Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
Real estate is one of the most active businesses in the Coastal Bend.
Citizen of the Year Shares Love of Cars Spring Fishing in the Coastal Bend
February 2017
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Table of Contents
ene oastal ScMagazine Volume 5 Issue 1 Spring 2017
Debbie Aylesworth Editor/Publisher Brenda Dodson Office Manager/Sales Associate
In Every Issue:
5 Publisher’s Note 4 Calendar of Events 18 9 38 Business Directory 14 From the Cover: 24 26 20 34 astal al Estate Blooming
Citizen of the Year Shares Love of Cars with Community Spring Fishing Options Around the Coastal Bend Coastal Faces and Coastal Places Caring for Your Coastal Home
Gary Kuhn Sales Associate
Tina M. Riley Production Manager/ Graphic Designer
advertising and distribution
Beyond the Freeze: Spring Brings New Life to the Garden
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
Coastal Scene Magazine ©2017 is a free publication published 4 times per year and distributed throughout the Coastal Bend. Reproduction in whole or in part without the express written permission from the publisher is prohibited. Coastal Scene Magazine cannot be held responsible for the accuracy of content or opinions expressed by its authors or advertisers. Coastal Scene Magazine office is located at 361 S Commercial,
reading about this community and family oriented lady. We are also Welcome to the 2017 ďŹ rst quarter edition of Coastal Scene developing a real estate section for local realtors to share the homes and Magazine. This was a fun edition to properties for sale in the Coastal put together for you - reminded me Bend. There are local news stories as of my old days in the newspaper business, mainly because of a tight well as informational articles about Debbie Aylesworth, deadline. places to go and things to do. As usual, Editor/Publisher The fun part was the vision of the we have a ďŹ shing article with some new size of our magazine. For four years we seasonal information. published a larger size, with a more traditional This is an exciting time to live in the look now at a regular magazine size. This Coastal Bend of Texas. The Third Coast is was partly for our realtors. They requested a quickly becoming an entertainment capital magazine size that would meet their needs. as well as an industrial hotspot for energy We are proud to have a special section just for business. Low oil prices have changed the them in this edition. employment of some folks, but they are quickly We interviewed Sylvia Mackie for this ďŹ rst being hired in other industries looking for edition of 2017 and we think you’ll enjoy employees to construct billion dollar industries ready to export products from ports of the Coastal Bend. As consumers, we enjoyed lower 6th Annual prices at the pump but they have climbed 20 cents in the last two weeks and it looks like Fishing Boats Ž‡ƒ•—”‡ Â‘ÂƒÂ–Â•ÇĄ ĆĄ Š‘”‡ ‘ƒ–• they will be rising higher in the coming weeks. ‘ƒ–• ‘ˆ ‹œ‡• The water is warming and so are the daytime temperatures. We didn’t have as much rain this winter as we would have liked but In-Water Boat Show we are ready for the spring break bunch that March 31, April 1 & 2 Friday, noon - 7 pm will show up in March. Living in South Texas Saturday, 10 am - 7 pm Come Sea-Trial the is a blessing. The climate is mild and even the Sunday, 10 am - 5 pm boat of your Dreams! breezes from the Gulf are gentle most of the 13 Dealers with 50 Models and over 100 boats on site time and keep us just cool enough to enjoy Sponsored in part by: a hot day. We have a delicious variety of restaurants to choose from as well as any type of accommodation you might ďŹ nd suitable for you and your family. Of course, there’s plenty FREE PARKING FREE ADMISSION DOOR PRIZES to keep you busy and the ďŹ sh are waiting to be 322 Huff Street, Aransas Pass 361-758-9000 caught. We know 2017 is going to be a great Tackle Electronic Local Artists Nautical Jewelry Great Food Live Music Much More year. Come down and play with us.
Rock the Dock
Citizen of the Year Shares Love of Cars with Community
Check out our upcoming events: – 69th Annual Shrimporee June 9– 11, 2017 – Hotties on the Harbor – Taste of Aransas Pass – Custom & Classic Car Show Sat. Sept. 6th
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
1935 s ’ e i k c Ma before Chevy r they e t f a d an it. restored
Sylvia has always been a working girl. She worked at Ace Hardware and odd jobs until she landed a position in Civil Service with the United States Postal Service. Sylvia kept that position for 31 years, spending the last 13 as a postal carrier. Mackie worked for TXDOT as a ferry captain and they eventually made their home in Aransas Pass where they have chosen to retire. The years with the postal service helped speed up her trip to the orthopedic surgeon to have her knee replaced this year, but she is doing fine. Mackie and Sylvia share a love for racing and cars. “We always went to drag races and stock car races at the Corpus Christ Speedway,” Sylvia said. FROM BOARDROOM TO BALLROOM … WE MAKE EVERY EVENT SPECIAL!!
“Mackie is a mechanic by heart and I have learned to help him.” She’s proud of her knowledge of tools and the various sizes in a mechanic’s toolbox to enabling her to assist Mackie when he works to restore cars. “I’m getting pretty good passing tools to Mackie,” she said. They have restored several cars. Right now they are working on a ’35 Chevy. “We just need to finish putting the hood on,” Sylvia said. “We have a ’29 Model A that we ride in parades and always have at the Coastal Bend Classic & Custom Car Show every year.” Sylvia, along with Alan Jones and City Councilman Billie Ellis are founders of the Coastal Bend Classic & Custom Car Show. The event has grown into a large event for Aransas Pass bringing as many as 150 cars along with a crowd to boost the economy of Aransas Pass hotels and restaurants. The Chamber of Commerce is a supporting sponsor of the event and for many years hosted the show at their location on Goodnight but it quickly outgrew that area with cars lining the streets. “This year, we had 115 cars registered to participate, but on the day of the event we had 150 present,” Sylvia said. It’s a big event and the community looks forward to it every year. This was the first year to have the event at the Shrimporee fairgrounds at Johnson City Park in Aransas Pass. Sylvia is key to gaining support and sponsorships for the event. She manages all the advertising along with the Chamber of Commerce and even sees that t-shirts are available for more exposure for the event and sponsors. Sylvia and Mackie never had children but their home is often filled with relatives including nieces and nephews that adore their aunt and uncle. Retirement suits Sylvia well although looking at her schedule one would never guess she is retired.
Ingleside Roundup Days is Fun for Everyone
Back in 1969, the seeds of Roundup Days w were we planted with a street dance and barbeque gathering near City Hall. Ingleside was still a small town of just over 3,700 inhabitants and without an annual celebration like other similar sized South Texas communities. If they didn’t have cattle, many Ingleside residents had horses and other four-legged critters which brought neighbors closer together. The Ingleside School District had already adopted the Mustang as the school mascot. By 1974, the Ingleside Chamber of Commerce picked up on the community support of the growing annual jamboree and absorbed the event and branded it with the name of Roundup Days. “I would travel through small towns all around us like Yorktown where the German
community would celebrate and other small towns, too,� said Liz Vaden, an Ingleside native who now lives in Rockport. “So a few of us at the time decided to start a get together and now we have an annual event to celebrate our local heritage,� she explained.
