The Courier - June 2024

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Joy at Holy Spirit

�oly Spirit Parish in Rochester was filled with great joy on May 19 as Bishop Robert Barron blessed the church’s recently completed worship space, completing a vision and desire that goes back 30 years. Pentecost is the feast day of Holy Spirit. Joy, as Bishop Barron spoke about in the homily, is a sign of the Holy Spirit.

The church was built under the guidance of its first pastor, Fr. Dale Tupper, who joined Bishop Barron and current pastor Fr. Tom Loomis to celebrate together with the parishioners.

The space was originally built with the dual purpose of worship and a gymnasium for the school. What started as a simple renovation plan to cover the concrete floor and move the tabernacle into the church grew to include a raised sanctuary, a stone wall stretching to the tall ceiling, and the addition of liturgical art. The end result is a finished worship space - something new to the second-youngest parish in the diocese, now more than 30 years old.

The entire parish was engaged in the process, led by a committee of 12 parishioners who worked closely with Fr. Loomis to follow the guidelines laid out by the diocese on building and remodeling church space.

“The goal of the project is to find the best possible way to celebrate the Eucharist in this space, along with weddings, baptisms and funerals. We want to offer something that people want to be a part of,” Fr. Loomis said.

Holy Spirit Makes Christians Gentle, Not 'Overbearing,' Pope Says

VATICAN CITY (CNS) - Empowered and enlightened by the Holy Spirit, Christians are called to develop the gentleness needed to proclaim the Gospel to all, Pope Francis said.

Just as the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, transformed their hearts and instilled in them a "serene courage" to share their experience of Jesus, the pope said that today's Catholics who received the gift of the Spirit in baptism and confirmation are called to develop a similar missionary impulse.

"From the 'upper room' of this basilica, like the apostles, we too are being sent forth to proclaim the Gospel to all," Pope Francis said in his homily for Pentecost Mass in St. Peter's Basilica May 19. "We are sent into the world not only geographically, but also beyond the frontiers of race and religion for a truly universal mission."

Yet, he said, Christians are called to evangelize through the "power and gentleness" of the Spirit, "not with arrogance and imposition."

"Christians are not overbearing," he said; "their strength is another: the strength of the Spirit."

June 2024 Happy Anniversaries! A Path for Students From Our Graduates pages 6-7 pages 8-9 page 12 INSIDE this issue
Paul June 29
Official Newspaper of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Winona-Rochester, MN |
RochesteR PaRish celebRates Renovations Joy, cont'd on pg. 16
Gentle, cont'd on pg. 2

While Pope Francis presided over the Mass, Cardinal Arthur Roche, prefect of the Dicastery for Divine Worship and the Discipline of the Sacraments, was the main celebrant at the altar, which currently is surrounded by scaffolding due to restoration work on the canopy that stands over it.

Vested in red, the pope said that Christians must tirelessly share the Gospel as the apostles did, not "with calculation and cunning, but with the energy born of fidelity to the truth that the Spirit teaches us in our hearts and causes to grow within us."

In that way, he continued, "we surrender to the Spirit, not to the forces of the world."

Pope Francis said that emboldened by the Holy Spirit, Christians should not be "intimidated by hardship, derision or opposition," but proclaim peace, solidarity, life and fidelity to those who act in discordance with the Gospel.

"At the same time, our proclamation seeks to be gentle (and) welcoming to everyone," he said. "Let us not forget this: everyone, everyone, everyone."

The pope then encouraged Christians to recall Jesus' parable of the great banquet, in which a king asks his servants to invite anyone they can find, "good and bad," to a dinner banquet.

"May the Spirit give us the strength to go forth and call to everyone with that gentleness," the pope prayed. And "that it gives us the gentleness to welcome all."

After Mass, Pope Francis prayed the "Regina Coeli" with visitors wearing rain ponchos and holding umbrellas in a drizzly St. Peter's Square.

"The Holy Spirit is that which creates harmony," the pope told visitors after the prayer. "He creates it from different, sometimes conflicting realities."

Pope Francis prayed that the Holy Spirit would increase the "communion and fraternity of Christians from different confessions" and that the Spirit would give the leaders of governments "the courage to make acts of dialogue that lead to putting an end to war."

The pope lamented the many wars taking place in the world and prayed particularly for the Ukrainian region of Kharkiv, which has been the site of a renewed Russian assault in recent days, as well as for Palestine and Israel.

Pope Francis prayed "that the Holy Spirit may bring the leaders of nations and all of us to open the doors toward peace."

"Today, on the feast of Pentecost, let us pray to the Holy Spirit, love of the Father and the Son, that it may create harmony in hearts, harmony in families, harmony in society, harmony in the whole world," he said.

the official publication of the Diocese of Winona-Rochester 55 West Sanborn, P.O. Box 588, Winona, MN 55987 Vol 115 - 6

Most Reverend Robert E. Barron, Publisher Nick Reller, Associate Editor

Telephone: 507-858-1257 Fax:507-454-8106 E-mail:

Publishing Schedule: Monthly - Deadline for advertising & articles is the 10th of the month prior. (ISSN 0744-5490)

Holy Father's Intention for June 2024 For Migrants Fleeing Their Homes

We pray that migrants fleeing from war or hunger, forced to undertake journeys full of danger and violence, find welcome and new opportunities in the countries that receive them.

The Most Rev. Robert Barron, Bishop of the Diocese of WinonaRochester, announces the following: Civil Corporation

Mr. Joe Powers: appointed to a two-year term on the Diocese of WinonaRochester Civil Corporation Board of Directors, effective April 10, 2024.

Child Abuse Policy Information

• Hard copies are distributed at DOW-R parishes on the first weekend of each month.

• An online version may be viewed at courier/index.html

• To be added to the home delivery list free of charge, readers should send their names and addresses to:

Diocese of Winona-Rochester The Courier 55 W Sanborn St. Winona, MN 55987 or

The Diocese of Winona-Rochester will provide a prompt, appropriate and compassionate response to reporters of sexual abuse of a child by any diocesan agent (employees, volunteers, vendors, religious or clergy). Anyone wishing to make a report of an allegation of sexual abuse should call the Victim Assistance Coordinator at 507-454-2270, Extension 255. A caller will be asked to provide his or her name and telephone number. Individuals are also encouraged to take their reports directly to civil authorities. The Diocese of Winona-Rochester is committed to protecting children, young people and other vulnerable people in our schools, parishes and ministries. The diocesan policy is available on the diocesan web site at under the Safe Environment Program. If you have any questions about the Diocese of Winona-Rochester’s implementation of the Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People, please contact Mary Hamann at 507-858-1244, or

Articles of Interest June 2024 w The Courier w Reflecting on 25 Years of Lay Formation___4 St. Joseph Family Camp____________________5 Catholic Schools News___________________6-7 Happy Anniversaries!_____________________8-9 I Desire Mercy___________________________10 Ordinations and a Day of Discernment_______10 Not for Rent. Not for Sale.__________________11 Catholic Charities Creates a Path for Students_12 Feminine Genius__________________________13 Diocesan Headlines____________________14-16
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Where to Find The Courier Officials
Gentle, cont'd from pg. 1
Pope Francis accepts the offertory gifts during Pentecost Mass in St. Peter's Basilica at the Vatican May 19, 2024. (CNS photo/Vatican Media)
The Courier Insider

Ordination as a Counter-Cultural Sign

�his month, I will ordain three men to the priesthood for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Ordaining priests is the greatest privilege that I have as a bishop. Period. When, at the high point of the ceremony, I place my hands on the heads of the deacons and call forth the Holy Spirit upon them, I will be standing in the tradition of the apostles, who similarly laid hands on those to whom they imparted authority. I can testify that nothing in my

life has ever made me feel more humble and more grateful. There are three great promises that a man makes when he accepts priestly ordination, and each one of them is a marvelous countersign to our culture today. First, he promises to recite faithfully the Liturgy of the Hours, that wonderful compilation of psalms, hymns, and prayers, offered at five points throughout the day. I have been engaging in this prayer for the past 38 years of my priesthood, and I can testify that, though sometimes challenging, it has been a tremendous source of spiritual strength. It involves, to put it simply, the steady and conscious consecration of time.

As so many studies have shown, younger people today in the West are rapidly secularizing themselves and disaffiliating from the institutional churches. They constitute, as Charles Taylor has argued, the first generation literally in human history that is coming of age without a keen sense of the transcendent. And, as I have been insisting for years, this emptying out of the sacred has wreaked havoc in the minds, hearts, and souls of this generation, among whom the numbers measuring anxiety, depression, and suicidal ideation have been spiking. Therefore, when a young man makes a solemn promise before

God and his community that he will, for the rest of his life, pray the Liturgy of the Hours every day, he is standing athwart this soul-killing secularism. He is declaiming that God exists and that God matters.

The second promise that a man makes at ordination is to live celibately. I know it has been said a thousand times, but it bears repeating: celibacy is not a denigration of sex and marriage! We ought always to avoid a dualistic or Platonizing interpretation of celibacy whereby the renunciation of marriage is construed as a sort of judgment on physicality or pleasure. So what is the right way to read celibacy? It is, first, a path of freedom. Untied to spouse and children - and all of the responsibilities attendant thereto - the celibate man can dedicate himself entirely to God and the people he serves. As I type these words, I can see my bishop’s ring, which is not simply a sign of my office, but also a wedding ring, for it signals my untrammeled devotion to the people the Lord has entrusted to me. St. Paul clearly teaches: “the unmarried man is anxious about the affairs of the Lord, how to please the Lord; but the married man is anxious about worldly affairs, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided.” Moreover, celibacy

provides a witness, even now, as to the way we will love in heaven, where, as Jesus himself said, “we neither marry nor are given in marriage.” This doesn’t mean, of course, that heavenly love is less than married love here below; on the contrary, it is greater, more intense, fuller, and richer. How indispensable that, in a society practically obsessed with sex and sexual freedom, there should be, living among us, men who embody a spiritualized form of love.

