Volume 39 Issue 5
GOODNEWS Empowering People Through Christ’s Love
Summer Camps & Programs Mission Trip June 16-21 Beach Camp July 7-11 VBS July 21-Aug 8 Registration Now Open
!! Details on Page 12
Building Update It’s almost done!
!! !! !! More on Page 10
The Cure For the Common Life Be More Than Ordinary! Sermon Series Continues until June 1
!! !Details on Page 9
Church Picnic May 4 12:30pm Page 8
Good Sam 101
Info & Membership class May 18 12:15pm Page 4
In This Issue Worship Hours pg.2 A Word From The Pastor Pg.3 Weekly/Monthly/Activity Pg.4 Calendar Pg. 5 Sponsors Pg.6 Birthdays & Anniversaries Pg.7 Youth & Sunday School Pg. 8 Construction & Stewardship Pg. 9 Service Opportunities Pg. 10 Prayers & Thank You’s Pg. 11 Stewardship Pg. 11 Summer Camps Pg. 12
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
Worship Hours!
Saturday Worship 6pm Sunday Worship 8, 9:35 & 11 Sunday School 9:35 & 11am Nursery available for Sunday Services
Office Hours!
Monday - Friday 9:00am - 5:00pm 873-3589 FAX 873-8437 www.goodsamlv.com Church Staff Pastor Don Lorfing, Senior Pastor dlorfing@goodsamlv.com Pastor Scott Hove shove@goodsamlv.com Office & Finance Administrator Michelle Childers office@goodsamlv.com New Hope Christian Academy Administrator Miriam Dake dake@newhopechristianacademylv.org Contemporary Music & Choir Director Chris Childers chris@goodsamlv.com Adult Choir Director Michelle Childers office@goodsamlv.com Children’s Choir-Dir. Lori Hansen Organist Dan Sheeran Family & Youth-Pastor Don Lorfing Children’s Ministry-Nita Borchardt nita@goodsamlv.com Nursery - Sandy Markham 206-3336
Church Council Carl Bates - President Dan Reese - Vice President Paul Eckhart - Secretary Joe Killoran - Treasurer Rick Byrnes Lisa Carson Tara Hanna Rudy Johnson Catherine Daruwalla Clay Bronson Barry Tschopp Council meetings are open to the congregation. If you are a member of Good Samaritan and have any questions or concerns you would like put on the agenda, please contact the church office a week prior to the meeting, or if you would just like to attend, they are the 2nd Monday of the month).
•Newsletter deadline is the 15th of each month •The sponsors in this newsletter help us to defray the cost of printing. Please give them your consideration when possible.
!! !! !! !! !
Average Attendance Q1= 334 Apr 5-6 = 354 Apr 12-13 (Palm Sun) = 371 Maundy Thurs = 59 Good Fri = 142 Apr 19-20 (Easter) = 763
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
From the
Pastor !
by Rev. Don Lorfing
! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
Dear Friends and Family of Good Samaritan
As we get ready to move into the summer months, I think about how what a great year we have been having as a congregation so far. Enthusiasm is high, God's work is being done, attendance is on the rise, we used this years lent to serve our community, our school is full and our expansion almost complete, and the list goes on and on. God has been blessing this congregation greatly over the last year. My hope is we will continue to be diligent and faithful to God's call to "Love Him, Love Others, and Do Stuff for God's Kingdom." As we move toward the summer let me give you some words of encouragement. Summer used to be a time when things dramatically slowed down at Good Samaritan, but that is no longer the case. We now have many opportunities for ministry and growth during the summer months as well as during the year. I hope you will consider taking advantage of our numerous summer camp opportunities, such as our Mission trip, Beach Camp, or VBS. Don’t let the summer months become an excuse to get lax in your attendance at church, fall behind in your giving, or become complacent in your spiritual journey. As the heat index increases send your children or grandchildren to one of our many cool summer camps, participate by helping out with Summer Sunday School or in another
area of service or be a part of one of our many bible studies, small groups, or fellowship groups. Use this summer as a time to make another step forward in your faith walk or to take a walk across the street and invite a neighbor or friend to be a part of one of these growth opportunities. May God bless you as we move towards the end or our school year and into our summer months. May his presence, power, love and guidance be with you each and every day. God’s Peace and Blessings to You Your Fellow Servant in Christ, Pastor Don Lorfing!
