Hampton Gazette June 2019

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h a mpton gazette ISSUE 152 June 2019


on the move

Out for t h e da y!



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Welcome ...

Useful numbers Hampton Vale Community Centre

01733 242132

Hampton Parish Council Office

07391 497561

Parish Church of Hampton

01733 240196

Hampton Library

01733 864538

Hampton Health

01733 556900

Peterborough City Hospital

01733 678000

NHS Direct

0845 46 47

Police (Non Emergency)


Hampton Hargate Primary

01733 296780

Hampton Vale Primary

01733 247000

Hampton College

01733 246820

Electricity Emergency Loss of power, damage to cables

0800 783 8838

Anglian Water Leakline

0800 771 881


Contact us M: 07891 340535 or 07917 855956 Sales T: 01733 794 508 E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk www.hamptongazette.co.uk gazettegrouppublications.co.uk @hamptongazette

Welcome to the June edition of Hampton Gazette. Parking is a major issue for many in Hampton, find out more about a local meeting on parking and traffic issues on page 6. This is your opportunity to have your say and get involved. Hampton Seniors also have spaces left on their next day trip, so if you're interested in visiting Wimpole Hall then turn to page 5 for more details. Vivacity's Lido outdoor swimming pool opened it's doors in May, turn to page 6 for more details. Read all about the recent fires on Hampton Reserve and the damage they've caused along with the other ongoing issues facing the reserve page 7. With sunny weather here and hoping that it will stay with us for the rest of the month, check out our BBQ recipes on page 10, we shall be trying them ourselves next time the sun is up and the coals are hot. Find out what our younger residents have been up to, with the Young Gazette on pages 20 – 23, read about the good things they are doing around Hampton. Do you want to know what sunglasses are going to suit you and your face shape, have a read of the advice on page 29, we’ll all know who paid attention when the sun comes out and the shades go on.

PUBLICATION LAYOUTS | IT SUPPORT WEB DEVELOPMENT | BRANDING 01733 772095 | www.dimension6000.com Watch out for scammers at your door, Eileen at The Hampton Gazette is sourced and published independently by local people and is not on the back of any large organisation or society. Views and opinions written in this magazine may not necessarily reflect those of the publisher. The Hampton Gazette cannot be held responsible for unsolicited material. All artwork and design is the copyright of its respective owner. Reproduction of any part of this publication is strictly prohibited unless prior permission is given by the publishers.

Guiding you through the process of applying for probate or undertaking a full administration of an estate.

Safe Local Trades passes on some great tips on page 32. Don’t get fooled by dodgy tradesmen. We hope you enjoy this edition. and the team


In this issue ... hampton calendar 4 hampton hub


cook wise


home comforts


at your leisure


legally binding


nature watch


what's on


young gazette


cheek to chic


fit for life


consumer advice


handy numbers

33 - 35

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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


hampton calendar

Thursdays (cont.)

hampton calendar Mondays

Tuesdays (cont.)

Hampton Mobile Library 9.30-9.55am Hampton Primary School. Free, no booking required. T: 01733 864 538 E: hamptonlibrary@vivacity.org Vale Community Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14 Mon - Fri 8:45–11:45am term time only. For children aged 2, 3 & 4 yrs, funded or non-funded. Nicole or Cheryl on T. 07818 567584/07834 366845 Cygnets Pre-school 8.40–11.40am & 12.10–3.10pm (term time) Lunch club and separate 2 year room. Hampton Family Centre. Rated Outstanding by Ofsted in 2018. T: 01733 893361. Yaxley Runners Mondays (except Bank Holidays). Sports Facility, Beaumont Way, Hargate. 6.30pm. Hampton Mini Movers Parent & toddler group. 1.15–2.45pm (term time). Hampton Vale Community Centre. Contact Rachael. T: 07983 421139. Hampton Tiddlers 10am–12pm (except Bank Holidays). Stay & play sessions for children 0-5 yrs and their carers. Tesco Community Room, Serpentine Green PE7 8BD. FACEBOOK Hampton Tiddlers YogaBellies for Mum and Toddler Yoga class 9.40– 10.25am Hampton Leisure Centre T: 07585 384675 YogaBellies for Mum and Toddler Post-Natal Yoga class 10.30am Hampton Leisure Centre T: 07585 384675 Hampton Shotokan Karate 7–8pm Hampton Gardens School. £5 / lesson. hamptonshotokan.co.uk Football on the 11-aside pitch 7–9pm Hampton Gardens. Training sessions followed by a game with the option of signing for Hampton FC. All fitness and ability levels welcome. Contact Dan on 07525 030524 17th Nene, Gladstone Beaver Scouts 6 - 8rs. 6 - 7pm, CSK Church. Neil Webb. Group Scout Leader T - 01733 240240 - M - 07837115441 www.17thnene.co.uk

Tuesdays Scouts Boogie Beat Music and Movement 9.45–10.30am, CSK Church, Hampton. Lively and active class for 0-5 yrs. To book: Debbie 07834 238664. 17th Nene Duncan Scouts10 ½ - 14 yrs. 7.30–9pm Hampton Gardens School. Neil Webb. Group Scout Leader T 01733 240240 M 07837115441 www.17thnene.co.uk Vale Community Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding. Mon - Fri 08:45–11:45 term time only. 2-4 yrs, funded or non-funded. Contact Nicole or Cheryl on 07818 567584 / 07834366845 Cygnets Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding. 8.40 –11.40am & 12.10–3.10pm (term time) Lunch club and separate 2 year room. Hampton Family Centre. T: 01733 893361. Brian's Yoga Hampton Vale Community Centre. 6.30–7.30pm. T: 01733 244642. Child Health Clinic 1.30–3pm at The Hampton Family Centre. Hampton Ladies’ Netball 7.30–9pm. Squad training night at Hampton Sports Centre. E: rachdavis74@gmail.com Hampton Mobile Library 11.20am–12.10pm. Hampton Vale, Eagle Way (near children’s play area)..

let us know... 4

Hampton Junior Cricket Club Under 9s & Under 11s 6.45–7.45pm Contact: Andy McIntyre 07974205845 www.hamptoncc.org Hampton Amateur Dramatics Group. 7.30pm. Community Room. 5-a-side Adult Football Friendly matches in Hampton 8–9pm. All abilities & fitness levels. Call/txt Paul 07780 468 836. Hampton Table Tennis Club 7–10pm. Hampton Vivacity Leisure Centre. All welcome, novices or potential league players (though not yet juniors). First session FREE, then £5. YogaBellies for Pregnancy Prenatal Yoga class 7.30pm H.Vale Community Centre T: 07585 384675. YogaBellies for Mum & Baby 10.30am Hampton Leisure Centre T: 07585 384675. Walking for Health and Fun 11am–noon. Meet outside Hampton Vale shops. Free. All welcome. T: 01733 248990. Slimming World 5.30pm, 7.30pm. Hampton, CSK Silver Hill. Call Nat on 07540 109787

