Architecture Portfolio and Cv by Dimitrios Gonidakis

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|Dimitrios_Gonidakis| || address Ithakis 6 str., Athens , Greece, P.C 11361 || || e_mail ||mobile_ +306932427979 ||



I am Dimitrios, a hard-worker, an experience seeker, a perfectionist, a diligent, a dreamer, a lover of art and science. I am dedicated to whatever gets related to the vision that comes true. That's the reason why I chose to study architecture. Because there is nothing more satisfying than resolving problems by being creative. My birth island, which is my internal reference, taught me that people can make a dierence by working together. Also, simple means and materials are capable to create architectural masterpieces. So I love simplicity in composition and design. I believe that architecture should confabulate with human and its actual needs, without excesses. Architecture has to serve human and not it's own complacency. Apart from these here is a piece of my life hope to enjoy it and i can’t wait to start a new collaboration and gain new experiences.

2020| 07 - 2017| 10 M.Sc Computational Engineering in Solids at National Technical University of Athens expected [8/10]



2007|10 - 2015|10 Master of Architecture at National Technical University of Athens [8.94/10]








.1 C1

CV 01



01 Creative Suite

2015 || TODAY Freelancer Design Architect Skills| Design taking under consideration cost, design in respect of customers’ needs, learning through mistakes Projects| 2015|11- In progress Design of Small Winery in Kythnos for Gonidakis’ Estate



Adobe Photoshop Adobe Illustrator Adobe InDesign Adobe AfterEffects 02 3dmodeling Maya 3dsMax

2015 || TODAY Freelancer Graphic Designer Skills| communication and marketing through design, eye-candy illustrations, fast and current graphic design, transfer key-words into images Projects| 2017 || 2019 WIne Labels, Logo of Gonidakis‘ Estate 2018| 01-2018|02 Poster Design for Scientific Meeting about Strokes in Alexandroupoli 2016|03-2016|05 50 years Anniversary Cube for FLAX Cosmetics

Grasshopper Rhino 03 cad/bim Autocad Revit Architecture 04 Fabrication zund 3d-printing modelmaking

2018| 12- TODAY Landscape Architecture office “To Fyllo” Position| Third-party Contractor -Digital image of the office: update the handcraft image of the office. -Digital Illustrations: use of photoshop, collages and 3d renders for landscape Illustrations -Social Media Advisor: modernization of the offices way of work.

05 programming/physical computing Processing Arduino Matlab Fortran 74 Python3 06 FEA

2017| 09 - 2019| 05 Clothing Company Emporiotex Position| Art directing, Social Media Manager Skills| Data analysis, time managment, low-no budget project managment, creative control, coordination, human resources managment.

ANSYS COMSOL 07 other Meshmixer FlowDesign



Office (word,excel etc.)

Archery member of Panellinios’ Team since 2018 Traveling | Languages Winetesting Cinema | Theater | participation as art director to shortfilms

Sketches 08 Render V-Ray

CV 02


Structural Topology Optimization and Daylight Analysis

Description The project develops a framework which searches the optimimum target volume of a structural topology optimization algorithm (Bi-direction Structural Optimization) which satisfies the daylight needs of a single room with one window wall.

|| academic project || computational engineering in solids || course: master thesis || professor: Nikolaos Lagaros || October 2020

A2. Structural Topology Optimization Cases

For topology optimization it used the BESO algorithm over a 2-D design domain 4x3 meters, part of a room 4x4x3, founded on the ground. Two cases are examined: equal distributed load (left), equal distributed load + gravitational load.

A3. Daylight Analysis Scheme

Daylight Analysis is based on Daylight Coefficients by Tregenza and Waters (1983) where the daylight is a composition of 3 elements: External, directer, inter-reflection components.

A4. Set of Target Volumes for Daylight Optimization







A set of structural optimized target volumes were evaluated through daylight analysis. The major goal was the research of the minimium volume which complies the range of accepted illuminance 600<E<2000. The set of Volumes are 0.70, 0.65, 0.60, 0.55, 0.50, 0.45

A5. Grasshopper Configuration [1]




Designing Procedure on grasshopper, basic Setup for multiple use; [1] Topology optimization introduction in grasshopper via GHC_python (2) Pattern Repeatition (3, 4) Honey-Bee configurations for daylight Analysis.

A6. Topology Optimization with Daylight Analysis Results

From top to bottom and left to right daylight analysis for 0.70, 0.65, 0.60, 0.55, 0.50, 0.45 target volumes, for 10:00 | 12:00 | 14:00 of 21st of July and Decemeber respectively.