• May 4 “Gratitude Makes the Heart Grow Fonder” • May 11 “Use Your Uniqueness to Find Your Sweet Spot” • May 18 Special Guest Speaker Dr. Steve Buuck; CEO of Faith Lutheran Middle School and High School • May 25 “Join God’s Family of Friends” • June 1 “Don’t Be to Big to do Something Small”
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
Bible Studies ! Sundays at 9:35am in room #2 of the education building and at 11:00am in the large meeting area of the education building. Mid-week Bible Study - Thursday mornings in the Youth Room. Informal. Conversational. Don’t worry about what you think you don’t know! 10:30 - 11:30am. Led by Pastor Scott. All are welcome!
Choir! Ages 10 and up - Wednesdays 6:15pm in the Sanctuary.
Nar-Anon ! A support group for families of those addicted to narcotics meets every Wednesday evening from 6:30 - 7:30 pm at GSLC in the youth room.
Kings Kids Choir! Half hour practices begin at 10:40 in room #2 of our ed. building. Children ages 3 yrs – elementary school are welcome. A great way to kids to learn Christian songs, & help them learn how to perform in front of others, while instilling God’s love in their hearts through song.
Quilters! Gather on Friday mornings at the church at 9-11am to assemble ‘quilts of love’. You can also sew at home. Pick up an assortment of cut squares ready to sew into quilt tops. Contact the church office for more info at 873-3589 or office@goodsamlv.com.
Card Ministry Group! Meets every Wednesday at 10am-we play ’Hand & Foot’ and everyone is invited to join us! We meet in the youth room.
Bunko Night! First Thursday of each month at 6:30pm in the youth room. Everyone is invited.
Good Sam 101
May 18 from 12:15-3pm Are you interested in joining Good Samaritan or would just like more information regarding what we are all about? Join us! after the last service in the youth room.Meet others, ask questions, learn about the congregation, and decide if you want to join our great church community. Lunch is provided, and we will provide child care upon request. If you would like to attend, sign up in the entry area, fill out the friendship form, or contact the church office 873-3589 or office@goodsamlv.com.
Mom “Me” Time! Who else but other moms understand the ups and downs of motherhood? Mom “Me” Time is a place where we share advice, vent our worries, have a good laugh, and even relax! We meet every other Thursday evening from 6pm - 8pm. Childcare is available for a suggested $5 per child. May meetings will be on the 8th in the conference room & the 22nd in the youth room. RSVP on our Facebook page www.facebook.com/ goodsammommetime or email Lauren at LaurenE80@gmail.com
Layette Ministry ! Men’s Breakfast!
Saturday May 10 at 8am. All men are invited and bring a friend or relative. Join us for great food and fellowship. 4
The layette ministry assembles baskets of supplies for new born babies of mothers in dire situations. Donations of baby items are accepted! Diapers, onesies, booties, blankets, etc. Contact Lynda Bennes, the coordinator to help! 873-7637. Layette meets on the odd numbered months on the second Saturday at 10am. Future Meetings: Date Change for May : May 3rd at 10am • July 12th 10am • September 13 10am • November 8th 10am
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
1 10:30am - Bible Study 1:30-3pm GA Youth Room 3-4:30pm Girl Scouts - Sanctuary 6:30pm Bunko Youth Room
2 9-11am Quilters Youth Room 6pm Jujitsu
3 9am-12pm German School - Ed Bldg 10am Layette Youth Room 5pm Band Reh Stage 6pm Worship Sanctuary
4 Communion & Worship 8am, 9:35am & 11am 9:35am Bible Study 12:30pm Church Picnic & CBU Choir
5 2pm - CBU Choir @ NHCA
7 10am-3:30pm Card Players 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bldg 6:15pm Choir Reh Stage 6:30pm Nar-Anon Youth Room 7pm Praise Team reh - Stage