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RIDES * GAMES * FOOD * LIVE ENTERTAINMENT! Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
The 43rd Roundour biggest fundraiser Up Days is still 2017 ROUNDUP DAYS SCHEDULE for the Chamber. organized annually by However, the Thursday, March 23 – Sunday, March 26 December Renaissance the Ingleside Chamber Carnival Open Faire is slowly but of Commerce and takes place at N.O surely becoming just as significant,” added Simmons Park in the Friday, March 24 heart of Ingleside by Casanova who came Gates Open 5:00 pm-11:00 pm the water tower off to Ingleside six years ago from San Antonio. of Highway 361 on Saturday, March 25 Friday and Saturday, The determination Gates Open 11:00 am -11:00 pm for taking Roundup March 24-25, 2017. Gates are open from Days to the next level 5:00 pm – 11:00 pm is echoed by Kenneth moved from the Nueces River to on Friday and from Mills, Roundup Days the Rio Grande, white settlers of Committee Chair. 11:00 am to 11:00 pm on Irish, German, English, Czech Saturday. Entry fee is $5 both “We have invested more and other European cultures days. money in the live music talent came to the area for the rest of Friday, March 24 is Texas to attract bigger crowds,” he the 19th Century adding to the Country Music Night with said. “We are also looking to economic and social fabric of Corpus Christi native, Roger add new activities such as the an emerging community. San Creager, making his first Children’s Tent in 2017. Navy/ Patricio County extended from appearance at Round-Up Days. Army Community Credit Union river to river and absorbed the Roger’s father, Bill Creager, stepped to the plate to sponsor Tejano culture that included the sometimes travels the concert this tent so we can proceed with trail with his son and fans could Wild Horse Desert and a deeply making Roundup Days more rooted ranching society. be treated to their famous duet family friendly. The Children’s So on Saturday, March 25, of “El Rancho Grande.” Roger, Tent will include face painting, Roundup Days celebrates that a Tuloso-Midway High School fish casting, a seagrass dice historical and cultural tie with graduate, has a strong Coastal game, wildlife mystery boxes, Tejano Night. Jay Perez is the horseshoe and Mustang drawing Bend following so come early headliner with Grupo Imagen, and enjoy the food, crafts, and a Sidewalk Stampede Ruben Naranjo y Los Gamblers carnival and cold beverages Children’s Parade on Saturday adding to the flavor of the live while you wait for show time at morning,” added Mills, Pastmusic lineup. 10:00 pm. Curtis Grimes and President of the Ingleside “We are willing to take another local favorite, 5 Card Chamber. risks for the future growth of Draw will also perform on the For more information Roundup Days in making it outdoor stage. about Round-Up days and bigger and better,” said Belinda The annual Roundup Days the Ingleside Chamber of Casanova, Ingleside Chamber event reflects the economic and Commerce, call 361-776-2906, of Commerce Board President social evolution of Ingleside or E-mail: inglesidetxchamber@ and Head Librarian for the City and Ingleside-On-The-Bay. The of Ingleside. “Roundup Days is original inhabitants were the Karankawas, a tall, slender semi-nomadic coastal tribe ROUNDUP DAYS DEFINITIONS that thrived on the offerings Roundup: The spring and fall gathering of cattle on the ranges in order to brand and ear-mark the calves, wean, sort for ownership and cut out those wanted for shipment to of the land and the sea. The market. Spanish Land grant families, Roundup Days: A spring time annual event held the last full weekend in March to who brought millions of horses, celebrate the past, present and future heritage of the residents of Ingleside and Ingleside cattle, sheep, mules and goats on the Bay for the pleasure of locals, neighboring communities and visitors from afar. with them, came next from the Works: Another term for roundup and working cattle, used mainly in the southwest. (for early 1700s to the end of the example: spring works, fall works). Mexican-American War in 1851. Works: The thousands of in-place jobs that are in Ingleside and surrounding As the US-Mexico border communities in 2017. 8
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in the Spring will allow for more success in the back lake areas with Speckled trout due to this increase in water movement and water quality. After over 38 years in this business I continue to learn New and better ways of predicting, finding as well as catching fish.” Watkins said. There are several varieties of fish available to anglers. Coastal Scene collected some information for this edition. BLACK DRUM The black drum is a thick fish with a lot of whiskers under the lower jaw. The younger black drum have four or five vertical bars on the sides. The bars disappear with age. The color on the backs and sides of the drum vary. The bellies on older drum are usually white. Drum from Gulf water usually lack color. The Texas record for drum by a sports angler is 78 pounds. Drum can be caught in the clearest water of sand flats. Drum thrive in shallow water, and in the Gulf waters more than 100 feet deep. According to local guides, drum are the perfect fish for any skill level of angler to catch. Tackle can be rod and reel, trotline, hand line or cane pole, and bait for drum is not expensive. Peeled shrimp tails are the most popular bait used to catch drum. Put the baited hook on the bottom, and wait for the drum to swallow he bait. Drum will most likely have the bait in it’s mouth before swallowing the bait, so fishermen have to wait until the drum moves off the bait then jerk the rod tip 10
up to set the hook. With the summer months approaching, schools of drum can be found in shallow water. The daily bag limit for black drum is five being 14 – 30 inches in length. No more than one black drum over 52 inches may be retained per person per day and count as part of the daily bag limit and possession limit. FLOUNDER One of the many fishing experiences available in the Coastal Bend area is flounder gigging. A multi-pronged spear at the end of a long pole, usually 8 to 14 feet long, is called a gig. The gig is used to spear the flounder. A light is used to spot the outline of the flounder at the bottom of a shallow area of the bay. Flounder lies on its side and blends in with the ocean floor. It changes its color pattern to match the area it’s in, anything from blackish-brown to light gray or a mottled color. Because of its laterally compressed body, the flounder lies flat on its side and looks up. Being able to blend or burry itself in the ocean floor makes the flounder harder to see by its prey and by fishermen. The southern flounder is the most abundant flatfish in oastal
Texas waters. March through December, the female flounder make their way in to the bay areas to feed after spawning. Fall is the “flounder run” and prime season for flounder gigging. The majority of flounder caught the bay are female but male flounder can be found as well though they tend to stay in the Gulf of Mexico year round. Female are the larger of the sought after fish, growing up to 25 inches. Males only grow up to 12 inches. Flounder meat is high quality and the added uniqueness of catching it makes it a popular Coastal Bend game fish. In Texas, flounder must be 14 inches long to keep and people are limited to catching five per day. There are several fishing guides offering flounder gigging. With the help of special lighting and a gig, participants look for and spear flounder during a five to six hour night flounder gigging trip. REDFISH Redfish are known for one large black spot on the upper part of the tail base. The color of redfish varies from a dark black, coppery color to nearly silver. The most common color is reddishbronze. Redfish grow at a rapid rate. Redfish reach around 11 inches and one pound in its first year, 17-22 inches and 3 1/2 pounds in two years, and 22-24 inches and 6-8 pounds in three years. Redfish are known to take most kinds of bait whether natural or artificial. The most popular natural bait to catch redfish are live shrimp which are best at the
rig where fish can swim freely. The best artificial baits are heavier spoons and slow sinking fish shaped plugs. Redfish prefer shallow waters in the bays with submerged vegetation. Redfish can be found in all bottoms types but like submerged vegetation and soft mud the most. Coves, points, jetties, and old pier pilings attract redfish. The daily bag limit for redfish is three being 20 – 28 inches in length. From Texas Parks and Wildlife site: “During a license year, one red drum over the stated maximum length limit may be retained when affixed with a properly completed Red Drum Tag and one red drum over the stated maximum length limit may be retained when affixed with a
properly completed Bonus Red Drum Tag. Any fish retained under authority of a Red Drum Tag or a Bonus Red Drum Tag may be retained in addition to the daily bag and possession limit as stated in this section.” SNAPPER Red snapper is a dark, rosy red color with dark fringe around the dorsal and tail fins. Full grown red snapper average two – four pounds but can reach over 50 pounds. Younger red snapper can be caught on muddy bottoms or inshore. Adult red snapper can be caught near structures in the deeper waters. Red snapper are the most popular fish to be caught offshore. Hand line, manual reels and electric reels are used with heavy weights and multiple hooks. Bait with fresh squid or cigar minnows, live pinfish can be
used to catch larger snapper. Reefs, rigs and banks offshore are the best places to catch red snapper. The daily bag limit for red snapper is four being at least 15 inches in length. Information gathered from
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Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
Coastal Faces and Coastal Places BY
Meet Brianna:
Lola Robert
Robert Paul Branch, is the owner of ‘Shell World of Texas,’ located in Aransas Pass, Texas. His colorful shirt truly interprets his personality. He’s nicknamed “Buzz” for short. Buzz said he has been in Aransas Pass for 64 years and has had his shop opened for 37 years next month! Be sure to stop in to tell Robert and his best friend Lola, ‘Hello.’
