Hacker VS. Broker - Nicolas Paliatseas

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Hacker VS. Broker – Nicolas Paliatseas


Hacker VS. Broker – Nicolas Paliatseas

MAIN CHARACTERS BROKER RHEA HACKER SET A skyscraper is shown in a scaffold or in another way. Up there moves the broker, who can also move up and down. Somewhere else on the stage there is a big screen. ACT 1 SCENE 1 THE BROKER, RHEA AND THE HACKER Half-light, introduction music. The broker is watching on the screen, air raids, ecological disaster in Fukushima, stock exchange. BROKER: Here in the vast, life-giving, divine mother Earth and the infinite, star-full that is over all father Sky, I’m their precious son, since I'm first in cash, the most powerful on the planet. I represent the new destiny, I’m a Cronus of nowadays, the invisible ruler of mortals, the attractor of wealth and power. I am the markets. I dominate everything, knowledge, matter, energy, present, future. I represent the inexorable substance of nature and its unmerciful forces. It is not possible for the evolution to stop only in humankind. It must continue in a new one, a gold genus! I believe in a future post human, where the present man will be a past kind, like the old lyric man is an unreturned past. RHEA, is dancing in a circle of light, while music sounds from copper shields, cymbals, flutes, drums, percussion: Rea potna, meter, zenos, anaktos Olympiou, aglaomorfe Cronou, syllektre, makaira Rea pambaselea, sotera, letereas, arhigenethle, meter men te theon ede thnitwn anthropon ek sou gar ke gaia ke evres ke yperthen ouranos pontos pnoie te felodrome aeromorfe elthe, makaira thea, sotirios efrone voulee erenen, katagousa, sen, kteatesy evolvis, limata ke keras pempous epe termata geaes. (translation of ancient Greek on screen: Rea respected, Zeus’ king of Olympus, mother, Cronus’ wife, queen of the universe, your holy chariot drives the lion, please save us all, give us peace and happy times). (Stops dancing) RHEA: I'm Rea, his wife, his soul-mate(shows him) and at times the sympathizer of his pain. But now I feel indignation so I will become his enemy in anythingt awful he fantasizes about and does. He dreams of an empty of emotions world, any feeling is sick for him, since he considers the feelings as obstacles for the illusion of his omnipotence and his eternity. (Starts dancing again)


Hacker VS. Broker – Nicolas Paliatseas

Primeval Rhea’s I have the name, I praised her, I recall her and her echo now I resonate (Sings in opera or vanguard rhythm): I’m Rea I flow, I wander, I change timeless in time and the time is nothing more than the measure of every alteration of me I’m Rea the butterfly of grasslands the wave that rages on rock which grows old during the ages I’m Rea the bitter taste of a kiss when separation comes The waning scent when love has gone I’m Rea the zenith of praxis and its decline the root that vegetates life the endless modification of nature, the eternal alternation. (Stops dancing) BROKER: In the penthouse of my new skyscraper from afar, I gain profits with false tricks. I lock one of my shares with 10 and increase its capital by 100. Equally, I get it down. This is one of the tricks of our magnificent times and of parasitic funds that stagnate. This is legitimate because it’s the fair of the strong and it is fair because only then, there is progress and that’s why, it is more fair than the fair of the weak. On my screens I see and check everything. (He looks at the screen where an assault by the police to demonstrators is projected) I don’t care if you are suffering. The despair belongs to you;I’m apathetic to your pain and to your cries. You, the weak, the lowly, the miserable, you resist futilely. You are ants, humbly chamomiles, which inevitably have to step over so as to go further. On my way I will suffocate all your reactions. Your resistances won’t get you anywhere. You are an unavoidable collateral damage, necessary for my visions that will lead me to eternity. The martyrdoms, the wails, the screams, the hunger and the lamentations of the underprivileged of the entireworld don’t touch me. (Turns to the audience)


