NautaDutilh Personeelsblad – concept

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Editie #01 Juni 2012

Persoonlijk NautaDutilh.





The better law Call termination is the service in which telecom providers ensure that a telephone call from the network of one provider (e.g. KPN) is transferred to the network of another provider (e.g. Vodafone) and is the most important cost component in fixed and mobile telephony. OPTA can, in principle, fix the rates that telecom


providers charge for this as each telecom

Call termination is the service in which

Originally, OPTA had decided

telecom providers ensure that a telephone

that the mobile terminatwith the

call from the network of one provider

proportionality requirement of the Dutch

(e.g. KPN) is transferred to the network

Telecommunications Act.

provider is deemed to enjoy a monopoly on its own telephone network.

of another provider (e.g. Vodafone) and is the most important cost component

in fixed and mobile telephony. OPTA can, in principle, fix the rates that telecom providers charge for this as each telecom provider is deemed to enjoy a monopoly on its own telephone network. Originally, OPTA had decided that the mobile termination rate would have to be reduced to 1.2 cents per minute, effective from 1 September 2012. However, the CBb has now ruled that the rate should not be 1.2 cents but 2.4 cents per minute. The CBb also ruled that the Pure BULRIC cost model used by OPTA – although recommended by the European Commission – was in conflict with the proportionality requirement of the Dutch Telecommunications Act. With this ruling, the CBb has ended years of legal conflict (and resulting

NautaDutilh approves the new board

uncertainty) regarding mobile call termination rates. Moreover, the CBb has ruled that the European Commission’s so-called proportional rate rule for all EU

Board Member 2011-2012

countries does not bear scrutiny in the

Richard van Oerle and Helmer Klingenberg

Netherlands at least.

of our IP group are part of a team of attorneys assisting Samsung in a case

The NautaDutilh team that advised

that Apple started re. alleged copying

Vodafone in this case consisted of Paul

of the iPhone and iPad products by the

Waszink, Jolize Lautenbach and Harald.

Samsung Galaxy smart phones..





Challenge the Obvious Call termination is the service in which telecom providers ensure that a telephone call from the network of one provider (e.g. KPN) is transferred to the network of another provider (e.g. Vodafone) and is the most important cost component

Call termination

in fixed and mobile telephony. OPTA can, in principle, fix the rates that telecom providers charge for this as each telecom provider is deemed to enjoy a monopoly on its own telephone network. Originally, OPTA had decided that the

Call termination is the service in which

mobile termination rate would have

telecom providers ensure that a telephone

to be reduced to 1.2 cents per minute,

call from the network of one provider

effective from 1 September 2012.

(e.g. KPN) is transferred to the network

However, the CBb has now ruled that the

of another provider (e.g. Vodafone) and

rate should not be 1.2 cents but 2.4 cents

is the most important cost component

per minute. The CBb also ruled that the

in fixed and mobile telephony. OPTA can,

Pure BULRIC cost model used by OPTA –

in principle, fix the rates that telecom

although recommended by the European

providers charge for this as each telecom

Commission – was in conflict with the

provider is deemed to enjoy a monopoly

proportionality requirement of the Dutch

on its own telephone network.

Telecommunications Act.

Originally, OPTA had decided that the

mobile termination rate would have to be reduced to 1.2 cents per minute,

6.500+ employees

effective from 1 September 2012. However, the CBb has now ruled that the rate should not be 1.2 cents but 2.4 cents per minute. The CBb also ruled that the Pure BULRIC cost model used by OPTA –

Ibus poreriore vitae suntio.

although recommended by the European

Itam reprate cturendam faccupti repudandic temporatem vendae

Commission – was in conflict with the proportionality requirement of the Dutch

coreperrovit et hilibus eveles re vid

Telecommunications Act.

eum faccum faccusam erum, suntia qui sit explam fuga.Am, quaectur,

With this ruling, the CBb has ended

qui officiumetur rem doluptatente

years of legal conflict (and resulting

molorio consenis comnimp erspedi tisciusapiet hiciis et volo occum

uncertainty) regarding mobile call

la nos et quia simpore rrupta

termination rates. Moreover, the CBb has

dion es asit offic to.

ruled that the European Commission’s so-called proportional rate rule for all EU countries does not bear scrutiny in the Netherlands at least. The NautaDutilh team that advised Vodafone in this case consisted of Paul.




Samsung versus Apple

NautaDutilh appoints four new partners Charles Gielen, Richard van Oerle and Helmer Klingenberg of our IP group are part of a team of attorneys assisting Samsung in a case that Apple started re. alleged copying of the iPhone and iPad products phones and tablets.

