Catholic Schools Week was an opportunity for a BIG lesson when students in Assumption Catholic School, Perth Amboy, experienced the Earth Dome, a gigantic inflatable earth balloon standing 19-feet high and 22-feet in diameter, accessible inside and out for geography, environment lessons. Read more about the Earth Dome, see more CSW photos, pgs. 9-11, 17
Consider evangelization as the greatest form of charity this Lent
Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ,
During the beginning of February, I had the opportunity to join with my brother bishops of New Jersey and Pennsylvania for our annual retreat. It is always encouraging to be with other bishops in a week of prayer and fellowship. This year’s director for our retreat was Bishop Frank Caggiano of Bridgeport who gave us wonderful input for our prayer reminding us of Jesus’ love for us and His desire for us to share that love with those we minister to.
Lent is only a few weeks off, starting with Ash Wednesday, March 5, and the retreat was a great preparation for Lent for me. Of course, we strive to pray each day, all year long, but retreat offers us a time to focus more on the Lord, our friendship with Him and our response to Him. Retreats build on the daily base of our relationship with Him, as we strive to live our
lives by “praying always” as Jesus told us, keeping our lives always rooted in Him, so that our times each day of prayer and charity build on that foundation.
I remember while I was serving in Rome as a priest, Pope Benedict once gave a great talk to us about Lent and how it relates to our lives all year long. He reminded us that “being Christian is not the result of an ethical choice or a lofty idea, but the encounter with an event, a person, which gives life a new horizon and a decisive direction … Since God has first loved us, love is now no longer a mere ‘command’; it is the response to the gift of love with which God draws near to us”.
Yes, Lent is a time for us to renew our encounter with Jesus through prayers, almsgiving and fasting, so that our lives become a response to Him, giving us the horizon of heaven each day. When we are able to keep this focus and not be distracted, we pray always and it changes everything: how we live our lives as priests, religious, and lay persons; in our marriages, with our families and friends, how we approach our work, how we spend our money, making sure we also use what God has blessed us with to express our gratitude to Him by our charity to our neighbors. The hallmarks of Lent, prayers,
2025 Lenten Obligations
1. The days of both fast and abstinence are Ash Wednesday (March 5) and Good Friday (April 18).
2. The other Fridays of Lent (Mar. 7, 14, 21, 28; April 4, and 11) are days of abstinence.
3. Fasting in the Roman Catholic tradition means to limit oneself to one full meal with two smaller meals which together do not equal the size of your full meal. The obligation of fasting applies only to Catholics between the ages of 18 and 59.
4. Abstinence in the Roman Catholic tradition means to abstain from eating meat (beef, chicken, pork, turkey, etc.). The obligation of abstinence applies to all Catholics who have reached the age of 14.
How to report abuse
If you were sexually abused by a member of the clergy or anyone representing the Catholic Church, or you know of someone who was, you are encouraged to report that abuse to local law enforcement, the New Jersey Division of Child Protection and Permanency at 1-877-NJ ABUSE (652-2873) or 1-800-835-5510 (TTY/TDD for the deaf), and also the Diocesan Response Officer at (908) 930-4558 (24 hours/7 days a week). Serving the Catholic community in Middlesex, Somerset, Hunterdon and Warren Counties The Catholic Spirit, P.O. Box 191, Metuchen, NJ 08840, Phone: (732) 529-7934, Fax: (732) 562-0969, e-Mail:
almsgiving and fasting, all help us to renew that way of living our lives, our faith. Usually in Lent we “give something up” or take on extra works of charity and prayer. We all might not be able to go away for a retreat, as I was blessed to do, but we can all make Lent a time of retreat for us by turning to Jesus, encountering Him more intentionally during these 40 days, which gives us a better horizon for throughout the year, always giving us the horizon of heaven.
This Jubilee Year of 2025 proclaimed by Pope Francis is focused on Hope, a Hope that does not disappoint, which is Jesus. Let’s make this Lent a special one for us by turning to Jesus more in prayer, making an effort to go to Mass more often, making a good confession and taking on works of charity.
Sometimes we can reduce “charity” to humanitarian aid. This Lent, we might recall that the greatest work of charity is evangelization. There is no action more beneficial – and therefore more charitable – towards one’s neighbor than to invite them or reintroduce them to Jesus. We all know people who need Jesus in their lives, who need Hope! Why not exercise charity in this way this Lent, inviting them to pray with us or come to Mass with us. What better gift could we give
someone than what we have experienced in our lives from our friendship with Jesus; what better way to give someone Hope which will not disappoint in their lives. We all know family members, friends or colleagues who need Jesus, who need Hope.
Just earlier this month, Pope Francis encouraged us all to be “missionaries of hope” who actively participate in the Church’s evangelizing mission through a “communion of prayer and action. I urge all of you to participate actively in the common evangelizing mission of the Church by your witness of life and prayer, by your sacrifices, and by your generosity,” the Pope shared.
I prayed for you all on my retreat and wanted to share this little reflection with you. I will be praying for you this Lent particularly. Know of my love, prayers and gratitude for you, and please remember to pray for me this Lent, too! God bless you.
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA Bishop of Metuchen
World Marriage Day: Building a culture of life and love
The vocation ministry in St. Thomas the Apostle Church, Old Bridge, celebrated World Marriage Day with a photo display of couples in the parish placed near the altar. At each Mass, couples were asked to stand and repeat their wedding vows. A special blessing was administered to each couple. Parishioners were greeted at the church entrance with a thoughful display of pictures colored by young parishioners. The observances of National Marriage Week (Feb. 7-14) and World Marriage Day (Sunday, Feb. 9) were an opportunity to focus on building a culture of life and love that begins with supporting and promoting marriage and the family. —Courtesy photos
1, 2, 3, 4 - During a pastoral visit to St. Catherine of Siena Parish, Pittstown, Bishop James F. Checchio celebrated Mass with concelebrant Bishop Emeritus Paul G. Bootkoski and blessed the new parish center. In a message to parishioners Salesian Father Chester Zalubski, pastor, wrote, “As we step into this new chapter in our parish life, let us remember that it is not the building itself that matters most, but the spirit of love and community that we bring within its walls.” —Hal Brown photos
6, 7 - On Thursday, Jan. 23, Bishop Checchio joined Woodbridge Mayor John E. McCormac and other officials and blessed the Nancy Bader Drumm Education Center. The Center, part of the “Our House” Community of central New Jersey, will serve up to 50 special-needs adults with cognitive, emotional and physical disabilities. The
Teen ‘Pilgrims of Hope’ regaled at St.
Timothy Award ceremony
By Christina Leslie Contributing Editor
Just one month after the start of this Jubilee Year, the Diocese of Metuchen was proud and grateful to gather a group of young Catholics who were local examples of what Pope Francis called “Pilgrims of Hope.”
Bishop James F. Checchio addressed the 56 teens seated before him in the Cathedral of St. Francis of Assisi Jan. 25 for the annual St. Timothy and St. Teresa Awards ceremony sponsored by the diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry. With admiration for their lengthy spiritual resumes and generosity of heart, he told the high school students, “You have been faithful witnesses to our Lord. You are in service to neighbor in proclamation to the Gospel [and] give us a model of Christian discipleship.”
The teens had been nominated for the awards by their pastors, principals, catechetical leaders and youth ministers for the ways they exhibited Christian leadership in their parish, school or community settings. Further, according to the office’s website, the teens were recognized for “living as disciples of Christ; setting a positive example for other youth; witnessing to their faith by exhibiting Catholic morals and integrity, and demonstrating Gospel values through service to others.”
During his homily, Bishop Checchio reflected upon the Gospel of Luke where Jesus charged 72 disciples to proclaim his Word, noting, “The harvest is abundant, but laborers are few.”
“It is challenging to love the Lord
with all your heart, soul and strength,” the Bishop admitted, “but Jesus did something beautiful for us, [saying] ‘Whatever you do for the least of your brothers and sisters, you did for me.’
“Thank you for all you do,” he said. “Thank you for your example you give to your younger brothers and sisters. We are fulfilling God’s will.”
Jay Donofrio, director of the diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry, dubbed the award winners “the heartbeat of the Church,” and explained the motivation behind the public declaration of gratitude for the teens’ faith-filled accomplishments.
“The service and good works that these youth perform… is very rare today,” Donofrio said. “Standing up for their faith in such a turbulent time is one reason they deserve to be highlighted. They need to know they are making a difference.”
He concluded, “These selfless teens are the future that will continue to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ, and every act of charity or kindness that they perform is a positive ripple in the ocean.”
Six of the St. Timothy award winners were bestowed with an additional honor: the St. Teresa of Calcutta Award. Those high school seniors had been selected for adhering to the saint’s example as witness to the faith and demonstration of Christian charity in service to the poor, lonely, sick and homeless. Bishop Checchio shared warm recollections of meetings with the future saint while he studied in Rome, calling her ”encouraging and uplifting.”
The 2025 St. Teresa of Calcutta Award winners are Katherine Byrne, Mount St.
Mary Academy, Watchung; Maxwell Corry, Sacred Heart Parish, South Plainfield; Owen Crum, St. Joseph High School, Metuchen; Joshua Gryzb, Blessed Sacrament Parish, Martinsville; Natalie Phelan, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Three Bridges, and Jocelyn Senkowski, Immaculate Conception Parish, Annandale.
The Bishop had further advice for the seniors in the congregation who would be leaving home to continue their education at colleges and universities. “Stay close to Jesus as you go forth,” he recommended. “Be smart, find the campus ministry and chapel.”
Echoing the instruction of Jesus to the 72 disciples who were about to go out and spread the Good News, Bishop Checchio implored them, “Pray first before you do anything else.”
At top, proud parents and parish representatives are anxious to snap a photo of Bishop James F. Checchio and the 56 St. Timothy / St. Teresa of Calcutta Award winners after the Jan. 25 ceremony sponsored by the diocesan Office of Youth and Young Adult ministry. The teens had been nominated for the awards by their pastors, principals, catechetical leaders and youth ministers for the ways they exhibited Christian leadership in their parish, school or community settings. Bottom, teens line up to greet the Bishop and receive his thanks for their service to the Diocese. —Mike Ehrmann photos
Pastors, teachers and youth ministers praise their award winners:
Jocelyn Senkowski
Immaculate Conception:
“She has a tremendous heart for service, which she does with great love. She excels at working with children with disabilities, and as an aide, and eventually a catechist, she has often been the face of Christ to these children who feel so loved by her, that their disabilities are all but forgotten as instead, they are focused on having fun learning about, and growing in relationship, with Jesus.”
Katherine Byrne
Mount Saint Mary Academy:
“Katie has shown a tireless commitment to guiding young people in their faith in her many roles: as a peer minister at Mount Saint Mary Academy, as an assistant director at Vacation Bible School, and as a youth volunteer at her parish’s Adaptive Family Faith formation group. Additionally, through the Girl Scouts, she has contributed to service projects that help veterans, mothers struggling with addiction, the homeless and the homebound.”
Adam Cagno
St. John Neumann, Califon:
“Rarely do I see a teen demonstrating such a strong commitment to his faith. Adam’s actions show his dedication to God as well as his passion to inspire other teens to expand their faith and deepen their connections with God.”
St. Timothy Winners
St. Timothy Winners
Tey-Jean Tamayo St. Francis Cathedral, Metuchen
Sophia Favuzza St. Francis Cathedral, Metuchen
Christopher Joseph Lawlor St. John Vianney, Colonia
Annabella DeRosa Our Lady of Perpetual Help, Bernardsville
Adrian Pelaez Parish of the Visitation, New Brunswick
Madison Ko Our Lady of Mercy, South Bound Brook
Lauren Ely St. Joseph, Hillsborough
Jimmy Higgins St. Joseph, Hillsborough
Avery Booth St. Mary, South Amboy
Emily Herrera St. Mary, South Amboy
Rooney Rodriguez St. Joseph, Carteret
Justin Soria St. Joseph, Carteret
Owen Crum St. Joseph High School , Metuchen
Andrew Hartong St. Joseph High School , Metuchen
Nicholas Berardi St. Magdalen de Pazzi, Flemington
Kevin Miller St. Magdalen de Pazzi, Flemington
Diane Yeo St. Matthew The Apostle, Edison
Francesca Maiorano Our Lady Of The Mount, Warren
To read additional comments visit
Maxwell Corry Church of the Sacred Heart, South Plainfield
Katherine Inigo Church of the Sacred Heart, South Plainfield
Nicholas Emery St. James, Woodbridge
Emily Bautista St. Joseph, Bound Brook
Noemi Moran-Martinez St. Joseph, Bound Brook
Brandon Gafanhao St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Edison
Brianna Romero St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Edison
Lucia Merendino St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Edison
Henry Williamson St. Elizabeth & St. Brigid Parish, Far Hills + Peapack
Brianna Almiron St. Elizabeth & St. Brigid Parish, Far Hills + Peapack
Anne Johnson Immaculata High School, Somerville
Arianna Sviderskis-Carroll Immaculata High School, Somerville
Brandon Trivino Our Lady of Victories, Sayreville
Justin Trivino Our Lady of Victories, Sayreville
Patrick Collins Queenship of Mary, Plainsboro
Rishona Akita Arul Queenship of Mary, Plainsboro
Theresa Angeles Queenship of Mary, Plainsboro
Ashton Bernaz St. James, Basking Ridge
Sophia Cinelli St. James, Basking Ridge
Dylan Sanchez Mary, Mother of God, Hillsborough
Alison Day Mary, Mother of God, Hillsborough
Natalie Phelan St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Three Bridges
Annarose St. Maurice St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, Three Bridges
Matthew Pizzelanti Blessed Sacrament, Martinsville
William Makowski St. Matthias, Somerset
Isabella Fama-Linn St. Matthias, Somerset
Daya Karakkatt St. Helena, Edison
John Varghese St. Helena, Edison
Katherine Byrne Mount Saint Mary Academy, Watchung
Finn Riely St. Mary Stony Hill - Watchung
Emma Dsouza St. Mary Stony Hill - Watchung
Crisgeily Hernandez Our Lady of Fatima, Perth Amboy
Top, Bishop Checchio congratulated all the winning teens before presenting them with rosaries (St. Timothy Award) or statues of St. Teresa of Calcutta. Bottom, acolytes lead the opening procession of the prayer service, a ministry in which many teen winners serve the Church.
Homeschool Ministry inaugural meeting a welcomed success
By Jill Kerekes Special Contributor
Members of some twenty different homeschooling families from the Diocese of Metuchen and surrounding areas attended the inaugural meeting of the diocesan Homeschool Ministry on the wintry evening of Jan. 14 at St. Theodore Church, Port Murray. Led by Father Gilbert Starcher, parochial vicar at St. Joseph and St. Luke parishes, North Plainfield, and coordinator of the diocesan Homeschool Ministry, the meeting served to clarify the mission of the ministry, foster a discussion about future ministry gatherings, and introduce the homeschooling parents to the Franciscan at Home ministry platform.
had surveyed each parish in the Diocese to determine how many homeschooling families exist and where they worship. He then presented a chart that summa
rized the survey information. According to the survey results, there are 112 homeschooled children in 55 families in 19 different parishes in the Diocese of Metuchen. He emphasized how important it is for each family to make their pastor aware of their presence.
Father Starcher outlined the mission of the Homeschool Ministry in detail.
First, the ministry exists to provide support for homeschooling families and parish co-ops. Father supplied a list of possible activities for the ministry, including several different trips and pilgrimages. The first two planned activities include an architectural tour of diocesan churches on St. Joseph’s Day, March 19, and a Seven Sorrows of the Blessed Virgin Mary devotional event on April 11.
Legal Defense Association.
Second, the ministry will serve as a resource for pastors and parish catechetical leaders as they work with homeschooling families in their parishes.
Third, the ministry will help homeschooled children discern and respond to God’s call to their vocations. As a product of a homeschooling family, Father Starcher will use his own experience as a means to guide and foster this aspect of the Homeschool Ministry.
odology for homeschooling parents and Catholic schools, is also available on the Franciscan at Home platform.
At the closing of the meeting, several parents expressed their thanks to Father Starcher and to Bishop James F. Checchio for the creation of the Homeschool Ministry. One mother voiced, “I am so happy that we are being noticed! This is wonderful!”
left, Father Gilbert
In addition to the activities and events geared toward children, potential activities for adults in the ministry include a homeschool curricula review and an in formational event about the Homeschool
As the meeting was winding down, Jill Kerekes, director of the Office of Discipleship Formation for Children, gave a brief overview of the resources available on the Franciscan at Home formation platform that may be of interest to homeschooling parents in particular, including workshops focused on the ministry of parenting and forming faith at home. In addition, the “Educating in
For more information about the diocesan Homeschool Ministry, contact Father Gilbert Starcher at gstarcher@
For more information about the Franciscan at Home formation platform, contact Jill Kerekes at jkerekes@
For those Homeschooling families who wish to be informed about upcoming events, enter contact information on the Homeschool Ministry distribution list , and
coordinator of the new diocesan Home School Ministry, addressed homeschooling parents at the Jan. 14 inaugural meeting. The priest, himself a former homeschooled student, shared strategies and a list of events geared towards children taught outside the classroom, as well as details of Franciscan At Home Ministry Planning. Center, parents shared their ideas and questions with Father Starcher and other homeschooling families. At right, Jill Kerekes, director of the Office for Discipleship Formation for Children, (at left) speaks with a parent.
CRS Rice Bowl Program marks 50 years of assistance to poor
Amina Bukar, a lead mother in Nigeria, shows a bowl of Tom Brown flour, a food supplement made up of yellow corn, soybeans, millets, groundnut and cloves. It is fed to malnourished children to aid their recovery. Amina and her family participate in Catholic Relief Services’ THRIVE project. She receives monthly food rations to supplement their feeding. —Photo by
box used to collect Lenten alms. It comes with a Lenten calendar that guides families throughout the 40 days of Lent with activities, reflections, stories and opportunities to put alms in their rice bowl. The bowl and calendar, distributed by parishes, dioceses and Catholic schools across the United States, are staples on the tables of Catholic families across the country each Lent.
sary, the Hispanic Chapter of CRS of the Diocese of Metuchen is available beginning this month to visit parishes and speak with the Hispanic community about this important Lenten initiative to promote solidarity with our brothers and sisters in need around the world.
This Lenten season, parishes throughout the Diocese of Metuchen will unite with faith communities worldwide as they participate in the CRS Rice Bowl program. Now celebrating 50 years of practicing the pillars of prayer, fasting and almsgiving, CRS Rice Bowl benefits
Catholic Relief Services, the relief and development agency of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, and its good works in more than 120 different countries. Since its inception in 1975, CRS Rice Bowl has raised more than $350 million.
A rice bowl is a simple cardboard
Seventy-five percent of gifts support CRS’ international humanitarian programs. Some examples include: agriculture projects to help farmers improve harvests; water and sanitation projects to bring clean water to communities; microfinance projects to support small businesses; mother and child health projects which offer health and nutrition services, and education projects to provide resources and training. The other 25% of Rice Bowl gifts collected in the Metuchen Diocese remain there and are given to hunger and poverty alleviation efforts locally.
