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Frequently Asked Questions
About the Global 100 Ranking
Why did DSN start the Global 100 list?
DSN created the Global 100 list to acknowledge the financial achievements of direct selling companies and to provide a clear picture of the magnitude of the channel. Just as every credible channel ranks its players— Inc. 500, FORTUNE 500 and Forbes’ lists—DSN wanted to show the public what a viable and credible channel direct selling truly is.
Who uses the Global 100 list?
The DSN Global 100 list offers a unique perspective on the global impact the channel has on economic and social levels. It provides a scope of learning not only for direct selling companies but also for researchers, investors and those seeking opportunities within the channel. When DSN began the ranking in 2010, it was committed to creating a fair ranking that would showcase a transparent channel, thus providing credibility and consumer confidence as well as offer support for those researching direct selling companies.
What research process is utilized to produce the Global 100 ranking?
The identification of the companies to include in the DSN Global 100 list is the culmination of months of research and the cooperation of many individuals throughout the world. Wherever possible, the DSN team seeks out public records and documents for publicly traded companies. Additionally, the team reaches out to the private companies that may qualify for the ranking, asking them to certify their net revenue. Research begins in December and continues through to the publication of the Global 100 list. To fully reflect the global reach of direct selling each year, DSN has been able to extend the boundaries of research by working with research partners, including China-based Direct Selling Research Institute to obtain information on international companies.
How is privately held company data compiled?
Nearly four-fifths of the DSN Global 100 data are derived from privately held companies. Most of this data comes from the companies themselves, which submit a revenue number validated by the CEO and certified by a qualified agent. And when they submit, they enhance the value of the channel’s strategic objective to showcase a much more transparent business model. These companies could have chosen not to participate. However, their cooperative spirit, which so exemplifies this unique channel, makes the Global 100 ranking possible.
What revenue number does DSN ask for in the research process?
To participate in the DSN Global 100, a company need only submit a net revenue number validated by the CEO and certified by a qualified agent. DSN does not request confidential financial documents. DSN respects the financial privacy of all direct selling companies, asking that a company only reveal the annual revenue number that will allow it to be placed in the ranking.
What is the purpose of the Revenue Certification Form (RCF)?
In an effort to further ensure the integrity of the Global 100 list, DSN instituted the Revenue Certification Form or RCF. The RCF requires all private companies to have their revenue number validated by the CEO and certified by a qualified agent (either at the applicant company or an outside independent source). DSN believes any company performing in a manner warranting identification and recognition as one of the Global 100 companies would proudly share its revenue number in a manner deemed fair to all.
Why isn’t Value-Added Tax included in the revenue number?
The ranking criteria is net sales revenue from direct selling operations before commissions and without valueadded tax. The VAT, from DSN’s perspective, is certainly an integral part of the salesperson’s life. However, it is not a part of the corporate revenue as we track it.
Why aren’t some companies I know of on the list?
There are both nationally and internationally based companies worthy of recognition in the DSN Global 100 ranking that do not appear on the list. If you do not see a specific company, it could be that: (1) the company was contacted but declined to participate; (2) the company did not respond to requests; or (3) the company did not submit information in time. Each year, new companies come onto the radar screen and every attempt is made to connect with them. DSN