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On Tyrol’s most popular Alpine plateau


Summer holidays in the Seefeld region

Soaking up the sun by day and unwinding in refreshing coolness by night – even during the height of summer, you can turn this dream into your reality. After all, at 1,200 meters above sea level, the Seefeld region offers the best of both worlds: warm sunny days and refreshing mountain summer nights. With its diverse blend of nature, sports, relaxation, fine cuisine and special events, Seefeld offers the perfect formula for your ultimate summer vacation! Of course, on Tyrol’s mountain plateau, Mother Nature takes center stage – starting right at the hotel door and offering everything from rolling sun-drenched alpine meadows to shady forests and the rugged cliffs of the Karwendel and Wetterstein mountains. And thanks to countless small lakes, brooks and gorges, there are plenty of opportunities to cool down! A relaxing vacation starts the minute you head out, so the best way to travel to Tyrol’s high plateau is by public transport. Why swelter with the crowds on the congested interstate when you can take a fast, eco-friendly train straight to the Seefeld train station? n

Sigi’s Sauhaufen

Nach über 50 Jahren wurden die Landwirtschaft und das traditionelle Bauernhaus modern und nach neuesten Standards wieder aufgebaut. Dort fühlen sich nun über zehn heimische (mini) Tierfamilien sauwohl und genießen es, gestreichelt und gefüttert zu werden. Gäste erfahren hier hautnah, wie Nachhaltigkeit im Hotel Klosterbräu & Spa***** authentisch gelebt wird. Alle Produkte, so z. B. Kartoffeln – aber niemals Fleisch – münden direkt in die hauseigene Wertschöpfungskette und erfreuen letztendlich den Gast und seinen Gourmet-Gaumen. n www.klosterbraeu.com


“Vegetarian” organic farm and petting zoo

After more than 50 years, this farm and its traditional farmhouse have been rebuilt and modernized to meet state-ofthe-art standards. Now, the farm provides a comfortable home for more than ten native (mini) animal families, who simply love being petted and fed. Here, guests can experience first-hand how sustainability is put into everyday practice at Hotel Klosterbräu & Spa*****. All the farm’s products, like potatoes – but never meat – flow directly into the in-house value chain, with the ultimate aim of delighting guests and their gourmet palates. n

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