In celebration of this 50th anniver-
Catholic Relief Services is the official international humanitarian agency of the Catholic community in the United States. It is motivated by the example of Jesus Christ to assist poor and suffering people in more than 120 countries on the basis of need, not creed, race or nationality. CRS is efficient and effective: in 2023, 94% of their expenditures went to CRS programming that benefits people experiencing poverty around the world, touching more than 210 million people.
For further information on CRS Rice Bowl, see
For more information about the diocesan Hispanic Chapter of CRS, please contact Luz Escobar at
—Hal Brown photos
Randy Radeno Haniel for Catholic Relief Services
Lifting up voices in support of life
On Jan. 24, 2025, tens of thousands of people from across the country gathered in our nation’s capital for the annual March for Life in commemoration of the 52nd anniversary of the Supreme Court decision in Roe v. Wade, which legalized abortion nationwide. Several busloads of parishioners and students from the Diocese of Metuchen traveled to Washington, DC, to join the crowd giving witness to the inherent dignity and worth of every human life.
On the local level, more than 100 people from across the Diocese met at St. James Parish, Woodbridge, and processed to a nearby abortion clinic to pray a Rosary for Life in solidarity with those at the national event. Despite the frigid temperatures, the mood of the group was peaceful and hopeful. While some passersby tooted their horns in a show of support, a few others shouted angrily at us, demonstrating their opposition to our cause. This served as a stark reminder that we still have much work to do to make abortion unthinkable. In his remarks at the end of the Rosary, Bishop Checchio thanked the crowd for their prayers and for advocating for life-affirming public policies. He also encouraged everyone to continue to support moms who are facing difficult and/ or unplanned pregnancies.
In June 2022, when the Supreme Court voted to overturn Roe in the Dobbs decision, pro-lifers across the land were overjoyed. Unfortunately, however, since then, the abortion debate has heated up to new levels. Since Dobbs, laws restricting or banning abortion have been passed in a number of states. At the same time, under the guise of “reproductive rights,” abortion advocates have made an urgent push to advance relentless and radical pro-abor-
tion legislation. There have been attempts to destroy or discredit the good work of pregnancy resource centers as well as the launch of a deadly misinformation campaign related to pro-life protections.
Even with the overturning of Roe, the most recent data from the Guttmacher Institute estimates that there were over one million abortions performed in the United States in 2023. According to the Center for Disease Control, 1 % of these occurred at 21 weeks gestation or later. That is approximately 10,000 late term abortions in one year. This is the equivalent of 139 completely full school buses. At 21 weeks, a baby in the womb can feel pain, respond to noises and practice breathing and crying. In fact, the earliest premature baby to survive outside the womb was 21 weeks.
When you consider that by the age of 45, as many as 1 in 4 women have had an abortion and a similar number of men and family members have been involved, it is no wonder that there is still a deep divide over this issue. The sad reality is that each abortion results in a death. Because it is an elective procedure – a “choice”- society offers no place for those involved to grieve. In her book, “Forbidden Grief”, psychotherapist Theresa Burke, Ph.D., draws on her experience with hundreds of clients and explores the obstacles to post-abortion healing. She reveals that suppressed feelings may be acted out in a variety of negative and self-destructive behaviors. Unspoken pain surrounds this issue and we are a wounded nation.
As we begin this 2025 Jubilee Year, Pope Francis encourages Christians to be “messengers of hope” and “to bring God’s light to our families and communi-
ties.” In a hurting world, each one of us is being called to be instruments of God’s love, forgiveness, reconciliation and communion. In the words of the Holy Father, “Let us not be afraid to throw open the bright windows of closeness to those suffering, of forgiveness, of compassion, of reconciliation.”
God’s loving mercy is great and for those who suffer grief, regret, shame or pain after an abortion experience, there is hope and healing. The Catholic Church has a post-abortion healing ministry called Project Rachel, which offers compassionate, non-judgmental, confidential professional counseling and spiritual guidance to women, men and families
From top: More than 100 individuals from across the Diocese met at St. James Parish, Woodbridge, Jan. 24 for the local observance of the March for Life. Faithful stood facing an abortion clinic as they prayed the Rosary in solidarity with those at the national event, including Bishop James F. Checchio. Jennifer Ruggiero, director, Office of Human Life and Dignity, addresses the crowd standing in frigid temperatures, including, from left, Cristina D’Averso-Collins, director, Office of Family Life; Bishop Checchio; Jay Donofrio, director, Office of Youth and Young Adult Ministry; Ruggiero, and St. James pastor Father Thomas Naduviledathu. At bottom, faithful cross Main Street and walk towards the abortion clinic to pray as motorists honked in support … or objection. —John Batkowski photos
who seek help. Those who want more information are invited to call the National toll-free helpline at 888-456-HOPE or visit, In addition, Dr. Burke is the founder of the Rachel’s Vineyard Retreat, a weekend that offers a safe place to renew, rebuild and redeem hearts broken by abortion. For more information, visit https://www. In this Jubilee Year of Hope, may Mary, star that leads to Jesus, help us to be shining witnesses of the Father’s unconditional love for everyone.
Jennifer Ruggiero serves as diocesan Secretary, Secretariat for Family and Pastoral Life, and director, Office of Human Life and Dignity.
There is never a reason for a Catholic to be without hope
The Jubilee Year 2025 encourages all Catholics to become active Pilgrims of Hope as we journey to our eternal home in heaven. We enjoy our path forward by virtue of who we are as children of God. We received this distinction on the day we were born-again through the waters of baptism. This great sacrament was the singular moment we became members of Christ’s Body; members of the Royal Family of Christ with Jesus Christ as Our Lord and King.
Many ask: What exactly do we celebrate during this Jubilee Year? Briefly, we celebrate 2025 years since Jesus Christ, “the eternal Word (of God) became flesh and made his dwelling among us” (John1:14). Sacred Scripture asserts: “We have seen his glory, the glory of the one and only Son, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth” (John 1:14).
The Jubilee Year is our opportunity to reaffirm our faith and to seek greater understanding of what we believe as hope-filled followers of Christ. I use the term “hopefilled” because, in the words of Saint John Paul II, “hope does not disappoint.”
The general theme of our Jubilee Year characterizes us as Pilgrims of Hope. This theological virtue of “hope” may be
the least understood of all the theological virtues. Through His teaching, Christ has given us hope in the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven and to eternal life with Him. Hope is an aspiration, a desire for God’s love and grace. It inspires us and grounds us. In the words of Saint Thomas Aquinas, “Hope is the sure and steadfast anchor of the soul.” Once we come to know and have faith in God we can begin to hope for His graces to help us persevere to the end. This is the reason why a Catholic can say with certainty: there is never a reason to be without hope!
Although the theological virtue of hope is the same word we use in ordinary language to suggest a kind of optimism they both have distinct differences. For example, we may hope to pass a college exam and/or may hope to find a lost object. Such hope, however, doesn’t have its foundation as a theological virtue. Hope in Christ, on the other hand, is a supernatural gift; hope of intercession from God the Father, a hope of “divine” strength and endurance that will aid us in striving towards the Divine Life.
The Athanasian Creed summarizes well the content of our hope in its teaching of the Church regarding the nature of Jesus Christ: “He is God from the substance of his Father, begotten before all ages; and man from the substance of his mother, born in time; perfect God, perfect man.” This is the mystery of the Incarnation: the eternal Word of God is incarnated or takes on flesh. St. John also
tells us, “God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life” (John 3:16). It is the Father who gives His Son, and also the Son, the suffering servant, who freely gives Himself unto death for the world’s salvation. This is what the first disciples, mostly strict Jews, witnessed and for which we hope as well.
The Catechism teaches the truth that we believe in God alone, only One God, not three or four or five. Various biblical passages explain that believing in God cannot be separated from believing in the One He sent, His “beloved Son,” (Matthew 17:5) in whom the Father is “well pleased” (Matthew 17:5). God (the Father) counsels that we “listen to him” (Matthew 17:5). As well, Jesus Himself said to His disciples: “Believe in God, believe also in me” (John 14:1). We believe in Jesus Christ because He is Himself God, “the Word made flesh” (John 1:14). “No one has ever seen God; only the Son, who is in the bosom of the Father, he has made him known” (John 1:18). Since He “has seen the Father,” Jesus Christ is therefore “the only one who knows him and can reveal him” (CCC 151).
The Catechism also explains that we “cannot believe in Jesus Christ without sharing in his Spirit” (CCC 152). Why such a teaching? Because, the Church teaches, “it is the Holy Spirit who reveals ... who Jesus is” (CCC 152) and the Spirit who gives us hope. As Saint Paul writes,
“no one can say ‘Jesus is Lord,’ except by the Holy Spirit” (1 Corinthians 12:3). Earlier St. Paul wrote: “No one comprehends the thoughts of God, except the Spirit of God” (1 Corinthians 2:11). We believe in the Holy Spirit because He is God. Like the Father and the eternal “Word made flesh” (Jesus Christ), the Holy Spirit always was and always will be.
In the Catechism and throughout Church documents, the Church talks about the Holy Trinity but never attempts to comprehend it fully. The fact is that it is never possible to do so through the use of reason. We need to accept the truth of the Holy Trinity as a mystery of the inner life of God, not something to be understood, but to be lovingly encountered, especially as the fruit of our prayer.
The Word made flesh, says the Catechism, “willed humanly in obedience to His Father all that He had decided divinely with the Father and the Holy Spirit for our salvation” (CCC 475). Thus, the love with which Christ, our divine Redeemer continually loves the eternal Father is, without exception, the way He loves “all human beings” (CCC 478). No doubt this perfect love made Him the perfect arbitrator to achieve humanity’s reconciliation to God. No wonder we are hope-filled and there is never a reason for a Catholic to be without hope.
Father Hillier serves as diocesan director, Office of Pontifical Mission Societies, the Office for Persons with Disabilities and Censor Luborum.
The season of grief can become the season of remembering
In caring for children, one thing becomes very apparent. They thrive with attention.
Attention is a sacred gift. “The moment one gives close attention to anything, even a blade of grass, it becomes a mysterious, awesome, indescribably magnificent world in itself,” wrote Henry Miller.
When we give this kind of attention to others, it becomes a gift of love, one that nourishes and nurtures and helps bring a person into full bloom. When we have this kind of love, our world holds all the beauty of a tended garden. When we don’t, life can become a cold, dreary night.
There was a time when I felt like my world had become an eternal winter, and I couldn’t see beyond the moment in time when my father died unexpectedly, leaving me alone to care for my mother, who was a hospice patient.
But time goes on. Today, it doesn’t seem possible that my father has been gone
30 years. Still, each year, as Valentine’s Day approaches, I am reminded of the last Valentine’s Day we spent together, him unconscious in a hospital bed, me in tears hoping that he could at least sense how much I loved him. He died the next day.
When I returned to their home that night and curled up in my dad’s muchloved recliner, I wondered how long it would be before my mom would die. Anticipatory grief. It’s as real as the grief we experience when we lose someone. My mom died a year later.
At some point, during the coming years, I came across the words of Paul Gallico, the author of “The Snow Goose,” one of my favorite books as a child: “When two people loved each other, they worked together always, two against the world, a little company. Joy was shared, trouble split. You had an ally, somewhere, who was helping.”
This was my relationship with my dad and my mom. Gallico’s words spoke to me, not only of what is ours when we are loved, when there is someone in our life who gives us the sacred gift of attention, but what we don’t have when that someone is gone, no matter what the reason. It is the aloneness of grief, the dark night of loss, the realization that you are
now a company of one.
When we suffer losses such as these, we often look for reasons why. But, in all honesty, no reason could console us or take away the terrible hurt and emptiness we feel. We may cling to our faith in these inconsolable times, but even faith doesn’t erase the pain.
I have found that the only way through it all is to consider grief a sea son of life, a season of loss that ebbs and flows and forever changes who we are. We never learn about it in school, but life will teach us and Scripture can guide us:
with love
season during the autumn. When the time and conditions are right, new life will spring forth from roots and seeds hidden from our sight.
It is that way with grief, as well. There will be a time of new life and a time of remembering, with gratitude for the gift of love that was, and still is, ours.
“ To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven:
A time to be born, and a time to die;
A time to plant, and a time to pluck up that which is planted;
A time to kill, and a time to heal;
A time to break down, and a time to build up;
A time to weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance. …”
The writer of Ecclesiastes under stood there is divine wisdom in all of God’s creation, and that we must em brace that wisdom in our own lives as well. The garden in winter is not dead, just dormant, having prepared for this
—Aurel Manea photo
Celebrating Catholic Schools Week
in the Diocese of Metuchen
The Diocese of Metuchen was proud to celebrate Catholic Schools Week 2025 with the inspiring theme, “United in Faith and Community,” beautifully aligned with the Vatican Jubilee Year, “Pilgrims of Hope.” This week-long celebration was a time to honor the remarkable achievements of our students, the unwavering support of our parents, the dedication of our staff, and the enduring commitment to academic excellence and spiritual growth that defines our Catholic schools.
Catholic Schools Week is an annual tradition that highlights the unique role Catholic education plays in nurturing the hearts and minds of students. This year, as we journey through the Jubilee Year declared by Pope Francis, we reflect on our shared mission as “Pilgrims of Hope,” walking together in faith, love, and service. The theme, “United in Faith and Community,” underscores the strong bonds that connect our schools, families, parishes, and the broader community in the Diocese of Metuchen.
Our students are the heartbeat of Catholic education. Throughout Cath olic Schools Week, we celebrated their academic achievements, spiritual growth, and commitment to living out Gospel values. From pre-kindergar ten to high school seniors, students in the Diocese of Metuchen excel not only in the classroom but also in their dedication to service, leadership, and faith formation.
This year’s celebration was filled with special activities and events designed to highlight the dynamic and faith-filled environments of our schools. Open houses welcomed prospective families, showcasing the vibrant academic and spiritual life within our classrooms. Career Day programs and guest speakers inspired students with stories of vocation, leadership, and service. Vocations awareness activities encouraged students to consider how God may be calling them in their own lives.
Students and staff came together for friendly competition in student-staff volleyball games, fostering school spirit and camaraderie. School Masses were central to the week, providing moments of reflection, gratitude, and community prayer. Gratitude and Giving activities encouraged students to express thanks and engage in acts of service, living out the values of the Jubilee Year.
Academic competitions such as the Spelling Bee, Bible Bee, and Geography Bee challenged students to showcase their knowledge, critical thinking, and public speaking skills. These events not only promote academic excellence but also build confidence and a sense of accomplishment among participants. Guest readers visited classrooms to share inspiring stories, emphasizing the joy and importance of reading.
Catholic Schools Week is also a time to express profound gratitude to our parents, educators, and staff who make Catholic education possible. Special appreciation events, including parent breakfasts and staff recognition ceremonies, honored their invaluable contributions. Their dedication, sacrifices, and unwavering support are the foundation upon which our schools thrive.
As we celebrated Catholic Schools Week 2025, we were reminded of the profound impact Catholic education has on individuals, families, and communities. The Diocese of Metuchen stands united in faith and community, inspired by the Jubilee Year and committed to nurturing the next generation of leaders, thinkers, and disciples. May this week of celebration deepen our gratitude, strengthen our bonds, and renew our shared mission as “Pilgrims of Hope,” walking together in the light of Christ.
Barbara Stevens, Secretary for Catholic Schools
Joseph Diskin, Superintendent of Schools
Sister Mary Lou Shulas, MPF, Director of Curriculum
Saint Joseph High School, Metuchen
St. Helena School, Edison
St. Thomas The Apostle School, Old Bridge
St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Edison
Immaculate Conception School, Spotswood
Mount Saint Mary Academy, Watchung
St. James School, Basking Ridge
St. James School, Basking Ridge
St. Francis Cathedral School, Metuchen
St. Thomas Aquinas High School, Edison
Saint Joseph High School, Metuchen
Immaculata High School, Somerville —Photo by Caroline Duffey ‘26
St. Thomas The Apostle School, Old Bridge
St. Helena School, Edison
Assumption Catholic School, Perth Amboy
Assumption Catholic School, Perth Amboy
St. Francis Cathedral School, Metuchen
St. James School, Basking Ridge
NJ nonpublic schools deserve full-time nurses too
By EmmaLee Italia, Contributing Editor
Nursing services in New Jersey nonpublic schools are not guaranteed, thanks to budgetary language, lack of available candidates and underfunding. To that end, an Action Alert has been issued by the New Jersey Catholic Conference, the public policy arm of the bishops of New Jersey, to encourage concerned residents to advocate for increased funding.
“We are asking for a $20 per-pupil increase to $150,” said Dr. George V. Corwell, director of the NJCC Office of Education. “This increase will go a long way to help us reach our ultimate goal to have a full-time nurse in every school.”
Gov. Phil Murphy is scheduled to give his FY 2026 Budget Address on Feb. 25. The NJCC hopes through its Action Alert to give parents an opportunity to voice their desire to have a full-time, state-funded nurse in every school, including New Jersey Catholic schools. Parents are also encouraged to attend the state legislature’s budgetary hearings between now and May, before the budget is approved in June.
The current per-pupil allotment of $130 has not kept up with additional legislative requirements of school nurses, say NJCC representatives. These requirements –administration of certain medications and a nurse’s role as a first responder in school emergencies – have made it “increasingly difficult for nursing services providers to find candidates for these positions, with the result that a portion of the allocation gets returned to the state,” the NJCC Action Alert notes.
The additional $20 per pupil would help cover the increased cost of nurses’ salaries and equipment – a contributing factor to the shortage of available candidates because providers are unable to pay enough at the current amount. In contrast, public schools receive a combination of state funding which permits the presence of a nurse in the public school building during the time that school is in session.
“Our efforts to extend the amount available for nursing services is also hampered by the Department of Education’s requirement that an RN (registered nurse) be used,” the NJCC’s talking points explain, “when the duties for nonpublic nurses … indicates that the presence of an LPN (licensed practical nurse) would be sufficient. There is a significant difference between the hourly rate charged by providers for an RN as opposed to an LPN.”
For the first time in the state’s 2024 budget, Murphy set aside $10.8 billion to fully fund the School Funding Reform Act, which gives underfunded districts financial support on top of local taxes – an $832 million increase from the prior year. The budget also included $109 million for the state’s universal pre-K program. NJCC representatives believe “that this effort represents an important point that should be stressed when making the appropriate ‘ask’ for nonpublic schools” when it comes to nursing services.
To contact Gov. Murphy about increasing the nursing budget, visit and click on Take Action Now, or call 609-292-6000.
EmmaLee Italia is a contributing editor for The Monitor, Diocese of Trenton.
Immaculata High School, Somerville — Photo by Hailey Stahl ‘26
Immaculate Conception School, Spotswood
Immaculate Conception School, Spotswood
Mount Saint Mary Academy, Watchung
Training for parish Hispanic music ministry groups builds skills, community
Pastoral Ministry at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center, Piscataway. This event was designed to provide musical training and deepen participants’ understanding of the role of music in worship.
On Jan. 18, some 200 musicians, including cantors, choir members, and music ministry groups from various parishes across the Diocese, were invited to participate in a day-long event that began early in the morning. The training was led by the OCP Institute, which is associated with Oregon Catholic Press (OCP), an organization dedicated to providing resources, training, and professional development for liturgical musicians. The workshop was conducted by Damaris Thillet, a talented singer and instrumentalist, and Iván Díaz, a musician and composer.
