New booking system for recycling centres
Brislington Green Trail: We were delighted to join local residents at Arnos Court Park this week, to make a short video with Bristol City Council about the origins of the Brislington Green Trail and how the scheme benefitted from Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL) funding. This year, we have several applications for CIL funding and Greater Brislington Together will hopefully be organising a public meeting in the next few weeks, when we can find out more about the bids and select our community priorities. You can find out more about the Brislington Green Trail here: New café concession at Arnos Court Park: We are delighted to see the new café concession up and running at Arnos Court Park. The current operators have a contract to trade until 31 October. This is a trial pitch and there will be a consultation in about a month’s time. All being well, the council will offer an extension through the winter with a view to advertising the pitch for a three year contract from April 2023. 10
New booking system for recycling centres: From 6 June, you’ll need to make a reservation to visit the city’s recycling centres and the booking system is now open. You can book up to two weeks in advance, or one hour before you visit if slots are available. People without access to the internet can call 0117 922 2100 Monday to Friday between 8.30am to 6pm (closed 12 1.30pm on Wednesday). We are concerned that the new system may discourage people from recycling, so please let us know if you have any issues with it. More details HERE New housing development: You may be aware that Sovereign Housing Association recently acquired a large area of riverside land in Brislington West; it’s the site currently occupied by City Motors on St Phillip’s Causeway. We will be meeting with them shortly to find out more about their plans for the site and they will be commencing consultations with local residents, community groups and businesses very soon. We will keep you posted as their plans develop.