Optimization of 3D Topology

Description The project uses the 3d topology of a rooftop and examines the various results with the use of SIMP (Solid Isotropic Material Method). The results that were taken from Matlab Plotting of 3d demonstrate the combination of three different types of support and loading respectively. The code was taken from the paper “An efficient 3D topology optimization code written in Matlab�, Kai Liu Andres Tovar and was modified so as to have the desired geometry and results. || academic project || computational engineering in solids || course: structural optimiazation || professor: N. Lagaros || February 2018





A. Fixed Perimeter B. 4 Fixed Points C. 5 Fixed Points


rooftop discretization with finite elements



1. Single Load


2.3 Distributed Load














Combination of A, B, C fixed points and 1,2.3 loading. Plotting results through matlab with SIMP method


Small Winery in Kythnos Island

Description This small winery, was designed in 2015 and approved by island planning commission on January 2016. It is under construction. The customer Konstantinos Gonidakis gave one restriction, which was the low cost. Under this parameter the whole design was based on conventional means and ways of construction. Additionally, the presidential ordinance about the architectural rules of Kythnos island, led to use different building volumes. The traditional buildings that exist on the island’s fields were taken as references for the proportions and the relation between the winery’s volumes, which develope around a traditional Cycladic yard (patio). || project in progress || total area 250 sq.m || Customer: Conidakis Estate || year 2015- under construction

C2. Plan and Facade_ Scale 1:200


είσοδος || πρώτη ύλη


έξοδος || οίνος

οινοποίηση || ανάλυση

ανάλυση || συσκευασία

C3. The yard

δοκιµή κρασιού

|| cellar|| || vertical movemnts ||

visitors area



|| grape import || vinification|| || analysis || bottled || wine export ||

κατακόρυφες κινήσεις +είσοδος

The yard is the basic composition tool. Around It every use of the winery is organized. Also helps to divide the visitors’ area with the craftmanship area. In parallel gives the opportunity to visitors to supervise the procedure without interrupt it.

C4. Visitor’s Views





Visitors› experience was one of the major concerns of the architectural composition. The winery not only is a landmark and a reference point for the vineyard but also offers plenty of views of the landscape for the visitor.

C5. Progress photos

Basement || Cellar reinforced Concrete installation


D 1. The wind path: Wind Institute and alternative managment of natural resources in Kythnos

Description This architectural composition is about an institute which is dedicated to research and highlight the wind as renewable form of energy. In addition institute’s goal is to propose an alternative use of natural resources. Kythnos island is one of the major regions where research and innovation about renewable sources of energy have taken place the last four decades. The composition takes place on the north region of the island, where the wind is stronger. Basic designing tools and references were large scale landscape (pre industrial) installations. Paths, rock walls and long streams lead to the current design. An educational path, that its spaces are located on levels, gives the opportunity to the user and visitor to exchange information and knowledge and breath the same wind. Two basic “hard” walls limited the building and “light” levels of different uses and accessibility are formatted between them. The building ends to a wind tower and a huge balcony, where the visitor can enjoy the view and feel the true nature of the wind. || academic project || m.arch in school of architecture of national technical university of athens || course: master thesis || professor: Sofia Tsiraki || October 2015

D2. Landscape and Building concept Sketches

D3. Landscape Accesibility And Master Plan Decisions


hard pedestrians only

difficult pedestrians only

easy pedestrians and vehicles

level of accesibillity

vertical cliff 20 m

zero point mirador earth and sea

common areas cultural uses

educational research uses

uses development


D4. Building’s Views

entrance terrace

expirements place

reading space

l i b r a r y hall

reading space

D5. Space Organization || Lanscape’s Cut

offices entra


h a l amphitheater


natural formation building›s cut movements



D6. Cross Section and Plan


D7. Model Progress 1:1000 and 1:500

D8. FInal Model || scale 1:200


House Restoration in Kuparissia region




Description The subject of this course is the systematic and organized analysis of traditional buildings. The study case of our team was a unique example of Kuparissia’s architecture. First of all we analyzed building›s structure and its components. Afterwards, we catalogued the main pathology issues of the building. At the end after the huge procedure of imprints, the team proposed means of restoration. || academic project || master of architecture || course: special topic in building technology 8 || || team: Gonidakis D. Protogeraki D. Papachristopoulou E. Kalyvioti I. Gerakianakis G. Karalioliou M. Dionisopoulou M. Venetsanaki C. Keramianaki E. Nikolopoulou A. Politi I. Stavroulaki E. Psarrou I. || || proffesor: Vasiilios Tsouras || February 2014

E2. Structural System and Building Pathology


Rooftop Detail Sketches


Restoration Sections

κεραμίδια συνδετικό κονίαμα παχους 3 εκ. θερμομόνωση 5εκ ασφαλτόπανο ασφαλτόπανο μεταλλικό έλασμα, στηριξης υδρορροης μεταλλική ντίζα φ12χιλ λούκι απορροή υδάτων κοντρα πλακέ θαλάσσης 15χιλ. σανίδωμα κάλυψης υδρορροής

σκελετός ψευδοροφής θερμομόνωση σανίδωμα πάχους 15χιλ αρμοκάλυπτρο ψευδοροφής

πανέλα με πλήρωση πλεγμένου καλαμιού 60*60 εκ. κοντρα πλακε θαλάσσης 15 χιλ. τάβλες πάχους 25 χιλ. θερμομόνωση με αντικραδασμικές ιδιότητες φράγμα υδρατμών πέτσωμα, κόντρα πλακέ 22 χιλ. δευτερεύοντα δοκάρια με εμποτιμένες άκρες σκελετός πατώματος από πηχάκια 5 επί 5 εκ

κουρασάνι 3-5 εκ. δρομική τοιχοποιία 9εκ. θερμομόνωση 7εκ. κοντρα πλακέ θαλάσσης 15χιλ.