The presenters emphasized that the human voice is the greatest instrument and a gift from God, meant to praise him through song. During the workshop, the importance of adapting voices to the needs of the community, the acoustics of the worship space, and the liturgical context was highlighted. Key topics included breathing techniques for singing, the role of instrumentation in accompa-
St. Magdalen de Pazzi Parish in Flemington shared their experiences. Santos and Cristina Laines, a couple involved in the music ministry – she sings in the choir, and he plays the guitar – expressed how singing for the Lord has allowed them to discover hidden talents. They expressed their gratitude for the training, which provided them with new tools to enrich their ministry, including fresh song selections and better ways to accompany the congregation during Mass.
Juan and Idalia Laines, also from St. Magdalen de Pazzi Parish, are another couple committed to the music ministry. Juan plays the bass, while Idalia sings in the choir. They shared their joy in continuing to grow in their ministry with patience, support, and motivation, all in order to offer melodies to the Lord.
Ángel Rivera, a choir member, along with Sara Alfaro, Edith Hernández, and Génesis Ortiz, described the training day as an enriching experience. They highlighted the joy of sharing knowledge, exchanging ideas, and rehearsing together, affirming that music is a divine gift meant to glorify God.
Santos Cabrera and his two children,
saxophone, and his children, who sing in the choir, expressed their enthu siasm for sharing what they had learned with their community.
At the end of the day, Deacon Edgar Chaves, director of the diocesan Office of Hispanic Evangelization and Pastoral Ministry, thanked the parish music min istry groups for their participation and en couraged them to continue their formation and keep accompanying the communities with their music. Through these training sessions, participants have deepened their understanding of the role of music in the liturgy. They are now inspired to continue offering their talents in service to God and his people, recognizing that music is a powerful expression of our faith and a beautiful gift to honor Him.
new techniques but also sparked a sense of unity and commitment among partic ipants, as they reflected on the sacred purpose of their ministry.
musicians in a training session. Participants practice vocal exercises, and listen to presenter Iván Díaz, a musician, on-air personality and teacher who serves as director of Campus Ministry at St. Thomas University in Miami, Florida.
From top left, Damaris Thillet, director of the office of worship in the Archdiocese of Santa Fe, New Mexico, composer, musician, vocalist and
contributing artist, engages
—John Batkowski photos
Somerville parishioner first to earn diocesan Catechist Certificate
By Jill Kerekes, Special Contributor
Congratulations are in order for Nadine Burgos of Immaculate Conception Parish, Somerville, for fulfilling the requirements to earn the diocesan Series I Catechist Certificate. Burgos is the first catechist in the Diocese of Metuchen to complete the requirements for this certificate, which involved participation in three in-person training sessions at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center in Piscataway and the finishing of 11 workshops through the Franciscan at Home formation platform. As a busy 26-yearold professional working in the accounting field, Burgos dutifully dedicated approximately 40 contact hours to fulfill these requirements over a period of about two months, a testament to her desire for formation and her strong work ethic.
Burgos’ efforts reveal that she possesses an attitude described in 2020 Directory for Catechesis as an attitude of “docibilitas,” which is “the willingness to be touched by grace, by life, by persons in a serene and positive attitude toward reality in order to learn how to learn.” Catechists are called to understand themselves as people who are “always in formation and open to new things of the Spirit.” A response to this calling was evident in Burgos as she worked through the various certificate requirements with
a sincere openness. The experience was so fruitful and inspirational for Burgos that she is considering furthering her formation through one of Franciscan University of Steubenville’s on-line graduate programs in the future.
When asked what she liked about the Franciscan at Home platform specifically, Burgos responded that she really liked the “accessibility” of the platform in that the workshops can be taken using a phone, a tablet, or a computer, allowing for the flexibility needed to fit in with her busy schedule. She also felt like the platform was “easy to use” and that scrolling back and forth through workshops was very simple and straightforward.
Burgos felt strongly that working through the requirements for the Series I Catechist Certificate helped her to be a better catechist in that she was prompted to be “more Jesus focused” in the classroom. In addition, Burgos expressed that the experience helped her grow closer to Jesus and, in particular, she liked that many of the tasks in the Franciscan at Home workshops required “making time to sit with Jesus.” She felt a strong sense of the “Holy Spirit working through her” as she viewed the videos and worked through the assigned tasks of the workshops.
Burgos also acknowledged that she had become comfortable using the Catechism of the Catholic Church in a
way that she never had before because so many workshop tasks required its use. She also felt that the Franciscan at Home workshops expanded her knowledge of Sacred Scripture and appreciated the workshops that had Sacred Scripture as the primary focus.
Any catechist that is interested in following Burgos’s lead and working toward a diocesan Catechist Certificate is encouraged to sign up for the three in-person training sessions that are being offered at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center on successive Saturday mornings in March. In addition, all catechists in the Diocese of Metuchen are able to take advantage of the multitude of resources on the Franciscan at Home platform at any time, including the workshops that fulfill the requirements for the Catechist Certificates. This platform is available at no cost to all catechists and all those in ministry in the Diocese of Metuchen.
For more information about the diocesan Catechist Certificates, the in-person catechist training sessions being offered in March, and the Franciscan at Home formation platform, contact Jill Kerekes, Director of the Office of Discipleship Formation for Children at
Jill Kerekes serves as diocesan director, Office of Discipleship Formation for Children.
—Jill Kerekes photo
Knights, religious order unite to benefit Ukrainian refugees
By Christina Leslie Contributing Editor
A partnership between a Knights of Columbus council and a religious order known for its mission to serve the poor has resulted in a generous donation to Ukrainian refugees.
When Russia invaded Ukraine in February, 2022, the Knights of Columbus members of Commodore John Barry Council 2544 in Dunellen recognized the need to raise money to provide assistance to the huge number of refugees moving into Poland. Grand Knight Mario Fabella and chairperson Jim Whelan spoke to the council Chaplain, Father Paul DaSilva, about fundraising ideas and who should receive the donation.
The council, which supports the parishes of Our Lady of Fatima, Piscataway, and St. John the Evangelist, Dunellen, took the recommendation of Father Da Silva and decided to send the proceeds to
the Little Servant Sisters of the Immaculate Conception in Woodbridge.
The dedicated order was still functioning in Ukraine as well as in Poland, noted Whelan. “We knew all of the funds we raised would directly benefit the innocent victims being raised by the sisters,” he said. “I was very familiar with the sisters and their dedication since I had a relative who had resided at St. Joseph’s Home for Seniors in Woodbridge,” which is staffed by that religious order.
The council contacted Mother Dorata Baranowska of the Little Servant Sisters at their Motherhouse in Cherry Hill. She described the work her fellow sisters were doing and sent them photos of the sisters and refugees. Eager to help the less fortunate, the Knights publicized their fundraising plans in the church bulletins of their two parish homes, enlisted the cooperation of OLF pastor Father DaSilva and St. John the Evangelist pastor Father Alphonsus Kariuki, and set
Knights of Columbus Council an important supporter of local community
Mother Seton Council #15540 of the Knights of Columbus recently donated $500 to Quilts for Kids. The Council has supported this nonprofit for a decade. Quilts For Kids uses a nationwide network of volunteer quilters. The quilts are distributed to children suffering from trauma, abuse, serious illness or disasters. Children in the pediatric units of Central New Jersey hospitals have received these comforting gifts.
The Council also made a recent donation of $500 to Elijah’s Promise. This is the latest in a string of such donations over the years. Elijah’s Promise is a nonprofit which is centered in New Brunswick. This organization addresses the needs of the homeless, hungry and poor through a multifaceted approach. It runs a soup kitchen which serves over 30,000 meals per month coupled with a mobile delivery system which provides another 2,500 meals per month to those unable to get to the kitchen.
To help the unemployed, their Promise Culinary School is a New Jersey State Certified vocational school and job-training provider whose mission is to empower students and graduates with the skills, knowledge, and confidence to thrive in the culinary field.
dates for their fundraising efforts. Representatives of council 2544 conducted a collection drive before and after all the Masses on May 22, 2022, at Our Lady of Fatima, the photos of the sisters and refugees sent by Mother Baranowska on full display. The Knights stood outside St. John the Evangelist during the weekend of June 12. Generous parishioners of the two Catholic faith communities donated more than $9,000 during the collection weekends. Additional money continued to be sent to the Knights in the following weeks; the council collected funds to the refugees and donated a total of $10,715 to the Little Servant Sisters of the Immaculate Conception.
“This was one of the most successful fundraising campaigns ever,” stated Whelan, “primarily because people were moved and inspired by the photos of the Sisters giving direct assistance to refugees, the innocent victims of the conflict.”
“This was one of the most successful fundraising campaigns ever, primarily because people were moved and inspired by the photos of the Sisters giving direct assistance to refugees, the innocent victims of the conflict.”
Partnering with local health care providers, Elijah’s Promise provides vaccines and some health screenings to those in need. Additionally, Elijah’s Promise provides other social services and counseling to its clients including nutrition and healthy eating education to children and adults in the community. It also has a community garden. Finally, they also help with the clothing needs of the impoverished members of the community.
Mother Seton Council, a nonprofit fraternal organization, works throughout the year to raise funds for various nonprofit organizations in keeping with one of the three basic tenets of the Knights of Columbus, which is charity. The other tenets are fraternity and unity. The Council is open to new members are who are practicing Catholic men, and routinely meets at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Church, Three Bridges.
To learn more about Quilts for Kids visit To learn more about Elijah’s Promise visit www. To learn more about Mother Seton Council #15540 visit
Contributed by Ron Foster, director, public relations, Mother Seton Council #15540 KofC.
Top right, Knight Andrew Casella presenting a donation to Pam Fox, director of operations, Quilts for Kids. Bottom right, Knight Michael Schuler (right) presenting a donation to Chef Curtis McNair (left). —Courtesy photos
Claretian volunteer returns to Perth Amboy for diaconal ordination
By Deacon Patrick Cline Correspondent
David Gutierrez was a Claretian volunteer in the summer of 2012 when he met members of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, Perth Amboy. At that time, the friendships and spirit he encountered impressed him and created a long-term relationship with the parish and the people.
He returned to Perth Amboy as a seminarian in 2020-2021, during the pandemic, and found that same spirit continued. More than 12 years after his volunteer summer, he was ordained a transitional deacon, en route to priesthood, at Our Lady of Fatima.
The parish bulletin proclaims in both Spanish and English “Many Cultures, Only One Faith.” That variety of cultures and strength of the faith were evident as Bishop James F. Checchio of Metuchen ordained Gutierrez to the Order of Deacon at a bilingual Mass Nov. 6.
Concelebrants included Father Paul
Keller, provincial superior of the Claretian Province of USA-Canada; Claretian Father Francisco Javier Reyes, the province’s prefect of formation; Claretian Father Gilles Njobam, pastor; and priests from the Diocese of Metuchen and other Claretian communities.
In his homily, Bishop Checchio expressed his joy at being able to celebrate an ordination to the diaconate with the parish and said he was “certainly grateful to David for his response to the Lord.”
The Bishop said his prayer and the prayer of the entire Church is “that as you progress in your preparation for the holy priesthood, your life will be more and more conformed to the Gospel, and you will more clearly emulate the sacrifice that was celebrated on Calvary and is celebrated at every Mass.”
Bishop Checchio asked the congregation to pray that more men will answer the call to the priesthood.
“That is certainly what the Claretians pray for, more vocations for their order
and for the Diocese of Metuchen,” he said.
The Claretians, a worldwide congregation of missionary priests and brothers, have a commitment to serving the Hispanic communities in the U.S. and Canada, and the order has served the Catholic Latino community in the Perth Amboy area for more than 80 years.
Since Our Lady of Fatima was established in 1968, it has been under the care of the Claretian order.
Michelle Diaz has been a parishioner of Our Lady of Fatima her entire life and is a language arts teacher at Perth Amboy Catholic School. She said the parish feels like a family to her.
“When I am here, I feel that I am home. That is why I was so was pleased to be asked to be a lector at Deacon David’s ordination here, where he had served as part of his priestly formation,” she said.
The path to priesthood was not what Deacon Gutierrez imagined for his future. As a young man, he was part of a musical group that played classic and Spanish rock
music, and he aspired to be a rock star. But praying in front of the Blessed Sacrament in the tabernacle, he felt called to consider a different future and eventually to recognize a call to a priestly vocation.
Learning from that experience, his advice to others is, “If you are asking God to show you a direction in life, be sure that you are prepared and willing to follow the path the Lord has chosen for you.”
Before the final blessing, Juana González, who serves as the director of Claretian family vocations at the parish, expressed her gratitude for “this day of joy.”
She thanked Bishop Checchio, the Claretian leadership, and all who helped with the celebration. González thanked Deacon Gutierrez for accepting the Lord’s invitation and mentioned always being impressed by his continuing challenge to her and everyone to be true to one’s vocation. She prayed that the spirit of St. Anthony Claret would continue to inspire vocations and said, “Tonight we are all Claretians.”
The Mystical Rose in Columbia
An experience of sincere, faith-filled devotion to ‘last a lifetime’
Last month, I went to Medellin, to visit a friend who is fighting his third recurrence of colon cancer. In our correspondence, William spoke to me about visiting an outdoor shrine dedicated to Our Lady, Mystical Rose to which many pilgrims flock with their candles praying for various intentions but, mostly for healing. So, when I arrived in Colombia, I had to see this shrine with my own eyes.
This was perhaps the smallest outdoor shrine that I have ever seen, yet there were 50 to 100 pilgrims lighting candles, placing these along the shelves leading up to the outdoor altar and the beautiful statue of our Lady. Interestingly, the statue is the very same that depicts Our Lady of Lourdes, whose feast day was February 11.
As the reader surely knows, many people go to Lourdes on pilgrimage to pray for some kind of healing. Well, the fervor of these Colombian pilgrims was equal to what I saw in Lourdes but on a smaller scale. There were no processions while I was present. There were no groups singing hymns to the “Virgencita.” There
was a woman leading those present in the recitation of the Rosary.
In retrospect, and compared to my previous pilgrimages to Fatima and Lourdes, there was something about the faith of those in attendance that was very humbling. Like Lourdes and Fatima, Our Lady has come among the poor of Medellin and the surrounding areas. Her affinity for the genuineness and simplicity of the poor was replicated here as it was to St. Bernadette in Lourdes and to the poor shepherd children, St. Jacinta, St. Francisco and Sister Lucy in Fatima.
Many of these pilgrims were praying for loved ones who were hospitalized, paralyzed, in long term care facilities. They were asking the Blessed Mother to implore Jesus to heal their loved ones, many of whom cannot afford health insurance, and as such, they could not receive any medical treatment until the procedure was paid in advance.
There were diabetics who could not afford insulin. There were multiple disabilities which afflict the “Paisas,” as natives of the province of Antioquia are called. But their undying love for the Mother of God is profound. Even my friend who is receiving chemotherapy at San Vicente de Paulo Hospital insisted that we pay a visit between his treatments.
Like Lourdes and Fatima, there were many ceramic tiles affixed to the walls leading up to the encasement of Our Lady in gratitude to the Mystical
Learning to taste is the beginning
An artist once told me that it was only when she saw a still life with onions by Cézanne that she realized that she had never seen an onion. Now, this doesn’t mean that she had never met up with onions. She had peeled onions, sliced and chopped onions, cooked and eaten onions, but she had never SEEN an onion. She had never perceived an onion with that fresh, clear, first-time-in-my-life vision that allowed her to go out of her own thoughts, ideas and memories and stand in awe before the reality of something new and unknown.
This kind of seeing is natural to a child. Everything to a child is new and unknown. For a child, there is always the first time that they encounter an onion, a cat, a spider, an acorn, a pencil or a lipstick. There are innumerable new and unknown facets in this world into which they have been born, and exploration is natural. A child is a born
Rose for favors received. Some, who were waiting for their tiles to arrive, placed plastic placards with words of gratitude on the walls. It was obvious that whatever small or large miracles were experienced by these faithful or their loved ones, they knew instinctively to return to where their prayers began and offer words of thanksgiving to Our Lady, Mystical Rose.
Some of you reading this column might be led to believe that Mary granted these healings, employment, lodging, education and basic survival by herself.
of seeing
explorer because everything is new. Unfortunately, this gift of awe, this urge to explore what to us dull grownups is mundane, very quickly wanes. Familiarity probably doesn’t breed contempt, but it does all too easily breed indifference. I have seen enough spiders – and been taught by the grownups that spiders should be squashed – so that, when I meet one, instead of gazing at it and hoping that we can be friends, I just squash it. (Personally, having reached what may be called my second childhood, I don’t squash spiders. When I meet one outside, I leave it alone and let it go about its business, as
long as that business isn’t crawling up inside my sleeve. When I meet one inside the monastery, I tell it to go somewhere else before another Sister sees it.)
Jesus said that we must become like little children in order to enter the Kingdom of Heaven. There are many ways to interpret this, but I think that one of the interpretations is that we need to learn to wonder at reality, as a child does. Some artists and many children have the ability to see reality without the lenses of their own ideas and memories. That is why they often shock grownups with statements that the grownups would never dare think, much less express. With a child, as I have said, this direct vision is still natural, but an artist needs to recover it. So do believers. Jesus said that “no one can see the kingdom of God without being born from above.” We must become children to recover the vision of children.
A good way to begin is to practice tasting. The psalmist says, “Taste and see the goodness of the Lord.” When we learn to truly taste, we will more easily truly see. Tasting doesn’t have as many ideas and memories connected with it (though Marcel Proust would disagree with me!), and it is easier for us to step back and really taste that sip of coffee,
However, we should always remember that Mary intercedes on behalf of her children by bringing their petitions to the fruit of her womb, Jesus. He, alone, is Lord. He, alone, is the mediator of all grace. He, alone, is the Great Healer. It is Mary’s sole desire to bring her children to her Son, to unite the souls of all believers to the heart of the Redeemer, Jesus Christ. Why some receive healings and others do not remains a mystery.
Sometimes the healing that pilgrims desire, is not the healing that their loved ones need. Sometimes the healing comes in the form of peaceful acceptance of a terminal diagnosis, or in the form of forgiving God when a loved one dies, or in the form of gratitude for the way a deceased loved one left his or her mark on the hearts of caregivers.
My pilgrimage to the Shrine of Our Lady Mystical Rose was just that: mystical. It was not what I was expecting. It was not grandiose like Lourdes and Fatima. It was, however, sincere, faithfilled and an experience that brought this writer a sense of warmth, love and deep devotion, which will last a lifetime.
Father Comandini serves as diocesan coordinator of the Office for Ongoing Faith Formation.
that fresh peach, that luscious bite of fish or cheese or steak. To take the time to savor what I usually eat automatically will have an incredible effect on how I perceive life. Nothing will be ordinary, nothing will be mundane, because I am savoring a bite of reality and finding it immensely richer that I ever guessed. Usually, for Lent, we give up something that we like, and often it is food or drink or some stimulant. I think it would make for a new kind of Lent if, instead of giving up chocolate or whiskey or whatever, I take the time and make the effort to taste it, slowly, perceptively, focusing on it as I enter into it even more than letting it enter into me. It will be a discovery to find if and how this willingness to savor changes me by the time I get to Easter. I may well find that, by truly tasting, I will truly see “that the Lord is good.”
