Bristol Magazine 19th - 26th August 2021

Page 24

Out and about this week in Brislington with Jos and Andrew Wyevale update: Here is a summary on the state of the various planning applications submitted by the owners of the former garden centre on Bath Road. So far, four of the five current planning applications have been determined by the Local Planning Authority. Three have been refused and one has been approved: 21/00783/F - Creation of hardstanding for the purpose of ancillary storage (resubmission of planning application 20/00574/F) REFUSED 21/02117/F - Temporary change of use of site to Sui Generis (car sales) REFUSED 21/02287/F - Temporary change of use of site to mixed use B8/E/Sui Generis (builder's yard, car sales and scaffold storage yard) REFUSED 21/02131/F - Temporary change of use of western section of Garden Centre car park to Car Sales for an additional five-year period (extension to planning permission 19/01381/F) APPROVED A fifth application 21/03227/F - registered on 10.6.21 for temporary change of use of part of Class E storage area to a scaffold storage yard (Sui generis) is still at consultation stage. 24

Regarding enforcement measures fo previous infringements, the landowner and their agent have been advised that two of the cases are nearing completion and planning enforcement notices are about to be served. These cases refer to the formation of hardstanding without permission and earth moving and regrading of the land, including the formation of bunds and storage of construction plant and equipment and portable buildings without permission. There is a right of appeal against the planning decisions and the planning enforcement action and as always we will keep you updated. Callington Road Nature Reserve update: This week we had a meeting with representatives of the Friends of Callington Road Nature Reserve together with council conservation officers. We are hoping to do a biodiversity survey of the pond to see what species are currently present and how we can promote wildlife. We also discussed the upper slopes and new signage to remind dog owners to keep their dogs on the lead when in that part of the nature reserve in order to protect the deer. The Friends are also planning to have an open day on Saturday 4 September from 10 to 2pm. There will be nature trails, owl-oiling, painting of signage, a litter pick and removal of litter from the pond, among other activities. We’ll post more details when we have them.

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Bristol Magazine 19th - 26th August 2021 by Direct Local Bristol - Issuu