Round tables each provide seating for 8 to 10 people. The Hill Country Jamboree is scheduled for the second Sunday of every month, beginning September 13, 2015, 3:00 to 6:00 pm, in the beautiful heated and cooled Blue Sage Hall at 3044 Junction Highway in Ingram. The Hill Country Jamboree has been created with 3 goals in mind: 1) To provide family-friendly entertainment that celebrates our Texas heritage. 2) To promote local businesses and organizations as sponsors. 3) To “give back to our community” by assisting in fundraisers and activities benefitting local families and organizations. Community businesses, organizations, and individuals have the opportunity to support the Hill Country Jamboree as sponsors, allowing standard ticket prices to be available to the public at only $10 for adults, $8 for children 6 to 17, and free entry for children 5 and younger. This is a win/win situation for the citizens, as well as for local businesses and organizations. Sponsors will receive recognition at the shows and in various degrees of marketing and advertising. There are three levels of sponsorship available, with costs of $100/month, $250/month, or $500/month. Commitments for sponsorships range from 3 months to 12 months. A 5% discount is offered for 6-month commitments, and a 10% discount is offered for 12-month commitments. As the need arises, the Hill Country Jamboree will be assisting in fundraisers and other activities benefitting local families and organizations. For example, our November 8th show will be dedicated to assisting Mini Mart with a $50,000 pledge to COTA, the Children’s Organ Transplant Association, which will benefit a local teen in need of a liver transplant. Our December 13th show will benefit local families at Christmas. Auditions to perform in the shows will be held periodically. Please contact us regarding sponsorships or auditions. Tickets are now available at www.BlueSageHall.com/tickets. We hope to hear from you soon regarding your participation in this awesome community project!!! ,ŝůů ŽƵŶƚƌLJ :ĂŵďŽƌĞĞ Ͷ W͘K͘ Ždž ϭϮϳϰ Ͷ /ŶŐƌĂŵ͕ dĞdžĂƐ ϳϴϬϮϱ Ͷ ϴϯϬͲϰϱϵͲϬϰϱϮ Ͷ <ĞůůLJ ΛŽŵŶŝŐůŽďĂů͘ŶĞƚ
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
Dusty Britches ͞DĂƐƚĞƌ ŽĨ tĞƐƚĞƌŶ ^ǁŝŶŐ͟
“Original Sound” of The Gibson Sisters
Olla Mae Crabtree “Everybody’s Darlin”
2nd Sunday of Every Month, 3:00—6:00 pm ůƵĞ ^ĂŐĞ ,Ăůů͕ ϯϬϰϰ :ƵŶĐƟŽŶ ,ǁLJ͕͘ /ŶŐƌĂŵ͕ dy Adults $10 / Children 6 to 17 $8 / Children 5 & Younger FREE BYOB — ^ŽŌ ƌŝŶŬƐ͕ ^ĞƚƵƉƐ͕ ^ŶĂĐŬƐ ǀĂŝůĂďůĞ >ŝŬĞ ŽƵƌ &ĂĐĞŬ WĂŐĞ͕ ,ŝůů ŽƵŶƚƌLJ :ĂŵďŽƌĞĞ͕ ĨŽƌ ƵƉĚĂƚĞƐ͊͊͊ dŝĐŬĞƚƐ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ EKt Ăƚ ǁǁǁ͘ ůƵĞ^ĂŐĞ,Ăůů͘ĐŽŵͬƟĐŬĞƚƐ
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Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
Interacting with Your Newborn Interacting with your newborn child is vitally necessary in order for your child to develop into an emotionally healthy individual. Even when your baby is very young and may seem unable to communicate, it is important that you interact with him. We use a class that is called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Eye Contact Means Loveâ&#x20AC;?, because that is one of the crucial ways that we communicate love to our newborn child. Our actions show our love much more than us mouthing the words would do. Playing with your child, making eye contact, holding her close enough that she can clearly see your face are all ways of showing your child that you love her and showing her how to have a relationship with you. A child will survive if they are parked in a car seat over in the corner of the roomâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;out of the way. But, if you want your child to thrive, you must spend time WITH him. Interaction with your newborn is best when it involves your eyes and your voice and skin-to-skin contact. Avoiding eye contact can cause a baby to stop developing. This is very serious and is called â&#x20AC;&#x153;Failure to Thrive Syndromeâ&#x20AC;?. Looking into your babyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s eyes speaks as loudly as words. Start early to show him you love him in a meaningful way by making eye contact. Avoid punishing your baby by avoiding eye contact. This is a particularly harsh emotional treatment to your baby or even to adults in your life. Children live what they learn. Using eye contact, either by avoiding it or by showing disapproval with your eyes can impact your childâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s ability to make friends later in life. Your baby will cry for attention. Sometimes that attention needed is a diaper change, or feeding, or sheâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not feeling well, maybe the temperature is off, or a variety of other reasons. Always give your child attention when heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s crying for it, but be sure thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not the only time you give him attention. Be sure to some times, when heâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s not crying for attention, get down on the Ă&#x20AC;RRU ZLWK KLP DQG MXVW WDON WR KLP DQG PDNH H\H FRQWDFW PD\EH ZKLOH KROGLQJ KLV KDQG RU KLV OHJ for that skin-to-skin contact. 5HPHPEHU WKDW H\H FRQWDFW IXOÂżOOV KHU HPRWLRQDO QHHGV DQG KHOSV KHU WR IHHO ORYHG 6PLOing while you make eye contact is reassuring to your child, itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s comfortingâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;it shows your child unconditional love. And, after all, isnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t that what we all want?
