Volume 39 Issue 2
Goodnews is a monthly publication of the Good Samaritan Lutheran Church
GOODNEWS Empowering People Through Christ’s Love
Giving•Sharing•loving•caring Inside this Issue Worship Hours pg.2 Faith in Action, Prayers Pg. 2 A Word From The Pastor Pg.3 Ministries & Activities Pg.4 Calendar Pg. 5 Sponsors Pg.6 Birthdays & Anniversaries Pg.7 Youth & Sunday School Pg. 8 Service & Fellowship Opportunities Pg. 9 & 10 Building Update Pg. 12 Ministry Spotlight Pg. 11 Sermon Series Pg. 12
You don’t have to live long to know that into every life some rain will fall. And sometimes that rain is a deluge.
Building Update We’ve gone vertical! Pray for the successful completion of the building!
Sermon Series Begins Feb. 8 & 9
Page 12
From the Pastor “... the number of people who have expressed sympathy, concern, and offered up prayers for my mother and family has warmed my heart...” Page 3
Blood Drive
The Lenten
Sunday Feb. 16
Journey begins
Give a Valentine
with Ash
from the
Wednesday... Page 10
heart...give life.
Page 9
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 2
G O O D S A M A RI TA N L U TH ERA N C H U RC H Worship Hours
Saturday Worship 6pm Sunday Worship 8, 9:35 & 11 Sunday School 9:35 & 11am Nursery available for Sunday Services
Office Hours
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 873-3589 - FAX 873-8437 www.goodsamlv.com
Church Staff
Pastor Don Lorfing, Senior Pastor dlorfing@goodsamlv.com Pastor Scott Hove shove@goodsamlv.com Office & Finance Administrator Michelle Childers office@goodsamlv.com New Hope Christian Academy Administrator Miriam Dake dake@newhopechristianacademylv.org Contemporary Music & Choir Director Chris Childers chris@goodsamlv.com Adult Choir Director Michelle Childers office@goodsamlv.com Children’s Choir-Dir. Lori Hansen Organist - Dan Sheeran Family & Youth-Pastor Don Lorfing Children’s Ministry-Nita Borchardt Nursery - Sandy Markham 206-3336
Attendance Jan = 314
•Newsletter deadline is the 15th of each month •The sponsors in this newsletter help us to defray the cost of printing. Please give them your consideration when possible.
Faith In Action Did you know...?? Good Samaritan sponsored 5 more children with Hope 4 Kids bringing total sponsorships to over 30. Also in partnership with Faith Lutheran Jr/Sr High and the Lorfing/Skarda families enough money was raised to drill two wells ($20,000) and bring clean life saving water to thousands. Faith In Action Did you know...?? An average of 50 + volunteers serve each weekend to make the worship services take place. We thank ushers, greeters, communion assistants, readers, altar care, info desk and entry way attendants, teachers, guides, coffee shop helpers, musicians, singers, technicians, sound engineers, bulletin ‘holy folders’, office assistants and all of you who help on a regular basis or lend a hand when needed! Stewardship Nugget Congratulations to Good Samaritan for making Pastor Don cut off most of his hair and for forcing our Music Minister Chris Childers and Pastor Scott commit to losing 80 lbs. between them. How did you do this? You increased your pledge amount from $368,000 in 2013 to over $408,000 in 2014. Not quite to the goal of $430,000 but darn close and over a 10% increase. Because so many of you stepped up to the plate in your giving commitments, your staff decided to step up as well. So, if you have not come to church in the last week or two, when you do, you will notice Pastor Don with quite a bit less hair. While you may not be able to notice such a drastic change to Chris or Pastor Scott they are both working with a personal trainer and over the next year hope to drop up to 80 lbs between the two of them. It’s good to have some fun with our stewardship, but it is also good to remember how important giving and good stewardship is for our spiritual health and growth. When we spend less time holding tightly to our things we have more room in our life to hold onto God and more ability to focus on others.