The third and final promise that a man makes at his ordination is to obey his bishop. “I promise obedience to you and your successors,” he says as he places his hands, in the manner of a feudal vassal, in the hands of the ordaining prelate. I vividly remember when I did this on the day of my ordination, placing my hands in those of Joseph Cardinal Bernardin of Chicago, whom I barely knew, and vowing to do, within the limits of law and morality, whatever he or his unnamed and unknown successors would ask me to do. At that moment, I surrendered my “career,” which is to say, any itinerary or trajectory that I would set for myself. I put my life in the hands of my bishop, trusting that, through his will, the Holy Spirit would direct me. Once more, how strange this move seems

La ordenación como signo contracultural

� ste mes, ordenaré a tres hombres al sacerdocio para la Diócesis de Winona-Rochester. Ordenar sacerdotes es el mayor privilegio que tengo como obispo. Punto. Cuando, en el momento más álgido de la ceremonia, ponga mis manos sobre las cabezas de los diáconos e invoque el Espíritu Santo sobre ellos, estaré siguiendo la tradición de los apóstoles, que del mismo modo imponían las manos sobre aquellos a quienes impartían autoridad. Puedo atestiguar que nada en mi vida me ha hecho sentir más humilde y agradecido.

Hay tres grandes promesas que un hombre hace cuando acepta la ordenación sacerdotal, y cada una de ellas es un maravilloso contrapunto a nuestra cultura actual. En primer lugar, promete recitar fielmente la Liturgia de las Horas, esa maravillosa recopilación de salmos, himnos y oraciones que se rezan en cinco momentos a lo largo del día. He rezado esta oración durante los últimos treinta y ocho años de mi sacerdocio, y puedo atestiguar que, aunque a veces desafiante, ha sido una tremenda fuente de fortaleza espiritual. Se

trata, en pocas palabras, de la consagración constante y consciente del tiempo. Como han demostrado numerosos estudios, los jóvenes occidentales se secularizan rápidamente y se desvinculan de las iglesias institucionales. Constituyen, como ha argumentado Charles Taylor, la primera generación literalmente en la historia de la humanidad que llega a la mayoría de edad sin un agudo sentido de lo trascendente. Y como vengo insistiendo desde hace años, este vaciamiento de lo sagrado ha causado estragos en las mentes, los corazones y las almas de esta generación, entre los que se han disparado las cifras que miden la ansiedad, la depresión y la ideación suicida. Por lo tanto, cuando un joven hace una promesa solemne ante Dios y su comunidad de que, para el resto de su vida, rezará la Liturgia de las Horas todos los días, se está oponiendo a este secularismo que mata el alma. Está proclamando que Dios existe y que Dios importa. La segunda promesa que hace un hombre en la ordenación es vivir célibe. Sé que se ha dicho mil veces, pero

no está de más repetirlo: ¡el celibato no es una denigración del sexo y del matrimonio! Debemos evitar siempre una interpretación dualista o platonizante del celibato, según la cual la renuncia al matrimonio se interpreta como una especie de juicio sobre la corporalidad o el placer. ¿Cuál es, pues, la lectura correcta del celibato? Es, en primer lugar, un camino de libertad. Desvinculado de la esposa y de los hijos -y de todas las responsabilidades que ello conlleva-, el hombre célibe puede dedicarse por entero a Dios y a las personas a las que sirve. Mientras escribo estas palabras, puedo ver mi anillo episcopal, que no es sólo un signo de mi cargo, sino también un anillo de bodas, pues señala mi entrega sin trabas al pueblo que el Señor me ha confiado. San Pablo enseña claramente: "el soltero se preocupa de los asuntos del Señor, de cómo agradar al Señor; pero el casado se preocupa de los asuntos mundanos, de cómo agradar a su mujer, y sus intereses están divididos". Además, el celibato proporciona un testimonio, incluso ahora, de la forma en que amaremos en el cielo, donde, como dijo el propio

today! One of the most fundamental values for people now is selfdetermination, and not only regarding the direction of one’s life, but the very meaning of it. I have often referred to ours as “the culture of self-invention.” We have even reached the point where the determination of one’s gender and bodily identity is entirely a matter of personal choice. Whereas the default position of most young people today is that their lives belong entirely to them, the priest, on the day of his ordination, says that his life does not belong to him at all, but rather to God and for God’s purposes.

If you’re in the neighborhood of Winona this June 8, I invite you to come to the beautiful Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka and watch three young men make a joyful and very counter-cultural commitment.

-Most Rev. Robert Barron, Bishop of Winona-Rochester

Jesús, "ni nos casamos ni somos dados en matrimonio." Esto no significa, por supuesto, que el amor celestial sea menor que el amor matrimonial aquí abajo; al contrario, es mayor, más intenso, más pleno y más rico. Qué indispensable es que, en una sociedad prácticamente obsesionada por el sexo y la libertad sexual, haya, viviendo entre nosotros, hombres que encarnen una forma espiritualizada de amor. La tercera y última promesa que un hombre hace en su ordenación es obedecer a su obispo. "Prometo obediencia a usted y a sus sucesores", dice mientras coloca sus manos, a la manera de un vasallo feudal, en las manos del prelado ordenante. Recuerdo vívidamente cuando hice esto el día de mi ordenación, colocando mis manos en las del cardenal Joseph Bernardin de Chicago, a quien apenas conocía, y jurando hacer, dentro de los límites de la ley y la moral, todo lo que él o sus sucesores sin nombre y desconocidos me pidieran. En ese momento, renuncié a mi "carrera", es decir, a cualquier

itinerario o trayectoria que yo me hubiera marcado. Puse mi vida en manos de mi obispo, confiando en que, a través de su voluntad, el Espíritu Santo me dirigiría. Una vez más, ¡qué extraño parece hoy este movimiento! Uno de los valores más fundamentales para la gente hoy en día es la autodeterminación, y no sólo en lo que respecta a la dirección de la propia vida, sino al sentido mismo de la misma. A menudo me he referido a la nuestra como "la cultura de la autoinvención". Incluso hemos llegado a un punto en el que la determinación del género y la identidad corporal de cada uno es una cuestión de elección personal. Mientras que la posición por defecto de la mayoría de los jóvenes de hoy es que sus vidas les pertenecen por completo, el sacerdote, el día de su ordenación, dice que su vida no le pertenece en absoluto, sino a Dios y para los fines de Dios. Si estás en el vecindario de Winona este 8 de junio, te invito a que vengas a la hermosa Basílica de San Estanislao Kostka y veas a tres jóvenes hacer un compromiso alegre y muy contracultural.

The Bishop's Calendar is on Page 16.

Non Nisi Te Domine
June 2024 w The Courier w
Bishop Robert Barron
From the Bishop 3

Reflecting on 25 Years of Lay Formation

There are some people God calls and sets apart in convents and monasteries. There are others God calls and leaves in society, the ones God does not 'withdraw from the world.' These are the people of ordinary life. The people we meet on any ordinary street. We, the ordinary people of the streets, believe with all our might that this street, this world, where God has placed us, is our place of holiness. We believe that we lack nothing here that we need. If we needed something else, God would already have given it to us.

The fundamental objective of the formation of the lay faithful is an ever-clearer discovery of one's vocation and the ever-greater willingness to live it so as to fulfill one's mission. God calls me and sends me forth as a laborer in his vineyard. He calls me and sends me forth to work for the coming of his Kingdom in history. This personal vocation and mission define the dignity and the responsibility of each member of the lay faithful and makes up the focal point of the whole work of formation, whose purpose is the joyous and grateful recognition of this dignity and the faithful and generous living-out of this responsibility.

-Pope St. John Paul II, Christifidelis Laici, #58

reetings of peace in these early summer days! Back in September of 1999, a colleague took me to lunch. Her purpose was to encourage me to consider applying to be the Director of Ministry Formation for the diocese. At the time, I had been working in social action for Catholic Charities for nine years, and I enjoyed my work in this area. My wife's and my twin sons had also just been born a month earlier. So, I didn’t think that this was the time for me and our family to take on a professional transition.

But, I told her that I would consider and pray about it. Then, that same week two or three other trusted friends and colleagues also reached out to say that they thought this would be a great position for me. I took these conversations to heart and felt that the Spirit might be speaking to me through the words of encouragement and support I was receiving.

And, after discernment and prayer, I decided to apply for the position and was hired as the diocesan Director of Ministry Formation (now called the Director of Lay Formation). I began this work on December 1, 1999.

Fast forward to last month and the first weekend of May. I gathered at the Alverna Center in Winona with lay women and men from across the diocese for a retreat to conclude the year we’d spent together seeking to grow in our eucharistic faith and witness.