Sister Gabriela of the Incarnation is a member of the Discalced Carmelites order in Flemington. Learn more at www.
Still Life with Onions by Paul Cézanne (1839–1906) / From Wikimedia Commons
—Father Glenn Comandini photo
Marriage: Beacon of Hope
By Cristina D’Averso-Collins Special Contributor
Recently, the Holy Father proclaimed 2025 as the Jubilee Year of Hope. In his Papal Bull, Spes Non Confundit, Pope Francis expressed his desire that this year “help us to recover the confident trust that we require, in the Church and in society, in our interpersonal relationships, in international relations, and in our task of promoting the dignity of all persons and respect for God’s gift of creation.”
As I reflect on these words in light of my own experience preparing couples for marriage, I am struck by how truly necessary the virtue of hope is for marriage. Our culture is pervaded by a profound hopelessness and certain cynicism with respect to lasting marriage. Indeed, one need not look far for examples of family brokenness which create a deep legacy of woundedness. With so few positive examples, young people often question whether marriage is, in fact, worth undertaking at all. It is therefore helpful to reflect on what the recovery of hope might look like for the future of Catholic marriage.
Primarily, Pope Francis speaks of “confident trust,” a requirement for any healthy relationship, as the key to hope. This is often most difficult as young adults, already wary of trust, frequently are led into behaviors which only increase skepticism. Chief among these is a period of “trial marriage” or cohabitation prior to marriage.
‘Church must have a lasting impact on marriages and families’
This common and culturally-accepted practice has been the subject of several years of study and research. Based on nearly every metric, the practice not only fails to live up to its intention of “getting to know another person,” but also contributes to negative effects such as poorer communication and increased risk of divorce in many cases. This is not to blame or shame anyone. In fact, all of the couples my husband and I meet with have the best of intentions.
Most cannot think of a reason for the Church to disapprove of cohabitation and have never received any pushback from family, friends or relatives. When we talk with them and listen to their reasons, we are often struck by how badly-needed a voice of hope for the future truly is among young adults. This hope
The Earth Dome, a gigantic inflatable earth balloon standing 19-feet high and 22-feet in diameter, is made of 24 huge panels silkscreened with photographs shot from satellites of the surface of the world on cloud free days. According to the website, it has been used extensively across the United States to educate students about geography as well as environmental issues.
Once assembled, the Earth Dome allows for up to nine half-hour presentations both inside and outside the balloon for 35 to 45 students (depending on grade level) and one teacher. The presentations are designed to help students understand the scale of concepts such as continents, time zones, latitude, longitude, and more. These topics are presented to each class at the appropriate grade level.
must be expressed through an assurance that trust in another person is not only possible, but necessary for lasting love.
As we allow another human being to reveal him or herself to us, we patiently trust that God will guide this process of discovery and enable us to see whether or not the other has the requisite virtues for a marriage partner. This requires an objectivity that cannot be gained when lives are so entwined and we must not be afraid to proclaim this truth.
This brings me to my second, and perhaps most fundamental point. We, as a Church, can and must have a lasting impact on marriages and families. As we lament the current cultural state of marital and pre-marital practices, we must recognize that formation for marriage begins long before dating or engagement.
The Church rightly identifies the periods of infancy, childhood and adolescence as being the times when crucial “remote preparation” for marriage takes place (Pontifical Council for the Family, “Preparation for the Sacrament of Marriage”). This is due to the fact that at these times the Christian conscience, character and virtue develop. It is here that families and the wider Church community have the greatest opportunity to inculcate a spirit of hope among young people. We do this, to echo Pope Francis, by promoting awareness of the dignity of all persons.
Knowing that we are loved by and can trust in a personal God is the first step toward believing that this is possible in interpersonal relationships. Hoping in something bigger than ourselves is what enables us to recognize the inherent worth of every human life and frees us to trust. Of course, this is not to say that all risk can be mitigated, for marriage is as much an act of faith as it is a sign of hope. We will never be able to anticipate all that may occur in marriage to test and challenge us.
However, the cost of fear and cynicism is likewise high. As Christians, we must constantly renew our commitment to hope in the Lord and thereby proclaim to the world that in him our strength will be renewed, and we will “run and not grow weary” (Isaiah 40:31). May our young people not grow wearied by the cynicism of the world and may our marriages shine as the beacon of Christ’s love and hope for the world!
Cristina D’Averso-Collins serves as diocesan director, Office of Family Life.
‘Jubilee Case’ offers glimpse of Holy Years throughout Church history
By Christina Leslie Contributing Editor
Father James E. De Fillipps Special Contributor
Visitors to St. Magdalen de Pazzi Parish may now view artifacts of Holy Years throughout Church history without ever leaving the narthex. The Flemington church is the home of a Jubilee Case, a curio cabinet filled with a wide variety of items enabling faithful to take a mini-pilgrimage and learn more about Church roots.
Red tiles mounted on the walls give an explanation of Holy Years and point the visitor towards the treasures inside the tall cabinet. Father James De Fillipps, pastor,
St. Magdalen de Pazzi Parish, Flemington, invites faithful to view their Jubilee Case, a curio cabinet housing mementos recalling Jubilee Years throughout Church history. Memorial plates, medals, stamps, pictures and Holy Door tiles are among the items on loan to the church on display in the narthex.
—Hal Brown photos
noted all the display items were on loan to the parish by its weekend assistant, Msgr. Robert F. Coleman, JCD, Rector Emeritus of Immaculate Conception Seminary at Seton Hall University, South Orange.
Perched prominently on one of the shelves is the medal and memorial plate from the Jubilee Year 1950, which was of great importance for the pontificate of Pius XII. Five years after the end of World War II, it represented the real conclusion of the conflict for Pope Pius XII.
On May 26, 1949, the Holy Year of 1950 was proclaimed with the Bull Jubilaeum Maximum. It was during the Jubilee celebrations Pope Pius XII proclaimed the dogma of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary into Heaven and transformed the College of Cardinals; under this Pope’s vision, the College of Cardinals decreased in the number of Italian Cardinals while increasing in representation of cardinals from other nations.
The 1975 Jubilee Year memorial plate, issued during the pontificate of Paul VI, also finds a temporary home in the curio cabinet. The year, dedicat-
ed to renewal and reconciliation, was announced with the Bull Apostolorum Limina of May 23, 1974, and became the first Jubilee to be broadcast worldwide. Also present in the cabinet are a Jubilee Medal, an image of the Holy Door of the Papal Basilica of St. John Lateran, and one of the tiles of the Holy Door at St. Peter’s Basilica.
Philatelists will appreciate the multiple “Anno Sancto” Holy Year stamps produced by the Vatican. (The envelope resting flat upon the shelf is from the Holy Year of 1983.) With the Bull Aperite Portas Redemptori, Jan. 6, 1983, John Paul II proclaimed a Jubilee to celebrate the 1950th anniversary of the death and resurrection of Jesus.
The Jubilee contains numerous mementos of the “Great Jubilee” of 2000, proclaimed by Pope St. John Paul II with the Bull Incarnationi Mysterium, on Nov. 29, 1998. During this year, the pope made several pilgrimages and symbolic gestures not included in the usual celebratory practices, including a public request for forgiveness for sins com-
mitted in history and the publication of Martyrology of Christians killed in the 20th century.
One of the main events of the Jubilee Year 2000 was the World Youth Day in Rome in which more than two million young people participated. The Pope also made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land, encouraging dialogue between the Catholic Church, Islam and Judaism. The Jubilee Case contains medals and an image of the St. Peter’s Basilica Holy Door.
Pictures of all the Holy Doors being opened for the present Jubilee 2025, when faithful were urged to become Pilgrims of Hope, also include Pope Francis opening the Holy Door of Rebibbia New Complex Prison, Rome, the first time in history such an institution was visited for that purpose.
The Jubilee Case is available for viewing in the narthex during normal business hours; the office may be reached at 908-782-2922. St. Magdalen de Pazzi Church is at 105 Mine Street, Flemington.
Father De Fillipps serves as pastor, St. Magdalen de Pazzi Parish, Flemington.
to the following Sisters of Mercy who are celebrating their jubilees this year in the Diocese of Metuchen:
Sr. Margaret McHugh, RSM 75 years
Sr. Maria Cordis Richey, RSM 75 years
Sr. Mary Teresa Gentili, RSM 70 years
Sr. Mary Catharine Sullivan, RSM 70 years
Sr. Dorothy Jancola, RSM 70 years
Sr. Janice Edwards, RSM 60 years
Share the mission of Mercy
February 2, 2025
My dear Sisters and Brothers in Consecrated Life, Blessed World Day of Prayer for Consecrated Life and doubly blessed this Jubilee Year, the year of grace!
You, who are our Anchoress, Consecrated Virgins, Nuns, Sisters, Brothers, and Priests, have enriched our Diocese of Metuchen in countless ways by both your prayers and good works. Together you illumine the Father’s love and His plan of salvation for humanity. In your calling, charism and varied missions, you accompany people, showing them how to be pilgrims who press forward steadfast in hope, the hope that does not disappoint.
Our local church of Metuchen joins me today in offering prayer of praise and thanksgiving to our heavenly Father for you. With every sacrifice you make you lift high the cross of Christ, proclaiming His love anew. May you receive the grace to experience the meaning of this Jubilee Year fully and to know the immense joy of this 2025 World Day for Consecrated Life.
In your kindness, please continue to pray for me that I remain the shepherd you need and deserve. Also, please continue to pray to our Lady of Guadalupe for our diocese as we renew our consecration to her. Lastly, be assured of my prayers and gratitude for you always.
With renewed best wishes, I remain
Yours in Christ,
Most Reverend James F. Checchio, JCD, MBA Bishop of Metuchen
Sister Margaret McHugh, RSM
The daughter of Joseph and Florence Richey, Mercy Sister Maria Cordis
Richey was born and raised in Princeton. She attended the town’s St. Paul School and Mount Saint Mary Academy, Watchung, both staffed by the Sisters of Mercy. She earned an associate’s degree from Georgian Court College, now University, Lakewood, and entered the religious order in 1950.
Sister Maria continued her education at Fordham University, Bronx, N.Y., earning master’s and doctoral degrees in medieval and Renaissance literature. Meanwhile, she taught for five years in St. Mary High School, Perth Amboy.
Her assignment to Georgian Court College in 1957 began her collegial teaching ministry, which lasted more than five decades. She became a professor and chair of the English department, a position she held for 33 years; in 1974,
Mercy Sister Mary Terena Gentili is one of two daughters born to Dante and Clara Gentili in Trenton. She received her education at that city’s St. Joachim Elementary School and Cathedral High School, graduating in 1951.
Impressed by the devotion shown by the Sisters of Mercy at her high school, and their work with the poor and sick, she decided to research the order and worked for a few years before entering the order as a postulant. Sister Terena entered the Sisters of Mercy in Watchung
she was appointed president of the Mercy-run university.
During her six-year tenure as head of the university, Sister Maria led the establishment of its first master’s degree programs. She also initiated the GCU’s co-educational evening undergraduate programs. Under her direction, several new majors were approved by accreditors.
Sister Maria is well known for her poetry; her work has appeared in literary reviews and magazines for many years in the United States, Ireland and New Zealand. She is also an accomplished gardener who specializes in roses.
Following her term as president, Sister Maria continued to teach courses in the English department until her 2011 retirement to Gabriel Hall at Mount Saint Mary.
Georgian Court University continues to recognize their former leader: they granted Sister Maria an honorary Doc-
in 1955 from St. Joachim Parish.
Sister Terena earned her bachelor of arts degree in elementary education at Georgian Court College (now University), Lakewood and began her ministry teaching the primary grades in Atlantic City. Over the next 30 years she taught at the parish elementary school in Bordentown, Diocese of Trenton, and Diocese of Metuchen schools in Perth Amboy, Bound Brook and Phillipsburg.
Back in the Trenton Diocese, she arrived at St. Paul School, Princeton,
Sister Maria Cordis Richey, RSM
in 1990 where she taught second grade, reading enrichment to all primary grades and served on the professional staff. She was a member of the staff until 2019 when her order left the parish for the last time after 137 years of service. Her devotion to the school, parish and families of Princeton was legendary.
By Christina Leslie Contributing Editor
tor of Letters degree at the 2016 undergraduate exercises, and during the fall of last year, the university christened the new Sister Maria Cordis Richey Center for the Humanities and Creative Arts at Georgian Court University. It serves as a vibrant hub for the humanities and creative arts, elevating their profile throughout the university; offers undergraduate students support and resources for research, creative projects, and experiential learning opportunities, and coordinates support for faculty teaching and research, fostering collaboration across disciplines and within the humanities and creative arts.
ister Mary Catharine Sullivan, the daughter of Edward and Nora Sullivan, was born in South Amboy. Her early education began at St. Teresa Elementary School in Woodside, N.Y. and continued at St. Agnes Academy, College Point, N.Y. Returning to New Jersey, she graduated in 1955 from Georgian Court College (now University), Lakewood, with a bachelors degree in Spanish. The following September, Sister Catharine entered the Sisters of Mercy in Watchung, from St. Mary Parish, Plainfield.
Sister Catharine spent her first years in ministry at Mount St. Mary Academy as a secondary teacher. Following her first profession, she was among the first Sister faculty members of Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville. Returning to Georgian Court as an assistant profes-
sor of Spanish in 1965, she began a series of positions including Dean of Women, Director of Academic Affairs, Director of Evening Division and Dean, School of Arts and Sciences. In addition to her administrative duties, Sister Catharine never gave up her teaching responsibilities and enrichment programs for her students.
In 2015 Sister Catharine moved to Mount St. Mary, closing a 50-year span of dedicated and loyal service to the university she loved so well. In 2017 she moved to McAuley Hall Health Care Center, where she participates in the wonderful activities offered there.
By Christina Leslie Contributing Editor
Compiled by Christina Leslie, contributing editor, with information contributed by Mercy Sister Patricia Kenny.
Sister Mary Terena Gentili, RSM
Sister Mary Catharine Sullivan, RSM
Sister Frances Gervasio knew from a very young age that she wanted to emulate her mentors and enter religious life as a Religious Teacher Filippini. Born and raised in Trenton, she attended St. Joachim School there, and later Villa Walsh Academy, both served by the Religious Teachers Filippini. A daughter of Vincenza and Tamarro Gervasio, she was one of 13 children, seven of whom are still alive.
“I chose to follow the Filippinis in grammar school,” she said. “I did a lot of work alongside them – I watched the children in the classrooms, I worked in the convent. Seeing how lovingly they worked with children, I was enticed to join them.” Sister Frances entered the convent in March 1955 and professed her vows in August 1958. She first taught in Newark in a Catholic elementary school, and then went on to study at St. Elizabeth College in Convent Station.
Her career as a teacher took Sister
Frances to Catholic schools in the Oranges and Garfield in the Archdiocese of Newark, and later to schools in the dioceses of Trenton, Camden and Metuchen.
When her teaching career ended 25 years ago, Sister Frances began ministry to the sick and homebound. Always affiliated with a local parish, she has worked in Long Branch, Merchantville, New Brunswick, and now at St. Ann Parish in Raritan.
“People are so happy when I come, but I tell them, ‘You don’t know what you do for me!’” she said. “They are waiting for you.” Days can be long, she said, but “You are never tired of it, because you know the good you are doing.”
Although she professes that her greatest joy in her vocation has come from teaching and from ministering to the sick, she notes that she loved the very young children, who she affectionately called her “shooka nooka pootchas.”
Sister Frances has a brother, a priest
Sister Dorothy Jancola, RSM
Sister Marianne McCann, MPF, knew she wanted to teach as a young girl.
Her greatest joy as a Religious Teacher Filippini has been the ability to pursue her childhood dream in a Catholic environment where she has had the opportunity to be part of the spiritual formation of young people for over 60 years.
For the vast majority of that time, Sister Marianne served as a teacher and later an administrator at Paul VI High School in Haddonfield, New Jersey, from which she retired after 21 years as principal in 2022. Earlier in her career, she served as a teacher at Catholic schools staffed by the Religious Teachers Filippini throughout the Archdiocese of Newark from north to south, including St. Peter School in River Edge, St. Anthony School in Belleville and St. Bartholomew School in Scotch Plains before ultimately arriving at Paul VI in 1974.
Sister Marianne, who today serves as Councilor of the St. Lucy Province of the Religious Sisters Filippini, celebrates her 65th jubilee this year. Born as one of three children to Dorothy and William McCann in Brooklyn, New York, Sister Marianne entered religious life in August 1960 and was professed in 1963.
– Monsignor Thomas Gervasio, the vicar general in the Diocese of Trenton and pastor at Our Lady of Sorrows-St. Anthony Parish in Hamilton. “Our parents were very religious, giving people,” Sister Frances recalls, “who always showed love, and were always there for us, although they worked very hard.” Although her father did not encourage her vocation, he was very proud to be the parent of both a religious sister and a priest.
Sister Frances prays her favorite prayers, the Our Father and the Hail Mary, “for my children, all my seniors, all the sick, my family, and always for our sisters’ priests.” But in her ministry, where she serves those who sometimes have no one else to visit, “I pray for them, and for others who help people,” she concluded.
By Susan Odenthal, Correspondent
MThe Religious Teachers Filippini at St. Bernadette School in Brooklyn were her first exposure to religious life, and in particular, Sister Almerina Viscelli “was a role model and very influential in my choice of a vocation,” Sister Marianne explained. She began her pursuit of her vocation as a teen and attended Villa Walsh Academy in Morristown. She later attended Seton Hall University in South Orange.
Sister Marianne has been recognized for service to the Catholic Church with the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice medal, and service to the Diocese of Camden with Meritorious Service to the Church of Camden Award.
ercy Sister Dorothy Jancola, the second of eight children of Peter and Josephine Jancola, was born in Perth Amboy. She received her elementary and secondary education from Sisters of Mercy teachers in South Amboy’s St. Mary Parish Elementary School and St. Mary High School, and graduated from high school in 1955.
Sister Dorothy received both degrees in the subject of mathematics: her bachelor of arts from Georgian Court College (now University), Lakewood, and a master’s degree in math education from Trenton State College (now The College of New Jersey), Ewing.
As she retired from her role as principal at Paul VI, Sister Marianne explained to the local Catholic newspaper her long devotion to the formation of students in Catholic schools, saying, “They are the future Church, the future community, the future government.” As a former teacher and now a catechist and volunteer at St. John Vianney Parish in Colonia, she prays daily that “there are young men and women eager to answer the call to a spiritually rich and rewarding ministry.”
By Susan Odenthal, Correspondent
From 1957 to 1996, she taught math in junior high grades in Camden and Phillipsburg, followed by terms in Cathedral High School, Trenton, (where she also served as assistant principal), and Notre Dame High School, Lawrenceville.