Please join us in keeping our congregation & their loved ones in our thoughts & prayers. We offer prayers for the following with individual specialized needs. Kristen - Non-Hodgkin's Lymphoma Nancy - Cancer Robert - Health Angela - Parents moving Angela - New business adventure Amy - Cancer Dan - Health Taeng - Health Moises - Health Michelle - Cancer Rual - Stroke Elizabeth - Focus - College Cliff - Health Jacque - Health Dale - Finding job & health Derrick - Finding job & health Mary - Healing Bonnie - Healing Christy - possible surgery Dorothy - Stroke Scott - Health Charles & Kent - Heart Elaine & Shirley - Cancer Mae - Health Douglas - Health John - Travel Lorrie - Health Derek - Cancer Stan - Health
Church Council Carl Bates - President Dan Reese - Vice President Catherine Daruwalla - Secretary Joe Killoran - Treasurer Rick Byrnes Lisa Carson Paul Eckhart Tara Hanna Rudy Johnson Christy Wollin Barry Tschopp Council meetings are open to the congregation. If you are a member of Good Samaritan and have any questions or concerns you would like put on the agenda, please contact the church office a week prior to the meeting, or if you would just like to attend, they are the 2nd Monday of the month).
Care Ministry
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 2
From the
by Pastor Don Lorfing
Dear Friends and Family of Good Samaritan This has been such an exciting start to 2014. Our expansion program is proceeding, we had a wonderful foundation blessing ceremony, worship attendance is strong, volunteerism is up, and the results of our stewardship campaign were very good indeed. These are all wonderful markers that tell me as one of the leaders of this church community that our church is vibrant and healthy. However, there has been one thing in particular that has grown my appreciation for this church community even more than all the above. That is the outpouring of love and support I have received from this congregation regarding my mother’s ongoing battle against cancer. For those of you that do not know, my mother Nancy Lorfing was diagnosed with ovarian cancer. Just before Christmas she underwent a complete hysterectomy to remove as much of the cancer as possible. To deal with they could not remove she started 18 weeks of chemotherapy the first week in January. When I made people aware of the situation, to be honest I’m not sure
what I expected, but the number of people who have expressed sympathy, concern, and offered up prayers for my mother and family has warmed my heart and reaffirmed to me what a privilege it is to be pastor to such an amazing community of Christian believers here at Good Samaritan Lutheran. I would like to thank you all for surrounding me and my family with your love and care during this time. When I expressed to my mother the number of people praying for her and concerned about her well being, she was genuinely moved. She is not really a person of faith, but dealing with her cancer and becoming aware of the concern and prayer this congregation has offered her, has her thinking deeply about what it means to have faith in Christ. So I thank you for that as well. I also know I am not the only person who feels this way. In visits I have made to Debra Peterson, Blanche Glaeser, Randy Hammer, and others this is a reoccurring theme. Friends and members of Good Samaritan sending them flowers, offering calls of support, or coming to visit and spend time with them. When a church is full of people who innately understand what it means to be Christ to one another, this my friends, is a significant sign of a healthy Christian community. If we are the hands and feet of Christ as the Bible tells us, then we need to be reaching and moving towards others in love and grace. Visiting or praying for people and their families who are
going through difficult times is one of the most profound ways to do this. So let me wrap up my piece this month with one final heart felt thank you from myself, my mother, and my entire family. May I also encourage you to keep it up. Continue to visit and pray for those in need. Continue to reach out with words of support and compassion when you know someone is hurting. Continue to live out Good Samaritan’s mission to be a church community that Gives, Shares, Loves, and Cares. Your Pastor and Fellow Servant in Christ, Pastor Don Lorfing
“Every time I think of you, I give thanks to my God. Whenever I pray, I make my request for all of you with joy, for you have been my partners in spreading the Good News about Christ…And I am certain that God, who began a good work within you will continue His work until it is completed on the day of Christ Jesus.” Phil. 1:3-6
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 2
G O O D S A M A RI TA N L U TH ERA N C H U RC H Ministries & Activities
Weekly & Monthly Activities Bible Study
Sundays at 9:30am in room #2 of the education building. Thursdays at 10:30 AM - Pastor Scott leads this study to help you grow deeper in your walk with Christ. The class is informal in nature. You don’t have to be a scholar to feel comfortable. All are invited to attend. It lasts one hour and meets in the Youth Room.
