vil agetribune May / June 2017
The Lost Kingdom
Chernobyl Children on their way Tribune Garden - Blooming Baskets Art in the Annexe Arborfield Paper Mill Open Studios Skin deep - do ‘miracle’ products work? of Tribute to Tribland’s Olympic Star
Serving the North Peterborough villages of Ashton, Bainton, Barnack, Castor, Deeping Gate, Etton, Glinton, Helpston, Maxey, Northborough, Peakirk, Pilsgate, Southorpe and Ufford. vil agetribune
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Per issue 4 issues Issue Date Deadline Distributed £39 £125 105 Jul/Aug 16/06/17 01/07/17 £65 £208 106 Sep/Oct 18/08/17 02/09/17 £80 £256 107 Nov/Dec 13/10/17 28/10/17 £99 £317 108 Jan/Feb/18 08/12/01 22/12/17 £185 £592
Darkness cannot drive out darkness, only light can do that; hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that. (Martin Luther King Jnr.) 2
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May / June 2017
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Editor Tony Henthorn 35 Maxey Road, Helpston PE6 7DP T: 07590 750128 E: Barnack Editor Ian Burrows T: 01780 749554 E: Schools Editor Kirsty Warn 22 High Street, Glinton T: 01733 252270 E: Rector in Charge Dave Maylor The Rectory, Millstone Lane, Barnack PE9 3ET T: 01780 740234 E: Priest in Charge Rev Mark-Aaron B. Tisdale The Rectory, 11 Lincoln Road, Glinton PE6 7JR T: 01733 253638 E: Distribution ASHTON Hilary Smith Thatched Cottage, Ashton E:
2 Advertising Rates 3 Contacts 16-18 School Report 19-25 Tribune Diary 28-32 Heritage 35&37 Taste Buds 39 Tight Lines 43 Money Matters 44 Prize Crossword 45 Consumer Advice 46-48 Femail 49 Reading Room 50 Tribune Garden 53-59 Village Views 61 Farming Diary 62-64 Write Away 65-71 Church inc Services 72-75 Council Corner 76-77 Planning Applications 78-79 Tribune Directory
HELPSTON Clive Marsh Clive Marsh, 34 Maxey Road, Helpston M: 07952 251680 PILSGATE New Pilsgate distributor required contact Tony Henthorn if you can help SOUTHORPE Daphne Williams The Old Dairy Barn, Main St. T: 01780 740511 UFFORD Frieda Gosling 2 Hillside Close, Ufford PE9 3BW T: 01780 740343 ETTON Anne Curwen The Coach House, Rectory Lane, Etton T: 01733 253357 E: GLINTON Shirley Hodgkinson 30 Websters Close, Glinton T: 01733 252351 E: MAXEY Peter Hiller (Cllr) E: NORTHBOROUGH Polly Beasley 15 Claypole Drive, Northborough T: 01778 380849 E: PEAKIRK Arthur Neaverson 26 St Pegas Road, Peakirk T: 01733 252398
Deadline for next issue: 16 June 2017
BARNACK George Burage Opposite Millstone, Barnack
NEWS & FEATURES 4 6 6 6 7 7 9 10 13 15
Tribland’s Olympic Star New /My Health’ App Glinton Friendship Club Arborfield Paper Mill John Clare Cottage Earth Moves for Deputy Mayor Mustard Seed Project Chernobyl Children gather Art in the Annexe Nene Valley Railway
vil agetribune ITE VILLAGE
2017 May / June
m The Lost Kingdo
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on the cover ... Helpston Church photographyed by David Dykes
villages of Peterborough Etton, Glinton, Serving the North Deeping Gate, e and Ufford. Barnack, Castor, Pilsgate,kSouthorp Ashton, Bainton, Peakirk, rough,villagetrib Northbo vil agetribune Helpston, Maxey,
4,500 copies of the Tribune are distributed free of charge in Ashton, Bainton, Barnack, Castor, Deeping Gate, Etton, Glinton, Helpston, Maxey, Northborough, Peakirk, Pilsgate, Southorpe and Ufford.
T: 01733 772095 E:
The views expressed within this magazine do not necessarily reflect those of the Editor. All copy is believed correct at time of print but no responsibility can be taken for errors and/or ommissions. No part of this publication and/or website may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form without prior written permission of the Publisher. Permission is only deemed valid if approval is in writing. The Village Tribune own all rights to contributions, text and images, unless previously agreed to in writing.
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Helpston resident, the World renowned Olympian Louis Smith MBE, was honoured with Freedom of the City of Peterborough at a packed formal ceremony in the Town Hall in March, along with fellow Peterborians: Paralympians James Fox MBE and Lee Manning.
Highest City Tribute to Tribland’s Olympic Star
ll three sporting stars were bestowed with the City’s highest honour after a unanimous vote by crossparty members at a full council meeting last year, following recommendations from the council’s Honours Panel. Honours Panel Chairman and Tribland councillor Peter Hiller, joined with PCC Chief Executive Gillian Beasley OBE (both pictured with Louis) to present the evening’s awards to the three medal-winning athletes, and also conferred Alderman citations to three long-
standing now retired former City councillors, including the UK’s longest-serving: Charles Swift OBE. Peter told the Tribune “The Freedom of the City is the most prestigious honour that a council can bestow on an individual or group. It’s not something we award lightly, in fact Freedom of the City is granted only on occasions to individuals who have distinguished themselves through their work or efforts, or to recognise the respect and high esteem in which they are held by the people of Peterborough. Louis, Lee and James were
Need to find local health services quickly? New ‘MyHealth’ app for Cambridgeshire and Peterborough A new app to help Cambridgeshire and Peterborough residents find local NHS services available to them has been launched. Quick and easy to use, the ‘MyHealth Cambridgeshire & Peterborough’ app will direct you to your nearest appropriate NHS service. This includes local GPs, pharmacies, minor injury units, and dentists, based on your location or Ballymoss postcode. 4
Free to download and available in five other languages, including Polish, Latvian, and Lithuanian, MyHealth provides up to date information on current services including directions, opening hours, and contact details. The app is available to download for iOS via Apple Store, Android via Google Play, and Windows phones via Microsoft Store by searching for ‘MyHealth C&P CCG’.
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nominated in recognition of the major contribution they have made to our city in their individual fields.” Peter continued “This evening event in the grand Reception room at our Town Hall was a huge success, combining ceremonial formality with emotional family pride and genuine admiration. Louis and James gave heartfelt thanks when they addressed the audience and were quite obviously very moved by the honour their home City has placed upon them. I’m also very grateful the evening was most generously sponsored by Arcus Global”
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Glinton Friendship Club Arborfield Paper Mill The GFC is still making Monday’s Prints and Open Studios special by offering our members and helpers entertainment, meals, games and speakers with interesting slide shows and products to sell. Since our AGM we have a new Chairperson, Norma, and bid farewell and a big thank you to Judith, our retiring chair. In order to run the club smoothly we have lots of issues to sort out backstage and have a regular meetings to find the best solutions. We occasionally need a firm hand at the helm! We are pleased to welcome new members Audrey and Henry, and wish all those who have had recent operations and illnesses speedy recovery. We have enjoyed a talk by Pam on her life in Greece, a film from our own Alan on the 1940s and another about Peterborough in the early years. An extra special event is a visit to the Mayors Parlour at the Town Hall at personal invitation!!! Three of our helpers attended a days conference on the Value of Volunteering and gave their own views and experiences for which they received flowers from Age Uk in thanks. (See pic) Up coming events will include a talk on Accidents in the Home, quizzes, and another fashion show with Edinburgh Woollen Mills modelled by our own mannequins!!
Pop along and meet us at the village hall in Glinton on Mondays or contact Barbara on 253078. Pam Kounougakis. 6
by John McGowan
een readers of the Tribune might have spotted a letter from me, some time ago, asking people to contact me about an Arborfield Mill book project. That is now complete. I have made a suite of 12 small screenprints based on photographs of the Mill taken in the late 1980s and one very large print – that emerged from the printing process without a by-yourleave! The book contains a brief history of the mill, personal contributions from two of the Mill engineers, who worked there from the 1960s until the its demise, and some photographs from a Helpston lady who grew up in the Mill cottages and stayed on to work at BPS as well as images of my photographs and prints.. The book only made in an edition of 6 and all of those are now gone. Two of the prints should be displayed in the Helpston Bluebell shortly and a few of the prints will be on show in Annakin Gallery’s window (Helpston). Later in the year they will be shown in
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a London location and then in my Retrospective Exhibition at the Yarrow Gallery in Oundle, in November. Open Studios returns later on this year with over 70 artists and crafters. The three weekends are: 24/25 June, 1/2 July and 8/9 July The brochure, giving details about all the artists, will be published at the end of April and will be available in central Peterborough Arts locations and throughout the Tribland area. There is a helpful map at its centre, which is good for planning an afternoon’s art and craft visits. Contact me via email if you have been unable to find one. The PAOS website www.paos. has more information and links to artists’ websites. My studio will open on 1/2July, with a full display of recent and vintage work. I have a new mini-press, to demonstrate relief and intaglio printing. Come and have a play at making a small print. You never know, next year you might be inviting people to see your artwork!
John Clare Cottage
usiness at the Cottage and Café is building up as the 2017 season progresses and the weather improves. Our Acoustic Café open mic music evenings are continuing to be very popular and are well supported. Art in the Cottage, we have a new exhibition of Clare inspired work “Field Thoughts” by Gerard O’Keeffe. Gerard M O’Keeffe, received his first commission at the age of fifteen and studied art in London before teaching art for several years during which time a number of his pupils were awarded prizes in national competitions. He has exhibited at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery and now lives in Cambridge, working primarily on private commissions. ‘ Like Clare, I was born and brought up in the leafy Northamptonshire
Earth moves
for Deputy Mayor
countryside, working on a local farm as a child, taking long walks across the countryside between Northampton and Rugby, marvelling at the quiet beauty of my natural surroundings in “The Laurel Leaf County. ” Just as the poet mourned the depredations and injustice of The Enclosures Act and its impact on ordinary people in his day, so I seek to show the contemporary English countryside under attack - within its own context. Like Clare, I am eager to entice “some friend to wander nigh” and to experience modern versions of the “bowering leaves” and “crowded fields”. Purchasers will receive a small free painting of their choice while s tocks last.
Further to our report in the last issue, Cllr Peter Hiller informed the Tribune that a most enjoyable event at Northborough and DG Village Hall happened on 16 March, when Deputy Mayor Cllr Keith Sharp celebrated the ‘official’ turning of the first sod of the planned hall extension, which has been funded by a significant grant from the EU Rural Leader Programme. In attendance were
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The Art Workshops with Sally Hammerton are getting booked up, full details can be found on the Clare Cottage website – Places can be reserved by contacting the Cottage. Crafts – we have a new range of soft furnishing created by local artist Kerrie Sweeney. These are on sale in the Café. Entertainment – tickets are on sale for the outdoor theatre group – Pantaloons. This year they are performing their version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Wednesday 28 June, details on the Cottage website.
the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress, Parish Councillors from Deeping Gate and Northborough, Cllr Hiller, Representatives from Opportunity Peterborough (the Programme’s facilitators) and Northborough Community Association and Jessie Phillips and Phil Thompson, who both put in so much effort to make this happen. This extension will improve the facilities for all the user groups and the hall’s many visitors. 7
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Mustard Seed Project
nce again, we have returned from a visit to Mgongeni, Kenya, feeling positive about all the good that has come from setting up the charity, and with huge gratitude that our supporters continue to enable this poor community to better themselves. It has always been our policy that MSP does not give handouts but promotes self-sufficiency and, increasingly, our time in Kenya is spent making arrangements for autonomy for the school staff. Of course, the UK fundraising is still a necessity as they do not have the resources or skills to do this independently but, for the day-to-day running and decision making, the teachers are growing in confidence and ability. For the first time, two of our teachers contributed to the training sessions we held, with Eric earning a round of applause for his Maths presentation! A meeting with Leah, our teacher with responsibility as literacy coordinator, was extremely encouraging – she is so enthusiastic and her personal skills are very good, meaning that other teachers respond well to her. Samuel has been appointed deputy head: Irene and I both felt that he would be a great asset - he’s very calm and will provide just the support she needs. It has been a stressful term for her, with new government initiatives being introduced with haste and threats…. ’If you do not do this instantly you will be fined Ksh100,000 or be jailed for 12 months…’ During the stressful couple of months before we arrived, one of our teachers went long-term sick and has now left. This meant that Irene had to teach and there was no free teacher to cover for other eventualities, so another task was to interview for two new teachers. The interview day did not begin well for me, as a journey that should have taken 20-30 minutes took more than 3 hours due to gridlock
Rita and Geoff Fowler caused by the visiting president and the local Governor playing political games! Once I arrived at the school, however, Irene and I watched some high-calibre candidates teach before interviewing them and we were more than happy with our final choices. At last, electricity is connected to the new school so during teacher training day, I was able to demonstrate the use of the laptops and projector. It was interesting that, although the staff are IT literate through using smart phones, they are at a very basic level when it comes to using Word to create and save documents. They were also able to familiarise themselves with the new resources we took out - in particular, half a pallet of books we had collected in the UK which were transported by Books Abroad. Such excitement! The nurses employed by MSP are enjoying their new role as Health Visitors and the clinic is progressing really well with Flora, in particular, enthusiastically throwing herself into learning all that she can about our children and their families. The parents are really appreciative and other members of the community are already asking if they can be involved. Another issue has arisen, however – what to do about the problems they discover. Two more children have been picked up with visual problems - unfortunately the cheapest specs cost £30; far beyond the reach of the parents. You may remember from a previous update that we met a fantastic lady who was managing alone with Halima (her 4-year-old daughter with cerebral palsy), her six-year-old daughter who is at our school and the two-yearold girl discarded by her sister. Since that time a donor has been paying school fees for the six-yearold and Halima, allowing her to go to a special school. Halima is now learning to sign and looks very smart in her new wheelchair,
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donated by Bombolulu workshops (see photo above). Dianne an Australian volunteer from an international charity, ‘Days for Girls’, attended a teacher training session and parent’s meeting to talk to everyone about the washable sanitary towels that they make. We are hoping that some of our women will also set up a business making them but, as they will need a sewing machine, it looks unlikely. Dianne plus our nurse Flora also gave a talk to pupils about puberty and contraception: in Kenya, there is a very high incidence of girls getting pregnant whilst still at primary school (6-14 years). Our oldest girls are now 13 and we have put too much time into their education to see it wasted. Geoff continues to battle with the authorities sorting out the lease, etc., which is often frustrating. His most recent passion is getting the youth into training and work as 80% of the youth in Kenya are unemployed. A highlight of this trip was to discover that the project he set up during our last visit, with a group at the university, has been very successful: they now have twenty youths in vocational training. With four different people interested in volunteering with MSP in Kenya at various times over the next 12-18 months, keen to share their skills and knowledge, the future is looking promising for the community. If you feel able to support MSP through a donationor for more information, please visit: 9
Chernobyl Children gather
There was an atmosphere of excited anticipation as 338 children and their families converged outside the small office of Friends of Chernobyl’s Children in Mogilev, Belarus. By Cecilia Hammond
he children had all arrived to complete biometric visa applications for their visit to the UK this summer. The British Government charges £100 for every child, which, personally I think is a disgrace. Sadly, the cost of the visas has reduced the numbers being helped by FOCC by almost a quarter. The children who come to Helpston arrived, they greeted each other with hugs and kisses, thrilled to see each other after several months apart. Amongst the excitement there were some new children with grey complexions. It was very pleasing to see how much healthier most of the
children were looking and to see the increased confidence of their parents. Suddenly one of our office workers was off to an outlying village to collect a child whose parents had not managed to bring her. They live an hour away, where poverty and the stress of life has defeated them. The little girl arrived looking relieved and full of smiles. Every child was measured and their foot size taken, as the groups ensure that after their visit to the UK, each child goes home with a full suitcase of warm clothing. We are always looking for warm coats, trainers etc, but they must be in very good order with plenty of wear left in them and no rips, stains or buttons missing.
Sponsors can meet the child that they sponsor and get to know them. It costs £500 to bring each child, but we are very happy if people would like to do a part sponsorship too! We are also looking for kind people to sponsor a pair of warm winter boots for children which cost about £25.
I tried to get a photo of all 338 children which we posted on the main charity Facebook page (Friends of Chernobyl’s Children GB). So many happy faces, posing with friends and their interpreters or parents. Look closer and you will see how pale so many of them are. I had been given a gift of teddies by Woolly Hugs, the children were so happy with them. This summer we welcome two groups to Helpston. They attend a play scheme every day at the Helpston Scout Building, they all stay with local host families. The children have a wonderful visit, whilst significantly improving their health and confidence at the same time. We are still looking for a couple of sponsors. Sponsors pay for an individual child’s visit, they receive details about the child and get two updates during the year. The children arrive on 24 June, so not long now. Come and visit us at the love to Scout Hut, we would ond see you! Cecilia Hamm om n.c ms n@ sto elp c_h foc is Our website address m the h wit red We are registe charity commission, reg. no 1122824.
A big thank yo u to everyone who supports and helps the Chernobyl Ch ildren! 10
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Good food, real ales and great entertainment Summer in Etton Join us in our wonderful manor house bar and restaurant to sample our new Summer menus and seasonal real ales. Maybe you’d prefer to dine al fresco in our verdant gardens where the kids can enjoy our great playground and play fort. If you’re celebrating or simply fancy a pre-dinner aperitif, try one of our Prosecco cocktails – perhaps an Aperol Spritz or Elderflower Fizz!
May entertainment: Bank Holiday Monday 1 May, 3pm – The One Eyed Cats Thurs 4 May from 5.30pm – 20-49ers classic cars and spares night Bank Holiday Monday 29 May 3pm – Intonation – Jazz and acapella choir Visit our website for other entertainment news. Now taking bookings for wedding and celebration events in our permanent marquee – some 2017 weekend dates left, 2018 and 2019. CAMRA accredited GOOD BEER GUIDE 2016
T: 01733 252 387
The Golden Pheasant, 1 Main Road, Etton PE6 7DA 12
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By Emma Burt With special thanks to Vanessa Haines Photography
ART IN THE ANNEX There’s something wonderfully satisfying in seeing someone become excited by their own work, gaining confidence they didn’t know they had.