In 1980, Sister Dorothy began her ministry as pastoral associate in St. George Parish, Titusville. About her busy and diverse job, she once said, “I feel most blest when I share in the lives of our families in joyous as well as sad occasions.”
By Christina Leslie Contributing Editor
Sister Frances Gervasio, MPF
Sister Ella Mae McDonald is celebrating her 65th year as a Religious Teacher Filippini.
Born in Sayre, Pennsylvania, in 1940, one of 14 children of Leo and Ella Mae McDonald, she went to work at a dress factory after high school, and had not contemplated a vocation. “It came and went,” she said. “But my father had trained us to care for others – to carry the older neighbors’ groceries, to help people when they needed it. I taught catechism from the age of 16.”
“At some point, I said, ‘I can give my life to God,’” she recalled. Her father didn’t take it quite as seriously as Sister Ella Mae - he told her to go ahead, but cautioned that, “With your Irish, you’ll be back!” Defying his prediction, Sister Ella Mae has for more than six decades found
The seeds to a life of service to the Lord were planted deep within the future Brother of the Sacred Heart Richard Leven, an adoptee from a Philadelphia-area orphanage. His parents Harry and Mary had a strong devotion to the Sacred Heart, and, the youngster recalled, “I can still remember the day [when] our house was consecrated to the Sacred Heart. We also had a statue of the Blessed Mother in our backyard, and we had the daily routine of praying the family rosary.”
A fortuitous visit to his grammar school, St. Joseph in Warrington, Pa. from Brother of the Sacred Heart George Woodburn struck a chord in the young adoptee; pictures of the Brothers working with orphans moved his heart and led his procession of his first vows in the Brothers Chapel on the campus of St. Joseph High School, Metuchen, on Aug. 15, 1959.
Sister Ella Mae McDonald, MPF
her vocation to be a rewarding decision.
She entered the Religious Sisters Filippini convent in October 1959 after visiting the Sister Servants, Immaculate Heart of Mary, and Sisters of Mercy. Her vocation decision was influenced by reading the life of St. Francis of Assisi and the Little Flowers of St. Francis. She was professed in August 1963.
Educated in public schools in Pennsylvania, Sister Ella Mae went on to study at St. Elizabeth College in New Jersey, Rhode Island College, and Creighton University in Nebraska. She taught in many elementary and high Catholic high schools in the dioceses of Paterson, Trenton, Camden, Metuchen and Newark in New Jersey; and in Connecticut, Rhode Island, Maryland, Florida and Pennsylvania. She served as school principal
at St. Sebastian School in Middletown, Connecticut, and Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Bristol, Rhode Island.
“My greatest joy in religious life is being a member of the Religious Teachers Filippini and giving talks for retired religious. I also love giving retreats, and cooking and baking,” she said.
Four of her siblings are still alive, two of her sisters in Rhode Island. “I loved being assigned in Rhode Island, right near the water, and two of my sisters,” she said. That was the first time I was ever working near my family.” A brother, at first a priest in the Order of Mercy, is now a diocesan priest in Texas.
By Susan Odenthal, Correspondent
In addition to his duties as the Catho-
Sister Jean Amore, SMIC
lic high school’s religion and physical education teacher, Brother Richard founded the St. Joseph High School cross country team which he led to a 168-16 record, including 27 Middlesex County/Greater Middlesex Conference and Catholic track Conference titles and two state championships. During an eight-year assignment to the former Phillipsburg Catholic High School, he sparked a friendship with its soccer coach, Msgr. Seamus Brennan, and the two joined talents to lead the team to a county championship.
In addition to his assignments at the two N.J. high schools, Brother Richard served at the former Sacred Heart boarding school Coindre Hall in Huntington, Long Island, N.Y., and at the Sangre De Cristo Center in Santa Fe, N.M.
Back at St. Joseph High School and retired from coaching cross country and track in 2020 after 46 years, Brother
Isee all created things as reflecting God’s love. I form relationships with trees, rivers, plants, animals and humans. I talk to them and even embrace them. … I walked today giving thanks to God for the warmth of the sun and all that gives me life today,” said Sister Jean Amore.
Sister Jean Amore, a resident of McAuley Hall Health Center, Watchung, and originally from Illinois, was born the eldest of eight children in Spring Grove, Il. Her family was very active in the parish of this small town.
While in Spring Grove, she attended the parish Catholic school where her teachers were of the congregation of the Missionary Sisters of the Immaculate Conception. Jean felt very much connected with the sisters and after high school entered the congregation located in West Paterson, on Sept. 10, 1961, with her investiture taking place on Aug. 11, 1962.
Sister Jean has served in a long list of ministries over her time in religious life in West Texas, Houston as well as New Jersey,
Brother Richard Leven, SC 65 YEARS
including as an elementary school teacher, director of religious education and as pastoral minister in parishes, chaplain assistant in hospitals, and activities director at the Holy Family Residence in West Paterson.
Much of Sister Jean’s ministry years were spent in West Texas where the congregation identified this as United States mission territory for having a lack of priests and sisters to serve in dioceses that covered large territories. Later, studying in Houston for her master’s degree in religious education, she continued serving many years in that area where the congregation had a strong history of service to the Afro-American community.
Sister Jean was missioned in Big Spring, Tex., in the Diocese of San Angelo as a teacher and assistant principal of the parish elementary school, and director of religious education for the parish as well. She served the local Air Force Base community, which included work with parish youth programs.
Sister Jean was very active with the diocesan youth SEARCH retreat pro-
Richard still assists in the freshman guidance program “where I get to meet and guide our newest students through their St. Joseph High School journey,” he said. Asked to define his favorite aspects of living life as a religious, unsurprisingly, the brother focuses on his long years as a sports, and life, coach.
“Over the past 65 years, I have the enjoyed the opportunity to inspire, by example, the Christian values needed by our students to become men of faith,” he declared. “I also love working with the kids. It’s part of the reason why I joined the Brothers of the Sacred Heart. I enjoy seeing the impact of the teachings of [founder] Father Andre Coindre and the Brothers of the Sacred Heart have had on so many of our alumni and current students.”
By Christina Leslie Contributing Editor
grams. “We want to bring God’s People to the experience of Christian Community where there is true love for one another,” she commented. Sister Jean’s goals were to prepare both young adults and adults to take over sponsorship of the different youth activities in the parish.
She has also been director of volunteers and coordinator of the overseas mission program at Franciscan Mission Service in Washington, D.C. Among her ministries was a great passion to end state killings of persons on death row where she accompanied several people to their executions. Sister was treasurer of Endeavor Death Row Projects in Houston from 1986-1992.
From 2007-2012 Sister Jean’s ministry focus was working in hospital chaplaincy at Valley Hospital, Ridgewood, and Passaic Valley Hospice, Totowa. Her last assignment was pastoral ministry at St. Bonaventure’s Church, Paterson. She retired in 2014 and has resided at McAuley Hall Health Center since 2001.
By Paul Peyton, Correspondent
Mercy Sister Janice Edwards, daughter of George and Marie Edwards, was born in Somers Point. Her Catholic school elementary education was earned from St. Peter School, Pleasantville, and secondary studies were instilled in her at Holy Spirit High School, Absecon. She graduated from high school in 1965 and entered the Sisters of Mercy on Sept. 8 that same year from St. Bernadette Parish, Northfield.
Sister Janice earned a bachelor of arts degree in history from Georgian Court College (now University), Lakewood; a master of divinity in Scripture and theology from Princeton Theological Seminary, Princeton, and a doctorate in spiritual direction from Weston School of Theology in Boston, Mass.
From serving as a teacher and principal to parish assignments and leadership in her order, the six decades of ministry for Sister Esther Falzone, SCC, have taken her to communities large and small throughout the United States.
Sister Esther first met the Sisters of Christian Charity when she was a seventh grader at the former St. Mary’s Assumption School in Pittston, Pa. in the Diocese of Scranton.
“I knew immediately that I wanted to be a sister like my teacher, Sister Victoris, who was so kind, generous and happy,” she said. “That thought stayed with me through high school.”
Halfway through her senior year, she wrote a letter asking to enter the order, which she did on September 6, 1964. She received her Holy Habit on August 21, 1965, professed her first Holy Vows on August 21, 1967, and professed her Final Vows on August 15, 1974.
Sister Janice Edwards, RSM 60 YEARS
Sister Esther earned her bachelor’s degree in education and social sciences from Marillac College in St. Louis, Mo., and would later earn a master’s degree in education from Seton Hall University and a second master’s degree in administration from Marywood University in Dunmore, Pa.
Early in her ministry, Sister Esther served as a primary school teacher in the Dioceses of Allenton, Paterson and Scranton, and the Archdioceses of Newark, New York and Philadelphia. She later held several school principal positions, as well.
“My greatest joy was teaching these young children and encouraging them to sing their hearts out in Mass and participate fully,” she said. “During these years, I played the guitar which enlivened all our singing. One of my second graders, when grown, was inspired to start a band called ‘The Sister Esther Band’, which I believe is still playing in the Mountain Top and Wilkes-Barre area.”
Sister Janice began her ministry in 1970 as a primary teacher in Burlington and moved to junior high grades, followed by parish ministry in Freehold and spiritual direction in Mount Holly. With her doctorate completed, she ministered in several roles in the dioceses of Camden, Trenton and Metuchen, including The Upper Room Spiritual Center, Neptune. Responsibilities in the Archdiocese of Philadelphia included serving as coordinator and teacher of the graduate program in spirituality at Chestnut Hill College, Chestnut Hill, Pa., as well as ministry in St. Malachy Convent, Philadelphia, Pa.
Surgery to remove a benign but destructive brain tumor and recovery interrupted the years during Sister Janice’s
term in leadership; she told her personal stories and those of her spiritual directees to highlight how God’s great-hearted love transforms us in her book “Wild Dancing: Embraced by Untamed Love.” Later, she returned to her roles in spirituality, teaching, directing and supervising in Ascension Church (now St. Teresa of Calcutta Parish), Bradley Beach. The religious sister also held a four-year term as a member of the general council of the Sisters of Mercy of New Jersey. Sister Janice is retired and lives on the campus of Mount St. Mary Academy, Watchung.
By Christina Leslie Contributing Editor
On Feb. 2, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, we celebrated World Day for Consecrated Life. While the day has passed, may we continue to pray for all those who have committed their lives in service to God’s people through a deep and abiding love of the Lord.
In 2010, she began a new ministry as a pastoral associate, with a start in Chicago before returning to the East Coast with a parish assignment in Saddle River where she is proud of establishing a senior’s social club.
Sister Esther then joined the Diocese of Metuchen through a pastoral associate role at St. James Parish, Basking Ridge. There, she found joy training altar servers and supporting the parish. She continues to serve the parish there today, working parttime while also serving as a Councilor on the Provincialate Team for her order.
“I have the opportunity to work with and serve my Sisters in Community in our North American Province,” she said. “I have truly been blessed by God with all my ministry assignments because the sisters and the people I met throughout my life have enriched me beyond measure.”
By David Karas, Correspondent
“God our Father, we thank you for calling men and women to serve in your Son’s kingdom as sisters, brothers, religious priests, consecrated virgins, and hermits, as well as members of Secular Institutes. Renew their knowledge and love of you and send
your Holy
Spirit to help them respond generously and
to your will. We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ, who lives and reigns with you and the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever. Amen.”
Sister Esther Falzone, SCC 60
Hermana Dulce
María Garcia Paz, OAR
La Hermana Dulce María, nacida como María Soledad García Paz el 6 de abril de 1958 en el Estado de México, es la menor de cuatro hijas de José Guadalupe y Marciana Garcia. Desde temprana edad, su vida estuvo influenciada por la fe y la espiritualidad que impregnaban su hogar. Su padre, José Guadalupe, Franciscano Terciario, mantenía un vínculo cercano con diversas órdenes religiosas, entre ellas las Agustinas Recoletas, lo que facilitó un ambiente propicio para el discernimiento vocacional.
unidas a sacerdotes y religiosas, creando un entorno propicio para el discernimiento vocacional. Los padres de Madre Beatriz regentaban un pequeño negocio de venta de elotes, abasteciendo frecuentemente a sacerdotes y comunidades religiosas. Fue en este contexto que la semilla de una posible vocación religiosa comenzó a germinar en su vida. A los 15 años, las religiosas le sugirieron que asistiera a una convivencia vocacional. Fue entonces cuando comenzó su proceso de discernimiento, y como ella misma lo expresa, “descubrió un mundo nuevo”. En ese espacio, encontró un lugar donde la alegría, el servicio y el conocimiento de Dios se entrelazaban de manera profunda, lo que la llevó a tomar en serio el llamado que sentía en su corazón. A pesar de lo difícil que fue la separación de su familia y amigos, sobre todo al no poder verlos con la misma frecuencia, ingresar al convento y comenzar su vida religiosa se convirtió en un camino de crecimiento espiritual.
En esa época, las vocaciones religiosas en México se promovían a través de misiones y visitas de sacerdotes y religiosas a las comunidades. Fue en una de estas visitas cuando María Soledad, con tan solo 10 años, expresó su deseo de unirse a las Agustinas Recoletas Contemplativas. Su familia, sorprendida por su decisión, pronto reconoció en ella un llamado genuino hacia una vida de oración, contemplación y servicio.
Durante los veranos, con la autorización de sus padres, asistía a convivencias vocacionales en el convento de
En 1975, a los 18 años, hizo sus primeros votos. Como ella misma menciona, “tus compañeras de vocación y compromiso espiritual se convierten en tus amigas más cercanas en este viaje de fe”. Tres años después, en 1978, profesa sus votos perpetuos en el Pedregal de San Ángel, México, confirmando su total entrega a Dios. En 1985, su vocación la lleva a Estados Unidos, donde continúa con su misión y compromiso. A lo largo de su vida religiosa, ha ocupado diversos roles dentro de la comunidad, hasta convertirse en priora del Monasterio de Belvidere. En esta posición, Madre Beatriz asume una responsabilidad fundamental tanto en la vida espiritual como en la organización del convento.
Como priora, Madre Beatriz juega un papel crucial en el acompañamiento de las nuevas novicias en su discernimiento y crecimiento espiritual. Además, se dedica con esmero a la restauración de obras de arte religioso, una tarea que le trae gran satisfacción, pues le permite devolverles vida a las imágenes sagradas que le son encargadas. Como ella misma lo expresa: “Aquí estoy para hacer tu voluntad, Señor”.
Nuestra Señora de la Consolación, en San Francisco Tepojaco, Cuautitlán Izcalli. Allí compartía con las religiosas, recibía formación y colaboraba en las actividades comunitarias. Entre los 10 y los 15 años, confirmó su compromiso con el Señor y, para evitar distracciones propias de las tradiciones juveniles, decidió ingresar al convento antes de cumplir los 15 años, dedicando su vida al amor de Dios.
El 6 de abril de 1972, presentó formalmente su solicitud para ingresar a la orden. Un año después, en su 15.º cumpleaños, comenzó el noviciado con un corazón dispuesto a seguir los caminos de oración y servicio que enseñaba San Agustín de Hipona. En 1979, hizo sus votos perpetuos, consagrando su vida por completo a Dios. A lo largo de los años, continuó su formación académica y espiritual, profundizando en su vocación de silencio y recogimiento.
En 1985, la Hermana Dulce María fue enviada a los Estados Unidos, donde se estableció en el convento de West Orange para continuar su misión. Allí, se dedicó tanto a las tareas comunitarias
Madre Beatriz
Aguirre Oros, OAR
como a su crecimiento espiritual. Su trabajo incluyó desde la elaboración de dulces y productos horneados para la venta, hasta labores administrativas y de proveeduría del monasterio. En el año 2000, celebró sus bodas de plata en el convento de la Inmaculada Concepción en Irving. Desde 2012, reside en el Monasterio en Belvidere, donde tiene la responsabilidad de la administración y provisión general del Monaterio hasta la creación de deliciosos dulces y pan fresco para ofrecer a la comunidad, todo ello acompañado de una vida de oración constante y contemplación profunda.
Reflexionando sobre sus 50 años de vida consagrada, la Hermana Dulce María encuentra inspiración en las palabras de San Agustín: “Nuestro corazón está inquieto hasta que descanse en Ti.” Anima a aquellos que están discerniendo una vocación religiosa, compartiendo su propio camino: “Pon todo tu corazón en esta decisión; llenará tu vida de gozo.”
By Adriana Guillen, Correspondent
Para las nuevas generaciones que se acercan a la vida religiosa, Madre Beatriz aconseja: “Converse en oración íntima con Dios, abriendo su corazón a Él. Si el llamado es claro, síguelo con alegría y compromiso”. Para ella, la vocación religiosa no es solo una elección, sino un camino que requiere valentía y determinación. La alegría de servir a Dios y a la comunidad, así como la gratitud por cada paso dado en Su nombre, son las cosas que la han acompañado a lo largo de estos años.
A lo largo de sus 50 años de vida consagrada, Madre Beatriz nunca imaginó que su vocación la llevaría a vivir entre dos culturas: la de su México natal y la de Estados Unidos, un país que la acogió para continuar su misión. Esta experiencia le ha permitido vivir con gozo su vocación y servicio y una interiorización del amor de Dios que, ha moldeado su vida y su compromiso con la comunidad religiosa
By Adriana Guillen, Correspondent
Missionary Families of Christ commit to serve, grow God’s Church
By Mary Morrell, Editor-in-Chief
“We are evangelizers of our Catholic faith, and we are missionaries. Our goal is to serve, and to bring our members and our church parishioners closer to God,” said Rod Justiniani, describing Missionary Families of Christ.
Bishop James F. Checchio celebrated Mass for the missionary families Jan. 18, at Our Lady of Victories Parish, Sayreville, as part of their evangelization rally, an area assembly which drew some 300 members from throughout New Jersey and the Dioceses of Trenton, Camden, Newark and Metuchen.
Area assemblies are held at least once a month, said Justiniani, and held in different New Jersey counties. The New Jersey area is divided into chapters, with some six chapters in the state. Justiniani heads the chapter that comprises the Diocese of Metuchen. In total, the area has some 150 members.
“My chapter is divided into six households … and we meet once a week in a designated member’s house where we have prayer and worship, teaching and fellowship for approximately three hours. Our members are active in their respective parishes as Eucharistic minis ters, Lectors, faith formation educators, and our kids act as altar servers. We have our “Live Christ, Share Christ” mission in St. Bernadette, Parlin; St. James, Woodbridge, and Our Lady of Victories, Sayreville, where members meet with parishioners once a month for prayer, teaching and fellowship.”
Justiniani shared that his family is active in their parish of St Bartholomew, East Brunswick, serving as lector, Eucha
ristic minister and his sons as altar servers. The chapter also has a choir that sings regularly at St James Parish, Woodbridge, during the 7 a.m. and 12 p.m. Mass. Members also lead Divine Mercy in St James.
In addition, he said, the families are involved in charity work, including donating to different parishes’ food pantries. They also serve with Mother Teresa’s Missionaries of Charity in Newark at least once a month, providing and serving food to the homeless.
“We have members all over the country, and we all meet during our annual
National Conference every July. This year it will be held in Albany, New York. Last year, it was held in Chicago, and the year before, in Texas. Our members are not only Filipinos,” stressed Justiniani. “We have a fast-growing Spanish and Indian community. We have missionaries who go to Africa, the Caribbean and Europe.”