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
New Location Open Across from Brownâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s Drive-In
Many New Unique Items for Sale
Expires 10-31-2015
Â&#x2122; (VVHQWLDO 2LOV WR ,PSURYH \RXU Health & Well Being All Natural 3URGXFWV Â&#x2122; &RQFHDOHG +DQGJXQ 3XUVHV Â&#x2122; /DUJH 6HOHFWLRQ 2I .QLYHV Q 2 2I . .QLYHV Â&#x2122; Unique Gift Items ms Â&#x2122; %LNHU $FFHVVRULHV LHV Â&#x2122; Leather Apparel el
W d S t 10am-5pm Wed-Sat 10am 5
Creative Cakes by Sharon Dessert Studio
Order your Cakes and Cookies for Pre & Post Game Parties and 5th Quarter Help SSupport Local Cancer Patients 40% of the proceeds from the pink ribbon cookies goes to help local cancer patients, Help fight this heinous disease
830-895-CAKE (2253) 203/205 Earl Garrett, Kerrville, Texas Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
Columbus Day wasn’t a big deal in our town. Once school started the first major holiday wasn’t until Halloween until Mrs. Felcher, a new teacher who only lasted a year in Parson’s Nose, tried to make LW LQWR D ELJ HYHQW (YHU\RQH LQ RXU FODVV KDG WR PDNH SRVWHUV RU ZULWH DQ HVVD\ RU D SRHP DERXW &ROXPEXV DQG Isabella and the three ships. I remember JD, my best friend, got real confused in his poem. He wrote DERXW WKH WKUHH VKLSV FRPLQJ WR $PHULFD DQG KRZ WKH 6DQWD 0DULD KLW DQ LFHEHUJ DQG HYHU\ERG\ drowned except the women and children. He also almost failed American History when he got to High School. I did a big poster showing the ships out on the ocean with sea gulls flying all around and a whale LQ WKH ZDWHU 0UV )HOFKHU KDG DUUDQJHG IRU RXU ZRUN WR EH SXW LQ WKH ZLQGRZV RI DOO WKH VWRUHV XS DQG down Main Street. I was assigned one of the front windows of the “Roach’s Groceries and Staples” store. It was run by Mrs. Bertie May Roach, widow of the late Bertram Roach, and she insisted her name was pronounced “Roash” ‘cause it was really a French name and not the name of “some vile bug”. She was a sort of cousin of mine. My Me-Ma and my Great-Aunt Mattie were sisters and Mrs. Roach was Mattie’s daughter. For some reason, lost in the distant past, Mrs. Roach and my mother had a falling out so I wasn’t too well acquainted with her though I was friends with her granddaughter Harriett. 18
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
Anyway I had to hang my poster in her front window and my mother said there was no way she was going in there so Me-0D KHOSHG PH WDNH WKH ELJ WKLQJ GRZQWRZQ ZLWK WDSH WR VWLFN LW XS Mrs. Roach had a real old-timey store and a lot of the older people preferred it to â&#x20AC;&#x153;Benâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s IGA Grocery Storeâ&#x20AC;? which was a lot more modern. Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s the one my Uncle Sam managed. Anyway, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Roachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;sâ&#x20AC;? was old fashioned. They kept sawdust on the floors. I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know why but WKHUH LW ZDV ,Q WKH EDFN ZDV WKH EXWFKHU shop where Mrs. Roachâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s son-in-ODZ 'LFNLH )UDQN GLG WKH meat cutting. Theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d start the week with a half a cow and cut it down so by Saturday night it was nothing but shin-ERQHV FKHHNV DQG WHHWK OHIW But, the part you need to know is, they didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t lay tKHLU EDQDQDV RXW LQ KDQGV RI IRXU RU ILYH 7KH\ KXQJ WKH ZKROH EXQFK IURP D KRRN LQ WKH FHLOLQJ DQG WKDW WKLQJ ZDV IRXU RU ILYH IHHW ORQJ DQG FRYHUHG ZLWK IUXLW <RX MXVW ULSSHG RII KRZHYHU PDQ\ \RX QHHGHG DQG 0UV 5RDFK ZRXOG SXW WKHP LQ D SDSHU EDJ and mDUN WKH SULFH , ZDV XS IURQW WDSLQJ XS WKH SLFWXUH ZKLOH WU\LQJ QRW WR NQRFN RYHU D GLVSOD\ RI GHQWHG XQODEHOHG cans that were on sale. Me-Ma and Mrs. Roach were passingâ&#x20AC;&#x2122; the time of day over by the refrigerators ZKHUH WKH PLON DQG HJJV ZHUH NHSW ,W was still hot the first part of October that year and hardly any stores had air-FRQGLWLRQLQJ VR RYHU E\ WKH UHIULJHUDWRUV ZDV WKH FRROHVW SDUW RI WKH