Art in the Annex ~ Contemporary Classics An Introduction to Weaving ~ Thurs 18th of May ~ 10-2.30 ~ £55 Contemporary Embroidery ~ Thurs 1st June ~ 10-2 ~ £55 Lino Printing ~ Thurs 15th June ~ 10-2 ~ £55 Silk Painting ~ 29th June ~ 10-2 ~ £55 To book: or call 07496458471 A series of workshops set in the studio of artist and designer Emma Burt. All materials and a home-made lunch provided. Come along and experience a new style of art classes.
t’s this excitement in the new and innovative that drives my workshops. It’s been a fantastic few months here in The Annex! My first series of workshops has just come to an end- from life drawing to embroidery. With a focus on experimentation and contemporary ways of working, my sessions take people through two stages. Allow me to explain… As artists, crafts people and designers; I think we have a tendency to get a little stuck in our waysI know I do! I’ve found that the best remedy, is to simply go back to the beginning...stage one. For a lot of people, especially those more experienced, this can seem a little odd. However, in doing these ‘mundane’ and simple exercises, it allows us to start again. Stage two- try something new. Branch off in another direction as you try new techniques of working. Don’t limit yourself, express whatever you feel, don’t worry about the outcome being perfect! Sometimes it’s the imperfections, the unfinished pieces, the mistakes- that are the most interesting. Want to give it a try? If you’d like to make these wonderful mistakes with others, then take a look at my new series of workshops, ‘Contemporary Classics’.(see left)
Natural Dying at the John Clare Festival ~ Saturday, 15th of July ~ 10-12 and 2-4pm. PAOS this summer: The three ESC Artists events at the Stamford Art’s Centre this summer/autumn: FOR MORE INFORMATION OR TO BOOK please feel free to get in touch at or on 07496458471. Facebook: Emma Burt Designs Instagram: emmaburtdesigns Twitter: @_emmaburt
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DELFIELD MOTORS MOT Testing Station Courtesy car available Class IV (cars & light vans)
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01733 252 394
Four superbly equipped rooms available
10 Woodgate, Helpston, Peterborough PE6 7ED 14
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Nene Valley Railway Thomas events confirmed for 2017 Jerry Thurston After his his annual big adventure sold out in record time the Nene Valley railway have decided to block-release the dates for the rest of Thomas’ appearances for 1917. Numbers for these events are not limited and tickets can be bought on the day but those wishing to attend can also secure their place by purchasing advance tickets. Bookings will open up to eight weeks before each event takes place Thomas and Travelling Post Office April 29, 30 & May 1 Thomas pulls the Travelling post office through the tunnel to Yarwell and back to demonstrate how mail-bags are unloaded and loaded without the train stopping! Great fun and shhh don’t tell the children, educational too!
Thomas’ branch line weekend events 10 & 11 June and 8 & 9 July. Thomas performs in the station and takes children for a ride up and down his own branchline for the weekend Thomas summer Holiday 12 &13 August. ummer fun, including that all important ride behind Thomas Half term specials 21st & 22nd October. A less frantic weekend, just Thomas and the big train All main fares are fully inclusive and include the ride behind Thomas, ride on the main service and free use of any additional activities such as bouncy castle, face painting and platform games. Nene Valley Railway, Wansford Station, Stibbington PE8 6LR T: 01780 784444
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Peakirk-cum-Glinton Primary
by Sarah Clayton
Tudor experience at Burghley House Wednesday 5 April saw Years 5 & 6 enjoying a fabulous Tudor experience at Burghley House. The trip clearly demonstrated their knowledge and understanding about the Tudor Period and its impact on our society today. They saw how people would have dined
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and learnt about the manners, customs and foods. They also had a full tour of the house (a 3 mile walk!) 18 rooms and ended up with an ‘experience’ of Tudor Medical care. The children asked lots of in depth questions and joined in enthusiastically.
John Clare School
The Spring term has been very busy at John Clare! The year began with the mysterious disappearance of the yellow trike in Key Stage 1! Buttercross and Woodgate worked hard to solve the clues to find out where the trike had gone. Eventually, they found the trike near the swimming pool but how it got there remains a mystery.
eanwhile, Broadwheel class held a debate to discuss whether or not the Moon Man (from their studied text) should be sent to jail - they presented some super arguments for both sides of the case. Whilst Torpel had a visit from Mrs Metcalfe, as they were learning about micro-organisms and she used to work as a microbiologist. The children found out lots of interesting (and disgusting) facts! During National Storytelling Week, Mrs Bacon launched the school’s ‘Readathon’. The children are being sponsored to read as much as possible at home, with proceeds providing reading resources for children in hospital and some new books for the school’s own library. Over February half term, the children were given a whole school Science learning log to complete. This involved placing gummy bears in different solutions to find out what happened. The children were fully immersed in this investigation and recorded some amazing findings, which they shared in a whole school assembly and in Family Assembly. Following half-term, the Year 6 children visited the National Holocaust Centre with children from Ravensthorpe Primary School. They followed the journey of Leo: a 10-year-old Jewish boy struggling with growing up in Germany. This visit culminated in meeting a real survivor of the Holocaust, Zdenka Husserl - her life story was heart-breaking and really made the children think
about the effects of prejudices on others. As usual, the children participated in the yearly Pancake Races and had a tremendous time! The Friends of John Clare School worked hard to ensure that all had an amazing time (and lots of pancakes to eat!). World Book Day was another brilliant event. The imagination and creativity of the John Clare children was evident in the super range of original costumes. The last few weeks have also been full of trips and events for the John Clare children too! Broadwheel class visited The Green Britain Centre in Swaffham, where they climbed inside to the top of a real wind turbine and found out all about how this technology works. The school choir participated in the Peterborough Music Festival and were commended with a ‘merit’ for their performances. The netball and football teams put on great performances at the Soke tournaments and, though they didn’t reach the finals, all the children played well and showed great determination and team spirit. The term finished with Mrs Sallis and the Year 6 children organising and running another successful ‘Pop-up Restaurant’, where parents were treated to a menu of delicious dishes, including goat’s cheese tart, chicken curry and chocolate brownies! Another fun and learning-filled term which clearly demonstrates John Clare is an exciting place to learn!
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by Mia, Torpel Class
By Alex Meadows
Helpston Playhouse We have enjoyed exploring the nature area this term and have had lots of fun taking Freddie the teddy outside to show him what we enjoy doing. The children have loved hunting for sticks to make a small fire and used the Kelly Kettle to make a lovely warm drink. We speak lots about fires, safety and the people who help us. The preschool children have all looked very smart
dressed in their new red outdoor suits, which we were very grateful to be able to purchase using the money raised in the recent Bingo and Easter Fayre fundraising events and would like to thank everyone for supporting by donating prizes and attending our events. The Family Bingo afternoon raised over £250 and the Easter Fayre a fantastic £588!
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tribune MAY
Wednesday 3 May
Ferry Meadows and surrounding area Enjoy a gentle stroll along the River Nene to Wansford where there will be time to look around the NVR station before returning to the Ferry Meadows by train. 9:30am-3:00pm Meet at: Visitor Centre Cost: Free event but please bring £4 for train fare Accessibility: This event includes walking on uneven ground and/or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Please call 01733 234193 for further details. Booking: Essential. Please visit to book a place or telephone 01733 234193 for more information
Thursday 4 May
Wednesday 3 May
ART WORKSHOP: ‘Using chalk & charcoal’
7pm – 9:30pm £12 Includes all materials and tutoring. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. You will be working on large scale paper in order to develop your sense of perspective and scale. There will be a variety of objects to create observational drawings from. The Deepings Community Centre T: 07740316633 E:paisley-art@outlook. comFacebook: Paisley art
Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens (Cert 12A) 7.30pm at Peterborough Cathedral After the success of our Christmas Movie Nights, there’s another chance to watch a film in the spectacular surroundings of the Cathedral Nave. Celebrate ‘May the fourth’ with the most recent entry in the main Star Wars saga on the big screen, and catch up with the adventures of Rey, Finn and BB-8. Refreshments will be on sale. Tickets: £6 adults, £4 children, £18 families, unreserved seating. Book online via the Cathedral website, or Oundle Box Office on 01832 274734 or Peterborough Information Centre on 01733 452336.
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TRIBUNE DIARY >> continued Sunday 7 May
Ferry Meadows Country Park Make a difference by helping the Rangers out in the Park. Children, couples, grandparents, friends - everybody welcome. All tools and training will be provided, you just need to bring along lots of enthusiasm! Free car parking for all participants 10:00am-12:00noon Cost: Free. Suggested donation £2 This event includes walking on uneven ground and/or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Please call 01733 234193 for further details. Booking: Essential. Please visit to book a place or call 01733 234193 for more information Sunday 7 May
Ferry Meadows Country Park Celebrate International Dawn Chorus Day and experience the amazing chorus of birdsong on this walk with Conservation Officer Chris Park. Starting at 4:00 am and finishing at 5:30am/6am 4:00am-6:00am Meet at: Visitor Centre Cost: Free. Suggested donation £2 Accessibility: This event includes walking on uneven ground and/or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Please call 01733 234193 for further details. Booking Essential. Please visit to book a place or call 01733 234193 for more information Tuesday 9 May
Ferry Meadows Country Park Join Ian Lowe for a guided walk of about 4 miles around some of Ferry Meadows, pointing out areas of interest along the way & ask him questions along the way. Times: 1:00pm-3:15pm Meet at: To be confirmed at time of booking Cost: Free. Suggested donation £2 Accessibility: This event is on surfaced paths and suitable for all abilities including wheelchair users and buggies. Booking: Essential. Please visit www. to book a place or telephone 01733 234193 for more information Wednesday 10 May (every 2nd Wed month)
At Willow Brook Farm 20
Runs until Thursday 25 May
An exhibition in Peterborough Cathedral Visitor Centre. Open Monday to Saturday, 10.00am to 4.00pm, and Sunday 11.00am to 4.00pm. Come and discover more about the remarkable pieces found during the archaeological dig in the Cathedral Precincts in June 2016. They range from Roman pottery to medieval painted glass and early 20th century domestic ware. Find out what they can tell us about the site and its inhabitants down the centuries. Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 May
Location: Ferry Meadows Country Park Join Park Ranger Chris Rollason for a talk on the life of a Badger followed by a silent vigil at a Badger sett to try and catch a glimpse of these shy creatures. 7:30pm-10:30pm Cost: £10 This event includes walking on uneven ground and/ or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Please call 01733 234193 for further details. Booking: Essential. Please visit to book a place or call 01733 234193 for more information Wednesday 10 May
ART WORKSHOP: ‘Mono-printing’ 7pm – 9:30pm £12 Includes all materials and tutoring. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. You will be taught how to monoprint. This is an age-old technique which gives you an immediate outcome. You will work from a variety of resources. The Deepings Community Centre T: 07740316633 E:paisley-art@outlook.comFacebook: Paisley art
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TRIBUNE DIARY Wednesday 17 May
ART WORKSHOP: ‘Oil pastel vases’
Saturday 13 May
CLASSICAL REFLECTION: ALBUM LAUNCH CONCERT 7.00pm at Peterborough Cathedral Peterborough twins and BBC 1 ‘The Voice’ stars, Naomi and Hannah Moxon present a spectacular concert of classical and light opera. Their mesmerising and angelic voices, and their special guests, make this a concert not to be missed. Tickets: £15 (£12 concessions). Unreserved seating. Book online via the Cathedral website, or Oundle Box Office on 01832 274734 or Peterborough Information Centre on 01733 452336.
7pm – 9:30pm £12 Includes all materials and tutoring. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. This workshop will focus on using oil pastels. You will learn how to blend and layer them in order to create a rounded form. The Deepings Community Centre T: 07740316633 Facebook: Paisley art Friday 19 May
7pm at Peterborough Cathedral Strictly Come Dancing winners, Olympic Champion Louis Smith MBE and war veteran Lance Corporal Cassidy Little, will be Sunday 14 May guests of honour at a special TRACTOR RUN evening of ballroom dancing in At Willow Brook Farm the Nave. After a Prosecco reception, Tu Danse Studios will show you how to perfect your waltz and cha-cha-cha technique before we open Monday 15 May to Wednesday 21 June up the dance floor. Later there will be a Q&A PARADISE AND OTHER PLACES with Louis and Cassidy and even a chance to try your hand as a Strictly-style judge. Everyone In Peterborough Cathedral is invited to take to the dance floor before the Visitor Centre end of the evening. This is a fundraising event Images inspired by the divine for the Mayor’s Charities and the Peterborough and the everyday, by Mick 900 Campaign. The dress code: formal (sequins Abbott. Mick Abbott’s large-scale and tuxedos welcome, but no stilettos please). drawings and paintings combine Tickets: £25 per person. Book online via the architectural and decorative Cathedral website, or Peterborough Information features with religious themes Centre on 01733 452336. and contemporary portraits. Open Mon – Sat 10am – 5pm. Saturday 20 and Sunday 21 May Sun 11am – 4pm. Free entry.
Wednesday 17 May
Ferry Meadows Country Park Enjoy a gentle stroll around Ferry Meadows in the company of a Ranger who will tell you something of the parks history, current projects and potential forthcoming plans. 7:00pm-8:30pm Free. Suggested donation £2. Please call 01733 234193 for further details. Booking essential. Visit to book a place.
Location: Ferry Meadows Country Park Come and discover the delights of Ferry Meadows. This is a celebration of everything that the Park has to offer. Attractions include helicopter rides, watersports tasters, bouncy castle and climbing wall. There will also be opportunity to meet representatives of the many clubs and organisations who meet at Ferry Meadows. Come along and discover what Ferry Meadows has to offer you! 11:00am-4:00pm Meet at Ferry Meadows Lakeside Centre Free event although there may be a charge for some activities. No need to book. continued >>
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TRIBUNE DIARY >> continued Saturday 20 May
Helpston Gala will be in full swing on the village green from 12 noon until 4pm, Sat 20 May, where there will be a display of vintage cars, barbeque, teas, live music, as well as all the well-loved traditional games like giant skittles and the popular stalls: plants, bric-a-brac-books, cakes etc. For the young ones, a Playbus and Bouncy Castle will be an attraction. There will also be an exhibition of ‘finds’ from the area in St Botolph’s Church. Dog owners! If you have a well-loved dog – (and aren’t they all?) come along to the Fun Dog Show where classes will include The Cutest Pup and The Dog with the Waggiest Tail. Plenty of prizes on offer too. ‘I am very pleased with the way the planning has gone. All we need now is for everyone to come along and have a great day.’ Vicar, Rev Dave Maylor
Wednesday 24 May
ART WORKSHOP: ‘Water-colour landscapes’
7pm – 9:30pm £12 Includes all materials and tutoring. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. You will be learning how to compose an image and how to apply water-colour techniques. If there is a particular image that you’d like to paint, please bring this along, otherwise resources are provided. The Deepings Community Centre T: 07740316633 E:paisley-art@outlook.comFacebook: Paisley art Saturday 27 May - Sunday 4 June
Ferry Meadows Country Park Collect a trail sheet on the theme of rabbits from the Visitor Centre and then hunt for clues as you walk around Ferry Meadows. Return to the Visitor Centre to claim your prize. Trail sheets available 10:00am-2:30pm Meet at: Ferry meadows visitor centre. Cost: £0.50 This event is on surfaced paths and suitable for all abilities including wheelchair users and buggies. No need to book. For more information please call Nene Park Trust on 01733 234193 or E: Saturday 27 May
Ferry Meadows Country Park What lies beneath the still waters of our Lakes at Ferry Meadows? Come along and spend some VAUXHALL MALE VOICE CHOIR time pond dipping and identifying the creatures you find.10:30am-12:00noon and 1:30pm-3:00pm Meet at 1.00pm at Peterborough Cathedral Discovery Den Free.Suggested donation £2 This event This accomplished Luton-based choir will sing a includes walking on uneven ground and/or crossing broad cross-section of items including Welsh hymn tunes, songs from the shows, light operatic choruses, stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. spirituals, and traditional male voice choir standards. Booking Essential. Please visit www.neneparktrust. to book a place or call 01733 234193 for more In addition, their accompanist James Banville, will offer some solo items on the mighty Cathedral organ. information Admission free. Retiring collection Saturday 20 May
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TRIBUNE DIARY Saturday 27 May
Wednesday 31 May
St Botolph’s - Helpston Church invites everyone to the regular monthly Coffee Mornings held in the Church from 10am until 12 noon.
Ferry Meadows Country Park Children and adults are welcome to come and join in making origami pots and planting your very own sunflower seeds, how tall will yours grow?. Times: 10:00am-2:00pm Meet at: Discovery Den Cost: Free. Suggested donation £2 Accessibility: This event takes place indoors and is suitable for all abilities. Booking: No need to book. For more information please call Nene Park Trust on 01733 234193 or e-mail
Sunday 28 May
A BEGINNER’S GUIDE TO JOHN CLARE There will be an illustrated talk “A Portrait of John Clare” in St Botolph’s Church, Helpston from 2pm until 4.15 pm with a break for tea and cake. Tickets are £5 to include tea. (See more on page 54) Monday 29 May
Ferry Meadows Country Park Join our education team to have a look in the woods to find minibeasts in their own habitat. 10:30am-12:00noon & 1:30pm3:00pm Meet at: Discovery Den. Free. Suggested donation £2 This event includes walking on uneven ground and/or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Booking essential. Please visit to book a place or telephone 01733 234193 for more information
DROLMA BUDDHIST CENTRE - EVENTS IN MAY AND JUNE We have lots happening in May and June - something for everyone! Saturday 10 June
10.30am-1pm £15 At Drolma Buddhist Centre, Peterborough Relax; let go of stress and painful thoughts; and find inner peace and contentment. Find out how in a morning!
