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In the best hands from the moment you arrive

In Tyrol and well beyond its borders, medalp’s facilities have become synonymous with the highest standards in medical care and technology for both surgical procedures and conservative treatment options. At medalp, traffic injuries, sports injuries, and signs of physical strain and wear are treated professionally and compassionately based on the patient’s personal preferences and needs.


The distinguished physicians at medalp perform more than 3,000 operations a year and are among the most experienced physicians in their field.

• Conservative approaches to therapy in orthopedics, physiotherapy, and occupational therapy, rehabilitation services

Our specialists from a range of disciplines, from trauma surgery to physiotherapy, work in close collaboration to ensure the most successful therapeutic outcome, providing competent, compassionate support to help patients regain mobility and peak physical performance as quickly as possible.

Das Leistungsspektrum der medalp Einrichtungen umfasst:

• Versorgung und Behandlung frischer Verletzungen

• Behandlung frischer und alter Sportverletzungen

• Hochmoderne und schnell verfügbare Diagnostik mit tels MRT, CT ,Röntgen

• Rekonstruktive Chirurgie von Verletzungen des

• Bewegungsapparates

• Arthroskopische Chirurgie von Schulter, Ellbogen, Knie gelenk, Hand- und Sprunggelenk

• Orthopädie

• Physiotherapie und Ergotherapie

• Unterwassertherapie

Hotline +43 699 1611 9988

The scope of services offered by the medalp facilities includes:

• The scope of services offered by the medalp facilities

• includes:

• Treatment and care of recent injuries

• Treatment of recent and existing sports injuries

• MRIs, CT scans, and X-ray imaging provide state-of-theart diagnostics available within a short time

• Reconstructive surgery for musculoskeletal injuries

• Arthroscopic shoulder, elbow, knee, wrist, and ankle surgery

• Orthopedics

• Physiotherapy and occupational therapy

• Underwater therapy

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