IP group NautaDutilh involved in worldwide battle Samsung versus Apple

Charles Gielen

Charles Gielen, Richard van Oerle and Helmer Klingenberg of

Richard van Oerle and Helmer

our IP group are part of a team of attorneys assisting Samsung

Klingenberg of our IP group are

in a case that Apple started re. alleged copying of the iPhone

part of a team of attorneys

and iPad products by the Samsung Galaxy smart phones and

assisting Samsung in a case


by the Samsung Galaxy smart

that Apple started re. alleged copying of the iPhone and

Charles Gielen, Richard van Oerle and Helmer Klingenberg of

iPad products by the Samsung

our IP group are part of a team of attorneys assisting Samsung

Galaxy smart phones and

in a case that Apple started re. alleged copying of the iPhone


and iPad products by the Samsung Galaxy smart phones and tablets.

Richard van Oerle They will defend Samsung

They will defend Samsung before the court in The Hague

before the court in The Hague

against Apple’s design- and copyrights. Apple requests the

against Apple’s design- and

court to grant an EU-wide injunction based on Community

copyrights. Apple requests

designrights. NautaDutilh works with Simmons & Simmons

the court to grant an EU-wide

who defend Samsung re. patent infringement.

injunction based on Community designrights. NautaDutilh works with Simmons & Simmons who defend Samsung re. patent infringement. Helmer Klingenberg Charles Gielen, Richard van Oerle and Helmer Klingenberg of our IP group are part of a team of attorneys assisting Samsung in a case that Apple started re. alleged copying of the iPhone and iPad products

Alleged copying of

by the Samsung Galaxy smart

the iPhone and iPad

phones and tablets.

products by the Samsung Galaxy smart

Marjan Visser Richard van Oerle and Helmer

phones and tablets will take a long road.

Klingenberg of our IP group are part of a team of attorneys assisting Samsung in a case iPad products by the Samsung Galaxy smart phones ablets.



Rule the rates Call termination is the service in which telecom providers ensure that a telephone call from the network of one provider (e.g. KPN) is transferred to the network of another provider (e.g. Vodafone) and is the most important cost component in fixed and mobile telephony. OPTA can, in principle, fix the rates that telecom providers charge for this as each telecom provider is deemed to enjoy a monopoly on its own telephone network. Originally, OPTA had decided that the mobile termination rate would have to be reduced to 1.2 cents per minute, effective from 1 September 2012. However, the CBb has now ruled that the rate should not be 1.2 cents but 2.4 cents per minute. The CBb also ruled that the Pure BULRIC cost model used by OPTA – although recommended by the European Commission – was in conflict with the proportionality requirement of the Dutch Telecommunications Act. With this ruling, the CBb has ended years of legal conflict (and resulting uncertainty) regarding mobile call termination rates. Moreover, the CBb has ruled that the European Commission’s so-called proportional rate rule for all EU countries does not bear scrutiny in the Netherlands at least.








Samenvatting Stand van de Advocatuur 2011

Wat is de stand van advocatuurlijk Nederland?

De belangrijkste ontwikkelingen op een rijtje.

kleinere kantoren. Nationale kantoren

een plaats in de top-50 te krijgen. Vorig

moeten zich heroriĂŤnteren en focussen

jaar was dat 29, het jaar daarvoor 28.

op een specifieke groep cliĂŤnten en een

Dit geeft aan dat de kantoren onder in

Trends in de advocatuur

bepaald type dienstverlening. Deze fase

de top-50 steeds meer medewerkers

De advocatuur ligt vanuit verschillende

van heroriĂŤntatie brengt onder andere

krijgen en dat er sprake is van de

hoeken onder vuur. De NMa, de politiek

met zich mee dat de nationale top qua

opkomst van middelgrote kantoren. Het

en de grote internationale kantoren,

omvang afneemt door het (gedwongen)

aantal advocaten in de top-50 is fors

allemaal maken ze het professionele

afscheid van medewerkers en partners.

afgenomen, vorig jaar werkten er 4.143

leven van de advocaat anno 2011 lastig.

advocaten, dit jaar zijn het er nog 4.060.

De NMa onderzoekt of de gedragsregels

De internationalisering op de Nederlandse

De verliezen zijn vooral geleden in de

en verordeningen in de advocatuur

markt is opnieuw minder dan de

top-15. De top-5 van de top-50 is voor

een beperking van de mededinging

voorgaande jaren. Er worden geen nieuwe

het tweede jaar ongewijzigd, hoewel alle

betekenen. De politiek wil inperking van

vestigingen van Amerikaanse kantoren

kantoren in de top-5 advocaten verloren.

het procesmonopolie, meer toezicht op

meer verwacht. De meeste grote

Op de eerste plaats staat net als vorig

advocaten en beperking van de rechten

internationale kantoren richten zich op

jaar NautaDutilh. In de top-10 stegen

van de verdediging. Om een en ander te

markten buiten Europa, met name China

alleen Clifford Chance en Allen & Overy.

onderzoeken is in mei 2010 De Commissie

en het Midden-Oosten.