8 10:30am - Bible Study 1:30-3pm GA Youth Room 3-4:30pm Girl Scouts - Sanctuary 6-8pm Mom”Me” Time-Youth Room
9 9-11am Quilters Youth Room 6pm Jujitsu
10 8am Mens Breakfast 8am-12pm Car Wash 9am-12pm German School - Ed Bldg 5pm Band Reh Stage 6pm Worship Sanctuary
11 Worship 8am, 9:35am & 11am 9:35am Bible Study
12 6pm Church Council Meeting - Sancturary
13 6pm Campus Care Meeting - Youth Room
14 10am-3:30pm Card Players 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bldg 6:15pm Choir Reh Stage 6:30pm Nar-Anon Youth Room 7pm Praise Team reh - Stage
15 10:30am - Bible Study 1:30-3pm GA Youth Room 3-4:30pm Girl Scouts - Sanctuary
16 9-11am Quilters Youth Room 6pm Jujitsu
17 9am-12pm German School 1pm German School Graduation Sanctuary 5pm Band Reh Stage 6pm Worship Sanctuary
21 10am-3:30pm Card Players 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bldg 6:15pm Choir Reh Stage 6:30pm Nar-Anon Youth Room 7pm Praise Team reh - Stage
22 10:30am - Bible Study 1:30-3pm GA Youth Room 3-4:30pm Girl Scouts - Sanctuary 6-8pm Mom”Me” Time-Youth Room
23 9-11am Quilters Youth Room 6pm Jujitsu
24 5pm Band Reh Stage 6pm Worship Sanctuary
28 10am-3:30pm Card Players 6pm Boy Scouts - Ed Bldg 6:15pm Choir Reh Stage 6:30pm Nar-Anon Youth Room 7pm Praise Team reh - Stage
29 10:30am - Bible Study 1:30-3pm GA Youth Room 3-4:30pm Girl Scouts - Sanctuary
30 9-11am Quilters Youth Room 6pm Jujitsu
31 5pm Band Reh Stage 6pm Worship Sanctuary
Mother’s Day 18 Communion & Worship 8am, 9:35am & 11am 9:35am Bible Study 12:15-3pm Good Sam 101 Clsss Youth Room
Good Sam 101 25 Worship 8am, 9:35am & 11am 9:35am Bible Study
Memorial Day
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
May 2014
blank ad page
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
May 2014
May Birthdays 3 Lance Jaworski 4 Donovan Koch, Maribeth Bolster, Lisa Waldner, Alexa Willeford, 5 Irma Butler 7 Leah Chaffin, Kelly Peitsch 8 Olivia Hess 9 Mary Jones, Devin Cratty 10 Colt Calendine, Anne-Marie Somers 11 Douglas Owens 12 Ken Miller 13 Tristen Lorfing, Megan Scharar 14 Gary Johnson 15 Paul Spannhake 16 Takis Axas, Nicholas Peterson 17 Albert Weiss 18 Frank Valle 19 Renee Blackwell 20 Rudy Johnson, Tom LaViolette Kyle Gerdon 21 Patrick Panknin 22 Clara Valladares, Savanna Davis, Tori Krebs 23 Susan Gentry, Gayle Gleicher, Douglas Wollin, Larry Lorfing 24 Dave Larson, Mason Camilletti , Kristin Poteet 25 Kalli Krebs, Santino Romano 27 Michelle Childers 28 Michelle Weiss, Arianna Ulate 29 Kathy Antonino 31 Becky Johnson, Stephani Foster (McKenzie)
May Anniversaries 6 Paul & Barbara Eckhart (36) Clifford & Sheila Anderson (36) 22 Brian & Kim Niehaus (15) 30 Steve & Mary McCrary (27)
Memorial Day is Monday May 26 We are grateful for the service and time that the veterans gave. We recognize their sacrifice on this day.
May 11 is Mother’s Day Mothers will receive a devotional book and flower! Thank you to all the inspiring and caring mothers and grandmothers out there! We love you!
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
May 2014
Great Job!
Jordan Daruwalla, Jaida Albanito, and Bella Grazide are exceptional Youth who are now assisting in the Sunday school classrooms! Thank you for your time and commitment!
A warm welcome to Miss Dana Davis She has joined our Sunday School ministry, and will be teaching 11:00 a.m. Preschool!!
Youth schedule Church Picnic May 4
Youth will be helping with the church picnic and be running a few game booths. Come join the fun!
Fri. May 9th 6-9:30 pm 2nd Friday Event
May 4 • 12:30pm - 4:30pm Fun for the whole family Pony Rides • Petting Zoo • Face Painting Bouncy Houses • Bungee Run Games • Races • Prizes • Raffles • Much More!
A new and fun evening for youth grades 6-12. Every 2nd Friday 2nd Friday come to church from 6-9:30pm for a night of fun, free time, and activity. Free time. Meet up with friends or make new ones. Inviting a friend is welcomed and encouraged.