εσωτερικοί τοίχοι

συνθετο υποστήλωμα κουφώματος καλνετρίμι

μεταλλικό έλασμα και σφραγιστική μαστίχη αδιάβροχη, ελαστική και διαπνέουσα βαφή ενός συστατικού υδατοδιαλυτής ακρυλικής βάσης αστάρι νερού, ακρυλικής βάσης σκληρός σοβάς με βάση το τσιμέντο εκτόξευση θιξοτροπικού κονίαματος 3-συστατικών, βάσεως τσιμέντου τροποποιημένου με εποξειδικές ρητίνες 3 χιλ. οπλισμένο σκυρόδεμα με πρόσμικτο αναστολής διάβρωσης του οπλισμού στρογγυλό χαλίκι 5εκ. εξυγίανση θεμελίων αποστραγγιστικός σωλήνας φ10 αποστραγγιστική μεμβράνη, με γεωύφασμα γεωύφασμα "τακούνι"





“Europe in Ionosphere” radio productors’ pavillion

Description The main concept of this pavilion is based on the signal transmission. The designing team intentions were to give to producers something that is related to radio but not to make a replica of the item. The main concept was delivered with the offset scaling of frames that gives the figure of at megaphone. One of the main restictions were the airplane transportation. So, the selection of materials (wood and polycarbonate frames) were selected. The team put major effort to design the details that provide stiffness in and out of frame plane. Additionally, accessibility was taken into consideration by a rolling system which helps the entrance of the pavilion to be adapted on every type of location. || N.T.U.A workshop in collaboration with amateur radio productors || 3rd place || team: Gonidakis D. Ktena E. Maraveli P. Papachristopoulou E. Protogeraki D. || 8th September 2014

F2. Pavillion Adaptation



from top to bottom || stiffness on the plane || stiffness out of the plane || stiffness loan from the construction to the free frames

F4. Multiplying and Reuse


3D Voronoi Diagrams

Description This project is based on grasshopper plug-in of Rhino. The main concept is to use a specific prismatic geometry as an input and then take random 3d points in this geometry and develop 3d Voronoi volumes. Afterwards, grasshopper gives the tool to create multiple variations of this Voronoi division by subtract as many Voronoi units as the user wants. Also the user can isolate only one Voronoi unit. Last but not least, the plug-in gives the opportunity to panelize and create a catalogue of facades of each Voronoi volume. || academic course || master of architecture || course: special topicĎƒ of Gemetrical Principles in Architectural Representation || proffesor: Maria Kourniati || || 20th February 2013

G2. Procedure




1. prismatic geometry and voronoi units 2. subtract part of units 3. isolation of volume units

G3. Grasshoper Diagramm

G4. Illustration and Panelization of Voronoi Geometries


The Mechanical Greenhouse

Description The project is based on triangle grid of glass and photovoltaic panels. With automation and servo motors it can open or close regarding the amount of the light can reach the greenhouse. My part on this project has been focused on computing and illustrations. || academic course || master of architecture || course: special topics in Building Technology || || team: Daniel Garcia Lopez, Dionysia Kouniaki, Dimitrios GOnidakis || || Proffesor: Ballesteros, Papalexopoulos || September 2012 ||

H2. Illustrations exterior vs. interior

H3. Arduino Configuration

#include <Servo.h> Servo miServo1; Servo miServo2; int LRD_1=2; int LRD_2=1; //sensor de la luz o potenciomentro int valor1; int valor2; void setup() { Serial.begin(9600); miServo1.attach(11); //el servo esta conectado con digitalpin 9 miServo2.attach(12); pinMode(LRD_1,INPUT); pinMode(LRD_2,INPUT);//si no es necesario, declaremos que LRD_es para leer } void loop() { valor1=analogRead(LRD_1); valor2=analogRead(LRD_2); Serial.println(valor2); valor1=map(valor1,700,10,0,179); valor2=map(valor2,700,10,0,179); miServo1.writeMicroseconds(2000); miServo1.write(valor1); miServo2.writeMicroseconds(2000); miServo2.write(valor2); delay(1500); }

H4. Model scale 1:50

From top to bottom, open grid and closed grid

| Dimitrios_Gonidakis | || address Ithakis 6 str., Athens , Greece, P.C 11361 || || e_mail || mobile_ +306932427979 ||

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