Clifford Chance stond vorig jaar nog op

Advocatuur ingesteld. Tot slot hebben de

de twaalfde plaats. De grootste stijger is

grote internationale kantoren invloed op


De Haan Advocaten, dat zeven plaatsen

de ontwikkeling van tarieven, de wijze

Per 1 januari 2011 telt Nederland iets

steeg met de uitbreiding van 34 naar 41

van bedrijfsvoering en uiteraard de mate

meer dan 3.000 advocatenkantoren.

advocaten. Er zijn vijftien dalers in de top

waarin er binnen de advocatuur moet

Er zijn ook in 2010 weer 188 kantoren

50. De kantoren die het sterkst zakten,

worden geconcurreerd.

bijgekomen. Het lijkt wel of aan de groei

zijn SRK Rechtsbijstand en

van het aantal advocatengeen einde komt.


Ingrijpende keuzes

In 2005 kwamen er netto 652 nieuwe

De vraag naar juridische dienstverlening

advocaten bij, een groei van 5,1 procent

Nieuw in de top-50 zijn de kantoren

is vorig jaar opnieuw toegenomen. Ook

ten opzichte van vorig jaar.

Bird & Bird, Greenberg Traurig, Van Iersel

trekt de markt weer aan en zijn de

& Luchtman en het Utrechtse Wijn &

verwachtingen van economische groei

In 2010 was het hardst groeiende kantoor

Stael. Drie kantoren zijn uit de top 50

positief. De stevige concurrentie zowel

Greenberg Traurig, dat zes nieuwe

verdwenen: Norton Rose, Kupperman

tussen advocatenkantoren onderling als

advocaten aannam. Greenberg Traurig

Van der Wiel (opgeheven), en Plas &

tussen advocatenkantoren en andere

wordt op de voet gevolgd door De Haan


aanbieders van juridische diensten

c.s dat uitbreidde met zeven nieuwe

wordt echter steeds zichtbaarder.

advocaten. Over een periode van vijf jaar

Deals en afgestudeerden

Advocatenkantoren staan voor ingrijpende

genomen is Van Mens & Wisselink het

Tegelijk met De Stand van de Advocatuur

keuzes. De top van de advocatuur heeft

snelst groeiende kantoor. De grootste

2011 verscheen het jaarverslag van

meegeprofiteerd van de tariefsverhoging

dalers over de afgelopen vijf jaar zijn Van

OverFusies. In de samenvatting staan alle

door de komst van de Angelsaksische

Doorne en AKD Prinsen Van Wijmen.

League Tables. De week voor de publicatie

kantoren. Tegelijk is de markt

van De Stand van de Advocatuur 2011

veeleisender geworden en is het tempo

Top 50

verscheen De Stand van de Rechtenstudie

waarin werk moet worden afgeleverd

Ieder jaar stelt KSU Uitgeverij de top-

met daarin de afstudeercijfers en

hoog. Niet alle topkantoren kunnen dit

50 van de grootste advocatenkantoren


tempo bijhouden. Bovendien verliezen

samen. Dit jaar is een minimum van

zij in toenemende mate advocaten aan

dertig advocaten per kantoor nodig om



Challenge the Obvious Call termination is the service in which telecom providers ensure that a telephone call from the network of one provider (e.g. KPN) is transferred to the network

Call termination is the service in

The most important component

of another provider (e.g. Vodafone) and is the most important cost component in fixed and mobile telephony. OPTA can, in principle, fix the rates that telecom providers charge for this as each telecom provider is deemed to enjoy a monopoly on its own telephone network.

which telecom providers ensure that a telephone call from the network of one provider (e.g. KPN) is transferred to the.

Originally, OPTA had decided that the Call termination is the service in which

mobile termination rate would have

telecom providers ensure that a telephone

to be reduced to 1.2 cents per minute,

call from the network of one provider

effective from 1 September 2012.

(e.g. KPN) is transferred to the network

However, the CBb has now ruled that the

of another provider (e.g. Vodafone) and

rate should not be 1.2 cents but 2.4 cents

is the most important cost component

per minute. The CBb also ruled that the

in fixed and mobile telephony. OPTA can,

Pure BULRIC cost model used by OPTA –

in principle, fix the rates that telecom

although recommended by the European

providers charge for this as each telecom

Commission – was in conflict with the

provider is deemed to enjoy a monopoly

proportionality requirement of the Dutch

on its own telephone network.