We reflected and prayed on that Friday evening with the gospel reading of the Road to Emmaus (Luke 24:13-35). These two disciples were met by Jesus on their journey as he opened the scriptures to them and revealed himself in the breaking of the bread. Their hearts burned within them as they encountered the Risen Lord, and the hope and faith they’d lost after his crucifixion were restored and renewed.

It was a fitting conclusion to my own journey over these past almost 25 years leading our diocesan Institute of Lay Formation. The Institute seeks to “form lay women and men for discipleship and gospel witness.” Like these two disciples’ experience “on the road,” the Institute invites lay people from our diocese to walk with Jesus, to learn about him through the scriptures and church teaching, to encounter him in their sacramental life, and to be his presence in their families, work places, neighborhoods, and communities. And, we do this together in a community of faith, prayer, sharing, and trust.

Fittingly, the co-leader for the retreat was my dear friend and colleague, Annmarie DeMarais, who was part of our first Institute of Lay Formation class that began in 1998. Since its inception that year, begun under Bishop John Vlazny and with the leadership of Brad Harmon, the Institute has formed seven classes of lay leaders for the diocese (19982000 / 2000-2003 / 2003-2006 / 2006-2009 / 2010-2013 / 2014-2017 / 2018-2022). The Institute has also provided one-year formation offerings for our alumni and other lay participants in 2010-11, 2013-14, 2017-18, 2022-23, and 2023-24.

Including this year’s group, over 350 lay people have participated in the Institute’s formation process, representing 70+ parishes and four church institutions of the diocese. In addition to these lay leaders, 25 of the deacons of our diocese participated in the Institute before entering diaconate formation.

This summer, I will be transitioning out of my role as Director of Lay Formation. Our diocese is now in the process of hiring a Coordinator for Adult Faith Formation/Institute of Lay Formation. I will continue to work for the diocese on a part-time basis directing RCIA/OCIA ministry.

As you might imagine, this is a moment of mixed emotions for me. I truly believe that I have had “the best job” in the diocese working in Lay Formation these many years. It has been the greatest blessing and privilege to learn, pray, and share our love for Christ and His Church over this time with the members of our Institute of Lay Formation community. They are (and will continue to be) held very close to my heart and in my prayer!

Having said that, I am not “going away.” I will continue to serve our diocese and look forward to continuing to develop our RCIA/OCIA ministry here. And, I will continue to be present at our diocesan activities and events.

I believe deeply in the vocation of the laity, which is realized primarily by being the presence of Christ in the world through discipleship, and also through service to God’s People in various ministries open to the laity. It is not a “default" vocation, simply indicating that one is not called to the vocations of ordained ministry or religious life.

As Pope Francis teaches, the lay vocation is to “bring the perfume of Christ’s love … in every environment. In schools, in universities, in workplaces, in hospitals, in prisons; but also in the city squares, in the streets, in the sports centers, in places where people gather.” I am truly blessed to share this lay vocation where my call to holiness is realized in being husband, father, neighbor, citizen, co-worker, and friend.

My final word for this column is, “Thank you!” I am deeply grateful for the gift of working in Lay Formation over these years and for the care and support of so many people from across our diocese. It has been a most profound experience of God’s grace and of His Love! Deo Gratias!

One of the great challenges facing the Church in this generation is to foster in all the faithful a sense of personal responsibility for the Church’s mission, and to enable them to fulfill that responsibility as missionary disciples, as a leaven of the Gospel in our world. This will require creativity in adapting to changed situations, carrying forward the legacy of the past not primarily by maintaining our structures and institutions, which have served us well, but above all by being open to the possibilities which the Spirit opens up to us and communicating the joy of the Gospel, daily and in every season of life.

-Pope Francis,

We know that all our work consists of being at peace, one with God, while not avoiding the very things that need to be done. Basically it is letting God act through us. It matters little what we have to do, pushing a broom or a pen, speaking or listening, sewing a dress or teaching a class, taking care of a sick person or tapping away at a computer. All this is the meeting place of God, minute by minute, the very place where God's love is revealed.

- Madeleine Delbrel, The Holiness of Ordinary People

June 2024 w The Courier w Lay Formation

St. Joseph Family Camp

An Inclusive, Fun, Faith-Filled Day for Catholics Living with Disabilities

Friends in Christ, this month I am yielding my column space to KATIE NETZEL, a parishioner at Pax Christi Church in Rochester and this year's camp coordinator for a new annual event, The St. Joseph Camp Day for Catholic Families Living with Disability. This is an exciting initiative, and I am grateful for so many who have helped bring this first foray into a reality! Thanks to Katie for her work and writing this article.

�hat do Sunday Mass, farm animals, and zip lines have in common? They are all a part of the faith formation, fellowship and fun offered this summer at St. Joseph’s Family Camp on August 18! This new diocesan-sponsored family day camp is an opportunity for Catholics that have a son or daughter of any age (adult or child) living with a disability to spend time together building friendships and community while being supported in their Catholic faith. The Mass, faith formation, and free time activities will be tailored to people living with a wide variety of abilities.

St. Joseph is the patron of families, and St. Joseph of Cupertino is one of the patron saints of people living with disabilities. We honor both! The St. Joseph’s Family Camp is designed to provide a fun summer camp experience for families in an inclusive environment while recognizing the unique gifts and challenges

families face when living with disabilities.

The 2024 St. Joseph’s Family Camp will be held on Sunday, August 18, from 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. at Ironwood Springs Christian Ranch in Stewartville. Ironwood Springs is designed as an open access camp space and is very accessible with adaptive activities, grounds, bathrooms, and lunch space.

The Camp Day will begin with Sunday Mass offered onsite by our chaplain, Fr. Will Thompson, Vicar General for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. Families will also find plentiful opportunities for faith formation throughout the rest of the Camp Day. In addition to Sunday Mass, Fr. Thompson will be offering opportunities for the Sacrament of Reconciliation, and the Servants of the Lord and the Virgin of the Matará (aka the IVE Sisters or Servidoras) will lead an afternoon gathering for families.

Throughout the Camp Day, participating families can choose from a variety of accessible and adaptive activities including a wagon ride, animal encounters, adaptive zip line, swimming, fishing, and racquet sports. Temperature controlled rooms and a quiet space will also be available for families who need a break from the excitement of the day. The staff at Ironwood Springs even have options for extra hot or rainy days to ensure that the Camp Day will take place regardless of the weather. Lunch is included and a friendship building activity is scheduled over the noon hour to help families build community and connections. The camp can accommodate most medical dietary needs with advance registration; a food preparation space and refrigerated food/ medication storage is available to registered families.

Our camp is generously supported by the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, Catholic Foundation of Southern Minnesota, Knights of Columbus and other benefactors and available at no cost to participating families. Registration is now open; space is limited so register your family soon to ensure you don’t miss out on this day of faith formation, fun, and fellowship! First preference is given to families that belong to parishes in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester. If you are not a member of a DOW-R parish, you will be put on a waitlist.

Interested families can find more information and registration link at

Additional questions can be directed to Katie Netzel, Camp Coordinator, at

Catholic in Recovery

New! Friends & Family Meeting (similar to Al-Anon): Queen of Angels, Austin, Tuesdays, 10 a.m.

Austin General Recovery (all addictions): Queen of Angels Church, Thursdays, 7 p.m.

Rochester General Recovery (all addictions): Holy Spirit Church, Sundays, 7:30 p.m.

Austin Contacts: Jane - 218-429-1522 or Paul - 218-429-1662,

Rochester Contact: Peter - flies.pete@gmail. com or 507-696-7437

We look to start new groups in the diocese. If you are a Catholic in recovery and want more info, contact Susan ( and see

June 2024 w The Courier w
Missionary Discipleship

From Our Graduates

Catholic Love Is Inclusive

Catholic Schools

� never thought Catholic education would be a part of my life. I grew up in a non-religious family and attended public school until middle school. Once I reached seventh grade, however, I changed to Loyola. I was always worried about rejection and the fact that I am not even baptized, let alone a religious person. One thing I learned very quickly was that Catholic love is inclusive to all no matter race, size, religion, age, etc. That’s the very first “rule” I learned when I got here and I will never forget it. Inclusivity is something that many people fear. It can be difficult to show equal emotion to all those around you. For example, young kids often find their closest friends and stick with them, excluding anyone new into their “crew” because they stick with familiarity and comfort; however, sticking to what is comfortable is limiting. If I had stuck with what I found comfortable, I would’ve never switched schools and branched out into a new world. I would have never learned of the values that are delicately woven into the Catholic religion, which have helped me to mature and grow into a better person. Furthermore, I would have never had the opportunity for amazing service projects like the Christmas Basket Project. This project entails each grade being assigned to a family in need, setting a monetary goal, compiling donations of money and items, and then going out to buy the wants and needs of their family. Christmas Basket teaches students to sacrifice for those who need it, to be selfless and involved in the community. We are always taught that God would help all of us who need it and we must in return help God’s children, or, in other words, each other. The Christmas Basket Project showcases this in the best way possible. I always have enjoyed the idea of knowing my money and contributions helped a family have a memorable Christmas. Service isn’t meant to be all about doing what makes you as a person feel good about yourself, but rather just doing what is right and helping those around you. I was always told to “treat everyone with kindness and respect as you don’t know what they could be going through” and the Christmas Basket Project, along with other service opportunities, have allowed me to value and live this out.

