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2 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd Annual Safari 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine “Where Outdoors Meets Industryâ€?
Our Staff
Teffany and Robert Kahn Founders/ Co-Editors
CONTENT 0DNH 0LQH $IULFD By Larry Weishuhn 10. Survey of Professional Hunters By Terry Blaukamp
Kendall Rae Kahn Camo Girl Product & Ranch Reviews
Rod Daigle Senior Industrial Editor
Butch Ramirez
22. Africa Anyone? By Glenn Levitt &DPR *LUO 5HYLHZ By Kendall Rae Kahn
Wildlife Photographer
Dan Verrips Wildlife Photographer
Larry Weishuhn ‘Mr Whitetail� Field Writer
Shamus Dartanyon Political Editor
Jim Miller
31. Africa, A Dream Come True By Lauren Barnard $QG 2Q 7KH 3ROLWLFLDQ 6SHFWUXP By Shamus Dartanyon
Bow Hunting Editor
Efrain Martinez Safety Editor
Jim Sessions Huskemaw Optics/Field Writer
Russell Selle Hunting Consultant
Scott Platzer Industry Writer
Terry Blaukamp Shooting Editor
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C 2014 A Shot of Texas Magazine. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the USA. For current Media Kit, advertising or questions about our Traveling Trade Show contact Rob Kahn. Email rob@ashotoftexas.net 2IÂżFH RU &HOO
3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3
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Larry Weishuhn
PH’s shooting sticks, and with WKH VFRSH¶V FURVVKDLUV ¿UPO\ planted on the hog, I squeezed the trigger. The wart hog went down immediately! Hornady’s 240 grain XTP had done a perfect job. It took but a few moments for me to be at the hog’s side. From that point on I was hooked on wart hogs! Occasionally someone will ask me, “I’m thinking about going to Africa, do you think I should go?” My response is almost always the same, “NO!”, which surprises them. I then continue by saying “There is no way you go to Africa only once!” Africa somehow gets under your skin, in your blood and continually beckons you to return. Since WKDW ¿UVW WULS WR $IULFD , KDYH returned numerous times, and
uuuuuuueeeee! As a youngster growing up in the cattle business we were also in the hog business and had feed lots for both. Thus I grew up with a great respect for hogs, and at times also a great dislike for them. I remember one year having to go into a pen with an irate sow and her little pigs. I jumped in, grabbed the pig my dad wanted to me to pull out so we would work on him. While jumping the fence WR JHW RXW VKH JUDEEHG WKH PLGGOH ¿QJHU RI P\ OHIW KDQG in her mouth and almost jerked me back into her pen. Thankfully I fell outside of small enclosure.
While a Texas wildlife biologist stationed in Abilene, is when and where I started hunting wild hogs. I’ve been fortunate since then, I’ve huntHG ZLOG KRJV LQ VXFK IDU ÀXQJ places as Argentina, Austria, Africa, New Zealand and in the States of California, Ohio and Texas. I’ve chased hogs, true European hogs and feral hogs as well as two subspecies of javelina, collared peccary and
white-lipped. And all those are GREAT fun to hunt. But, I’ll have to admit my favorite wild hogs to pursue are the wart hogs from Africa. , WRRN P\ ¿UVW RQH \HDUV DJR while hunting in the Eastern Cape of South Africa. I shot the largest toothed wart hog I saw on that trip. It turned out to be a big sow, with very sizable teeth. It fell to my Ruger Super Blackhawk Hunter .44
6 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
Mag revolver. We spotted the single wart hog coming out of a brushy draw, this very near WR WKH HQG RI P\ ¿UVW VDIDUL My PH and I quickly got out of the vehicle and took off at a run to catch up with it before it headed into another thorny thicket. I caught up with the wart hog just before it got into the brush. Hurriedly I cocked the singe-action’s hammer, got my revolver set up on the
every opportunity I’ve had I hunted wart hogs. For instance one of my trips which occurred during July, 2013, I had hunted in South Africa for hippo, while a couple of friends hunted lion. From there I went to the Caprivi Strip of Namibia, hunting the Chobe River basin which separates Botswana and Namibia. My primary purpose in Namibia was to hunt Cape buf-
of minutes of shooting light VWDUWHG WKH VDPH ZD\ ZH ¿Qleft.” I followed, bolting in a ished the day before, check300 grain Hornady DGX as ing waterholes and the grassy I walked. I looked back to be plains around them. Again sure Jackson had my BOG we saw sows, pigs and young Gear shooting sticks to use as boars. But no big boars. Dura solid rest. He did! ing the middle part of the day Soon as we got to where we ate our lunch where we we could see the grassy plain could see a grassy plain on next to the water hole we spot- which either side was a water ted no less than probably 30 hole. Elephants and several wart hogs. Three looked big plain game species came to in body. Using his Zeiss RF drink and eat, but no warthogs. As the afternoon progressed binocular, the PH glassed, then it was becoming obvious turned to me. “Three big boars, I might go home this time but let’s make certain they have all their teeth. We’ve got without a warthog, something a day left, so don’t want you I really didn’t want to do. But shooting a boar with a broken I also knew we had to get back tusk.” He continued glassing, to camp before dark to meet as did I, “That boar about 300 with several locals regarding yards at 12 o’clock, has a huge next year’s hunt. We drove back to camp. tusk on the side I can see, one of the better boars I’ve seen 7KLV WLPH , FDUULHG P\ ULÀH in this area. Get ready to take with me to my tent. As I got him. But, don’t shoot unless I close, I glassed the waterhole tell you to. I’ve not yet seen about 35 yards beyond my tent. I could hardly believe my eyes. his other side.” I got the .375 Ruger set on I saw the gray back of what my shooting sticks, and put looked like a big wart hog. my Zeiss’ Duralyt crosshairs Just then it raised its head. It This is the same water hole falo, while a close friend Mike where I knew they should go at was a wart hog, and not only where elephants regularly waRunnels also hunted elephant, that distance, took several deep was it a wart hog, it was a boar! tered, less than 20 yards from this with Omujeve Safaris. breaths and they settled nicely, Quickly I set up my shootmy tent, one of the adventures We were in Africa to hung but high on the boar’s shoulder. I ing sticks, rested the the .375 of hunting in Africa. DOVR ¿OP VHYHUDO HSLVRGHV IRU was ready, all I needed to hear Ruger on them and when the Our hunting techniques remy “DSC’s TRAILING THE Zeiss’s crosshairs settled on was “Shoot!”