Shell World of Texas wouldn’t be the same without Buzz’s best friend Lola! This is how Robert describes his four legged companion, “My dog Lola. Lola, Cabola, Rock n’ Rolla, Coca Cola, Toyota Corolla, Areola, Lola. Is as sweet as she is cute. She can jump up to a six foot fence and sit there and jump back down. She can catch a full size soccer ball off the roof. She’ll bark at you if you don’t touch her at my shop. She wouldn’t bite a flea cause’ she’s never had one.” Everyone meet Lola.
Grandp Gary
Visiting all the way from Williamsville, New York is Mrs. Bobbie Connoley! Her coastal home is found at Coastal Oaks RV Resort. Mrs. Bobbie has been visiting since 2008 and stays from the month of November until April! She doesn’t visit by herself, ‘There’s a husband, and he is the driver.’ The two of them moved upward from the valley because, ‘It seemed like a nice place.’ Her favorite thing to do in Rockport is enjoy the sun and the weather! She told us that just last week it was 12 degrees back home, aren’t we glad we live in this sandy coastal town.
Gary Jones, otherwise known as Grandpa Gary, is a Winter Texan visiting from Nebraska. Gary visits the Coastal Bend because, and I quote, “I don’t like snow!” “I have put more miles on my car down here than in Nebraska.” Grandpa Gary has been traveling to Texas going on 12 years now and has been visiting Aransas Pass for eight of those years! When Grandpa Gary comes to town he finds his home at Don-Ell RV Park located in Aransas Pass. One thing Gary loves to do is his wood work. He carves small statues and paints them, sometimes hanging them from a tree to act like they are swinging or even my favorite, a hand carved and painted green turtle!
Roy Meyer joined us here in Rockport, TX about four years ago from Arlington, TX. We met when he was taking his pooch, ‘Troy’ for a walk along the beach. “I heard from another guy that he had came down and checked it out and said he liked it, so I moved down to be close to the water.’ Roy’s favorite things to do are walk the dog and go to the movies. At the end of our conversation he informed me that, ‘My name is Roy and I am single and I am looking for a girlfriend.’
The Richardsons
I walked by them a couple of times trying to decide whether to stop or not, but upon hearing the laughter and games of make belief the kids were playing I knew I had to stop and visit them. Meet Reid Richardson, a father of two adorable girls and two outgoing boys. The family just moved to Rockport from Austin, Texas. They are a home schooled family whose, ‘Allergies were bad in Austin, so the coastal air is good for us.’ Reid and his family enjoy the beach and being outdoors, especially the little sand crabs!
‘His name is Flash.’ - Truth Richardson
The Snow Cone Guy - ‘I just wanted to live near the water.’ Richard Ehrlich. He’s the guy you see pulling the little blue trailer down the beach selling the best snow cones around. Mr. Ehrlich started, ‘Coastal Breeze Shaved Ice’ in 2004 and has been going strong ever since! Next time you are at Rockport Beach be sure to look for him and grab a sweet, icy treat!
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
hat do oysters, square dancing and firefighting have in common? That would be the 38th Annual Fulton Oysterfest at Fulton Beach Park and Paws & Taws Convention Center on March 2-5, 2017. Over 30,000 people are expected to pay the $5 entry fee to celebrate the slippery bivalve and dance to good time live music. Oysterfest is the biggest fundraising event that supports the Fulton Volunteer Fire Department. Oysterfest begins on Thursday, March 2 with a $2 bargain entry fee. Active military and kids under 12 are FREE throughout Oysterfest. This makes for a great family fun experience for all to talk about once they get back home. Revelers can enjoy the carnival and Rowdy the Clown, continuous live music, endless food, masterful
arts & crafts and the friendliest crowds. “We have had overwhelming support for Oysterfest since the beginning when the Fulton VFD really needed to purchase a jaws of life tool for our fire responses,” said Rickey McLester, Fulton VFD Fire Chief. “I was 14 years old when it all started and now, I cannot believe how generous this community has been with their time and money as festival goers and as volunteers that combine to make Oysterfest an ongoing success,” he shared. Over the years, Oysterfest proceeds have been used to purchase three fire engines, two brush trucks, firefighting uniforms, supplies and equipment and the construction of a new fire station. All of this paid for by Oysterfest activities and thus, allowing the Fulton VFD to operate
as a debt-free all-volunteer organization. While most area festivals are two or three day events, Oysterfest is four days from Thursday to Sunday. Live music has always been the secret to Oysterfest with a mix of popular local performers and the bringing back out-of-town talent. Darrin Brown played in the very first Oysterfest in 1979 and returns in 2017 after all these years. Zydeco musician, Charles Thibodeaux, is another popular returning act in 2017. On Saturday, March 4, thousands of people line the parade route which starts at Traylor and Highway 35. The Oysterfest Parade begins at 11:00 am and meanders to Fulton Beach Road, and ends at the Paws & Taws Convention Center on the grounds of Fulton Beach Park where the festival awaits an eager public. Winter Texans abound in the crowd mix of Fultonians and other visitors. As the Oysterfest Parade ends, the Oysterfest begins! The Paws & Taws Convention Center building was originally built exclusively for the Paws & Taws Square Dance Club in the late 1960s. By the early 1980’s the building was in minimal use as square dancing numbers shrank. The building had to be destroyed or moved for a development project and eventually found its way to Fulton Beach Park with the support of the Aransas County Navigation District and Town of Fulton. Paws & Taws fell into the hands of the Fulton VFD who in turn, sold it to the Town of Fulton in the 1990s, The Town of Fulton has done the Coastal Bend a great service by using the facility as a meeting and event facility and shaping a home for Oysterfest. “One of the fascinating things about Oysterfest is that on the Monday right after Oysterfest, there is a significant number of Winter Texans that begin their migration north to get back home,” explained Les “Google” Cole, one of the founders of Oysterfest in 1979. “Aransas Pass had their shrimp and Fulton chose to celebrate with our oysters. We picked the first full weekend in March because it is last month of the oyster
season you can get good oysters,” explained Cole, who served as Mayor of the Town of Fulton for 20 years, served as Fire Chief and currently is an Alderman. During the oyster season that runs from November 1 to April 30, the Fulton Harbor bustles with oyster boats that harvest the local bays from sunrise to 3:30 pm. Texas Parks & Wildlife officials monitor oyster harvesting to make sure only 3” or larger oysters are harvested. Last year, TPW had to close parts of certain bays in order to give oysters more time to grow. “This year has been a good crop of oysters,” reported Cole. “The tides are up and that makes the water deeper, so there is more opportunity for the 3” oysters being caught,” he added. It also means more opportunity to enjoy those oysters at the 38th Annual Fulton Oysterfest! To learn more about the Fulton Oysterfest contact Angie Martinez at 361-463-9955 or email: Or visit the website at
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
spring 2017 events march
38th Annual Oysterfest
16th Annual Nautical Flea Market
at Fulton Navigation Park March 2: 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. March 3: 5 p.m. – 11 p.m. March 4: 10 a.m. – midnight March 5: 10 a.m. – 6 p.m.
hosted by the Rockport Yacht Club May 5 - 7. For more information, call 361-729-1244 or visit
Patrice Worsham Scholarship Style Show
28th Annual Whooping Crane Strut at Memorial Park/Tule Creek Trail March 11 - Part of each registration fee will be donated to the Water for the Wildlife Fund, managed by the Friends of Aransas & Matagorda Island National Wildlife Refuge.
