Publisher/Designer: Karyn Lyn Publisher/Editor: Greg Forest Design & Layout: Lonesome Dove Design Studio Columnists & Contributing Writers: Karyn Lyn, Greg Forest, Kathleen Hudson, Joe Herring, Phil Houseal, Jil Utterback, Gary Lockte, Claire Duboise, Mary Schenk, Genie Strickland, Betty Sharp, Homer Stevens, Colleen Brooks, Carlotta Schmittgen & Jack Armstrong. Proof Readers: Claire Debois, Jil Utterback, Scotty Kaufmann Web & Application Programming: Sales: Colleen Brooks,Karyn Lyn, Greg Forest, Tony Griffith & Sherri Miller.
CONTACT HEART BEAT | PO Box 1204 |Bandera,TX 78003 Karyn (210) 316-2986 Greg (830) 792-5737,
Joe Herring Downtown Kerrville Pampell’s Update (from 1890) Pampell’s in downtown Kerrville has been on the scene for a lot longer than folks imagine. Dirt streets defined the downtown area and according to Pampell himself, the town was full of friendly people. Some things never change. Some do. Page 12
Sports from the Woman’s Point of View Fall is here and its gridiron time again. Carlotta is 1st down and goal to go on football updates ranging from the most promising Texas teams (Baylor & TCU) to the NFL’s long march to the Super Bowl. Fire up those grills for your tailgate party and get ready for a great season. Page 38 The Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country is published quarterly by Heart Beat Publishing PO Box 1204, Bandera, Texas 78003. Opinions expressed in articles may not be those of the publisher and editor of the The Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country, its advertisers, writers or contributors. All content is copyrighted by The Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country and may not be reprinted without the express written consent of the publisher. The Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country is not liable for editorial content, typographical errors and any statements or claims by advertisers or columnists. Subscriptions are $20 per year payable to The Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country at the above address. Editorial and advertising submissions must be received by the 10th of the month before publication. All ad dimensions, prices and specifications may be found at our website,
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
Kathleen Hudson Women in Texas Music Rounding out our last issue of year Kathleen has covered a lot of ground in her column- paying tribute to a number of Texas women in music and those whose efforts make it possible to bring their music to the world. Page 24
Dalis Allen New Folk Winners on Tour Dalis Allen will be busy over Labor Day with the Kerrville Folk Fall Festival but one of the highlights of the weekend are performances by the New Folk Winners from the Memorial Day Festival. These emerging performers will hit the road later this Fall so check out their concert dates. Page 17
Phil Houseal Concert in a Cave This September you can celebrate a celestial event in an unexpected setting–90 feet underground in total darkness. That would be inside Cave Without A Name, listening to Celebration Circle perform world music during the Autumnal Equinox.
Page 72
Linda Koehl Grand Old Opera (Uvalde Style) There wasn’t a lot of culture cooking in Texas in the late 1800s but Uvalde found the gumption to erect it’s own Opera House in 1891. Our newest contributor, Linda Koehl, shares what the future has in store for this historic venue. Page 40
CD and Concert Reviews We’re catching up on our CD reviews and three releases to share with you. These Fine Moments, Michael Waid and Rand McCullough are this issue’s featured reviews and are all worthy of a good listen. Page 52
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6 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
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Fortunately, J. L. Pampell wrote about his arrival in Kerrville in the 1890s; he arrived in Kerrville on Independence Day, 1890. “I was impressed at first by the sight of the beautiful hills, the fine Guadalupe River and the splendid class of people who were found, not carrying ‘six-shooters’ nor lacking in their welcome to a stranger. Captain Schreiner’s store, his residence, the St. Charles Hotel, and Dr. Parsons’ livery stable, with the dance hall above, were the chief buildings except the court house and the Union Church, where all denominations worshipped.” The streets looked a lot different then, too. “There were no sidewalks worth speaking of and where we walk on pavements now on Water Street’s business section, we had to cling to upright cedar picket fencing in rainy weather to keep from bogging up in the mud. “Water was hauled in barrels and delivered to consumers at 10 cents a barrel...It was not uncommon to see hauling done by oxen, daily trudging along. Cows from private homes were driven to the pastures to graze around the town, night and morning, in substantial herds through the streets. “My first small business place was an ‘Ice Cream Parlor and Confectionery,’
where the present wool warehouse now stands,” the report reads. That means Pampell’s first store was about where the new porch on the Sidney Baker side of the renovated Schreiner Building now stands, almost directly across the street from the Arcadia Theater and Baublit’s Jewelers. He opened the store “six months after my arrival, with the small amount of $600 of my own earnings.” That would mean the first Pampell’s store opened in early 1891. “The cows would leisurely pass my establishment, and help themselves to a cabbage or a bunch of bananas, and continue on their way.” “The town was literally filled with tourists and health-seekers who had already learned of this splendid health resort. There were people from all parts of the globe. When the new wool warehouse was erected, I was moved to a building where the post office is now located.” I think, given the timeframe, Pampell’s second location was near where Sheftall’s Jewelers is today, in the middle of the 200 block of Earl Garrett. “In 1899 I purchased and removed to my third and present location where the property was then known as the Gregory Hotel.” Pampell tells a bit of what folks did for fun. 12 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
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“One of the most popular diversions was horseracing, for which the public would come miles to witness. Large sums of money would be bet by the owners. These races were held in what is known as the Tivy Flats, where a number of modern homes now stand.” I think ‘Tivy Flats’ was probably around where today’s Broadway Street now runs. “The river was alive with fish and the woods full of deer and turkey and it was not unusual to hear a coyote yelp around the little city. Pecans were yours for the picking and I have seen wagon loads of brought in by farmers and ranchmen. The best offer [for pecans] would be perhaps two cents per pound. “Cord wood sold for $1.50 a cord and chickens were two for 25 cents, and nice frying-size chickens could be bought for 10 cents each. Wild honey and venison were peddled on the streets.” Kerrville was quite a different place back then. I’m old enough to remember Milton Pampell, son of J. L. Pampell. And I have many happy memories of the soda fountain at Pampell’s, which was on the corner of Sidney Baker and Water Street, from when I was a boy.
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14 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
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Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
16 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
The Grassy Hill Kerrville New
Folk Finalists were featured in the last article and so to continue their story this issue will present the six Award Winners for 2015. AMY KUCHARIK (Somerville MA) DAVID BERKELEY (Santa Fe NM) BECKY WARREN (Nashville TN), WES COLLINS (Chapel Hill NC) ANNA TIVEL (Portland OR) TOM MENY (Buda TX) They will be on tour together in November of 2015. Please plan to attend one of these concerts close to you. We are hoping to once again have a broadcast from Blue Rock Studio (listed here as tentative) to allow folks from around the country to see this great group of songwriters in a special concert. And as always the tour will culminate on the Friday night of Fischer Fest, which features all past New Folk award winners. November 6th, 2015 Uncle Calvin’s Coffeehouse Dallas, Texas
November 7th, 2015 Sycamore Creek House Concerts Dripping Spring, Texas November 8th, 2015 New Braunfels House Concerts New Braunfels, Texas November 9th, 2015 Milagro Springs House Concerts Wimberley, Texas November 10th, 2015 Blue Rock Studios (tentative) Wimberley, Texas November 11th, 2015 Rock Room Concerts Austin, Texas November 12th, 2015 Open Ears Concerts Austin, Texas November 13th, 2015 Fischer Fest Fischer, Texas continued on page 75 . . .
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
in Gruene is simply magical! It’s a beautiful time to be in hill The coolerFalltemperatures allow for a leisurely
country! After a long hot summer, there’s a lot to get excited about. It’s time to pull out the hiking boots, pack a picnic basket, and enjoy the cooler temperatures that autumn has to offer. “The Devil’s Backbone” (FM 32 between Canyon Lake and Wimberley) is popular among bikers and anyone wanting to take a beautiful ride. Be sure to visit the scenic overlooks to fully appreciate the view. Wimberley’s Bonsai Exhibit and Blue Hole Park are great destinations this time of year. Blue Hole Park has outdoor activities the whole family can enjoy including hiking trails, a playground, a basketball court, and a volleyball court. It’s also the perfect backdrop for a Fall picnic.
stroll around this quaint historical district. Gruene is known for its history, music, charming shops, and shady restaurants. They will also be hosting their annual Music and Wine Festival on Thursday, October 8 - Sunday, October 11. This event will include live music, handcrafted items, wine, and food. This year they’ve also added a “Brew-n-Que” event that includes beer tasting, BBQ, and two big screen TV’s showing Sunday’s big game. In addition, Gruene Hall will be hosting acts such as Pat Green and the Marshall Tucker Band. New Braunfels is certainly not to be overlooked for its Fall offerings. Natural Bridge Wildlife Ranch is a fun and scenic family destination. Their Fall view will be second only to the delight in your children’s faces as they feed animals that come right up to the car. Landa park offers plenty of family activities to enjoy in the Fall, and is home to one of the biggest events of the year, Wurstfest! Grab your lederhosen and dirndls for this weeklong event November 6 - November 15 that offers plenty of beer, authentic german fare, and of course, the chicken dance! Wurstfest is a bucket list item. If you’ve never been, you must experience it at least once!