. volved around driving from HUNTER’S MOON” televimy target’s shoulders I gently But just then the PH said, RQH ZDWHUKROH DQG ³ÀRRG sion show. Although we were tugged the trigger. “Don’t shoot! Only one upper plain” to another; stopping far primarily hunting dangerous The big boar simply sank short of them, then still hunttusk....” We looked at the other game, Mike and I were also to the ground. Moments later ing to the area...sort of a spot two boars they too had broken interested in, but of course, with a fresh round bolted in, and stalk. tusks. We decided to wait until wart hogs. tomorrow... just in case... I stood besides Some of the areas we walked With Mike’s elephant and Next day we were again my warthog! What a way to to were barren of wart hogs, but his and my Cape buffalo “in looking for wart hogs. We end a hunt! we also found numerous sows the salt” being prepared to shipped to the Wildlife Gallery with pigs and young boars, but who does all my taxidermy not old boars. After several Mike Barcelo work. we could concentrate “walk ups” we were beginning Ranch Sales on wart hogs. Interestingly I to wonder if we were going to 830.377.7965 had seen a monstrous tusked ¿QG DQ\ ROG ERDUV ³.QRZ RI wart hog at the water hole right one more waterhole we can behind my tent one afternoon check before we have to head R A N C H E S Owner Financing ZKHQ ZH EULHÀ\ UHWXUQHG WR WR back to camp,” said my PH. pick up fresh camera batteries. We drove by several elephants Unfortunately I had left my on our way to where we hoped Ruger .375 Ruger Guide Gun ZH PLJKW ¿QG ZDUW KRJV Just as the sun was going in the vehicle when I walked to the tent. By the time I returned down we stopped. “Hurry! w w w . m b h u n t i n g r a n c h e s . c o m mike@mbhuntingranches.com with it the old boar was gone. We can be there with a couple 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 7
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By Terry Blaukamp
uring the past years, I have undertaken an intensive survey of African Professional Hunters, (PH’s). Most PH’s have said that there are only two or three times they are scared while hunting, (ok, maybe four): 7KH ¿UVW WLPH LV ZKHQ WKH\ JR WR PHHW a client at the airport that they have never met before, for he has no idea what this guy looks like and what kind of shape he is in and sometimes not even sure if the client is old or young. Second time is when the client opens up his JXQ FDVH DQG WKH\ KHDG IRU WKH ULÀH UDQJH DV Lord only knows what the salesman at the local sporting goods store sold this poor guy. This is especially true since odds are that the salesman hasn’t a clue what the client is goLQJ WR VKRRW DQG WR PRVW SHRSOH D .XGX LV about the same size a Duiker. Usually the client tells the clerk that he is going to Africa and asks what gun does he need? The salesman immediately hands him a .300 Loudenstomper-UltraWounderby with a muzzle brake and a great big scope. The salesman never even asked what he was going to hunt, or at what ranges or conditions game might be encountered. The third time he is scared is when the client wounds a Buffalo, Lion or Leopard, because he (the PH) is the guy who must ¿QG WKDW DQLPDO DQG ¿QLVK WKH MRE 0RUHover, guess who has the best chance of being chewed on?
I’m going to insert a 4th time a PH might get knots in his stomach, and that is when he learns that his client has an uncle that has been to Africa ONCE before. This PHDQV WKDW WKH FOLHQW LV QRZ ÂżOOHG IXOO RI “misleading informationâ€? and is an expert on how to do just about everything.. If ya don’t think so, just watch the TV shows and see how often the client spots the JDPH ÂżUVW \D ULJKW DOO UHFUHDWHG IRU HIIHFW RQ the show) and then tells the PH how they are going to go around and make the stalk. Below is listed the replies of the PH’s contacted. What do “mostâ€? PH’s want a hunter to bring for guns? For Plains game: (Including Leopard) Most important, is that a client bring a gun he is familiar with and can shoot well.
10 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
PH’s surveyed would like to see clients bring the following: 1st choice is some sort of a 300 Magnum caliber 36 votes 2nd choice is 30-06 with 34 votes 3rd choice is 7 mm Magnum with 28 votes 4th choice is 338 Win Magnum with 19 votes 5th choice is a 270 Winchester 17 votes 6th choice is 7 mm STW or any of the ULTRA Magnums For “Dangerousâ€? Game like Buffalo or Lion: 1st. Choice is 375 H&H with 54 votes 2nd Choice is 416 Rem with 11 votes 3rd Choice is the 458 Win or Lott, and 0LVF 'RXEOH 5LĂ€HV
For Elephant, Rhino, or Hippo: 1st Choice is a 458 Win or Lott with 33 votes 2nd Choice is a 416 Remington or Hornady RCM 23 votes 3rd Choice is a 375 H&H, Hornady RCM, or RUM 17 votes Are many of the scopes hunters bring are too big? 48 yes and 5 no. Is there any particular gun or scope that you HATE to see one of your hunters arrive with? First place went to any of the new Remington ULTRA (RUM) Calibers and STW’s. The reason that most everyone hates them is because the recoil is so severe WKDW WKH FOLHQW Ă€LQFKHV DQG WKHQ PDNHV D bad shot. Scopes were not a major factor, except if a variable power, which the client always seems to always have cranked up to the max. Better to set it at 4x or 6x, and then if needed, turn the power up to 9x or 12x. Do very many hunters bring reloaded ammo? YES‌. Which is about half of their hunters? Is there particular factory ammo that you LOVE to see your hunters bring? YES...Federal Premiums with Nosler Partitions, Trophy Bonded Bear Claws or Barnes TSX bullets with 61 votes, Remington ammo with Swift A-Frames 29 votes. PMC or Wby ammo with 14 votes. Nosler AccuBond 9 votes. Do you or any of your PH’s reload? 27 yes 49 no. Do you think that the “Super Premiumâ€? bullets, like Trophy Bonded, Swift AFrames, and Barnes TTSX etc. are worth the extra cost? 69 yes 14 no. How about Nosler Ballistic Tip and Hornady SST bullets, (or actually any bullet with a polymer tip that is not Blue). A simple NO will cover most of the replies. They are too violent on impact, and seriously lack reasonable penetration.
