Halloween Guide - The Official DW&S Guide To Spooky

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By DW&S Writer, Paula Thomasson DW&S Fans love a good ghost story, almost as much as a Virginia craft beverage. Last year, we told you about a haunted winery in Northern Virginia and a pub in Harrisonburg with a very active ghost? or two. This year, we asked DW&S writer, Paula Thomasson, to visit one of Richmond's top haunted locations.

Richmond has an international reputation as a haunted city. The governor?s mansion is said to be haunted as the same apparition has been seen for decades. And Richmond is the home of Mr. Spooky himself. You can visit the Edgar Allen Poe Museum if you dare. Paula picked another of Richmond's haunted to visit, Hollywood Cemetery. Fr om Pau la... Richmond is home to several beautiful parks with views of the James River, such as Belle Isle and Pony Pasture. An RVA park this is often overlooked is the Hollywood Cemetery. Built and designed in 1847, Hollywood Cemetery spans 135 acres of stately trees, hills, and spectacular views. Although it is an active cemetery, many people visit this Richmond legend as a park.

Several Presidents claim Hollywood Cemetery as their final resting place. The country?s fifth President James Monroe?s site is registered as a National Historic Landmark by the National Park Service. It?s the second most visited cemetery in the United States and well worth the visit.

You never know what you are going to find at Rest in Pieces in Richmond, Virginia. Maybe a skelton or a bat for your authentic Halloween decorations or even this tintype print. If you are looking for a unique RVA day, visit Hollywood Cemetery and then Rest in Pieces.

A RVA Hau n t in g?

The river views and historical mentions aren?t the only remarkable things to see here. The statues, mausoleums, and artistic feats of stone and iron are magnificent. Mixed with the natural pageantry of the landscaping, Hollywood Cemetery creates the perfect backdrop for an afternoon in Richmond. Perhaps, visitors are drawn to the Hollywood Cemetery in hopes of experiencing a haunting. A large cast-iron Newfoundland dog guards a small grave and is said to bark and growl at visitors that get too close. That?s only one example. Richmond has a long and storied history, including the Civil War, and this cemetery is one of Virginia?s top haunted sites. Explore the cemetery, and you may stumble upon the legend of Richmond's vampire. Some say that the mausoleum of W.W. Pool holds the remains of a vampire. The mausoleum dates to 1913, but W.W. Pool was forced out of England in the 1800s for being a vampire. Is this the resting place of England?s vampire or just a story invented by near-by VCU students in the 1960?s? The thousands of people who visit this grave every year are believers. There are cemetery tours available to the public. For those interested in the cemetery?s haunting legends, there is a cemetery ghost tour. If you are interested in history or want to admire the beauty of the cemetery, consider a walking tour with the Valentine Museum, a Segway tour, or even ride the trolley. If you want to explore on your own, but you still want to know everything there is to know about the cemetery, Hollywood offers virtual tours from your phone. You can view tour options here: www.hollywoodcemetery.org/visit/tour-options. Hollywood Cemetery sits next to the Oregon Hill neighborhood. Oregon Hill, founded in the late 1700s, has views of the James River, Church Hill, and Shockoe. The community hosts many

I can?t mention Hollywood Cemetery without sharing one of my new favorite shops, located just a block outside the front gate of the cemetery. It is superbly named Rest in Pieces and oddity and curiosity shop. It's the only curiosity shop, of its kind, in Virginia, and it is the perfect topper to a visit to Hollywood Cemetery. The outside sports a massive mural in Richmond's style, and inside you find a fantastic collection of strange and unusual objects. I had a few questions for them on my last visit. Pau la: Did you choose your location because of Hollywood Cemetery, or was it a happy accident?

RIP: It was a little bit of both honestly. We had outgrown our small 500 sqft store within the first year and had been searching for a new location with our friends at Vinyl Conflict. Within a few weeks of searching, we got wind that the current space (formerly a bike shop) was going to be up for rent soon. The space was exactly the size we were looking for, right by Vinyl Conflict and just one block from Hollywood Cemetery. We LOVE this spot, and our landlord has been so cool about letting us customize the space to fit our aesthetic. Although we are the sole, solid black building, I really feel like we fit in the neighborhood. Pau la: What prompted you to open a curiosity shop?