Wednesdays Vale Community Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14 Mon - Fri 8:45–11:45am term time only. 2, 3 & 4 yrs, funded/non-funded. Contact Nicole or Cheryl 07818 567584 / 07834366845 Cygnets Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding 2018 8.40–11.40am & 12.10–3.10pm (term time) Lunch club and separate 2 year room. Hampton Family Centre.. T: 01733 893361 Brian's Yoga Tesco Community Centre. 1–2pm. T: 01733 244642. Hampton Mobile Library 5.30–6.30pm. Hampton Hargate, Silver Hill. Brownies 6.15pm. Hargate School. Hampton Sports and Activities Club 1.15–3.15pm. Vale Community Centre. All welcome. Story time 3.45–4.15pm. Hampton Library. Hampton Shotokan Karate 7–8.30pm Hampton Leisure Centre. £5 / lesson hamptonshotokan.co.uk French For Beginners 6.30pm – 8.00pm Hampton Vale Community Centre. e: info@aberassociates.co.uk T: 01733 854454 www.aberassociates.uk

Thursdays 17th Nene, Baden-Powell Cub Scouts 7pm–8:30pm, 8 - 10 ½ yrs. Hampton Gardens School, Neil Webb. Group Scout Leader T - 01733 240240 - M 07837115441. www.17thnene.co.uk Baby Group at The Hampton Day Nursery 10am–11am, all sessions are free, no booking required. T: 01733 566321. Hampton WI 7.15pm. Every third Thursday of the month at the CSK church hall, Hampton. Vale Community Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14 Monday - Friday 08:45–11:45 term time only. For children aged 2, 3 & 4 yrs, funded or non-funded. Contact Nicole or Cheryl on T. 07818 567 584/ 07834 366 845

17th Nene Grylls Beaver Scouts 6 - 8yrs. 6–7pm Hampton Vale Primary School. Neil Webb. Group Scout Leader T - 01733 240240 - M - 07837115441 www.17thnene.co.uk Cygnets Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding 2018. 8.40–11.40am & 12.10–3.10pm (term time) Lunch club and separate 2 year room. Hampton Family Centre. T: 01733 893361. The Ark Every Thursday at 10am at the CSK Church during term time. Hampton Parish Council 7.00pm. Community Meeting Room at Serpentine Green. T. 07562 388040 or E. clerk@hamptonpc.org.uk 5-a-side Adult Football: Friendly matches. 7–8pm. All abilities and fitness levels. Hampton based. T: Paul 07780 468836 Slimming World Hampton Vale Community Centre. 3.30pm, 5.30pm and 7.30pm. Call for more information. T: 07734 364138 Food bank CSK Church 7–9pm Hampton 5 a side football friendly adult football Thursday’s 8:30am, for more details please call/text Paul 07780 468836 Hampton Cricket Club Training (Winter month) Nene Park Academy. 7–9pm. Contact Andy for more information. E: ghana1991@bigpond.com French For Improvers 6.30pm – 8.00pm Hampton Vale Community Centre. www.aberassociates.uk or e: info@aberassociates.co.uk T: 01733 854454

Fridays Dance & Movement 1–2pm. The Hampton Family Centre. Booking: T: 01733 893361 Cygnets Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding. 8.40–11.40am & 12.10–3.10pm (term time) Lunch club & separate two year room. Hampton Family Centre. T: 01733 893361. Vale Community Pre-school Ofsted Outstanding 2013/14 Monday - Friday 08.45–11.45 term time only. For children aged 2, 3 & 4 yrs, funded or non-funded. Contact Nicole or Cheryl on 07818 567584/ 07834366845 Hampton Tiddlers 10am–12pm (Bank holidays exc.), stay and play sessions for children from 0-5 year old & their carers. Tesco Community Room FACEBOOK Hampton Tiddlers Rhyme time 10–10.30am. Hampton Library. Job club 9.30–11am. Hampton Library.

Saturdays Peterborough Young Singers 9.30–10.45am Juniors (aged 7 - 12) Seniors 9.30–11.39am (13 - 18). Based at the CSK church in the community room. secretary@peterboroughyoungsingers.org.uk Keysports Football Dance and Sports Club Nene Park Academy. Call Scott T: 07790 016886 Chatterbooks Children's Reading Group Ages 8 - 11. Second Saturday of each month. Free, no booking required. Slimming World Hampton Vale Community Centre. 8.30am and 10.30am. T: 07734 364138

Sundays Christ the Servant King ChurchService. 10am. CSK Silver Hill. Hampton Community Church 6–7pm. Hampton Leisure Church. Hampton Community Church Bible Study 6pm–8pm Hampton Vale Community Centre T: 07540 986095. Everyone welcome. Boogizoo Hampton Vale community Centre 1.30pm for confident walkers. 2.30pm for wobbly walkers. £40 per ten week term or £5 per session pay as you go. Charis Newman 07555 697208 E: reachus@boogizoo.co.uk www.boogizoo.co.uk

If you have a regular event or club that you would like to promote here E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

Christ the Servant King the Parish Church of Hampton FACEBOOK/cskhamptonchurch Rachel - CSK Hampton, pioneer@cskhampton.church

Prayer Labyrinth, Fri 7 – Sat 8 June, 9am–5pm When was the last time you sat still and just stopped? No smart phone, no distractions. As a busy, working parent, I have to admit I find it very hard myself

Many thanks to Mateusz Marcinowski who sent us this great image of Hampton Gardens which is growing bigger each month!

Hampton Seniors We have a few seats left for our trip to Wimpole Hall a 53 seater coach booked and paid for waiting to take residents of Hampton. Out for the day on Wednesday 12 of June, we will meet at the coach pull in (opposite the 6 bus stop on Hampton) at 9.30–9.45am. Entry to Wimpole Hall is all paid for, this is the last of our trips so please come and join us for a great day out. For more details and to reserve your seat, please contact Dianne on 07790 872 999, hope you can join us.

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Out for t h e da y!