Kings Kids Choir
Half hour practices begin at 10:40 in room #2 of our ed. building. Children ages 3 yrs – elementary school are welcome. A great way to kids to learn Christian songs, & help them learn how to perform in front of others, while instilling God’s love in their hearts through song.
Have you thought about joining the quilters for the new year? If you cannot come on Friday mornings and can sew at home, we have something for you. Pick up an assortment of cut squares ready to sew into quilt tops. If you are more adventurous, we have an assortment of fabrics. Contact Carol Heiderman at 876-7736 or carolbird@cox.net
Card Ministry Group
Meets every Wednesday at 10am-we play ’Hand & Foot’ and everyone is invited to join us! We meet in the youth room.
Bunko Night
First Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the youth room. Everyone is invited.
New Ministry Starting!
Soon we will be seeing the new school building that we have all been waiting for. While the new building is going up, let us not forget that we need to keep our present building in good shape. So, those of you who would like to join together and do this ministry by caring for our altar, kitchen, sanctuary, youth room, etc. please join Gail Bates and Norma Mac Adam to discuss what we can do. Sign up in the entry way, or contact Gail or Norma. The first planning meeting will be on Monday Feb. 10 at 6:30pm in the youth room. God invites us to join in the work of the church, not because He needs us, but because he wants to give us the privilege of working with Him. If we chose to accept the invitation, we are the richer for it. Please join our ministry where we give with faith and love. Working for Christ, Norma Mac Adam : 456-0337 & Gail Bates : gbates5400@gmail.com
Ages 10 and up - Wednesdays 6:15pm in the Sanctuary.
Mom “Me” Time
This is a place to find the support and friendship you need to help make the road of motherhood a little easier. All moms are invited (working moms, stay-at-home moms, moms with young kids or older kids, single moms, etc.) to form friendships, share advice, have a good laugh and relax! Please join us on Feb 6 & 20 from 6pm - 8pm at Good Samaritan Lutheran Church. RSVP on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/ goodsammommetime or email Carrie at Carrie.Larson@thrivent.com
A support group for families of those addicted to narcotics meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm at GSLC in the youth room.
Men’s Breakfast
Saturday Feb. 8 at 8am. All men are invited and bring a friend or relative. Join us for great food and fellowship.
Layette Ministry
The layette ministry assembles baskets of supplies for new born babies of mothers in dire situations. Donations of baby items are accepted! Diapers, onesies, booties, blankets, etc. Contact Lynda Bennes, the coordinator to help! 873-7637. Layette meets on the odd numbered months on the second Saturday at 10am. The next meeting will be March 8th at 10am.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 2
F EB RU A RY 20 1 4 SUN
SAT 1 9am German School 5pm Band Reh Sanctuary 6pm Worship Service
2 8, 9:35, & 11amCommunion&Worship - Richard Steele Guest Speaker New Members 11-2:30 - Korean Worship - Ed Bld & Sanctuary 3:30 - School SetUp Sanctuary
3 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Council Meeting
4 1:30 GA - youth room
5 10am Card Players youth room 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bld 6:15pm Choir Sanctuary 6:30pm Nar-Anon 7:15 Band Sanctuary
6 11:30am Lunch & Learn - youth room 1:30 GA - youth room 3pm Girl Scouts youth room Mom’s Group - 6pm Youth Room
7 9am Quilting 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Jujitsu Youth Ski Trip Brianhead
8 8am - Mens Breakfast 9am German School 5pm Band Reh Sanctuary 6pm Worship Service Youth Ski Trip Brianhead
9 8, 9:35, & 11Worship 11-2:30 - Korean Worship - Ed Bld & Sanctuary 3:30 - School SetUp Sanctuary6:30pm Youth Ski Trip Brianhead
10 1:30 GA - youth room
11 1:30 GA - youth room
12 10am Card Players youth room 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bld 6:15pm Choir Sanctuary 6:30pm Nar-Anon 7:15 Band Sanctuary
13 11:30am Lunch & Learn - youth room 1:30 GA - youth room 3pm Girl Scouts youth room 6pm Moms Group youth room
14 Happy Valentine’s Day! 9am Quilting 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Jujitsu
15 9am German School 10am Volunteer Brunch 5pm Band Reh Sanctuary 6pm Worship Service