EXLOGLQJ All of a sudden there was this blood-freezing scream. I turned around, ripping my picture off the ZLQGRZ DQG NQRFNLQJ RYHU WKH DOUHDG\ GHQWHG FDQV 0UV :DWHUV WKH ODG\ ZKR SOD\HG WKH SLDQR DQG WKH organ at the Methodist Church, was clutching her â&#x20AC;&#x153;chestsâ&#x20AC;? as she fell over into the sawdust covered aisle next to the bananas. Mrs. Waters was a big lady. She just naturally filled the whole aisle and it was hard for anybody WR JHW XS EHVLGH KHU WR JLYH KHU DQ\ KHOS 0UV 5RDFK ROGHU WKDQ P\ PRWKHU EXW VWLOO SUHWW\ DFWLYH ZDV there in no time. I guess she was afraid she might get sued or something. Me-Ma was right behind her. After seeing Mrs. Waters had just fainted Me-Ma stood up and was the first to see what the problem was before anyone did. It was two big spiders hanging onto the side of the bananas. They were both as big as saucers. Me-Ma grabbed a SDSHU VDFN RII WKH FRXQWHU DQG FDXJKW RQH RI WKHP MXVW EHIRUH Mrs. Roach grabbed my poster and used it to smash the other one into a smear of goo and hairy legs. %\ WKLV WLPH 0UV :DWHUV KDG FRPH WR DQG LW ZDV WDNLQJ 'LFNLH WKH EXWFKHU DQG D FRXSOH RI RWKHr PHQ WR KHOS JHW KHU XS RII RI WKH IORRU 6KH ZDV D PHVV DQG HYHQ KHU KDLU ZRUQ LQ WKDW ROG KDLUGR FDOOHG D PDUFHO ZDYH ZDV FRYHUHG LQ WKH GLUW\ SLQN VDZGXVW 0UV 5RDFK ZDV EUXVKLQJ KHU RII DQG 'LFNLH ZDV gathering her groceries and purse and other stuff she had dropped.
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so sorry, Doris.â&#x20AC;? Mrs. Roach was almost groveling. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m so sorry but sometimes a tarantula comes in with the bananas. The customs men usually get them and theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re mostly harmless, but, oh, I am so sorry. How about , MXVW JLYH \RX your
forgetâ&#x20AC;Śâ&#x20AC;?â&#x20AC;&#x153;There was more than one,â&#x20AC;? Mrs. Waters yelled EXW \RX FRXOG VHH KHU WKLQNLQJ EHFDXVH VKH NQHZ VKH KDG D ELJ URDVW DQG D FRXSOH RI QLFH VWHDNV LQ EDVNHW SOXV KHU RWKHU JURFHULHV 6KH NQHZ VKH ZDV JRLQJ WR FRPH RXW ahead in this game. â&#x20AC;&#x153;Oh, no, no, dear.â&#x20AC;? Mrs. Roach was everything kind and sweet. â&#x20AC;&#x153;It was just the one and I killed it. See. Here it is. I smashed it with this old piece of pasteboard.â&#x20AC;? 2OG 3LHFH RI 3DVWHERDUG 7KDW ZDV P\ KDQG-drawn and colored epic masterpiece of the first ships WR GLVFRYHU $PHULFD ,W ZDV D ZRUN RI DUW â&#x20AC;&#x153;There was more. I saw at least a dozen and thereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s probably another dozen thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s already escaped into town.â&#x20AC;? :HOO WKH\ NHSW RQ OLNH WKLV DQG TXLWH D FURZG JDWKHUHG HYHQ FRPLQJ LQ RII of the street to see. Me-Ma took my arm and said, â&#x20AC;&#x153;I think Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ll take TD home. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got something in the oven.â&#x20AC;? $V VKH KXVWOHG PH RXW WKH GRRU PH SURWHVWLQJ WKDW P\ DUWZRUN ZDV EHLQJ GHVWUR\HG VKH whispered, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Shut up, TD. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;ve got the other tarantula right here in this bag.â&#x20AC;? :HOO WKDW ZDV VRPHWKLQJ VR , NHSW TXLHW DQG ZH ZDONHG WKH WKUHH ORQJ EORFNV WR KHU KRXVH ,W wasnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t until we were safely inside that she got out a huge glass jar, I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t know why she had it but it FDPH LQ KDQG\ 6KH VKRRN WKH VSLGHU Rut into it and thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s when I saw it clearly for the first time. That was one huge monster spider. I didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t see another one that big until a few years later when the movie â&#x20AC;&#x153;Tarantulaâ&#x20AC;? came out. I saw it at the Saturday Matinee down at the Cornelian Theatreâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;â&#x20AC;&#x153;Air Cooledâ&#x20AC;? by giant fans. The guy who starred as â&#x20AC;&#x153;Topperâ&#x20AC;? in the TV series played the scientist. â&#x20AC;&#x153;That Bertie May,â&#x20AC;? she said. â&#x20AC;&#x153;She should know you donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t kill spiders in the house.