When the girls have gone to bed and I’ve finished the emails, I then dive onto my phone and can scroll the hours away. Modern life doesn’t give us much time to sit and contemplate, and we often waste what little we have. Connection with God in prayer takes our time too. But like any conversation with a good friend, it leaves us the richer for it. Time is where good relationships start. That’s why CSK is passionate about creating opportunities to help people pray. This month, as a church, we’re joining in with a global prayer movement, ‘Thy Kingdom Come’ (30 May – 9 June). We always have our prayer space available any time that Chimes



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coffee shop is open, but on Friday 7th and Saturday 8th June, our church room will be open from 9-5, set up like a labyrinth. The idea is that you walk round it slowly, stopping and giving time to each activity, from the creative to the edible, all in a space with quiet music to help you reflect. Do join us at any point in the day and stay for as long as you want; all ages are welcome! And of course, at any time of the year, we’d be delighted to pray for you. If there’s something on your mind, do email us at office@ hamptonchurch.co.uk or put a written request through our letter box at church. Every Blessing, Rachel.

in association with O&H Hampton www.ohhampton.co.uk

Hampton drone photo

hampton hub


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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


in association with O&H Hampton www.ohhampton.co.uk hampton hub

Lakeside Yaxley Group Practice New Equipment

Many thanks again for the generous Thanks to many generous donations, donations that we receive, they are we are delighted to say that we have greatly appreciated. been able to purchase 3 new pieces Staff of medical equipment: We are pleased to welcome 2 new  New Automatic Blood Pressure Machine - this replaces our old machine, which was 12 years old and had taken over 140,000 BP readings. The BP Machine is located, as before in waiting room D, and if you require any assistance in using it a member of staff will be pleased to help you.  CoaguChek Pro II machine this machine is used to check INR (international normalised ratio) levels for patients’ taking the anticoagulant drug Warfarin. We have clinics available daily; with our Healthcare Assistants offering patients a choice of when is suitable for them to attend to monitor their INR levels.  Minor Op Couch - a well needed new minor op couch for our treatment room. This again can be used daily to carry out minor operations.

members of staff:

 Gemma Whittaker Clinical Administrator  Helen Bigginton Healthcare Assistant

It’s a new season at Vivacity Lido Peterborough

Monthly Closure Dates The Practice will be closed on the following dates:  Wednesday 9 June 2019 and Wednesday 17 July 2019. Between 12.30pm and 4pm for staff training.  Emergency Telephone 01733 240478.  Late Summer Holiday Closure. We will be closed for the Late Summer Holiday on Monday 26 August 2019.  The surgery will only be open on Saturday 24 August in the morning. Please make sure you have sufficient medication to cover over the entire holiday period.

Do you have a traffic or parking issue in Hampton?

Vivacity are excited to kick-off summer with the opening of the Lido for 2019

If so, come along to the Hampton Traffic & Parking Working Party meeting on Wednesday 19th June at 18:30 to discuss these concerns with The Parish and Ward Councillors and the PES Officer Andy Orvis. The working party looks at possible Traffic Regulation Orders and other initiatives to help ease the problems that some residents are currently encountering. The meeting will be held in the Parish Office (inside the Shopmobility Unit) Serpentine Green. Congratulations to Councillor Karen Toynton-Ward who was


elected as the Parish Chair for the forthcoming year. Karen has served as a Councillor since 2014, and as Vice-Chair in previous years. Congratulations to the two Parish Councillors who were elected as Ward Councillors in Hampton, who both worked extremely hard to secure their new positions and will continue to do so for the benefit of Hampton. The RCV collection held on the 11th May was a huge success and many residents used this service provided by the Parish Council to get rid of bulky waste. The Parish Council are hoping to provide this service again soon.

Peterborough’s much-loved Lido will be opening its doors for the summer season on Saturday 25 May at 10am. The opening event will be attended by the new Mayor of Peterborough, Councillor Gul Nawaz and invites visitors to enjoy a day of free swimming. The popular outdoor attraction will open in time for the bank holiday weekend and with memories of last year’s scorching summer still fresh in everyone’s minds, over 20,000 people are expected to enjoy a great season of outdoor swimming and family fun. The Lido has three heated, outdoor pools; a large 50m main pool with an opportunity for lane swimming and family splash, a learner pool for children and a paddling pool for toddlers. There’s also an outdoor café,

children’s play area, family picnic lawn and terraces with views of Peterborough Cathedral. This year at the Lido, there will be a calendar of events on offer. From celebrating Summer Solstice and Peterborough Pride to early morning and midnight swims, there will be something for everyone to enjoy in the grounds of this unique Art Deco inspired building. Also, Vivacity are proud to offer FREE swimming to all children under 5 at the Lido and you can take advantage of this at all other Vivacity swimming pools* across the city. Working alongside Friends of the Lido, Vivacity is looking to enjoy a great season of outdoor swimming and family fun at their treasured Lido.

For more details please visit vivacity.org/lido

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


in association with O&H Hampton www.ohhampton.co.uk


hampton hub

Fires on Hampton Reserve Yesterday a large fire spread across areas of the Hampton Nature Reserve, one of two large fires to occur within the last week. The fire brigade were called to the scene and seven crews of 30 fireman tackled the blaze. There was no damage to human property, but there was considerable destruction of valuable wildlife habitats. It is thought that the fire was started deliberately by arsonists who have started several fires across the reserve in recent weeks. The recent fire caused considerable damage to large tracts of vegetation, scrub and undergrowth - habitats that reptiles rely on. These form important basking areas, hibernation sites and foraging areas. Valuable native reptile species such as common lizards, slow-worms and adders have been badly affected. Hampton Nature Reserve (also called Orton Pit) is a 300 acre site privately owned by O&H Hampton

and managed by the national charity Froglife. It is home to a wide range of wildlife including great crested newts, slow worms, grass snakes, dragonflies and butterflies. There are over 300 ponds which are rich with invertebrates and a great variety of birds can be seen around the area. We also have a number of mammal visitors, including badgers, deer and water voles. Great crested newts are present in exceptionally high numbers due to the abundance of breeding ponds and excellent terrestrial habitat. Several species of rare stonewort are also present including the protected bearded stonewort. Due to the presence of protected species, the

site is legally protected as a Special Area of Conservation (SAC), Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI) and Natura 2000 site. Fires are not the only problem on the reserve. Motor bikes are often illegally brought onto the reserve, damaging valuable habitats for wildlife. The motor bikes churn up breeding ponds for amphibians as well as damaging secluded sites for reptiles. In recent months motor bikes have caused considerable damage to great crested breeding sites, reptile basking banks and hibernacula as well as removing important scrub which provides habitats to a range of species. The motor bikers also

cause wider problems including noise and air pollution. Other illegal activities also occur on the reserve such as camping, dog walking and paintballing, all of which are negative to the site. To ensure that the wildlife is properly protected Hampton Nature Reserve needs to remain undisturbed and we value the cooperation of local people in remaining away from the site. Froglife has a weekly volunteer group who help to manage the site and every year Froglife organises an open day where members of the public can come onto the reserve to experience its unique wildlife and habitats.