Author Terry Blaukamp with this magnificent Kudu Bull Should your hunters practice more? 77 YES Do reloaders tend to be better shots than those that do not reload? 66 yes 2 no Why? Because they shoot more. Do you like hunters to bring guns with muzzle brakes? 75 NO and 0 yes (Better to bring a smaller gun that kicks less.) If hunting dangerous game, does the client REALLY know what might be in store for him? No way, they watch the videos and see TOO MANY charges, (most of which are allegedly staged anyway.) What they really do not realize is that their little soft bodies are not ready for the bush. They bring Boots that are new and their feet hurt an hour after arrival. There is no way they are ready for a long hard hunt on foot or on their hands and knees. Many clients are there only because they feel it is the “IN� thing to do and they must keep up with the “Jones�, but they are much wiser the second time around.
PROFILE OF THE FIRST TIME AFRICAN HUNTER Based on the information received from almost 100 South African, Namibian, =LPEDEZH DQG 7DQ]DQLDQ 3+ÂśV D SURÂżOH has emerged. 0RVW OLNHO\ WKH ÂżUVW WLPH KXQWHU ZLOO bring a large ULTRA Magnum of some VRUW HYHQ WKRXJK KH KDV D ÂżQH PP 0DJnum or .30-06 at home, as “somebodyâ€? has convinced him he needs a new .300 Magnum Vonloudenboomer just for plains game. 7KH VWRFN RQ KLV ULĂ€H ZLOO EH QHZ DQG shiny, and has a 50/50 chance of a muzzle brake to reduce recoil and kill his PH’s ears. He will shoot ammo or bullets that are going too fast and are of too light in weight for the caliber, like a 150 gr instead of a 180 gr or 200 gr in a .300 Magnum or .30-06. It seems they believe that FASTER is the magic word. Supposedly the FASTER it goes, the better “it killsâ€?, so they use the 140 gr or 150 gr in the 7mm Magnum instead of 160 or 175 gr. bullets. 2XU ÂżUVW WLPH KXQWHU ZLOO PRVW OLNHO\ have a minimum of a 3x-9x scope and most often will have a 3.5x-10x or more RQ LW ,W ZLOO KDYH D JORVV ÂżQLVK DQG no matter what the situation, it will be cranked up to the maximum all the time. It will be in High rings with excessive space between the scope bell and the barrel which accentuates recoil. There is a 50/50 chance he will bring reloaded ammo, and thank goodness the odds are, he will have no trouble with it. If he has trouble with the functioning of the ammo, for it will be that he has got them loaded too hot, and will stick a bolt or blow a primer, or they will not close when chambered. This could have
3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 11
been prevented had only the client run every round thru his gun at home before leaving. His clothes will be brand new, and will be a nice light colored khaki so the game can see him better. He will have a new “safariâ€? hat with the Zebra trim, which is hot and heavy. On the other hand, at the very least a new “whiteâ€? baseball cap on that the game can see for miles. His boots will be new and they will be Thinsolate lined so his feet sweat, and he can get blisters easier. He will have a big ammo belt so that he can carry lots of ammo. If using factory ammo, there is a 50/50 chance he will have brought Nosler Ballistic Tips instead of Nosler Partitions, even though they are both Premiums and the clerk who sold him the ammo does not know the difference and just sold him “Noslersâ€?. He certainly will bring a lot of luggage along and will buy a bunch of junk and FDUYLQJV DQG QRZ KDV WR ÂżJXUH RXW KRZ to get them home. The “ruleâ€? is, “You bought it, and you carry itâ€?.
heavier PREMIUM bullets or may even use 220 gr Bullets. In addition, he will practice MUCH – MUCH more. He has a new understanding of just how Our second time hunter is much wiser tough African game is. He will use heavier now. Depending on where he will hunt, he and tougher bullets this time. will now tailor his gun to the conditions. If he is hunting in the southern part of If he is a hand loader he will again bring South Africa or in Namibia where ranges reloads, coupled as mentioned above, with are usually “longâ€?, he will still take his heavier and tougher bullets and bullet veloc.300 Magnum, but it will be a dull matte ity will not be as much of a factor this time. ÂżQLVK DQG LQ D EODFN ÂżEHUJODVV RU +RJXH His nice new light colored safari clothes over-molded stock. He will also think will now be relegated to sitting around twice about a stainless steel gun and WKH FDPSÂżUH His hunting clothes will now be a “darkâ€? scope, because they “shineâ€? too much, and or darker green and even a little Real Tree he will bring a short Harris Bi-Pod to use or Advantage camo thrown in for good meafor prone long range shots. sure. His hat will be of very lightweight and Moreover, it is doubtful if he will ever own cool material and will again be a dark color. a muzzle brake again since his PH and his His boots will be well broken in, and will trackers are now learning to lip-read. be plain leather or fabric, with no Gore-Tex He may still bring a 3x-9x scope but has or Thinsulate. learned the hard way to keep the power His ammo belt will now be for only 10 turned down. shells because he has practiced shooting If he is hunting in the “bushâ€? of the more offhand and with his new shooting South African Transvaal or in Zimbabwe, he might even just bring his .30-06 with sticks or bipod, and can now place his a plain 4x scope and will shoot 180 gr or shots well.
12 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
If he’s using factory ammo he will still use Federal Premium Vital Shock ammo but with Trophy Bonded Bear Claws or Barnes new Vor-TX ammo TTSX bullets. His new gun case of last year looks like the devil now. He will have gotten some lightweight luggage bags after the Airlines nipped him for over-weight charges. Those heavy suitcases are now history. He will also remember that it is TWO pieces of luggage per passenger, including a gun case. He will also put his ammo in plastic 20 round boxes and slip them inside the ORGINAL FACTORY box so he is in compliance. This is because the boxes his factory ammo were in last time were destroyed in transit and the Airport X-ray machine showed loose ammo in his lugJDJH DQG KH KDG WR XQSDFN LW DQG Âż[ LW DOO up, and he will be sure to have them in a “Lockable Boxâ€?. Speaking of ammo, he and his partner will now each carry some of each other’s ammo because last year the airlines lost his bag with all of his ammo, so he had none for a week and had to use his partner’s spare gun and ammo. Next time he and his partner might also be sure they have at least one
ULĂ€H DSLHFH RI WKH VDPH FDOLEHU WR KHOS LI ammo gets lost. HOWEVER, he has had so much fun that he just cannot wait to go back again. He will drive the old car a year or two longer, and not put new carpeting in the house. He will do just about anything he can do to come up with the time and money to go again. Last, and certainly “Not leastâ€?, if he is hunting in South Africa, (or going thru there) he will use Air-2000 (www.hunterssupport.com )to get his gun permits in advance as he had to stand in line almost 3 hours last time and is not going to do that ever again. By being in line VR ORQJ KH PLVVHG KLV FRQQHFWLQJ Ă€LJKW to Port Elizabeth and really screwed up the program. He will also purchase Firearm Insurance, as the Airlines lost one on the way home and his home owners policy did not cover very much of it. (See www.siai.net for more information.) If I can be of any further help, feel free to e-mail me at tblauwkamp@superior-sales. com or call me weekdays at 616-896-6500
ON THE COVER Dan Veripps is an outdoorsman and one heck of a nature photographer from Texas. He shared the cover image with A Shot of Texas Magazine for our 3rd annual Special Safari Issue. We are lucky to have him as a supporter and friend. The Bongo is a striking species and is the largest and most colorful of all African antelope. It is immediately recognizable by its rich chestnut-red coat, conspicuously striped with 10 to 15 thin, white vertical lines on the torso and rump. Equally impressive are the bongo’s long, spiraling horns, which reach up to around 39 inches in length. Although the sexes are similar in appearance, males are larger than females and their coat darkens with age eventually becoming brownishblack. Females tend to possess longer, thinner and more parallel horns than males. This animal has been long sought after as one of Africa’s finest trophies.