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Well, Me-Ma,â&#x20AC;? I said, watching the big thing crawling around in the jar, â&#x20AC;&#x153;Thatâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s a pretty scary thing to have hanging on your bananas.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Everybody knows that a spider in the house may be the soul of one of our departed come for a visit. You should sweep them out gently.â&#x20AC;? Me-Ma was a smart old woman but she had some strange notions at times. 20
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
â&#x20AC;&#x153;Can I have him, Me-Ma?â&#x20AC;? I asked. An idea already working in my mind to make some extra money since Christmas followed close behind Halloween. â&#x20AC;&#x153;For a few days,â&#x20AC;? she replied, â&#x20AC;&#x153;but donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t you hurt Chris.â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Chris?â&#x20AC;? â&#x20AC;&#x153;Christopher C. (for Columbus) Tarantula.â&#x20AC;? So I got Chris, and would throw him a large insect off and on, some of which he ate and others he didnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t and JD and I went into business. )RU WKH QH[W IHZ ZHHNV WKH PRUH WLPLG RI WKH WRZQV KRXVHZLYHV DQG TXLWH D IHZ RI WKHLU KXVEDQGV spRWWHG WDUDQWXODV OXUNLQJ LQ WKHLU NLWFKHQV JDUDJHV DQG HYHQ D FRXSOH RI RXWKRXVHV LQ VHFWLRQV RI WRZQ where there was no sewer system yet. When that happened, JD and I were right there with our A-One spider catcher. It was nothing but a square, hinged woRG ER[ P\ IDWKHU PDGH PH 7KHUH ZDV D ORFN RQ WKH OLG 0H DQG -' ZRXOG FDUU\ WKH ER[ LQWR WKH VXSSRVHGO\ LQIHFWHG DUHD DQG SXW LW LQ D GDUN FRUQHU 7KHQ weâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;d make a big show of dropping a slice or two of banana in a small hole caught in the top. When we rHWXUQHG WKH QH[W GD\ DQG XQORFNHG WKH ER[â&#x20AC;&#x201D;TA DAâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;there it was. Another tarantula caught by TD & JD, Spider Catchers Extraordinaire. At two-fifty a shot we cleaned up and both had enough money before Halloween to pay for any and all Christmas presents that might come up. Me-0D ILQDOO\ JDYH WKH VSLGHU WR P\ FRXVLQ (EHDU ZKR RFFDVLRQDOO\ FDXJKW UDWWOHVQDNHV WR VHOO WR the Brakleberry Reptile Farm, mostly for their Saturday night â&#x20AC;&#x153;snake friesâ&#x20AC;?. I think Chris was still there when the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Reptile Farmâ&#x20AC;? closed in 19 , KRSH WKH\ VHQW KLP VRPHZKHUH QLFH EHFDXVH WDUDQWXODV KDYH been known to live up to forty years if theyâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;re well taken care of. Actually, Chris lived longer than most of the people in this story. Iâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;m about the only one left.
+DOORZHHQ 3DUW\ )RRGV Baked Ham and Cheese Party Sandwiches Makes 8 servings 1 (8 ounce) can Pillsbury® Refrigerated Crescent Dinner Roll 8 thin slices cooked ham 4 thin slices Cheddar cheese, cut into strips Heat oven to 350 degrees F. Separate dough into 8 triangles. Place 1 piece of ham on each triangle; place 2 strips of cheese down center of ham. Fold in edges of ham to match shape of dough triangle. Roll up each crescent, ending at tip of triangle. Place with tips down on ungreased cookie sheet. Bake 15 to 19 minutes or until golden brown. Immediately remove from cookie sheet. Serve warm. Slow Cooker Chicken and Dumplings 8 servings 4 skinless, boneless chicken breast halves 2 tablespoons butter 2 (10.75 ounce) cans condensed cream of chicken soup 1 onion, finely diced 2 (10 ounce) packages refrigerated biscuit dough, torn into pieces Place the chicken, butter, soup, and onion in a slow cooker, and fill with enough water to cover. Cover, and cook for 5 to 6 hours on High. About 30 minutes before serving, place the torn biscuit dough in the slow cooker. Cook until the dough is no longer raw in the center.