A background flyer from the Missionary Families of Christ explains, “We started in the Philippines in 1981 as Couples for Christ” but have evolved over the years “in accordance with God’s plan and design. God has revealed to us that every
member of our family, not just the couples, has a place and role in ensuring the stability and strength of the family, the family which is God’s basic unit for society” Staunchly pro-life and committed to the work of evangelization, the community strives “to bring renewal and revival to [God’s] Church. We have become servants of the Church, committed not just to our own evangelization work, but striving to mainstream Catholic lay evangelization. Our Church, of which we are a part, is a missionary Church.”
—Hal Brown photos
By David Karas, Correspondent
As St. Matthew School, Edison, celebrates its 70th anniversary this academic year, the faculty and staff of the pre-K through eighth grade school dedicate each day to the intellectual, moral and spiritual growth of their students.
“Our dedicated faculty and staff are not only educators, but mentors, who invest in the personal growth of each student,” said principal Joyce Pekitis Schaefer. “We celebrate diversity and work to create an atmosphere where everyone feels safe, valued and respected.”
Each school day at St. Matthew’s begins with morning reflection and prayer, as well as the daily recitation of their mission statement. In addition to core subjects, all students have music, art, Spanish and physical education once each week.
The school community is diverse, and with an average class size of just 15 students, pupils receive personalized support in the classroom.
“We are a very diverse community of both ethnicities and faiths,” said Schaefer. “As a small community, differentiated instruction and individualized attention is the norm.”
The school includes a full-sized gymnasium, science lab, computer lab, cafeteria and playground – and each student is provided with a Chromebook to use during school hours.
Learning and development continue even after the school day ends, as students have access to a wide range of after-school activities. Those include a chess club and garden club for all grade levels, as well as a kindness club for young students; an art club and basketball club for third through eighth graders; and a robotics club for students in fifth through eighth grade. Students can also learn to play recorders in the third grade, and to join the school band from grades four through eight.
Faith is also a central element across school classrooms and activities.
“We care for the minds and souls of those entrusted to our care and weave our faith through all disciplines, not just religion class,” she said. “We strive to follow the example of Jesus in all we do. Daily prayer, Mass, seasonal services and celebrations, and learning about saints serve as a reminder of who we are and what we need to do. The importance of faith cannot be minimized.”
Melissa Krakowiecki is the mother of current eighth grader Christopher and alumnus Nicholas – who is now a 19-year-old college freshman. She considers sending her sons to the Edison school to be “one of the best decisions we made as a family.”
“As a parent, Saint Matthew School feels like home. The smaller class sizes allow for greater flexibility and differentiated, personalized learning,” she said,
St. Matthew School marks 70 years of education, mentoring and growth
“Both of my sons were fully supported in all of their academic needs.”
Krakowiecki noted that her older son was able to receive the extra support from teachers that he needed to succeed –a possibility she attributes to the school’s small class sizes.
“Every faculty member knows my children. I truly feel that everyone has my child’s best interests in mind,” she said. “It feels like each student gets a personalized educational plan. I always feel that my child is supported, challenged, and encouraged to do their best.”
Fellow parent Antoinette Munar has two children attending the school, including seventh grader Alex and fifth grader Emma.
“They challenge them to think outside the box and give extra support when they struggle to understand new con cepts. Mrs. Schaefer and the faculty and staff take the time to learn each students’ strengths to help them with their learning and socialization,” she said. “In addition to a strong educational base, the school offers many different extracurricular ac tivities my kids love.”
Sixth grader Anabela R. shared her excitement to come to school each day, and how she feels noticed and accepted by the school family.
“Every day when I come to school, I feel super happy and always look for ward to it. Every day is amazing with super nice teachers who teach me and help me learn every single day,” she said. “Another thing I look forward to is see ing the friends that I have made along the way and my school family.”
When asked about their favorite part of being a student at St. Matthew School, several students noted the small class sizes and the individualized attention they re ceive from teachers – as well as the friend ships that they forge with their peers.
“My favorite part about being a stu dent at St. Matthew’s School is that it is easier to make new friends because it is a nice small school and people have good manners here,” said sixth grader Arabel la B. “My school is special because the teachers are nice and so are the students. They are respectful and they listen to what you say.”
Seventh grader Logan S. shared a similar sentiment: “What makes my school special is the memories I have had here. Even though the amount of families that are here are small, the memories I have of this place will be big.”
Schaefer said that she sees that joy and enthusiasm among students each day.
“When I am outside for student arrival in the morning, it amazes me to see so many smiling faces, and I collect many hugs,” she said. “It is a pleasure to see my students happy and excited to start a new day of learning. It is a blessing. I believe St. Matthew School is a real gem.”
—Hal Brown photos
Amid horrors of Holocaust, Polish Franciscan mother superior saved hundreds of Jewish children
WARSAW, Poland (OSV News) – Mother Matylda Getter, wartime superior of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary, is remembered for saving hundreds of Jewish children during World War II. At nearly 70, she defied Nazi threats and, with her sisters, sheltered Jewish children from the horrors of the Holocaust. Despite the death penalty imposed in German-occupied Poland for anyone helping Jews, Mother Matylda kept her word: “I will not send away any Jewish child.” She and her congregation took in orphans, taught them Polish Catholic prayers and hid them from the Germans, saving an estimated several hundred Jews from imminent death in ghettos or death camps. She and over 20 of her sisters were later honored as Righteous Among the Nations by Israel – a title given to non-Jews that saved Jewish people during the horrors of Nazi manhunt against the biblical chosen nation. Historians note that helping Jews during the war was a deeply Christian act of faith, courage, and love. Since her death
in 1968, Mother Matylda’s legacy lives on, as she saved children who went on to settle in Israel.
Mother Matylda Getter, superior of the Warsaw province of the Congregation of the Franciscan Sisters of the Family of Mary, founded in the mid-19th century, is seen on an undated photo. Mother Matylda saved hundreds of Jewish children from extermination by the Nazis. —OSV News photo/courtesy Institute of National Remembrance
Compiled from Our Sunday Visitor and the Catholic
Catholic Social Ministry Gathering to return with a mandate for building hope
WASHINGTON (OSV News) – The biennial Catholic Social Ministry Gathering returns to the nation’s capital Jan. 25-28, bringing together leaders dedicated to the Catholic Church’s social mission, right on the heels of the Jan. 24 national March for Life. With the theme “Missionaries of Hope, Advocates for Justice,” the national gathering includes keynote speakers like Cardinal Christophe Pierre, the papal ambassador to the U.S., and features workshops on critical issues such as immigration, healthcare,
Service climate change, and other issues affecting human dignity. One session will focus on how parishes can support migrants in non-border states, while another explores the Catholic response to the climate crisis. Participants will also engage in discussions on how to turn faith into action, from topics ranging from homelessness to global debt. The event also ties into the 2025 Jubilee Year’s theme “Pilgrims of Hope,” calling Catholics to build hope and advocate for justice locally and globally. The gathering aims to inspire its expected 500 participants to develop real-world solutions, rooted in the Catholic faith, to tackle society’s most pressing issues here and abroad.
Pope Francis watches dancers present a piece about St. Francis of Assisi as he meets with bishops, priests, deacons, religious, seminarians and pastoral workers at Luxembourg’s Cathedral of Notre-Dame. —CNS photo/Lola Gomez
Pope: Humanity suffers from ‘dangerous syndrome’ of repeating mistakes
LUXEMBOURG (CNS) – Humanity needs to be motivated by spiritual values if it is to avoid being thrown into dangerous exploits and useless massacres, Pope Francis said. The world, even in Europe, is seeing a return of “rifts and enmities that, instead of being resolved on the basis of mutual goodwill, negotiation and diplomatic efforts, are resulting in open hostilities, leading to destruction and death,” the Pope said in Luxembourg during a meeting with authorities, members of the diplomatic corps and local representatives. It was the first day of a four-day trip to the small nation
and nearby Belgium. “It seems that the human heart does not always remember the past and periodically goes astray and returns to the tragic path of war,” he said in his speech at the meeting held at the city’s main administrative building, the Cercle Cité. “To heal this dangerous syndrome, which causes nations to become seriously ill and risks throwing them into exploits that bring with them immense human costs and further useless massacres, we need to raise our gaze upward,” he said, calling on citizens and leaders to be “motivated by noble and profound spiritual values.”
USCCB lays off a third of migration staff after Trump’s suspension of refugee resettlement program
WASHINGTON (OSV News) – The U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops issued layoff notices to about a third of the staff in its Migration and Refugee Services Office on Feb. 7 after it stopped receiving reimbursements from the federal government for its work with refugees who qualify for federal assistance, per an internal memo. While “we expected we might have a reduction in force with the new administration, actions this significant and this immediate were not anticipated,” the memo said. The move comes as the Trump administration suspended a federal refugee resettlement program
Women religious listen to a lecture titled “Mental Health: Moving Past the Taboo to a Culture of Acceptance” Jan. 28, 2023, during the Catholic Social Ministry Gathering in Washington, where the 2025 CSMG will take place Jan. 25-28 under the theme, “Missionaries of Hope, Advocates for Justice.” —OSV News photo/Bob Roller
The headquarters of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops is seen in Washington in this file photo. The USCCB announced Feb. 7, 2025, it will lay off a third of its migration staff after President Donald Trump’s suspension of refugee resettlement program. —OSV News photo/Tyler Orsburn, CNS file
as part of its broader effort to enforce its hardline immigration policies. Asked for comment on the layoffs, Chieko Noguchi, a spokesperson for the USCCB, said in a statement provided to OSV News, “As a result of the continuing uncertainty regarding refugee resettlement and the overall future of those programs, staff of the USCCB’s Migration and Refugee Services Office were notified of a series of layoffs earlier today.” The USCCB website states that its Migration and Refugee Services “is the largest refugee resettlement agency in the world,” and that in partnership with its affiliates, it resettles approximately 18% of the refugees that arrive in the U.S. each year.
Gospel for February 23, 2025
Luke 6: 27-38
Following is a word search based on the Gospel reading for the Seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time, Cycle C: how to treat your enemies. The words can be found in all directions in the puzzle.
For families in crisis Let us pray that broken families might discover the cure for their wounds through forgiveness, rediscovering each other’s gifts, even in their differences.
Senior Care at Home
During Lent, may we reflect, and act on, the challenge of the Gospel
7th Sunday of Ordinary Time (C)
If one is looking for the secret to material success – to being rich, prosperous, and powerful, our Biblical readings this Sunday provide little help. On the other hand, if one desires to be Christ-like, to reflect the love God has so abundantly bestowed upon us, then these readings very clearly point the way.
Our first reading is taken from the First Book of Samuel. It records a period of the history of Ancient Israel during the Early Iron Age when the Lord ruled his Chosen People through the Prophet Samuel. Under Samuel’s leadership, the People of Israel cried out that they wanted to be like other nations – that is, they wanted an earthly king to rule over them. The Lord granted their request, and so Saul was anointed as the first King of Israel around the year 1040 BC. Our reading this Sunday presents a time when Saul became very jealous of young David (David would eventually succeed Saul as King around the year 1000 BC). Due to David’s military prowess and good reputation, he was publicly acclaimed, so much so that Saul turned against him. Eventually Saul actively plotted and attempted to kill David (see 1 Samuel 18:1 - 19:10).
One evening, while Saul was hunting for David with an army of 3,000 men, David managed to sneak into Saul’s camp as he slept. David stood over Saul, Saul’s spear close at hand, with the perfect opportunity to kill his opponent and snatch the kingship. The temptation that must have arisen in David is given voice by his servant Abishai, “God has delivered your enemy into your grasp this day. Let me nail him to the ground with one thrust of the spear; I will not need a second thrust!” (1 Samuel 26:8) But David would not murder his anointed king. Instead, he took Saul’s spear and returned to his own camp. Later, David revealed to Saul and his guards all that had happened. David’s goodness provided the opportunity for reconciliation between the two men. God blessed David for his mercy to Saul, raising him up after Saul as the great King of Israel and ordaining that Jesus himself should be David’s descendent.
Our Gospel reading this Sunday sounds much the same theme. Continuing with his instructions to those who would be his disciples, Jesus commands them to “love your enemies, do good to those who hate you, bless those who curse you,
pray for those who mistreat you” (Luke 6:27-8). He tells them not to resist those who would do them evil, to give to everyone who asks, and to lend money without expecting repayment, summarizing it all with the exhortation to “be merciful, just as your Father is merciful” (Luke 6:36). He asks the pointed question, “if you love those who love you, what credit is that to you? Even sinners love those who love them” (Luke 6:32).
Jesus’ words here are certainly not welcome to those who are trying to get ahead in the world. To those who are seeking unbridled power, prestige, or financial success, Jesus’ words must sound absolutely crazy – how could one ever live in the world if held to Jesus’ standards? But that’s the point– Jesus is not giving us criteria for material success, he is not telling us how to craftily maneuver through life’s challenges. What Jesus is doing is asking his followers to be like himself, to be like God. God is merciful and forgiving and patient; Jesus is asking us to be the same. Jesus calls his followers to be like David in the first reading, confident that if we are loving and merciful, God will bless our efforts and fulfill all our needs, because, of course, our greatest need and hope it the fullness of eternal life.
Jesus’ words here are certainly not welcome to those who are trying to get ahead in the world. To those who are seeking unbridled power, prestige, or financial success, Jesus’ words must sound absolutely crazy –how could one ever live in the world if held to Jesus’ standards?
Rarely does a Gospel reading so deeply challenge our faith. In our lives and in our children’s lives, do we hope more for the blessings of Jesus or of material success, do we look to be victorious over our enemies or merciful, do we reach out more to embrace the needy or to grasp what is ours? The task Jesus lays before his followers in these readings is not easy, in fact, it is Godlike. But we are assured that the effort is worth the cost, for by harkening to Jesus’ teaching here we have the opportunity to become not merely people of means but rather “children of the Most High” (Luke 6:35). Perhaps this is a worthy matter for reflection and action that can guide our upcoming Lenten journey which begins in less than two weeks. Msgr. Fell is a Scripture scholar and director, diocesan Office for Priest Personnel.
Grow closer to Jesus during Black Catholic History Month
By Deacon Rick Fortune Special Contributor
The celebration of Black History Month can serve as a powerful opportunity for evangelization within the Catholic Church, highlighting the diverse richness of our faith’s history and its impact on all communities.
Black History Month, as with all celebrations of ethnic diversity, allows us to learn of and appreciate what makes our sisters and brothers who they are. Our neighborhoods, parishes, nation and world can be brought closer and made better by sharing our cultures.
With respect to the Catholic Church, Black History Month holds great promise for learning, healing, and evangelization in Black Communities long estranged from the Sacraments by a difficult history. The Catholic Church can be a beacon of hope and justice for Black individuals and communities.
As I’ve shared before, during my trip to the National Black Catholic Congress (NBCC) XIII in July of 2023, I was astonished to find myself in the midst of nearly 3000 Black Catholics – Laypersons, Religious and Clergy, many of them so-called “cradle Catholics”.
If you ask them, and I did, they say that Jesus is their beacon of hope and justice; and that He abides in a particular way, in the Eucharist, only in the Catholic Church. So when they were prohibited from worshipping at their local churches, they pursued ordination, began their own worship sites, and started their own religious orders, but they never left the Catholic Church.
The opportunity before us is bringing the Black Community together and
Blacks and for all. There are also Black Saints. Celebrate them! Be proud of them! They will be beacons to others that look like them and can be inspirations to us all.
Currently the canonization causes of the so-called “Saintly Six” (Mother Mary Lange, Father Augustus Tolton, Mother Henriette DeLille, Mr. Pierre Toussaint, Ms. Julia Greeley, and Sister Thea Bowman) are under consideration and in various levels of the process. Seeing the canonization of the first African American saint(s) is something that we should all be willing to pray for. Recognition and sharing of these and other exemplary Black Catholic names and stories during Black History Month and Black Catholic History Month can stir up a spiritual curiosity that can be used to evangelize.
Black History Month and Black Catholic History Month present us with opportunities to grow closer to Jesus and to each other, in and through Black Peoples. Simply “observing” the celebrations misses the opportunity. We don’t, or at least shouldn’t, “observe” Lent; we should experience it with Jesus! We should come out of Lent changed and closer to Jesus in some way each year. I propose that we treat Black History Month and Black Catholic History Month in the same way.
then into the larger Catholic community by sharing this incredible story of perseverance for the sake of the Eucharist. The story isn’t just Black history; it’s Church history; and it has the power to attract souls to Jesus and to the Sacraments.
Black History Month has ensured that Black leaders, innovators, athletes
and performers are recognized and celebrated each February. With the now-established Black Catholic History Month, the Church seeks to do the same each November from a Catholic perspective.
There are Black Catholics that are leaders, innovators, athletes, artists, musicians – highlight them as examples for
Black History Month and Black Catholic History Month can be our times set apart twice a year, like Lent and Advent, to look inward for areas where we can call upon Jesus to help us improve; to become more like Him in a particular mission … the evangelization and salvation of souls within the Body of Christ in Black families and communities.
Deacon Fortune serves in the Cathedral of St. Francis Assisi, Metuchen.
The Saintly Six, Black Catholics on the road to sainthood, include, top from left, Venerable Pierre Toussaint, Servant of God Julia Greeley, Venerable Mother Mary Lange; bottom, from left, Venerable Augustus Tolton, Venerable Henriette DeLille, and Servant of God Thea Bowman. Images painted by artist Anthony VanArsdale. —Images used with permission of the National Black Catholic Congress.
Left, a joyous choir from Cameroon inspires the faithful at the 2024 Black History Mass in St. Matthias Church, Somerset. Right, clergy for the Mass included Father Gilles Njobam, pastor, Our Lady of Fatima, Perth Amboy; Father Alphonsus Kariuki, pastor, St. John Parish, Dunellen, and Deacon Rick Fortune, who also serves as diocesan co-coordinator of the African-American, African and Caribbean Apostolate. —Courtesy photos
Stepping forward in charity Catholic Charities Solidarity Team responds to need through Rice Bowl Grants
By Tiffany Workman Special Contributor
Nearly 40 years ago, in his 1987 encyclical, On Social Concern [Sollicitudo rei Socialis], St. John Paul II defined solidarity as “the firm and persevering determination to commit oneself to the common good; that is to say, to the good of all and of each individual, because we are all really responsible for all.”
Some 15 years later, in 2002, informed then and now by this principle of solidarity, the Catholic Charities Solidarity Team was founded. As a volunteer program of Catholic Charities Diocese of Metuchen, the CCST responds to the Gospel call to love God, neighbor and creation and works to reduce injustices and suffering of the poor and vulnerable overseas and within the Diocese.
Through prayer and in the light of Catholic Social Teaching, CCST engages in various activities of the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops, especially Catholic Relief Services, along with the Justice for Immigrants campaign. Strides are made through the time, talent and financial support of volunteers in the diocesan community, including staff members from Catholic Charities.
Both internationally and locally the CCST has responded where needed with emergency relief, along with projects that span health, agriculture, water, economic development, food security, education and community-building.