!! Sat. May 10
th 3-6
pm - LSSN Food Drive Help LSSN with the National Letter Carriers food drive this year. The event will be 3:00-3:30 p.m. to about 6:00pm on Sat. May 10th at U.S. Post Office on 4948 Mountain Vista St. Las Vegas, NV 89121. We will need volunteers to unload the trucks, weigh and sort the items. Sign up sheets are in the entry way or call the church office 873-3589 or office@goodsamlv.com
Sun. May 18th 2-6 Pm Pool Party at Pastor and Amy Lorfing’s House
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
May 2014
! !
Ministry Team
Hi to the Campus Care Ministry Team!
Many people commented on how nice the kitchen looked after we furnished the clean-up. If you are not a member of Campus Care, join us! We will be meeting Tuesday, May 13th at 6:00 p.m. to plan out our next project and would like to invite you to attend. Come and meet other people who want to care for our church facility.
See you there, Co-Chairpersons, Norma Mac Adam & Gail Bates
Stewardship • Tithing is Trusting
Some people say, "I wouldn't dare tithe. I'm afraid I just couldn't make it." What they are really saying is, "I wouldn't dare to trust God on that practical a level. That is too risky." And perhaps they are right, at least for themselves. If you cannot trust God with the practical things of your day to day life, then you cannot tithe; it will worry you greatly. But the other side of that same argument is that if you cannot trust God with your financial problems, you will probably be worried greatly about
many things much of the time anyway. Not tithing won't stop your anxiety about money. Giving 10% or whatever percentage you chose to encourage God's work is not just a financial transaction between you and the church but a spiritual practice that strengthens your relationship with your creator. Tithing is a matter of faith and trust. Not an arithmetic formula determining how much to give. The point of tithing is to strengthen your spiritual life and your relationship with the one who gave you all you have to begin with.
Construction Update “ITS ALMOST DONE” Praise God we are on schedule to have our school expansion completed this month and start on our entry area expansion May 7th. All that’s left with the school is to pour the outside concrete, do some landscaping and get our certificate of occupancy. The entry area expansion should be completed in early to mid-June. Thanks to all of you who have supported this project with your prays and financial support. This will allow our school to have seven new classrooms to move into in the Fall, free up more space in our worship building, and increase our entry area significantly. We have laid a foundation that will benefit our church and school for many years to come. Please continue to keep the final days of this building project in your prayers.
Pastor Scott at the Front Desk
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
May 2014
Walter Hoving Walk A Thon May 17th • 10am • 3353 Red Rock St. Las Vegas NV 89146. • Walking 50 blocks • Hotdogs • Fellowship • Free T-shirts Every dollar goes to the Hoving Home Ladies discovering a new life. For more info: Sylvia, Tina or Barbara at 702-386-1965 or smarchael@walterhovinghome.com
Wednesday, May 21, 2014! at Red Rock Country Club
Guest Speaker:!
Kathy Hamilton! Kathy reflects on her journey from teen mother living in a travel trailer in! Harlan County, Kentucky to raising her family and finding her voice in Las Vegas with “Mirror, Mirror.” Benefiting Living Grace Home! h t t p : / / w w w. l i v i n g g r a c e h o m e . c o m
Now Accepting Applications We are now accepting applications for the following: • Part-Time Campus Custodian • Part-Time Youth Director More info and job descriptions can be found online www.goodsamlv.com If interested, please contact Pastor Don at 873-3589 or dlorfing@goodsamlv.com
California Baptist University Women’s Choir Performing at the Church Picnic on May 4! They will also do a performance 2pm on May 5th at New Hope Christian Academy! Come hear their wonderful music
Host Families Needed!!
The CBU choir members will need host families the nights of May 4th & May 5th.
Sign up for one or both nights to help with overnight sleeping arrangements, dinner, breakfast and a sack lunch. Host families will need to pick them up at the church picnic on May 4th or May 5th after the performance at 3pm at New Hope Christian Academy. If interested, sign up in the entry way or contact the church office at 873-3589 or office@goodsamlv.com
Car Wash: Sat. May 10, 8 AM - Noon The Navajo Mission Team will be having a car wash fundraiser on Saturday, May 10 from 8 AM to Noon. Tickets are only $5.00 and will be sold at all services the weekend of May 3 and 4. Thanks in advance for your support!