16 8, 9:35, & 11amCommunion&Worship Blood Drive 11-2:30 - Korean Worship - Ed Bld & Sanctuary 3:30 - School SetUp Sanctuary
17 Presidents Day Church Office will be closed 1:30 GA - youth room
18 1:30 GA - youth room
19 10am Card Players youth room 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bld 6:15pm Choir Sanctuary 6:30pm Nar-Anon 7:15 Band Sanctuary
20 11:30am Lunch & Learn - youth room 1:30 GA - youth room 3pm Girl Scouts youth room Mom’s Group - 6pm Youth Room
21 9am Quilting 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Jujitsu
22 9am German School 5pm Band Reh Sanctuary 6pm Worship Service
23 8, 9:35, & 11Worship 11-2:30 - Korean Worship - Ed Bld & Sanctuary 3:30 - School SetUp Sanctuary6:30pm
24 1:30 GA - youth room
25 1:30 GA - youth room
26 10am Card Players youth room 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bld 6:15pm Choir Sanctuary 6:30pm Nar-Anon 7:15 Band Sanctuary
27 11:30am Lunch & Learn - youth room 1:30 GA - youth room 3pm Girl Scouts youth room
28 9am Quilting 1:30 GA - youth room 6pm Jujitsu
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
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Volume 39 Issue 2
February 2014
G O O D S A M A RI TA N L U TH ERA N C H U RC H Birthdays, Anniversaries & Funny Bone
Feb r uar y Bir thdays 1 Hanna Chaffin 2 Jerry Connor, Bob Van Der Linda 6 Sally Bouchard 8 Quinn Calendine, Chris Schneider 10 Bonnie Price 11 Lauren Hess, Steve Soukup 12 Joey Gilbert, Kyle Connor 13 Jacob Surber 14 Andrew Gentry 16 Bob DeVries, Lyle Jensen 17 Sarah Birch, Erich Peterson 18 Roger Fasting, Cherie Seip 19 Ken Carlin 20 Cynthia Dodson, Ava Wierzbicki, Luke Wiersbicki 21 Nita Borchardt. Gary Beckman 22 Audrey Bilansky, Eddie Gandy
A Catholic man is struck by a bus on a busy street. He is lying near death on the sidewalk as a crowd gathers. "A priest. Somebody get me a priest!" the man gasps. Minutes drag on and no one steps out of the crowd. A policeman checks the crowd and finally yells, "A PRIEST, PLEASE! Isn't there a priest in this crowd to give this man his last rites?"
a Christian. But for 50 years now I'm living behind the Catholic Church on First Avenue, and every night I'm overhearing their services. I can recall a lot of it, and maybe I can be of some comfort to this poor man." The policeman agrees, and clears the crowd so the man can get through to where the injured man lay.
Finally, out of the crowd steps a little old Jewish man of at least 80 years of age.
The old Jewish man kneels down, leans over the prostrate man and says in a solemn voice:
"Mr. Policeman," says the man, "I'm not a priest. I'm not even
"B-4--- I-19--- N-38--- G-54--O-72"
23 Arlene Calendine 24 Joe Papex 25 Andrew Parker, Francesca Bliven, Logen Poteet 26 Jessica Bliven, Emily Hess 28 Richard Stone Feb r uar y An n iv ersaries 1 Lisa & Luis Fletes 5 Rudy & Jami Johnson 22 Wes & Kristi Parker B.J. & Brynn Willeford
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 2
February 2014
G O O D S A M A RI TA N L U TH ERA N C H U RC H Youth & Family
Youth Youth Ski-Trip - Feb. 7-9 Last day to sign up is Feb. 3rd! We leave Friday the 7th at 6pm from the church. Saturday and Sunday we ski, tube, or hangout and return Sunday around 9pm. Time spent in worship, devotion, are an important part of the weekend. Cost for the trip is only $75 for room, food, and transport for the entire weekend and does not include cost for ski or board rentals or lift tickets. Scholarships are available for this trip. Service Night - Sat. Feb. 22nd 7-10:30pm An evening of fun and service at Good Sam. Laser Tag - Fri. March 14th 6:30-9:30pm $20 includes 3 games Pizza and Drinks
Rock n Roll Worship - Sat. Feb 15th 7pm. Join us as we gather at the church at 6 pm on Saturday Feb. 15th to car pool to a great Christian Concert a the Thomas and Mack. Rock n Roll Worship will feature such headliners at Skillet and Third Day. If you have never been to a Christian concert, you need to check it out. Great music, awesome atmosphere, and a chance to hang out with others from our youth group and thousands of Christians from around the valley. Cost is only $10 whaaatttt??? Yes, only $10 for a great concert - don’t miss it. http://theroadshowtour.com/ For more info about Youth Events, contact Pastor Don at dlorfing@goodsamlv.com or 241-7392 Remember he is sometimes slow to respond to emails.