Alongside service, I have learned a great deal about leadership. In the Catholic faith, leadership is vital. Yes, there are followers in the religion, meaning followers of God and the Apostles to Jesus; however, leadership is present as well. Some of the biggest names in the Bible are leaders, one of whom is Moses. He alone parted the Red Sea for the Isrealites and led them to freedom from the Egyptians. He took the initiative to do what everyone else feared. Over and over I have been taught or read this story and, more and more, I have been inspired to be more like Moses. Throughout high school, I learned how to be bold and take the jobs people are reluctant to take. I often find myself taking leadership in choir, whether it be within my section, the sopranos, or the whole choir. I stepped into the role of teaching assistant as

well. Leadership isn’t easy, and it can be very daunting for many, but I’ve learned how to ease into it through school. I slowly gained more opportunities to be a leader throughout my schooling, and was even lightly nudged to take said opportunities. I’ll always appreciate the chances I’ve had at Loyola.

As mentioned before, I would’ve never had the chance to join so many different clubs and organizations or tried different service projects if I hadn’t transferred out of public school. I will forever be grateful for getting the chance to experience Catholic education and grow so much from it.

A Built-In Family

�or as long as I've been in school, I have attended Catholic schools. When I entered kindergarten, it wasn't my choice, as my parents decided I would attend a Catholic school. My mom always attended Catholic schools and feels as though that helped shape her faith, so I think that heavily impacted their decision. My family and extended family have also taken pride in growing up Catholic, and I think attending a Catholic school just goes hand-in-hand

with reinforcing a full life in faith. I remember when I was younger I wanted nothing more than to go to the public school because that was where all of my friends from community sports went, but now that I am older I'm glad my mom encouraged me to stay in Catholic school and didn't let me switch. Looking back, staying the course and building relationships in my school proved to be a great choice - in fact, maybe even the best choice - and has influenced me to attend a Catholic college.

Having a faith-filled education is so important to me because it creates a learning experience rooted in shared values and beliefs. I love sharing my thoughts and ideas and learning about faith in a safe supportive space that my school has provided. I have been able to see so much personal growth, not just in myself but in my peers as well. This growth is allowing me to be the best me that I can be and to reach my full potential as a Catholic person and overall better human. My relationship with God and my community has been strengthened because my foundation is built on integrating faith in all parts of my life.

Our school is relatively small, with approximately 300 students who are all driven by a shared higher purpose, living all parts of their lives with faith and Catholicism at the center. It's special to be a part of something bigger than yourself, and going to a Catholic school is just that. It's an amazing feeling to be with a group of kids praying together, whether it's at a school Mass or a school-wide rosary; it truly is a very powerful thing. I found a quote from Pope Benedict XVI: “A good school provides a rounded education for the whole person. And a good Catholic school, over and above this, should help all its students to become saints.” I like this quote because it tells us that Catholic schools are responsible for creating the next generation of Catholics and saints. Whether or not we will all become saints is up in the air; however, I am certain the foundation of faith and Catholicism that has been reinforced in our roots gives us a pretty good shot!

As I think about my next steps, which include attending a Catholic college, I find great peace in knowing my faith will continue to be supported through my education. I am excited about the continued accountability to my faith a Catholic college will reinforce and, most importantly, strengthen, along with my foundation and relationship with the Lord. Over the years, I have had ups and downs in my journey of faith and times when I can’t imagine what I would do without it. One of my fondest memories of Catholic school is when I had a personal struggle and a teacher prayed with and for me. At that moment, she made me feel safe and loved, and, most importantly, she demonstrated that whenever I needed it, I should turn to God as a loving place of comfort - a lesson that will undoubtedly be one of the most important pieces of education I will have received and a lesson that simply would not have been possible if I didn't attend a Catholic school. Catholic schools are like having a built-in family where you are truly cared for and everyone wants you to be a successful child of God.

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Jaedyn Buck Avari Drennan

Cherishing Every Moment

�y Catholic education has helped me grow spiritually because I have learned how to serve others and to cherish every moment of my life, just as the Lord did.

Being able to learn and talk freely about God has been incredibly helpful, especially when I have questions about my faith or what action God wants me to take. I’m incredibly blessed to have teachers at Cotter who are willing to openly talk about spirituality and what it means for them. Just being able to talk

Europe Visits St. Casimir's School, Wells

eading up to their much-anticipated Travel Expo, the third-through-fifth grade students of St. Casimir’s School recently enjoyed an enriching event that brought international perspectives right into their classroom when they hosted two United South Central School District exchange students who are originally from Europe.

Emma Van Bourgonje and Daniela Garcia Juarez graciously spent time with our young learners, providing them with a firsthand look at their native countries. During the presentation, Emma introduced the students to the rich history and vibrant culture of the Netherlands. Daniela, on the other hand, shared Spain’s colorful traditions and culture.

The students actively participated, asking insightful questions that ranged from inquiries about typical school days in their countries to their personal experiences moving to the United States for their studies. Both Emma and Daniela answered each question with enthusiasm and depth, further encouraging our students to learn about different cultures and lifestyles. This event was not only educational but also a wonderful way to foster global awareness among the students. The visit served as a perfect precursor to

about God has helped me feel and grow closer to him because I am learning more about his mission and intentions everyday.

Cotter students learn how to experience God’s presence in their lives by learning that God is present in every single one of us, and, because of that, we are all created exactly in God’s image. After understanding that God is in the people I meet everyday, it has been incredibly easy to treat others with the utmost respect and dignity, like Father Nelson did, and to employ my servant leadership skills when helping others.

My primary way of being a servant leader to others is by being the president of Cotter’s student council. I have a direct platform to engage with others and to guide them in whatever problem or situation they need guidance in. Our main focus on the student council is to plan events and help with fundraisers for Cotter. My favorite servant leadership opportunity that I was able to be a part of this year was leading and organizing a Red Cross blood drive on Cotter campus. This allowed Cotter students to get involved within the community by helping to save lives. A part of servant leadership also includes volunteering, which I have grown to appreciate over my years at Cotter.

Lastly, my Catholic education has taught me to not hold grudges against others, forgiving freely, because life is precious and moments pass us by so quickly. My favorite Bible verse regarding this topic is from Ephesians 4:32; “Be kind to one another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, as God in Christ forgave you.” I think this verse is so powerful because while God did give us free will, he also expects us to use that free will to be understanding of each other, especially when we make mistakes.

the students’

on May 16 where the themes of

exchange and global learning continued to be explored.

One of our pastors who frequently led Cotter Masses, Father Mike Cronin, was the best example of cherishing every moment given to us by God and of how one could carry out Ephesians 4:32 in real life. Father Cronin passed away unexpectedly last summer due to complications of heart surgery. He had suffered multiple strokes and a heart attack in the years before, due to his precarious health, but that never stopped him from seeing the best in the world and in others. His homilies often contained messages about forgiving and loving others every day because he knew that his health could change in an instant. Through all his struggles, he continued to be positive and never once feared life, because he knew that he was in God’s hands. Before his passing, Father Cronin taught us how to live our lives to the fullest, by being authentic, loving, and, most importantly, forgiving towards others, just as God has called us to be. His message really resonated with me because, even when he was facing uncertainty as to when God would call him home, Father Cronin continued to put others first until his very last day. His actions have inspired me to act as righteously and kindly as he did, so I try to model God in every situation I am in. By employing these principles, serving others has become second nature to me, as I do my best everyday to live my life as a child of God, growing spiritually and closer to God in the process.

As ��� acad���c y�ar co��s �o an �nd at St. Casimir’s School, Wells, so does the inaugural campaign of its chess club. Beginning with a simple introduction to the game where the students learned the strengths and weaknesses of each piece’s movement, the curtains now close upon the students learning basic tactics and opening strategies.

Over the past year, the children have gained more than simply an understanding of the game; they have learned patience, fairness, strength, and foresight. It is no coincidence that these terms are synonymous with the four cardinal virtues the students have learned in school. Each match begins with a handshake and a wish of “good luck” and leads to congratulations of “good game.” The students are mentored to encourage each other, always play their best, think before they act, and take a loss with grace and an eye to learn. As shared by José Raúl Capablanca, Chess Prodigy and Third World Chess Champion, “You may learn much more from a game you lose than from a game you win.”

Photo and caption submitted by SCS Chess Club Coach ERIC WOODRING.

Travel Expo cultural Ethel Aranda is a teacher at St. Casimir's School in Wells.
June 2024 w The Courier w
Savanna Loken

Happy Anniversaries!

Rev. Peter Klein

50 Years of Priesthood

�ather Klein was born in Mankato, to Frank and Helen Klein. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul, MN. On May 24, 1974, Father Klein was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Loras J. Watters. Father Klein’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, St. Stanislaus Kostka in Winona, St. Mary in Worthington, and St. Pius X in Rochester. As Pastor, he served at St. Adrian in Adrian, St. Mary in Ellsworth, St. Mary in Madelia, Holy Family in Lake Crystal, St. Katherine in Truman, Sacred Heart in Owatonna, Holy Trinity in Litomysl, St. Ann in Janesville, St. Joseph in Waldorf, Ss. Peter and Paul in Blue Earth, and St. Mary in Winnebago. Other assignments include Instructor for Lourdes High School in Rochester and Cotter High School in Winona; Chaplain for the Catholic Daughters of America in Owatonna; Parochial Administrator for St. John Vianney in Fairmont, Holy Family in East Chain, St. Casimir in Wells, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Easton, and St. John the Baptist in Minnesota Lake; author of The Catholic Source Book, 5th edition, and Scripture Source Book for Catholics; member of the Presbyteral Council and Clergy Personnel Committee; and Dean of the Mankato Deanery. Father Klein joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese on July 1, 2019.