Taste of Rockport at Paws & Taws Fulton Convention Center March 23 - 7 p.m. – 10 p.m.
at Northshore Country Club, Portland May 13: 11 a.m. – 3 p.m.
Windshield Tour 2017 May 17: 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Guided bus tour to see the growth happening in the Portland Business Community
Vets Fishing with Vets at Redfish Bay Boathouse in Aransas Pass May 19 & 20 - For more information, call Redfish Bay Boathouse at 361-758-9000.
Round-Up Days Festival at N.O. Simmons Park in Ingleside March 24 – 25 - $5 admission
The 18th Annual Jim Ehman Memorial Fishing Tournament – Babes on the Bay
6th Annual Rock The Dock in Water Boat Show
May 19 & 20 - Go to for more information.- The largest one-day women angler
Redfish Bay Boathouse in Aransas Pass March 31 – April 2 For information, call 361- 758-9000.
fishing tournament in the area.
Wine & Food Festival
at the Texas Maritime Museum in Rockport
Windfest 2017 at Daniel P. Moore Community Complex in Portland April 7 - 9 – See feature story on Windfest in this edition of Coastal Scene Magazine
28th Annual Rockport Tour of Homes April 8 -9 Visit for more info. 18
Offer Unique and Eclectic Flair
of over 58,000 people. This year the event will be June 9-11 at the Shrimporee grounds Communities scattered along the by the Aquatic Park. The diligent planning Coastal Bend of Texas offer their own unique of the Aransas Pass Chamber of Commerce personality and forms of recreation, relaxation, makes Shrimporee a community celebration. educational activities and shopping. Visitors and Many non-profit organizations depend on it potential residents are encouraged to come and for fundraising and they, in turn, give back to “spend a day with the locals.” the community in the form of scholarships and other services. It will be remembered for a long Aransas Pass time as one of the best attended and successful The 69th Annual Shrimporee in Aransas events since the days of Jerry Lewis and the Pass is expected to break the record crowds ––––––––––––––––––––––––––––––– COMMUNITIES continued on Page 30
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
320 West Avenue G Port Aransas
361-749-0692 19
Coastal Bend Real Estate is Blooming
oastal realtors are continuing enjoy the flurry of activity in ommunities from Rockport to Corpus hristi. Most Coastal Bend communities
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Property values continue to rise in most markets although there are plenty of “deals” for the shrewd buyer. Homes don’t sit long, especially during summer months. Aransas Pass is the home of Conn Brown Harbor as well as some great real estate deals. The last two years the city worked extensively on the engineering and design fronts. Pat Fenton of Century 21 Lee Real Estate has several listings in Aransas Pass. She said, “Several multi-family dwellings are being constructed as well as new single-family homes in Ingleside. It’s picking up since
Trump was elected. Two nice apartment complexes are being constructed in Portland and another one in Ingleside, also. Exxon is coming in and we are expecting more people. “Hogan Homes is developing a 300home site in Aransas Pass off Avenue A and Deberry,” Fenton said. “Infrastructure is
What Pat Touches Turns To Sold! 2149 Mooney, Ingleside
Pass 901 Avenue A, Aransas
Great location! Room to roam with 2.5 acres and huge mature oak trees throughout. Open floor plan, wood burning fireplace, stainless steel appliances. Huge screened-in porch with hot tube. Extra large building in back that could be a mother-in-law quarters, office or two car garage. Two a/c units and two hot water heaters. Water well for the yard.
1627 Beasley, e Aransas Pass/Inglesid
trees and Want Privacy? Plenty of fruit tained home mature oak trees. Well main privacy fence. located on large corner lot, motor Three driveways for boat, RV, ceramic tile home, etc. Open floor plan, with jet throughout. Large master bath Tray ceilings, tub, big shower, two sinks. en with Cotwo dining areas, open kitch s convey. rian counter tops. All appliance porch on Large covered patio and nice brick firepit. back of home with outdoor
This is a beautiful piece of land ready for you to build your dream home. Could have different uses. Three light poles to connect electric. Needs well and septic installed. Plenty of trees and highest point on Beasley per seller. This is a great investment property. 5.01 acres, survey in office.
13th St, Aransas Pass
Great place to build your dream home. Wooded and secluded road off DeBerry Avenue. This is a very nice area of town.
isti 1941 Orange, Corpus Chr
2087 Dowlor Dr, Refugio
5 Star Realtor, 5 Star Service.
Pat Fenton Realtor® Cell: 361.332.9496
home Look no more! This gorgeous has a great open floor plan! Large closet, master bedroom with walk-in tiled master bath has jet tub, huge ite Gran . shower, double sinks . home t ghou throu counter tops red Privacy fenced back yard & cove in patio. All bedrooms have walksteel closets. Kitchen has stainless fast break s, appliances, double oven bar. Ceramic tile in bedrooms. Near Naval Station.
ained Step into this beautiful, well maint to home located on a cul-de-sac close large plan, floor schools and town. Open g. fenced yard. Nice large storage buildin ous Detached two car garage. Gorge with landscaping. Plenty of room to roam mature a huge wrap-around porch. Nice aining entert for oaks and shaded patio okyour guests. Beautiful sun room overlo and ing the backyard. Lots of cabinets offered. storage. 13 month home warranty price! This home won’t last long with this
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Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
h U 361-776-0066
being put in place now. Prices are going up even though it’s a little slower during tax season. It will pick up after taxes are ďŹ led.â€? Fenton also shared information on construction of a RV park off of Mooney and Hwy 361, right outside of Aransas Pass city limits. “There is also a subdivision on Saunders and Mooney that is being developed,â€? Fenton said. “It has a nice water feature and lots of trees. It will be a nice place. “RV and mobile home parks are thriving,â€? Fenton said. “Almost weekly, I get calls from people wanting to buy property to develop mobile home or RV parks. Retired people want to come down here and ďŹ sh.â€? Per square foot prices in Ingleside and Portland vary slightly. “Portland is higher,â€? Fenton said. “We are still considered rural in many ways and Portland is not.â€? In San Patricio and Aransas Counties, rental property is very limited. Due to the fact that there are very few rental homes available in the south San Patricio County, further building and
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development is desperately needed. With overall home sales being up last year, developments and subdivisions are being planned. Eling Coastal Real Estate broker and owner, Missi Thomas said, “Spring owers are blooming and so is real estate. We have homes from midrange to high-end and plenty of acreage properties. About 1/3 of our listings are acreage properties to invest or develop.â€? “Real estate is steady now,â€?, said Elizabeth Martin, managing broker/Realtor with Eling Coastal Real Estate in Rockport. “I have folks from San Antonio and Austin looking for property in Rockport and the surrounding area. Some people are coming in looking for acreage.â€? When inquiry was made on values of property in the Coastal Bend, Martin said, “Values are increasing. Right now I can’t speak for Ingleside and Aransas Pass, but Rockport values are steadily increasing.â€? In Portland and Port Aransas, mid-priced housing is not readily available. Early morning news reports last May stated that teachers in Port Aransas were having a difďŹ cult time ďŹ nding affordable property to live in and were having to look outside the city because housing was so expensive. The same is true of Portland. While there are some rentals and a few multi-family apartments, middle priced homes are a scarcity. In some cases, it is less expensive to build than buy an existing home. Prices vary from community to community. Port Aransas realtors are busy with new developments in Cinnamon Shores and Palmilla. These are deďŹ nitely high-end properties that have a breathtaking view as well as price.