1-2pm in Stamford, with Buddhist nun and meditation teacher, Gen Nyingpo. Stamford Arts Centre. £5 per class
About the teacher: The classes will be taught by Buddhist nun Gen Nyingpo. Nyingpo has taught Buddhism and meditation for over 20 years. She demonstrates the benefits meditation can bring to our busy modern lives. If you have further queries please contact us. Sue Gunn - Education Programme Coordinator Drolma Buddhist Centre, 260 Dogsthorpe Road, Peterborough, PE1 3PG Tel: 01733 755444 Registered Charity: 1107477
7.15pm - 8.30pm (until 18 May) £6 per class Borderville Sports Centre, Ryhall Rd, Stamford PE9 1US A practical introduction to meditation and including topics such as the benefits of meditation, mindfulness, types of meditation, and how to start a daily meditation practice. Advice is also given on how to remain peaceful in daily life by applying the meditation techniques explained in these classes. These meditation classes are suitable for everyone. Meditation has many benefits including: • Improved concentration and focus in daily life • Less stress, worry & anxiety • Reduced irritation, anger & frustration • Greater inner peace & happiness • Increased confidence & self-esteem • Improved mental and physical well being • A positive outlook on life & better relationships
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TRIBUNE DIARY >> continued Saturday 10 June
Thursday 1 June
Ferry Meadows Country Park Bring your own teddy bear and join us on a bear hunt. There will be a craft session, followed by storytime and then a walk around Ferry Meadows to find Barney the Bear. 10:30am-12:00noon and 1:30pm-3:00pm Booking essential. Thursday 1 June
Ferry Meadows Country Park Join Ranger Chris Rollason for a short walk discovering the small mammals that live in the park. We will hopefully get to see Voles, Mice and Shrews as well as talk about their habitat, diet and identifying features.. 10:00am-11:00am Free - Suggested donation £2 This event includes walking on uneven ground and/or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Booking essential. Please visit to book a place or call 01733 234193 for more information
The Ufford Village Hall and Social Committee is planning a summer gala day. Please save the date! More details to follow. Saturday 10 June
Location: Ferry Meadows Country Park We shall go back in time to the Celtics, and experience methods and tools used in fire lighting, clothes dyeing and cordage making. Times: 10:30am-12:00noon and 1:30pm-3:00pm Meet at: Lakeside Carpark Cost: £3 This event includes walking on uneven ground and/or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Please call 01733 234193 for further details. Booking essential. Please visit to book a place or call 01733 234193 for more information Wednesday 14 June
ART WORKSHOP: ‘Acrylic paint on wood’ 7pm– 9:30pm £20 Includes all materials and tutoring. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. You will be encouraged to paint in a gestural, free style to create your own acrylic on wood painting. No prior painting knowledge needed. The Deepings Community Centre T: 07740316633 Facebook: Paisley art
Thursday 2 June (last one until the autumn)
PORK PIE MAKING NIGHT At Willow Brook Farm Friday 2 June
Ferry Meadows Country Park. Join us for a fun session developing skills in woodland tools use, making wood craft items to take home. 10:30am-12:00noon and 1:30pm-3:00pm Meet at Lakeside Carpark. Cost £3 This event includes walking on uneven ground and/ or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Booking essential. Please visit www. to book a place or telephone 01733 234193 for more information Wednesday 7 June
ART WORKSHOP: ‘Observational drawing, using tone’
7pm – 9:30pm £12 Includes all materials and tutoring. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. You will be working on large scale paper in order to develop your sense of scale and tonal shading. There will be a variety of objects to create observational drawings from. The Deepings Community Centre 07740316633
Thursday 15 June
SAUSAGE MAKING NIGHT At Willow Brook Farm Saturday 17 June
MAXEY SUMMER FAYRE at the Perkins Field on Saturday 17 June, please come along and join us for a fun family day. Watch out for further information closer to the time.
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TRIBUNE DIARY Sunday 25 June
Wednesday 21 June
ART WORKSHOP: ‘The human form’ using charcoal 7pm – 9:30pm £12 Includes all materials and tutoring. Relaxed, friendly atmosphere. Working from selected imagery, you will develop an experimental style in which to draw the human form. You will be using charcoal to create realistic tone. The Deepings Community Centre T: 07740316633 Facebook: Paisley art Friday 23 June
12.30pm. 9, Church Street, Northborough Tickets £10 to include glass of wine and delicious home made desserts. Polly 01778 380849/ Gill 01733 252981 Proceeds to St. Andrew’s Church. Saturday 24 June
Location: Ferry Meadows Country Park Learn how to make things from willow by progressing through making a panel, a fish and finish with a willow pheasant to take home and keep for yourself or give as a gift. If you came last year to make the pheasant, there is an opportunity to make a duck. 9:30am-4:30pm Meet at Nene Outdoors Cost: £65 including lunch This event takes place indoors and is suitable for all abilities. Booking essential. Please visit to book a place or call 01733 234193 Tuesday 27 June
Ferry Meadows Country Park Join Artist in residence, Charron Pugsley-Hill, on a seasonal walk in the Park. Finish at lakeside Kitchen & Bar for a drink, cake and a short creative session. This is not about being able to draw but about confidence with colour and your creative side. 10:00am-12:30pm Cost: £5 This event includes walking on uneven ground and/or crossing stiles and therefore may not be suitable for all abilities. Booking essential. Please visit www.neneparktrust. to book a place or call 01733 234193
St Botolph’s - Helpston Church invites everyone to the regular monthly Coffee Mornings held in the Church from 10am until 12 noon.
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HELPSON WI DIARY please see page 46
1-4pm Peakirk Cum Glinton Primary School Live music, bar, go-carts, bouncy castles, games. More details to follow. Sunday 17 September
Northborough Community Association will be having a Party in the Park to celebrate our lovely village. Further details will be given nearer the time. ends
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Maxey Church
The Lost Kingdom
by Dr Avril Lumley Prior
1066 and all that!
bbot Leofric had led a charmed life. His aunt and uncle were the celebrated Lady Godiva and Earl Leofric of Mercia. Through their influence, he became abbot of the monasteries at Peterborough, Coventry, Burton-uponTrent, Crowland and Thorney simultaneously. Although such pluralism was illegal, Leofric had friends in high places. Besides, he was exceedingly good at his job. He increased Peterborough’s portfolio with new lands in Huntingdonshire, Lincolnshire, Leicestershire, Rutland and across Northamptonshire and enriched its coffers to such an extent that it earned the soubriquet Gildenburgh or ‘Golden Borough’. Then, in October 1066, Leofric made a fatal error of judgement. 28
Cudgel-brandishing Bishop Odo of Bayeux (Bayeux Tapestry) Presumably due to kinship ties, he threw in his lot with King Harald II and rode off to Hastings to defend the realm, though as a man of God, he would have been obliged to slay the enemy with a ‘blunt instrument’, a cudgel not a sword. Yet, it is doubtful that Abbot Leofric saw any of the action. The Chronicles tell us that he fell gravely ill and returned
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William of Normandy (Bayeux Tapestry)
to home to die, knowing that England had been lost to William of Normandy. Before ‘The Conqueror’ could foist a Norman abbot upon them, the bereaved Peterborough brethren swiftly elected one of their number, an AngloScandinavian named Brand. He unwisely petitioned a rival claimant to the English throne to
HERITAGE confirm his appointment, none other than, Edgar Ætheling, the teenage grandson of Edmund Ironside (who granted a charter to Peakirk church, in 1016). Thereby, Abbot Brand incurred William’s displeasure and was forced to pay 40 gold marks to keep his office. When Brand died in November 1069, William replaced him with Turold de Fécamp, another cudgel-wielding military monk, whose reputation went before him. He had inflicted such a tyrannical regime upon both the townsfolk and the inmates of his former monastery at Malmesbury that the king declared, “because Turold is behaving more like a soldier than an abbot, I shall find for him a foe who is a good match for his attacks. He shall have Peterborough and practise his fighting there.” The foe in question was Hereward, the Lincolnshire freedom-fighter, who had lost his lands in the massive Norman land-grab after their victory at Hastings. He promptly formed an alliance with King Swein of Denmark, who had recently arrived in England intent on seizing the kingdom. Provoked by William’s choice of abbot, Hereward launched a pre-emptive strike upon Peterborough before Turold could take charge, intending to ‘liberate’ its treasures to prevent them falling into Norman hands. Not wishing to make the same mistakes as Leofric and Brand, the monks closed their portals. The ‘Battle of Bothilde Gate’ ensued, after which the monastery was looted and its buildings, apart from the church and infirmary, were set alight. The defenders, who had put up a valiant resistance, were either dispersed or carried off to Hereward’s stronghold at Ely as captives, except for one ailing brother, who conveniently lived to tell the tale.
Fortunately, a monk named Ivar, forewarned of Hereward’s impending approach, managed to collect various portable assets and fled with them to Stamford, where Turold was ensconced with 160 men-at-arms. According to the twelfth-century Peterborough chronicler, Hugh Candidus, the rest of the abbey’s valuables was lost in a shipwreck as ‘The Danes’ retreated to their homelands. Except that is for Peterborough’s most-priceless possession, the undecayed arm of St Oswald (which had been stolen to order 150 years earlier from the monks of Bamburgh). Prior Æthelwold, one of the hostages, rescued it whilst Hereward and his comrades were in a drunken stupor and took it to Ramsey Abbey for safekeeping. Realizing the potential revenue that the illustrious limb could generate from pilgrims, the Ramsey monks understandably were reluctant to part with it until Turold threatened to burn their house down unless it was returned. The first Norman abbot certainly was a force to be reckoned with since he had his own standing army to implement his commands on the pretext of acting on behalf of the king, who was busy ‘harrying the North’, and campaigning on the Continent, leaving his capable wife, Matilda, as regent. Once ensconced at Peterborough, Turold commissioned a motte-and-bailey castle within the abbey precincts as a watch-tower and rallying point for his troops, indicating that (as at Malmesbury) his relationship with the indigenous monks and dispossessed local families was far from harmonious. The mound, now called Tout [‘Look-out’] Hill, still occupies a corner of The Deanery garden. Turold’s twenty-eightyear reign proved to be strict, controlled and, from Hugh
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Candidus’ perspective, corrupt. The Norman abbot systematically stripped Peterborough of its assets by bestowing its lands upon his relations and members of his entourage in exchange for military service to such an extent that there was little left from which to draw profits to maintain his monks and monastic buildings. Thus, when he died in 1098, the once-proud abbey was teetering on the brink of bankruptcy.
Fortress Tribland? Of Turold’s Tribland knights, Ansketil de St Médard controlled a vast estate stretching from the Welland to the Nene, comprising Thornhaugh, Wittering, Wansford and part of Etton. Ralph de la Mare held Woodcroft and lands in Maxey, Deeping Gate and Northborough. Roger Infans [‘The Younger’] was given Ufford, Helpston, Bainton, Ashton, Southorpe, Lolham, Nunton and part of Ailsworth, Glinton, Maxey and Northborough and adopted the name of the nowdeserted settlement of Thorpe, ‘Normanising’ it by calling himself Roger de Torpeil [Torpel]. Geoffrey Infans received lands in Southorpe, Upton, Walcot [Barnack], Helpston, Ufford and Etton, and assumed the title Geoffrey de Southorpe. Turold also granted to his nephew and namesake manors in Ailsworth, Milton and Castor, where he is immortalised in Thorold’s Way. This is not to say that Turold’s knights imposed their presence on the landscape by suddenly erecting lofty keeps to quell recalcitrant Triblanders. Simple, wooden watch-towers would have sufficed. Firstly, after the departure of Hereward (said to have done a deal with William), the area was virtually subdued. Secondly, the wily Turold would never have allowed his >> 29
>> subordinates to establish mighty
strongholds lest they should unite in a coup against him. Finally, it is unlikely that any of his retinue could have afforded to embark upon massive building schemes. Instead, they either requisitioned pre-existing high-status, timberframed buildings of Anglo-Saxon lords who had been exiled or killed at Hastings or constructed their own ‘manor-houses’, protected by a moat or palisade. Far from being the knights-inshining-armour of the so-called ‘Age of Chivalry’ (which did not happen until a century later), Ansketyl de St Médard and his brothers-in-arms may have been a motley crew. Although they would have owned chain-mail and war-horses (for the Normans took the cavalry charge to England at Hastings), Abbot Turold’s army probably comprised the spare and landless sons of minor Norman, French and Burgundian nobility, who had joined forces with the Duke William of Normandy out of a sense of adventure rather than loyalty to a tanner’s daughter’s bastard. After all, they were the progeny of the ‘Northmen’ [Norwegian Vikings] who had
invaded in ‘France’ in 971. Therefore, it was not surprising that they put down roots and founded dynasties in Tribland because they undoubtedly were better off here than they were at home. In time, many of the Norman economic migrants prospered, albeit at the expense of Peterborough Abbey and its peasant farmers. Yet, it was not until c.1295, when Ralph de la Mare’s descendant, Geoffrey, was appointed Constable of the Nassaburgh Hundred [modern Greater Peterborough] that he was affluent enough to build Northborough Castle and purchase a licence from Edward I to hold a Wednesday market and a fair each August. Unfortunately, in 1350, Geoffrey’s son or grandson (another Geoffrey), reneged on a substantial debt owed to his distant cousin, the Bishop of Lincoln and Coventry, Roger de Thorpe, and made matters worse by forging a ‘receipt of payment’ which he presented to Edward III. He was immediately rumbled, outlawed and all his lands were seized and subsequently acquired by
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Bishop Thorpe, who was also the king’s Solicitor General. Thorpe rubbed salt into Geoffrey de la Mare’s wounds by adopting Northborough Castle as his ‘country seat’. When he died in 1372, his nephew, William de Thorpe, inherited his estate but preferred Maxey manor-house as his abode. In 1394, he applied for a licence from Edward III to crenelate [add battlements] and grandly renamed his home Maxey Castle (of which only the moat, earthworks and fishpond remain). As for Woodcroft Castle [Etton], architectural evidence suggests that it was not constructed until c.1280 and ‘remodelled’ in the late fifteenth century. Indisputably, William did raise many impressive citadels to discourage potential revolts and to remind the locals that he was here to stay. However, they were always in strategically-located in towns, at river-crossings and frequently next to a significant monastery. Furthermore, it appears that Tribland’s castles were built as status symbols during the reigns of Plantagenet kings rather than shortly after the Norman Conquest.
The ‘Great Rebuild’ The early-twelfth century was a period of grand-scale changes to the English landscape. Apart from an epidemic of castle construction, the cathedrals at Canterbury, Old St Paul’s [London], Rochester, Durham and York Minster were revamped and Ely and Lincoln were founded, together with numerous religious houses, including Battle Abbey (as atonement for the slaughter at Hastings) and Southwell Minster [Nottinghamshire]. There was also widespread church building and rebuilding as witnessed at Kilpeck [Herefordshire], Tickencote [Rutland], Crowland Abbey and Sutton’s fortress-like chapel. All are masterpieces of the new Romanesque [Roman revival] style hot from Normandy, with refined, round-headed arches, chevron [zig-zag] and ‘nail-head’ moulding and cylindrical pillars capped with curious carvings. Obviously, this did not happen overnight, especially in our region. Turold’s wretched rule was followed by a series of short-lived abbacies and a period under Henry I’s direct control. So, it was not until
Peakirk: Chevron moulding, south door
Sutton’s curious carvings Abbot Ernulf, a Frenchman and an Anglo-Saxon sympathiser, arrived in 1107 that Tribland churchbuilding began in earnest. Even so, Peterborough had to wait until the highly-suspicious ‘Nine Days’ Fire’ of 1116 before Ernulf’s successor, John de Sèez, could begin a Romanesque church to rival Crowland’s and Ely’s. Although many timber-framed, wattle-and-daub churches were demolished completely, not all ‘new-builds’ were created from scratch. The Anglo-Saxons already had been taught stone-
masonry skills by craftsmen from Gaul [France] back in the late seventh century and were responsible for restoring Peterborough and Barnack in grandiose style in the 970s. If you look carefully at the earlyeleventh century rebuilds at Castor, Maxey, Peakirk and Helpston, you will see the skeletons of Anglo-Saxon predecessors with the chunky walls of their tall, narrow naves pierced with arcades to give access to aisles that the Normans built. >>
Castor Church (furthest left,with the spire); Sutton Church (furthest right) has a bell-cote; Maxey (in the middle) has neither.
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>> The
end of an era?
The coming of the Normans can almost be compared with the German occupation of the Channel Islands during World War II and their presence had a devastating effect upon the home-grown population. The Conqueror rapidly replaced leading churchmen with ‘foreigners’, while at Durham he installed the Prince Bishops to keep the rebellious Northumbrians in order. Even for the relatively well-behaved Tribland peasantry, life became tougher. Although it is unclear whether William I introduced the feudal system to England, serfs now spent more time toiling on the lord’s demesne, had their access to woodlands and forests (with their vital supply of timber, firewood and pannage for pigs) restricted and paid more for the privilege. William retained the AngloSaxon administration and taxation systems because he considered them to be the best in Europe. Happily for historians, he also promoted paperwork and left us lots of it as he strove to replace ‘remembered’ transactions with the written word. Crucially in 1086, he ordered a census, which was so meticulously-detailed that it was dubbed Domesday Book. Although its exact purpose is debateable, it provides a valuable insight into eleventh-century England, its population and landscape. Of course, the Anglo-Saxons had been conducting surveys and recording wills and landgrants in both Old English and Latin (the universal language of the Church) since the seventh century. After the Conquest, these documents were copied into cartularies [registers] for easy reference. Although the bulk of charters were now compiled in Latin, Old-English property 32
bounds were retained and ritually ‘beaten’ to ensure that everyone was aware of their limits. Whilst Norman-French was now the language of the ruling elite, Old-English was still the spoken by the masses. Even as late as 1121, during the reign of Henry I, the monks of Peterborough began and continued their version of the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle in the vernacular. It was not until in 1154, with the ascendancy of Henry of Anjou, England’s second Angevin king, that Hugh Candidus was instructed to start a new Peterborough house-history in Latin. And there were other agents at work which helped to promote the native tongue. To reinforce their claims to the land, William’s knights were encouraged to marry Anglo-Saxon heiresses. Although their offspring were given Norman Christian names, such as William, Richard, Robert, Geoffrey, Emma and Matilda, they learnt to speak English from their mothers and nurses, with Norman-French almost as an after-thought. In fact, far from suppressing the English language, William and his entourage enriched it by adding words like ‘beef’, ‘pork’, ‘pigeon’, ‘venison’, ‘mutton’, ‘monarchy’, ‘property’, ‘people’, ‘science’, ‘blond’ and ‘bureaucracy’. They also readily adopted Old-English words which took their fancy, especially ‘cnight’ [knight] and ‘cwen’ [‘king’s wife’]. Most English communities had been settled long before the Normans loomed large on the horizon and the majority retained their old place-names, the Tribland exception being Torpel. ‘Add-ons’ emphasised Norman possession as in Leighton Buzzard, Ashby de la Zouch, Stoke Doyle and Milton Keynes, just as the Anglo-Saxons had labelled Maxey [‘Maccus’ island’], Bainton [Baddington, ‘the township of Bada’s people’] and Peakirk [‘Pega’s church’]. Like
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the Anglo-Saxon Castor [‘Roman camp’], Northborough [‘northern fortification’] and Stamford [‘stony ford’], newly-established Norman sites often were given descriptive names, such as Belvoir [‘beautiful view’], Beaulieu [‘beautiful water’], and Pontefract [‘broken bridge’], as settlements have been tagged since time immemorial.
In search of the ‘Lost Kingdom’ Inevitably, the Anglo-Saxons knuckled down under the ‘Norman yoke’ yet managed to retain their identity. This was partially because the Normans were in the minority but it also is due to their indomitable spirit, inter-marriage, traditions, folklore and a language that developed into the Middle English of Geoffrey Chaucer. But beware! We still have the descendants of Norman invaders in our midst! They bear the surnames of Marshall, Montgomery, Percival, Pettit, Carpenter, Curtis, Lever, Fitzwilliam and Spencer. Nevertheless, they are outnumbered by those of us with Anglo-Saxon cognomens, including Churchill, Drake, Keats, Nelson, Thatcher, Clark, Smith, Brown, Townsend and Henthorn, and names derived from settlements like Ashton, Dudley, London, Nottingham, Stafford - and Lumley – together with the Anglo-Norman ‘hybrids’, Emerson, Harrison, Richardson, Robertson and Wilson. Moreover, our Anglo-Saxon past is preserved in our place-names, whilst St Pega’s church [Peakirk], St Kyneburgha’s [Castor] and St Botolph’s [Helpston] continue to honour locally-connected saints 1300 years after their deaths. This is living proof that, over a millennium after the Battle of Hastings, vestiges of the ‘lost’ Anglo-Saxon kingdom survive. So, maybe we should ponder whether Tribland – nay, England – was ever truly ‘Normanised’ after all . . .