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et’s say you want to visit New Zealand, Africa or even South America but you just don’t have the time. There is a little piece of these beautiful places right here in our own back yard at Champion Ranch. Owner, Joel Swan has made it his mission to provide the same great hunting experiences within a couple of hours of San Antonio. Indeed, the Safari experience is alive and well at Champion Ranch and it starts with the impeccable service provided by their guides and staff. We spent our days cruising around the ranch on a decked out Hummer H2 complete with top drive, open bar and music. The lake by the lodge is stocked with Florida Bass and they KDYH IRXU IXOO\ ULJJHG RXW ¿VKLQJ ERDWV DYDLODEOH WR JXHVWV Both native whitetail deer and all the exotics have remained wild and are leery of human contact which also lends to the true hunting H[SHULHQFH :KHQ \RX DGG D ¿YH VWDU ORGJH DQG D VSHFLDO KXQWHU¶V locker for each guest, it’s just hard to top the experience. We hope you enjoy the collage of photos from our last visit in November. Good Hunting Teffany Kahn- Co Editor
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For more information and pricing call or email Ryan Ames at 800-447-3343 ryan@outdooredge.com · www.outdooredge.com 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™
BY: Glenn Leavitt
ho hasn’t wondered about Africa? As a destination for a hunter it may be a once in a lifetime opportunity and once there, the variety of game is so enticing, it is like salty chips – no one can stop at just one. Enter Russell Selle. I called Russell in hopes of setting up another trip to Africa. Previously he arranged a trip to South Africa for a plains game hunt. That trip was fantastic. My two brothers DQG , ÂżOOHG D VPRUJDVERUG RI JDPH that made all our stateside hunting friends drool. Africa is a hunter’s paradise. One can search the internet, like looking through a Christmas catalog, and make a wish list of one’s wildest dreams. Russell can make it happen in one of the most fantastic places on Earth. On my second trip I wanted to JHW PRUH RI WKH ELJ ÂżYH WKDW FRQVLVWV of lion, elephant, leopard, Cape buffalo and Rhinoceros. I had taken a &DSH EXIIDOR RQ P\ ÂżUVW WULS Âą KDYing shot it with my bow. After I made the shot it charged from 16 yards turning only at the last second when the guide shot the ground in front of it when it was 5 yards away and it screaming by like a freight train at about 3 feet! Whew! Talk about excitement and a quick, “no one can tell my wifeâ€? conference with my brothers (I did actually tell her because no one would be able to keep that secret for long).
I asked Russell about a combo hunt to try and get more “dangerousâ€? game. We chose lion and elHSKDQW WKLV WLPH ZLWK ULĂ€H LQ KDQG We decided to try Zimbabwe and WKH .DODKDUL 'HVHUW %RWVZDQD KDG just closed to hunting – the massive elephants there being taken off the radar. And with concerns that lions too may also follow suit, the groundwork was laid for my trip. Unfortunately, the government got involved and stopped the importation of ivory from Zimbabwe into the United States and now too the elephant hunt was put on hold. “Have you ever thought about a leopardâ€?, was Russell’s question to me? I had not nor did I have a clue about how these most adaptive and secretive of cats were hunted. It sounded interesting. Along with the leopard we added sable, waterbuck, and baboon to the wish list. Once on the ground after landing in the “winterâ€? there in September (no snow and few bugs) we were driven to the hunting lodge. 2Q WKH ZD\ ZH SDVVHG DERXW ÂżIW\ elephants who were high tailing it into the national park along with at least one hundred Cape buffalo. I found that here, unlike other areas, there are no fences. The boundary between the park and the hunting concession was only a dirt road. The guide said about two thousand elephants per day crossed over to drink from his watering holes, along with many other game spe-
22 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
cies. We saw a herd of thirty sables in a green pasture, their sweeping horns like curved swords. They majestically stood and watched us pass. We saw a few roan antelope (protected there) and many impala and even waterbuck. The accommodations were amazing! Beautiful villas that slept two per bungalow. Each had a netting over the bed and were charming to behold. I was told that the week before a client had gone to his room at night and found the glowing eyes of a lioness peeking out from under the building which were built on small stilts about three feet off the ground. They assumed she had been enjoying the shade late in the day. The night brought the sounds of Africa to life, elephants trumpeting, male lion calling like they were lost and looking for their mothers yet at the same time knowing they are announcing to all around that they are there and in charge. But the sounds of the hyenas really will make your hair stand on end! It was haunting and eerie as they came into the water hole below camp and sang their night songs. What a place! We were asked to shoot a zeEUD WKH ¿UVW GD\ DV OHRSDUGV ORYH fresh zebra and baits had to be set. We were making a stalk when the game scout and trackers caught movement off to our left‌poachers! They went off after them and
I couldn’t believe there they were in broad daylight “stealing game.â€? We got our zebra but the poachers got away. Had we not been there hunting legally, there would be no check to their taking game. We also saw other poachers on day 10 who slunk off into the night never to been seen again. Leopard hunting was long work, looking for tracks all day and for appropriate trees to hang baits in. The trackers would climb up without fear in precarious places to hang the baits and then cover them up completely with branches. Daily we would make the rounds over miles of roads to check and refresh baits or make new ones. We took game on the list along the way. One day two separate baits were hit, one shredded, but hanging from the other tree’s bark was not sign of a leopard but rather hints of the mane of a lion! He had left deep gouges in the tree as he struggled time and again to CLIMB THE TREE. Our professional hunter (PH) told us not to believe anyone who said lions don’t climb trees – we saw three different baits hit this way over a 25 mile radius. At each of the three baits, nothing was left of the zebra hind quarters. At another bait site a whole impala was reduced to just the spine. And it was only left in the tree due to being wired to the tree. Leopards, also called ghost cats, were not seen until day ten. Finally, one bait was hit that was placed high enough in a tree where the lions couldn’t get to it. The trail camera we placed WKDW QLJKW FRQÂżUPHG WKH 3+ÂśV VXVpicions that it was a female so we set new baits elsewhere. We were down to two days left DQG QR OHRSDUG $W ÂżUVW OLJKW H[DPination of the new baits bought the JORULRXV ÂżQGLQJ WKDW LW ZDV WRUQ XS and the tracks looked big enough WR WKH 3+ DQG WUDFNHUV WR FRQÂżUP it was a male. We set right to work building a blind and it was truly masterful! Made of a pole frame DQG WDOO JUDVV FRQÂżJXUDWLRQ ZLWK branches woven in to break up the outline just 75 yards from the
bait tree. Others refreshed the bait at the same time making preparations for the night’s hunt. All was ¿QDOO\ UHDG\ Evening found us in the blind staring at the bait and waiting for the tell-tale sounds of a large cat tearing the branches off the bait. The sun set quietly and at dusk there it was, the sound of rustling branches and in the last glows of evening a cat silhouette on the branch. The PH said, “Don’t move!” In hushed tones. “Somethings wrong – he knows we are here and he is staring at us.” I was holding my breath for the longest time watching that dark shape gazing our way. The PH said, “He is gonna go, are you ready?” I was. I had my scope dead center on his chest when it happened. He spun and started down the tree. He said, “Take him!” DQG WKH JXQ EDUNHG ZLWK D ÀDVK RI ¿UH IURP WKH EDUUHO $OO ZDV TXLHW Then a thud and all was quiet again.