RIP: Our first year in Richmond, we did a lot of exploring. We were surprised to find out there wasn't an oddity shop anywhere in Richmond, let alone all of Virginia. We felt there was a void to fill for people looking for more than just an antique store. Pau la: So, have visitors been receptive to your unique shop?

Is the Oregon Hill neighborhood haunted? We don?t know, but we do know that it makes for a great afternoon in Richmond. The shop Rest in Pieces may be a little more unusual than an antique store, but it fits this eclectic neighborhood. The staff is knowledgeable and will gladly answer your questions. You never know what you will find. Explore RIP and maybe even sign up for a class on their website: www.RestInPiecesRVA.com.

RIP: People have been more receptive than we ever could have imagined. Our store is growing at an almost scary rate, and we are constantly working to keep up! Pau la: I recently bought a taxidermied shark head for my children's swim team coach (Go Sharks!). What are your most sold/sought after items? RIP: Most of our inventory, besides our big-ticket items, all sell great. We can never seem to keep our taxidermy Jackalopes, wet specimens, or bats in stock for long. We like to update and change our inventory frequently. The fun of a shop like this is the variety! There is always something new and always a reason to keep coming back. The shark head you bought is an example of some of our newest additions!

Rest in Pieces, Richmond, Virginia Story Photos by Paula Thomasson

HALLOWEENCOCKTAIL RECIPES Car am el Apple Cider M ar t in i 8oz Your Favorite VA Hard Cider 1oz of Vodka Decorate the glass with Caramel Sauce

Bloody Rosem ar y 4oz of Vodka 6oz of Spiced Tomato Juice 1 Tsp of Devils Backbone Vienna Lagger Hot Sauce (Or your Favorite) Worcestershire Sauce Black M agic M ar gar it a Makes 2 Cocktails! 2 Cups of Ice 4oz of Tequilla 2oz of Triple Sec 1/2 Cup of Lime Juice Blue & Green Food Coloring to turn the cocktail black Lime Slices

Rim 2 glasses with Black Sanding Sugar. Divide ice, tequilla, triple sec and lime juice between two glasses. Add blue & green coloring until drink turns black

Lemon Slice & Rosemary Sprig Salted Rim on Glass

Certainly, no shortage exists of Halloween-style haunted spots to experience in Virginia as the warmth of early fall dwindles, and the crispness of the latter part of autumn descends. However, the Winery at Bull Run offers a unique opportunity to explore the spookier side of the season, hauntingly blending history, ghosts, and wine on their limited run haunted vineyard tours in



the fall.

The working farm vineyard, dedicated to both the preservation of the historic land as well as the production of award-winning wine, produces dozens of wines using Virginia grapes exclusively. Established in 2012 by the Hickox family, the farm in Centreville is the largest that is operating in Fairfax County, with 225 acres, but the family also owns and utilizes another 115 acres in scenic Little Washington, Virginia. The harvests of the combined vines yield dozens of reds and whites including Virginia favorites like norton, cabernet franc, and viognier and standards such as cabernet sauvignon, merlot, chardonnay, vidal blanc, pinot gris, and rose. Blends, sweeter whites, and even a dry sparkling white also adorn their long list alongside a few fruitier options like peach, strawberry, and raspberry.

The haunted vineyard invites guests to visit the tasting room with hours that extend later than many wineries, open until 7 pm Sunday through Wednesday, 8 pm on Thursday, and 10 pm on Fridays and Saturdays. They also regularly run tours and tastings on their property that boasts an authentic historical setting replete with the salvaged stone foundation of the Hillwood Mansion, which was nearly lost entirely to a fire approximately 30 years ago, as well as two historic barns ? one a smaller 1800?s era barn and the other a larger 1920?s style dairy barn. They also host a number of events including live music year-round on weekends (often with food trucks), wine-pairing dinners, and sip and paint classes.