Nestled in the scenic back roads of Wimberley is one of its best kept secrets, Bella Vista Ranch. They are best known for their speciality olive oil, and also offer tastings of their imported Italian balsamic vinegar, jam and wine, in addition to tours of their olive orchard and facilities. Not far from Bella Vista is the Driftwood Estate Winery, where a glass of wine and a beautiful hill country view await. When leaving the winery, take a right and set your GPS to the Salt Lick BBQ. This well known BBQ joint has been featured on the Food Network, and their aroma will tantalize your senses long before you even pull in the drive.
Oh Fall, you had me at hello. So many wonderful things to do, so little time. Whatever you choose, enjoy being out in hill country at this beautiful time of year!
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September brings us the annual
Texas Heritage Music Day on September 25 at Schreiner University. Some of the women (the focus of this column and my second book) include Karen Abrahams, Lisa Beck, Terri Hendrix, Maria Moss, Kristi Foster, Staci Foster, Mary Muse (new executive director of the Kerrville Folk Festival Foundation), Penney Ney, and Lee Duffy with the Austin Songwriters Group (ASG) and Liza Proche. Now that’s a crew of talented people. Do they face specific challenges as women in the business? I addressed that in my book Women in Texas Music: Stories and Songs UT Press, 2007). Most Texas festival lineups are loaded with men and light on women. We did a count once. I don’t presume to apply any meaning here, just an observation. The women on this list have stories to tell that will inspire anyone who listens. And their hard work has been rewarded in the ways art is often rewarded, by the listeners. Not the number in the crowd or the awards on the wall, rather by the moments when someone listened. I often thank the crowd at the monthly Texas music coffeehouse held at Schreiner University for the gift they bring . . . listening. What do you hear when you listen? What story is your filter for the songs of women? I know each of the women listed in this column, and I know how I listen. I listen for the courage (from the word “heart” in Latin), for the resilience, for the creativity and more importantly, for the inspiration each one is in my own life as a women teaching and running a music foundation. We celebrate 30 years in 2017, and I am already making plans. Diana Burkett, another woman strong in creativity and Texas heritage, has stepped up to contribute to the THMF office as office manager. She will be coordinating the September 25th event for 24 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
her first time. Tell her thanks when you see her! Yes, I am expecting that those who are reading this have already planned to be on the Schreiner University campus on Sept. 25 from 9-1:30 and again at 7:30 for our Texas Heritage Music Day and annual concert with Terri Hendrix and Lloyd Maines. How do you listen to Terri and her music? Do you hear the resilience and beauty in her songs? “I fought the lions.” I remember the first time I saw Terri perform, and the many times she has generously shared her story with my classes at Schreiner. I listen through the love to her songs of inspiration. “If I Had a Daughter.” My students will be reading her book and writing letters to her, our gift on Sept. 25. CRY TILL YOU LAUGH…THE PART THAT AIN’T ART. Maria Moss and Jon Hogan, Scorch Folk, will also be playing at the Rivers Edge Art Gallery on Tuesday, Sept. 22, at 6:30. Join us and imagine the life this woman lives out on the road all of the time. Ask her why she does this? See the joy in her eyes as she performs for us, both on the 22nd and the 25th. Her knowledge of history and her fancy guitar picking will amaze you. Ralph Peer discovered Jimmie Rodgers and the Carter Family within a three-day period. She let’s the audience know this history when she and Jon play. She will say he is the musicologist, but she is part of the story! And Scorch Folk is the featured act at the October 7 coffeehouse at Schreiner, 7-9 p.m., Lion’s Den. Penny Ney and Karen Abrahams have both experienced great challenges to continue with their music. Penny shares her story with my composition class. Karen also produces art along with her music. Liza Proche sings gospel with three brothers, bringing family to the stage. And high energy! Kristi Foster is a Kennemer Scholarship recipient, continued on page 75 . . . FALL 2015
spring I thought I was on Ferenginar not Earth. The home planet of my favorite Ferengi, Quark, has rivers thick with mud. Rain shoes are a fashion statement. Texans call them muck boots. Thankfully, I didn’t grow ear moss from the damp like the Grand Nagus, Ferenginar’s economic leader, who falls in love with Ishka, Quark’s mother. Although making profit is the most admirable life goal for male Ferengi like Quark, Ishka being female wasn’t allowed to make profit. That is, until she caught the Negus’ moldy ear –yuck- and convinced him that females were not only smart enough to make profit, but also should be allowed to leave the house and wear rain shoes, not to mention clothing. Oppressed Ferangi females weren’t allowed to wear clothes, a reverse of female clothing laws in Earth’s arid regions. Nothing got covered on Ferenginar. Now that I have your attention—and yes Ishka got rid of that law—I thank the Star Trek: Deep Space Nine creators. DVD binge watching helped me survive this past spring when Texans relearned the hard lesson that too much water is as dangerous as too little. We already knew Texas was hell on women and horses. And we’ve heard the old joke a thousand times: “If you don’t like Texas weather, just wait a minute.” But the minute turned into endless weeks. We were blindsided by torrential rain, relentless mud, hay fields too wet to bale. If we were fortunate to experience nothing worse personally, we felt for the people in flooded communities, the disrupted lives and businesses. Wimberley got much the worse of it.
photos by Mike Murphy
But not far from Wimberley there’s a place where the force of water has created something so beautiful you’ll forget water’s treachery, and its safeguarded by Westcave 26 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Outdoor Discovery Center ( Limited guided tours lead from “an arid savanna through a limestone crevice into a sheltered canyon of lush plant life,” and at the canyon head is Westcave and a breathtaking 40-foot waterfall tumbling to a pool below. Preserve Ranger Traci Ibarra says this natural treasure was often described as “loved to death” before it was restored from the abused condition to which humans reduced it in the 1970’s. Now it’s been loved back to life. I asked Ms. Ibarra how much damage there was from the spring rains. Fortunately not too much, although the Center closed for a week. Trails were flooded, bridges washed away, trees were water gashed, vegetation suffered but has recovered.