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Ah bonjour mes amis anglais, within your nice villages in the Tribune lands.
from the kitchen of
Chez Pierre Suprémes de Volaille Camembert
n this issue I am telling you about another firm favourite here at Chez Pierre, Suprémes de Volaille Camembert. Not as you might think an old bird stuffed with a lot of soft French cheese, non; a subtle and beautifully tender offering that is not just pleasing to see and taste but also very nice and easy to create. Camembert is a lovely rural village in north western France, not far from England for travelling. Normandy’s famous cheese is of course named after this traditional village, from a recipe created in the late 18th century by a farmer’s wife and her lover, a priest from Brie, who she was protecting during the Revolution. This dish is including also another local product, cidre. I imagine the wayward wife and her somewhat less than holy boyfriend consumed a fair bit of this amber nectar during the affair too, non?
For four you will need:
Heat the oven to 200°C / fan 180°C.
1 Bring a1pan of water to the boil and cook the potatoes for 10 minutes until tender. 2 Drain thoroughly, then toss with the 2 2 tsp fresh thyme, tbsp of the olive oil, thyme and 3 cloves of roughly chopped; the garlic, which should be lightly bashed 4 garlic cloves; beforehand. 3 Season, then put in a roasting tin and 2 shallots, finely chopped; cook in the oven for 30-35 minutes, shaking a handful of the tray occasionally. 2 mushrooms, sliced; 4 Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in 400 ml dry cider; a large, lidded casserole dish, and add 100 ml chicken stock, made the shallots. Cook for 2-3 minutes until beginning to soften. with ½ a cube; 3 4 tbsp full-fat crème fraiche; 5 Crush the remaining garlic clove, then add to the onion and cook for another 1 tbsp Dijon mustard; minute. 1 tbsp fresh parsley 6 Add the chicken and cook for 4-5 to garnish. minutes, turning using a pair of tongs to turn until brown all over – especially the skin. 7 Pour in4the cider and bubble for a minute, before adding the stock. Cover with the lid and simmer for 30 minutes. 8 Remove the lid throw in the mushrooms and cook for another 12-15 minutes until the sauce has reduced and the chicken is tender and cooked through. 9 Finally, stir through the crème fraiche and mustard and finish with a scattering of parsley. Keep warm. I will serve the breasts sliced across four or five times, with the green beans sautéed in butter and the potatoes. 4 chicken breasts, skin-on; 3 tbsp olive oil;
Bon chance, Pierre x
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Max Gastro’s
Restaurant Review
well remember the rather posh Van Hage/Peterborough Garden Park opening in the summer of 2010. The sun shone, the fragrant Sophie Countess of Wessex did the formal honours and expensive suits floated around deferentially, foretelling great fortunes for this huge glass shrine – built not just for the green-fingered proletariat but all of Peterboroughkind to visit and wonder at the treasures within. The reality was a little different and the last 7 years have been a struggle for this mammoth crystal palace and its annexed half-vacant shops. Fast-forward, and now the whole 18 acre edifice has been bought by a firm who’s expertise is proven in this sector. A friend who has met the management says they are certainly well placed to make the necessary changes and apparently what they’ve outlined already is appropriate to both the site and its immediate demographic, and their plan for the medium to long-term viability of the offering appears pragmatic and sustainable. I know a lot of Tribland folk will wish them well in their endeavours. That aside, a friend and I decided to pop along for a spot of lunch recently and were rather taken by the Café VH carvery, at a very reasonable £7.50. This sumptuouslooking feast (from 12 noon) was expertly and most generously carved and ladled onto our plates and embraced a choice of beautifully cooked roast pork or beef, tasty
sautéed cabbage, roast potatoes, buttered carrots and with a healthy dollop of gravy to finish. Truly fare normally for the privileged few at a price for the pockets of the hoipalloi. The vast interior of the centre is cleverly divided and the restaurant area is sectioned off to create albeit not a particularly intimate setting but certainly one that’s very clearly defined. You don’t get folk wandering by your table with pot plants and wheelbarrows. We were impressed by the cleanliness of the dining area and friendliness of the staff, who appeared genuinely enthused by their various roles behind and in front of the counter, our server/carver/ladler Claire especially. This is a really good place to pop in for a shop, browse, maybe meet-up with friends and have a spot of breakfast or lunch – I recommend it. It’s unfortunate the normally trustworthy Trip Advisor website rates the Café VH a lowly 331st of Peterborough eating places and, from our impression, an unfair score. Also rather incongruous is the Van Hage website’s original grandiloquence, still proclaiming: “…The Park will touch the lives of many hundreds of thousands of people…forming a strategy to offer leadership and support to the local community…a celebration of local children…tranquil places to sit and ponder…” er, it’s a garden centre guys, but I imagine it could be a lot more.
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Max's STAR RATING CAFÉ VH Van Hage @ Peterborough Garden Park Peterborough PE1 4YZ 01733 221400
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saved by a
Mark Williams turns the clock back to a fateful night when he nearly lost his best friend, until a pike unwittingly pulled him back from the brink
tight lines by Mark Williams
The sky was turning inky blue as my friend Dave and I staked out a bank of Tallington Lakes one May, many years ago. Back then, what is now such a landmark watersports centre was a more modest affair, and devoid of any unnecessary rules. It was the closed season, but back then, we coarse anglers were allowed to target eels as long as we used big, single hooks. So eels, ostensibly, was what Dave and I were trying to catch. The bailiff, local postman Terry Tribe, I think, had let Dave drive his ageing Chevette estate car round the bank to where we were going to fish, and we set up with two rods apiece, all four sitting on newfangled Optonic bite alarms so we’d know, even in the darkness, that we had a bite. Looking back, I don’t think we knew how lucky we were; we were surrounded by gravel pits, and very few of them had any controls on fishing. We could, with a few exceptions, rock up anywhere with our rods and have a go. Now, most of those gravel pits are jealouslyguarded syndicate waters. As darkness descended, so did the temperature, as it sometimes does in spring. We’d cast out a selection of sections of dead fish into likely channels, and it wasn’t long before were were in business.... with pike. Several quite good fish
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to 12lb proved that pike feed after dark, but the eels were less cooperative. By midnight, it had become really chilly. I was dressed in a polar fleece one-piece and quilted oversuit, so I was fine. Dave, however, was feeling the icy fingers of of the clear sky beneath his Barbour jacket, and decided to start the car and hop in to warm up. I dozed off in my fishing chair. I was awoken by the shrill sound of the bite alarm, struck into another pike, and called to Dave to bring the net. I got no answer, so I netted the fish myself and returned it. I checked my watch. It was one-thirty in the morning. When I went over to look, Dave’s car engine was still running, the interior light showing him still asleep in the front seat. I opened the door; a wall of heat and petrol fumes hit me, and then I noticed Dave was an ashen white. I shook him and shouted and, slowly, he came round. He had a splitting headache. He had, of course, been slowly gassed by his leaking exhaust. In fact, that pike may have saved his life. We caught eels. The biggest was 3lb 12 oz – not a monster, but a very hard-fighting fish which was returned alive. Back then, eels were so common, most people cursed when they hooked one. Some thirty years later, eels are as rare as free fishing on gravel pits. 39
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YOUR FINANC£S by Mark Chiva Independent Mortgage and Protection Adviser & Independent Financial Planner
etirement is an exciting phase, many of us look forward to it throughout our working life. Fantasies about tropical holidays or journeys on the Orient Express often help us survive pep talks from our managers and long working hours on Friday evenings (yes, I have been there!). Regardless of what your retirement aspirations are, without the right planning and understanding of all the options available in retirement, you may miss the opportunity to take full advantage of available resources and savings. Read on to discover the four things every individual approaching retirement should consider… 1. Consider what options are available If you have been part of work based pension schemes or private retirement plans you need to fully understand how to access all benefits, what options are available for long and short term
income. It is important that you know and understand exactly what choices you have.
delays in taking pension benefits, meaning a bigger pension pot to draw on.
2. Review existing pension products
4.How much will I need?
For individuals who have already built their pension pots, conducting regular reviews across your product portfolio is an essential part of ensuring that you are on track and the funds you chose initially are the most cost effective and profitable on the market. 3. When exactly should you retire Retirement age is no longer set in stone and as pension, savings and investment options have become increasingly flexible so too has the time of retirement. Whilst you won’t be able to draw on your State Pension until you reach State Pension age, private and workplace pensions often give you the opportunity to retire early from age 55. Working past retirement can also offer a number of advantages with
Budgeting for retirement is another step that must be undertaken in the years before retirement. Whilst it is unlikely that you will need the same income as when you were working, other areas of expenditure, such as leisure, may increase. Considering any shortfalls you have before retirement and topping up where possible may help you manage your income once you’ve stopped working. All of this can be done with the help of a qualified and experienced Financial Planner. It shouldn’t come as a surprise to read that I am here to help, should you require guidance, review or assessment. There is no cost to picking up your phone and having a chat with me, I am always happy to help.
For a no obligation conversation please call Haverfords on 01733 308666 or email me on
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vil agetribune PRIZECROSSWORD
WIN £10
Grab yourself a cuppa and put your feet up for once. Here are your clues: CROSSWORD CLUES Across 7 Innumerable, unspecified amount (7) 9 Photograph, picture (5) 10 Girls’ hairstyle or a small cake (3) 11 Oval form (9) 12 Sarcasm, incongruity, used to comic effect (5) 14 Objects of attention or attack (7) 16 17th century Spanish warship (7) 18 Go into a place (5) 19 Aboriginal hunting weapon (9) 20 Type of seabird (3) 21 Perfect, desirable (5) 22 Feeling, sentiment (7)
Last issue’s crossword solution below.
Down 1 Effervescing, simmering (8) 2 Unlocked, unsecured (4) 3 Crisp salad vegetable (6) 4 Hesitate, waver (6) 5 Most contented or delighted (8) 6 Curve, twist (4) 8 Drab bird which sings beautifully (11) 13 Eyewitness, observer (8) 15 Caressing, soothing (8) 17 Calmly, smoothly (6) 18 Festive drink (6) 19 French creamy cheese (4) 20 Opposite of alkali (4)
Congratulations to Mrs E M Boyall from Maxey who wins £10 for her correct entry. Please send your completed crossword electronically to or by post to: 1 Church Street, Whittlesey PE7 1DB. Mark your entry ‘crossword competition’. Make sure that your name and contact details are clearly visiible with your entry. The winner will be the correctly completed crossword drawn from all entries submitted and will be published in the next issue. The decision of the editor is final.
YOUR ONE STOP SHOP FOR: Marketing consultations • Publications • Printing Website design and development • Computer repairs T: 01733 772095 E: 44
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CONSUMER ADVICE Eileen Le Voi, Safe Local Trades
Safe Home Event
If your home is your castle – then you’ll want to protect it and its contents.
afe Local Trades will be joining a range of crime prevention and other organisations at an important event this month – aimed at home owners from all over the Peterborough area. Police are hosting a home security event at Hampton Police Station, 401 Eagle Way, Hampton Vale in Peterborough on Wednesday, May 24.
This event - which runs from 2-7pm - will focus on all aspects of home security with lots of advice and information on offer as well as some great product displays and practical demonstrations. Representatives from The Bobby Scheme, Safe Local Trades and Cambridgeshire Fire and Rescue Service will be on hand to offer advice. Peterborough Neighbourhood Watch will also be available to help any residents interested in starting a scheme in their area. All residents of Peterborough are welcome to come along on the day. Limited parking is available in the rear car park or visitors may choose to park at Serpentine Green Shopping Centre. Hampton Police Station is less than a five minute walk from the shopping centre and accessible via the rear doors at the shopping centre food court. The
volunteer Police Cadets will be around to guide those attending. Police crime reduction officer Helen O’Driscoll said: “Much of our work is aimed at making people feel safe in the community and helping them avoid crime. “We will be on hand to offer advice on how to secure your home and your belongings and to discuss topics such as rogue traders, doorstep crime, scams and any other issues that are affecting you. “This is a great opportunity for anyone to come along and discuss their concerns as well as view new products and find out what is best for them. “The event is being held between 2pm and 7pm and I urge people to drop in whenever is convenient for them.”
We look forward to seeing you on 24 May
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Glinton WI
Since our last Tribune report members have enjoyed two excellent speakers at their monthly meetings in Glinton Village Hall. In March, the hall was pervaded with the wonderful smell of freshly baked bread when Rob Hill came to speak to us about the Hambleton Bakery opened in 2008 to produce top quality traditional breads. These artisan products, made from locally sourced ingredients, have proved very popular. Now, in addition to a growing list of wholesale customers, there are five retail outlets. Members were able to experience the quality for themselves as they all left the hall with a “freebie”. What a treat! In April, Matthew Kefford gave us a truly engaging presentation about Medical Detection Dogs. Very sadly he was unable to bring one of his canine friends with him but they all proved extremely photogenic! These very intelligent and highlytrained animals are able to use their extremely honed sense of smell to detect cancer and other ailments, or in the case of the Medical Alert Assistance Dogs are able to partner people with serious Type 1 diabetes, often children, giving advance warning of hypoglycaemic attacks. Once again we have learnt a lot in an easy, fun way! Away from the hall, members have continued to enjoy monthly Sunday lunches in various local hostelries. A team once again represented
by Ann Pettitt Glinton W.I. at the Spring Quiz held in Yaxley. Margaret and Veronica were our representatives at the Annual Federation Day held in Huntingdon where they were entertained by a lively talk from Rev. Richard Coles about his life in the Communards, the Church and the media. Also, congratulations to Brenda who raised £136 for Thorpe Hall with a “marathon” sponsored knitting session; another example of our W.I. reaching out into the community. A visit to the Long Sutton Flower Festival delighted once again. Located in a magnificent church and featuring impressive floral displays, this is always a popular trip. Another recent event was the St George’s afternoon tea held in Werrington where participants were able to discover how much (or little?!) they really know about England. Shortly there is to be a keenly anticipated visit to a new local attraction. A vintage tea -room (formerly a newsagents) has recently opened in Werrington: it’s always good to find out what’s available close to home. So if you think our activities might appeal to you just come along and meet us on the second Tuesday in the month in Glinton Village Hall, from 7pm. We are a welcoming, friendly group and there is no pressure to join. Visitors are welcome for a small charge of £3.50, which includes your supper.
For further details ontact Margaret Stafford, our president, on 01733 701268 or JennyDunk, our secretary, on 01733 254252. 46
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Helpston WI Diary
May / June 2017 Every Tuesday
Beginners’ Line Dancing 10:00 -11:00am in the Village Hall. Contact June as above, or just come to the hall Wednesday morning walks – meet outside the village shop at 9:00am Thursday morning walks - meet outside the village shop at 9:00am. Contact June Dobson on 01733252192 for more details Wednesday 10 & 24 May, 7 & 21 June Knit & Natter at Botolph’s Barn, Helpston. Come and join our friendly, lively group from 2pm – 4pm. We meet fortnightly. Thursday 4 May NB Meeting in John Clare Cottage due to local election. Please join us at 7:30pm to hear local acupuncturist Marianne Killick discuss women’s health. Contact June Dobson on 01733252192 or come along on the night. Thursday 1 June Dr. Cathy Jones will talk about ‘My Interesting Life’ in Helpston Village Hall at 7:30pm.
Helpston WI We have been delighted to welcome new members to Helpston WI, who joined us in March for a very interesting talk by Claire Hart who kindly stepped in at the last moment when The Stamford Cheese speaker had to cancel. Claire explained how the Peterborough Soup Kitchen worked: providing a pack with sandwiches, crisps, cake, soup and a hot drink for 50 to 60 clients each day. Teams of volunteers serve food from a van in the city centre 6 days a week and every week of the year. Several members of our
WI provide support for PSK on a regular basis and it was useful to find out how this charity has developed over the past 24 years. More visitors joined us for our April Members’ Night meeting, when the hostesses created a film night: ‘What a Carry On!’ Roger Negus demonstrated his deep knowledge of both the actors and the films in the iconic series. Members dressed appropriately and hot dogs and cinema snacks, including popcorn and choc-ices were served.
The picture and film quizzes were both won by Tina & Julie and everyone enjoyed a very successful evening. Our weekly walks and linedancing classes are thriving, together with the fortnightly Knit & Natter group. Members will be planning this year’s national WI campaign once we have the results of the voting in April. We will also be collecting photographs, old posters, programmes etc. to create an archive of WI activities from 1934 as part of the Helpston village history study.
Barbara, gave us ‘A Walk Down Memory Lane’; ‘Albert and The Lion’ was stirringly rendered by Jeannette; a one-liner version of ‘Cinderella’ by Jean, June, Pat, Carol & Barbara reduced the audience to tears of laughter; a production of Calendar Girls with members of the WI enacting each month of the year, complete with large padded buns made a huge impression on the audience! Pat Jackson rounded off the entertainment by singing two show songs and the
afternoon concluded with singing Jerusalem and the National anthem. Heartfelt thanks were given to the wonderful catering team, and for the hard work that made the entertainment so much fun.
The End of an Era! For 66 years, Helpston WI has hosted an annual meal and entertainment for older members of the community. The last Seniors’ Party was held on 4 March this year and ended this village institution with a real flourish. A meal of canapés, bacon-wrapped chicken with mustard sauce, roast potatoes, carrots, peas and cauliflower-cheese, followed by a choice of delicious desserts, all accompanied by wine, was enjoyed by 47 senior citizens of the village. The entertainment that followed was taken from highlights of the previous years: ‘Fanny & Biddy’ a.k.a. Nola and
If you would like to make new friends and become involved with our wide range of activities, you will be made very welcome at our meetings in Helpston Village Hall at 7:30pm on on the first Thursday of each month. Jean Mead, our president on 01733 252025, or June Dobson, our secretary on 01733 252192 will be happy to answer any questions you have, or follow the links on, village organisations, to see this year’s programme.