NEW LISTING: 4 La Buena Vida
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Gorgeous 4102 Sq. Ft. Waterfront Home with Pool, Private Dock and Boat Slip Media room, Guest Cabana, Gourmet Kitchen 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bath
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Beautifully landscaped corner lot home with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms now available. New paint throughout, new carpet in, bedrooms. Large living room, separate bonus room, atrium, 2 car garage, large backyard with separate garden area. Over 2400 square feet, well priced at $219,000.
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Investment Vacation Rental Property or Your Own Home. Beautiful 3/2 home on 2.5+ acres! Corner lot on Portia & Spring Ln. Swimming pool with waterfall. Landscaped with ponds, weeping willows, and palms.
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$457,000. Also vacant lot next door is available separately.
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
Mark R. Lauer 361-463-8305 Elizabeth Martin 361-205-4442 Anna Robertson 361-790-6457
Caring for Your Coastal Home: Protecting Your Dream
Many people dream of owning coastal s. Some aspire to have a home away from home for vacations or long weekends, while others move to the coast to be nearer to family or when they reach retirement age. Living close to the water can be relaxing, and it’s hard to beat the fresh air and the relaxing sound of the waves. However, coastal homes require some unique upkeep that prospective buyers should familiarize themselves with before buying a property.
SALT WATER Salt buildup is one of the pitfalls of living close to the ocean. Salt is corrosive to metal components, so homeowners are advised to avoid metal parts in various areas of construction on their homes. Windows 24
and doors are particularly at risk because they face the constant onslaught of Mother Nature. Fiberglass, vinyl and aluminum are less corrosive than other metal parts and should be considered in window framing. Homeowners may need to apply lubricant to moving parts, locks and fasteners to keep them moving smoothly. Consult with a lawn and garden expert about which coastal plants thrive with high levels of salt in the air. Professionals can make recommendations on low-maintenance landscapes that will not be damaged by the sun and salt. Humidity and salt concentrations also can cause concern indoors. Mold likes damp, dark conditions, so homeowners should do their best to keep their homes dry and well-ventilated. Rely on dehumidiďŹ ers to take moisture out of the air. Install more vents to draw air outside and create fresh air ow.
PRIVACY AND SAFETY Living by the ocean can be great, but coastal towns are often a magnet for tourists. Homeowners with seaside homes or homes in popular tourist areas may want to take extra steps to create privacy and security. Fencing and natural windblocks can block the view of backyards and other outdoor spaces. An alarm system can offer peace of mind in areas close to resort towns. Adequate lighting can deter trespassers as well. Living by the ocean is a dream for many people. The increased upkeep required on a coastal home is often a small price to pay for such luxury, but it’s something prospective buyers should consider before buying a home. COASTAL FLOODING Coastal ooding is another concern for homeowners who live close to the water. Prospective buyers should ďŹ rst determine if the
house they want to buy is in a ood zone or an evacuation zone. This is information that may come up when applying for homeowner’s insurance, as ood insurance is a separate policy. Individuals may have to take special measures to protect their homes from incoming tides or high waters during storms. The National Flood Insurance Program provides a ood damage simulator to predict the total cost of ood repair based on the height of the water. For one to four inches of water, the estimated repair cost is $7,800. For nine to 12 inches, the estimate is $18,930. At 18 inches, the estimated cost is $26,285. Homeowners may want to invest in lifting their homes or taking other preventative measures if coastal ooding is common.
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d n o y Be
: e z e e r F e th
s g n i r B g n i Spr e f i L New n e d r a G e h t to
Turks Cap
yrtle Wax M
Aside from two days in early January where temperatures dipped below freezing, winter has been warm here in the Coastal Bend. “Early spring” has sprung in the garden, but some plants still look burned or melted after the January freeze. Traditional landscape plants, such as Seagrape, tower like bronzed statues over their minion seedlings. Will they rebound or are they completely lost? If new green growth does not emerge by mid-spring, they are likely beyond resuscitation and should be replaced. But what should we plant that will grow into a size and form comparable to Seagrape, for example? Southern Wax Myrtle, Myrica cerifera, is a reliable native alternative to Seagrape. This large evergreen shrub is suitable for sunny to mixed lighting conditions and diverse soil conditions, from sand dunes to wetlands. It is native to the southeastern United States to include the eastern third of Texas and a couple of pockets in central and south Texas. Here in the Coastal Bend,
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Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
Southern Wax Myrtle flourishes from Kleberg north to Aransas County. Also known as Southern Bayberry, its aromatic leaves have long been used to add fragrance to candles and other household products. Southern Wax Myrtle has medicinal properties and has been favored by Native Americans and herbalists in recipes to treat fever, diarrhea, and bleeding gums. Midwinter to spring blooms bring Red-banded hairstreak butterflies (Calycopis cecropss) into the garden. By the following fall, berries have formed much to the delight of a number of species of birds, namely the Carolina Wren (Thryothorus ludovicianus). Southern Wax Myrtle is reportedly resistant to fire as well as freezing conditions. Here in my little slice of coastal forest, Southern Wax 28
Myrtle is nestled among the Yaupon Holly and Redbay beneath a canopy of Live Oaks. They thrive independently, without human interaction. Ornamental grasses have become increasingly popular as “shrub-stitutes” for hedges. With a variety of colorful options in terms of foliage and plume, grasses offer interesting color and texture, graceful movement, and habitat for birds and butterflies. Native species – Coastal Bluestem (Schizachyrium scoparium var. littorale), Gulf Cordgrass (Spartina spartinae), and Seaoats (Uniola paniculata), to name a few – especially cater to wildlife. They make great additions to cut flower arrangements, as well. Coastal Bluestem stands approximately 3-4 feet tall and 2-3 feet wide. Like Southern
Wax Myrtle, it is quite versatile in that it may grow in sun to mixed lighting, and in sandy to moist soils. During the growing season, its foliage is green to silvery-blue, and bronze with oatmeal-colored plumes in winter. Gulf Cordgrass reaches similar height and size proportions. It has evergreen, reedlike leaves and fragrant white plumes in late-spring to early-fall. Although tolerant of dry conditions, it prefers moist soil in full sun. Wildlife living in marshes and wetlands forage its seeds. Stately Seaoats represent the romantic ideal of a coastal community. Taller than many other grasses – up to 6-7 feet tall – their presence in the garden really makes a statement. Seaoats grow naturally in sand dunes pelted with salt spray and full sun. They help to stabilize dunes against erosion, and their seeds are a source of food for wildlife. When roasted, the seeds are also fit for human consumption. Because of their invaluable ecological service, Seaoats are a protected species in many states. They are not endangered, but collecting any part of the plant (including seeds) in those states is prohibited. Purchasing plants or seeds for your garden is allowed, however. Other plants are waking from their winter’s nap, too. Many garden cultivars and tender landscape plants were lost to the January freeze, but native species were hardly affected. Turk’s Cap (Malvaviscus drummondii) appears to be taking off recently. By late-spring, this Bleeding Heart’s deep crimson blooms will delight resident as well as migratory hummingbirds. Butterflies and moths flock to Turk’s Cap; its blooms and hips are safe for humans to eat, too. This versatile perennial may be found in deep shade to sunny locations (but prefers shade), and in dry to moist soils. Its size ranges from 3-8 feet tall and almost as wide.