As part of its work with Catholic Relief Services, the official relief and development agency of the United States Conference of Catholic Bishops, CCST promotes CRS Rice Bowl, the Lenten program of CRS which encourages parishes in every U.S. diocese to put their faith into action through prayer, fasting and almsgiving. Each year some 45 coun-
tries are recipients of the fruit of Lenten alms which support the work of CRS in those countries. Twenty-five percent of all donations to CRS Rice Bowl stay in the local diocese, supporting hunger and poverty alleviation efforts there.
For more than a decade, the Catholic Charities Solidarity Team has honored CRS’ understanding of the local 25% by running a Rice Bowl Grants program for food security needs in the Metuchen Diocese. This program allows a variety of organizations to receive help in their food security mission. Food pantries and soup kitchens are among the more frequent recipients.
In 2024, some $27,000 was distributed to 14 recipients, including: North Plainfield Conference, St. Vincent de Paul Society; Penn Medical Plainsboro Cancer Center; Society of St. Vincent de Paul at Our Lady of Victories, Sayreville; Holy Family Conference of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, New Brunswick; Catholic Charities, DOM, Phillipsburg; Somerville Area Fish, Inc., Bridgewater; Community House at St. Thomas, Old Bridge; St. James Food Pantry, Woodbridge; St. Anthony of Padua Food Pantry, Port Reading; St. Vincent de Paul Ministry of Queenship of Mary, Plainsboro; HOME of Somerset County, Somerset; Queenship of Mary Social Outreach Ministry, Plainsboro; Feeding Hands, Inc., Hillsborough, and St. Vincent de Paul – St. Bartholomew Conference, East Brunswick.
To learn more about CCST and Rice Bowl Grants visit Visit Facebook, Instagram, and X — @ccdom1 — to stay updated on upcoming events and ways to help clients get the services they need.
Tiffany Workman is the diocesan communications specialist in the Office of Communications and Public Relations.
Deadline to apply for funds each year is Sept. 30, and grants will be awarded later in the fall.
Basic guidelines and criteria:
• We will first exhaust requests for funds for groups that are addressing hunger and food insecurity in the Metuchen Diocese. Committed to using all of our funds each year, we would turn next to global food security projects.
• There is no lower limit to request, but due to the limit of our funds we would like most of our grants to be in the $2,000-$5,000 range. On rare occasion we will extend a grant as high as $7,500. Funding each year does not guarantee future funding.
• If the recipient group is Catholic and would like to receive future grants, we strongly encourage the organization to promote and participate in CRS Rice Bowl program. If it is possible for a non-Catholic group to do fund-raising, that is likewise encouraged.
• Recipient groups must submit a follow-up evaluation of their use of funds, available on the website.
• No organization will receive funds whose activities are not consistent with Catholic moral and social teaching and with 501(c) (3) rules regarding partisan political activity.
• Rice Bowl Grant funds cannot be used for salary or administration. Only in rare circumstances may they be used for equipment (as in expanding a pantry’s capacity).
The students and family of Paul VI High School congratulate Sister Marianne McCann on her 65th Jubilee.
Encounter or an obligation –our understanding of Mass molds us in the world
When I was growing up, the conventional wisdom was that you had fulfilled your obligation to attend Sunday Mass if you arrived before the Gospel was proclaimed and stayed until you had received Communion.
As a valid principle, this was akin to the notion – handed down from one generation of college students to the next – that they can leave the classroom if their instructor is more than 10 minutes late. They forget that they are in school to learn, not to avoid learning.
This all came to mind recently when the celebrant at a Mass I attended gently chided parishioners who make a habit of the early departure. From a purely practical point of view, this behavior was more understandable seven decades ago than it is now. Before the reforms that followed the Second Vatican Council, a lot went on after Communion, including the celebrant, with his back to the people, reading aloud, in Latin, what was euphemistically called “the last Gospel,” namely the first 14 verses of the Gospel according to John. And this was followed by the “prayers at the foot of the altar,” three “Hail Marys,” the “Hail, Holy Queen,” and the “Prayer to St. Michael.”
Now, there is only the Prayer After Communion, announcements, and the final blessing and dismissal.
But “pre-Vatican II” or now, the compulsion to leave before the Mass is over suggests a misunderstanding of why we attend Mass in the first place. It isn’t because attending Mass is an “obligation”— an unfortunate word in this context. We attend to encounter Jesus Christ. We encounter him in a palpable way in the Eucharist, his body and blood, and in the assembly, each other.
Jesus tended to mean what he said. So, when he said that the bread and wine were his body and blood, he meant it. When he said, “where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them,” he meant it. We attend Mass to have this mystical experience in which we literally, not figuratively, become one with him and – in him – one with each other. Why would we be in a hurry for that to end? Why would we not, like Peter on Mount Tabor, say, “Lord, it is good for us to be here”?
Perhaps you’ve heard the story told by the late Father Benedict Groeschel, CFR, about the non-Catholic clergyman who told him, regarding the Eucharist, “If I believed what you believe, I would … run inside the church, fall on my knees, and never get up again.” Are we at Mass because we believe what Father Groeschel believed? Even if we feel compelled to engage in some form of public worship, do we choose the Mass because we believe that Jesus is alive and that he
is there with us? Willingness – eagerness, even – to bolt from Mass at the earliest opportunity comes down to what we do or do not believe about the real presence of the risen Christ in the Eucharist and in the Church.
Sooner or later, of course, we have to “go,” as the deacon tells us in the dismissal, as I have told many a congregation. A celebrant once asked me not to use the form of the dismissal that says, “The Mass is ended.” He preferred “Go and announce the gospel of the Lord” or
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—Curated Lifestyle on Unsplash
“Go in peace, glorifying the Lord with your life,” and I get that. He didn’t want even those folks who stayed till the end to think of the Mass as just one event in their week. But whether we do go to announce the Gospel or do go to glorify the Lord depends on what we experience – Was it really an encounter with the risen Christ and his Mystical Body? – and what we take with us when we leave.
Deacon Paolino is a member of Our Lady of Lourdes Parish, Whitehouse Station.
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Saint Peter’s University Hospital, New Brunswick, has been recognized as one of America’s Best Hospitals by the Women’s Choice Award®. This award signifies that Saint Peter’s University Hospital is one of the top healthcare providers in the country based on a review of almost 5,000 hospitals. Saint Peter’s University Hospital was recognized in the following areas:
• Cancer Care
• Comprehensive Breast Care
• Heart Care
• Mammogram Imaging
• Obstetrics
The Women’s Choice Award is the only distinction that identifies the nation’s best healthcare institutions based on robust criteria that considers patient satisfaction, clinical excellence, relevant accreditations and women’s preferences when it comes to treatment and a quality hospital experience. Additionally, each service line award has supplementary criteria that are specific to the service line. The methodology is 100 percent objective, replicable and uniform. Only the top 13 percent of hospitals in the nation qualified for a 2025 award. For a full list of award methodology, visit Women’s Choice Award methodology page.
“The Women’s Choice Award is a tribute to the dedicated team of professionals at Saint Peter’s. Our physicians,
passionate bedside manner that is unmatched in the region,” said Leslie D. Hirsch, FACHE, president and CEO of Saint Peter’s Healthcare System. “The Women’s Choice Award also provides a valuable service to patients who rely on its independent assessment of standards to evaluate healthcare providers in their geographic area.”
Saint Peter’s University Hospital earned the Best Hospital for Cancer Care award because it met the comprehensive cancer care standards of the American College of Surgeons Commission on Cancer, as well as achieving excellence in clinical performance with regard to cancer care measures and for their high patient recommendation rate. It also provides comprehensive care with a full range of diagnostic and treatment services. Saint Peter’s is recognized for ranking in the top nine percent for cancer care in the nation.
Saint Peter’s was eligible for the Best Hospitals for Comprehensive Breast Care award because it met the National Accreditation Program for Breast Centers (NAPBC) standards from the American College of Surgeons. It also carries the seal of the American College of Radiologists as a Comprehensive Breast Imaging
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Medicare and Medicaid Services Hospi tal Consumer Assessment of Healthcare Providers and Systems (HCAHPS) patient satisfaction measures. Saint Peter’s University Hospital is recognized for ranking in the top three percent for breast care in the nation.
Saint Peter’s University Hospital earned the Best Hospitals for Heart Care award by offering a minimum number of cardiac and/or vascular services. Only hospitals that perform well clinically with regard to heart care measures of mortality and readmission reported to Medicare, and also have a high HCAHPS recommendation score, a measure that is very important to women in choosing a hospital, are selected. Saint Peter’s University Hospital is recognized for ranking in the top two percent for heart care in the nation.
Saint Peter’s University Hospital has earned the Best Mammogram Imaging Center award by being accredited for Mammograms (MAP) and carrying the Comprehensive Breast Imaging Center (CBIC) seal from the American College of Radiology and having above the national average (67 percent) on HCAHPS surveys.
In addition, Saint Peter’s earned the Best Hospitals for Obstetrics award by providing the highest level of obstetric services based on its exceptional scores
for patient recommendation, as provided by data reported by the HCAHPS surveys, as well as an analysis that weighs criteria identified as the most important to women for patient satisfaction, including early elective delivery rates, having a Level III/IV neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), being baby friendly, and having infection and surgical complication scores that were ranked below the weighted national average for patient safety. Saint Peter’s University Hospital is recognized for ranking in the top 11 percent for obstetrics in the nation.
Delia Passi, founder and CEO of the Women’s Choice Award, emphasized that Saint Peter’s University Hospital truly delivers on the care that matters most to women, who make over 90 percent of healthcare decisions. “Being treated with the proper level of care impacts your health, well-being, and healing so all of our methodologies take into account the hospital’s patient recommendation rating along with a strong clinical performance,” added Passi. “By letting women know which hospitals in their area are among the best, we are able to reduce risk by helping them make better decisions and smarter healthcare choices.”
For more information on the America’s Best Hospitals visit
What are the 14 traditional Stations of the Cross?
By D.D. Emmons, OSV News
Permanently affixed, the 14 stations adorn parishes around the world. They are visible reminders of the last hours of Christ on earth, but, moreover, the Way of the Cross is symbolic of our lifelong journey filled with difficulties and marked with personal crosses. Unlike the followers of Christ on that Good Friday, we know that the 14th station is not the end; that death does not win; rather, in his sacrifice, we find the sure knowledge of eternal life. Some of the 14 traditional stations are not found in the Gospels but have been passed down through tradition:
First Station: Jesus is condemned to death (Mk 15:6-15).
Second Station: Jesus carries his cross (Jn 19:15-17).
Third Station: Jesus falls the first time.
Fourth Station: Jesus meets his mother.
Fifth Station: Simon the Cyrene is made to bear the cross (Mk 15:21).
Sixth Station: Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.
Seventh Station: Jesus falls the second time.
Eighth Station: Jesus meets the women of Jerusalem (Lk 23:27-31).
Ninth Station: Jesus falls a third time.
Tenth Station: Jesus is stripped of his garments (Mt 27:35, Lk 23:34).
Eleventh Station: Jesus is nailed to the cross (Lk 23:33-43).
Twelfth Station: Jesus dies on the cross (Lk 23:44-46).
Thirteenth Station: Jesus is taken down from the cross (Jn 19: 38).
Fourteenth Station: Jesus is laid in the tomb (Jn 19: 38-42).
While the three falls of Jesus are not found in the Gospels, it is likely that he fell from the weight of the cross beam, which typically weighed more than 100 pounds, and because of his weakened condition from the scourging. That Jesus met his mother as he struggled along is most probable since she was always near him; finally, that some brave Christian stepped out of the crowd to wipe the blood, spit and sweat from his face also is likely.
The stations entered church devotion as Christians who could not visit Jerusalem began to erect local replicas of the holy sites based on information from
An image of the Stations of the Cross at the Pope John Paul II Cultural Center in Washington shows the sixth station, “Veronica wipes the face of Jesus.” —OSV News photo/Bob Roller
people who had been to the city, such as the crusaders. Initially there was no continuity or standardization among these structures; some included as many as 37 stops, others as few as seven. Finally, in 1731, Pope Clement XII established the number of stations as 14.
In 1991, Pope St. John Paul II introduced a version of this devotion based entirely on the Scriptures. All 14 stations and the accompanying meditations can be found in the Bible. The Scriptural Stations are an alternative to the traditional Way of the Cross.
Left, Mount Saint Mary Academy senior Catherine Ritter swims a backstroke race at the Somerset County championship held Feb. 1 at Montgomery High School.
Below, Mount Saint Mary Academy senior Dani Carter swims a freestyle race at the Somerset County championship held Feb. 1 at Montgomery High School.
—Hal Brown photos
Division I-bound swimmers lead Mount Saint Mary to county championship
By Greg Johnson, Correspondent
The Mount Saint Mary Academy senior was set to swim the third leg of her team’s 400-yard freestyle relay of the Somerset County championship on Feb. 1. Fellow senior Dani Carter would anchor the race. The pressure was on the Lions as they trailed two other swimmers.
“Going into that relay, we knew that it came down to that race to be able to win the meet, and so I was really tired, Dani was really tired, everyone was really tired,” Ritter said. “We were behind, and it was just one of those times where adrenaline takes over – at least for me. The pain kind of falls away, and I’m just swimming to hit the wall.”
Ritter came up clutch with a time of 52.30 – her best 100-yard freestyle sprint in high school – and overtook both swimmers before Carter brought home the win to give Mount Saint Mary the county championship.
“I just knew that I needed to lock in and channel all that energy from the screaming on the sidelines and just win it for the team because they had done so much,” Carter said. “That relay was the highlight of this season.”
It was a fitting moment for a team, led by two Division I-bound swimmers, that is all about friendship and teamwork.
Carter, a UC San Diego commit from West Orange, and Ritter, a Dartmouth commit from Westfield, had different beginnings in the sport.
As the legend goes in her family, Carter was watching the 2012 Summer Olympics on television, pointed at Michael Phelps and said she wanted to do that. Meanwhile, Ritter took swim lessons like other little kids and came to
love the thrill of racing while being with her best friends.
They crossed paths at club meets when they were younger, but they didn’t get to know each other until Carter trans ferred to Mount Saint Mary from Villa Walsh Academy as a high school soph omore. And like what they experienced growing up, a bond formed outside the pool is what truly made their time as swimmers fulfilling.
“It’s hard to be a swimmer because you’re just staring at a line, it’s monoto nous for two hours a day,” Carter said. “You learn to love that part, but what really makes it special is the friendships I’ve made both on my club team and the high school team. Mount has been such a great experience for me, and I couldn’t have asked for a better team to be on.”
Ritter admits to feeling intimidated at first when she found out Carter was coming to the Mount and researched her race times. After all, Carter has been part of a USA Swimming club called Life Time Metro, while Ritter swims for Fanwood Scotch Plains YMCA.
“I was really nervous, but I got to know her and she’s just the sweetest girl and she’s such a hard worker, and I’m really, really happy that I got to know her so well,” Ritter said. “She was an awesome addition to our team, and not only is she so talented, but she’s also so kind and encouraging to everybody.”
Hard work is the hallmark of both year-round swimmers, who are in the pool for six days per week except when they mostly take off in August. The high school season runs from November to March, with practices in the morning.
Carter focuses on sprint swimming and aerobics and trains in a program called SwimStrong Dryland involving plyometric work and weight lifting.
“I think it’s really helped me get
stronger in the water,” Carter said. “It really focuses on swim-specific, not movements, but just things that will help you in the water instead of just the traditional weight lifting that will just get you stronger. It’s specifically for swimmers, which I really, really like.”
Ritter lifts weights three days per week with all-body workouts, focusing on power and reps while aiming to build her endurance and sustained strength.
Swimmers also must stay hydrated and eat more than the average athlete. Ritter strives to eat in moderation, especially with easy, digestible carbs before practice and protein after practice to facilitate muscle growth and recovery. Other nutrients in healthy foods like vegetables are critical as well.
“In high school you just have to begin working harder, and I think I learned a lot about myself in that process,” Ritter said. “You have to go to practice every day, you have to really focus on little things, and you have to be patient with your progress. And also, having community is I think what honestly helped me the
most is having people around me to push me and encourage me. I think really just showing up every day and having some discipline is what I do best for myself.”
Carter and Ritter have had illustrious runs under coach Megan Decker with Mount Saint Mary’s historic swimming program, which most recently captured a state championship in 2022.
Both hold top-five times at the school in multiple races, and they have been part of the program’s best relay times in the 200-yard medley, 200-yard freestyle and 400-yard freestyle. At the county meet, Carter won the 100-yard freestyle and Ritter won the 50-yard freestyle.
When Gloucester County Institute of Technology hosts New Jersey’s Meet of Champions during the first weekend in March, Carter aspires to break Mount Saint Mary’s 100-yard backstroke record time of 54.14 and will also swim a freestyle race. Ritter plans to compete in the 50-yard freestyle and some relays.
For both swimmers, perfecting their times largely comes down to improving
Continued on page 38
Catherine Ritter felt her heart racing as she prepared to dive into the pool at Montgomery High School.
Aiden Ur thrives on unique path as Portuguese basketball player with St. Thomas Aquinas
By Greg Johnson, Correspondent
While many kids get into basketball at a young age simply because they’re tall, or because their parents encouraged them, Aiden Ur found a love for the game through good old-fashioned trial and error.
The Old Bridge native tested out various sports at a young age such as football, soccer and wrestling. But basketball is where he felt the most fun and passion.
“I just played in a rec league with all my friends, and then I liked it a lot so I quit all the other sports and started playing,” Ur said. “For me and my family, basketball has been something we had to learn about by ourselves and just try to get better.”
Ur, who is Portuguese, is creating a
Mount Saint Mary swimmers earn championship
Continued from page 37
their turns and underwater techniques. Ritter also works on her reaction time off the block.
“I think that strength training has helped me with my underwaters because it’s given me a lot more power and I am able to connect my muscles better and get my underwaters to be more cohesive and seamless in my swimming,” Ritter said. “For me at least, that’s really important in a sprint race because kind of everything needs to be perfect to get to where you want to be.”
Carter believes that being tall is crucial to being a top sprint swimmer, and they certainly have those genes as Carter is 6-foot and Ritter is 5-foot-10.
But the results come down to hard work and faith. Once the high school season ends, their ultimate goal when they go to college will be to one day compete
unique legacy given that basketball is not played as much intentionally in Portugal. Only two players from that country are currently in the NBA, and its national team has never qualified for the Olympics.
As a young kid growing up, Ur idolized players such as Kyrie Irving and D’Angelo Russell. He currently enjoys watching the way Cam Thomas can score in different ways for the Brooklyn Nets, and Ur is flashing his own dynamic scoring with St. Thomas Aquinas’ boys basketball team.
Ur, a 6-foot-4 combo guard, has been one of the top players in the Greater Middlesex Conference as a senior with 16.1 points per game as of early February. He believes that scoring in bunches is his best skill, especially with his lethal first step and ability to pump-fake defenders.
“Once I see one shot go down, I have the confidence level to score a lot in a little amount of time,” said Ur, who eclipsed 1,000 points for his high school career on Feb. 6 in a home win against Point Pleasant Borough. “I can get to the midrange and I can get to the basket … or even shoot 3s if I’m left open.”