If you are interested in finding out more please contact Ross, Froglife’s Conservation Officer at ross.edgar@froglife.org

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


cook wise

The ultimate experience in finest Indian cuisine! Our blend of aromatic spices create distinctive tastes and flavours that are combined to create mouth-watering dishes for both traditional and contemporary preferences

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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

cook wise

cookwise Favourite coffee shop – Now open 6 days a Week! five-star food With its great customer reviews, and n six days each hygiene rating, Chimes is now ope to 3.30pm week from Monday to Saturday, 9am

quickly become our friends” he said. Chimes is situated in the modern CSK owns and supports Chimes, CSK church building on Silver Hill, h is run on a not-for-profit basis whic just opposite the Serpentine Green for the benefit of the local Hampton rotunda. It serves fabulous, highcommunity. Lots of people who quality, home baked cakes, light attend the activities in the CSK ta baris of e lunches and a broad rang building call into Chimes, as well as e and other fairly traded drinks. If you’v many others from the wider Hampton e you’v not already been to Chimes, community. “Everyone is welcome been missing a real treat! here”, said Tony. es Since it opened in 2015, Chim Tony is supported by supervisor, g youn for place lar popu has become a , catering assistant, Vira, and a Julia le and old, for families and for peop brilliant team of volunteers, who wanting to relax or simply have a make sure everyone feels welcome. chat with friends. It has many special “We try to be much more than a café features, including a large safe crèche and a coffee shop” said Tony. ‘We are area for young children, sofas on other . planning a range of evening and which you can relax, and a quiet room in later and mer, Sum the over ts even With the summer fast the year. approaching, Chimes has recently He added: ‘’We would be happy mer sum new ctive attra introduced an more community activities. host to es, menu, which includes Belgian waffl When Chimes is open, we have assorted pastries, hot baps, jacket space available for small not-forpotatoes, sandwiches and paninis, profit community groups to use, by and freshly made salads. . arrangement with CSK and ourselves There are also many all-day treats, you that is n retur in All that we ask such as a wide range of home baked enjoy our coffee and cakes, or any , 2019 for new and, s cake and scones other menu items, while you are with . ream traditional Italian Gelato ice-c us’’. Gluten-free and vegan items are ‘‘We love celebrating with people’, always available, as well as a take Tony added, ‘’and have special away service for most items. packages available if you want to have ht, The Chimes’ manager, Tony Sleig afternoon cream teas to celebrate is well known in the local community. birthdays and other special events, y “We want all of our customers to enjo such as baby showers’’. great food and drinks, receive great “If you’ve already been to Chimes, value and have a great time while they please tell your friends about us” said are with us”, said Tony. He has been the Tony, “and follow us on Facebook. If full-time manager of Chimes since the you’ve not yet visited us, we’d love to first day it opened. Tony loves baking see you. Come and try our new menu scones and cakes and is delighted and enjoy our freshly prepared food ves recei with the positive feedback he and drinks.” from customers. “Our customers

Would you like to join the Chimes Team?

“Working in Chimes is a real opportunity to have fun, work as part of a team and serve the community in a very positive and rewarding way”, Tony said. Chimes is always looking for people to join its team of volunteers. If you feel that you would enjoy helping in Chimes, please have a word with Tony, who can be reached by email at: info@chimescoffeeshop.uk or on Peterborough 01733 595 990.

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


cook wise

Spice up YOUR BARBECUE THIS SUMMER When it comes to unshakable optimism concerning our summer weather, we Brits are undisputed champions of the world! Our misguided belief that we’ll be blessed with wall-to-wall sunshine is encouraged by garden centres throughout the land. Even before the daffodils are out, they’re tempting us with lavish displays of patio furniture complemented by a vast array of barbecues, from tin-foil disposables to state-of-the-art jobs that look as though they require a pilot’s licence. Nonetheless, it has to be said that at the merest hint of some decent weather,

the majority of us love nothing more than ‘slinging a shrimp on the barbie’. But if it does rain on your parade, you can always opt for a super-hot grill or griddle pan. One of the secrets to tasty, succulent barbecue fare is a good marinade. Mix the ingredients together in a screw-topped jar and shake well. Place the meat or fish in a bowl, pour over the marinade and ensure


everything is thoroughly coated. Cover with cling film and marinate for at least an hour in the fridge (or better still overnight) to allow the flavours to permeate. Char-grilled food needs really good, punchy seasoning, so the following recipes incorporate plenty of herbs and spices. The first is our family favourite – a versatile barbecue marinade that can be used for pretty much anything and everything: 3 tablespoons of sunflower oil 3 tbsp white wine vinegar 2 tbsp soy sauce or gluten-free Tamari 1 tbsp Chinese five-spice powder 2 tbsp tomato ketchup 1 tbsp honey 3-5 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tbsp ginger paste With Chinese five-spice powder and soy sauce in the mix, spare ribs are the obvious candidates, but mushrooms also taste amazing prepared this way. Toss whole mushrooms and chunks of red and yellow pepper in the marinade, then skewer; for vegetarian guests, use Quorn fillets or Haloumi cheese too. If there are any leftovers (doubtful) they taste great eaten cold the next day. Next up is that Portuguese classic, Piri Piri sauce. Piri Piri is another name for the fiery African bird’s-eye chilli which gives the dish its name; you can adjust the amount of chillies according to taste (or use a milder variety), but the spicy heat really brings out the best in char-grilled chicken thighs ... think Nando’s!

5-10 bird’s-eye or other red chillies, chopped 100ml olive oil 50ml red wine vinegar 3-5 garlic cloves, crushed 1 tbsp tomato puree 1 tbsp smoked paprika 1 tbsp dried thyme or oregano (or 3 tbsp fresh) Plenty of freshly milled salt & pepper Gently fry the chopped chillies and garlic in a little of the oil. Add the paprika and stir for 30 seconds. Add the rest of the ingredients and simmer for five minutes. Allow to cool, then use as above. The third marinade is ideal for more delicately flavoured food, such as fish, Quorn and tofu, but also chicken or lamb kebabs. Simply mix two parts of olive oil to one part of lemon juice and add salt, black pepper, plenty of crushed garlic and loads of chopped fresh herbs. Tarragon tastes great with fish and chicken, and thyme also adds fragrance without being overpowering. For lamb kebabs, rosemary with bay leaves and a few crushed juniper berries make the perfect choice.


Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

on property extensions

home comforts

Roger Chiswick

In the current property climate, moving home to another more suited to a family's changing lifestyle is not necessarily the easiest or best decision. Altering or extending the current home might be a better option, and could be a less costly one, taking into account stamp duty and removal costs. After more than 40 years experience of the design and construction of residential, schools, offices, industrial and military projects, throughout UK and Europe, I now feel that I want to be involved with domestic schemes, providing

the best and most economical home environment. I can offer advice on whether the householder’s ideas are feasible, and produce sketches to develop them, before continuing to full construction drawings. These may be for renovations, refurbishments or alterations to the interior of an existing house, or an extension with or without altering the existing interior. Any proposals would be for the most

energy efficient solution, to reduce heating costs to a minimum. Having decided on the solution, an application would be submitted for Planning Permission, Building Regulations approval or Building Notice. If the design falls within the relevant criteria, and can be classed as Permitted Development, planning permission would not be required.