Crisp Zucchini Bites with Garlic Aioli Dip Zucchini Crisps: ϭ ůĂƌŐĞ Žƌ Ϯ ŵĞĚŝƵŵ ŐƌĞĞŶ Žƌ LJĞůůŽǁ njƵĐĐŚŝŶŝ͕ ƐůŝĐĞĚ ŝŶƚŽ ϭͬϮ഼ ƚŚŝĐŬ ƌŽƵŶĚƐ 1/2 cup all-purpose flour for dredging (seasoned with 1 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp black pepper) 2 eggs, beaten, for egg wash 1 1/2 cups Panko Bread Crumbs Oil for sautéing (Use something with a higher smoke point like grape seed oil or canola) Garlic Aioli Sauce: 1/3 cup mayonnaise 1 garlic clove, pressed 1/2 Tbsp. lemon juice 1/4 tsp salt 1/8 tsp black pepper How to Make the Best Zucchini Chips: Create an assembly line: In the first bowl, mix together: 1/2 cup flour with 1 tsp salt and 1/4 tsp pepper. In the second bowl, beat two eggs with a fork. In the third bowl, add 1 1/2 cups panko bread crumbs. Dredge all sides of zucchini chips in flour. Next, dip them in the beaten egg mixture; they should be completely coated in egg. Transfer zucchini to the bread crumbs bowl and coat both sides of zucchini with bread crumbs. It helps to scoop the breading on top of the zucchini pieces so when you grab a hold of them to turn them, your fingers won’t get wet and later get so ĐƌƵƐƚĞĚ ƵƉ ŝŶ ƉĂŶŬŽ ƚŚĂƚ ƚŚĞLJ ĂƌĞŶ͛ƚ ƵƐĞĂďůĞ ;ďĞĞŶ ƚŚĞƌĞͿ͘ /Ĩ ƚŚŝƐ ĚŽĞƐ ŚĂƉƉĞŶ ;ĂŶĚ ŝƚ ŵŝŐŚƚ ĚĞƐƉŝƚĞ LJŽƵƌ ďĞƐƚ ĞĨĨŽƌƚƐͿ͕ ŬĞĞƉ calm and wash your hands, then continue. Heat a large, non-stick, heavy bottomed skillet ŽǀĞƌ ŵĞĚŝƵŵ ŚĞĂƚ ĂŶĚ ĂĚĚ ĂďŽƵƚ ϭͬϰ഼ Žŝů ;ĞŶŽƵŐŚ to generously cover the bottom). EŽƚĞ͗ dŚĞ Žŝů ŝƐ ŚŽƚ ĞŶŽƵŐŚ ǁŚĞŶ LJŽƵƌ njƵĐĐŚŝŶŝ ŝƐ ƐŝŵŵĞƌŝŶŐ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ƉĂŶ͕ ďƵƚ ŝƚ ƐŚŽƵůĚ ŶŽƚ ďĞ ƐŶĂƉ͕ ĐƌĂĐŬůĞ ĂŶĚ ƉŽƉƉŝŶŐ ŽƵƚ ŽĨ ĐŽŶƚƌŽů͘ Once the oil is hot, add breaded zucchini chips and sauté about 3 minutes per side or until golden brown on each side. If browning too quickly, reduce heat. Once zucchini are done frying, transfer them to a plate lined with paper towels and serve warm with aioli sauce.
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
1 can Crescent Roll Dough 2 American cheese slices 8 Hot Dogs 16 Candy Eyes Cooking spray Preheat oven to 375. Cut each cheese slice into 4 strips. Unroll dough and separate into 4 rectangles (crimp diagonal cuts in each one together). Cut each ƌĞĐƚĂŶŐůĞ ůĞŶŐƚŚǁŝƐĞ ŝŶƚŽ ϭͬϮ഼ ƐƚƌŝƉƐ ĂŶĚ ũŽŝŶ Ϯ ƚŽŐĞƚŚĞƌ ƚŽ ĨŽƌŵ ŽŶĞ ůŽŶŐ ͞ďĂŶĚĂŐĞ͘͟ 10 pieces, making a total of 40 pieces of dough. Slice cheese slices into quarters (1/2 slice cheese, cut in half). tƌĂƉ ͞ďĂŶĚĂŐĞ͟ ŽĨ ĚŽƵŐŚ ĂƌŽƵŶĚ ĞĂĐŚ ŚŽƚ ĚŽŐ ĂŶĚ ϭͬϰ ƐůŝĐĞ ŽĨ ĐŚĞĞƐĞ͘ Make sure to leave a gap for face. Place wrapped hot dogs (cheese side down) on non stick cookie sheet and lightly spray with cooking spray. Bake 15 minutes or until dough is lightly brown. Place a small piece of cheese where eyes go and place in oven to melt slightly. Place 2 eyes on each mummy.