Rev. William Kulas

50 Years of Priesthood

�ather Kulas was born in Arcadia, WI, to James and Loretta Kulas. He studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona

and then completed his theology degree at St. John Seminary in Collegeville, MN. On May 24, 1974, Father Kulas was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Loras J. Watters. Father Kulas later earned a Specialist Degree in Education Administration from Mankato State University, and a licentiate in canon law from the Catholic University of America. Father Kulas’ assignments as Parochial Vicar were at St. Augustine in Austin, St. John in Rochester, and St. Felix in Wabasha. As Pastor, he served at St. Paul in Minnesota City, Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Easton, St. John the Baptist in Minnesota Lake, St. Joseph in Rushford, St. Mary in Houston, St. Felix in Wabasha, St. Agnes in Kellogg, Immaculate Conception in Kellogg, St. Columbanus in Blooming Prairie, Sacred Heart in Hayfield, Holy Trinity in Rollingstone, and St. Mary in Minneiska. Father Kulas also served in the Diocese of Palm Beach, FL, for a year, where he was Parochial Vicar and Adjutant Judicial Vicar. Additional assignments in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester include Instructor for Pacelli High School in Austin, Fitzgerald Middle School in Mankato, and Lourdes High School in Rochester; several positions in diocesan and interdiocesan Tribunals including Advocate, Judge, Defender of the Bond, Adjutant Judicial Vicar, and Judicial Vicar; member of the Priests Pension Board of Trustees; and Chaplain for the Winona Serra Club. On July 1, 2016, Father Kulas joined the rank of senior priests of the diocese.

Rev. Msgr. Robert Meyer

50 Years of Priesthood

�onsignor Meyer was born in Wabasha, to Harry and Agnes (Evers) Meyer. He earned a Bachelor’s and Master’s degree at Winona State University before studying at the Pope John XIII

National Seminary in Weston, MA. On May 24, 1974, Monsignor Meyer was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, by the Most Rev. Loras J. Watters. Monsignor Meyer’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona and St. Pius X in Rochester. As Pastor, he served at St. John Nepomucene in Winona, All Saints in Madison Lake, St. Joseph the Worker in Mankato, St. Francis of Assisi in Rochester, St. Stanislaus Kostka in Winona, Ss. Peter and Paul in Mazeppa, and St. Patrick in West Albany. Other assignments include Parochial Administrator for Ss. Peter and Paul in Blue Earth, Holy Family in East Chain, and St. John Nepomucene in Winona; Advocate, Associate Judge, and Defender of the Bond for the diocesan Tribunal; diocesan Director of Religious Education; Director of Catholic Social Services; diocesan Family Life Director; member of the Presbyteral Council, College of Consultors, diocesan Finance Council, and Priests Committee for Capital Campaign; and Dean for the Rochester Deanery. In 2008, Monsignor Meyer joined the rank of senior priests, and in 2012 he was named Prelate of Honor.

Rev. Joseph Schneider

50 Years of Priesthood

�ather Schneider came to the Diocese of WinonaRochester in 2018 and is a retired priest of the Archdiocese of Dubuque, IA. Father Schneider is the son of John and Elsie (Dvorak) Schneider and grew up in Cedar Falls, IA. He studied at Loras College in Dubuque, IA, earning a BA in History with a Minor in Education, and subsequently attended St. Paul Seminary in St. Paul. Father Schneider was ordained May 25, 1974, at St. Patrick Parish in Cedar Falls, IA, by the Most Rev. James J. Byrne. Father Schneider later worked toward a MA in

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Rev. Peter Klein Rev. William Kulas Rev. Msgr. Robert Meyer

Religious Education in Boston College, MA. After ordination, he served at parishes and schools in Cedar Rapids, Cascade, Cresco, Manchester; and was pastor in Greeley, Cedar Rapids, Stacyville, St. Ansgar, Meyer, Waukon, Hanover, Dorchester, and the Blessed Trinity Cluster of Manchester, Ryan, and Masonville. Father Schneider retired in 2018 and now lives in Brownsville.

Rev. Chinnappa Pothireddy

45 Years of Priesthood

�ather Pothireddy was born in Silveru Andhra Pradesh, India, to Joji Reddy and Annamma Pothireddy. He earned degrees in philosophy and theology, and on March 28, 1979, Father Pothireddy was ordained to the priesthood for the Diocese of Nalgonda, by the Most Rev. Mathew Cheriankunnel. Father Pothireddy later studied theology at St. John Lateran University in Rome, earning a Doctorate in Theology. As a priest of the Diocese of Nalgonda, Father Pothireddy served as Parochial Vicar and Pastor for Holy Name of Jesus in Munugode; Rector of Bassiano Orphanage in Munugode; several diocesan roles including secretary to the Bishop, Commission

for Family, Apostolic visitation team, Procurator, and Chancellor; and he also served as Director of Pastoral Animation for the Regional Bishops and Administrator for Caritas India in New Delhi. Since his arrival in the Diocese of Winona-Rochester in 2013, Father Pothireddy has been Parochial Administrator of St. Ann in Janesville and St. Joseph in Waldorf; Parochial Vicar at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona, St. Casimir in Winona, the Newman Center in Winona, Pax Christi in Rochester, Ss. Peter and Paul in Mazeppa, and St. Pius X in Rochester; and Pastor of St. Mary in Minneiska and St. Paul in Minnesota City. Father Pothireddy is current Pastor of St. Rose of Lima in Lewiston, Holy Trinity in Rollingstone, and St. Joseph in Rushford.

Rev. Timothy Biren

25 Years of Priesthood

�ather Biren was born in Slayton, MN, to LeRoy and JoAnn (Spartz) Biren. He received a BA in Music Education from St. John’s University in Collegeville, studied philosophy at Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in Winona and then completed his theology degree at the University of Saint Mary of the Lake - Mundelein Seminary in Mundelein, IL. On June 15, 1999, Father Biren was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona by the Most Rev. Bernard J. Harrington. Father Biren’s assignments as Parochial Vicar were at St. Edward in Austin, St. Aidan in Ellendale, Our Lady of Loretto in Brownsdale, and Holy Trinity in Litomysl. As Pastor, he served at St. Teresa in Mapleton, St. Joseph in Good Thunder, St. Matthew in Vernon Center, St. Joseph the Worker in Mankato, Holy Family in Lake Crystal, St. Charles Borromeo in St. Charles, St. Aloysius in Elba, and Holy Redeemer in Eyota. Other assignments included Chaplain of Pacelli Catholic School, Austin and Loyola Catholic School, Mankato; Chaplain and Director of the St. Thomas More Newman Center, Minnesota State University, Mankato; director for the House of Formation at Minnesota State University Mankato; adjunct Spiritual Director at IHM Seminary, Winona; Chaplain of Pathways TEC and Minnesota Catholic Daughters of the Americas, Member of the Knights of Columbus and Equestrian Order

of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem, and director of the Society of the Propagation of the Faith. Father Biren is currently Pastor of St. Mary in Worthington and a member of the Presbyteral Council and College of Consultors.

Rev. James E. Starasinich 25 Years of Priesthood

�ather Starasinich was born in Joliet, Will County, IL, to William John and Elizabeth C. (Sandiford) Starasinich, their third child. He has four brothers and one sister. He attended Catholic grade schools (St. Ambrose, Crest Hill; St. Joseph, Joliet) and Joliet Township High School, Central Campus. He spent one year with the Salesians of Don Bosco, studying at Don Bosco College (Seminary) in Newton, NJ; received a BA in History at College of St. Francis (now University of St. Francis) in Joliet; and then completed his theology degree at Immaculate Conception Seminary, Seton Hall University in South Orange, NJ while receiving formation to serve as a diocesan-missionary priest at Redemptoris Mater Seminary in Kearny, NJ. On May 29, 1999, Father Starasinich was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral Basilica of the Sacred Heart in Newark, NJ. Father Starasinich also studied at Joliet Junior College, University of Maryland during four years in the Air Force prior to seminary, and Caldwell College. As a priest of the Archdiocese of Newark, Father Starasinich served at parishes in Valga and Tartu, Estonia; St. Mary Star of the Sea in Bayonne, NJ; Holy Trinity in Westfield, NJ; Peeter Pauli Kogudus (St. Peter and Paul) in Tallinn, Estonia; and as pastor at Sacred Heart Parish in Lyndhurst, NJ. He also served as rector at Redemptoris Mater Archdiocesan Missionary Seminary in Guam. In July 2018, Father Starasinich arrived in the Diocese of WinonaRochester to serve as the pastor of St. Joseph in Owatonna and Christ the King in Medford. Father Starasinich also served as Chaplain of Owatonna Knights of Columbus Council #945, Medford Deerfield Knights of Columbus Council #4909, and the Serra Club in Owatonna; Canonical Administrator of Saint Mary’s Catholic School in Owatonna; Parochial Administrator of Sacred Heart in Owatonna. Fr. Starasinich is currently pastor of St. Pius X in Rochester and a member of the Catholic Charities Board of Directors.