Roger Chiswick | t: 01733 56 55 41 | e: rogchis@gmail.com

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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


at your leisure


Kuyenda is a travel company based in Peterborough run by Jamie and Claire. They are both keen travellers having been to 42 countries together and living abroad for 7 years. They found that, as a result of their experience, they were often being asked for travel advice from family and friends to help them with their bookings. After so many positive comments on their expertise and advice, they decided to share it with everyone and so began their own travel business. Kuyenda is an independent company and so can offer a wide range of products and tailor these to each customer’s needs. They have partnerships with many of the major holiday companies allowing them to be able to provide UK breaks, short and long-haul packages, cruise and rail holidays as well as completely tailor-made travel. Kuyenda has its own

ATOL licence which means extra protection for their customers. They are part of the Travel Trust Association which gives 100% financial protection on all bookings. Kuyenda are also keen to stress that tailormade does not mean more expensive ‘Our customers are often surprised that they can actually make savings on a tailor-made holiday or simply get more value with added extras. Adding this to our first-hand experiences in many countries allows us to really help our customers find the perfect holiday.’

enquiries@kuyenda.co.uk www.kuyenda.co.uk 0800 90 98 980 by Jamie Banks

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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


14 14

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

legally binding

legallybinding MONEY MATTERS Tax-Free Childcare

by Pete Bird, Bird & Co, Certified Public Accountants

Parents are advised to make sure they are aware of the Tax-Free Childcare and how it could reduce their childcare costs Tax-Free Childcare is a government scheme available to working parents, including the self-employed, with children aged 0 to 11. Eligible parents can get up to £2,000 per child per year towards qualifying childcare. For clients with 2 children, it could mean a £4,000 saving per year on the family’s budget. Parents can use it on a wide range of registered childcare, including: • Childminders • Nurseries • Breakfast clubs, after school clubs and holiday clubs.

The scheme replaces Childcare Vouchers, which is now closed to new applicants. The government says Tax-Free Childcare is better than the old system as it is open to both employed and self-employed people, meaning about a million more families qualify for help. It is also paid per child rather than per parent, allowing loneparent households to get the same amount of support. However, the scheme has suffered from technical glitches - including last year when 22,000 payments were not passed onto childcare providers - and the help available has been criticised for adding to parent confusion.

For disabled children, the scheme is available up to the age of 16 with a maximum government contribution of £4,000 per child per year. To check your eligibility please visit www.childcarechoices.gov.uk to find out more information and how to apply. If you have any tax or business questions, please email Pete Bird of Bird & Co info@birdandco.ltd and if of general interest, we will publish them here.

Happy holidays? It’s that time of year when families will be looking forward to getting away for a summer break and if you have children, you will no doubt have already booked your destination This piece is not designed to stir up trouble, but rather to provide a cautionary word of warning about potential pitfalls for separated parents with young children who are planning a holiday abroad. It is an often overlooked legal fact that, if you do not have a child arrangements order in force, which clearly the vast majority of separated parents do not, you should in theory always have the express consent of the other parent (if they share parental responsibility, which is usually the case) when you take your children out of the jurisdiction (namely England and Wales).

This is usually not an issue at all between reasonable parents, but occasionally one of the parents, if they are embroiled with the other over contact arrangements, will put their foot down and object to the foreign trip. If this does happen, the remedy is to obtain a specific issue order from the Family Court permitting you to take your children out of the country. A precaution against the other parent withdrawing consent at the last minute, is to have a document of written consent signed up well in advance of the foreign holiday, to produce on request to the authorities.

Certified Public Accountants supporting local businesses with cost-effective accountancy and taxation service for many years.

We specialise in sole traders, partnerships, small limited companies and all types of self-employed businesses, as well as all aspects of accountancy and taxation concentrating on the personal approach. Speak to Pete any time, for a free initial chat. T: 01733 248 180 F: 01733 248 190 E: pnbird@birdandco.ltd or info@birdandco.ltd


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Smiths Funeral Directors Ruth & Ian Smith Dip.FD Mark & Naomi Smith Dip.FD

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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


Lakota (Lover of Nature)

of Hampton

nature watch


Teasels by the side of Serpentine Lake

Teazling by hand

Walking by Serpentine Lake the other day I noticed how many teasels there were, left from last summer. These extremely spiky plants were used in days gone by for teasing out wool: to raise the nap. Raising the nap on a fabric is brushing out loose fibres and impurities. It can also refer to the surface texture, which after napping feels softer, as well as trapping air which promotes insulation. The teasel was good for this because it has sharp hook-like ends. The napping process was carried out near the end of the cloth making process An 1839 Victorian magazine called ‘The Saturday Magazine’ described in an article how the teasel was used: ‘In teazling by hand, a number of the prickly heads of the plant are arranged in a small wooden frame, having crossed handles eight or ten inches long; these frames have then somewhat the appearance of curry-combs, and are used by two men, who scrub the face of the cloth.’ Later they fixed about two thousand teasels over a revolving cylinder to mechanise the process: ‘They [the teasels] are brought to the factory in bundles, and are prepared for use by a man and a boy. The boy cuts off part of the stalks with a pair of scissors, and the man fixes the teazles into oblong iron frames, which frames

are afterwards to be fitted to the surfaces of the cylinders.’ These seed heads, which are found everywhere in Hampton, are probably not appreciated as once being essential to the wool trade. The teasel flowers in an interesting way. Around July and August, a ring of tiny purple wild flowers sprout from the middle of the spiny head before widening out towards the top and the bottom. As new flowers bloom the earlier blooms die away. This results in two separate flower belts climbing towards the top and bottom as the flower develops. These flowers attract bees in the summer, with the seed heads attracting birds in the winter: they eat the seeds

found within the spiky head. Goldfinches, of which there are many around Hampton, particularly enjoy these seeds. When John Clare, the nineteenth century poet, had to leave his beloved Helpston, near Peterborough, one of the things he mourned the loss of, was the sight of the teasel:

I miss the heath, its yellow furze Molehills and rabbit tracks that lead Through besom ling and teasel burrs That spread a wilderness indeed

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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

17 17

what's on

t feature your even

ent you would If you have an ev e next issue of th in like to feature to send the details Hampton Gazette k .u .co gazette info@hampton

June events Friday 21 June 7pm – 11pm Peterborough Cathedral Nave Dinner

The magnificent Nave of Peterborough Cathedral will be given over to one of the most convivial and prestigious events of the season, the annual fundraising Nave Dinner. Guests from all over the diocese, from Rutland down to the southern edge of Northamptonshire, will gather in the medieval Cloisters for canapés and drinks to the accompaniment of the celebrated Esterhazy String Quartet. We will then proceed into the Cathedral for an elegant dinner beneath our magnificent 13th century ceiling. The inspiring guest speaker will be the writer, journalist and broadcaster John McCarthy CBE who was kidnapped in Lebanon in 1986 by Islamic Jihad and held in captivity until 1991. John will tell his story and share the insights he gained from those harrowing years. All profits will go towards maintaining the fabric, ministry and music of Peterborough’s treasured landmark, one of the country’s most important Norman cathedrals. All profits will go towards maintaining the fabric, ministry and music of Peterborough’s treasured landmark, one of the country’s most important Norman cathedrals. Guest Speaker – John McCarthy – is a British journalist, writer and broadcaster. In 1986, as a young journalist on his first foreign assignment for Worldwide Television News, John was kidnapped by Islamic Jihad and became Britain's longest-held hostage - being held in captivity for more than five years until his release in 1991. John will share the dramatic story of his captivity and impart some of the life lessons he learnt. Pre-dinner reception with canapes & drinks in the Cloisters, three course meal with wines in the magnificent 13th century nave. Starts at 7pm in the Cloisters, evening wear dress code, £100 per person or £900 per table of ten. To book: admin@peterboroughcathedraltrust.org