Hacker VS. Broker – Nicolas Paliatseas

You are absolutely controlled. Don't hope in subversions. Don't have illusions. Even you peaceful, law-abiding citizens, you are tied, with velvet shackles, with chains of unfreedom. You don't know what is waiting for you. You owe me (points at some spectators), you owe me, all of you owe me, everybody owes me, I keep the bill of exchange of your life, so you won’t save yourselves, I’ll take everything you have and even what you don't have yet, I'll squash you, I’ll sterilize you, your utopias are unrealistic, I’ll strip of your dreams. You are poor, just poor, wasted, powerless with no chance, obsolete, losers, wretched, you are a living dead. (Hacker now appears as a shadow on stage) RHEA: But though hope remains last to smolder, it always exists despite all disasters, so I kept it hidden. (she points at the Hacker) This is whom I had above all and kept secret until now. He has deep faith that can’t exist in a world where people will live in injustice. RHEA, pointing at the Broker: Each of our children was for him a nightmare, he thought that they were a curse and would get his position. He emasculated them all, making them heads of his companies, but at the end his inferior obedient ones I had an overnight sleepless pain. But miserable is he who fills his mind with arrogance. Alas! He will not escape, the havoc that fears. I deceived him, so my little son, I managed to save. I hid him in a country far away so not to know him, to think that he is not alive. There he grew up free, preparing his loss. (The screen now shows young children at school. Shots are heard. The children run to escape but some of them fell down) BROKER: It’s just an almost zero percentage, a tiny proportion of all gun deaths. I will neitherstop the freedom norwould I reduce my profits, because someone is a maniac. (The hacker interrupts the transmission of the image of the broker on the screen and appears himself) HACKER: You ….. for what you care isn’t freedom, but your sick ideas and profit at any cost. BROKER: How could you …..? Who, who are you? HACKER: I used to be a golden boy, but now I became a hacker, the revolutionist of today, your enemy. Once upon a time, you were one of the pioneers, (the scene shows old material of demonstrations of the hippies’ era) you were fighting for the paths of hope, you were dreaming of the humanism, of the utopia. But at first you became a golden boy, then international rentier and ended up the great global speculator of today. You degraded every struggle, so all who want to fight, will know that they have to carry on their backs people like you. You are alienated from your vulgar materialistic thought, but remember....... (The screen shows a Pete Seeger’s photo, while his song “Which side are you on”is heard)


Hacker VS. Broker – Nicolas Paliatseas

ΒROKER, shocked but then he laughs: These were youthful follies, dreamers, enthusiasms but at the end vain hopes. Humanism is outdated. Rusty and an obstacle for the new. I serve the cruel fate of evolution, the way for the new, I carve the history. HACKER: The future you are visualizing is a nightmare. You burdened the world with unbearable pain and evil. Everything you say is old, very old, all that you say are shady ideas deep down inside. You’re not more than the return of violence, no more than an archangel of death. BROKER: And you. Who are you? Are you a romantic humanist? A porter of values? The new rebel? I'm invulnerable from subversions. The system absorbs any shock. My … empire will not have any problem from guys like you. You ... you ... you're not more than a hacker, a subculture, a petty, a cheap thief, a common criminal. HACKER: I am not any of these, I am the global consciousness, or if you want the global soul, the faith in justice, the wayfarer of truth, whoserevelation only, is enough to bring your end. BROKER: I am the information. I control the information. The policy information, the scientific, the artistic, the positive, the negative, the hidden, the apparent, any information is mine. You are just a break. You will be arrested and punished. HACKER: Your omnipotence ends now. You are the weak as you see in your screen. Whenever I want I intrude in your screen and all the screens of the world. I'll show you the misery of the world that you created, either you want itor not. (Lights off) SCENE 2 A COVERED PLACE Almost darkness. Under the broker, the actors create a landscape with curtains, resembling tosolar panels or any other material so as to cover the sky. A few rays of light pass through some holes of the top. Alternatively it’s possible that the rays only exist . MORE FOR THE BOOK…


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