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
May 2014
Pastor Don’s mother, Nancy Cancer Pastor Scott - Healing & Recovery Miriam - Continued Healing Don - Healing Debbie - Healing Kristin - Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Jenkins Family Norma - Body Pain Norma - she & family are missing her husband, Pastor Tom Adams Family - Healing Carter Family - Healing Elaine & Shirley - Cancer Allison - Back Problems
Sherre - Blood Cancer Carol - Healing Virgil - Health Mary - Cancer Debbie - Healing Don - Cancer Kyle - Cancer & chemo Ron - Health and Decisions Jeremy - Father’s Surgery, Sister’s Cancer, God’s peace, grace and love for his family Ray - Health Nadia, Troy, Barbara, Tom Frank - Healing Krista - Patience Eric - Back Surgery Joyce - Blood Transfusion Shaunita - Health Shawana - Housing & Healing Mary - Finance Scott - Healing Jeni - Strength Pride Family Douglas - Health
John - Problems Connie - Health Audrey - Cancer Sharon - Cancer Lorrie - Health Family of Bernard Amy - Cancer J. M. Kristy - Strength John Chere - Cancer Jennifer - Bone & Lung Cancer Chad, Ariane & Jordan - Healing Michael - Surgery Keith, Joyce, Duane, Norm James - Guidance Health Brian - Job Judy - Heart Rob’s Family - on his passing Noah & Axel - Health Micah Alex - College Shirley Ingrid, Karen, Michelle - Peace Anita Megan - Cancer Alice Shelby Roberto - Cancer Deborah - Family Finance Mercy - Surgery Marcia - Health Ada - Nerves Yogi - Health Michelle, Doug, Nicole Angel - Scalding Accident Christy - Back Surgery Jo An - Cancer CARE MINISTRY Carol - Lupus Dorothy - Health Gary - Health
Being The Church Instead Of Just Doing Church Thank you to all who participated in the Wednesday service events during lent. You have made a difference in the lives of others.
We served Acacia Springs 3 Square Food Bank Las Vegas Rescue Mission Local Families with need St. Jude’s Ranch for Children It has been great BEING the church instead of just DOING church.
Ken and I and my family would like to thank our Good Samaritan family for all the prayers, cards, and sympathy expressed to us for the loss
of my brother, Ronnie. Also, thank you, again, to everyone for all the food, flowers and especially for all the loving friendship. It meant a great deal to all of us to have such concern and kindness in a very difficult time. God took my brother home, but he still lives on in our hearts. Jolene, Ken & family
The Walter Hoving Home ladies send their thanks to GSLC and to everyone who responded so positively to their visit with us on March 30th. They truly enjoyed the love and support they felt at Good Samaritan. I heard from several of them that they feel God is doing something special in this church community. Also, between donations and sales of jewelry they raised over $1000 to support their ongoing ministry at the Walter Hoving Home.
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com
Volume 39 Issue 5
May 2014
Summer Camp Opportunities If you have youth or children in your house, consider setting aside time in your summer schedule for one or more of our great camps. These camps are great experiences for youth and children and could be the highlight of their summer. (3 Weeks; Mon-Fri.) July 21-Aug 8 Sign up for one, two, or three weeks of our awesomeVacation Bible School.Trained Counselors will lead kids ages 4 yr old – 5th Grade in worship, music, bible stories, and games.A great way to end your summer vacation. 9am-3pm Cost is $85 per week.After and before care available. Registration Forms are found online www.goodsamlv.com or in the church office. For more information about these trips contact Pastor Don at 241-7392 or dlorfing@goodsamlv.com.
J un e 16-21 (M on-Sat. )
Mission Trip to the Navajo Nation in NE Arizona. A truly powerful week in which participants will serve God and others in a unique cultural setting.All ages are welcome. Cost is only $140 for the whole week with fundraisers.
July 7-11 (Mon-Fri.)
A fun a relaxing trip to Southern California. Days on the beach, a day trip to Knotts Berry Farm, service to the local community and lots of great fellowship and activities. For Middle School and High SchoolYouth. Cost is $120 and includes tickets to Knotts Berry Farm.
Join us: June 16 - 21,
Good Samaritan Lutheran Church • 8425 W. Windmill Ln • Las Vegas • 702.873.3589 • www.goodsamlv.com