Friday 21 June – Sunday 23 June Rolls Royce Enthusiasts Club Annual Rally The highlight of the Rolls Royce Enthusiasts Club year is the Annual Rally and Concours, taking place this year at Burghley. This is the largest Rolls-Royce and Bentley gathering anywhere in the world. www.burghley.co.uk/events/rolls-royce

Saturday 20 July Burghley House Battle Proms A summer evening of unique entertainment at this party in the park with full orchestral concert, cannons, cavalry, and fireworks. www.burghley.co.uk/events/battle-proms-concert

Wednesday 24 July – Sunday 28 July The Burghley Film Festival Five days and nights of fabulous films on a giant screen at this outdoor cinema experience in the grounds of Burghley House. www.burghley.co.uk/events/burghley-film-festival


Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

what's on


THE LANCASTER CLUB PRESENTS Weekend beer festival with free, family fun!

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CAMDEN LOCK Saturday 27 July 4pm 60’s & 70’s rock music.

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Sunday 28 July 4pm

Guest beers BBQ hot food Outside prosecco & gin bar Stalls Cask beers Other local artists performing ○

T: 01733 240987

Everyone welcome to apply for Club Membership

E: thelancasterclub2017@gmail.com 152 Main Street, Yaxley PE7 3LB Search ‘Lancaster Club’ for event updates & changing ales Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


young gazette

Intensive swimming course

for kids Help your child to reach their swimming potential. Our intensive swimming courses take place during kids school holidays at Jack Hunt Pool & Gym for ages 4-15 Teaching kids additional skills and techniques, helping them to improve their confidence in the water and giving them a sense of accomplishment. Plus, these sessions are a great way to socialise and burn off energy! Kids receive a swimming cap on the first day and a certificate at the end of the week.

Summer: 22 – 26 July & 5 – 9 August Rookies Summer: 19 – 23 August

Visit us to book your place or call 01733 864 759 or visit www.vivacity.org/vivacity-venues/jack-hunt-pool-and-gym/


Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

Top Markings!

young gazette

younggazette Our children have been really enjoying the new additions which have been made to the playground this year Probably the most popular, are some fantastic scooters which can also transform into balance bikes for the children. These have now been given their own area of the playground for use, which we have had marked out with roads and junctions to aid the children’s creativity and learning. Indoors, the auditions have just taken place for our end of term production. This year the children in Oak and Elm classes will be performing ‘Bugsy Malone’ for us. It was thrilling to see the confidence of the children as they put themselves forward to be involved, even singing solos in some cases. These songs are already becoming a familiar part of our days, as are terms like ‘hoodlums’ and ‘splurgings’, to say nothing of the Brooklyn accents!

Cygnets Preschool Ofsted outstanding preschool with full time spaces to start September 2019. We care for children Ages 2-4 years . Term time only in our preschool in Hampton hargate. Session times are 8:40–11.40am & 12:10am–3:10pm, lunch time

If you would like your child to become part of the rich learning opportunities we provide at Folksworth, please contact office@ folksworth.cambs.sch.uk or visit our website to see which years have any spaces left for 2019-20.

Folksworth Pre-school The children of Folksworth Preschool have been looking at how the seasons change and what changes happen Our own plants have started to germinate and reports so far from the children’s home learning project suggests the sunflowers are growing well. We have been watching the changes to some of

our local trees as the blossoms and leaves arrive. Our radishes have been the first to appear and we look forward to continuing learning about where food comes from.

club sessions are also available to. With a fantastic all year round outside newly refurbished area, pop in to see us, have a look around and collect your application pack.

Little Acorns Day Nursery and Montessori School The pre-school have been looking after their flowers, fruits and vegetables which they planted earlier in the spring term The children are enjoying watering the shoots and also seeing how much they have grown each week. The babies have enjoyed getting messy; they have explored paint, shaving foam, water and sand. It has been lots of fun. We are looking forward to taking in part in lots more messy play activities in the garden now the warmer weather is here.

We still have a few remaining places left for September and are now taking bookings up to Easter 2020. For more information please look at our website on www.folksworthpreschool.co.uk and call Niki on 07542 172075 to arrange a visit.

We have limited places for September 2019 and are now booking into 2020! If you would like to come and have a look around and are interested in a space please contact the nursery on 01733 244000 or enquiries@littleacorns-daynursery.co.uk

Hampton Hargate

Hampton Mini Movers

Well done to all our Year 6 pupils and Year 2 pupils who have all now completed their SATs

It has been great to see some more new faces at Mini Movers, and talking of new faces, we would like to welcome Julie and Hannah to our volunteer team

They all worked incredibly hard and we are extremely proud of them. We now have lots to look forward to before the end of the summer term including sports week, sports days and our Year 6 Residential. We are also holding our annual Friends of Hampton Hargate Summer Fete on Saturday 6th July from 1pm – 4pm. It promises to be a fantastic afternoon and we hope to see you there! In other news, Year 1 enjoyed their recent trip to Hampton college where they took part in a multi sports festival. They were impeccably behaved and took each activity in their stride. There

were running, throwing, catching and jumping activities and its fair to say they all expended a lot of energy that morning. Thank you to Hampton College for hosting such a great event. And finally Year 2 were lucky enough to enjoy an assembly from Britten Sinfonia recently. The symphonia, who had a presenter and 5 professional musicians told the story of ‘Professor Astro Cat’ though a concert that lasted 45 minutes. There were lots of interactive elements and excerpts from some of their favourite classical pieces and the children and staff had a wonderful time!

They will be doing their utmost to make you and your child feel welcome, so if you haven’t been to us before please come along, we would love to meet you and your child. We are a stay and play session for Mums, Dad’s, Grandparents or carers with a child from Newborn to Reception age. We meet 1.15pm till 2.45pm Monday (term time only) at the Hampton Vale Community Centre. It’s just £1 per family which includes a snack and drink for the children, and tea, coffee and biscuits for the adults.

We will be utilising some of the outdoor area with the nicer weather so we can have some of our singalongs in the sunshine! We may even try and get more parents to join in with some more dancing to work off the cake or biscuits! The sessions are run by volunteers from KingsGate Community Church. Contact Rachael 07983 421139 for more information or search Hampton Mini Movers on Facebook, or just pop along, no need to book. See you all soon!