Westcave is spectacular, much more so than I can describe here. Tour details are on line, as well as classes and special events information, not to mention stalactites. Then there’s Westcave’s Warren Skaaren Environmental Learning Center, a sustainable building with exhibits about harvesting rainwater—yes, drought will return—solar panels, ground source heating, and a marvelous solar calendar created by the sun’s rays coming through a roof hole. I am fascinated by the idea of an exhibit illustrating the Fibonacci Series, which explains the relationship between mathematics and nature. At first I thought I needed a Ferengi who can add up profit faster than a lightning strike to explain it, but then I began to catch on. Let’s just say it’s great fun to contemplate pairs in nature—1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21---see it yet? You’ll get it--or your child will. Go. Enjoy. Contemplate the beauty of nature. There’s more to life on Earth than profit. Sometimes nature leaves a gift in its wake. FALL 2015
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DEUS EX MACHINA “Deus ex machina” is a literary term. I see eyes glazing over, but bear with me. Translated literally as “God from the machine”, it’s a device conceived to solve sticky plot points and requires a completely unexpected and largely implausible circumstance. It’s not used often and it’s seldom successful, going all the way back to Euripides, whose use of it was roundly criticized. The film “Adaptation” applied it to great effect when a problematic character was gobbled up by an alligator that comes out of nowhere. Since “Adaptation” is a tongue in cheek film about writing, this is one time it worked in a double entendre sort of way. Greek theater used a crane (machina) to lower actors portraying gods (deus) sent to get a plot back on track. And therein lies the problem. Audiences and readers expect writers to have better control over the plot than to send in alligators, cranes and what-have-you to settle a conflict that should have a much more believable progression to resolution. Deus ex machine is considered lazy, a far too random and insupportable way to wrap up conflict. We want neater endings, preferably with meaning and moral and in a way that makes sense – showing us life as we want it to be. The thing is, real life is all too often an unapologetic exercise in deus ex machina. In less than one year ago this time – my favorite time of year, I might add – I lost no less than six close friends and family. All but one of the deaths were the essence of deus ex machina. Car wrecks, a heart attack, cancer so fast moving even doctors’ heads were spinning. All of them came out of nowhere. All of them were, in their own way, as implausible as that alligator in Adaptation. If they had been plot points, they would have been dismissed as all too convenient. Except this was real life. I still can’t quite wrap my head around any of them and I wonder how life can be so arbitrary while accepting that it is. 34 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Writers ponder life and then try to make sense of it by writing about it. Art imitating life. I thought about that while writing this column and it occurred to me that life also imitates art. Apparently this occurred to Oscar Wilde as well, who wrote, “Life imitates art far more than art imitates life.” A circular puzzle and one that can get away from you pretty quickly if you follow it down the rabbit hole. It does seem, however, that deus ex machina might have been a plot device developed to help us make sense out of the indiscriminate nature of life. How nice would it be to have a crane poised overhead to drop angels down to halt the inevitable to stop the fatal accident, the slyly encroaching cancer, the heart attack that hits as you read your morning newspaper. So last year at this time I was looking forward to fall as I always do. Cooler weather, Halloween, fall colors, Thanksgiving, happy gatherings with friends and family. I’m looking forward to all of that this year, too. None of the people who left my inner circle would want it any other way. It’s my belief we are put here to learn and love and grow. But this is also a time of year for reflection and there will be plenty of that, too, for me and many others. If the past year taught anything, it’s not to get complacent. Expect the unexpected. Watch out for the alligator. I might even toss the deus into the machina of my current writing project. Why not? Life and art do imitate each other. Sometimes they overlap, bleed into each other a little too seamlessly. God from the machine. God’s will be done. For Carol and Nancy and Carl.
FALL 2015
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36 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
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Fall --- my favorite season!! Temperatures so pleasant one can sleep with the windows open, change of season and football!! For those of you reading this that haven’t lived in Texas, let me explain. Football is the culture --- an array of delicacies from the traditional fantasy football leagues to Friday Night Lights to Big 12 and SEC rivalries to The ‘Boys at Jerry’s House or JJ Watt and Company at the NRG. Fall is Texas football! Friday Night Lights was born in the fictional town of Dillon, Texas, but it truly is every town in the state that has a high school football team. Many parents send their boys to football camps to help develop them into the next Colt McCoy or Drew Brees. The girls are sent to cheerleading camps yearning for a future as a Cowboy or Texan Cheerleader. Every small town hopes their community will be put on the map as a high school football dynasty like Smithson Valley or Lake Travis. In college ball, two Texas schools started off where they left off last season --- TCU at # 2 and Baylor at 4th in the national ratings. The University of Texas Longhorns are again in unchartered waters beginning the season as unranked. Coach Charlie Strong is attempting to mesh his recruits with the remnants of the Mack Brown Era. Longhorn Alum scratch their heads wondering if this current roster can harvest another Earl Campbell, Vince Young or Ricky Williams. The Cleveland Browns 38 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
coaching staff holds its collective breath to see if Johnny Manzel has indeed cleaned up his act or if the power of being a celebrity will again cloud his judgment. I’m sorry but he should have stayed at A & M where he had a coaching staff that held him accountable and out of trouble! This is Johnny Football’s chance to make the Hill Country proud of the Kerrville Tivy alum. As poet Robert Frost penned, “Two roads diverged in a wood, and I took the one less traveled by, and that has made all the difference.” Here’s to a year of better choices JM!! My favorite venue of all of football season is my annual Fantasy Football draft! After dabbling in the free Internet leagues, I ventured with the big boys and have been in a pay league in the Hill Country for several years. I have won the Playoff/Super Bowl pot twice and runner up once --- unless you’re the IRS --- then I came in dead last. For those of you who have not played, trust me --- it’s mostly luck and good guessing! You can have the best team in the world, but an injury or two can send you back to the drawing board. It is fun and a lot of smack talk with my Commish and the rest of the league. It is what football is all about --- especially for those us who can’t be out on the gridiron in the numbered jersey, pads, helmet and cleats --- like me!!
Johnny Football photo by Tony Galucci
FALL 2015
The Grand
Opera House is a historical theater in Uvalde. Built in 1891, it is the oldest functioning opera house in the state of Texas. It has become a premiere arts venue for plays, musicals, and cultural performances The Opera House was built by a partnership formed between local businessmen, merchants and ranchers called the Uvalde Real Estate and Building Company. Concerned about the gunfights and general rough atmosphere in the town, Uvalde’s forefathers decided to bring culture in the form of a Grand Opera House to the downtown area for the purpose of changing the environment there. The beautiful 3-story brick structure has Richardsonian Romanesque elements in its architecture. In the typical Texas opera house style of the period, the building has the auditorium above commercial spaces on the first floor. At the turn of the century, there were also fashionable offices on the second floor. The Opera House was an immediate success and became the social center of Uvalde and quite well known throughout the region. In 1900, the building was sold to Fred Locke and then to the John Nance Garner family in 1916. By the early 1940s, most of the office tenants had moved out, and the building went through a period of decline. In July, 1978, the dilapidated property, now owned by the descendants of Garner, was donated to the City of Uvalde., who restored it to its 1890 condition. It 40 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
has hosted many talented musicians and actors. Acoustics in the Opera House are near perfect, and for that reason, entertainers (especially singers) clamor to perform there.
According to managers and maintenance workers, no one is ever alone in the opera house. There are many accounts of ghostly activity, including chair seats that flip up and down at will, tap dancing on the stage, children’s running footsteps, and the elevator moving unbidden from floor to floor. Apparitions have appeared in the second story windows and one such spirit was displayed so clearly that several police burst into the building, combing it for intruders. However, the spirits are friendly and seem happiest when there is lots of activity. The Grand Opera House Advisory Board welcomes and encourages talent of all kinds to perform in this very special venue. If you are interested, please call Advisory Board President Linda Koehl at 830-591-4430.
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Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Epic Proportions September 4 -19 Point Theatre 120 Point Theatre Road South, Ingram | 830-367-5121
The Beauty Queen of Leenane October 9 - 242 Point Theatre 120 Point Theatre Road South, Ingram | 830-367-5121
The Octette Bridge Club September 4 - 6 Playhouse 2000 305 Washington St., Kerrville Unnecessary Farce
October 2 - 18 Circle Arts Theater 124 Elizabeth Ave, New Braunfels Phone:(830) 620-4848 42 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Hotel California Eagles Tribute October 23, 2015 Callioux Theater 910 Main St, Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 896-9393, Kerrville
FALL 2015
Our Town October 16 - November 1 Fredericksburg Theater Company 1668 US-87, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 Phone:(830) 997-3588
A Tuna Christmas December 11 - 20 Fredericksburg Theater Company 1668 US-87, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 Phone:(830) 997-3588
Chaps - A Jingle Jangle Christmas November 20 - December 5 Point Theatre 120 Point Theatre Road South, Ingram | 830-367-5121
Kingston Trio December 12, 2015 Callioux Theater 910 Main St, Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 896-9393, Kerrville
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44 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
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Summer is almost over but you couldn’t tell it
by the crowds at Bandera City Park! Riverfest was a huge success and folks just keep coming to the Medina River to float. Come on down! You won’t regret it! Bandera has some awesome monthly events you can visit, like the Library Books sales around the County. Also the Bingo games are fun. The first Tuesday of each month we get a kick start with the Cowboy Capital Opry. Got to go, at least once. Classic Car night is also a couple of times a month at either Fat Boyz or T.J.’s Grill. You can shop till you drop at Bandera Market Days held the first Saturday of each month April through November, except this year, Labor Day falls on the first Saturday and that is the weekend of Celebrate Bandera! On the second Saturday you can join in some fun music at the Frontier Times Museum’s Cowboy Camp at 1 pm to 5pm. Cost is free. Enjoy traditional cowboy music. You are welcome to bring your guitar and join in the song circle. Bring your own refreshments and chair. For a special treat you can eat your fill of fried fish at the Knights of Columbus Fish Fry at St. Joseph’s Hall on the first Friday of each month. To get the dates and times, visit www. . All the information is there. Every Saturday, for great family entertainment, visit the Cowboys on Main program hosted by the Bandera Business Association featuring chuck wagons, horses, Longhorns, strolling singers and occasional snake oil salesmen. Catch them between 1pm to 4pm. At the Visitor’s Center at noon and 2pm hurry over to catch the Bandera Cattle Company gun show reenactments. In the evening you can sign up for the Flying L Chuck Wagon Dinner. Time: 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM Bar-B-Q, Wagon Rides, Roping Lessons, Hat and Pistol Branding, Archery, Old Tyme Photos, Cowboy Stage Show, 46 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Gunslingers, Line Dancing. Entertainment & Dinner from 5:30 PM - 7:30 PM . 800-292-5134 On Thursdays, visit the Farmer’s Market at Sid’s BBQ on Main Street. 8:00 AM - 11:00 AM Local farmers and food crafters offer farm fresh eggs, wholesome organic produce, rare Asian vegetables, fresh-baked goods and more!