Sunday School Perfect Attendance in Sunday School Caroline Gabert, Kyle Rush, Vivien Waldner Congratulations!!
The Ultimate Prayer Challenge Winners! The class with the most prayer challenges in the month of January, was the 3-5th grade class ! They had 32 prayer challenges returned to Miss Ashley in the month of January!! Thank you parents for your support!!
New Hope Registration Continues Registration is continuing at New Hope Christian Academy! Come join our school community as we continue to grow. We are focused on passionately educating and inspiring children in His Glory. At NHCA, we strive to provide a loving and nurturing environment for your child to learn based on strong Christian principles. It is our mission to treat each child as if he or she were our own, upholding the highest possible standards to ensure the trust of each family. We offer classes for children as young as 12 months to 5th Grade. Registration is open to Church members on February 3rd. Church members Open to the public
Feb. 3 – Feb. 7 Feb. 10 – Feb. 14
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 2
February 2014
G O O D S A M A RI TA N L U TH ERA N C H U RC H Service & Fellowship Opportunities
Church Brokerage Account is Great News for You! Because we now have a brokerage account, you may want to consider gifting stocks or bonds to the church for tax advantaged giving. Talk to your tax advisor first; and, then simply contact Michelle in the church office for information on the church’s account that your financial advisor/broker will need. There may benefits in this manner of giving for you that will still provide the church with the gifts you intended to give!
Sunday February 16 ➡ Sign up in the entry way or contact the church office at 873-3589 or office@goodsamlv.com ➡ Bring ID
sembly Synod As We have cson, AZ. interested in u T in 4 -1 If gates. June 13 three dele t room for tact Pastor Don a 73-3589. 8 n o r c o , g m o goin lv.c goodsam @ g in rf lo d
Get Connected • Join a Small Group It’s time. If you have not already been contacted you will be shortly by a member of our small group leadership team with information on your small group that you have signed up for. We are diligently working to get all our new small groups up and running by mid-February, while also touching base with many of our current small groups to see how we can support them or offer them training or guidance if they desire. If you have not already signed up to be in a small group and would like more information on anything relating to small groups feel free to contact Pastor Don at 702-241-7392. Texting works best.
Erin Anderson is a fourth year dental student at UNLV and looking for patients for her licensure exam. The treatment is free to the patient and they will be compensated for their time. If you know of anyone in need of dental work (small fillings & deep cleanings) please call Erin Anderson at 775-722-6788
Sign Up to Donate Flowers! Would you like to honor someone? Remember someone? Do you have a special occasion to celebrate? Would you like to just give the glory to God? You can donate flowers by signing up in the entry area on the flower donation posters. The donation/dedication will be printed in the bulletin. It is $55 per donation. To give, write flowers on an offering envelope, and put it in the offering plate, or donate online at www.goodsamlv.com just click GIVE.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 2
February 2014
G O O D S A M A RI TA N L U TH ERA N C H U RC H Service & Fellowship Opportunities
The Lenten Journey Begins March 5th
Lent is a period of six weeks which leads up to Holy Week and Easter. It is a great opportunity to take an intentional journey deeper in your faith. To add a spiritual element to your life that will enrich your daily living and prepare you all the more to experience the deep meaning of Holy Week and to celebrate the joy of Easter.