June 2024 w The Courier w
Rev. Joseph Schneider Rev. Chinnappa Pothireddy Rev. Timothy Biren Rev. James E. Starasinich

10 I Desire Mercy

Diaconate & Vocations

hen I was growing up in the fifties and sixties, in almost every Catholic home was prominently displayed the Sacred Heart of Jesus and a crucifix. Nowadays, this praiseworthy custom has fallen by the wayside. How I wish it were to return! I encourage all of you to get a crucifix and the Sacred Heart, hang them on the wall, and frequently look at them. They will help you answer two important questions: Who are you? What are you to do in life?

While it is true that each of us has a unique identity and a unique vocation for which God has created us, it is also true that we have some things in common. What we have in common can be found in the Divine Mercy flowing from the Sacred Heart on the cross. How necessary this is in our world today for us to become people of mercy!

The Sacred Heart of Jesus must beat in your heart! How can this happen? Where must we go so that Jesus’ own heart beats in us? We must go to the sources of mercy here on earth. The merciful Sacred

Heart of Jesus beats on every altar every Sunday, giving us life, and it beats in every confessional, filling us with his mercy! We must come to the Eucharist if we are to live lives of mercy. We must not stay away. That is one reason God commanded us to keep holy the Sabbath. That is why we are obliged to come to Mass every Sunday and holy day of obligation.

We must come also to confession where we encounter Divine Mercy. We all need forgiveness and mercy to penetrate deeply in hearts. The Sacred Heart of Jesus beats in us if we are in a state of grace. Jesus always is ready to remove any sinful obstacle to grace. That’s why we must confess any mortal sins as soon as we can, and regularly confess venial sins.

Your heart must beat with mercy! Your heart must be drenched with the mercy of God. If you accept mercy into your life, your heart will be able to show mercy for others. You must accept mercy in order to show it to others.

Do we? Do we allow the Sacred Heart of Jesus to penetrate our hearts? Will our hearts beat like the Sacred Heart of Jesus for our husbands, wives, children, parents, neighbors, fellow parishioners, and, yes, even for our enemies? Will we be merciful to those who do not deserve it?

Deacon John Hust Director of the Permanent Diaconate

Jesus had mercy on the repentant thief. Will we? Jesus told the adulteress, “I do not condemn you, but go and sin no more.” Will we have the same attitude with those who have betrayed our trust? Peter denied Jesus three times. Jesus did not ask, “Why did you do that?” Rather, three times he asked, “Do you love me?” What will we say when someone denies us? Will we have mercy on the man on death row, or will we seek vengeance? Will we wage war or pursue peace? Will we love those who hate us, or will we hate in return?

To be merciful to those most difficult to forgive, those most difficult to love, we must pray, “Jesus, I trust in you!” If we neglect the Eucharist and confession, our spiritual lives will dry up and die. If we do not come to these sources of mercy, we will be unable to show mercy to others.

Jesus, I trust in you! Jesus, make my heart like yours. Make my heart beat with the mercy you have given to me. Jesus, I trust in you! Amen.

Deacon Robert Yerhot serves the parishes of St. Mary in Caledonia and St. Patrick in Brownsville.

Ordinations and a Day of Discernment

ith thanksgiving to Almighty God, we rejoice to have ordinations to the priesthood and transitional diaconate this May and June. On May 25, we ordained three men to the diaconate on their way toward priesthood next summer. Jordan Danielson, Benjamin Peters, and Timothy Welch are ordained deacons.

On June 8, the feast of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, we will ordain three men for the Diocese of Winona-Rochester to the priesthood. Join us for

the Mass at the Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka in Winona at 10 a.m. Deacons Nicholas Gawarecki, Brian Klein, and Joshua Miller will now be called Father. Thanks be to God! Bishop Barron will be announcing their assignments and sending them forth as shepherds for God’s people.

Photos from both ordinations will appear in next month's issue of The Courier

This past April we were blessed to celebrate a wonderful day of discernment for young women. This event was called Open Hearts and was hosted and co-sponsored by St. Mary’s University of Minnesota in Winona. It was a beautiful occasion with more than 25 young women present for the day of discernment. Additionally, nine religious communities were there with 21 consecrated women attending. We are hopeful to make this an annual event so many more young women can see and experience the beauty of consecrated life.

June 2024 w The Courier w

Not For Rent. Not For Sale.


n April 29, the Minnesota House of Representatives voted to advance H.F. 3567, a bill that would establish a legal framework for commercial surrogacy agreements in our state. This legislation should stir grave concerns among Catholics and our belief in the protection and pro-

motion of human dignity and of human life from conception to natural death.

At its core, this bill poses a fundamental moral and ethical dilemma. Surrogacy, particularly when commercialized, commodifies women's bodies and reduces children to mere products. It creates a system ripe for exploitation and abuse.

Women are not vessels for rent, and children are not products to be bought and sold.

The surrogacy industry in Minnesota, as elsewhere, primarily targets lower-middle-income women who are financially vulnerable yet not destitute. These women, often mothers themselves, are enticed by the promise of substantial compensation. But the power dynamics in surrogacy arrangements heavily favor the affluent "intended parents," leaving surrogate mothers vulnerable to

coercion, inadequate healthcare, and emotional trauma.

The intentional separation of children from their birth mothers in these arrangements raises profound questions. Unlike the robust legal protections in adoption, surrogacy lacks safeguards for the best interests of the child, leading to potential long-term emotional consequences for children born through surrogacy.

Surrogacy contracts, touted as solutions, often fail to address the inherent dilemmas associated with these arrangements. Consent within these contracts may be compromised by economic desperation, akin to exploitative labor practices.

Legalizing these types of surrogacy arrangements poses significant risks to the well-being of all parties involved. While we can all empathize deeply with those facing infertility struggles, we cannot turn a blind eye to the inherent harms of commercial surrogacy, which often involve people from other parts of the world coming to Minnesota to work with Minnesota surrogates.

During floor debate on the bill, Rep. Peggy Scott (R-Andover) and Rep. Harry Niska (R-Ramsey) introduced amendments aimed at mitigating the harmful impacts of surrogacy, but, unfortunately, these amendments were not adopted. By failing to require that intended parents be U.S. citizens, the bill fails to protect against human trafficking. It also neglects to ban traditional surrogacy arrangements where the surrogate contributes her own egg and overlooks requirements for intended parents to be married or contribute gametes to the conception of the child via in vitro fertilization.

Pope Francis himself has called for a global ban on surrogacy, recognizing the serious ethical questions it raises.

The surrogacy industry's relentless push for legalization in Minnesota raises red flags. States such as Illinois and California, where surrogacy is legal, have witnessed a surge in the industry without adequate consideration for the well-being of women and children.

This legislation, in its current form, falls short of ensuring justice and dignity for all by working to make Minnesota an epicenter of the global surrogacy industry. Fortunately, it is not likely to pass the Senate this year, but we must remain vigilant, as it returns year after year.

As Catholics, we are called to defend the sanctity of life and the dignity of every human person. We urge our elected officials to listen to the moral voice of conscience and reject the legalization of commercial surrogacy in Minnesota. Let us stand together to protect the vulnerable and uphold the values that define our faith.

The Minnesota Catholic Conference has been the public policy voice of the Catholic Church in Minnesota since 1967. The voting members of the MCC's board of directors are Minnesota's Catholic bishops.

June 2024 w The Courier w 11 Life, Marriage & Family

Catholic Charities Creates A Path for Students

ucy is a single mother of two beautiful kids. She moved from Mexico five years ago and shares that the first two years living in Minnesota were not easy.

She says, “Coming to a different country, leaving family and friends behind, was very difficult. After my second child turned one year old, I knew that I had to start working on bettering our future. That’s when I decided to go back to school. For me, education has always been the key to open opportunities in life.”

Lucy first enrolled in Hawthorne Education Center to learn English. She says, since that first step, it has been difficult. She had ups and downs but kept moving forward.

In 2022, Lucy was accepted into the nursing program at Rochester Community and Technical College, and she felt that everything was moving positively until she learned that she would need to take classes full-time in the nursing program.

scholarships but was denied. Lucy was discouraged by the lack of scholarships and worried about her future in school.

She applied for Catholic Charities’ Onward and Upward program in the spring of 2022, but the program was already full for the semester. Lucy reports that since her application was not denied, she had hope, and reapplied the following semester.

Catholic Charities is currently accepting applications from students who will be starting an associate’s degree or diploma in the healthcare field.

Up until that time, she had been taking classes part-time and working full-time, in order to provide for her family. She cut her work hours in order to pursue her nursing degree and applied for various

She was thrilled to be accepted into Onward and Upward to receive mentoring, a monthly scholarship, and emergency financial assistance.

“I was so happy when I got the news. This program helped me to get where I am at and where I am going. All I can say is that this program not only helps us students financially, but all the emotional support, caring and kindness that this program offers, goes beyond words. I am so blessed to be part of this program.”

Lucy was relieved to learn that Onward and Upward would continue for six months after graduation, while she took her licensing boards and applied for jobs. She and her social worker at Catholic Charities continued to work on her personal and professional goals.

She graduated in December 2023 and says, “The support I have received from [my social worker] has been amazing. I passed my boards and have started a new position in the hospital as a Dialysis RN!”

Lucy’s children, now 6 and 9, were able to watch their mother pursue her dreams in order to provide a better life for her children.

The Onward and Upward program works with families like Lucy's in Rochester and Mankato to help single parents earn a degree in the healthcare field. Through the support of generous donors, Catholic Charities is lifting families out of poverty and into self-sufficiency. Dozens of participants like Lucy are now working in the healthcare field, giving back to their communities and showing their children the importance of education, dedication and hard work.