String cheese currants, small pieces of raisins or other dried fruit or black olives for eyes Ƶƚ ƐƚŝĐŬ ŽĨ ƐƚƌŝŶŐ ĐŚĞĞƐĞ ŝŶ ŚĂůĨ ƐŽ LJŽƵ ŚĂǀĞ ƚǁŽ ͞ŐŚŽƐƚƐ͘͟ hƐŝŶŐ Ă ƐŚĂƌƉ ďŽŶŝŶŐ ŬŶŝĨĞ͕ ƐůŝĐĞ ĞĂĐŚ ƉŝĞĐĞ ŽĨ cheese in half lengthwise, leaving 3/4 to 1 inch connected at one end for ƚŚĞ ͞ŚĞĂĚ͘͟ Cut the two legs in half again half length-ǁŝƐĞ͕ ƐŽ LJŽƵ ŶŽǁ ŚĂǀĞ ϰ ͞ůĞŐƐ͘͟ ŽŶƚŝŶƵĞ ;ŝĨ ĚĞƐŝƌĞĚͿ ƚŽ ĐƵƚ ŝŶ ŚĂůǀĞƐ ƚŽ ŵĂŬĞ Ă ƚŽƚĂů ŽĨ ĞŝŐŚƚ ůĞŐƐ͘ dŽ ŝŶƐĞƌƚ ĞLJĞƐ ;ĐƵƌƌĂŶƚƐ͕ ƌĂŝƐŝŶƐ Žƌ ŽůŝǀĞƐͿ͕ ƉŽŬĞ ƚǁŽ ŚŽůĞƐ ŝŶ ƚŚĞ ͞ŚĞĂĚ͟ ŽĨ ƚŚĞ ŐŚŽƐƚ ĂŶĚ push the two eyes in to adhere. Enjoy!
Jumbo marshmallows Vanilla candy coating/bark Halloween sprinkles orange food coloring Lollipop sticks or straws wax paper Start by laying out some wax paper. Next you can stick the sticks/straws into your marshmallows. Follow the directions on the package to melt the candy coating/bark. Stir in orange food coloring to turn your dipping mixture orange. Pour sprinkles onto a paper plate. Dip your marshmallows into the melted orange candy coating/bark. Allow the excess dip to drip off for a moment and then dip the still wet marshmallow into the sprinkles. Place on the wax paper to cool.
Oreos Chocolate snack pudding cups Ghost Peeps Candy pumpkins Using a food processor or a rolling pin and ziploc bag, finely crush the Oreos. Open up the pudding cups and sprinkle the Oreo crumbs on top. Place a Peep ghost in each cup. Top each cup with a candy pumpkin.
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Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
“Wow!” shouted Denise Mason to her pet store business partner, Jackie Strait. “This could be a border collie record.” Denise set the newspaper down and tore the article out. “I haven’t heard of twelve pups being born of any dog before,” replied Jackie as she walked toward Denise from the back of the store. “Wonder where those dogs came from?” “Well,” said Denise, “the article says they were found in a large box out in the country just a few miles from Waco. The person who found them gave them to the county dog rescue. He was hoping some rancher might be willing to take them and train them to be cow dogs or something. I wonder if the Taylors have seen this. They have some border collies and a big ranch. Should I give them a call?” “Why not?” Jackie said. “Maybe they would at least take some of them and give them a home. Later that day Denise called Mr. Taylor, and he said he would go by the rescue and look at the dogs, but wasn’t sure he would take any home. Denise was hoping once he saw the dogs he would change his mind. After all, who could resist a barrel full of Border collie pups? When Mr. Taylor returned home that night he mentioned to his wife, Cindy, that some Border collie pups were found and were up for adoption. “Would you like to go with me to look at them?” he asked. “Hmm,” replied Cindy, “I sure like Bobby, Becky, and Bingo, but I don’t know if we can handle pups. However, I don’t have anything planned tonight, so why not.” After supper, the Taylors got into their pickup truck and the three dogs hopped in the back. It was a short ten-minute ride to the rescue on the outskirts of Waco. The Taylors pulled the truck up to the one story building and stopped. 26
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
“Here we are,” said Mr. Taylor as he opened the truck door for his wife. “Old Erma McCoy used to operate the rescue, but I haven’t seen her in years. That woman knows her dogs, and you would think they were all her own the way she cares for them.” The Taylors walked through the entryway and into the office area of the building. Erma McCoy got up rather slowly from her chair and greeted them. “How are you Jim Taylor? And who is this with you?” “Erma, this is my wife, Cindy. She operates the flower shop in Crawford. We heard you got in a load of border collies and thought we might look at the little critters. Reckon you can show them to us?” “Oh yes,” replied Erma, “they are the cutest little mess of dogs you have ever laid eyes on, but they sure are a handful. Follow me.” Erma led the Taylors back through a narrow corridor that opened up to a large room with a number of caged areas of various sizes. “I put this bunch in what I call the ‘suite’ since it is so large and there are so many pups. The gals from the pet store were here earlier today helping me figure out just what to feed them. I think they are all about three months old, but I can’t say for sure. Well, here we are,” said Erma as she stopped in front of the “suite” and opened the latch gate. “My stars!” Cindy said, as she entered the large cage with Mr. Taylor. “Have you ever seen so much black and white fur moving around before?” Mr. Taylor got down on one knee, and immediately three pups bounded over to him and put their front paws up on his lap. Some of the dogs were half black and half white, others mostly black with a little white, and one almost all white with just a few black patches. “They sure are glad to see