The Key & The Lock

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Athens 2015



Lock and Key Dear you, in the first issue,the Media Team, gave you a key. You found the key - now you have the lock. At the present moment, you are holding the conclusive issue in your hands, going through these last lines ,which means the session is officially declared closed. You have gone through a lot and the past days have been quite the emotional roller coaster. New friendships have been formed, your minds have been unlocked and lots of cookies have been devoured. However, beyond the simple pleasures of a coffee break or the aloofness of Team building , in your experience lies something much more powerful. So, with the help of your new tools we will help you capture this experience, just like we captured your moments throughout the session. Locking something away does not equal discarding or even forgetting about it. It means a memory has been lived to the fullest and came to a conclusion. It is now savored for a better time of reminiscing. While doing that , you will find truth where you did not see it at first. They say that the truth will set you free. If coming to this session was the key then do not hesitate to open your lock. A lock might not be the perfect question - but it is the perfect answer. So please ,whether that stands true in EYP sessions or in your life , be your own answer it will surely open up all the locks.

-The Media Team





Why Europe? The Brainstormers Society Quotes


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Crossword Stay involved Silent interviews


Why Europe? “All for one and one for all, united we stand divided we fall.” The quote itself, by the renowned writer Alexander Dumas, captures the essence of Europe’s pillar principles; unity, solidarity and respect of multiculturalism. The European Union, today being a social and political international organisation, originates from an economically orientated alliance. Through its course of action, this being over than 50 years, it has changed the face of Europe as a whole, from a continent that bore two wars of epic destruction, to one that promotes peace and international cooperation. As an institution formed by human beings, it has proven to be dynamic and adjustable; however, it displays great vulnerability to problems that threaten its democratic profile. The ever changing multicultural European environment has proven to be quite a challenge. With the nationalistic political parties gaining increasing popularity throughout the majority of the European countries and terrorist attacks breaking out more and more often, many European citizens have grown distant and estranged with the European core values. Their sentiment of security is being replaced by skepticism, suspicion and self-centralism, while the right of freedom of expression is in danger of being violated. The European Union is facing a never-before-seen crisis with economical and, mainly, social and ethical aspects, with plural consequences in the everyday life of the European people. Piece by piece, the European mosaic of cultures and people is starting to collapse, leaving disastrous impacts on the world’s chessboard. All the aforementioned form of crisis that have affected Europe as a whole and shaken it to its fundaments have made many renowned political scientists and sociologists question the European Union’s competence to achieve its targets and satisfy the needs of its citizens.


Nobody can deny the fact that the creation of the European Union was a major step taken towards the further establishment and enhancement of democracy in the majority of the European countries. Taking into consideration the fact that every European Union Member State was obliged to banish every disrespectful to human dignity legislation, one can realise the impact the Union had on the political perception of the importance of human life. Moreover, the European Union is one of the main stakeholders on an international level and has helped in the stabilisation and the establishment of peace both on regional and global level. Furthermore, it managed to bridge cultural gaps and to forge a common identity between the Member States, through the interaction and communication of its citizens that was provided by the abolition of the internal borders. EYP is a prominent example of this identity. Every EYP session consists a miniature of the European structure that grants the opportunity to young citizens coming from different cultural and ideological backgrounds to interact with each other, exchange ideas, cope with issues actively influencing their everyday life and share their mindsets, thus giving them the chance to redefine what Europe is for them. EYP is the place where new, innovative and creative ideas are born and proposed from young peers, helping them understand the importance of international cooperation and coexistence. So, while answering the question “Why Europe?�, it is of great importance to bear in mind that the reformation of an already existing structure demands its evaluation as a whole. Therefore, for the redefinition of Europe as an institution it is vital that we redefine the European identity, as a personal characteristic of each citizen and as a common uniting element at the same time.




“If th e just y give y ri o Mar ght it th ia Fe doru e k, C

k!” a e w e h t ir r a o h f is ,C k p a e i “Sle k Kub te Bar

Some might be funny, while others may seem deeply philosophical. Others might be quotes that you have heard before or just spontaneous thoughts. All of them however where shared by the official’s team of the 31st NSC of EYP Greece. Please pay attention, and have a look at the wisdom of your dear officials:

“Fe Pa w bu na gio t ripe tis . Th ” em e





“Make mistakes, learn from them and do not forget to have fun!” Tatiana Robotis, Head-Organizer!

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“Do not be a listener to the experience of others – live your own ones” Eva Grammatopoulou, Organiser

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el. w r to hair u yo is, C t And one last piece of advice from me. e r g u r Always listen at other people’s ideas, but never fo erko r e adopt them, before assessing them first. You are ev s M N “ rko the only person responsible of yourself. a M 11




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