Our Summer Rodeo Buckle Series is over now but get ready for Celebrate Bandera, Labor Day Weekend! Enjoy everything from a Cow Patty Bingo, our famous Longhorn Cattle Drive down Main Street followed by an awesome parade, Gunfights, music, Arts and Crafts. Oh, and don’t miss a chance to win $25,000 at the Cow Patty Toss, all on the Court House Lawn. In City Park, join the Rendezvous On the River featuring the Circle of Life Intertribal Powwow, life in the 1800’s camp, an awesome wagon and buggy display, the Celtair String Band, Story Telling and music, Chickin’ Ropin’ and a Horseless Ranch Rodeo! Wow! That’s not all. There will even be a Lone Star BBQ Society BBQ Cook-off and on Sunday morning the Western Heritage Cowboy Church will host an early morning breakfast and Church Service featuring the Western Heritage Cowboy Church Band. There is not a lack of excitement because on Saturday night and Sunday night, Celebrate Bandera will host the Cowboy Capital Cowboy Mounted Shooters Shoot Out and the Hottest 8 seconds of the FALL 2015
Year at the National Professional Bull Riders Challenge and on Sunday night at the Bull Rider’s Challenge and hold on to you chairs for the finals of the $25,000 Cow Chip Toss and the South Texas Bull Fight Challenge! To top off the evenings in Bandera, visit one of famous watering holes for some boot scooting, buckle polishin’ , country music. Wow, folks, and this is just the first full weekend in September! On Sunday September 6th visit the Tarpley Homecoming Sponsored by the Tarpley Volunteer Fire Department includes Labor Day parade, BBQ, raffle & auction. Parade begins at 11:00 AM with BBQ starting at 11:30 AM. Live music, 11:30 to 12:30 and 3:00 to 5:00. Tarpley, TX
Starting on Friday September the 18th thru Sunday the 20th Biker Rallies of Texas presents Rumble on the River A three day event held at Bandera’s Mansfield Park consisting of tent camping, poker run, vendors, food, field events, Music all day Friday and Saturday, bike show, tattoo contest, Sunday morning church service. Wow, there’s lots to do on Saturday the 26th! Get ready to attend the 34th Annual Cajun Festival & Gumbo Cook-Off ! Held at the Lakehills Civic Center. In celebration of everything Cajun. Live Cajun and Zydeco music on two stages, Great Gumbo CookOff, All homemade Cajun food, dancing, arts and crafts, games, souvenirs. Event produced by the Medina Lake Betterment Association. That same day is also the Oasis 5K Run For The Heroes Time: 8am; Run Starts at 8:15. Help celebrate the Grand Opening of The Oasis For Wounded Warriors with a 5K run. Music, games, food and family fun from 10am1pm. Fried catfish plate served from 11am12:30pm 888 Mountain View Lane Pipe Creek, TX 78063
If golf is your thing, join the Longhorn Meals on Wheels Charity Golf Tournament Time: Check in 10 AM; Shotgun Start 11 AM Four person scramble, team prizes, longest drive competition, closest to pin and hole in one contest. All this fun as you help support the Bandera County Meals on Wheels program. Flying L Golf Course, 566 Flying L Dr. Bandera, TX 78003 830-796-3600 October starts with some great Hill Country fun! Sat 10/03/15 grab your gear and join the Texas Hill Country Frogs For Freedom Ride Registration 9:00 AM Start 10:00 AM 5th Annual benefit run through the Texas Hill Country. All vehicles welcome. Proceeds benefit The Navy SEAL Foundation. 307 11th Street Bandera, TX 78003 301-751-4327 - See more at:
Bring the kids for the 22nd Annual Great Hill Country Pumpkin Patch Time: Open every Saturday, Sunday and Monday in October. Gates open at 10:00 am to 4:00 pm Cost: $6.00 a person (kids 2 & under are free). Its a festival for children and the children in us all. There will be unlimited hayrides, hay bale maze and giant hay stacks, petting zoo, play an instrument, apple orchard tour, visit the cider mill and apple processing, paint a pumpkin (you buy the pumpkin, painting is free), storytelling and sing along time, pet and groom a pony and paint a mural. In addition, for a small fee you can, Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
ride a pony, take a barrel train ride, face painted (Weekends only), and complete a sand art project (Weekends only), build a pomander, or feed the animals. 13558 State Hwy 16 North Medina, TX 78055 800-449-0882. Sat the 10th you don’t want to miss the 4th Annual Texas Hill Country Musicfest Doors open at 6pm. Enjoy the live music and auction while supporting the Kiwanis Scholarship Research. Schedule of events: 7-8pm Drew Kennedy & Susan Gibson; 7-9pm Dinner plates on Sale $10; 8-9pm Live Auction; 9-10:30pm Crooks; 10:30pm-12am Micky & The Motorcars . 11th Street Cowboy Bar. 830-796-5726 Sat 10th gear up for Ranch Heritage Day Time: 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM Cost: Free Fun Family Event featuring ranch skills, music and stories, antique tractors, chuck wagon cooking, branding Irons, antique fence weaving machine, spinning wool, horse training clinic, horse shoeing demo, trick roping, working dogs with sheep and goats, cover wagon rides and a giant rocking horse Little Wrangler Rodeo. Dress western if you can and bring a chair. No admission fees charged. Hill Country State Natural Area Bandera, TX 830-796-4413. Sat the 17th is Casino Night at 6:00PM - midnight Cost: Tickets are $100 Bandera County Boys and Girls Club Annual fundraiser. Music, dancing dinner, games, door prizes and a live cash auction at the end of the evening. Tickets sold at Shoe Biz (301 Main St.) and The Boys & Girls Club (715 Maple St.) in Bandera. La Cabana Café, 9600 FM 1283 – November’s events begin on Fri the 6th with the Bandera Chamber of Commerce’s 53rd Annual Hunters Bar-B-Que & Musicfest Time: 3:30-10:00 PM Texas Size Gun Raffle, BBQ and live music. 3:30-7:00pm Almost Patsy Cline Band; 4:30-7:00pm Serving BBQ Plates; 7:00-8:00pm Live Auction; 8:00-10:00pm Chris Saucedo Band; 10:00pm Gun Raffle Antler Oaks Lodge - 3862 Hwy 16 North Bandera, TX 78003 830-796-3280. Sat the 7th join the Bandera Walk for Diabetes. Registration is from 8 am to 10 am. Hosted by the Arthur Nagel Community Clinic, the third annual 5K Walk for Diabetes is part of the American Diabetes Association’s Community Walks aimed at stopping diabetes. 830-7963448. 48 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
On the 15th The Medina Volunteer Fire Department hosts the Annual Hunter’s Game Dinner & Dance Time: 2:00 PM on Cost: Dinner $9; Dance $10: Both $18 Washers tournament begins at 2:00 PM, dinner (sausage, BBQ, & all the trimmings) served beginning at 4:30 PM. Dance & concert with Ricky Adams Band at 7:30 PM. The Farm Country Club, 475 Pue Rd. Bandera, TX 78003 Sat the 14th get downtown by 9am for the Bandera Honors Veterans Event on the Bandera County Courthouse lawn with family displays and continues until 4:00 PM. Music starts at 10:00am with the Official ceremony at 11:00 AM and parade at noon. Free BBQ sandwich lunch for veterans & their wives. Additional food available for purchase. See military displays, concessions, and more. 830-460-0394 Bandera County Court House Bandera. Saturday evening the 14th, Plan to attend the Taste of the Hill Country Cork N’ Fork fund-raiser for the Arthur Nagel Clinic at Purple Sage Ranch. Tickets $50 each to sample Texas Wines, and specialty liquors and food from some of the best of the Texas Hill County’s finest Go Texan Restaurants. All while enjoying music from some of Texas best musicians. 796-4447.