Telecommunications Act.

Originally, OPTA had decided that the

mobile termination rate would have to be reduced to 1.2 cents per minute, effective from 1 September 2012. However, the CBb has now ruled that the rate should not be 1.2 cents but 2.4 cents per minute. The CBb also ruled that the Pure BULRIC cost model used by OPTA – although recommended by the European Commission – was in conflict with the proportionality requirement of the Dutch Telecommunications Act. With this ruling, the CBb has ended years of legal conflict (and resulting uncertainty) regarding mobile call termination rates. Moreover, the CBb has ruled that the European Commission’s so-called proportional rate rule for all EU countries does not bear scrutiny in the Netherlands at least. The NautaDutilh team that advised Vodafone in this case consisted.


QUOTE Dalaï Lama

Wie blijft nadenken onderwerpt “vanzelfsprekendheden” aan een kritisch oog. Steeds opnieuw.




NautaDutilh Brussels assists UCL NautaDutilh Brussels assists UCL and Sopartec to establish VIVES II, the largest university technology fund in Europe Internal Investigations

Assistence NautaDutilh has assisted the Université Catholique de Louvain (UCL) and its

Unfortunately, fraud and similar

technology transfer and investment

irregularities occur all too frequently.

company Sopartec set up VIVES II, the

Whether they involve the theft of

largest university technology fund in

money or property, the manipulation

Europe. VIVES II is a multi-sector fund

of figures or the leaking of sensitive

that finances technological start-ups

company information, all of these types

specialising in eco-innovation. UCL’s spin-

of irregularity have one thing in common:

offs will ensure a flow of deals to VIVES.

they can cause serious damage to your business. The damage sometimes even

In return, the spin-offs have priority when

result in bankruptcy.

it comes to accessing the university’s technological innovations. VIVES II will

At the first suspicion of fraud or a

provide financial support to around ten

similar irregularity, the best thing to

companies, in an amount ranging from

do is to bring in professionals with the

EUR 200,000 to EUR 4 million. The fund

appropriate expertise in carrying out

can invest during any of the various

fraud investigations. These professionals

stages of a company’s development, from

can assist you in taking (initial) measures

inception until expansion.

and any necessary actions and legal steps (e.g. applying for interlocutory

In addition to financial support, VIVES

court orders). They can also help with

II will also provide guidance to future

the question of whether or not the

entrepreuners on the creation, validation

matter should be reported to the relevant

and commercialisation of technology.

supervisory bodies/authorities and, if so, which ones. Another issue might be

NautaDutilh provided essential legal

whether it is desirable and/or necessary

expertise in the areas of finance and

to carry out an internal investigation.

tax. Our team consisted of Benoît Feron and Philippine De Wolf for the financial

Even if there are (as yet) no suspicions of

aspects and Benoît Malvaux and Eric-

fraud, it may still be beneficial to consult

Gérald Lang for the tax aspects.

such professionals, as they can assist you in identifying and minimising potential fraud risks.

Zelfvertrouwen is de grondslag voor adequaat optreden.

The members of NautaDutilh’s team Internal Investigation can help you through the entire process: from the first suspicions of fraud or the identification

Ralph Waldo Emmerson (1803 - 1882)

of potential fraud risks until the situation is fully rectified (including, where applicable, the recovery of



PHOTO Barry Kornbluh

Career Influences Call termination is the service in which telecom providers ensure that a telephone call from the network of one provider (e.g. KPN) is transferred to the network of another provider (e.g. Vodafone) and is the most important cost component in fixed and mobile telephony. OPTA can, in principle, fix the rates that telecom providers charge for this as each telecom provider is deemed to enjoy a monopoly on its own telephone network.


De redactie heeft getracht aan alle auteursrechterlijke verplichtingen te voldoen. Voor zover iemand meent alsnog een rechthebbende te zijn, kan deze zich wenden tot de redactie. Redactie Peter Bas Mensink Jaenine Zwart Fotografie Alexander Binder, Melanie Bonajo, Arjen Born, Sebastiaan Bremer, Stephen Gill, Kenji Hirasawa, Taisule Koyama, Boris Mikhailov, Patrick Sijben en Harold Strak Ontwerp Het Hoofdbureau, Amsterdam Typografie Audimat速, Helvetica Neue速 Druk Vandenberg Drukkerij, Maarn Oplage: 2.000 Papier Gusto Silk paper 90grams B端hrmannUbbens, Zutphen Uitgegeven door NautaDutilh BV Strawinskylaan 1999 1077 XV Amsterdam P.O. BOX 7113 1007 JC Amsterdam The Netherlands T. +31 20 71 71 000 F. +31 20 71 71 111 E.

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