me,” said Mr. Taylor. “I don’t want to burst your bubble, Jim Taylor, but those dogs are glad to see anyone who comes through the gate,” replied Erma as she as she scooped up a couple of the pups and handed them to Cindy. “Now, Cindy, these two seem to have a lot of personality, don’t they?” Cindy held the two squirming packages as they nipped at each other and made little yipping sounds. “These are too cute,” she said as she walked around the cage holding the pups. “Wonder what Bobby, Becky, and Bingo would think of these?” “I have been thinking the same thing,” replied Mr. Taylor. “I could use a few more dogs but don’t know that I could take some and leave the others. They just all seem to go together like matched socks.” “Tell you what,” piped in Erma, “take them all with you for a week or so and start raising them, and I will go about finding permanent homes for them. They Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
are all healthy and have had their shots. Shouldn’t take me long to find some ranchers who need good doggies like these. The ranchers will be more inclined to take them if they know the dogs are out on a ranch already. I’ll bet those dogs all have good herding instincts, and they will develop fast out at your place.” “Well, Cindy, what do you say?” asked Mr. Taylor. Cindy still had her arms full of border collies, and as she put one down, another hopped up onto her. “I guess we can give it a try. They sure are something else. Do these dogs have names yet?” “No,” Erma replied, “the gals from the pet store wanted to name them after the months of the year since there are three females – April, May, and June would be their names. I couldn’t see callin’ a dog February or November though so they are just black and white dogs for the time being. “How do I load ‘em in the truck Erma?” asked Mr. Taylor. “Pull it around back and we can carry them out two or three at a time. One of you may need to ride in the back of that pickup if you want to get them all back to the ranch. These guys don’t hold still like your older dogs.” Mr. Taylor went back to his truck and as he passed by the bed he said, “Get ready, you guys. This could be exciting!” The truck was backed into place and the Border collie pups were brought out. As the last little fur balls were placed in the truck, Mr. Taylor jumped in with them. Bobby, Becky, and Bingo wagged their tails and did their best to step around the twelve pups. All fifteen dogs were on board now and Cindy pulled the truck away. Mr. Taylor waved to Mrs. McCoy and thought he noticed her covering up a big smile with one hand. This was going to be an adventure. When the truckload of dogs reached the Taylor home, Mr. Taylor lowered the gate, and Bobby, Becky, and Bingo jumped down. The pups stopped at the edge of 28
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
the truck and Mr. Taylor lifted each dog out and placed them on the ground. Having been together so long, the pups stayed close to each other. “Guess we need to feed these dogs and pen them up somewhere,” said Mr. Taylor. “That is for sure,” replied his wife. “How about putting them in the barn?” “Good idea,” said Mr. Taylor as he walked slowly toward the barn with all twelve pups trailing him. When the pups were inside, Mr. Taylor closed the door, put a light on and poured some puppy food into three old bowls. Then he filled a large bowl with water and said, “Good night doggies.” As Mr. Taylor walked from the barn to the house, he saw Bobby, Becky, and Bingo stretched out on the lawn. All three looked worn out as a result of the trip back from the county rescue. Mr. Taylor thought back to the time when he first got them as pups. With the morning light came a new day of adventure. Mr. Taylor and his three dogs were up before the pups and had already made a trip to Crawford and back. When Mr. Taylor opened the barn door he was greeted by a chorus of puppy barks. All twelve started jumping up and down as Bobby, Becky, and Bingo stood in the doorway wagging their tails. “Well, doggies,” said Mr. Taylor pushing his cowboy hat to the back of his head, “you are a little too small to herd steers, so let’s see how you act around something more your size.” In a few minutes Mr. Taylor had all twelve pups loaded in the back of his truck. Bobby, Becky, and Bingo jumped on board, and Mr. Taylor drove off very slowly down the lane. Just a mile to the east he brought his truck to a stop in front of a neatly kept ranch house. Before he could unload his cargo, Grace and Bill McNary were out to greet him. “Gracie and Bill, how are you?” shouted Mr. Taylor over the barks of fifteen dogs. “We are just wonderful and so glad you stopped to visit. What in the world do you have in the back of that truck?” “Border collie mania, you could say,” replied Mr. Taylor. “Bill, get the camera,” said Grace as she reached in the back of the truck to pluck one of the fluffy pups. “This will be a picture fit for a Central Texas postcard!”