Fit into all of this activity is Thanksgiving! You can be sure Bandera has lots to be Thankful for! For exact dates, times, locations, contact information and web sites about each of these events mentioned, go to www. and click on Events, Yee-Haw, ya’ll! FALL 2015
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52 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
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Loyal Valley Gun & Knife Show September 19-20, 2015 Gillespie County Fairgrounds 530 Fair Dr, Fredericksburg, Texas (325) 347-7022,
Burnet BBQ Cook-Off Sep 25-26, 2015 (512)756-8248
September 11-15, 2015 Hanger Hotel, Fredericksburg, Texas Professional Bull Riding (PBR Event) September 12, 2015 Gillespie County Fairgrounds 530 Fair Dr, Fredericksburg (830) 997-2359
Octoberfest October 2-4, 2015 Marktplatz (Market Square), Fredericksburg (830)997-4810
Rumble on the River Biker Festival September 18-20, 2015 Bandera, Texas (936) 776-1699 54 Heart Beat off the Texas Hill Country
29th Annual Gruene Music & Wine Festival Oct 8-11, 2015 Wine, food and song all day at Gruene. On the banks of the Guadalupe River. (830) 629-5077 (see page 28) FALL 2015
Compiled C ompiled by by JJack ack Armstrong Armstrong Pacific Combat Reenactments Oct 10, 2015 National Museum of the Pacific War 500 E Austin, Fredericksburg, Texas (830) 997-8600 Vintage Harley Bike Rally Oct 23-24, 2015 Luckenbach, Texas (830) 997-3224
Saxet Gun Show November 14-15, 2015 Ranch Park, 29339 RR 12 (361) 289-2256 Texas Gun & Knife Show Nov 21-22, 2015 Kerrville, Texas Youth Event Center, AG Barn, 3705 TX 27 (830) 285-0575
Wurstfest Nov 6-15, 2015 New Braunfels, Texas (800) 221-4369
Hunter’s BB! and Musicfest November 6, 2015 Bandera,Texas 3862 Hwy 16 North Bandera, Texas (830) 796-3280.
Holiday Arts & Crafts Show November 27-28, 2015 Uvalde. Texas Downtown Uvalde (830) 278-3361
Holiday Cookie Decorating November 28, 2015 LBJ State Park & Historic Site 199 Park Rd 52. Stonewall, Texas (830)-644-2252 Heart Beat off the Texas Hill Country
BUCK FEVER IN STYLE by Jack Armstrong
ts that time of year again - deer season - and ask any gardener, the herds need major thinning. This is a good time to prepare for this year’s harvest by going down your checklist before you head out to the ranch. Deer rifle, ammo and tags, check. Food & beverages, check. Hunting knife and deer call, check. Hmm... Am I missing something? Perhaps some comfortable accommodations after hours of freezing your butt off in a deer blind? Simpco Portable Buildings has just the answer. They offer a variety of buildings and square footage options that will have you deer hunting in style. And you won’t have to lift a finger to be ready to go this season. Built from the finest and most durable materials, your Simpco hunting cabin will keep you cozy out on the lease for years to come.
No liftin’ or totin’ involved, Simpco will deliver the building free -right to your location and take care of all the setup. As an option, they can even finish out the interior to your specifications at very reasonable rates. They also offer some great deals on no-credit-check financing so you can be in your new hunting cabin faster than the flick of a white tail’s tail. With the largest cabin inventory in Texas, make them the first stop on your hunting cabin shopping list. You’ll be glad you did. 56 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
We’re firing up for our 2015 Fall & Winter projects. Visit the web site for more information.
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
The First Sign of Spring 1998 was a good year. It was around 1998 that the Groobees, the Amarillo based band I was privileged to play in with Scott Melott, Gary Thomason, 7RGG +DOO %REE\ 6FKD྾HU -LP :KLVHQKXQW & Mike Devers, started widening our circle. 8S XQWLO WKHQ RXU ZRUOG WRXUV ZHUH FRQ¿QHG mostly to the wide, straight I-27 that connected Amarillo and Lubbock. That road ran parallel to the horizon that you can really only see in the panhandle of Texas, or maybe the ocean. In ’98, we started playing around the Hill Country of Texas. New Braunfels, home of the legendary Gruene Hall (the oldest continuously running dance hall in Texas) KNBT 92.1 Fm (the best pioneer Americana radio station) and a little place called Freiheit Country Store where they hosted a weekly show called Humble Time, was our introduction to the Hill Country music scene and incredible music fans that Texas has WR R྾HU Folks like Rhonda Barlow Maxey opened their homes to us allowing us to not spend all of our gig money on food and hotels for 5 people. Heck, Rhonda even gave up her ¿UVW ERUQ VRQ %DUORZ WR EH RXU PHUFK JX\ for a little while. People like Rhonda were the GL྾HUHQFH EHWZHHQ XV JHWWLQJ WR WRXU RU QRW New Braunfels is also known for the Guadalupe and Comal rivers, and that is where WKH EHVW WUDྜF MDPV KDSSHQ 6XPPHU WLPH LQ the Hill Country is packed with people sitting LQ LQQHU WXEHV ÀRDWLQJ GRZQ WKHVH ULYHUV ,Q WKH *XDGDOXSH 5LYHU ÀRRGHG OHDYLQJ HYeryone shocked as they watched their homes, FDUV KHLUORRPV DQG EDE\ SLFWXUHV ÀRDWHG
downstream. The media called it a \HDU ÀRRG )RONV WKRXJKW WKDW meant that it was going to be at least 499 years before that happened again. The water calmed and cleared back to its natural, beautiful, gentle blue green. So folks began to rebuild. Houses went up along the river, pictures back up on the walls. New roofs, QHZ \DUGV QHZ PHPRULHV -XVW years later, in October of 2002 after some serious rain in and upstream from New Braunfels, that water began to rise again setting another UHFRUG ÀRRG \HDUV QRW
This past Memorial Day weekend, May 24th, my new little hometown DV RI :LPEHUOH\ 7H[DV JRW hit with what they are calling a \HDU ÀRRG $ IRRW ZDOO RI water surged down the Blanco riverbed which only days earlier held MXVW D WULFNOH RI ZDWHU +XQGUHGV of houses are gone. A dozen people were swept into the raging current. $ IHZ DUH VWLOO PLVVLQJ :H DUH still looking for bodies. It’s nearly impossible not to get emotionally
swept away by this event. There are only about 3,000 people living in this town, so everyone knows someone who lost all. I live along the Blanco but am high enough on a hillside that my house had zero damage. My back fence was torn where debris JRW FDXJKW EXW , ZDV DEOH WR ¿[ LW ZLWK VRPH zip ties so that my dogs can’t get out of the yard. Zip ties. I am so lucky. The devastation that we have seen down here is of a magnitude that I can’t put into words. However, it is dwarfed by the outpouring of love and generosity from SHRSOH ZKR OLYH LQ :LPEHUOH\ LQ 7H[DV LQ the United States, on this volatile Earth. , ZURWH ³)LUVW 6LJQ RI 6SULQJ´ MXVW DIWHU WKDW VHFRQG ÀRRG LQ DV D SUD\HU of sorts. After living in Texas for almost 30 years, I realize that our springtime is not in pastel colors and gentle breezes. It is the EROGQHVV RI ZLOGÀRZHUV WKH HOHFWULF ]DS RI OLJKWQLQJ PXGG\ EURZQ ÀRRGLQJ ULYHUV DQG the roar of tornadoes.