Ur started playing organized basketball in fourth grade and suited up in travel ball for Old Bridge until eighth grade. He has played for some AAU teams in high school, most recently the Jersey Shore Predators.
“In general, I’m always shooting, dribbling, passing – always working on my skills – but I think this year I’ve been rebounding very well,” said Ur, who is versatile and also plays on the wing. “So that’s something I worked on, and then we’re just playing defense better and playing more as a team.”
St. Thomas Aquinas started the 202425 season off strong as it won nine of its first 12 games in preparation for GMC Tournament games in mid-February and state tournament games in late-February and potentially early-March.
“We just keep getting better in practice and we look better, play better together now than we did in the beginning of the season,” Ur said.
Ur also helped the Trojans win 17 games and reach the GMC title game in his junior year after he spent his first two years of high school at St. John Vianney.
“It’s been great. It’s fun,” Ur said of his experience at St. Thomas Aquinas. “I just wanted to be at a better basketball school and compete for a championship.”
That level of success requires teamwork and leadership, so Ur has strived to be vocal during practices and games, both in huddles and on the court. He likes to lead by example as well.
“Just trying to show the freshmen and the younger guys that have never played in big varsity games to just stay calm and do what we work on,” Ur said. “Most of the time I try to be first or one of the first people in drills just to show them the effort to do it with and the energy and how stuff should be done.”
Faith also plays a key role in how the St. Thomas Aquinas players carry themselves.
“I went to Catholic school my whole life, so it’s just something that’s always with me,” Ur said. “Our team prays before every game, so it’s just something important to me and the team.”
The next step on his journey will likely involve college basketball. Ur plans to commit to a school once his senior season ends, and he intends to bulk up from his current 165 pounds and get more athletic over the summer.
He is considering studying something along the lines of business in college, but he’ll play basketball for as long as he can to make his family – and everyone with Portuguese blood – proud.
“It’s something new for me and my family, so it’s good to do something different and try to be great at it,” Ur said.
at the NCAA Championships.
“I’m just thankful that God gave me the natural talent for swimming with my height, my strength, and just the ability to look at that black line for so many hours because I think for a lot of people, that’s not a natural thing that you enjoy doing,”
Carter said. “At big meets I usually just say a quick prayer for the best outcome. I know that I’ve trained hard, ate well and slept well, so I always just ask Him to bless my hard work, and then a calmness can come over me, and I’ll just do the best that I can that day.”
Mount Saint Mary’s swimming team, led by coach Megan Decker, far right, won the Somerset County championship held Feb. 1 at Montgomery High School. —Hal Brown photo
St. Thomas Aquinas senior Aiden Ur dunks the ball during a game on Jan. 2 at Saint Joseph High School. —Hal Brown photo
Crossword Puzzle
AIs kneeling to receive Communion allowed?
QI have been hearing that the “norm” in the United States is to receive Communion standing. Does this mean that people who try to kneel for Communion are breaking canon law? (Florida)
You are correct that receiving Holy Communion while standing is the local norm for the United States, but this doesn’t mean that those who choose to kneel for Communion are doing anything wrong or “illegal.”
The relevant section of the Church’s law can be found in the current 2012 edition of the General Instruction of the Roman Missal (GIRM) – i.e., the official “instruction book” for how Mass is to be celebrated.
In GIRM paragraph 160 we read: “The norm established for the Dioceses of the United States of America is that Holy Communion is to be received standing, unless an individual member of the faithful wishes to receive Communion while kneeling.”
Read in context, the word “norm” here is not used in the sense of “firm rule that can never be violated.” Instead, it’s more like the standard default option in the United States. Within certain parameters, specific bishops’ conferences or regions are legitimately empowered to decide on such “default options” that align most closely with local needs and cultural sensitivities (meaning, of course, that in other countries standing for Holy Communion might not be the norm).
However, what is interesting about the United States’ GIRM 160 is that it seems to make a point to respect the desire or “wish” of an individual communicant who prefers to kneel. Although the current American GIRM clearly indicates standing as the normal posture for Holy Communion in this country, it does not seek to impose this on those members of the faithful who personally feel more comfortable receiving Communion while kneeling.
I think one reason why there might be some confusion on this issue is that the same paragraph in an earlier edition of the American GIRM from 2003 states that: “The norm for reception of Holy Communion in the dioceses of the United
States is standing. Communicants should not be denied Holy Communion because they kneel. Rather, such instances should be addressed pastorally, by providing the faithful with proper catechesis on the reasons for this norm.”
The 2003 GIRM’s mention of the need for “catechesis” for those who opt to kneel rather than stand for Communion has ambiguous implications. That is, it might be interpreted that those who knelt were doing something wrong and were in need of correction. But on the other hand, it could also be read as the Church’s concern that those who opted to kneel were doing so for appropriate reasons and not merely suffering from scruples. In any case, the current 2012 GIRM is the document actually in force today, so the precise meaning of the 2003 GIRM is somewhat of a moot point. What does this all mean for us practically in our lives of faith?
First of all, on a very basic level, it is important to be courteous to our fellow communicants, and avoid anything that causes a disruption to the smooth and orderly distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. It should also go without saying that Holy Communion should always be received in a spirit of humility, and it should never be an occasion to show off or draw attention to ourselves. By the same token, we should avoid forming negative judgements about our brothers and sisters in Christ based on how they receive Communion. Those who choose to receive on their knees are not necessarily doing so because they think they are “more Catholic than the pope;” rather, it is more charitable to assume that those who kneel are expressing a genuine Eucharistic piety in a way straightforwardly permitted by law. Likewise, those who receive standing are not less devout, less respectful or less in awe of the great gift of the sacrament. They are simply receiving in the ordinary, customary way for their country.
New book offers timely reflection on media fasting
By Sister Hosea Rupprecht, OSV News
“Media Fasting: Six Weeks to Recharge in Christ”
Sister Nancy Usselmann, Pauline Books & Media US (2025)
176 pages, $13.50
Have you ever berated yourself for falling down an online “rabbit hole” and losing precious time? I know I have. My initial intentions would be good. Seeking some background music to listen to while working, I would go on YouTube where, thanks to the algorithm, the title of an unrelated video would catch my eye and down the rabbit hole I’d go, clicking
from one video to another.
Giving into the pull of clickbait usually leaves me feeling annoyed with myself. Whether your rabbit hole is a social media app, online news or just a quest for information or entertainment, I’m guessing that the experience isn’t unique to me and you know exactly what I’m talking about.
That’s why Sister Nancy Usselmann’s new book, “Media Fasting: Six Weeks to Recharge in Christ” is so timely. The book encourages readers to do a deep dive into how they use media and discern how God might be calling them to improve their habits through a fast.
Sister Nancy explains, “The goal of the book is to lead readers on a journey to discover Christ in and through their media, to develop virtue, and make good choices in the digital environments they inhabit. In order to live our faith today, we must integrate it within our daily experiences and decisions, many of which are made in the digital realm.”
“Media Fasting” consists of two parts. The first asks readers to reflect on how they may be spiritually drained due to some of their media practices. After explaining the purpose of fasting in general, Sister Nancy leads the reader through the steps of making a “media fast plan.”
Prayer and discernment are key. You may be drawn to do a complete media fast for six weeks. Perhaps you want to fast only on weekends due to the need to use media for work. Maybe a 24-hour fast every so often is what you need most. If you’re not sure the best way to engage in the fast, a sample fasting plan is provided.
Part two helps the reader spiritually recharge with the help of daily reflections centered around weekly themes. These include “paring down to the essentials,” “choosing the good life,” being “media mindful,” and “creating communion.”
Each day’s meditation includes a guiding Scripture passage, reflection, media challenge and prayer. At the end of each week, the reader is urged to check in with their media fasting plan. How is it going and how might it need to be tweaked or renewed due to that week’s prayerful reflection?
“Media Fasting” contains many other gems apart from the two main sections of the book. The foreword by “The Chosen” actor, Jonathan Roumie, helps us to realize we’re not alone in needing to take a deep look at our media.
He says, “As I continue to surrender my own life and career to a deeper relationship with Christ, the demands of that career have inevitably led me to become more reliant on building social media platforms that reach many in order to glorify his message. I have not been exempted from the ‘swipe and scroll’ epidemic that consumes more of my time than I both realize and like to admit.”
The appendices of “Media Fasting” provide many helpful resources on the reality of media addiction and pornography, media prayers and spiritual media practices such as praying the news and an “examination of conscience for my online life.”
No matter how you choose to use the book, the ultimate goal is a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. Sister Nancy explains her hope for those who engage in the fast. She says, “God wants to be part of every aspect of our lives, and that includes our media experience. Grace is present everywhere and Jesus can work through the digital storytelling we engage with daily. Media fasting changes the way we see our relationship with God, the world, the media, and ourselves by focusing us on spiritual disciplines that free us from addictions, open us to grace, and set us on the path to holiness of life.”
“Media Fasting: Six Weeks to Recharge in Christ” is available through Pauline Books and Media starting Feb. 1, 2025.
Sister Hosea Rupprecht, a Daughter of St. Paul, is the associate director of the Pauline Center for Media Studies.
A Complete Unknown
By John Mulderig
NEW YORK (OSV News) – Timothée Chalamet convincingly portrays storied musician and songwriter Bob Dylan in “A Complete Unknown” (Searchlight), a well-crafted recreation of the early years of the iconic performer’s career. Both mature subject matter and salty vocabu lary, however, mark the film as suitable for older moviegoers only.
The action opens with Dylan’s epochal 1961 visit to the sickbed of his idol, folk singer Woody Guthrie (Scoot McNairy), who was chronically ill with Huntington’s disease. In an important plot development that may or may not be true to history, this is shown to be the occasion of Dylan’s first meeting with his future mentor, Pete Seeger (Edward Norton), as well.
With the already-established See ger’s guidance, Dylan breaks into the Greenwich Village music scene. As his popularity swells, he also launches a live-in romance with fellow vocalist Syl vie Russo (Elle Fanning) – a stand-in for Dylan’s real-life muse, Suze Rotolo.
But such domestic tranquility as
Love & Mercy
By Kurt Jensen
NEW YORK (CNS) – Great art arising from unremitting suffering is a time-tested motion picture theme.
When this reliable template is applied to the biographies of pop-culture stars, however, what typically occurs –especially if the subject is still living – is a descent into sentimental gloss and too many references to the lead character as a charismatic genius.
Fortunately, in “Love & Mercy” (Roadside), a profile of Brian Wilson, the driving force behind 1960s chart toppers the Beach Boys, director Bill Pohlad has managed to evade this trap. He focuses instead on lengthy scenes showing the young Wilson (Paul Dano) laboriously crafting his distinctive sound in recording studios. It’s an intelligent, steady approach, almost like that of a documentary.
Whether screenwriters Oren Moverman and Michael Lerner bring a documentarian’s faithfulness to real life to bear throughout their script is, however, another question. Were, for instance, Wilson’s bandmates – his brothers
musical notions as the film suggests?
Whatever the facts, there is a refreshing absence of the stale dialogue that usually characterizes musical biopics. Accused by his collaborators of lacking a commercial sensibility, Wilson declares, “I got different stuff inside me. I gotta get it out.”
That “different stuff” included Wilson’s drive to break away from synthetic, clean-cut hits like “California Girls” in favor of more ambitious material – such as that found on the group’s 1966 concept album “Pet Sounds.” Yet it also extended to the auditory hallucinations that followed Wilson’s use of psychedelic drugs.
Pohlad isn’t after sensationalism, but rather what used to be described as retrained good taste. So, in order to keep Wilson sympathetic, he ducks explicit portrayals or discussions of substance abuse.
Pohlad portrays Wilson as a deeply sensitive, easily manipulated pawn. In the 1960s Wilson’s lack of assertiveness
leaves him under the thumb of his controlling father, Murry (Bill Camp).
Two decades later, Wilson is held in thrall by abusive therapist Eugene Landy (Paul Giamatti). Claiming his patient has paranoid schizophrenia, Landy keeps Wilson heavily medicated, and restricts the musician’s access to others who might help him.
As portrayed by John Cusack, this burned-out adult version of Wilson is eventually rescued thanks to the compassionate interventions of Melinda Ledbetter (Elizabeth Banks), a car saleswoman Wilson would eventually marry.
Uncomfortable details have undoubtedly been stripped away in the interests of a single, compelling narrative. And both Murry Wilson and Landy become stereotyped villains. Yet “Love & Mercy” can be appreciated for its celebration of one star’s at least partially successful maneuvering through the moral minefield laid down by wealth and fame.
The film contains a premarital bedroom scene, drug use and fleeting instances of profanity and coarse language. The Catholic News Service classification is A-III – adults. The Motion Picture Association of America rating is PG-13 – parents strongly cautioned. Some material may be inappropriate for children under 13.
Jensen is a guest reviewer for Catholic News Service.
Carl (Brett Davern) and Dennis (Kenny Wormald) along with cousin Mike Love (Jake Abel) and friend Al Jardine (Graham Rogers) – really so blithe in their cooperation with Wilson’s unique
Diocesan Events
Adult Enrichment Courses - The Office of Ongoing Faith Formation will be offering “Eschatology Part I: Vision of Hope” and “Eschatology Part II: The Book of Revelation” at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center located at 146 Metlars Lane, Piscataway. Classes are presented by Father Glenn Comandini, S.T.D. Part I will be held on Thursdays for six consecutive weeks starting Feb. 6 - March 13 from 10:30 am to 11:30 am. The registration fee is $20 and covers the six classes of Eschatology Part I. Part II will be held on Thursdays from March 20 - May 29 (no class April 17 for Holy Thursday). The course will be a continuation of Part I and will examine the Book of Revelation using Catholic exegesis to study apocalyptic imagery. The registration fee is $20, covering the 10 classes of Eschatology Part II.
The New American Bible, used in class, can be included in registration for an additional $10. Register online at (Part I and Part II have two separate registration links). For more information, please email or call 732-562-1543.
Mass for Black History Month, 5 p.m., St. Matthias Parish, 168 John F Kennedy Blvd, Somerset. Father Joseph Kabali will serve as celebrant. All are welcome!
For catechists, PCLs, and Catholic school teachers: The Adaptive Teacher - Faith Based Strategies to Reach and Teach Learners with Disabilities featuring Charleen Katra, executive director, National Catholic Partnership on Disability, 9 a.m. (Mass) – 1 p.m., coffee/breakfast after Mass, St. John Neumann Pastoral Center,146 Metlars Lane, Piscataway. Space is limited and pre-registration is REQUIRED. For more information and to register:
Ministry for Seniors Roundtable: 10 a.m.- noon. If you are part of or would like to start up a parish ministry for Grandparents and/or Senior Citizens, please join us for a Ministry for Seniors Roundtable on Sat., March 1, from 10 a.m. to 12 noon at the St. John Neumann Pastoral Center. Please register to attend here:
Christian Anthropology: Responding to Modern Challenges, 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Hosted by the Office for Discipleship Formation for Children. Topics include: Defining the Human Person; The Contrast between the secular culture worldview and the Catholic worldview; The super powers of men and women; Scientific and Medical considerations; A Pastoral Response. Sponsored by the Sophia Institute for Teachers. There is no cost. Breakfast and lunch included. Register at https://diometuchen. org/upcoming-events-2.
Choices Matter Conference, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., hosted by the Office of Human Life and Dignity, St. John Neumann Pastoral Center, Piscataway. Mass celebrated by Bishop James Checchio at 9 a.m., conference begins at 10:15 a.m. Theme is “Choose Hope – A Path to Mental Wellness.” General registration is $35, and student registration is $15. The conference features Eucharistic Adoration, speakers, exhibits and more. The fee includes lunch and handouts. To register visit: https://www. Everyone is welcome! For questions or for more information please email or call 732-562-1543. Seating is limited.
Perpetual Adoration - Shrine Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament The Shrine Chapel of the Blessed Sacrament, Raritan, is looking for adorers to sit with the Blessed Sacrament Monday through Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament is connected to the first Saturday of each month (Night Vigil) from 8 p.m. to 8 a.m. Anyone interested in signing up should visit The Shrine has been designated as one of the Jubilee pilgrimage sites for the Holy Year, which means that anyone visiting the Shrine can obtain the Jubilee Indulgence under the usual conditions.
Feb. 27 – Blood Drive - New Jersey Blood Services will be conducting a blood drive at Most Holy Redeemer Parish. Matawan, on Thurs., Feb. 27, at 1 - 7 p.m. in Desmond Hall, 133 Amboy Road, Matawan. At this time, the blood supply is critically low – PLEASE HELP. Donors must wear a mask, be 14 days symptom free of recovering from COVID-19 and may not donate if they have had a positive diagnostic test or experienced symptoms of COVID-19 in the last 14 days.
Willing to buy your home or townhouse in as-is condition. Quick 30 day cash closing. I’m a Licensed realtor in the State of NJ. Eugene “George” Pantozzi 908-392-2677 (call or text)
The Diocese of Metuchen is seeking a freelance photographer to cover important events throughout the Diocese, particularly the Bishop’s pastoral visits. The ideal candidate will have knowledge of how to appropriately photograph liturgical events in the Diocese and assist the Office of Communications and Public Relations, as well as The Catholic Spirit. Interested candidates should contact Adam Carlisle at
The Catholic Spirit, the official newspaper of the Diocese of Metuchen, seeks a Graphic Designer to assist with the layout and design of its publication. The ideal candidate will have Adobe InDesign and Photoshop experience in a PC environment, be familiar with all aspects of electronic publishing, be well-organized and reliable, and have a proven track record of meeting deadlines. Interested candidates should forward their resume to
Historical Records Commission to conduct spring trip April 26
The Diocese of Metuchen Historical Records Commission will hold its Spring, 2025 “N.J. Catholic History on the Road” trip April 26, departing at 9:30 a.m. from the parking lot at St. James Church, Woodbridge. The “Two Deans and a Chaplain” trip will visit three churches once served by three remarkable priests: temperance advocate Dean Martin Gessner of St. Patrick Parish, Elizabeth; Dean William McNulty, who served St. John Parish, Paterson, from 1863 until his death in 1922, and Father John Washington, curate at St. Stephen Parish, Kearny. Father Washington became a chaplain in World War II, losing his life in the torpedo attack on the “Dorchester” troop transport ship when he and two Protestant chaplains and a rabbi gave up their lifejackets to save others, dubbed the famous “Four Chaplains.”
Presenters are Carl Ganz, Commission member and historian of St. Patrick Parish; Msgr. Raymond Kupke, historian of the Diocese of Paterson and Professor of Church History at Immaculate Conception Seminary, South Orange, and
Rev. Joseph Mancini, Pastor of St. Stephen Parish, Kearny. Weather and time permitting there may be a brief stop at the Great Falls National Historic Park, Paterson; the day will conclude with dinner at Don Pepe Restaurant in Newark. The trip will depart from the St. James parking lot at 149 Grove St. and return after dinner at about 7:30 PM. Cost of the trip, which includes dinner, is $100. For more information or to register, please contact Father Michael Krull, Commission chairman, at The trip is limited to 50 persons, so register early.