Lent Resources Free Lenten resources will be available on March 1 in the entry way: devotion books, children’s activities, etc!
Ash Wednesday Service & Soup Supper March 5 - Soup is served at 6pm - Service begins at 7pm: worship, hymns,
and disposition of ashes.
Volunteer Appreciation Brunch Saturday, February 15 - 10:00 AM We love our volunteers at Good Samaritan! Without you, all that happens here would not happen at all! Therefore, the Pastors and staff invite you to our “First Annual Volunteer Appreciation Brunch” at 10:00 AM on Saturday, February 15 in the Worship Center.
It’s just a small way in which we can say “Thank You!” for making ministry happen at Good Samaritan! RSVP We need to know how many are attending so we can properly prepare. Therefore, send an e-mail to Michelle at the church office: office@goodsamlv.com, sign up on the Friendship Forms at worship or give us a call.
Whether you are an usher or Sunday School teacher, you are invited to attend. Whether you volunteer a lot or a little you are invited to attend.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 2
February 2014
G O O D S A M A RI TA N L U TH ERA N C H U RC H Ministry Spotlight
Ministry Spotlight: Connection Ministry
by Gail Bates I was sitting at the computer one weekend last fall when my husband, Carl, came home from the annual church council retreat. "How was your meeting?" I asked. "Well," he said. "We came up with a new slogan...Love God. Love People. Do Stuff." It took a few minutes to wrap my brain around that one but, as it sank in, I realized that the entire message of Christianity was wrapped up in those few, simple words. Although the message sounds simple, I couldn't help but reflect on whether we, as Christians, really live it.
Personally, I think many of us struggle the most with the "Do Stuff" part of the equation. We want to be closer to God and to each other but we don't do the stuff that accomplishes that goal. Who can blame us? We're busy balancing the demands of work, family, etc. and we just don't have the time to "do" much more. The Connection Ministry is a new ministry at GSLC whose mission is to help everyone that is part of our church community "do stuff." What kind of stuff? The stuff that deepens our involvement with the church and connects us to God and each other. Service. Fellowship. Bible Study. Fortunately, "do stuff" does not necessarily mean "do big stuff." There are plenty of opportunities for involvement that do not require large commitments of time and
energy. In the parable of the mustard seed, Jesus said: "The Kingdom of Heaven is like a grain of mustard seed, which a man took, and sowed in his field; which indeed is smaller than all seeds. But when it is grown, it is greater than the herbs, and becomes a tree, so that the birds of the air come and lodge in its branches. Matthew 13:31-32 Something that starts out small can grow and bring with it, big rewards. As the year 2014 gets underway, consider getting more connected into the life of the church. Start small or "go big."
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 1
February 2014
G O O D S A M A RI TA N L U TH ERA N C H U RC H School Expansion Update As many of you already know, our expansion project continues at a rapid pace. The foundation is completed with all underground plumbing and electrical installed. If you missed it we had a great foundation dedication on Jan. 19th and filled our time capsule with material from each of our Christian Academy classes, our
Sunday School and also materials from our greater church community. Currently the structural wood framing is well on its way to being done and they will likely start doing some exterior stucco in the coming weeks. Our projected date of completion is still on schedule for early May. So please continue to keep the safety of
the workers in your prayers as well as the entire project itself. We are so thankful that God has blessed this church and school community so abundantly that we can expand our school in order to give more children a great education while at the same time reaching them with the love and good news of Jesus Christ.
You don’t have to live long to know that into every life some rain will fall. And sometimes that rain is a deluge. You wonder if the gray sky will ever brighten or the pain will ever diminish. But even in the midst of the hurts and storms of life God is at work. Even when you are not aware, God is there with you; healing, redeeming, bringing hope and a ray of light into the darkness. God is in the business of healing the broken hearted and bringing hope into seemingly hopeless situations. Spend 3 weeks with us starting Feb. 16th as we ask the hard questions and explore the answers to hard questions like “Where is God When It Hurts?” A great sermon series for anyone wanting to know God more fully and experience the hope and peace that comes through Christ, especially when facing difficult times.