First Sign of Spring by Susan Gibson 7KLV MXVW LVQœW ZKDW , H[SHFWHG Nothing like my weatherman predicted I’d have brought my umbrella if I thought it would rain ,WœV WKH ¿UVW VLJQ RI VSULQJ I got a bumblebee in my blue bonnet ,Q ¿HOGV RI ZLOGÀRZHUV ZLWK \RXU QDPH on it Can’t you hear the wind boy, it’s whispering? 7KH ¿UVW VLJQ RI VSULQJ I spent my winter with a broken wing %URNH GRZQ , FDQœW ¿[ D WKLQJ But like the robin, I can sing $W WKH ¿UVW VLJQ RI VSULQJ Brown boys walking down the street No shirts on their backs, no shoes on their feet Hanging around the corner looking for change )RU WKH ¿UVW VLJQ RI VSULQJ Strangers coming into this town 7R EH ZDVKHG LQ WKH ZDWHU DQG ÀRDW RQ down /RVW VXQJODVVHV IRU WKH R྾HULQJ )RU WKH ¿UVW VLJQ RI VSULQJ Baby, how does your garden grow? :LWK WKH ODXJKWHU RI FKLOGUHQ RœUH WKH seeds you sew Birth and rebirth are a painful thing /LNH WKH ¿UVW VLJQ RI VSULQJ Reprinted by permission of AGN Media
Kerrville Festivals 3876 Medina Highway, Kerrville, TX (830) 257-3600
11th Street Cowboy Bar 307 11th St, Bandera, TX 78003 (830) 796-4849
Texas Heritage Music Foundation 2100 Memorial Blvd, Kerrville, Texas (830) 792-1945
Longhorn Saloon 1307 Main St, Bandera, TX 78003 (830) 796-3600
Cafe on the Ridge 13439 S Ranch Road 783, Kerrville, TX (830) 896-0420
Arkey Blue’s Silver Dollar 308 Main Street, Bandera, TX 78003 (830) 796-8826
Azul 202 Earl Garrett St, Kerrville, TX (830) 896-9338
Flying L Ranch Saturdays - Chuck Wagon Dinner & Show PO Box 1959, Bandera, TX
Callioux Theater 910 Main Street, Kerrville, TX (830) 896-9393
Jake’s 12246 TX-16, Pipe Creek, TX 78063 (830) 535-6699
Ol Watering Hole 1109 Broadway, Kerrville, TX (830) 257-4653
Wildhorse Saloon 134 River Bend Rd, Bandera, TX 78003 (830) 796-9930
Guadalupe River Club 1483 Junction Hwy, Kerrville, TX (830) 896-3354
Inn of the Hills 1001 Junction Hwy, Kerrville, TX (830) 895-5000 Headwaters Saloon Hwy 783 Harper, TX (830) 864-4055 1011 Bistro 1011 Bistro, 1011 Guadalupe, Kerrville, TX (830) 895-1169
60 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Soda Pops 103 North Main Street, Boerne, TX 78006 (830) 331-8799 Cave Without A Name Frequent Concerts in the Cave 325 Kreutzberg Rd, Boerne, TX (830) 537-4212
Blanco Riverside Bar 18 Main Street, Blanco, TX 78606, USA (830) 833-0208
FALL 2015
Waring General Store Live Music Wednesdays 544 Waring Welfare Rd, Waring, TX (830) 995-4377
Crider’s Dancehall 2310 hwy 39 Hunt TX (830) 238-4441
Tucan Jim’s 5814 Texas 27, Center Point, TX (830) 634-2640
Roddy Tree Ranch 820 Texas 39 Ingram, TX 830-367-2871
The Hunt Store 1634 Highway 39, Hunt, TX (830) 238-4410
Luckenbach 412 Luckenbach Town Loop Fredericksburg, Texas 78624 (830) 997-3224
Crossroads Saloon and Steakhouse 305 W Main St, Fredericksberg, TX (830) 992-3288
Gruene Hall 1281 Gruene Rd, New Braunfels, TX (830) 606-1281
Hondo’s on Main 312 W. Main St. Fredericksburg, TX (830)-997-1633
River Road Icehouse 1791 Hueco Springs Loop, New Braunfels, TX (830) 626-1335
The Rockbox 109 N Llano St, Fredericksburg, TX (830) 997-7625
Phoenix Saloon 193 W San Antonio St, New Braunfels, TX (830) 643-1400
Silver Creek 310 East Main Street, Fredericksburg, TX (830) 990-4949
El Milagro Twenty Twelve 249 East Main Street, Fredericksburg, TX Phone:(830) 307-3051 Auslander Restaurant 323 E Main St, Fredericksburg, TX (830) 997-7714
House Pasture Cattle Co 2 River Rd, Concan, TX 78838 (830) 232-6580 Lone Star Saloon 2429 Milam St, Uvalde, TX 78801 (830) 591-9191
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62 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
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Hidden in the hills of the western Hill Country is a natural gem that attracts thousands of people each year. Lost Maples State Park is reknowned for it’s natural beauty, especially every fall when the maple trees and Texas red oaks turn color. Lost Maples has actually been popular for centuries - the area was home to a large population of Indian tribes including Apache, Lipan Apache and Comanche tribes which threatened the region well into the 19th century. The park showcases the best in Edwards Plateau plant and wildlife, with all kinds of terrain ranging from limestone canyons, clear streams and springs and wooded slopes. Bird watchers will delight in the abundance of species including the green kingfisher, the endangered blackcapped vireo and golden-cheeked warblers who nest and feed in the park spring and summer.
As you stroll along the creek, the shoreline is bathed in red, gold, yellow and green - a wonderland for photo buffs looking for some great shots of some of Texas’ most beautiful scenary. There are hiking trails for every level of fitness, from a short stroll down the creek to longer hikes up into the hillsides. The park offers a wide variety of outdoor activities including picnicking, camping, backpacking, sightseeing, hiking, photography, bird watching, fishing, swimming and nature study. For overnight guests, the park offers two types of camping sites - 40 primitive hike-in camping sites ($10) and 30 campsites with both water and electricity ($20) . In the fall these sites fill quickly so make your reservations as early as possible. Lost Maples State Natural Area 37221 F.M. 187, Vanderpool, TX 78885 (830) 966-3413
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Country Club in Kerrville, the dream was T he precursor to one of Texas’ poised to become a reality. most famous and beloved museums was the original Cowboy Artists of America, which was formed in Sedona, AZ to promote Western Art. Exhibiting first at the National Cowboy Hall of Fame, they later moved the exhibit to the Phoenix Art Museum. It was time for a permanent home for this art form. In the late 70s and early 80s L.D. Brinkman and Robert Shelton initiated the concept of the museum. Western Art is a tradition that runs deep in the Old West and the time was long overdue to bring the art form and artists the recognition they so deserved and a permanent home. Their vision of creating the first museum honing this cultural gold mine was starting to grow into more than just a vision. With a donation from oilman William F. and Carolyn Roden of 10 prime acres adjacent to the River Hills
By 1981 enough funds had been donated to commission famed Texas architect O’Neil Ford to design the 14,400 square foot structure. With Ford’s untimely death, Chris Carson was brought in to be the architect to guide the completion. April 27th, 1981 was the ground-breaking day and the public Grand Opening was April 23, 1983. Since that time, the museum has hosted thousands of visitors from all over the world. THE PARTY! Coming up is the Museum’s big shindig and hoedown! This annual event on September 19th hosts some festive fun at the Museum as part of an annual fund drive. The Party Art Sale and Exhibition kicks off at 9am with a breakfast at the Museum Pavilion with a speaker sharing stories and the history of the Great Western
Oscar Berninghaus, Sky Mountains/Sagebrush in Bloom, 1950 64 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
The art show will feature some of the biggest names in contemporary Western Art both painters and sculptors.
Trail. Shortly after there will be a shuttle ride to the unparalleled art collection of L.D. Brinkman, a founder and long-time patron of the Museum and his collection is one of the most renowned in the world Five o’clock will be the start of the silent auction and art sale to benefit both the museum and the artists. There will be items available in a wide variety for art
lovers of all types. At 7pm, its back to the Pavilion for dinner and a dance/concert featuring the Almost Patsy Cline Band so be sure to wear your dancin’ boots. The Party costs a $125 donation which is a bargain when considering everything that comes with the package and the gala fun to be had.