Edible gardens suffered a heavy blow in January. Greens and root vegetables were all but decimated. We have replanted, and our summer crops are enjoying this early spring. Corn, beans, and squash have emerged, as have some tomato seedlings. Two species of okra that looked robust last week were snuffed out by the dreaded leafcutters (aka cutter ants.) Fennel, carrots, beets, various greens, and other stragglers from winter are struggling to eke out another yield before finally succumbing to the impending heat. The real excitement in my garden is edible flowers! From purple coneflower and lemon beebalm, to borage and dandelion; spring promises to bring colorful flavors to gardens and landscapes throughout the Coastal Bend.
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
COMMUNITIES continued from Page 19 Supremes who were remembered as entertainers of some earlier years. Aransas Pass is the home of Conn Brown Harbor, the home port for dozens of shrimp trawlers which fish the Gulf of Mexico and helped Aransas Pass earn the title “The Shrimp Capital of the World.” This picturesque harbor setting is a favorite spot for photographers and a preferred location for the purchase of fresh seafood, right off the boat. The City of Aransas Pass has plans to improve the harbor structurally and aesthetically as well as restoration of declining pedestrian access. There will be many improvements in the next 10 years. Pay a visit to the Seaman’s Memorial Tower. This beautiful structure is dedicated to those fishermen who lost their lives at sea. It is located on the point of the southern end of Conn Brown Harbor. New business is building in this area. A variety of fish inhabit the flats in Aransas Pass, and catching redfish that can exceed thirty pounds is not uncommon. The flats of Aransas Pass are a
well-kept secret right in front of your face. There are sandy beach areas for picnicking and making a fish camp. Sight fishing, fly fishing, live bait and lure fishing can be done with great success for the beginning anglers to the most advanced. Speckled trout, redfish, flounder, black drum, and sheepshead are abundant in its bays. There are also great places to picnic and play in the water along the flats. The Aransas Pass Aquatic Center is one of the attractions Aransas Pass can boast about. The 50,000 gallon shallow pool for smaller children makes plenty of room for safe play. The center also features umbrella water spouts and slides add the excitement of a ride the older kids are sure to love. There are two diving boards in the deeper end for fun for the entire family. The Rialto Theater doubles as a gallery and live theater opened in 1937. At that time is was more of a movie theater and has been renovated to remain true to its history. A year-round event schedule is in place, full of eclectic performances in the 98-seat theater, fronted by the gallery and lobby for art exhibits. Area artists and supporters of the theater maintain the period attractiveness of the Rialto. It also serves as a meeting place for the Downtown Merchants Association.
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N.O. Simmons Park in Ingleside features a brand new splash pad. Vortex started construction in October on the splash pad and is also home to a skate park and youth soccer fields. The Ingleside City Council and City staff is working on major parks renovations as part of the recent bond. Ingleside Round-up Days will be held March 24-25 at N.O. Simmons Park. Cove Park features two free lighted public boat ramps to outlets into LaQuinta Channel and Corpus Christi Bay. The park has a small fishing pier, shaded picnic areas with benches and grills and a quartermile asphalt hike and bike trail. Humble Community and Youth Center recently saw renovations on the outside with a new paint job and on the inside improvements for the youth section. The center features an after school program, exercise classes including morning full body workouts, yoga and Zumba. The community room can accommodate 90 people with a full kitchen.
as a multitude of souvenir shops and restaurants. Several opportunities are sighted right as one exits the ferry for dining, shopping or taking a boat ride in the Gulf. Dolphins are abundant in the area and are especially enjoyable at the end of the day as the large ships come in from sea. Dolphins like the breaking waters of the ships and dance for viewers’ delight right in front of the ships as they drive in.
Portland Portland is becoming well known for the annual Windfest. Windfest is scheduled for the weekend of April 7-9. Live music nightly is included for an estimated 15,000 people who come to enjoy the carnival, food and entertainment. This event is sponsored by the Portland Chamber of Commerce. Sunset Lake is a 333 acre area park restored to its natural habitat. The three distinctive facets: recreation, education and conservation are blended to preserve the ecology of rich wetland and the saltwater lake. Winding between the ponds is a paved two mile hiking/biking trail. Fishing is
The annual Renaissance Faire every December in Live Oak City Park which is the perfect area of Ingleside for this festive occasion featuring jousting, dancing of the period and crafts of all kinds for visitors.
Port Aransas Luxurious accommodations make Port Aransas a favorite for visitors from all over the United States. Port Aransas is the only established community on Mustang Island, the north portion of famous Padre Island. The beach is open to the waves of the Gulf of Mexico and is famous for fishing and surfing. The ferry ride crossing to Aransas Pass is open 24 hours, 365 days a year. Many opportunities abound in Port Aransas for dolphin viewing, deep sea or bay fishing as well
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
exploration and settlement, to boatbuilding and shipbuilding, to sports and commercial fishing, and finally the search for offshore oil and gas. The museum hosts the annual Rockport Festival of Wine and Food held every Memorial Day Weekend. The 21st annual event will be held May 27-28, 2017. Museum hours are Tuesday through Saturday 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. and Sunday 1 – 4 p.m. The museum is always closed on Mondays and some holidays. The museum has been designated as the Maritime Museum of the State of Texas. Copano Bay State Fishing Pier, formerly a concession-operated state park, is a 5.9-acre State Park located five miles north of Rockport in Aransas County. The fishing pier, acquired by abundant on the Corpus Christi Bay side and transfer of jurisdiction from the State Department of kayaking is enjoyed in the southern part of the lake. Highways and Public Transportation in 1967, was Fred Jones Sanctuary is a botanically rich opened the same year. The old causeway was cut to protected area considered a hot spot for birders aid boat traffic, so the pier now has 6190 feet on the looking for Warblers, Vireos, Orioles and other north side and 2500 feet on the south side. song birds during migration. Dripping water The Aransas County Navigation District has near a covered viewing area entices birds to show conducted major renovations and upgrades to themselves. Many species inhabit the native brush this facility. Current plans include a grant funded and trees along the creek year-round. This Sanctuary project to repair and expand the existing boat is #74 on the Great Texas Coastal Birding Trail. launching area at this extremely popular facility. Indian Point Park is a premiere fishing pier Expansion will include an additional ramp lane, reaching out into Corpus Christi Bay. It is known refurbished queuing docks, an observation area, to produce record black drum. The park includes a and fish cleaning station. Parking improvements variety of habitats for shoreline birds. Entrance to will include increased parking area with provisions the park is free. for improved traffic flow. Work on the facility also Violet Andrews Park is a kite surfer’s haven. This includes renovations and repairs to the fishing pier beautiful and well maintained park sits on a bluff and restroom facilities as well. overlooking Corpus Christi Bay. The coastal wind The Fulton Mansion has completed restorative and chop make launching platforms for extreme kite remodeling over the last few years. Built in the surfing. It offers 10 acres of wildlife preserve with 1870s, the 29-room Fulton Mansion was a wonder a 1/3 mile hike/bike trail, two observation decks, a of its time. Restored to original glory, the Mansion narrow sandy beach and a children’s area. There are represents the best of gracious living during the also two covered patios for watching the sun set. booming cattle days. Narrated tours provide guests Ample parking is also available. with an educational experience as they view the Portland is only 10 minutes away from Corpus mansion’s architecture of an exciting period in Texas Christi’s attractions including the Lexington Aircraft history. Carrier, the Texas State Aquarium and museums. Groups are welcome. Hours of operation are Tuesday-Saturday 9:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. and Rockport Sunday 12:30-4:30 p.m. Guided tours start on the The Texas Maritime Museum has been educating hour. visitors about the rich maritime history of Texas for Rockport Center for the Arts boasts a state-ofover 25 years. Visitors may view Texas history from the-art main gallery. The two parlor galleries are 32