Catholic Charities is currently accepting applications from students who will be starting an associate’s degree or diploma in the healthcare field. Eligible applicants are single parents, Pell grant eligible, enrolled in the healthcare field, and living in the Mankato or Rochester area. Students may apply online at or call 507-287-2047 for more information.

This program would not be possible without generous individuals who believe in our students and donate to our program. Thank you for your incredible support.

The Televised Mass Is Offered Every Sunday

Sioux Falls - ODLT Channel 7 at 7 a.m.

Sioux City - KPTH Channel 44 at 8:30 a.m.

Mankato - KEYC Channel 12 at 7:30 a.m.

Digital Channel 12.2 or Charter Channel 19 NEYC at 9:30 a.m.

Digital Channel 7 (DirecTV) or Channel 11 (DISH) KMNF at 9 a.m.

Rochester/Austin/Mason City

KIMT Channel 3 at 7:30 a.m.

MyTV 3.2 at 9 a.m.

Twin Cities - WFTC Digital Channel 29 or Channel 9.2 at 11:30 a.m.

Southeastern MN - HBC Channel 20 at 3 p.m. (repeated Wed. at 3:30 p.m.)

Winona/La Crosse/Eau Claire - WLAX/ WEUX Channel 25/48 at 7:30 a.m. and on our website, (click "Weekly Mass")

12 June 2024 w The Courier w
Catholic Charities
Catholic Charities of Southern Minnesota

Feminine Genius 13


ne of the privileges I have as the president of the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women is being able to represent the women of our diocese at other diocesan conventions and serve on the Province Board. In April, I attended the St. Paul and Minneapolis Archdiocesan Convention and the New Ulm Diocesan Convention. What uplifting days full of spirituality, learning, collaboration, and friendship!

In the past two years, I heard the term “Feminine Genius” at these conventions. Those words piqued my interest, so I looked up Pope John Paul II's Letter to Women to read about it. This letter was released to all women on June 29, 1995. At that time, I was

immersed in family life with kids ages 4-9. I was newly involved in the Council of Catholic Women, and, if I did hear about it, it did not stick in my very busy brain.

Kelly Wahlquist, mother of three and inspiring Catholic author and speaker residing in Minnesota, is the director for the Catechetical Institute at Saint Paul Seminary, and she spoke on the Feminine Genius. Kelly is the founder of Women in the New Evangelization (WINE). In Kelly’s hour-long talk, she spoke of the creation of woman as we read about in Genesis 2. Woman was created to be a divine helper to man. Woman was created with the intuitive wisdom of God, and, as women, we are radically relational. We were created for receptivity, hospitality, generosity, and sensitivity.

As women, we have a great role in evangelization, salvation, the incarnation, and the resurrection. Our tool is the Holy Spirit who is pure love. Our role is to go and tell the good news of Jesus Christ. It is the Holy Spirit’s job to convert others. Kelly encouraged us to say this prayer every morning: “Come, Holy Spirit.” We have Sacred Scripture and should be in God’s word every day. Participation in the sacraments is essential. Praying the rosary, a great weapon in our time, is a wonderful meditation on the life of Christ.

Council of Catholic Women

Pope John Paul II said, “It is thus my hope, dear sisters, that you will reflect carefully on what it means to speak of the 'genius of women', not only in order to be able to see in this phrase a specific part of God’s plan which needs to be accepted and appreciated, but also in order to let this genius be more fully expressed in the life of society as a whole, as well in the life of the Church.”

Pope John Paul II gives “thanks to women, to every woman, for all that they represent in the life of humanity."

Thank you, women who are mothers! You have sheltered human beings within yourselves in a unique experience of joy and travail. This experience makes you become God’s own smile upon the newborn child, the one who guides your child’s first steps, who helps it to grow, and who is the anchor as the child makes its way along the journey of life.

Thank you, women who are wives! You irrevocably join your future to that of your husbands, in a relationship of mutual giving, at te service of love and life.

Thank you, women you are daughters and women who are sisters! Into the heart of the family, and then of all society, you bring the richness of your sensitivity, your intuitiveness, your generosity and fidelity.

Thank you, women who work! You are present and active in every area of life-social economic, cultural, artistic and political. In this way you make an indispensable contribution to the growth of a culture which unites reason and feeling, to a model of life ever open to the sense of “mystery”, to the establishment of economic and political structures ever more worthy of humanity.

Thank you, consecrated women! Following the example of the greatest of women, the Mother of Jesus Christ, the Incarnate Word, you open yourselves with obedience and fidelity to the gift of God’s love. You help the Church and all mankind to experience a “spousal” relationship to God, one which magnificently expresses the fellowship which God wishes to establish with his creatures.

Thank you, every woman, for the simple fact of being a woman! Through the insight which is so much a part of your womanhood you enrich the world’s understanding and help to make human relations more honest and authentic.”

Go to let_29061995_women.html to read the whole letter.

As always, you may reach me at 507-381-2842 or

Shelly Holt is the president of the Winona-Rochester Diocesan Council of Catholic Women.

June 2024 w The Courier w

St. Joseph's Oratory in Theilman Celebrates Feast of St. Joseph the Worker

�ore than 100 people attended a Holy Hour and Mass at St. Joseph’s Oratory in Theilman celebrating the Feast Day of St. Joseph the Worker on the evening of May 1, 2024.

St. Joseph’s closed as a parish in 2008 and became an oratory. It is now part of a cluster with St. Mary’s of the Lake in Lake City and St. Patrick’s in West Albany. As an oratory, St. Joseph’s Church is only used for weddings, funerals, and a Mass on the Wednesday evening before Thanksgiving.

This year, several former St. Joseph parishioners asked Fr. Thé Hoang, pastor of St. Mary’s of the Lake Church in Lake City and St. Patrick’s Church in West Albany, if he would say Mass at the oratory for the Feast of St. Joseph the Worker. When Fr. Thé realized he had a scheduling conflict, he asked Fr. James Russell, a retired former pastor of St. Joseph’s, if he would say the Mass. Fr. Russell, with Deacon David Dose, organized a Holy Hour,

Congratulations to the following parishes, who have met their goals for the 2024 Catholic Ministries Appeal:

Christ the King Medford

Holy Trinity Litomysl

Immaculate Conception St. Clair

Sacred Heart Hayfield

Sacred Heart


St. Ignatius

Spring Valley

St. John the Baptist

Minnesota Lake

St. Joseph

Good Thunder

St. Patrick LeRoy

with Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, confessions, and the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass. St. Joseph’s Church is one of the few oratories in southern Minnesota still available for special services. Mary Lu Harney is a former parishioner of St. Joseph, Theilman
June 2024 w The Courier w 14
In the Diocese


Sister Evelyn Dangel, SSND, 91, died April 21, 2024, at Benedictine Living Community - Windermere, Shakopee. Funeral services were held April 30 at Windermere Chapel with Father John Kunz as presider. Burial followed in the Good Counsel Cemetery, Mankato.

Sister Evelyn (Ethel Dangel) was born in Tulare, SD, in 1932. She graduated from Good Counsel Academy in 1950 and entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame that same year. Following profession of first vows in 1953, she began her ministry as a primary grade teacher in Minnesota, Washington and Iowa Catholic schools. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, she taught at St. Casimir School, Wells (1961-64); Crucifixion School, La Crescent (1967-68); and Ss. Peter & Paul School, Mankato (1968-69). In 1979, she became a certified nursing assistant and worked in Good Counsel Health Care for several years. Using this experience, she then became a home health care assistant, working for agencies in Superior, WI, and St. Paul. She also served in a hospitality ministry at the Center for Spiritual Development in Bird Island. In 2007 she moved to Good Counsel Hill, where she was a sacristan and a ceramist in Ceramic Haven, until it closed prior to the sisters’ move to Shakopee in 2022.

Sister Evelyn is survived by nieces; nephews; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, John and Mary Regina (Freund) Dangel; her sisters, Betty Miedwig, Jenny McKeown and Rosemary Kundert; and her brothers, John, Fredrick and William. A longer obituary and a recording of her funeral is available at www.ssndcp. org/obituaries.

Sister Del Marie Rysavy, SSND, 80, died April 22, 2024, at Benedictine Living CommunityWindermere, Shakopee. Funeral services were held May 3 at Windermere Chapel with Father Joseph Pete as presider.

Sister Del Marie (Mary Ann Rysavy) was born in Owatonna in 1943 and baptized at Holy Trinity Church in Litomysl. She graduated from Owatonna Marian High School in 1961 and entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame that same year. She professed first vows in 1963 and taught high school math and music at Notre Dame High School in Cresco, IA, and Good Counsel Academy in Mankato. While teaching at Good Counsel, she recognized the important role that computer technology, then in its infancy in schools, could play in the educational picture. In 1974 she was appointed General Treasurer for the School Sisters of Notre Dame, and spent the

next nine years in Rome. She used her expertise in navigating the Roman financial system to write a manual for treasurers of religious congregations, and later spent two years in Rome teaching the Vatican Finance Office to use a newly-installed computer system. Following completion of her doctorate degree, she became first an associate professor and then professor of computer science at St. Cloud State University, a position she held until her retirement in 2021. In retirement, she continued her educational ministry as a member of the technology team on Good Counsel Hill, and moved to Shakopee with other School Sisters of Notre Dame in 2022.