SPECIAL EVENTS The last Friday of the month the museum reaches out to the community in thanks for their support with Family Free Day and anyone with a Kerr County I.D. gets free admission. October is Texas Archeology Month and on October 24th Curtis Carter shares his knowledge of the Old West lifestyle with a tepee and all the artifacts of Indian life in the 1800s. In December the Museum will host the First Friday Wine Share and the 2nd Friday is Open House. The Artist of the Month features contemporary Western Art. The museum is a private nonprofit entity that receives no government or public funds and relies solely on donations, grants and the income from the museum. The museum has been a boon to the Kerrville area bringing over 12,000 annual visitors and the economic activity that comes with tourists and visitors. The community has been very supportive of the museum both in donations and volunteers. Museum of Western Art Open 10 am until 4pm Tues - Sat 1550 Bandera Hwy Kerrville, TX 78028 (830) 896-2253 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Grandma taught me years ago….Starting seeds without storebought plastic or mulch pots. Between the military and the oil company, my Dad was required to move the family several times as I grew up. Because Grandma lived in Kerrville we always considered it “home”. I always paid attention to her, and remember a certain practice she taught me. Often Grandma invited me to help with meal preparation. One of her “things” was to save egg shells. She taught me how to carefully open them. Her technique was to crack open the upper third of the shell, and save the remaining 2/3 of the shell for something special. She was an avid gardener, and I always enjoyed planting and harvesting with her. When time to start seeds, Grandma would have her little box of opened egg shells. She and I would carefully fill them with soil and place a seed of whatever crops she intended to grow. She’s place the seeded shells into her egg cartons and place them in a nearby window. Very little water was needed to keep the soil inside the egg shell at the proper moisture level. Before you knew it, the life inside those seeds would sprout, and a healthy green “shoot” would appear. After a week or so, we’d take the egg cartons full of the new plants, and carefully place the egg shell into the prepared soil. A little water ever so often was all that was needed to help the plants grow. I never knew until later that the egg shell planters served a number of different purposes. Obviously the shell served to hold the moist soil and protect the roots. But it also provided a mineral rich layer of calcium and other essential minerals which was a sort of natural fertilizer. The shells would disintegrate as the plant began to grow and would eventually dissolve into the soil. I never knew at the time that the egg shells provided nutrients and enriched the soil. 66 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Grandma also taught me to take the wood ashes from the fireplace and her old wood cooking-stove and sprinkle them into the garden soil. It was not until many years later that I learned the remarkable benefit of her technique. The addition of wood ashes was an ingenious way of re-mineralizing the soils where her garden grew. You see, plants do not produce minerals, rather; they extract minerals from the soil they are growing in. The only way to grow mineral rich crops is to grow them in mineral rich soils. This requires a continual replenishing effort, and the “old folks” did it instinctively. They never even considered buying the petroleum based plant fertilizers used by modern gardeners and farmers. In many respects, the “old ways” are still the best ways, and we’d do well to take a journey back to the old ways and practice them. And by the way, take advantage of teaching your children and grandchildren some of the “old ways”. Grandma was so smart!
FALL 2015
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
an eternal optimist, in the fall It’s very likely that this was an of 2013, IBeing collected acorns from all of the above
all time record year for oak pollen. Absolutely all of the various species of oak trees found in this area proliferated in pollen production. Here on the Farm we’ve experienced more oak pollen related allergies than ever in history. Yellow pollen dust and catkins (male oak blooms) covered sidewalks, other walkways, and were a real nuisance in the swimming pool. This, of course, is the result of good moisture through most of the winter and early spring. All of this precipitated the message of the month “OAKS of TEXAS”. Actually I have decided that if I were to start my career over, I would major in horticulture at Texas A & M and specialize in native Texas Oak trees. This premonition is not only the result of oak pollen induced sneezing attacks, but has been in the speculation stage for several years. There are 43 different species of oak trees in the state, 38 of them are considered trees, and the other 5 are shrubs. There are two major groups of oaks—Red Oaks and White Oaks. The White Oaks produce acorns each year while the Red Oaks take 2 years to produce an acorn crop. There are other differences but the main purpose of this edition is to give tidbits of information on the species found here on the Farm and other areas of Bandera County. Growing naturally in the pastures here on the Farm there are Black Jack Oak, Lacey Oak, Live Oak, Post Oak, Spanish Oak, and Durand Oak. In addition over the years specimens of Burr Oak, Shumard Oak, and Chinkapin Oak have been purchased and transplanted. All of these are doing well and have grown into big beautiful trees. 68 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
mentioned species and planted them in containers. The results were gratifying for specimens of every species sprouted and grew throughout 2014. In January of 2015 one specimen of each species was transplanted in an open area of the Farm Recreation area yard. This is the beginning of the “Oaks of Texas “ Nursery. Optimistically in 10 to 15 years someone may begin to realize a little shade from these acorns. However, it will be interesting to see how much extra TLC can stimulate the different species. Also take note of the fact that the best time to plant oak acorns
is immediately when they begin to fall from the trees in the fall. All indications at this time are that there will be a huge acorn crop this fall. Some sources say that all species of oaks are subject to the oak wilt fungus disease, and therefore should be planted only with prior knowledge and reservations. However, it might be pointed out that any of the trees that acorns were collected from that were growing naturally here on the Farm are 100 years old or significantly more. That is the Live Oak, Lacey Oak, Post Oak, Black Jack Oak, Spanish Oak, and Durand Oak. The Burr Oak and Chinkapin Oak are only about 25 years old, having been obtained in 1991 as bare root plants, the result of a special gift from Bandera Electric Coop. These trees in FALL 2015
front of the Party Pavilion are over 60’ tall and have canopies with at least 25’ radius. The White Oaks, while possibly not completely immune to Oak Wilt, seem to be the least susceptible. The White Oaks dealt with here are Burr Oak, Lacey Oak, Chinikapin Oak, Post Oak, and Durand Oak. Since oaks are to be a sort of specialty for this column a single new species will be picked for special treatment with each edition. So please meet the Post Oak. This is a tall straight tree of the white oak group. Being a white oak tells us that it produces acorns every year and does not have spines on the tips of its leaf lobes. The Post Oak is not a dominant tree in Bandera County. It prefers the more reddish soils which occur only in relatively small pockets. Here on the Farm there are two groves, one in the very highest point of the RV Park, and the other on the East bank of Hicks Creek next to Highway 2828. The predominant habitat of this oak species is in the deeper more acid soils of East Texas. Because of its height and size it could be a good shade tree, but here in Bandera County its value is probably only as an occasional specimen planting for someone seeking variety, realizing that it may require special TLC. Post Oak has the reputation of being difficult to transplant, and a general aversion to human activity. Actually, trees in general that have spent most of their lives in a natural or wild state don’t like human activity. They don’t like to have soil hauled in and added to their root cover, especially if that soil is a clay consistency, they don’t like pruning, they don’t like having decks built around them, they don’t like ditches dug in their root zones, and they don’t like having heavy vehicles driven over their root zones. Those things being said, there are trees that have withstood almost all of these embellishments and survived. It is interesting to note that in Texas Monthly magazines June of 2013 edition in listing the “(50 Best BBQ Joints in the World)” 17 of them professed that Post Oak was their wood of choice.
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70 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
Photos by Phil Houseal The Celestial Circle: Concert in a Cave This September you can celebrate a celestial event in an unexpected setting–90 feet underground in total darkness. That would be inside Cave Without A Name, listening to Celebration Circle perform world music during the Autumnal Equinox. “It’s awesome–both the acoustics and the music,” said Nancy, one of 200 that heard the Summer Solstice concert in June. She has been attending performances at the cave for three years. “The cave is a beautiful place to have a concert.” “The Cave” is a gorgeous limestone formation that lies in Kendall County, just north of Boerne. The cave boasts 2.7 miles of passages, with the public area comprising six large “rooms” a quarter of a mile long. The central room is the setting for the music groups, backlit with spectacular stalactites and stalagmites, columns and draperies. The cave is “live” in that it continues to grow from water still feeding its formations. This unlikely concert hall was discovered in 1935 by three kids searching for a lost sheep. They tied a rope to a tree and shinnied down the hole, finding a moonshiner’s still and then crawling into a wondrous untouched cavern. One of those youngsters– Mary McGrath Curry–remembers the magic moment. 72 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
“We saw a massive room with beautiful stalagmites and stalactites,” Curry said, still enthralled 80 years later. “There was an ethereal light there, so it was bright inside the cave. It was a wonderful experience, and one that I remember quite well.” Cave Without A Name is now owned by Tom Summers. He has improved the roads, added bathrooms, and upgraded the grounds with a pavilion, picnic tables, camping areas, and hiking trails through native-friendly landscaping. But the most innovative improvement is opening up the cave for live music eight times a year. The public can walk down 126 steps and sit in 66-degree temperature to listen to everything from Bach to Tibetan singing bowls.
Celebration Circle Performing “Yes, we definitely want to FALL 2015
offer more live music,” he said. “We see this evolving into a music center with top quality classical music. I think there is a need for it, and the people who come truly appreciate it. The acoustics are spectacular.” Under his ownership, the cave has hosted opera, a woodwind ensemble, a world music group, and string quartet. For musicians, playing in a closed space 90 feet underground is an unexpectedly freeing experience.