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


young gazette


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Stretton Pre-School Full and half-day sessions available at our Main Street and Fourfields sites in Yaxley - booking now for September. Sessions (2-4 years) 9am - 3pm (4.30pm, Main Street) Breakfast Club from 7.30am, Main Street only We accept two year old funding, 15 and 30 hour funding. No minimum booking required, just drop-in and meet us!

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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

Year 8 - Geography field trip to Hunstanton 175, Year 8 students on three buses, made their way to the North Norfolk Coast to collect primary data and work on the following skills for their Geography enquiry:

Year 7 STEM day Year 7 students undertook their first STEM day at Hampton Gardens and it was a massive success. STEM stands for Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics and the aim was to inspire students into thinking about these areas and how they might be able to obtain a job in one of these fields in the future.

 Counting wave frequency  Measuring the sediment either side of the groynes  Measuring the direction of longshore drift  Completing an annotated field sketch  Completing a bi-polar survey of seas defences

young gazette

Hampton Gardens

Red Cross dance and music show Hampton Gardens’ second showcase event was a fantastic success with 70 students involved celebrating a range of talent from the choir, violinists, drummers, ukulele and pianists to cheerleading, theatre performances and street dance! We raised £1137.23!

Sixth form health & social care students learn life-saving skills As part of their studies the Health & Social Care, students have left the text books to one side to learn new skills. Students were trained using ‘Call Push & Rescue kit’ courtesy of Miss Bowd at Hampton College, the kit teaches CPR and other emergency lifesaving skills, including what to do if someone has chest pain, is choking, or is bleeding seriously.

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

23 23




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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

Sam pictured today

My miracle


When you meet Sam you would never guess what she has been through as she is bright and funny with a positive outlook on life. Yet, for the last eight years, this ‘warrior’ has battled with fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome and breast cancer. This is the story of a brave mother of three who refused to let illness take over, how she is now rebuilding her life, her family and a new business and how persistence and a small bottle of oil changed everything ... Since hitting my mid-thirties, my health started to decline. I caught every virus going from my family and I was constantly ill. At thirty-seven, I had a full hysterectomy in the hope that it would help but my health continued to deteriorate. Eventually, I was diagnosed with post viral chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and sleep apnoea. After a lifetime of independence, suddenly just taking a shower used up all of my energy and I spent a large chunk of my days alone, in pain, weak and very depressed. Most of my ‘friends’ abandoned me, I could no longer be a mother to my precious children and my husband became my carer – all because of invisible chronic illness. Life carried on without me and all seemed lost. I grieved for the person I once was. It seemed an eternity was needed to learn how to manage my body’s limitations but I built myself back up to functioning at a very basic level. Eventually, I even managed to get some part-time work although I was never really living. I was just too exhausted.

I was scared. Really scared. Surely this wasn’t the end? After managing to work part-time for three years, my health started to go downhill again. I would arrive home from work and sleep most of my life away while my husband did everything else. Then, I discovered what every woman dreads – a large lump in my breast. I was diagnosed with breast cancer and was about to embark upon a journey that was my hardest yet. My pain was for my children and my husband who embarked anxiously on yet another torrid journey of illness, but this time I was scared. Really scared. Surely this wasn’t the end? After twelve long months of chemotherapy, surgery and radiotherapy, I was cancer-free but exhausted from the side effects of treatment and the demands of life. Just as we were coming out of the woods a very dear loved one passed away. We were devastated. My husband was needed elsewhere, supporting others with greater needs than mine. It was my turn to do the caring. I was desperate and knew I couldn’t cope

cheek to chic


so decided it was time to try something I had been looking into for a number of years - CBD oil. Yes, it’s popular now but 8 years ago no-one had really heard of it… but I had.

“At one point I thought that my time was up…” During my illness years, I’d had time to spend researching alternative health solutions. There are lots of interesting theories on the internet and some of them are bonkers, however, one I came across was CBD; a natural remedy with glowing recommendations. Could it be true? Was it safe? How reliable are these sellers? What was in this little bottle of oil? I bought some from a company that had full lab reports, was organic and reputable. Within a week of taking just a few drops of oil per day I was a totally different person. I was running errands, spending time with my children, cooking dinner and sleeping better with no pain. My energy returned and my depression disappeared. This may sound extreme but I promise you it’s true. If someone had said to me three years ago that I would be launching a new business, home-schooling one of my children and flying round the country meeting up with business people, I would have thought they were out of their minds – but this is me now! Sometimes I have to remind myself that even with CBD oil I still can’t do what I did in my twenties but it’s a great feeling to know you can live life again! With such a strong passion and belief in CBD and hemp, I have launched by own business, Hapi Hemp. I want to educate and help people, and tell the world what a wonderful natural product this is! The biggest buzz I get from my job is the feedback I receive. A local lady Mary contacted me a few weeks ago and said that Hapi Hemp saved her life. CBD oil has risen in popularity in the last year with its increased availability across the UK.

Sam is pictured here recovering from cancer after taking CBD oil

What is CBD? The full term is Cannabidoil (CBD) is a Phytocannabidoid and is one of the most prevalent chemical compounds found in industrial hemp. It can help in supporting overall well being and is non psychoactive so wont make you high. One of the main things that prevents many people from trying CBD is that they mistakenly think that it’s the same as using recreational drugs. It is not.

Does CBD work? Millions of people worldwide think so! Research and testimonials have shown that CBD oil has had success in the following areas:  Reducing the side effects

of cancer treatment

 Increasing energy levels  Protecting the nervous system  Reducing anxiety

and depression

 Having a positive impact

in reducing fatigue

 Aiding digestion  Helping with the side effects

of cancer treatment.

CBD is NOT A PSYCHOACTIVE! It can actually help in regulating a general feeling of balance and wellness.

Is CBD legal? CBD is completely legal but make sure you buy a brand where lab reports are visible and they are members of the Cannabis Trades Association UK. Hapi Hemp adheres to both. For more info please visit the FB and Insta and website. E: info@hapihemp.co.uk



Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


cheek to chic



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Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


cheek to chic

e h t e s o Cho perfect sunglasses By Sarah Davey

It’s that time of year when we traditionally invest in a new pair of sunglasses for the summer. There’s so much choice though! How do you whittle it down to the perfect pair? First choose the right colour frame. Warm browns and tortoiseshell suits warmer colouring. Cool greys, blues and blacks suit cool skin colouring or grey hair. Next pick a pair that flatters your features. There are no hard and fast rules. Look at what your face lacks and use the sunglasses to even out your proportions. Rounder faces often lack definition and benefit from a sunspec with strong lines. Long thin faces might need a softer, rounder style with an upswept edge. Try on as many as you can. Take selfies and compare. Add length to a short nose with a high bridge or shorten an overly long nose with a low (butterfly shape) bridge. A strong jaw can be balanced with a heavier top bar. Sunspecs are all about protecting your eyes from UV so make sure that any pair you buy has a CE kite mark, and that sunglasses are marked UV400. Cheap sunspecs not bearing these marks will probably not provide adequate protection from the sun’s harmful UV rays. Choose larger frames for protection but bear in mind that deeper the frame the

Carbon facial

shorter your face will look, so if you have a long face shape, go ahead and choose deep frame. A shorter face needs a frame that's less deep, while still providing enough coverage for UV protection. Take your eyebrows into account! If your brows stick out of the top of the frame at an odd angle, you'll look permanently surprised, or angry! Choose your sunnies wisely and you'll be able to add instant glamour to any outfit.