Sister Del Marie is survived by her sisters, Kathy (Roland) Brummer and Judy Pieper; her brothers, Al (Peggy) and Paul (Barbara); nieces and nephews and their families; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Albert and Elizabeth (Klecker) Rysavy; and her sister Monique, SSND. A longer obituary and a recording of her funeral is available at www.ssndcp. org/obituaries.

Father John F. Traufler, age 92, of Austin, died Monday, April 22, 2024, at Madonna Towers in Rochester.

Father Traufler was born August 28, 1931, to John Traufler and Edna (Coty) Traufler in Chatfield. He attended Chatfield Public School, graduating in 1949. He then entered St. Mary’s College in Winona for studies in philosophy and the classics, and graduated with a BA degree in 1953. He then entered the St. Paul Seminary and was ordained to the priesthood at the Cathedral of the Sacred Heart in Winona on June 1, 1957. After ordination he served at a number of parishes throughout Southern Minnesota. On July 1, 2003, after 46 years of active parish work, he retired to Austin. There he helped in various parishes, usually with weekend Masses but also with funerals during the week. On weekdays he kept busy in his garden and lawn where he loved raising flowers and vegetables.

Father Traufler is survived by his one sister, Mary Jo Mathias, and her husband, Joseph, of Byron; and his five nephews and one niece.

A Mass of Christian Burial was held on Monday, April 29, 2024, at St. Augustine Catholic Church in Austin with priests of the diocese concelebrating. Interment was at Calvary Cemetery in his hometown of Chatfield. Mayer-Hoff Funeral Home of Austin assisted the family with arrangements.

Sister M. Petrann Sieben, SSND, 91, died April 23, 2024, at Benedictine Living Community - Windermere, Shakopee. Funeral services were held April 29 at Windermere Chapel with Father Joe Fogal as presider. Burial followed in the Good Counsel Cemetery, Mankato.

Sister Petrann (Mary Sieben) was born in New Trier in 1932. She graduated from Good Counsel Academy in 1950 and entered the School Sisters of Notre Dame that same year. Following profession of first vows in 1953, she began her ministry as a primary grade teacher and tutor in Minnesota and South Dakota Catholic schools. In the Diocese of Winona-Rochester, she taught at St. John Nepomucene School, Winona (1960-61); St. Peter

School, Hokah (196870); and part-time at Mankato Area Catholic Schools (MACS) Holy Rosary building (19942002). In addition to her service as tutor at MACS, she began working in Ceramic Haven as a ceramist. In 2011, she became director of Ceramic Haven and was instrumental in expanding the scope of Ceramic Haven to repairing and restoring statues for churches and others as far away as New Mexico, and as close as Mankato. She remained with Ceramic Haven until it closed in 2022 prior to the move of School Sisters of Notre Dame to Shakopee.

Sister Petrann is survived by her sister, Lorraine (Ted) Johnson; her brothers, Al (Betty Lou) and Tony (Carol); nieces and nephews; and her sisters in community, the School Sisters of Notre Dame and SSND Associates. She was preceded in death by her parents, Peter and Catharine (Bauer) Sieben; her brothers, Clarence and Leander; and her sister, Loretta Sieben. A longer obituary and a recording of her funeral is available at obituaries

Sister June Kaiser, OSF, 97, a Franciscan Sister of the Congregation of Our Lady of Lourdes, Rochester, died at Assisi Heights on Monday, May 6, 2024.

Mary June Kaiser was born on June 19, 1926, in Columbus, OH, to Louis and Loretta (Ruetty) Kaiser. She entered the Sisters of St. Francis in 1951, received the name of Sister Sarto, and made perpetual vows in 1956. She received her Master’s in Education Administration from the University of Denver, CO, in 1961.

Sister June served as a teacher of secondary education at Notre Dame High School, Portsmouth, OH (195356); Lourdes High School, Rochester (1956-59); and Loretto High School, Caledonia (1959-66), while also serving as Principal. From 1966-68, she served as an associate director at Assisi Hall, Winona. From 196869 she was a Novice Mistress and Campus Minister at the Newman Center-Winona State University, Winona. Sister June served as the Registrar at the College of St. Teresa in Winona from 1969-78. She then served as the Congregational Treasurer at Assisi Heights in Rochester from 1978-98, and then served as Consultant to the Congregational Treasurer from 1998-2004. After retiring in 2004 at Gaelic Grove in Rochester, she moved to Assisi Heights in 2017.

Survivors of Sister June Kaiser include her Franciscan Sisters, with whom she shared life for 72 years; and many nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents, brothers James and Charles Kaiser, and sister Rosemary Pushnik.

A Resurrection Liturgy was held at Assisi Heights on Thursday, May 16, 2024, followed by burial at Calvary Cemetery.

Memorials are suggested to the Sisters of St. Francis, Office of Mission Advancement, Assisi Heights, 1001 14th St. NW, Rochester, MN 55901.

June 2024 w The Courier w

Joy, cont'd from pg. 1

Early in the project, Val Schute of River Architects was called at the suggestion of previous pastor, Fr. Don Schmitz. Schute was able to take the voice of the parishioners, gathered through parish surveys, and translate that into a design authentic to the values of the parish while meeting the guidelines set out by the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops.

As the project took shape, the search began for an artist for the crucifix and stained-glass window. Holy Spirit Parish is fortunate to have two new pieces of world-class liturgical art.

The bronze corpus of the crucifix was cast in Italy by Canadian figurative artist Timothy P. Schmalz. The compassionate face of Christ in this corpus was one of the reasons it was chosen for Holy Spirit, especially because many children will view this both from the parish and the school. A body that is racially neutral was also an important factor to speak to the value of Holy Spirit Parish to be welcoming to all.

In describing his work, Schmalz said, “I am devoted to creating artwork that glorifies Christ. I describe my sculptures as being visual prayers.” Schmalz is world renowned with works in Rome commissioned by Pope Francis, and the only piece of permanent sculpture to be added to St. Peter’s Square in the Vatican since the time of Bernini, more than 400 years ago.

The stained-glass window depicts the Holy Spirit with multiple levels of symbolism. It sits in an oculus less than five feet in diameter, but it stands out boldly next to the modern rough-cut stone from Biesanz Stone Co. in Winona. The dove represents the Holy Spirit, sent down from God. The flame represents the presence of the Holy Spirit in action in the life of believers. The blue background represents the

waters of baptism, another symbol of the Holy Spirit. The mouth-blown glass window was created by Emil Frei & Associates from St. Louis, MO, after meetings with a group of parishioners and Fr. Loomis to learn about the parish, who they are, and who they want to be.

Thanks to the generosity of parishioners and friends of Holy Spirit, just over a half million dollars of necessary funds were raised and pledged faster than expected, a voice of support for the project and a desire to see it happen.

The entire parish then lived through the three months of active construction, celebrating Mass in a taped off portion.

“Working with Benike Construction was a delight. They provided an on-site supervisor that helped ensure that the space was safe and clean at the end of each week,” says Greg Kapraun, chair of the

June 2, Sunday

*indicates event is open to the public

June 1, Saturday

*9 a.m. - Mass for the National Eucharistic Procession - Pax Christi, Rochester

*1:15 p.m. - Eucharistic Procession from the Co-Cathedral of St. John the Evangelist to the Mayo Civic Center

*2 p.m. - Diocesan Corpus Christi

Mass - Mayo Civic Center, Rochester

June 4, Tuesday

11:30 a.m. - College of Consultors - Rochester

June 5, Wednesday

Design & Materials Sub-Committee. “They truly went above and beyond expectations.”

Music has always been an important part of Holy Spirit Parish and the new space includes an area custom designed by the architect for this ministry. For the Pentecost celebration, it was filled with a multigenerational choir and instrumentalists that invited the participation of the congregation.

Bishop Barron concluded with a call for evangelization: “You are my agents of evangelization. Invite your family, your friends, your co-workers. Be that agent of the Holy Spirit to bring people back.”

There are many reasons to invite people into Holy Spirit to see this new space and a community that is alive with joy.

Lynn Farrell is the Chair of the Finish the Sanctuary and Floor Project at Holy Spirit Parish in Rochester. All photos are courtesy of John Weiss.

12 p.m. - Minnesota Catholic Conference Board Meeting - Zoom

June 7, Friday

*8 a.m. - Mass for the National Eucharistic Procession - Crucifixion, La Crescent

*9:45 a.m. - Prayer Service and National Eucharistic Procession Transfer into Wisconsin - Pettibone Park, La Crosse

11 a.m. - Homilist for Eucharistic Rally Mass - La Crosse, WI

June 8, Saturday

*10 a.m. - Ordination of Deacons Nicholas Gawarecki, Brian Klein, and Joshua Miller to the Priesthood - Basilica of St. Stanislaus Kostka, Winona

June 11-14, Tuesday-Friday USCCB General AssemblyLouisville, KY

June 16, Sunday

*8 a.m. - Mass and Installation of Fr. Jim Berning as Pastor - Queen of Peace, Lyle

June 18-19, TuesdayWednesday

*Ministry Days - St. Mary's University, Winona

• The Courier June 2024
Bishop's Calendar L to R: Vicar General Fr. William Thompson, Holy Spirit Founding Pastor Fr. Dale Tupper, Deacon Joe Weigel, Bishop Robert Barron, Deacon Chris Orlowski, Holy Spirit Current Pastor Fr. Tom Loomis.

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