The PH was very serious in his gaze, then smiled, looked at me, and said, “You got him!” I thought back to an earlier conversation when he said following a wounded leopard is counted in hundreds of stitches. They will wait in natures perfect camouÀDJH IRU \RX WR SUDFWLFDOO\ VWHS on them before they pounce and try to bite your face off, scalping you with their dew claws as they catch the back of your head and rake their claws forward.
“How did it feel?”, he asked. After a moments pause I said, “I believe I hit him perfectly.” He said, “Good man! Stay here while we go check, just in case you didn’t.” That was a long few minutes of silence watching their ÀDVKOLJKWV GDQFH RYHU WKH JURXQG They practically stepped on him 10 feet from the bottom of the tree. After the photos had been taken they adorned the truck with tree EUDQFKHV DQG ÀDVKHG WKH OLJKWV and honked the horn, the trackers
chanting and singing on the way in. The villagers came out singing and chanting and dancing also and ZH FDUULHG RQ IRU ¿IWHHQ PLQXWHV RU so. They hugged us, thanking us and truly celebrating the life of the animal, but also that there is one more cat that they do not have to worry about around their children and their livestock. Many memories were made. Dreams of the haunting sounds and beautiful sights we had seen and of Victoria Falls, even at low tide cascading like Niagara Falls over the cliffs, spray churning upwards from the depths below. In my mind’s eye even a year and half later I still see the amazing variety or incredible animals and dream of lions and leopards and maybe, when the government realizes that hunters are what protects the animals there, another trip for elephant or hippo or crocodile. Who knows? I’m making my wish list with Russell for next time.
www.crittergitters.net Tel: 281-332-7912 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 23
Platinum Sponsors p
4TH Annual Clay Shoot & Outdoor Show Benefitting A Shot of Texas Magazine’s Scholarships for Industry & The Patriot Warriors Foundation April 21, 2016, 9am til 7pm American Shooting Centers – Houston, TX Silver Sponsors p
Meet Kendall Rae Kahn – Alias Camo Girl Master of Ceremonies Booths – $350 Team Of 5 - $800 Individual - $150 Includes Outdoor Show, Networking Breakfast, Lunch & Dinner Networking Only $25.00 (includes show, breakfast, lunch & dinner)
SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES: Platinum $5000.00 Includes 4 teams Gold: $3500.00 / includes 3 teams Silver: $2000.00 / includes 2 teams Gun Sponsor: $500.00 Beverage Sponsor: $300.00 Breakfast Sponsor: $200.00 Lunch Sponsor: $500.00 Dinner Sponsor: $800.00 Station Sponsor: $150.00 BBQ Teams FREE –Sign up in advance for lunch or dinner.
Contact Teffany Kahn for info & registration: tef@ashotoftexas.net 512-746-2729
24 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
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26 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
Kendall Rae Kahn
CAMO GIRL REVIEWS CRITTER GITTERS: A Special Thanks to Bob Woodcock and his team at Critter Gitters. A Shot of Texas Magazine’s Traveling Trade Show Jeep has not only been jacked up with a 2 inch lift kit but also tricked out! Check this out. - All new front and back bumpers. - ATX black wheels - TOYO tires - LED lights! I couldn’t be more satisfied with how slick and sweet my jeep turned out, and my FAVORITE upgrade was the new rhino lined green paint. This work gets the “Camo Girl Seal of Awesomeness!.
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3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 27
Thandeka Safaris is a beautiful hunting destination situated in the Kalahari, 4km from the Botswana border,
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3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 29
By Lauren Barnard
30 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
he trip had been planned for almost a year and I couldn’t believe we were actually here. Our truck pulled up to the Intrepid Safaris lodge and as we stepped out, I immediately knew this would be the trip of a lifetime.