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Skin Deep
The skin is our largest body organ. It works quietly away, constantly renewing itself, shedding dead cells every 28 days. It also provides a barrier against the environment and keeps our insides where they should be! The skin on our face and hands is more exposed than other areas so it’s unsurprising that the combined effects of pollution, UV exposure and stress mean these are the places which show signs of aging first. There are thousands of product on the market that promise us all manner of miracles but
do any of them work and is there anything we can really do to hold back time? What about facials? Having a facial is a luxurious but is it really doing anything? Beauticians say yes. Although the skin self-renews, dead cells on the surface make it
By Louise Addison look dull. Facials help by physically removing dead cell build-up, to reveal younger fresher skin underneath. There are a bewildering array of facials to suit skin type, age and budget they all follow a similar pattern. The first step is a deep cleanse, followed by exfoliation then, depending on which treatment you’ve agreed with your beautician it can include steaming, blackhead and whitehead extraction, massage, face mask and moisturiser. Variations include aromatherapy oils and acupressure. Your face should never feel sore or puffy when the treatment is over. You should look like a cleaner, shinier, healthier version of you! I’m up for that. Which skin technologies really work? Alpha-hydroxy acids These are present in many moisturisers. Their effectiveness depends on concentration. Between 8-15% they are a very effective skin smoother. At strengths of
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over 15% they are used in chemical peels which should only be carried out by a Dermatologist. Trans-retinoic acid It’s been proven to reduce wrinkles, increase epidermal thickness and stimulate collagen deposition. It is effective in serum at very low concentrations but the effect is cumulative, so you will need to view it as a long-term strategy. It’s also very sensitive to sun light and breaks down on exposure, and can cause a mild skin reaction so should only be applied at night. Vitamin C serum This is a highly effective anti-oxidant and wrinklereducer but needs to be concentrated (10% or more) and stabilised in order to work. Keep it out of the light and use in the morning. It breaks down on exposure to sunlight so use it under a moisturiser with a high SPF. Use only stabilised, colour-free preparations. If there is a yellow tinge, it’s no longer effective.
Miranda Hart’s
Peggy & Me
TOM’S MUSINGS by tecwhizz
So, this is a bit of a departure for me! I have finally finished this book, which had been on the back burner for a number of months.
It was, as the best books usually are, an impulse purchase while drawing to a close an hour long Waterstone’s browse with a friend rather more literarily inclined than myself. I’ve always loved reading, but have never managed to manufacture the time. Well, actually, this is something of a lie. I have plenty of time but it seems to get sucked into the abyss as I’m browsing Facebook or in the library doing some coursework due in three months later. Anyway, the crux of what I’m about to say is the book is very good - not literary genius good, but rather holiday reading list good. Of course, it’s about pets. No prizes for guessing that. However, it’s done in a very inclusive way so that even those who have yet to discover the joys of owning a small four-legged mammal can still access the book. Miranda’s writing style is as unique as her comedy style. It’s a very personal experience. One feels as though
they are sat in some besatined armchair separated from her only by a antique carved occasional table with a plate of assorted British biscuits on it. Or something. The birth of the book was an uncomfortable one. The first draft was stolen, and the second completed whilst Hart suffered from an illness. However, the process has yielded a well thought through, touching product. The writing style is good, if not exceptional. I found the book could, at times, feel somewhat forced. This is echoed in Miranda’s own opinions of the writing process as detailed in the book. This means that the flow can be disrupted occasionally. I feel that it would be better if Miranda dispensed with any notion of ‘needing to be funny’ as I find some of the most enjoyable and insightful moments in the piece have been when she was recounting tales ad-lib. With this in mind, I certainly enjoyed the book. It was on
the whole funny yet eye-opening. The book explored very mature narratives in an accessible way - using the dog to remove the sometimes oppressively serious air that frequently clouds serious topics. One such topic was Miranda’s exploration of her faith. Without spoiling the book, Miranda finds a new found confidence in God through experiences she has whilst caring for Peggy. Her perspectives to some may appear naive but I think they give some insight into why many people pursue religion. The ability to give up worries to some higher entity is appealing, as it lets you focus on living an enjoyable life without worrying about your greater plan. Miranda also explores issues surrounding human relationships and loneliness. She reflects on a lifetime of longing for a relationship, and demonstrates
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the power of animal companionship to open one’s heart to the rocky yet rewarding world of friendship and love. One of the reasons I like Miranda’s content so much is I see much of myself in her. Someone who lacks complete social adeptness, but who wants to enjoy a sociable life; who lacks self-confidence and an ability to understand others’ social intentions, but who wants good relationships with people. So yes, in conclusion. I’d certainly recommend the book. Just be aware this is no Anna Karenina or Of Mice And Men. 49
he secret to growing a successful basket lays both in the way it’s planted but also in sensible aftercare. Plant the basket with bedding plants at the beginning of May but don’t plant them out for a couple of weeks, especially if you live in a more exposed area. Instead give them some shelter in a porch, or unheated greenhouse, or even under polythene at the side of the house. This allows the new plants to grow and toughen up a little
before they are hung in their final position. Check that your bracket and chains for signs of rust and also check that the bracket is securely fixed to the wall. Hanging baskets are extremely heavy, especially when they are wet and you really don’t want your lovingly-planted orb of flowers to be deposited unceremoniously all over the floor! Planting is easiest if you balance the basket on a large flowerpot or bucket. Fibrous liners help to retain water and
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It’s hanging basket season! They can be a source of delight but also a source of stress. It’s easy for a hanging basket to fail badly. Too sparsely filled and they look bedraggled. Too little water and death is swift! By Rachael Leverton look nicer than polythene. For extra moisture retention place a circle of polythene in the base of the basket before filling with soil. The best planting medium is soilless multi-purpose compost, mixed with waterretaining granules. Place a layer of compost in the base of the basket and push the first layer of plants through. Trailing plants such as lobelia, bidens and ivy-leafed pelargoniums look lovely but you can be as creative as you like. Water the plants in their containers before planting them and squeeze the rootball firmly to make it small enough to push though the mesh from the outside. Plant quite densely and gradually build up layers of plants and soil. When it’s full to within 3 cm of the rim you can plant up the top with more upright, compact bushy plants like begonias, petunias and pelargoniums. Make sure your basket never dries out. It will be reliant on you for all water and nutrition. If you water it at least once a day and feed with dilute tomato fertilizer once a week I promise it will be blooming basket in the best possible way. Happy gardening
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Ufford News
St Patrick’s Day Quiz - The teams had lots of fun and the competition was hot, with a very close result. The event raised £312 for the Villlage Hall, and the committee would like to thank everyone who attended for their support. Ufford Summer Gala 10 June - Please save the date! We are planning a fun dog show, children’s games, BBQ, Pimms, stalls and much more fun for all the family. Karen Howard E: T: 07713 098033
Northborough News The winner of the £50 Northborough Neighbourhood Plan Draw, Joanne Sansby of Granville Avenue, is presented with the voucher by Councillor Malcolm Spinks in the Packhorse Public House. 18 April 2017
Peakirk News Peakirk Unwrapped
Greg Prior
P.A.S.T. will be making a short presentation in Peakirk Village Hall at the Annual Parish Meeting, which begins at 7pm on Monday 8 May. We will be telling you all about our latest archaeological excavations, hot-offthe-spade finds, Peakirk’s turnpike road and St Pega’s final resting-place. There will be a few surprises in store, so please, come and join us if you can.
Helpston News Helpston Litter Pick
Helpston litter pick
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Helpston residents turned out in force to give the village a spring clean last month. Volunteers were supplied with hi-viz jackets, pickers and bags and set about the task of litter-picking with gusto.
Helpston News John Clare Cottage Business at the Cottage and Café is building up as the 2017 season progresses and the weather improves. Our Acoustic Café open mic music evenings are continuing to be very popular and are well supported.
Art in the Cottage We have a
new exhibition of Clare inspired work “Field Thoughts” by Gerard O’Keeffe. Gerard M O’Keeffe, received his first commission at the age of fifteen and studied art in London before teaching art for several years during which time a number of his pupils were awarded prizes in national competitions. He has exhibited at Northampton Museum and Art Gallery and now lives in Cambridge, working primarily on private commissions. ‘ Like Clare, I was born and brought up in the leafy Northamptonshire countryside, working on a local farm as a child, taking long walks across the countryside between Northampton and Rugby, marvelling at the quiet beauty of my natural surroundings in “The Laurel Leaf County. ” Just as the poet mourned the depredations and injustice of The Enclosures Act and its impact on ordinary people in his day, so I seek to show the contemporary English countryside under attack - within its own context. Like Clare, I am eager to entice “some friend to wander nigh” and to experience modern versions of the “bowering leaves” and “crowded fields”. Purchasers will receive a small free painting of their choice while stocks last.
The Art Workshops with Sally Hammerton are getting booked up, full details can be found on 54
the Clare Cottage website – Places can be reserved by contacting the Cottage.
Crafts We have a new range of soft furnishing created by local artist Kerrie Sweeney. These are on sale in the Café.
Entertainment Tickets are
on sale for the outdoor theatre group – Pantaloons. This year they are performing their version of A Midsummer Night’s Dream on Wednesday 28th June, details on the Cottage website.
John Clare publications
We are pleased to announce that we have taken delivery of a series of new John Clare books and are now on sale in the Cottage shop. These have been put together by Roger Rowe, a Clare scholar who has spent many hours researching in the John Clare archives in Peterborough. As a result of his research these new publications contain many previously unpublished works of Clare
Memoirs of Uncle Barnaby Very few seem to realise that John Clare wrote in the novel form, part of which he gave the title, “Memoirs of Uncle Barnaby”. This is the first time that any attempt has been made to bring all the fragments of the novel together. In an effort to create some continuity, Roger has occasionally split up a continuous passage in Clare’s manuscripts into a small number of parts and re-ordered them.
Hidden Treasures
This is a collection of poems gathered from the jottings of Clare and in the margins of other documents. Drinking with John Clare
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This is the first volume in a series of Chapbooks which are small very affordable books of poems and introduce people to different aspects of Clares works. This is a collection of drinking poems.
Helpstons’ Fountains
This is the second volume of the Chapbook series. The poems about the two major springs that were in Helpston in Clare’s time Round Oak and Eastwell. Both of these were the victims of the Helpston Enclosures, but Clare still remembers their glory.
A beginner’s guide to John Clare
There will be an illustrated talk in St Botolph’s Church, Helpston on Sunday 28 May starting at 2.00 p.m. until 4.15 p.m. with a break for tea and cake. If you would like to know more about John Clare, our local poet, do come along. Tickets are £5 to include tea. Perhaps you would like to have Sunday lunch beforehand at the Bluebell, Helpston (the pub where Clare used to work) and a pint of John Clare ale to end the afternoon! For tickets please send a cheque made payable to the John Clare Society to Sue Holgate, 9 The Chase, Ely, Cambs CB6 3DR. Please include a stamped addressed envelope if you wish the tickets to be sent to you, or you can collect them at the door. To book lunch please telephone the Bluebell – 01733.252394 Further information please contact Sue T: 01353.668438 or E:
Sue Holgate, Festival Co-ordinator
Home Sweet Home
Our annual Festival once again takes place during the weekend nearest to Clare’s birthday, this year 14 to 16 July. The theme is ‘Influences on John Clare’. We will begin, as always, with the Midsummer Cushions Ceremony at the church on Friday at 1.30 p.m. and the results of the children’s poetry competition. As last year, the children with winning poems will receive special medals designed by the late Peter Moyse, to hang round their necks and show off to their friends and families. The Saturday events start with the AGM at 10.15 a.m. to be followed by the Presidential Address. These and the afternoon talk will take place, as is the previous couple of years, in St. Botolph’s Church. There will be the usual excellent lunches and teas at the Village Hall and the Blue Bell and light lunches in John Clare Cottage. There will be stalls around the village and in Botolph’s Barn and Morris Dancing and an Open Studio/Garden at the back of Helpston House. The talk in the afternoon this year is to be given by John Goodridge who will talk on Robert Bloomfield, a poet who much influenced Clare. The evening concert will be in the church from 6.00 p.m. – 7.00 p.m. and will be given by a group of musicians called ‘The Decent Scrapers’ with music and readings from the life of John Clare who described himself as ‘a desent scraper’! Tickets are £5.00 and will be available at the church door during the day and just before the concert. A Clare-related church service will take place on Sunday at 10.45 a.m.and our Festival will be concluded with light refreshments in the church following the service to which all are welcome. We are always keen to recruit helpers and if you feel you can perhaps help with a stall or stewarding, we would love to hear from you. If you want further information contact me on 01353.668438 or We would love local people to come along to the Festival – it is for everyone and not just members of the Society. It is also free of charge! Please make of a note of the date in your diary – it would be lovely to see you there!
A 12th century manor house, a house called “Feathers”, a modern bungalow replacing 3 run-down cottages, a modern house replacing a 16th century windmill, several old picture-postcard cottages lovingly restored allowing today`s residents to go up to bed without climbing a ladder and opening a trap door, lists of former owners and tenants, inglenooks and a faggot oven... and these are just a selection! The House Detectives` Project was initiated at a public meeting in September 2016 and the dedication and determination of our volunteers has exceeded all expectations. Findings have been derived from census reports, conveyances, deeds, old maps and photographs, Memory Lane conversations with long-established residents and so on. They have immersed themselves in the documents held at the Local Studies` Library in Peterborough and Northampton Record Office. Meanwhile the Langdyke History and Archaeology Group is continuing its programme of research by means of test pits behind the Exeter Arms and in the centre of the village. There has also been some documentary research to provide a historical context. We have always known that Helpston was a unique village dating back to prehistoric times. Are there many other villages with 3 manor houses, eight 19th century pubs and beer houses, two old rectories/vicarages with farms attached, a heath without heather only grassland, a narrow lane called Golden Drop and an old cul-de-sac called The Nook? We discovered 19th century farmers called Mr Peach Large and Mr John Snow who diversified into rail haulage of coal and an 11 year old pauper teaching assistant. All this was made possible by Heritage Lottery funding which expires in May this year. Our forthcoming book “Exploring the Heritage of Helpston” will be our legacy and all our research will be held on the Langdyke Trust website for future reference. We are aware that we have only scratched the surface. It is proposed that a Helpston Local History Group will continue our research. Several book launch events are proposed in May/June and details will be available then.
The John Clare Society Festival 14 – 16 July - Helpston
Frieda Gosling and Mike Clatworthy
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Maxey News
Maxey In Springtime Concert It was so wonderful to see the village hall packed to the rafters with people attending the Maxey In Springtime Concert. They weren’t disappointed, as thirty two singers from the Stamford Concert Singers took to the stage and performed a selection of; traditional, operatic and solos along with
Fundraising for Faith We live in Maxey and are fundraising for our daughter to have a life changing operation called selective dorsal rhizotomy. Our daughter Faith Mclennan is now 5 years old. She was born with Gastroschisis (bowels on the outside) which was diagnosed at our 12 week scan by the sonographer, we were informed this was treatable which involved an operation hours after birth, we thought that after the operation we would have a healthy little girl who would lead a normal life. Faith was due to be born at 37 weeks in Leicester Royal Infirmary as that was where the operation was to take place but at 36 weeks mum went into early labour. The operation was successful and she was home 3 and half weeks later. As the months went on we noticed that she was not progressing as she should of been in her physical development. At the 12 months health visitors check we mentioned Faith was still not meeting her milestones and was concerned there was something wrong. Faith was then referred and started regular physiotherapy in November 2012 which has been a daily activity since. It was confirmed in May 2013 that faith has Spastic
a selection of songs from the shows. As well as the evening being a success musically, it was also a huge financial success with over £1400 being raised. The money will be split between the upkeep of the village hall and Cancer Wellbeing Service based at the Robert Horell Macmillan Centre.
Caroline Brewster & Lee Mclennan
Quadriplegia Cerebral Palsy after her had her MRI in March 2013. Our world fell apart and we didn’t understand how or why this happened to our beautiful little girl. Faith is a happy determined beautiful girl but she is very limited on what she can do. She isn’t able to walk or stand by herself, although she is getting stronger and more confident with her walking frame for very limited time. Faith also has other equipment such as a self propelled wheelchair and specialist adapted seating with supports on. Faith wears AFO splints all day to help give extra support in her legs. She still needs support in everyday routines such as toileting, eating, dressing e.t.c. As Faith grows her muscles will become tighter and might get to the point where she will be wheelchair bound full time. We would love for Faith to undergo Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy an operation that would be life changing. It would give her a much easier life and will reduce her leg pains as the spasticity will be taken away. This will help her daily challenges be less of a struggle. SDR isn’t currently funded on the NHS therefore we are seeking people’s help and generosity to
help fund the operation and the ongoing physio that is required after SDR. We have been to visit Bristol Children’s Hosptial to see if Faith would be a suitable candidate for SDR. They confirmed from what they see at the first appointment they were happy for Faith to go through to the next stage which is the full assessment where they will go through more details. Faith will be seen by consultant in paediatric neurodisability, a specialist paediatric and a paediatric neurosurgeon with SDR experience. Faith will have X-Ray’s of the hips to confirm they are stable and they will take a look at her MRI. The operation is a incision to the lower back, the nerve fibres running from the muscles back to the spinal cord is then divided to take away the stiffness. Selective Dorsal Rhizotomy will change Faith’s life and our’s as a family. We hope we have given enough of an insight to Faith’s needs. We are asking for help to reach our goal for our beautiful Faith to lead a better life. We really appreciate all donations and most of all your support.
To read more, please visit
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Etton news
Anne Curwen 07730301404
During January and March we welcomed four groups from the U3A ‘Church and afternoon tea’ section. We provided a tour of the church and Maggie Warren and Helen Morton served a wonderful afternoon tea. It was an excellent fundraiser earning the church a fantastic sum of £505. On 24 February, Richard Astle from Athene Communications organized another successful Green Leap Day work party at the Etton Maxey reserves. The tree cuttings were collected and burnt, hedging was planted, and the pond area tidied and willow was removed. Volunteers came from Athene, PECT, Queensgate shopping centre and Langdyke Trust. Many thanks to all those who took part. You will have seen the
recent changes that have taken place in Etton as a result of storm Doris. Two trees came down during the storm blocking the Main Road out of Etton. Our thanks to Graham Smitheringale and his team, who despite treacherous conditions,worked during the storm to get the trees moved and the road open again. Graham had to deal with another tree on Monday 3 April as the large willow in the horse field, at the end of Rectory Lane, split down the middle, probably weakened previously during the storm. Peterborough City Council has finally ruled on our request to build a stone planter in the triangle by the village green. Disappointingly, Highways on Health and
Safety grounds turned down our request. The PC has reported the poor state of the road surface down Rectory Lane. They have also had a response about the footpaths on Main Roadthey are deemed to be safe but have been added to the schedule of works for July/August 2017!
On Sunday 7 May between 2pm and 4pm, you are welcome to come and meet our lovely new Rector Mark-Aaron Tisdale and his wife Cigil, pronounced ’Chill’! Tea/coffee and cakes will be served; an optional tour of the church will be available at 2.30pm and a fun quiz for all. Please RSPV to me.