However, in the spirit of the season and, perhaps more importantly, in homage to the history of the land. The Winery at Bull Run also annually hosts their wildly popular Haunted Wine Tours which explore Civil War history by lantern-light on an hour-long walking tour of their historic grounds.

Engaging guides share vivid Civil War stories, often related to the supernatural, while storytellers and reenactors dramatically relay true historical accounts and interesting information about the property?s paranormal activity. Throughout the tour, seven different wines are available for sampling.

Flanked by an equestrian farm and the over 5,000 acres occupied by Manassas National Battlefield Park, the winery?s setting is idyllic not only for its view but its historical relevance. The expansive park is the site of the first major battle of the Civil War, the First Battle of Bull Run in July of 1861, as well as the Second Battle of Bull Run in August of 1862. While both incurred a large number of casualties, the first was particularly bloody.

The winery?s site states that ?Considering more than 22,000 casualties occurred on the Manassas Battlefield during the American Civil War, it should come as no surprise that tales of shadowy apparitions, orbs, and unexplained cannon fire abound.?

Indeed, for those that believe in the possibility of the paranormal, the haunted vineyard location appears perfect for both its existence and exploration. While a number of books have been published specific to the supernatural in this area, employing even the quickest internet searches related to Manassas Battlefield and Civil War ghosts returns pages of results with news stories, websites, YouTube videos, and social media threads detailing accounts and anecdotes of haunting activity in the area that engages nearly all of the senses. From seeing lights and images of distinctively uniformed soldiers to smelling gunpowder, hearing suspicious noises, and feeling unusual and unexpected temperature changes, there are numerous reports of unexplainable and eerie encounters and experiences.

Meanwhile, The Winery at Bull Run shares on their site an anecdote from one of the owner ?s late-night encounters, and a photographic capture, of an apparition on the property.

Haunted vineyard videos on the winery?s site show powerful evidence of orbs in the tasting room, provided through investigation by ?a volunteer

non-profit research group that specializes in scientific research of unknown spiritual activity or dangerous nonhuman entity infestations,? the East Coast Hauntings Organization (ECHO). The same organization reported signs of abundant activity on the majority of the property, including the barn, the lawn, and the offices.

While the winery had long offered historical tours and tastings, it was reports of that type of haunted vineyard activity that acted as the impetus to offer haunted tours.

?When some of our staff members started reporting spooky and strange things happening to them, we thought what could be better than to add ghost stories to the history and wine,? shared Lisa Damico, Director of Marketing for The Winery at Bull Run.

October is Virginia Wine Month. Visit the DW&S Website for Fall ideas:

w w w.Din eWin eAn dSt ein .com

HalloweenCandyWinners We asked DW&S Fans to tell us about their favorite Halloween Candy and Craft Beverage Pairings. Spirits won! Here are the Top Two Pairings. Now, you are ready to host an "Adult" Halloween Tasting Party

Reese's Pean u t Bu t t er Cu ps & a Bou r bon Pu m pk in Spice Lat t e M ak e It :

2 cups milk (dairy or non-dairy) 3 tablespoons pumpkin puree 2 tablespoons of Sugar 1 tablespoon vanilla extract 1/2 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice, plus more for serving 1/2 cup strong hot coffee or espresso 1 oz of favorite Bourbon

Whipped cream, for serving Add milk, pumpkin puree, and sugar to a saucepan over medium heat. Heat until hot, but do not boil. Remove the saucepan from the heat and whisk in the vanilla, pumpkin pie spice, Bourbon and the coffee. Pour into two cups and share with a friend. Pair with a Resse's Cup!

