This Is Direct Selling Like many entrepreneurs, direct sellers embrace the spirit of independence. And like industries that are built to last, direct selling has adapted and endured over the decades by preparing generations of Americans for many of the defining moments that changed the course of our nation’s history. The resilience and independence that have been intrinsic to the business for more than a century are fundamental to who we are and where we are going. Some of the tasks ahead, such as modernizing descriptions of our opportunity, growing the relationship with the ultimate consumer, and committing to ethical business practices and rigorous self-regulation, we will face together. Every direct selling company has a hand in building the reputation for our way of doing business. Our companies, united with DSA, are making channel-wide efforts to ensure that our customers, sellers, potential sellers, policymakers, investors, and the public at large understand that—in today’s market, this is Direct Selling.
Spring 2022