The lodge was immaculately groomed, green and tropical. It consisted of many individual cabins, a main lodge for meals and entertainment, a pool overlooking the South African landscape and an outside bar complete with a fire pit. The entire lodge was built on top of a rocky hilltop and the cabins were actually built around large boulders that jutted into the rooms through the walls. We were in heaven and the hunting hadn’t even started. The next morning we loaded up the truck and headed to a nearby ranch, which consisted of about 17,000 acres. Jacque, our PH, had a tracker driving us around for most of the morning and decided that we were going to stalk up to a small watering hole before we headed back for lunch. As we walked up to the watering hole we spotted a small warthog and a blue wildebeest, both eventually disappeared into the bush. As Jacque was calling on the radio for the truck to come pick us up, half a dozen kudu
3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 31
When John Wilson wakes up every day he makes his way to a faraway mountain peak , an open savanna or a South Texas brush country blind. In fact with the work that John does his mind has to constantly be on the hunt. How else could you create custom taxidermy with such incredible detail. Double Nickel Taxidermy and all these places in John’s mind can be found in New Braunfels ,Texas. Like a lot of us John started hunting even before he could read and his years of experience led him into the world of animals. He maintains clients all over the world and Double Nickel Taxidermy is one of the fastest-growing taxidermy studios in Texas. With a a staff of 11 certified taxidermists he is capable handling any critter this swims runs or crawls. His USDA approved facility imports trophies from all over the world and his staff can also custom crate and he ships anywhere. The level of service that he provides his clients is rare in this industry. Each year he takes a select number of hunters to Namibia for a horseback Safari so if you are interested just give them a call. Double Nickel Taxidermy 863 S. IH 35, Suite L-New Braunfels, TX 78130. 830-237-9481 www.doublenickeltaxidermy.com Facebook/Instagram
32 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
cows walked into a clearing. Jacque looked to Lann and whispered for him to get ready on the shooting sticks, there was a chance that the cows were being pushed by a kudu bull. Sure enough, a very impressive kudu stepped out into the clearing and briskly walked to the other side. He stopped for a split second, just enough time for Lann to get a good shot at him. As we walked up to the giant kudu, we knew he was a beast of a bull. He had body mass, good width, deep pipes and measured 57.5”. He was exactly what Lann had been wanting and he got him on the very first day. The kudu hunt set the tone for the rest of the trip. It seemed like everything we shot was massive. Over the next couple days, our group was lucky enough to take a 24” impala, a 39” gemsbok, a 41” sable, a 30” waterbuck, a 29.5” roan and four kudu all over 57”. While all of our hunts were unique and exciting, my most memorable hunt was Lann’s eland bull. He had hunted for a big eland bull for most of the trip, but those giant animals are surprisingly sneaky and our trip was quickly coming to an end. Luckily, Jacque had a few tricks up his sleeve. One evening, the three of us set up shop in a ground blind on the side of a clearing. While we waited, a large troop of baboons along with a few warthogs came into the clearing to snack on some grapefruit. I have always been entertained by animal behavior and thoroughly enjoyed the time I was able to spend observing the baboons and their troop dynamics. After about an hour of quietly sitting in the blind, Jacque whispered to Lann and
pointed to a spot in the bush at the edge of the clearing. It was an eland bull peering out of the bush to see if the coast was clear. He looked left, then looked right, paused, and then cautiously continued into the open. This was the bull that we had been waiting for. He stood broadside about 220 yards away and Jacque gave Lann the go ahead. The huge animal dropped to the ground. It wasn’t until we walked up to the bull that we realized how big he really was. Jacque told Lann that he had just killed the biggest eland on Intrepid. The bull had 38” horns and a tuft of hair on his forehead that was thicker and darker than any eland I had ever seen. Our friends Dusty and Candace Phillips were with us on the trip. One afternoon while riding around in the
truck with them, we came across a zebra stallion standing in a clearing. Jacque took a look at him through our fancy Leica 10x42 HD binoculars with a range finder and made the mistake of telling Dusty something along the lines of, “I know that zebra; he is always alone and no one can ever shoot him.” That was all it took to convince Dusty that he needed to try. Dusty turned the custom Huskemaw scope turret on the .338 Lapua to 450 yards and lined the scope up on the elusive stallion’s shoulder. Dusty hit him dead on. Not only was it an impressive shot, it was a beautiful zebra with very dark, wide stripes. If we hadn’t been already, we were definitely impressed with our equipment after that shot. The food at Intrepid was as impressive as the hunts. Hardy breakfasts, unique lunches and exotic dinners. Gemsbok lasagna, osso buco, and my favorite, grilled cape buffalo tenderloin topped with a prawn cream sauce were just a few of the delicious dinners that Phillip and Anske served us while we were there. Everyone at the 5-star lodge was very hospitable and all of the PH’s were very professional but at the same time a blast to be around. An adventure in Africa has always been on my bucket list. I feel incredibly lucky to have been able to cross it off so early in life. The only problem with crossing an Africa hunt off your bucket list is that now your list consists primarily of more trips back. To Book Your Intrepid Safari Contact : Russell Selle/ russellselle@gmail.com
3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 33
ASHAMED! Do you remember when Michelle Obama said “for the first time in my adult life I am proud of my country”? I do. I also remember the first time in my entire life that I was actually ashamed of being an American. It’s when I heard President Barack Hussein Obama refer to the recent terrorist murders of innocent civilians in Paris by ISLAMIC TERRORISTS as a “set back”. I literally almost threw up. Now let me clarify: I have always been incredibly proud to call myself an American. We are the greatest country on earth and have created more wealth, been the greatest innovators and industrial pioneers, freed more people from oppression (including almost destroying ourselves to free an enslaved people) and have been the most benevolent to our friends and even our former enemies (after we whipped their asses of course) than any other country in human history. But at that moment I’m very sad to say I was ashamed. I’m over it. We are still the most exceptional country on the face of the earth, for now anyway, but I never want to ever, even for a second, feel that way again. I do however have a sneaking suspicion that until Obama is out of office, I very well might. Our illustrious Secretary of State John Kerry got me close for a second time only a few days later when he opined about the Charlie Hebdo magazine attacks earlier this year in Paris, saying that those attacks