Not every venue allows that. Here, the acoustics are so good, you can hear every single detail.” Listening to music inside a cave is indeed an immersive experience, especially when the lights are switched off. Sitting in total darkness forces the audience to experience sound patterns in a different way. The power and presence of acoustic instruments–and the human voice–makes sound become a tangible thing as it bounces off the formations and hangs in the echoes of ageless water and stone. It also impels the audience to become part of the performance. “It’s just a place like no other,” said Eva, another frequent goer who is also a trained classical musician. “To go into this huge beautiful space underground, and to participate in this amazing sound that comes from any of the groups we’ve heard–I don’t think there is any way to describe it other than to experience it. It is as good as any concert hall you’ll ever play in.”
Tom Summers greets visitors “The Throne Room is so resonant, it’s incredible,” said vocalist Sarah Gabriel, who has been performing here with of the Celebration Circle Band for eight years. “It’s amazing to go into this space and celebrate the turning that native people have done for eons before us. To reconnect with the earth; to be in the womb of the earth, it’s a powerful thing.” Patrick Moore, cellist with Axiom Quartet, describes playing inside the cave as a “blanket of sound.” “The best way to describe the total acoustic quality of the cave is that it’s the warmest hug of sound you can ever imagine,” Moore said. “One of the advantages of a string quartet is the ability to go soft as a whisper.
Phil Houseal is a writer and owner of Full House PR. Contact him at phil@fullhouseproductions. Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
74 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
Kathleen Hudson (continued from page 24)
New Folk (continued from page 17)
a wife to songwriter Josh Grider, a member of the THMF Music Connection, and graduate of Tivy High School at one time. Her sister Staci has been recording and singing for a long time and the duo of sisters is a beautiful addition to our event. How do you listen to sisters? How do you hear challenges?
The next issue will follow up after the tour with interviews and ‘stories from the road’. Be sure to join us at the Kerrville Fall Music Festival Labor Day weekend. We have a great line up of our favorite songwriters, and a few new bands to put on your ‘follow’ list. Our Music Camp for teens with be featured in a concert on Saturday afternoon at the Threadgill Theater at 1PM and a New Folk in the Round on Sunday afternoon at 1PM. Tom Meny from the 2015 Award Winners with be joined in concert by Drew Kennedy a 2015 Finalist, J Wagner 2012 and Katie Gosnell 2014.
/HH 'Xŕľľ\ KDV EHHQ D VWDQG IRU songwriters in Austin through the ASG, and I have had the fortune of presenting on creativity DW WKH -DQXDU\ FRQIHUHQFH LQ $XVWLQ :KDW D MR\ to meet all these songwriters so committed to their own creativity. And Lee has given them a chance to learn about the â&#x20AC;&#x153;business.â&#x20AC;? I met her after she worked with Merle Haggard, interviewed her as a woman returning to the music business in my second book, and continue to be inspired by her passion for the writer!! And yes, she writes. Mary Muse, a member of The Muses with husband Bill, is now director of the Kerrville Folk Music Foundation. She and her husband have played a tribute to the songwriter each year at the Texas Heritage Music Day. Now she is using her many talents to shepherd a Texas treasure, The Kerrville Folk Festival, into a new future. This is my tribute to the spirit of women (and you know I also appreciate the men!). In communication theory, women communicate horizontally for relatedness, while men communicate vertically for power (Deborah 7DQQHQ <HV ZH DUH GLŕľľHUHQW 'DOLV $OOHQ producer of the Kerrville Folk Festival, and I have speculated on what we have chosen to do that keeps us working late at night, using both sides of our brain, and ongoingly digging for GHHSHU UHVRXUFHV :H HYHQ ZHQW WR D ODWH PRYLH one night after a long day at work, sharing our stories. Hereâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s to the women of Texas music!
Katie Gosnell A full schedule and information about camping and everything else we know you need to know is on our website You can talk to real people at 830/257-3600. Thanks for reading about the Kerrville Folk Festival in the Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country!
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
76 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
BRUCE ROBISON displays his literary acumen
EARL THOMAS CONLEY @ House Pastures Concerts
78 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
DAVID CROSBY @ Kerrville Folk Festival
SUSAN GIBSON & Heart Beat Pals
TURNER, STEHLING & MONROE @ Tonya’s Our House BBQ h b
Heart Beat off the h T Texas Hill ll C Country
CD REVIEWS “Patience” THESE FINE MOMENTS Independent Release Produced, Mixed & Mastered by Mark Hallman Review by Greg Forest Two long time Austin writer/performers Hillary Kaufmann and Robert Watts teamed up in 2010 to form These Fine Moments - focusing their talents on radio-ready original tunes. Both have experience in previous Austin bands, Hillary was a member of the Cosmic Dust Devils v1.0 The CD, entirely of songs written by Kaufmann and Watts, has more than a few things to say about life and love. My favorite song is, “Hearing Voices,” a snappy tune about the voices that can whisper in the thoughts of us all. In a close second is the title song, “Patience,” which weighs the truth in the old adage that patience is a virtue. Produced by Mark Hallman, an Austin A-Team producer for decades has brought his magic to this recording with him, playing a number of instruments and handling the mixing and mastering processes too, making this a cohesive story telling project start to finish. The CD is due for release on September 1st with a release party in Austin at the One 2 One Bar 1509 (S. Lamar) on September 6th. Hillary & Robert have penned songs worthy of your ears. “These Fine Moments” may be more accurately titled, “These Fine Tunes.”
“The Door Is Wide Open” MICHAEL WAID Independent Release Produced by Michael Waid Review by Jack Armstrong This CD appeared in stack of submissions we received this spring and at first listen, I found it hard to pin down how to describe it. Is it Americana, Singer-Songwriter, or straight on Pop? The short answer is all of ‘em. Waid has drawn from a wide range of musical genres that have you traveling from country flavoring, a swing by zydeco and swing with a good touch of roadhouse boogie-woogie with a pinch of rockabilly thrown in. It is obvious that Waid’s style was influenced by a very wide variety of artists and I would wager his car radio presets are all over the musical map. The standout songs for me were, “Memories Don’t Fade Away,” a poignant ballad about the past that haunt our memories, the title track, “The Door Is Wide Open” which makes the process of a romantic breakup a cut-and-dry process and the up-tempo “Same Old Thing (Different Day).” Waid wore the producer’s hat on this project and played a number of instruments with the help of some of Texas’ best session player with legends like Ron Knuth, Bobby Flores, and Jerry Blanton in tow. Sonically, I would have to rate the CD at the exceptional level. In the liner notes Michael that in some good way these songs touch and enrich your life. Mission accomplished. If you are looking for a great CD to take you on a wide musical and thematic trip across the highways and byways of Texas Music, you’ll find what you are looking for in this CD. 80 Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country
FALL 2015
“City Wise” RAND MCCULLOUGH Wooden Fish Produced in Austin and New York by Rand McCullough Review by Greg Forest
about the self serving context we all view the world with through our rose colored glasses. We are only what we think we are. McCullough has been joined by some of his A-Team friends, drummers Kevin Hall, Phil Bass and Buster Lewis, Marty Muse on steel guitar, Bradley Kopp on guitars and his wife Barbara has kicked in on a number of the background vocals. Rand has been performing across the Austin and Hill Country area with his group The Red Buds with other Austin notables Bob Rose and Bill Starrett - well known writers in their own right. Keep your eyes out for the Red Buds in your area. Here are a couple more of Rand McCullough’s catalog that are also highly recommended listening.
and McCullough has been one of my Austin songwriter heroes for decades so be warned, this reviewer is a long time fan and may be prone to bias. But I have always had a leaning toward great songwriting and delivery. One of the great things about both Rand’s writing and production is that what you get is what evolved of from his own talents exclusively. From his mind to the CD lacquer, the song remains the same. A master engineer, arranger and musician, he doesn’t have the need of outside help to deliver exactly what he wants to say and its performance delivery. With his new release, “City Wise” Rand has continued to expand his CD catalog. The title song reflects the year Rand recently spent on a hiatus from Texas in New York City and environs. Turns out he is a Texan at heart. Rand is the writer or co-writer on all the tracks and collaborated with Jen Adams and James Montgomery on this outing. For me, there are a few songs that really stand out. Rand is a rocker and Tunnels of Tears fits the pop rock certainly fits the bill. Right behind it is Mirage a self-reflective song
Heart Beat of the Texas Hill Country