dedicated entirely to its member artists, while the main gallery allows the Center to host local, regional, national and international artists in both solo and group exhibitions. The building also houses two visual arts classrooms which are home to numerous workshops, classes, seminars and open studio sessions. A well-furnished potterâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s studio is always active and includes a kiln room for daily ďŹ rings. Visitors enjoy the art center gift shop where member artists display a wide range of arts. The Art Center continues to host community-driven events around the arts. Events such as Art Education Days, ArtLink for Kids, the Rockport Film Festival, a Music Performance Series and the Rockport Clay Expo are just a few examples. Rockport has over 200 working artists, a variety of downtown art galleries and was recently named a â&#x20AC;&#x153;Top 10 coastal Art Colonyâ&#x20AC;? by Coastal Living Magazine. The Aquarium at Rockport Harbor overlooks Aransas Bay and the harbor. Guests are asked to register for the archives of the Aquarium. It features bay and gulf marine life, artifacts, shell collections and many other special displays. Often there are ďŹ lms for visitors such as the life of a sea turtle, or other sea creatures. Hours are Thursday through Monday from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. Volunteers fund as well as serving as hosts to visitors. The Aquarium is fun for all ages and itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s free. The Community Aquatic & Skate Park is nestled in a 12-acre Live Oak forest and is open year round. The park has an 8-lane, heated 26-yard pool and diving area; and a whale shaped zero-depth entry for children with slides and sprays. Local residents enjoy water aerobics and swimming instruction. Facilities also include a bathhouse and a 6,000 square foot modular skate park. You must be at least 10 years of age to utilize the skate park. Adjacent to the aquatic and skate park is a picnic area and playground with a Âź mile nature trail. The park is closed on Mondays. Goose Island State Park and The Big Tree are only minutes north of Rockport-Fulton in historic Lamar. Open 7 days a week year-round, the Parkâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s gate is open from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. OfďŹ ce hours are
8 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. Although the park is located on Aransas Bay, there is not a swimming area. The shoreline is comprised of concrete bulkhead, oyster shell, mud ďŹ&#x201A;at and marsh grass. The main recreational activities are camping, excellent birding and ďŹ shing. Other activities include picnicking, boating (motors allowed), nature study, wildlife observation and photography. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Big Treeâ&#x20AC;? at Goose Island State Park was named the State Champion Coastal Live Oak (Quercus virginiana) in 1969, and is thought to be one of the largest in the nation. The updates this year to the presentation of the â&#x20AC;&#x153;Big Treeâ&#x20AC;? include a cedar fence protecting it from visitors although all other trees in the area are available for climbing. The â&#x20AC;&#x153;Big Treeâ&#x20AC;? statistics: s 4RUNK #IRCUMFERENCE v OR METERS s !VERAGE 4RUNK $IAMETER v OR METERS s #ROWN 3PREAD OR METERS s (EIGHT OR METERS s !GE )N EXCESS OF YEARS
Aransas National Wildlife Refuge is one of the oldest in the United States and is the winter home of the Whooping Cranes. It is a world of wildlife. Visitors will ďŹ nd a museum, picnic area, walking trails and a 16-mile paved loop with photo opportunities. Alligators, javelinas, deer birds and more can be seen here. This past summer in July, raccoons were observed walking quickly to their homes, but undisturbed by the presence of observers.
Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
Shop Small, Grow Local BY
Shop Small. Shop Local. GROW Local. S Whil some sectors of our economy lean toward While Whi globalization, others are finding success by catering to the people (and pets) who live and work in, and travel to our area. By offering products and services that represent local sights, sounds, and flavors of Texas’ Coastal Bend, local small businesses add value to our community. Bolstered by American Express’ Small Business Saturday held each November, entrepreneurs have found their niche in the marketplace. Retailers, such as Rowdy Maui in Rockport, combine seemingly unrelated elem who Stan and their Kno appa of th enjo desi whic and drea she offer Sout rowd Farm up t In b Texa bein farm mark Sout heal and improving access to nutritious, affordable foods”, GROW Local South Texas manages the Corpus Christi
m Park; educational ding their annual re, please visit www. mers’ market on nter of Corpus Christi Boulevard. more than local food. lry, woodworking, sity of the Coastal Farmers’ Market is 75 Everhart Road in www.farmersmarketcc. 4p to 8p, visit Island at either their , 15820 Park Road ot (Billish Park, us Christi). Check d locations: www. rket. Rockport Market each month from igation District siness Highway as Pass, downtown nvene monthly for acebook page lists information about upcoming and past events: www. One of our
newest markets to emerge is Fulton Market Days. Visit their website for details. Local food may also be discovered at grocers large and small. HEB’s produce section continues to expand and actively seeks local producers to stock its bins. Natural Grocers in Corpus Christi carries only organic produce and will shift to more local producers as they become certified organic growers. Kimmi’s Fine Foods in Rockport is a long-time champion of growers, gardeners, and gourmet chefs alike. Kimmi fosters personal relationships with her clients and vendors, often introducing the people behind the produce to their customers. For directions and shop hours, as well as other valuable nutritional information, peek at her website at The history and natural beauty of the Coastal Bend are as rich as the dishes we serve. Corpus Christi Museum of Science & History tells the story of the region through artifacts and photographs, and is a must-see for residents and tourists. Other history-focused attractions you do not want to miss are Aransas History Center (801 East Cedar Street in Rockport), Port Aransas Museum (408 North Alister Street, in Port Aransas), and Fulton Mansion State Historical Site (317 Fulton Beach Road in Rockport.) Padre Island National Seashore is one of the finest displays of pristine wilderness in North America. Nueces County beaches from Port Aransas to the northern end of Padre Island are lined with picturesque Seaoats, railroadvine, and sea oxe-eye daisy; these native plant species attract numerous species of butterflies and birds. Regardless of where you live, work, or visit, natural beauty blooms and brightens vistas everywhere. From Main Street to farmers’ markets, and museums to wild nature; the Coastal Bend of Texas weaves a colorful tapestry of uniquely local personality.