A DATE FOR YOUR DIARIES This year our Church Clean up will take place on Sunday 3 September Dear Ann Thank you for hosting the visit to St Stephen’s last Thursday, we all had a lovely afternoon and enjoyed the tea and cakes. Please see the three photos of us all (right). We checked our lists and found that Eileen and I first visited you in November 2010. I think that is when Eileen was saying that she read the Baptism registers and found the entry that referred to the man who was transported to Australia. Best Wishes, David and Eileen Clark
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Barnack News
Ian Burrows T: 01780 749554 E:
Barnack & District Branch, Royal British Legion On the evening of Monday 6 March 68 members and guests of the Barnack & District Branch of the Royal British Legion met in Barnack Village Hall for the annual Winter Supper. The guests included Warrant Officer Tony Hobson, the Station Warrant Officer from RAF Wittering; cadet Petty Officer Natasha Hinch, cadet Corporal Marcus Baker and CCF staff member Lt-Col Don Pease-Macauley from the Stamford Endowed Schools CCF. The guest speaker was Wing Commander Elizabeth Nicholl who, after a distinguished career in Armed Forces media operations has recently been appointed as the PA to Air Chief Marshal Sir Stephen Hillier, the Chief of the Air Staff The evening opened with a welcome, the Royal British Legion
Max Sawyer, Branch Secretary
Exhortation and a one minute’s silence in memory not only of those who have lost their lives in the service of their country but also, closer to home, “absent friends” - the four Branch members who have died over the previous year - Agnes Dick (widow of Archie), Major Bill Campbell (former Branch Treasurer), Judith Morrice (former Branch Poppy appeal organiser) and, most recently, Iris Harris. Grace was then said by Branch Chaplain, the Rev. Dave Maylor. At the conclusion of the meal, the Loyal Toast was proposed by Mr Geoff Dunkley. Branch Chairman Mr Charles Clark then introduced Wing Commander Nicholl, who gave a splendid talk on media operations in conflict zones, illustrated by her own
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experiences under fire in the front-line, from which it became apparent that accounts in the media of high profile events tell only a very small and highly selective part of the story. She concluded by proposing a toast to the Royal Air Force. After questions, the vote of thanks was proposed by Mr Columb Hanna. Catering for the evening was, as usual, by Lucy’s Kitchen and the menu cards were very kindly donated by Stamford School. Sadly, this was Lucy’s Kitchen’s last event, as they are closing down. In recognition of their sterling work catering for Branch events over a number of years, Mrs Elizabeth Young proposed a vote of thanks, which was enthusiastically supported.
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What a difference a month can make with the whole transformation of the countryside, the spring sowings have emerged through the ground and the early drilled corn is making good growth.
he oil seed rape crop is in full flower and it is plain to see fields of vibrant colour everywhere you look. The early sown fields of sugar beet are showing down the rows, but will soon benefit from a good rain. In fact, I think every plant needs moisture and warmth to maintain growth, the grassland will also make the necessary growth essential for feeding the cattle during the summer months and also for hay making and silage for winter feed. As ‘growers’, be it from the farming fraternity or the individual gardener we rely so much on the weather, ‘growers’ can put as much input into whatever the crop may be, but without ideal growing conditions that crop will not achieve its potential in quality or yield. The latest technology and the weather have to be able ideally to work together, which
unfortunately does not happen every year; the ‘political arena’ then usually comes into play with imports flooding our already full stores of whatever commodity it happens to be, but with no benefit to the weekly shopping basket – yes the supermarkets put on ‘loss leaders.’ at certain times, but at who’s expense? – the ‘Producers’ 2016 was tough for farming, 2017 could be tougher still, but where there are challenges you can find opportunities. At this time of year Livestock farmers are looking forward to reducing their daily work, turning their animals into grass fields is most welcome, animals still require daily attention, but not on the scale of being inside, Mother Nature comes to our aid with the animals feeding themselves on grass, with only a little help from us by way of a mineral supplement. As the summer goes on and the grass
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loses its feeding capabilities then a small amount of compound feed is fed daily to keep the animals in prime condition. The jobs on the farm are ongoing at this time of year with planting coming to an end, fertilizer to apply, spraying where necessary, silage making will soon be upon us, followed by hay making – July sees oils seed rape crop either ‘swathed’ or ‘desiccated’ with harvesting soon upon us. It’s a very busy time of the year on the farm but can also be the most rewarding to see twelve months’ preparation coming to fruition. On a lighter note what a picture, the blossom has been on shrubs and trees etc, the bulbs in the garden have all been magnificent – must be something to do with the weather! Let’s hope we all have good summer weather we can enjoy as well as work with. 61
The adventures of Tribland as seen through the eagle eyes of social media & letters to the Editor ... Richard Astle A reminder about badger watching. Nene Park Trust have offered to organise a special badger watch at Ferry Meadows for the Langdyke Countryside Trust in the evening of 11 May. Before booking this I need to know who might be interested in joining us - the cost is £15 a person with a maximum of 10
Dave Ellis Big occasion for Glinton Friendship Club today being
Shaws of Maxey 7 April This time last week we said goodbye to one of our longest serving members of staff as Ken hung up his driving gloves and retired... Ken Joined part time on 1st June 1987 (so almost 30 years service) & went full time in Sept 1987. During his early days, Ken’s training as a mechanic proved very useful as
hosted by Cllr David Sanders in the Mayors Parlour at the Townhall
people, so I need to be sure in advance that we have ten people who are committed to coming along. could you let me know please? We have five people so far, so need another five, if possible. Thanks - follow us on Facebook and find out what is happening in our local countryside this spring! John Best Last night in Deeping Gate our garage was broken into, police informed. John Holdich St Benedict in Glinton awaiting our new Rector....
Alex Rippon Morning everyone i would like to inform everyone in Helpston that unfortunately, due my work load and running behind on projects due to the bad weather earlier in the year and problems
accruing an earlier job, I’m sadly not going to be able to commit to doing this job as can’t get there until mid summer,which I do feel terrible about as it has been a eyesore for everyone long enough now. I feel its unfair for the owners and people of the village to wait any longer and pass it onto some one who can get this mess put back together sooner.
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an extra pair of hands during busy periods in the workshop. Subsequently, he went on to become one of our most experienced private hire and day tour drivers and a popular choice for many of our group organisers. Latterly, he has been Derek’s co-driver on our Battlefield tours and their teamwork is always greatly complimented by customers. We’re sorry to lose such a highly valued member of our team but would like to thank him for the excellent work he has undertaken for the firm and to wish him and his partner, Sue, a long and happy retirement.
WRITE AWAY Barnack and Pilsgate Village Community There was a break in on Bainton Road last night and car stolen whilst the owners were sleeping. Please be vigilant and report any suspicious behaviour to the Police. Peter Hiller The government’s Inspector Mr David Richards has allowed the predatory Gladman’s appeal in Barnack, despite the Parish Council’s fight, MP Shailesh Vara’s opposition and PCC officers’ argument against this ‘up to’ 80 dwellings development in open countryside. Thank you Mr Richards, I’m sure the affected village residents will wish you well.
David Hankins Yet again (22nd March) the bridge on the Deeping Rd Peakirk is covered in offensive graffiti.This is the second time in two weeks. Amey as always quick off the mark to clean it off.
David Hankins Taking the You Know What. 24 hours after cleaning the Deeping Rd bridge Amey are back to clean off more of the same.(Photo taken 10 30am 23rd March). Lets hope the police are close to making an arrest
Peter Hiller Meeting with Sgt Ricky Passam at Richard Tindall’s bridge this morning to discuss progress on this ongoing moronic daubing of our bridges, roads and information boards. Obviously no details to be made public but the police have actions in place. PCC/Amey doing a fantastic job in getting it cleaned off within 24hrs. This pathetic, spiteful individual really has to be stopped. Peter Hiller A really wonderful evening last night at the Town Hall to honour, amongst others, Tribland’s famous Olympian Louis Smith MBE. Louis and fellow Peterborough men,
Paralympian’s James Fox MBE and Lee Manning, were awarded the Freedom of the City of Peterborough at a lovely ceremony packed with their families, friends and dignitaries. The sponsored event (no taxpayers were damaged folks!) was conducted by Chief Executive Gillian Beasley OBE and myself
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Richard Astle Valiant efforts to repair the rafts at Langdyke’s Etton Maxey nature reserve today before the terns return from Africa! Follow us on Facebook please to keep in touch with our work - https:// langdyketrust/ David Hankins shared Peakirk Village Hall’s post. 18 March
Peakirk Village Hall Peakirk’s annual litter pick this morning with 22 volunteers followed by tea and bacon butties in the village hall.Thanks to all who helped.
continued >> 63
WRITE AWAY continued >> Andy Lowings When I worked on construction sites, if mud was taken onto the road from the site, then we would be prosecuted. This does not seem to apply to Lafarge Aggregate Concrete Plant on King Street West Deeping. Their yellow mud is tracked, from their plant, a full km each way. Passing there in the rain will cover your car in their product. Peter Hiller A most enjoyable event at Northborough and DG Village Hall this morning to celebrate the ‘official’ turning of the first sod, by Deputy Mayor Cllr Keith Sharp, of the planned hall extension - funded by a significant grant from the EU Rural Leader Programme. In attendance were the Deputy Mayor and Mayoress, Parish Councillors from Deeping Gate and Northborough, Representatives from Opportunity Peterborough (the Programme’s facilitators), Northborough Community
Trevor Harvey Spring colour in Helpston (above) Sally Ann Jackson Peakirk Parish Council are working with a local landowner to improve the small copse on the left, half way along the public footpath from Rectory Lane Peakirk towards Glinton. There is NO NEED TO PANIC. as this will involve some thinning of the existing trees such as the Pines, to allow the Oak trees to grow and mature. We will then be adding more Oak trees to
fill in the extra space left by our kind farmer and underplant with bulbs later in the year.This work will take place within the coming few weeks.
David Hankins Yet more damage. This is the noticeboard on the new footpath along the Maxey Cut which took many people a lot of hard work to achieve. Heartbreaking. Ha Ras Nine Bridges - anyone else had an issue with their dog being attacked by two small dogs loose at the traveller site? Be vigilant if you are in the vicinity. Fly tipping round there also a disgrace. ends
Association and especially Jessie Phillips and Phil Thompson who both put in so much effort to make this happen. Both Cllr John Holdich and I are really pleased for them and the folk of Northborough, the hall users and groups and the many visitors. What a great achievement.
Peter Hiller Band of three, out this morning in the spring sunshine litterpicking in Maxey. Blitzed the length of Woodgate Lane. Very satisfying actually, good exercise and five full bags of stuff folk thought it better to share with us rather than take home..... Parish Cllrs Dick Wilkins and Jack Wilson with yours truly.
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Just like love and marriage There is a tale told about an old Scotsman who ran a ferry service, using his rowing boat, between two small islands. On the handle of one of his oars he had carved the word FAITH and on the other, WORKS. This was his way of telling people about his Christian faith. One of his clients asked him why the words had been carved into the oars. He responded by holding one of the oars still and rowing energetically with the other. The boat went round in circles. He then did the same with the other oar and it went round the other way. No further words were necessary. It was a sermon in itself. A well-known song of some years ago told us that “love and marriage go together like a horse and carriage.” Similarly, the Bible tells us that faith and action cannot be separated in the life of the Christian. Jesus was the supreme example of a man who used words of comfort and encouragement when they were needed, but He also demonstrated God’s love through his ministry of healing the sick, casting out demons and in many other ways. We live in a society today where it is increasingly difficult to stand up for what we believe. Those who follow a secularist agenda are gaining strength and confidence by pouring scorn on any attempts to show them there is a better way. While we may be swimming against the tide, the fact is that we have an amazing message and a stronger power to help us make a stand. Let’s ensure we are using both oars at the same time.
What’s happening to Songs of Praise? Several senior church people have raised concern over the consequences of the BBC losing the right to make Songs of Praise. It has been announced that the much-loved programme is to be produced by independent companies for the next three years. One bishop said, “It will have a knock-on effect on the broadcast of worship at other times, whether it’s great festivals, Remembrance Sunday or those great state occasions when a big act of worship is so much at the centre of it. It’s a worry to some of us that it will be another nail in the coffin of our religious literacy as a nation.” Another said, “An independent company may well bring a fresh approach to Songs of Praise, but the BBC should also continue to bolster its religious output. At a time when the need for religious literacy and understanding is more acute than ever, the expertise of the BBC’s religious department is an asset that needs protecting.” The change comes after a new charter agreement with the Government meant existing BBC Studios network TV output must be put out to competitive tender.
Time for a
A burglar broke in to the house occupied by a young curate and his wife. Hearing a noise downstairs, the curate stood at the top of the stairs and shouted, “Hey what are you doing down there.” The burglar replied very aggressively, “I’m looking for money.” The curate said, “Wait until I get dressed and I’ll come and help you.”
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BBC under attack A petition which accuses the BBC of an orchestrated attempt to Islamise the UK, has reached thousands of signatures. Campaign group ‘Voice for Justice UK’ says the corporation is deliberately marginalising Christianity despite it being the majority religion in the country. It’s calling for an urgent investigation into the governance and policy of the BBC, and for a review of the licence fee. The petition was launched after the BBC announced last month that it had appointed Fatima Salaria, a Muslim, as its new Head of Religious Programming. She replaced Aaqil Ahmed, also a Muslim, who stepped down from a similar role last year. Voice for Justice UK, which is headed up by Anglican priest Rev Lynda Rose, suggested the BBC is “operating a policy of Islamic prioritization, once again ignoring the pleas of all other religious groups in the UK for proportionate and fair representation”. The petition reads: “Indeed, the BBC appears complicit in an orchestrated attempt to Islamise the UK. Such an attitude displays not just contempt, but is a betrayal of the principles and values on which the UK is founded”. A vicar attended a lecture on how to make better use of time. The lecturer gave as an illustration the fact that his wife used to make several separate trips around the kitchen to put various things on to the breakfast table, so he suggested that she try carrying a few things together to save time. At breakfast the next day, the vicar tactfully suggested to his wife that she could do this. The result was that instead of his wife taking fifteen minutes to get breakfast ready, he now does it in the same time. 65
May & June
Sun 7 May
Sun 14 May
Sun 21 May
Sun 28 May
St John the Baptist Barnack
9am Parish Communion with Children’s Church
9am Parish Communion with Children’s Church
9am Parish Communion with Children’s Church 4pm Messy Church at Barnack Village Hall
10.30am Refreshments 11am All Age Praise
St Mary’s Bainton
6pm BCP Evensong
9am Parish Communion
6pm BCP Evensong with Taize Prayer
9am Parish Communion
St Botolph’s Helpston
10.45am All Age Praise
10.45am Parish Communion with Children’s Church
10.45am All Age Communion
10.45am Parish Communion with Children’s Church 6pm Informal Service
All Saints Wittering
10.30am Second Sunday Fun
10.30am Morning Praise
St Stephen Etton
10am Family Service Mark Hotchkin
9am BCP Communion Rev Mark-Aaron
St Peter Maxey
9am Eucharist Rev Alan Fiddyment
9am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
10am Family Service Village Hall Mark H & Freda S
9am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
St Benedict Glinton
10.30am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
10.30am Morning Praise Mark Hotchkin
10.30am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
9.15am Morning Prayer Derek Harris
St Andrew Northborough
9am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
10.30am All Age Praise Freda Skillman
9am Eucharist Rev Alan Fiddyment 6.00pm Evensong Derek Harris
10.30am All Age Praise for Ascension Day Rev Mark-Aaron & Freda Skillman
St Pega Peakirk
6pm BCP Evensong Re Mark-Aaron
10.30am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
10.30am Morning Prayer Derek Harris
CHURCH ADDRESSES: St John the Baptist Church, Main Street, Barnack PE9 3DN St Mary’s Church, Church Lane, Bainton PE9 3AF St Botolph’s Church, Church Street, Helpston PE6 7DT All Saints Church, Church Road, Wittering PE8 6AF St Andrew’s Church, Main Street, Ufford PE9 3BH St Stephen, Main Rd., Etton PE6 7DA | St Peter, Main St. Maxey PE6 9HF St Pega, Chestnut Close, Peakirk PE6 7NH | Glinton St Benedict, High St., Glinton PE6 7JN St Andrew Church St., Northborough PE6 9BN
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Sun 4 June
Sun 11 June
Sun 18 June
Sun 25 June
Sun 2 July
St John the Baptist Barnack
9am Parish Communion with Children’s Church
9am Parish Communion with Children’s Church 4pm Messy Church
9am Parish Communion with Children’s Church
11am All Age Patronal Communion 6pm Informal Service
St Mary's Church Bainton
6pm BCP Evensong
9am Parish Communion
6pm BCP Evensong
9am Parish Communion
St Botolph’s Helpston
10.45am All Age Praise
10.45am Parish Communion with Children’s Church
10.45am All Age Communion
10.45am NO SERVICE Parish Communion with Children’s Church
All Saints Wittering
10.30am Second Sunday Fun
10.30AM Morning Praisee
St Stephen Etton
10am Family Service Mark Hotchkin
9am BCP Communion Rev Mark-Aaron
10am Family Service Mark Hotchkin
St Peter Maxey
9am Eucharist Rev Alan Fiddyment
9am 10am Eucharist Family Service Rev Mark-Aaron Village Hall Mark H & Freda
9am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
9am Eucharist Rev Alan Fiddyment
St Benedict Glinton
10.30am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
10.30am Morning Praise Mark Hotchkin
10.30am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
9.15am Morning Prayer Derek Harris
10.30am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
9am Eucharist Rev Alan Fiddyment 6pm Evensong Derek Harris
10.30am All Age Praise Rev Mark-Aaron & Freda Skillman
9am Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
10.30am Morning Prayer Derek Harris
6pm BCP Evensong Rev Mark-Aaron
9am 10.30am St Andrew All Age Praise Northborough Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron Freda Skillman
St Pega Peakirk
6pm BCP Evensong Rev Mark-Aaron
10.30am NO SERVICE Eucharist Rev Mark-Aaron
CHURCH ADDRESSES: St John the Baptist Church, Main Street, Barnack PE9 3DN St Mary’s Church, Church Lane, Bainton PE9 3AF St Botolph’s Church, Church Street, Helpston PE6 7DT All Saints Church, Church Road, Wittering PE8 6AF St Andrew’s Church, Main Street, Ufford PE9 3BH St Stephen, Main Rd., Etton PE6 7DA | St Peter, Main St. Maxey PE6 9HF St Pega, Chestnut Close, Peakirk PE6 7NH | Glinton St Benedict, High St., Glinton PE6 7JN St Andrew Church St., Northborough PE6 9BN
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Why are you a Christian? (Justin Brierley, editor of the excellent Christianity magazine, asks how we would respond if an atheist ask us this question. This is his response.) As the host of a radio faith discussion show I’m often asked this question. The first thing I do is share my own story of faith. But if the sceptic asked me for evidence beyond that, here are the three reasons I would give: First, only God explains human existence. We live in a universe of amazing complexity, design and order. Only God can explain how that universe – As the new Rector of Glinton, Etton, Maxey, and us as humans – came into existence. Peakirk & Northborough…I just wanted to Second, only God explains briefly introduce myself. our human purpose. If atheism is Reverend Mark-Aaron B. Tisdale, Rector, The 9 Bridges Benefice true, then right, wrong, beauty and love are illusions we’ve Born & raised in the city of In 2009, we became UK invented. But none of us really Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA. I citizens and I received my Queen’s believe that. Our deep sense spent nine years in the US Army, Commission as an Army Cadet of purpose only makes sense if ultimately to leave family & friends Force Chaplain. You may have God exists. behind to move to Turkey to seen me on my motorbike, Third, only God explains get married; after working for a already, or on my early morning the resurrection. Hallucination? brokerage house and, then, as walks exploring the five villages; Grave robbers? Lies? No! The a Berlitz & independent English whist out, please do say hello! historical facts only make sense Language Teacher…we moved It is my intention to be as if Jesus was raised from the to the UK in 2000 to train for the accessible as possible and dead. priesthood, within the framework am keen to get to know the of the Church of England. So, parishioners in all five benefice Time’s Paces after 2 years at Cambridge communities. by Henry Twells University, my wife, son and I You are all welcome to (This was seen on a clock in moved to Letchworth Garden share in the life of our Christian City, then on to Clifton & Southill, Communities of St. Benedict’s, St. Chester Cathedral) Bedfordshire. After one year as Stephen’s, St. Andrew’s, St. Pega’s When as a child I laughed and wept, Time crept. a school chaplain in Canterbury, & St. Peter’s. I’m planning a Pet When as a youth I walked more we moved to Finchampstead, Service/Animal Blessing Service bold, Berkshire and have been there for for this summer - horses, turtles, Time strolled. the past five years, before moving dogs, birds, cats, rabbits, etc…, When I became a full-grown man, into this area in February 2017. which will hopefully be outside. Time ran. All told, we’ve lived and/ Finally, please know that I am When older still I daily grew, or ministered in the Diocese here for you, should you need Time flew. in Europe, Diocese of Ely, the someone to talk to, pray with, Soon I shall find in passing on, Diocese of St. Albans, the Diocese privately confide in or just to be Time gone. of Canterbury, the Diocese of someone with whom you may Oxford and now the Diocese of share your joys. Please do keep in O Christ, wilt thou have saved me then? Peterborough. touch. Pax! Amen
Greetings and salutations!