Sn icker s Bar & A Wh iskey Old Fash ion ed M ak e it ! 2 tsp of Simple Syrup or 1 Sugar Cube 1 tsp of Water 2 Dashes of Bitters 1.5 oz of Whiskey 1 Orange Slice and 1 Cherry I ice cube

WHOISTHEGHOST? Glasses br eak . Door s slam sh u t . Foot st eps ech o dow n t h e u pst air s h all. All ar e a par t of a day ?s w or k at Br idgew at er ?s h au n t ed Cr ack ed Pillar Pu b. By Dave Ren f r o... When Patti, Tim, and Kristin Landes first saw the historic Barbee House located on Bridgewater, Virginia?s North Main Street, they knew this was the place for them. ?We had been looking for a place to bring a pub to the area, it had a great location, and more importantly? .the place picked us as much as we picked it,? said Patti. ?From the moment we walked thru the front door, we could see past the walls that needed to be knocked down and the changes that had to be made? we knew that this was the place.? A Door Slam s "One of the first encounters with the spirit happened right after we purchased the property in late in 2015," said Patty. "We weren't on site but had a contractor working up on the roof. When we returned he quickly scampered down the ladder and asked us if we had been in the house. I said no we weren't here. He said, ?well somebody is in there because doors are slamming and there are footsteps and all kinds of noise in there.'

To put this into perspective, the contractor, who was quite shaken, was an MMA wrestler and a two times state wrestling champion from a local high school. MMA wrestlers don't get scared easily..and this guy was really spooked.? Patti went on to talk about a tour of the property she was giving to one of the people who helped her get the business going. "We toured downstairs with no incidents. Then when we went upstairs in the far back corner which is now dry storage, my friend suddenly out of the blue said, ?a lot has happened here.' Well, I didn't really know what to say. Then she said, ?this room has a lot to say.' And at that point, I said well perhaps that is our ghost or our spirit. My friend commented, ?she is happy now.' "

Gabriel Barbee, and today is one of the oldest structures at the North end of Bridgewater. It in its early history, The Barbee House was an inn and tavern, and reportedly hosted Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson. After the Civil War, it became a girl?s boarding and finishing school ? the room numbers are still on the upstairs doors. For the past 100 years, the property has been a private residence with the same family.

So if you are looking for a great place in Bridgewater for excellent comfort pub food, a whole lot of history and a spooky door slamming ghost, then The Cracked Pillar should be your next stop.


?That particular area seems to be a hot spot. One of my servers insists that she heard a baby crying in that room and many of the employees don?t like to go upstairs by themselves. Nothing bad has happened up there it?s just an odd feeling. ?

The Cracked Pillar was built between 1818 and 1838, the exact date is unknown as the records were destroyed by fire during the Civil War. It is listed in the National Register of Historic Places as The Barbee House. Initially, The Barbee House was named after Civil War Colonel and State Senator Gabriel Barbee, and today is one of the oldest structures at the North end of Bridgewater.

Want a truely cool Halloween Selfie? Head to Chefscape in Leesburg, Virginia. For a limited time, you can stand in this spot and snap the perfect selfie to share on social media.

EVENTS w w w.Din eWin eAn dSt ein .com Oct ober 26: Bold Rock Cider y Nellysf or d, VA Fall Fest ival Live M u sic, Food Tr u ck s an d a Season al Cider Reveal 11AM -9PM FREE t o At t en d

Oct ober 26: Devils Back bon e Br ew pu b

Oct ober 31: Th e Cr ack ed Pillar

Nelson Cou n t y, VA

An n u al Dog Cost u m e Con t est

Hallow een Cost u m e Par t y w it h Pr izes

Pr izes f or Best Cost u m e

8PM FREE t o At t en d


Oct ober 26: Scot t s Addit ion , Rich m on d

Oct ober 26

Hallow een Booz Cr aw l

Rock y Hor r or Pict u r e Sh ow

3PM -11PM

Har dyw ood Rich m on d & Th e Byr d Th eat r e par t n er t o br in g t h e sh ow t o RVA 6:30PM -10PM

Oct ober 26: Bear Ch ase Br ew er y Blu em on t , VA Hallow een Cost u m e Con t est 5PM -10PM

DW&S is you r sou r ce f or Food an d Vir gin ia Bever age Even t s.... Oct ober 25-27: Dir t Far m Br ew er y

Oct ober 27: Yappy How l-O-Ween

Blu em on t , VA

Kesw ick Vin eyar ds

Hallow een & Beer Pair in g

Dog Cost u m e Con t est

12PM -7PM

12PM -3PM

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