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015 29
“Gracie,” said Mr. Taylor, “I thought maybe I could try these doggies out on those ducks you keep in back to see if they have any herding instincts.” “Sure, go right ahead. They won’t hurt those ducks. If things get too crazy for them, they will just hit the water.” Bobby, Becky, and Bingo watched as Mr. Taylor carefully lifted a few of the pups out of the truck bed. He placed them on the ground about twenty yards from the nearest duck and slowly backed away. The pups sniffed the ground around them and then bounded toward the ducks. When they came within ten feet of the ducks, the ducks began to move in the opposite direction. “Those two doggies have just learned that you can only get so close to a duck before they turn tail and move away,” said Mr. Taylor. The two pups tried again, and again the ducks moved away. On the third try the dogs did not run toward the ducks but crept slowly around to one side. As they did, they got down low to the ground and became very quiet. This time, they got much closer to the ducks before they moved away. “I think you have some workin’ dogs in this batch, Jim,” said Bill as he snapped a few pictures. Mr. Taylor snatched up the two pups and exchanged them for two more. Before long, all of the pups had been given a chance to move the ducks around. By the time the last two pups had finished their work, all of the ducks had moved into the safety of the water. “Well,” said Cindy, “I didn’t see anything but Border collie in those pups. How did it look to you, Grace?” “All I know,” replied Grace, “is that I want a few of them, so please don’t leave with all twelve.” “Just take your pick,” Mr. Taylor said as he watched his neighbors climb up into the truck bed. When the Taylors drove away, only nine pups shared the back of the truck with Bobby, Becky, and Bingo, and before the day had ended, three area ranchers had visited the Taylors to see the little dogs. By noon the next day the last pup had been taken to a new home. It was quiet again at the Taylor ranch. While Bobby, Becky, and Bingo seemed to enjoy being around the pups, the Taylors could tell that they were glad to be the only working dogs on the ranch again. 30
Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015
Renowned Artists Headline at Museum of Western Art’s 32nd Annual Art Show & Exhibition By Nancy Foster
Karen Cooper works with soft pastels on a blacksanded paper, using negative space to capture the essence of her subject. Her technique is unique and her own creation. This immensely talented Kerrville artist has won numerous awards and participated with her distinctive creations in many exhibitions throughout the country. She is among 52 artists participating in the 32nd Annual Western Art Exhibition and Sale at the Museum of Western Art in Kerrville. The exhibition, which kicks off on September 19 with “The Party”, will run until October 17, 2015. “The Bastion of Light” by Ms. Cooper will be a part of this year’s show. Fifty-two artists from all parts of Texas and as far away as California have been juried into this exhibition which this year consists of 126 works done in a variety of mediums including Bastion of Light by Karen Cooper watercolor, oils, pastel, pencil, Prismacolor, bronze and alabaster. Selected artists have distinguished backgrounds in their chosen field, mostly with concentrations on western art. Among the other Hill Country participants is Stevie Jo Lake of Fredericksburg, whose exquisite copper sculptures capture the essence of their subject with intricate detail. Her entry of “Peacock Mask” is both vibrant and captivating.
Peacock Mask by Stevie Jo Lake
The exhibition is the museum’s largest fundraiser of the year, with proceeds earmarked towards supporting its educational programs and preservation projects. The art show and sale is a fine opportunity to add to your FROOHFWLRQ RI ILQH DUW IRU KRPH DQG RIILFH
In addition to the exhibition, the museum complex includes works from their permanent collection, the Journey West Children’s Gallery, western research library and numerous western artifacts. Hours are Tuesday – Saturday, 10:00 AM – 4:00 PM. The Museum of Western Art is located at 1550 Bandera Highway, Kerrville 830.896.2553 museumofwesternart.com Heart of Texas Today | September - October 2015 31
FIRST SHOW SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 2015!!! Monthly Classic Country Music Show Family-Friendly Comedy
Texas-Sized Dance Floor 2nd Sunday of Every Month, 3:00—6:00 pm Blue Sage Hall ϯϬϰϰ :ƵŶĐƟŽŶ ,ǁLJ͘ Ingram TX
^ĞĞ ƉĂŐĞƐ ĨŽƌ ŵŽƌĞ ŝŶĨŽƌŵĂƟŽŶ͊ See Pagees 14 & 15 for more Information! Like our Facebook Page, Hill Country Jamboree, for updates!!! dŝĐŬĞƚƐ ĂǀĂŝůĂďůĞ EKt Ăƚ ǁǁǁ͘ ůƵĞ^ĂŐĞ,Ăůů͘ĐŽŵͬƟĐŬĞƚƐ