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Protect the Environment with Safe Boating Habits
Recreational boating reaches its peak when the weather warms up and people take to waterways in droves. Spending a day on the water enjoying the scenery or trying your luck at fishing are popular pastimes. Following proper boating practices and etiquette can protect everyone onboard. Although ensuring passenger safety should be a priority, safeguarding against environmental impacts while boating also should be a concern. Marinas and various marine areas can become contaminated with pollutants generated from boating activities. Boat cleaning, fueling and marine head discharge are just a few of the pollutants that can find their ways into the water. A past study in the marine reserve of Cape Creus in the Mediterranean Sea found that boat anchoring also is a considerable threat to marine habitats, as vulnerable ecologies can be damaged by anchors. Although there are regulations in place to protect marine life and ecosystems, these rules aren’t always adhered to. Recreational boaters can do their part to keep oceans, bays, rivers, and lakes pristine by adhering to some sound advice. · Reduce engine exhaust. Whenever possible, row, paddle or use sails to decrease engine use and subsequent exhaust. When engines must be used, do not idle unnecessarily. Always steer clear of the aft of the boat, where fuel fumes and carbon monoxide can cause serious health implications. oastal
· Keep trash on the vessel. Do not discard any items over the side of the boat. Even seemingly harmless items can impact the environment. Store garbage in a bag and dispose of it properly when you return to the marina or dock. Secure items onboard so they will not blow off and end up in the water. · Avoid antifouling paints. Antifouling paints are special paints applied to the underside of vessels to prevent or slow down the growth of barnacles and other organisms. Maritime New Zealand notes that these paints can harm other sea life and prove dangerous when scraped off and not discarded properly. · Keep boats in proper working order. Poorly maintained boats may harm the environment. Inefficiently working engines can produce more exhaust and contaminate the air and water. Oil and other mechanical fluids can leak into the water and affect the marine environment. Proper maintenance helps keep boats safe and
minimizes their impact on the environment. · Use pump-out stations. Pump out stations at marinas enable boaters to safely dispose of the contents from sanitary systems without waste ending up in the water. Commercial ships, such as tankers and bulk cargo carriers, have the added threat of ballast water. Ballast water keeps vessels buoyant. However, when this water is discharged at the next port of call, it can transfer biological materials, like bacteria and plants, from foreign waters. These materials can compromise the integrity of ecological systems. · Respect marine ecosystems. Boaters who plan to enter the water and explore should tread delicately. Coastal areas often play home to birds and other wildlife. Use caution around reefs and habitats. Safe boating involves following the rules of the water and also keeping marine environments clean and protected.
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Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
MAGAZINES Coastal Scene Magazine 361 S Commercial, Aransas Pass 361-790-7106 (See ad page 39)
Coastal Bend Redbook Directories Coastal Scene Magazine Digital Billboard 361 S Commercial, Aransas Pass 361-790-7106
Bay Tree Condominiums 900 N Station St, Port Aransas 361-749-5859
Hampton Inn 2208 SH 361 Port Aransas 361-749-8888
(See ad page 39)
AUTO DEALERS Aransas Autoplex Superstore 2352 W Wheeler, Aransas Pass 361-758-3206 (See ad page 37)
BOAT DEALERS RedďŹ sh Bay Boathouse 322 Huff St, Aransas Pass 361-758-9000
(See ad page 25)
(See ad page 16)
CONVENTION CENTERS Aransas Pass Civic Center 130 W Goodnight, Aransas Pass 361-758-0009 (See ad page 6)
CMM Insurance Agency 1901 Balwin, Ste C., Corpus Christi 361-654-0085 (See ad page 25)
Ernest McAlister Construction 3012A TX-35, Rockport (361) 729-5588 (See ad page 17)
Farmers Insurance Bart Floerke 1605 US Hwy 181, Ste E, Portland 361-643-6500 (See ad page 9)
(See ad page 4)
Padre Dermatology 5920 Saratoga Blvd, CC 361-993-0234
Del Mar College 101 Baldwin, Corpus Christi 361-698-1247
(See ad page 37)
Farmers Insurance Alex Hinojosa 361 S Commercial St, Ste 2, Aransas Pass 361-758-7971
(See ad page 11)
(See ad page 9)
Lisa Mayo Interiors 320 W Ave G, Port Aransas 361-749-0692
Aransas Pass Chamber 130 W Goodnight, Aransas Pass 361-758-2750
(See ad page 19)
Farmers Insurance Brian Niemann 508 S San Patricio St, Sinton 361-437-4646
(See ad page 5)
Evins Glass Service 101 NPID @ Bear Ln, CC 361-884-3995
Ingleside Chamber 2867 Avenue J, Ingleside 361-776-2906
(See ad page 9)
(See ad Page 2)
Farmers Insurance Roxanne Swierc 904 Memorial Parkway Portland
PORTABLE BUILDINGS Coastal Custom Cabins 401 W 10th St. & Bus Hwy 35, Rockport 361-727-6199 or 361-205-2961 (See ad page 30)
REAL ESTATE CENTURY 21 Lee Real Estate, Inc. Pat Fenton 2527 Highway 361, Suite #B Ingleside 361-332-9496 (See ad page 21)
Eling Corp Coastal Real Estate 1602 Hwy 35 N, Rockport 361-729-3424 (See ad page 23 & Back Page)
Silver Sands Realty 307 Sea Isle Dr, Port Aransas 361-749-0068 (See ad page 22)
Witmyer Coastal Bend Properties 718 Dallas St, Portland 361-813-0846 (See ad page 20)
SHOWS & SEMINARS Texas Market Guide PO Box 1977, Kyle 888. 225.3427 (See ad page 35)
(See ad page 9)
(See ad Page 7)
Portland Chamber 1512 Wildcat Dr, Portland (361) 643-2475
Smitty's Golf Carts 1540 W Wheeler, Aransas Pass 361-226-1478
Russell Insurance 0ORTLAND s #ORPUS #HRISTI s #ORPUS #HRISTI s
Coastal Bend Redbook Directories 361 S Comercial, Aransas Pass 361-790-7106
(See ad page 13)
(See ad page 27)
(See ad page 31)
(See ad page 39)
#OASTAL 3CENE Magazine
Call or email today! Let one of our friendly & knowledgeable associates help get your buiness in front of thousands of eyes through Coastal Scene Magazine, Coastal Bend Redbook Directories & the ONLY Digital Billboard in Aransas Pass!
s OFlCE CBREDBOOK COM Living & Leisure in the Coastal Bend
NEW LISTING: 4 La Buena Vida
241 Coastal Wildwood Drive
Waterfront Home with Pool, Private Dock and Boat Slip Media room, Guest Cabana, Gourmet Kitchen 5 bedrooms, 4.5 bath
128 Wehring
Beautifully landscaped corner lot home with 4 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms now available. New paint throughout, new carpet in, bedrooms. Large living room, separate bonus room, atrium, 2 car garage, large backyard with separate garden area. Over 2400 square feet, well priced at $219,000.
630 Copano Cove
0 2 - /, 3/ - "/ 1 4 /- #-5 0 1 - /-2 $ 11 /, ( 0
+%, -.$ /0 /,+ 1
STUNNING NEW CONSTRUCTION! 4 bedroom + study or 5th bedroom + 3.5 bathrooms. Large 2 car garage. 17.69 secluded acres of beautiful oaks. 2 Private Ponds
101 Spring Lane
Investment Vacation Rental Property or Your Own Home. Beautiful 3/2 home on 2.5+ acres! Corner lot on Portia & Spring Ln. Swimming pool with waterfall. Landscaped with ponds, weeping willows, and palms.
$349,000 Let one of our knowledgeable agents help you! Missi Thomas, Owner/Broker 361-275-4118 Jennifer Bradshaw 713-269-7942 Melissa Diaz 361-386-0707
Beautiful Copano Bay waterfront home. Amazing views, completely remodeled throughout. Master suite plus 2 additional bedrooms. $OO KLJK HQG Ă&#x20AC;QLVKHV ZLWK stunning kitchen 2 car garage, downstairs utility/laundry room with half bath. Huge deck for watching sunsets and FDWFKLQJ Ă&#x20AC;VK
Barbara Emery 361-463-9550
David Fountain 361-205-1867
Keith Hamilton 361-215-3028
! ! " " # $ % & # $ ' ( $ ) % % * &
$457,000. Also vacant lot next door is available separately.
Mark R. Lauer 361-463-8305 Elizabeth Martin 361-205-4442 Anna Robertson 361-790-6457