as compared to the recent Paris butchery had “a sort of a particularized focus and perhaps even a legitimacy in terms of – not a legitimacy, but a rationale that you could attach yourself to somehow and say, ok they’re really angry because of this and that.” Wow. The Secretary of State of the United States of America let it slip that he actually thinks that he could almost understand why a group of animals with guns would be motivated to shoot 12 unarmed employees of a magazine because they didn’t like what they said. What is happening to us? When two ISLAMIC A-HOLES decided that they could not put up with Pamela Geller poking fun at their prophet by hosting a Muhammad drawing contest in Garland, Texas and showed up with automatic weapons to kill the infidels, but were thankfully killed by a police officer before they could carry out their mission, what did we hear from the media? They spent more time attacking her, than the two ISLAMIC AHOLES who showed up trying to kill her. Can you say hypocrisy? They were actually saying she “provoked” the ISLAMIC A-HOLES and has culpability in anyone being hurt as the result of her blasphemy. Keep in mind this is the same group of “objective journalists” who said that displaying a picture of a Crucifix submerged in human urine and calling it “Piss Christ”, or maybe constructing an image of the Virgin Mary out of elephant crap, or even better, small pictures of vaginas carefully
34 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
cut from pornographic magazines is “art” and “free expression” and is protected by our First Amendment and that if any Christian is offended, they are just prudes and should just get over it. Where was that defense by the media for Pamela’s “free expression”? Yeah, I heard the crickets to. So what are they (the biased media) really saying then? I would submit that they are saying the following: “We, the biased media, know and are afraid of the fact that a great many Muslims are quick to resort to brutal violence and murder when they perceive even the smallest slight to Allah or his prophet Muhammad and we should not only ignore, but chastise those who would stoop so low as to do so and invite their (Muslims) righteous wrath. And when the Muslims do resort to violence, we will, in a further effort to reinforce our placating them and tolerance of this behavior, belittle, defame and destroy the reputations of those Islamaphobic racists who dare to insult something that they are too ignorant to recognize as nothing more than a different “culture” which we should always respect, even if detrimental to ourselves, our fellow Americans and our way of life.” Secondly: “We, the biased media, know that bashing Christianity is all the rage and fashion today and actually encourage not only snickering at those who are stupid and naïve enough to actually have faith in a God (other than Allah of course) but should openly condemn them as a bunch of backwards, inbred, intolerant bigots because we know for the most part and are very secure in the knowledge that that vast majority of Christians, while even though being offended and often times disgusted at our (the biased media) utter contempt for them, their God, their faith and their entire way of life, they unlike many Muslims, will not resort to brutal acts
of violence and murder when we openly and joyously insult their God� In other words: “We the biased media are insufferable, hypocritical, elitist cowards�. That being said, I think Obama’s indifference to the slaughter in Paris and his continual refusal to call the animals who committed the atrocity what they are, “Islamic Terrorists� and his insistence that his strategy against them is working actually touched what is left of a nerve of some in the biased media. When Christiane Amanpour, CNN’s Chief International Correspondent says
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“Islamic State is not contained and no one thinks Obama’s strategy is workingâ€? that could be a chink in the armor of the medias love affair with Obama. (I said “chinkâ€?‌RAAAAAACIST!) On the same note Chris Matthews, aka “Tingly Leg for Obamaâ€?, recently broke with his lefty brethren to actually question the emperor about the number of Syrian refugees as opposed to the number who have actually stayed to fight for their country. BLASPHEMY! Being an optimist, those two small examples allay my shame and actually give me hope that common sense and
possibly, love for country might actually still exist in the hearts of those otherwise known as the self-loathing, blame America first crowd. It’s like the little seed growing in the Grinch’s heart. It might actually blossom. We can only hope. Time however, and Obama’s continued assault on our way of life will tell. Keep the faith. The views and comments of Shamus Dartanyon do not necessarily reflect the opinion of A Shot of Texas Magazine and staff. They are pretty darn close though
What’s in Your Water?
Ducks on Rice Recipe or Strategy?
5 big Bucks
Real Time Advantages of Oil Exploration
Oil! All the way up here
Old Goblers
Cover Photo by Butch Ramirez 2nd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE
Upstream Adjusting Down Stream Ready –Š Š‡ Â?ϔ‹Â?‹–› ”‘—’ › ‘ˆ ‡Â?Â?› ‡š–‘Â? ™‹ ‘˜‡” ’Š‘–‘ …‘—”–‡•
You skin Griz Pilgrim?
RIL 2015 1
MARCH/AP of Texas Magazine™ A Shot March/April Issue 2015
60% of the executives surveyed say they NEVER read trade journals. 7KH UHVW VD\ WKH\ */$1&( 7+528*+ WKHP $'9(57,6( :,7+ 86 CONTACT Rob@ashotoftexas.net
3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 35
2015 IN PICTURES In 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine i andd S Staff ff attended d d 32 events iin Oil & G Gas, PPetrochem h andd Pi Pipeline. li W We saw double digit growth in both our clay shoot and in our circulation numbers. How did we do it? First and foremost, it was due to our advertisers and sponsors. The rest is quite simple really. 60% of attendees at these events surveyed reported that they NEVER OPEN TRADE MAGAZINES. The rest of you said you glance through them. How in the world will people see your message with people glancing? The photos say the rest.
The Winingers from Hogsbackk Ranch visitt Central Texas Safari Club Gala.
h this typical ustrial Editor/ Rod Daigle wit A Shot of Texas Magazine’s Ind was definitely a good year! B&C Score 209. 2015
Contributing writerr Frankk Gia calone . “This De D er St S and doesn’t SUCK” AT Ox Ranch!
Texas Braunfels provided A Shot of Kendall Rae Kahn “Camo Girl” Woods Cycle Country in New FXT blew ki asa Kaw 15 int LE EVER! The new 20 readers. This is one sweet sho roduced the new Zoli Z-Sport HR to our . nce Magazine with the BEST MU ma for per of ry ego cat tgu jor n. Thank You Jason Dallmann ma ry eve in rs and Norbert away all competito Haussmann from Zoli USA for your support! It was well worth the wait. 36 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
win mag Blaser USA provided this new R8 in 300 . hunt for a great Northern Whitetail es. Thank You David Barn
Thandeka Safaris Tommy Van Vuuren decides to try out a little Texas style hunting after Dallas Safari Show. “Finally I get to be the client” at Ox Ranch near Uvalde.
new line of Larry Pancake introduced his ns by Italian tgu sho and s rifle extraordinary a. Firearms to Americ
Camo Girl Kendall Rae Kahn introduces the GRIZZLY (made in America) #800. Pretty Cool.
new line of Larry Pancake introduced his ns by Italian tgu sho and s rifle extraordinary ca. Firearms to Ameri
Just another day at the offi ce/golf course for “Camo Girl” Kendall Rae Ka hn at the Houston Pipeliners Golf Tournament.
Teffany Kahn and Penny Da igle at the Texas Hill Country Shooting Classic & Sporting Expo. This safe will hold a few fire arms!
Hunting dove and raising funds for CC-PAL Valero Charity Dove Hunt 2015. See y’all again in 2016! 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 37
A Shot Sh off TTexas M Magazine’s i ’ 3 3rdd annuall Cl Clay Sh Shoot was hheld ld at A American i Sh Shooting i CCenters on A Aprilil 21 21, 2015 . W We raised i d money ffor The Th Patriot P i Warriors W i Foundation. Over 200 attendees and 13 booths. Thanks to all who attended and see you April 21, 2016 for the 4th Annual Clay Shoot.
ed BBQ skills. vided lunch with his finely hon Trey Berniard with Cetco pro Thanks Trey
y Larry Pancake and Master of Ceremonies Larr
38 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
Thankk you shooter’s forr coming outt to Joshua Creekk Ranchh tto rais i e money ffor the Wimberley Texas floo d victims. The event was a hug e success!