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01733 244642 bappleyard08@tiscali.co.uk

01733 311001 houseofhairandbeauty

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cheek to chic

CSK Church, Silver Hill Tuesdays: 5.30pm & 7.30pm Contact Nat: 07540 109 787 CSK Church, Silver Hill Fridays: 9.30am & 11.30am Contact Scott: 07734 364 138 Hampton Vale Community Centre, Westlake Avenue Thursdays:

3.30pm, 5.30pm & 7.30pm Saturdays:

8.30am, 10.30am & 12.30pm Contact Scott: 07734 364 138

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The BodyLaser Clinic Peterborough Clinic, 60 Broadway, Peterborough PE1 1SU - 01733 555 200 Cambridge Clinic, 71 Regent Street, Cambridge CB2 1AB - 01223 464 171

BodyLaser.co.uk 30

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk

on the move


garden view fit for life


By Tom Hancock

What are the best headphones for running? So what factors are important when choosing headphones for running?

or round the back of the neck, even if they no longer need to be connected to a phone jack.

Water resistance – If you run outside this is obviously important, but many of us forget that sweat is water and if you’re running, indoors or out you will sweat, and eventually this will kill your headphones.

Sound Quality – This is possibly the least important feature for sports use. Mostly runners want to feel the beat and be motivated by their pumped-up playlist, while blocking out external noise. Sports headphones are not about being able to pick out the subtle nuances in a Chopin piano concerto. They need to be reasonable sound quality and be able to cope with a bit of bass.

Fit – There are headphones which wrap tightly around your head, or over and around your ears. But the best types of running headphones are probably true wireless, or lightweight Bluetooth. They are ‘in-ear’ designs with tips that fit into the ear and additional, curved, tapered 'hooks' that sit under the crater of cartilage just above the earhole, known as the anti-helix. When you’re running little things like a cable rubbing the back of your neck can feel irritating. Also, although the battery life can be irritatingly short with true wireless headphones if you use them as your main set, it’s more than long enough for even the most enthusiastic runner. Wireless and ‘true wireless’ headphones are different. ‘True wireless’ headphones completely lack a cable or connector between the earpieces. Wireless headphones are still connected in some way, either over the head

Ambient Sound – Some headphones are designed to let in ambient sound with good reason: situational awareness is important if you run on your own and you want to be aware of traffic or of someone approaching you. This feature is less important if you prefer to run in a gym and want to block out the world. Running is such a great activity, and the right music will add to the experience, so pick up some headphones today and in the words of the classic from Spencer Davis Group which features on my own playlist... keep on running.

Hampton Gazette | June 2019 | E: info@hamptongazette.co.uk | www.hamptongazette.co.uk


consumer advice

consumeradvice Rooting out the rogue traders from the tried and tested professionals

If you think you or a loved one may have been the victim of a scam, report it to Action Fraud at www.actionfraud.police.uk To find out how you can sign up for the fight against fraud, and read some tips on spotting a scam, visit www.safelocaltrades.com/consumers/advice/friends-against-scams

So, the milder weather is finally here, and your garden or home exterior could do with a spring clean of its own If the effects of winter have taken their toll on your garden, property or driveway, you may be thinking about calling in the experts to inject a little life back into the space at the rear or front of the house or the exterior itself. But whatever the job – big or small – don’t be tempted to give the work to someone who cold calls you at your home, claiming to be ‘carrying out similar work in the area’; any offer which appears too good to be true often is. Equally, be wary when it comes to leaflets dropping through your door; some may not be all they seem. We know that there are many genuine companies who deliver leaflets, but for the many legitimate ones; there are also fraudulent ones. If you have internet access, carry out as much research on the company as you can. Safe Local Trades is a supporter of the Cambridgeshire and Peterborough Against Scams Partnership (CAPASP), which includes Cambridgeshire Constabulary, Police and Crime


Circle Don’t be talked into something on the spur of the moment Circle Don’t take their word for it when they tell you urgent work or repairs need doing Circle Do ask them to qualify who they are and to leave you a contact number Circle Never hand over any cash as a deposit for work which they say they will return to carry out Circle Feel free to ask to see their credentials and/or examples of their work Circle Always ask them politely to leave if you feel uncomfortable with their approach

Commissioner Jason Ablewhite, Cambridgeshire County Council and Peterborough City Council. CAPASP is committed to working towards stamping out scams; from postal to online fraud to telephone scams and doorstep rogue traders. We also work closely with Crime Prevention officers across the county who alert us to scam trends which we can then in turn share with our consumers and our members. So, if you are in the market for a new driveway or patio or are dreaming of a new lawn or garden Tell-tale signs for the summer – then always use a reputable Circle Do they have professional work wear? tradesperson. Circle Do they have a sign written vehicle? No reputable tradesperson will come knocking on your door ‘touting’ for business. Needless to say, it Circle Are they a Ltd company? is absolutely mandatory that you never pay anyone Circle Do they have a UK Address? cash at the door, especially when they haven't even Circle Do they accept credit cards? conducted any work on your premises. Circle Are they offering reduced price for cash or having one time ‘special offers’? By Eileen Le Voi, Circle Are they trying to push you Safe Local Trades & Service into making a quick decision? www.safelocaltrades.com

POWER OF ATTORNEY IS AS ESSENTIAL AS CAR INSURANCE . Some facts.. Why do you need a Power of Attorney? • More of us become unable to manage our affairs these days, without a Power of Attorney your family may need to go to Court. This can cause lots of hassle, delay and expense.

What happens if there is no Power of Attorney? • The courts may appoint someone to manage your financial affairs, without your consent. • Your friends or family may need to go to court to get authority to act on your behalf – this can be a lengthy, costly & upsetting experience. • Doctors could rule loved ones on decisions you have already made regarding health matters. • By setting up a Power of Attorney now, you make things easier for your loved ones in the future, whilst keeping control of your affairs now.

Why should you use Roc & Co Estate Planning? • We prepare thousands of Powers of Attorney each year in the UK, and make it easier for you. • We will prepare your Power of Attorney and we can register them for you as well. • Over 50% of clients are referred and go on to use us for other services. • We will come to you and explain in simple and understandable terms about Lasting Power of Attorneys.

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35 35


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