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Pause for Thought Reverend Dave Maylor
I realised the other day my Mum is going to be 91 in a few week’s time and I found myself asking how did that happen? How did I end up with a Mum in her nineties ? Perhaps others of you will be thinking along the same sort of lines such as “I’ve a teenage son how did that happen” or “I’ve a 40 year old daughter how did that happen”. Time, as we all know, does not stand still and we have beautiful seasons rotating year upon year. We are enjoying a colourful, fresh spring and look forward to a roasting hot British summer. We can but hope! Perhaps it is especially wonderful to see the gorgeous crocuses on the green outside Bainton church and remember Judith Maurice who planted them with Malcolm but who sadly died earlier this year. Someone who gave so much, not only to her family, but to the village and indeed to everyone and anyone she met. We must, of course, daily move on with our lives and deal with the changes large and small that come our way. We should remember that as we manoeuvre our way through life we have the word of God travelling with us
with a message that changes as we change and progress through our life stages. The words remaining the same it’s just the individual message that changes. Speaking to us as the individual person we are and are becoming. God’s words are at their strongest when we are at our weakest. It reminds me of the poem “Footprints in the sand”, in which the poet writes that there are always two sets of footprints one ours and one God’s. However, when the really hard times hit, there is only one set of prints in the sand. At this point we turn to God to ask, “Why did you abandon me when I needed you most?’ His most wondrous response is: “But this is when I carried you”. Good to know. When we feel we are walking through mud, struggling hard, God is always there carrying us. However, as the seasons are the same year in year out God’s overall message to the whole of humanity does not change. His message is to ‘Love one another as I have loved you.’ As our spring transitions into summer – how can we transition into becoming more of the person God created us to be?
Weddings Steven Bighi & Kay Griffiths (07/04/2017) Barnack Church Funerals Judith Morrice (02/03/2017) Bainton Church Iris Harris (06/03/2016) Barnack Church Margaret Steele (10/03/2017) Barnack Church Baptisms Ottilie Charlotte Amelia Campbell (26/02/2017) Barnack Church Oliver James Mckenzie King (19/03/2017) Ufford Church Joseph Andrew Fotheringham (16/04/2017) Barnack Church
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Fundraising made easy Did you know that you could be raising free donations every time you and your supporters shop online with easyfundraising? The website ‘easyfundraising.’ is the UK’s leading good cause shopping site. It is completely free to use, and is helping over 95,000 good causes across the UK - like your church for instance - to raise a lot of money each year! It’s really simple - all you need to do is register and tell people to join and support your cause. There are over 3,100 shops and sites on board including Amazon, John Lewis, Aviva, Trainline and Sainsbury’s, so funds can be raised on everything, from weekly shops to annual holidays and it doesn’t cost you a single penny. The shop or site pays easyfundraising a percentage of what shoppers spend and easyfundraising turns that into the donation. It really is a win/win way of fundraising. Over £15 million has been raised so far, so it really does work! All that’s left to do is register at www. and go from there.
Family Service
St. Peter's Church in Maxey has a family service in Maxey village hall on the 3rd Sunday of each month. Next one is on 21 May at 10am and then the 18 June.
Benefice Prayer Breakfast
Benefice Prayer Breakfast in Botolph’s Barn every 1st Saturday of the month. The next ones are on: - Saturday 6 May 2017 and Saturday 3 June. 69
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We will never forget
What they said...
Private Sydney William Ostler
From the records available to us in Helpston, June 15th 2017 is the 100th anniversary of the death of Private Sydney William Ostler. He served in the 10th Battalion of the Queen’s Royal West Surrey Regiment. Sidney seems to have lived with his parents, William and Mary Ostler in Station Road, now Glinton Road, Helpston and was a farm worker before joining the Army.
When the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes and when we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land. Desmond Tutu The only reason they say ‘Women and children first’ is to test the strength of the lifeboats. Jean Kerr I’ve been married to a communist and a fascist, and neither would take out the garbage. Zsa Zsa Gabor
He was 20 years old when he was killed in action in northern France or Flanders.
Wood burns faster when you have to cut and chop it yourself. Harrison Ford
Sidney is remembered with honour on the Menin Gate at Ypres.
The best cure for sea sickness, is to stay at home and sit under a tree. Spike Milligan
We’re a Christian nation - celebrate it!
A former Archbishop of Canterbury has called for Christianity to be more heavily included in UK citizenship tests. Lord Carey made the call in a piece for a newspaper, saying, ‘Why don’t we teach migrants we are a Christian country’? It came as the government’s Communities Secretary said that British politicians, civil servants and other holders of public office should have to swear allegiance to a set of ‘British values’, thought to revolve around tolerance, freedom of speech and respect for the law, in order to form an example to migrants coming to the UK. In his own piece, Lord Carey argued Britain was abandoning its roots as a Christian nation in favour of a ‘watery liberalism’ which is creating a ‘creeping culture of religious illiteracy. and ‘imposing a new form of intolerance’ on Christians and other faiths who hold
conservative beliefs. The former archbishop proposed more questions about Christianity in the British citizenship test as a way of countering that. He also called for the government to make Religious Education compulsory in the English Baccalaureate qualification and for more religious literacy training for senior judges, politicians and civil servants who could be working with people of faith. He said: “In civil life as a whole, we are choosing to forget the Christian heritage which has contributed so greatly to our laws, rituals, language, our traditions and even our landscape. “It is a preposterous yet dangerous state of affairs when Christmas cards are offensive, or when the Cross is banned because it is thought divisive. “We should rejoice in our Christian identity as a nation and celebrate it.”
Lawyers believe a man is innocent until proven broke. Robin Hall Having more money doesn’t make you happier. I have 50 million dollars but I’m just as happy as when I had 48 million. Arnold Schwarzenegger. We are here on earth to do good unto others. What the others are here for, I have no idea. WH Auden I don’t believe in astrology. I am a Sagittarius and we’re very sceptical. Arthur C Clarke Home cooking. Where many a man thinks his wife is. Jimmy Durante The first piece of luggage on the carousel never belongs to anyone George Roberts If God had intended us to fly he would have made it easier to get to the airport Jonathan Winters I have kleptomania, but when it gets bad, I take something for it. Robert Benchley
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Northborough Parish Council
Northborough Neighbourhood Plan
Northborough Parish Council have received the completed questionnaires. At the last count 181 surveys had been returned or completed online. This gives a 40% return rate achieved based on the number of dwellings in the village. Houses in Rippons Drove were not in the advertiser distribution and have not received the survey. These will be hand deliver to each residence and that if any are returned they will be added to the total number of returns and analysed. Although Maxey Road is in Deeping Gate Parish Council it is part of the village and any residents unsure whether to complete the questionnaire should do so. The objective is to analysis these by a week before the next Parish Council Meeting so that there is time to consider the results before the meeting takes place. Full analysis needs to be carried out but in the meantime, and food for thought, the following interim statistics were noted from those who had completed the survey online:• The average age of the respondents was 52 • No responses were received from anyone under 24 • 10% of respondents lived alone • 1 in 2 do not have children living
in the house • The average time living in village is 7years with 50% living here more than 10 years • 1 out of 3 are retired • 3 out of 4 agree that green countryside around the village should be kept • 100% of respondents felt that the grass verges should be preserved • Of these 75% felt the verges should be left as they are, not mowed. • 100% felt the pathways and walkways in and around the village are important • In terms of future development most respondents felt up to a further 1200 houses should be built in the village with 20% of respondents stating that there should be no further development at all. • Maintaining green spaces was considered important • Infill homes – the majority - less than 5 no in total • 20% of respondents use the bus • 80% consider more money should be spent on cycle paths • In terms of traffic problems, a majority consider that electronic signs to display speed should be introduced • 1 in 3 people felt that speed bumps should be introduced in Church Street. • 75% consider that parking congestion in the village is a problem
• 4 out of 5 respondents consider that businesses in village should have to provide off road parking • Facilities that are important in the village include – shop, hall, pub and new building for sunflowers nursery • 75% think gates or other feature at the entrances to the village would be a good idea • 1 in 3 consider that the street lights should be turned off over night with 2/3rds wanting the street lighting upgrading to LED • Things people like about the village include – Quiet, friendly, peaceful, sense of community, • Dislikes included – dog poo, parking at school, speeding • Respondents wanted to see improvements to the park and footpaths • 6 people want to speak to parish council and 22 want to be kept informed of parish council business
Draw winner The draw for the £50 Packhorse Pub token was made at the Parish Council meeting of 12 April 2017. The winner of the £50 meal voucher lives in Granville Avenue, Northborough. A presentation photograph to be arranged and taken for future publicity.
Village Hall Extension The village hall new extension has started on site. The single storey extension area can be seen at the front of the village hall and will
Gift suggestions: To your enemy, forgiveness; to an opponent, tolerance; to a friend, your heart; to a customer, service; to all, charity; to every child, a good example; to yourself, respect. 72
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COUNCIL CORNER Robert Chiva – Chair – NPC to provide a meeting room and storage area. The intention is that Parish Council Meetings will take place in the meeting room when complete. The parish Council is also considering having a few hours on a designated Saturday in the month when villagers can come and talk to Councillors.
Speed Watch Parish Councillors have been trained in the use of the speedwatch equipment. It is intended that Operations will start as the days get longer. However at present there are not enough people trained to do this effectively. If you are concerned about speeding and would like to be involved please contact the Parish Council.
Defibrillators The 2 defibrillators for the village have arrived and the fitting, with electrical connections will be installed over the coming few months. These will be located at the school and the one stop shop. The target is now to find funds for a third to be located on the village hall.
Website The website continues to have information added, villager questions or comments on the council website will normally be answered within 5 days.
Policies The Council has adopted updated Standing Orders, Financial Regulations and other
policies over the last few months. These have been uploaded to the website.
Tree Survey A tree condition survey has been carried out in the playing fields, cemetery and other parish council open spaces. No urgent work is required at present.
Clerk The Parish Council has an acting clerk until the permanent post is filled. Please contact Councillors or the Clerk if you have any issues that NPC could help with clerk@ Robert Chiva – Chair – NPC
NORTHBOROUGH PARISH COUNCIL Information about the Parish Council, including meeting agendas and minutes can be found on the Parish Website:- and on the parish notice boards. Please direct general queries to the Acting Clerk at Cllr Rob Chiva (Chair) Cllr Lyn Steen (Vice-Chair) Cllr Catherine Cavanagh Cllr John Dadge Cllr Margaret Sleet Cllr Malcolm E Spinks Cllr Brian Spriggs Cllr Callum Robertson Cllr Alex Pickering Acting Clerk – A Benfield
01733 252823 01778 345662 07917 340900 01778 348299 01733 254145 07802 702908 01778 347180 07768 743870 01778 343585 07870 343562 01778 342502 07984 629727 01733 252880 07710 419638 01733 223002
A person without money is poor, but a person with nothing but money is poorer still. vil agetribune
Bainton & Ashton Parish Council The council last met on 4th April, signing off the accounts for 2016/17 ready for the statutory audit, and noting that a casual vacancy for councillor still remains, with no applications yet received. The Head of Peterborough Highways Services and the Senior Highways Inspector attended to respond to complaints about the recent closure of Barnack and Helpston Roads. They apologised to residents about poor notification and signage and answered questions about the forthcoming closure for surface dressing. Weather allowing, this should be complete by the time this article is published. Many of the village maintenance items had now been addressed by the City Council,
with others in progress. The narrow section of Tallington Road remained of particular concern and all road users are asked to take care at this point. A group of Bainton residents was thanked for their re-seeding of verges damaged by Gigaclear works. It was agreed that the Parish Council would reimburse the same residents for reinstating spring bulbs later this year. A new contractor has been taken on to cut grass verges around the parish. On planning, it was noted that there would be a consultation later in the year about the effect on traffic of housing developments proposed in the Local Plan. A traveller’s caravan has appeared on High Field Road south of Ashton and has been
reported to the City Council, but has caused no problems to date. After the situation escalated last year however, parish councillors and several Ashton residents are keeping a close eye on things. Anti-fly-tipping notices have been put up in the area. It was also noted that anti-social activities are common along this lane and, as the area’s PCSOs were in attendance, they were asked to include the road in their regular patrols. The annual Villages Meeting will be held 7.00pm at Bainton Reading Room on Tuesday 2nd May, with refreshments from 6.30pm. All residents are warmly invited. The Parish Council AGM will follow, at approximately 8.00pm.
Minutes of each meeting and councillor details can be found on village notice boards and the village website The Clerk welcomes all enquiries and applications for the council vacancy, at
Deeping Gate Parish Council Litter Pick, Sunday 12 March. The weather did not dampen the spirits of the participants and it was yet another successful exercise. Thanks to the volunteers who took part. Our Autumn Litter Pick will take place on Sunday, 10th September, starting at 10.00 a.m. from the foot of our stone bridge. All welcome to join in the fun.
Spring bulbs. The results of our Spring bulbs, suggested by Councillor Nicola Kerr, and planted by Nicola and David Kerr and parishioner, Steve have been a colourful addition to many locations throughout our village and much commented on and admired. It is hoped to extend the coverage in readiness for Spring 2018 by
Jane Hill further planting, including on our riverbank. Overgrown bushes, trees and hedges. If the owners of private properties could cut back foliage overhanging footpaths and roads this would be very much appreciated by not only Deeping Gate residents but the many visitors who enjoy our countryside walks.
Be careful reading the small print. There’s no way you’re going to like it. 74
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Glinton Parish Council
Cllr John Holdich, OBE, Chairman
The recent bulky waste collection The clerk and parish councillors sponsored by Glinton and met with highway officials in Rectory Northborough Parish Councils was Lane to see if it was possible to again a great success. Peter and I will create a footpath to improve the try to arrange another one for you safety of our young children and later in the year. their parents going to and from the Barbara and I were privileged to school. Prams, scooters, buggies be invited to the installation of our and little cycles and little people new Rector, the Rev’d Mark-Aaron around moving and parked cars is Tisdale, to welcome him to our not ideal. Parishes. We both feel that he will be The play area at the end of the a great asset to our community. Willows has been upgraded and is a The new Parish notice boards much improved, safer area now. have been erected; the board on the I had the privilege of attending village green is for public use and the the AMVC prize giving evening. You key to it can be found hanging on a could only be impressed at the chain from the board. The promised success of our young people, at benches will shortly be installed and the amount going to University the WW1 memorial bench will be and the range of subjects being situated near the village pump at the studied. Well done to our young eastern end of the church wall. people and the teachers at the I have been promised that the College. road works behind the church will be The promised Wifi provided by completed by the end of the month the Parish Council is now up and and the parking signs erected. It is running in the village hall. believed that the part of the road The planning inspector has at so far untouched will be finished last replied regarding the Mile Drove in green, to give the effect of a travellers’ site and has agreed to footpath. the travellers’ request for a public We have had many queries as to hearing. It is thought this will delay why part of Welmore Road was not any decision for another three resurfaced when the rest of the roads months. in the area received attention, the The footpath from Glinton to reason being that until the building Nine Bridges cannot be widened site on the old farmyard is complete, without considerable expense, as it and the heaviest of the vehicles stop has no edges on one side and mains going to and from the site, there is services running along the other little point. When the time comes, side, so we are going to cut back the top surface will be burnt off the the grass more regularly so that the road to expose the kerbs and a new whole path, such as it is, can be seen surface laid. and used. The Glinton Parish meeting will take place in the village hall on 17 May, at 6.30pm, everyone is welcome.
GLINTON PARISH COUNCIL Cllr JFW Holdich OBE - Chairman 253078 Cllr RW Johnson - Vice Chairman 252743 Cllr DJ Batty 252749 Cllr CB Bysshe (Mrs) 253164 Cllr DJ Lane 252593 Cllr Liz Bond 07824 665947
For general enquiries please contact the Clerk.