Laurie Meyer with Meyer Ran ch Meyer RANCH Custom Boots Boots at her 2015 Clay Shoot booth. provided A Shot of Texas Ma gazine with our official Alligator boots and eve n put our logo in full color righ t on the front. How in the world?
and Vince Means with William Berry with ITC Safety s. ITC and Infinity were Infinity Construction Service . both GOLD Sponsors in 2015
Charlie Marshall with Ruple Properties. Anyone want to buy a ranch? Joe Ruple, we want your Ad! Thanks Charlie for your support!
And the Winnerr is?? Laurie Meyerr (left) who won the Hen Henry Rifle along with Kendall Rae Kahn aka “Cam o Girl” and Editor Robert Kahn.
) hanging out Kent Savage with Capital Farm Credit (left team. on dati Foun iors Warr with the Patriot
Kendall Rae Kahn aka “Camo Girl at Roseland Oil & Gas Show in Galveston.
Myy Core Control guys have an amazingly warm product. A rechargeable hea ted jacket that is soft and comfortable to boot! In 20 16 they will be full swing into FRC wearables. Bes t of luck Ben Reynolds and thanks for your support in 2015.
Troy Cassels with ITC Safety at the first annual Industry That Cares Fishing Tournament in Kemah Texas.
Thanks Ana Mendezz with Mediicall Pl Plaza Mobile for your support in 2015.
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COMPREHENSIVE TRAVEL INSURANCE Led by Physicians and Special Operations Veterans In February, Redpoint evacuated two Ripcord clients on the slopes of Mt. Kilimanjaro at 13,000 feet - not an unusual altitude for mountain hunters to reach. The climbers were part of the Mt. Kilimanjaro Climb for Valor, an event conducted by mountaineering company Tusker Trail to raise money and awareness for the families of fallen members of US Special Operations Forces. Two of the climbers developed conditions that threatened their lives but did not require hospitalization for treatment. Dr. Avi Patil, a Redpoint wilderness medical iÝ«iÀÌ > ` -Ì> v À` i` V i >vw >Ìi` physician who was participating in the climb, describes what happened: “On the second night, one climber indicated that he couldn’t breathe. The situation was clearly High Altitude Pulmonary Edema Ƃ* ® q yÕ ` Ì i Õ }ð - >vÌiÀ] another climber displayed serious facial
swelling and an allergic reaction that could easily lead to breathing problems. Both situations were immediate and lifethreatening. Both evacuations were necessary; there was no room for hesitation.” These evacuations are perfect examples of Ripcord’s rescue services. Both HAPE and allergic reactions are potentially life-threatening, but, in this case, neither required hospitalization. Both climbers were evacuated off the mountain and transported to a local hospital for evaluation and treatment, but neither required hospital admittance. Visit us on facebook to see the places we’ve gone and the things we have done for our clients: facebook.com/ripcordtravelprotection
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Medical Plaza Mobile Surveillance 1009 S. Broadway L a Porte, TX 77571
281-470-8770 3rdd ANNUAL 3r ANN NNUA UAL SAFARI SAF A AR ARII IISSUE S UE 20 SS 2015 0www.medicalplazamobile.com 015 15 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ Magazine 45
• Marine-grade, mesh reinforced, waterproof exterior • Large front pocket, ideal for custom embroidery • Smooth, easy-clean interior and exterior • Premium high-density foam insulation • Quick-release shoulder strap • 48-can capacity
(Ladies’ MicroFiber pictured at top.)
With color options for hunting, sportfishing and recreation, our top-selling MicroFiber shirts are available in both men’s and ladies’ styles. Front and back mesh lining with vertical venting provides outstanding airflow - while our tagless collar and fast drying performance fabric delivers excellent comfort and UPF 30+ protection. (Large chest pockets are perfect for custom embroidery.)
46 Shot of Texas Magazine™ 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE Issue 2015
Copyright 2015 GameGuard Outdoors, All Rights Reserved.
This is one off the bestt values in bigg game gaaame huntingg anywhere in the world. These hunts are a blast with lots of game and plenty of FUN!! This hunt is ALL-INCLUSIVE of daily rates, trophy fees for 12 trophies, taxes, pickup at airport, meals, lodging, 1x1 JXLGH GDLO\ ODXQGU\ DQG LQ ÂżHOG WUDQVSRUWDWLRQ Species included in package: Kudu, Gemsbuck, Wildebeest, Zebra, Impala, Blesbuck, Springbuck, Mt. Reedbuck, Warthog, Duiker and (2) management animals. This is a 10 day 1x1 hunt for $9950. ,WÂśV KDUG WR ÂżQG D UHDOO\ JRRG TXDOLW\ HON KXQW IRU WKLV SULFH DQG here you get 12 animals!! This is a great hunt for a family, corporate groups or just friends looking to have a fantastic safari. Now booking for 2016 and 2017.
One of the most elusive species in Africa, EXW RXU RXWÂżWWHUV SURduce exceptional trophies. We offer hound hunts and traditional bail hunts. This is a great hunt to combine with a buffalo or plains game.Hunts range from $22500$35000 on 10-14 day hunts.
This is one trophy that everyone wants when they go to Africa. They say “You can never shoot enough buffaloâ€?. It’s just fun, exciting and gets the adrenaline pumping. No other trophy in Africa commands respect as much as the Cape Buffalo. He looks at you as if you owe him money!! Hunts range from $15000-$20000 depending on country and RXWÂżWWHU This is onee off thee mostt awesomee trophies in thee world. world A bigg male lion just screams AFRICA!!! There is a lot of pressure from antihunting groups and our own government to stop imports of legally taken lion trophies into the U.S. If you ever wanted one, do not GHOD\ DV RQH GD\ KXQWLQJ WKLV PDJQLÂżFHQW WURSK\ ZLOO EH D WKLQJ RI the past. GO NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN!!Hunts range from $20000-$100000 depending on country hunted.
CONTACT: Russell Selle 512-644-7962 cell 512-829-4689 office Russellselle@gmail.com www.rscustomhunts.com 3rd ANNUAL SAFARI ISSUE 2015 A Shot of Texas Magazine™ 47
201 Cobb Creek Road Georgetown, Texas 78633
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