Village Tribune 133

Page 36


Ailsworth Nature Recovery Plan at The trees have arrived. I love the thought of the meadow showing its gift in the coming year/s. Residents and friends moved this forward In October of last year. Lots of hard work removing established grass, planting seeds and creating great seating areas. Trees get planted (ideally) in the dormant season, which is November for us. With full engagement and planning with Ailsworth Parish Council, trees were ordered to participate in the ‘Queen's Green Canopy’ a national initiative to celebrate the Queens Platinum Jubilee.

as leaves create too much goodness when rotted which wildflowers struggle with. We planted the trees on the other side of the field.

Thirty arrived in early November and sourced via the woodland trust. Ok, no-one promised big trees. These could politely be called saplings or whips. Almost 15 inches tall at the largest, the smallest 6 inches. On the plus side, small trees live longer than big brutes planted which do not always get watered.

I / we reckoned that we would wish to involve as many people as possible. With a little communication, the local primary school coordinated by Mrs Green, (surely a made up eco name!) gladly arranged in conjunction with other teachers and half a dozen of us on a rota to do the 15-minute walk to the recreation ground and back with around 25 children x 6 year groups. Pre-school and reception planting done at base.

Trees and meadows are not necessarily good bedfellows

It mainly went to plan; the children genuinely loved being


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involved in getting mucky fingers, moving dirt, sprinkling root growth (magic) powder, filling in holes, supporting with canes and wrapping rabbit guards and mulching. I feel for year 6. The last to go. The weather looked fair untill we arrived. A stinging blizzard of sleet and rain lasted just 15 minutes - enough time to freeze and drench every one of us! We will shortly be having plaques showing each year group's planting areas. We will have identification for each tree. Field Maple, Silver Birch, Wild Cherry, Rowan, Hazel and Oak. I also ordered larger trees, three to 4-years- old and these were planted between the babies to spread the impact.

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