Cllr RW Randall 253276 Cllr PD Skinner 252591 Cllr E Spendelow 252524 Cllr DC Wragg 253047 Mr J Haste - Clerk 252833 E:
More information including agenda and minutes of meetings can be found at
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Glinton Litter Pick Claire Bysshe. Parish Council On Saturday 4 March the stalwart band pictured above gathered behind the chemist’s in Glinton, ready to tackle the litter which disfigures our community. The team from MacDonalds cleared huge amounts up near AMVC. The rest spread out around the village, in the park, along the main road, out towards Northborough and along the footpaths and hedges. 28 bags of rubbish were collected in less than 2 hours - many hands do indeed make light work! We can do little to counter the antisocial people who open their car windows and throw things out. Parents can, however, encourage their children to be more responsible and dog-owners can walk a few yards to a dog bin (of which there are many) instead of throwing the bag on the ground - or worse, hanging it in a tree! There will be another litter pick in the autumn - or earlier if I can’t stand the mess! Look out for posters and come along and get involved! My thanks this time go to Dave Wragg, his niece, Jessica, Cheryl, Dave, Marcus, Michael and his van, Matt, Philip Clifton, Verity Missin, Geoff Fitzjohn, Claire and Grace Martin, Nick Hughes, Phil and Sheila Giffin, Dave and Mandy, Roger Ebbage and Simon Bysshe. The best team we have had! Thank you all very much. Thanks too to William who supplied free coffee at the end! 75
Conversion of barns to dwelling and new boundary wall and fence at 19 - 21 Peterborough Road: Permitted T1 Ash - multi stem Ash on boundary of ‘The Royal Oak’ pub and school - building clearance of BARNACK 2m and canopy raise to 4m, T2 T1 Beech - Fell, T2 Maple Ash - multi stem Ash on boundary Reduce crown by 5/6 mts at of ‘The Royal Oak’ pub and school Glebe House Stamford Road: - building clearance of 2m and Permitted canopy raise to 4m, T3 Field Maple Silver Birch - Fell at The - located in school play field next to Fivebargate Main Street: the path - 30% selective thinning Permitted at Castor Church Of England Primary School Stocks Hill: Permitted Demolish existing bungalow and garage and replace with Ground floor rear extension at detached house and garage. 23 Peterborough Road: Awaiting Variation of condition 7 (approved decision plans - garage) of planning 2 Cypress trees-fell at St permission reference 15/01153/ Kyneburghas Church Peterborough FUL at Pasque Lodge Wittering Road: Awaiting decision Road: Permitted Construction of single storey rear New three bed detached house extension at 9 Berrystead: Awaiting in rear garden at 34 Uffington decision Road: Awaiting decision Proposed ground floor and Construction of single storey first floor extension to rear at 2 front extension, two storey side Samworths Close: Awaiting decision and rear and single storey rear Remove Ash tree (T4) - 92/00008/ extensions at 7 Allerton Close: TPO at 5A Church Hill: Awaiting Awaiting decision decision Installation of a caravan ancillary T1 Walnut - Remove hanging to the agricultural use of the branch and branch with hazard land at Land To The West Of Uffington Road: Awaiting decision beam on the grounds of health and safety. T2 Willow - Crown lift to a height of 5.0 metres over road CASTOR (Highways exemption). at 5 Church Ground floor rear extension and Hill: Awaiting decision provision of porch canopy at 4 Cherry Tree - Fell at Water Lane Farm View: Permitted House 1 Water Lane: Awaiting Non-material amendment decision (reduced size of building, amended external materials, DEEPING GATE reinstatement of rooflights to eastern and western elevations Larch - Fell, Conifer (Cypress) - Fell, Silver Birch - Reduce by 1-2 metres, and insertion of window to Walnut - Remove 3 x lower limbs at eastern elevation) to planning 73 Riverside: Permitted permission 16/01210/HHFUL at Three Chimneys 8 Peterborough Construction of dwelling and Road: Determined repositioning of access at 49 First floor extension, two storey Riverside: Awaiting decision front extension, addition of cladding to existing garage and new garage at 41B Peterborough Road: Permitted Change of use of C3 (home office) to B1 office (retrospective) at Westfields Barnack Road: Permitted
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Change of use of the site to dog breeding business, including retention of residential mobile home, timber outbuildings, associated infrastructure and fencing (Retrospective) - Resubmission at Buffingham Kennels Waterworks Lane: Permitted T1 to T4 and T6 Cypress - Fell, T7 Yew - Prune to give 1.5m clearance from building and crown lift to 2.5m, take off low branch overhanging Websters Farm garden and crown lift to 3m, T8 Hazel - Coppice, T9 Elder - Fell, T10 Damson - Fell, T11 Yew/ Hazel - Coppice, T12 Hazel - Coppice, T13 Yew - Crown lift to 2m, T14 to T17 Hazel - Coppice at 2 Welmore Road: Permitted Single storey rear extension Distance from original rear wall 6m. Height 3.9m (2.3m to eaves) at 4 Farthingstones: Not required Construction of timber canopy with fabric roof within central courtyard at Arthur Mellows Village College Helpston Road: Permitted Lombardy Poplar - Fell at 20 High Street: Permitted T1 Willow - Reduce west facing limb that is growing over old, Apple tree by 3m to main limb at 24 North Fen Road: Permitted Single storey rear extension at 11 Pembroke Grove: Refused Change of barn conversion as approved under 15/00895/FUL at Scotts Farm Welmore Road: Awaiting decision Single detached garage to 4 Peakirk Road and triple detached garage to 6 Peakirk Road, including entrance wall and gate at 4 And 6 Peakirk Road: Awaiting decision Mature lombardy poplar tree- Fell at 20 High Street: Awaiting decision Willow T1- Reduce west facing limb that is growing over old, Apple tree by 3m to main limb at 24 North Fen Road: Awaiting decision
PANNING APPLICATIONS MADE FOR OUR VILLAGES Single storey rear extension, Distance from original rear wall 6m, Height 3.9m (2.3m to eaves) at 4 Farthingstones: Awaiting decision Works to various trees as the plan and description at Granville House 2 The Green: Awaiting decision Crown lift lowest limbs from a group of several trees including silver birch and acer to around 3m. Remove one low hanging limb over driveway from purple prunus at 24 High Street: Awaiting decision T1 Ash- Raise to 4m over flower bed at 20 Welmore Road: Awaiting decision T1 Willow - Re-Pollard to previous points. T2 Unknown dead tree Fell at Hortus 22 North Fen Road: Awaiting decision Single storey rear extension at 7 Pembroke Grove: Awaiting decision Works to various trees as the plan and description at Granville House 2 The Green: Permitted Substitution of dwelling as approved under ref. 15/00895/ FUL (Conversion of existing barns from approved commercial use to 5 residential dwellings) at Scotts Farm Welmore Road: Awaiting decision
Erection of new garage for 4 vehicles associated with the residential use of the Grain Store (resubmission) at The Grainstore Glinton Road: Awaiting decision Single storey side and rear extension at 44 Maxey Road: Awaiting decision
Replacement windows and french doors at Stephens Way 17 Woodgate: Permitted Construction of a garden room at Stephens Way 17 Woodgate: Permitted Conversion of garage to create 1-bed annexe including construction of single storey rear extension, ground floor bay windows to front elevation and single storey link to existing dwelling at 4 Eastwell Court: Permitted Tree dismantle and stump removal of Cherry tree at Verge Adjacent To Glebe House Stamford Road: Permitted
Reduce crown by 2m of one Walnut tree, reduce crown by 1m of two Prunus trees and reduce height by 2m of Juniper trees at 31 High Street: Awaiting decision Sycamore Tree- deadwood, crown lift to 2.4m over footpath and crown shaping at Children’s Play Area School Lane: Awaiting decision Walnut - Reduce crown by 2m, 2 x Purple leaved plum - Reduce crown by 1m, 2 x Cypress - Reduce height by 2m at 31 High Street: Permitted House type substitution on Planning Permission 14/01833/FUL allowed at appeal at 21 Castle End Road: Awaiting decision Replacement detached outbuilding to rear at 6 Barn Close: Awaiting decision T1 - Weeping willow - Cut back regenerative growth (uprights) back to previous cut points whilst still retaining lower growth. at 2 Torpel Way Maxey: Awaiting decision Demolition of existing dwelling and erection of one new dwelling and detached garage at 40 Church Street: Permitted Ground floor rear extension at 61 Granville Avenue: Permitted Removal of existing domestic garage and out house, construction of two storey side extension to existing domestic property at 44 Granville Avenue: Permitted Proposed loft conversion to existing garage at 44 Church Street:
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Permitted Non material amendment (Kitchen doors and associate materials) to Planning Permission 10/00508/FUL at Church Farm 7 Church Street: Determined Replace flat roof with pitched tiled roof to front elevation - retrospective at 50 Granville Avenue: Awaiting decision
Construction of grain store at Foxcovert Road: Awaiting decision Replacement fireplaces at Old Rectory Rectory Lane: Permitted Internal alterations and renovation to main house and creation of sauna and steam room to external stores at Old Rectory Rectory Lane: Awaiting decision T1 to T11 Various trees - Fell, T12 Fir - Remove 2m from 2-3 branches at Peakirk House St Pegas Road: Awaiting approval
Proposed formation of opening to link orangery restaurant and barn restaurant at The White Hart Main Street: Awaiting decision First floor extension to create habitable space, rear extension and side porch extension to dwelling at The Drift Walcot Road: Awaiting decision Construction of an Agricultural storage barn at Land To The North Of Langley Bush Road: Awaiting decision Replacement of existing bungalow with a new two storey dwelling at Sherwood Marholm Road
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Bainton Church
Cubs, Brownies, Scouts & Rainbows (cont.)
Richard Hardy, Churchwarden ............................. 01780 740505 John Wreford, Churchwarden............................... 01780 740362 Mary Gowers, Lay Pastoral Minister .................... 01780 740097 Dave Maylor, Priest in Charge ............................. 01780 740234
Helpston Rainbow Guides, Julia Mason.............. 07780 688542 Helpston Brownie Guides, Morag Sweeney..................................................... 07801 357701 Helpston Guides, Nicola Kerr............................... 07739 098113 Helpston Beaver Scouts, Alison Cook.................. 07437 909735 Glinton Brownies/Guides, Sue Lane..................... 01733 252593 Glinton Beavers/Cubs/Scouts, Sharon Pallister....................................................... 01733 735776. Glinton Rainbows, Pat Carter................................ 01733 253087 Northborough Browniesm,Tina Hughes 07432 109474 Northborough Guides, Jane Knott, ................... 01778 345101
Bainton & Ashton Parish Council Catherine Franks, Clerk......................................... 01780 765984 Graham Fletcher, Chairman Richard Harris, Vice Chairman Susie Lucas Cliff Stanton
Barnack Bowls Club
Deeping Gate Parish Council
Phil Collins ............................................................. 01780 740124
Jane Hill, (Chair) .................................................... 01778 343066 Sandra Hudspeth (Clerk) ...................................... 01778 343735
Barnack Church
John Ward, Churchwarden .................................. 01780 740016 David Laycock, Churchwarden ............................ 01780 740267 Dave Maylor, Priest in Charge ............................. 01780 740234
Barnack Community Association
Roy Chowings ....................................................... 01780 740755
Barnack Cricket Club
William Armitage, Chairman................................. 01780 740749
Barnack Home from Home Club
Diane Wright, Manager......................................... 07847 956602
Barnack Parish Council
Chairman, Harry Brassey ...................................... 01780 740115 Vice Chair, Margaret Palmer ................................ 01780 740988 Sophie Moore Phil Broughton ...................................................... 01780 740379 Ivor Crowson ......................................................... 01780 740430 David Laycock ....................................................... 01780 740267 Martin Bloom ........................................................ 01780 740966 Clerk, Susie Caney ................................................ 07595 377236
Benefice Administrators/ Lay Readers
Rachel Wright ........................................................ 07425 144998 Dick Talbot ............................................................. 01778 342581 Licensed Reader, Derek Harris.............................. 01733 574311
Botolph’s Barn
Kate Hinchliff ......................................................... 01733 253192
British Legion
Max Sawyer ........................................................... 01780 765507
Bus & Train Services
Doctors and hospitals Peterborough City Hospital ................................. 01733 678000 Deeping Practice (Main line) ................................ 01778 579000 (Appointments only).............................................. 01778 579001 Glinton Surgery ..................................................... 01733 252246
Etton Church (St Stephen’s)
Anne Curwen, Churchwarden .............................. 01733 253357
Etton Parish Council
Fred Morton, Chair ............................................... 01733 252912 Emma Tajar, Clerk ................................................. 01733 234542
Friendship / Welcome Clubs Glinton Friendship Club, Pam Kounougakis........ 01733 252018 Maxey Welcome Club, Robert Ford, ................. 01778 346288
Friends of Chernobyl Children (FOCC)
Cecilia Hammond ................................................. 07779 264591
Glinton Church (St Benedict’s)
Churchwarden, Veronica Smith, ......................... 01733 252019 Churchwarden, Bob Quinn, ................................. 01733 252161 PCC Secretary, Shirley Hodgkinson, ................... 01733 252351 PCC Treasurer, Simon Richards, .......................... 01778 341686 Bell Ringers ,Mike Goodall.................................... 01733 253469
Citizens Advice Citizens Advice ...................................................... 0870 1264024
Glinton Parish Council
Chair, John Holdich OBE, ................................... 01733 253078 Clerk, Mr John Haste, ........................................... 01733 252833
Helpston Church (St Botolph’s)
Delaine Bus Services ............................................ 01778 422866 Stagecoach ............................................................ 01733 207860 Train Services ......................................................... 0845 7484950
Priest in Charge, Dave Maylor, ........................... 01780 740234 Church Warden, Clive Pearce, ............................ 01733 253494
Helpston Lawn Tennis Club
Benefice, Simon Richards Singers (Glinton) Choirmaster .............................. 01778 341686
David Packer ......................................................... 07766 600694
Cubs, Brownies, Scouts & Rainbows
Helpston Cub Scouts, Sarah Owen ..................... 01733 897065 Helpston Explorer Scouts, Nick Drewett ....................................................01778 348107 / 07900 585072 Helpston Scouts, Tom Boughton......................... 07966 614556 Helpston Cub Scouts, Paula Metharam............... 07896 163598
Helpston Parish Council
Joe Dobson (Chair) ............................................... 01733 252192 Sydney Smith Clerk .............................................. 01733 252903 Rosemary Morton Vice ......................................... 01733 252243
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Horticultural Societies Frank Samet Glinton ............................................. 01733 253591 Debbie Martin Barnack Show............................... 01780 740048 Kirsty Scott Peakirk ............................................... 01733 253952
Al Good Rotary Club ............................................ 01733 252064
Langdyke Countryside Trust
Mike Sandeman, AMVC Head ............................ 01733 252235 Rachel Simmons, John Clare Primary Head ........................................................ 01733 252332 Neil Fowkes, Barnack C of E Primary .................. 01780 740265 Craig Kendall, Peakirk-cum-Glinton Primary School Head ............................................ 01733 252361 Dave Simson, Chair of Governors Peakirk-cum-Glinton Primary School ................... 01733 252126 Mr S Mallott, Northborough Primary Head ........................................................ 01733 252204 Maureen Meade, Peterborough Adult Learning ...................................................... 01733 761361
Richard Astle ......................................................... 01733 252376
Maxey Church (St Peter’s) Mandy Loveder Bell Tower Captain .................... 01778 343100 Michael Loveder Churchwarden .......................... 01778 343100 Tina Lapinskis, Maxey Sunday School ................. 01778 347280
Maxey Parish Council Lynne Yarham, Chair ............................................. 01778 343077 Dick Talbot, Clerk .................................................. 01778 342581
Neighbourhood Watch
Schools and Education
Ufford Art Society
Dick Wilkins, Maxey .............................................. 01778 348368
Susan Jarman ........................................................ 01780 740104
Rector: Mark- Aaron Tisdale................................. 01733 252359 Polly Beasley, Churchwarden ............................... 01778 380849 Jane Knott, Churchwarden .................................. 01778 345101 Freda Skillman, Licensed Reader ......................... 01778 380903 Alison Butler, PCC Treasurer ................................ 01778 345499
Keith Lievesley Ufford Chairman ......................... 01780 740679 Councillor Vacancy ................................................ 01780 740062 Frieda Gosling ....................................................... 01780 740343 Susie Caney Clerk ................................................. 07595 377236 Graham Bowes ..................................................... 01780 740578 David Chadwick .................................................... 01780 740893
Northborough Church (St Andrew’s)
Northborough Parish Council Robert Chiva, Chair .............................................. 01733 252823 Derek Lea, Clerk ................................................... 01733 572245
Peakirk Church (St Pegas) Rector: Mark- Aaron Tisdale................................. 01733 252359 Trish Roberts, Churchwarden ............................... 01733 253111 Sheila Lever, Churchwarden ................................. 01733 252416 Christine Dearman, PCC Secretary ..................... 01733 252404 Pauline Cooke, PCC Treasurer & Social Events ..................................................... 01733 253116
Peakirk Parish Council
Angela Hankins, Clerk .......................................... 01733 253397 Henry Clark,, Chair ................................................ 01733 253203
Peterborough City Council
John Holdich OBE Peterborough ....................... 01733 253078 Peterborough City Council .................................. 01733 747474
Police and Emergencies
Police - emergency calls ....................................... 999 Less urgent crimes ................................................ 101 Power Failure ......................................................... 0800 7838838 Samaritans ............................................................. 08457 909090
Pre and After School Clubs Kirsty Prouse, Helpston Playhouse pre-school ........................................... 01733 253243 Roz Sowinski, Helpston Before and After School Club............................... 01733 253243 Nicola Litchfield, Glinton pre-school playgroup ........................................... 01733 252361 Rachael Canham, Northborough Pre School .................................... 01733 253685 Caroline Burton, Peakirk Tots Toddler Group ............................................... 01733 253677 Glinton Toddler Group, Linda Dean..................... 01733 574446 Julie Stanton, Little Lambs ................................... 01780 749123
Ufford Parish Council
Village Halls Barnack Village Hall, Adrienne Collins, ............... 01780 740124 Glinton, Bowls, Roy Pettitt.................................... 01733 252049 Glinton Village Hall Bookings, Ken Doughty....... 01733 253156 Glinton, Whist, Joyce Heathcote.......................... 01733 253790 Glinton, Whist, Peter Lake ................................... 01778 346749 Helpston Village Hall, Caryn Thompson ............. 01733 252232 Maxey Village Hall, Jacqui Barnard, .................... 07710 150587 Northborough Village Hall, Karen Cooper, ........ 01778 347464 Peakirk Village Hall bookings ............................... 07938 386226 Ufford Village Hall bookings, Mr Peter Grist....... 07887 634300
Village Tribune Editor, Tony Henthorn .......................................... 07590 750128 Design Team, Dimension 6000............................. 01733 772095
Ward Councillors Barnack David Over ............................................. 07920 160053 Glinton & Castor Peter Hiller & John Holdich ..................................................... 07920 160487
Women’s Institute (WI) Jean Mead (Helpston WI) President..................... 01733 252025 June Dobson (Helpston WI) WI (Secretary) ........................................................ 01733 252192 Margaret Stafford (Glinton WI).............................. 01733 701268 Jenny Dunk (Glinton WI) ...................................... 01733 254252 Barnack Linda Huckerby (President)..................... 01780 740342
Youth Clubs Kerrie Garner, Barnack Youth Club ...................... 01780 740118 Tina Lapinskis, Maxey Youth Club ....................... 01778 347280
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