1 of 25 Enki and Enlil, the Anunaki Brothers By Ian Beardsley © 2016
2 of 25 Presented are the equations for modeling average annual temperature for a planet given the orbital distance of the planet from the star, the star’s luminosity and the albedo of the planet. The source code is written on an HP 35s Scientific Calculator and values for it run with an enigmatic result. Similarly, the source code is presented for modeling the mass of a planet with three layers of varying density and an idealized scenario is run for the that which presents, also, enigmatic results. 
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The Equations For The Modeling of Average Annual Temperature of A Planet With a Single Atmospheric Layer
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H001 LBL H H002 INPUT U (Solar Luminosities) H003 STO U H004 3.9E26 H005 X (MULTIPLY) H006 STO W H007 VIEW W (Joules/Sec) H008 INPUT R (AU) H009 STO R H010 1.5E11 H011 X (MULTIPLY) H012 STO M H013 VIEW M (Meters) H014 RCL M H015 x^2 H016 pi H017 X (MULTIPLY) H018 4 H019 X (MULTIPLY) H020 STO V H021 RCL W H022 RCL V H023 / (DIVIDE) H024 STO S H025 VIEW S (Stellar Constant) H026 RCL U H027 sqrt H028 STO H H029 VIEW H (Habitable Zone) H030 INPUT A (Albedo) H031 STO A H032 1 H033 RCL A H034 - (SUBTRACT) H035 STO B H036 RCL S H037 X (MULTIPLY) H038 4 H039 / (DIVIDE) H040 STO C H041 VIEW C H042 5.67E-8 H043 / (Divide) H044 4 H045 x root of y H046 1.189 H047 X (MULTIPLY)
H048 STO K H049 VIEW K (Plantet Temperature Kelvin) H050 273 H051 - (SUBTRACT) H052 STO T H053 VIEW T (Planet Temperature Centigrade) H054 —> F H055 STO F H056 VIEW F (Planet Temperature Fahrenheit) H057 RTN
XEQ H000 U? 1.618 W=6.31E26 R? 1.618 M=242,… S=852 H=1.272 A? 0.618 C=81 K=231 T=-41.5 F=-43
We have run the program, here, for: 1.618 solar luminosities = PHI 0.618 albedo = phi 1.618 orbital distance = PHI And we got near Fahrenheit-Celcius equivalence:
F=(9/5)C+32 F=C C=(9/5)C+32 (5/5)C - (9/5)C = 32 -(4/5)C = 32 -4C = 160 C=-40 -40C = -40F
5 of 25 Let us run this program for these values in the C emulator and we notice that flux of the star at orbital distance phi is 0.62 that at earth which is phi (the golden ratio conjugate) rounded to two places after the decimal: 
6 of 25 #include<stdio.h> #include<math.h> int main(void) { float s, a, l, b, r, AU, N, root, number, answer, C, F; printf("We determine the surface temperature of a planet.\n"); printf("What is the luminosity of the star in solar luminosities? "); scanf("%f", &s); printf("What is the albedo of the planet (0-1)?" ); scanf("%f", &a); printf("What is the distance from the star in AU? "); scanf("%f", &AU); r=1.5E11*AU; l=3.9E26*s; b=l/(4*3.141*r*r); N=(1-a)*b/(4*(5.67E-8)); root=sqrt(N); number=sqrt(root); answer=1.189*(number); printf("The surface temperature of the planet is: %f K\n", answer); C=answer-273; F=(C*1.8)+32; printf("That is %f C, or %f F", C, F); printf("\n"); float joules; joules=(3.9E26*s); printf("The luminosity of the star in joules per second is: %. 2fE25\n", joules/1E25); float HZ; HZ=sqrt(joules/3.9E26); printf("The habitable zone of the star in AU is: %f\n", HZ); printf("Flux at planet is %.2f times that at earth.\n", b/1370); printf("That is %.2f Watts per square meter\n", b); } jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox/descubrir jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/descubrir): ./stelr We determine the surface temperature of a planet. What is the luminosity of the star in solar luminosities? 1.618 What is the albedo of the planet (0-1)?0.618 What is the distance from the star in AU? 1.618 The surface temperature of the planet is: 231.462616 K That is -41.537384 C, or -42.767292 F The luminosity of the star in joules per second is: 63.10E25 The habitable zone of the star in AU is: 1.272006 Flux at planet is 0.62 times that at earth. note:0.62~phi That is 852.66 Watts per square meter jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox/descubrir): â&#x20AC;Š
7 of 25 density.c (determines mass of planet for three layers) #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main(void) { float r1=0.00, r2=0.00, r3=0.00, p1=0.00, p2=0.00, p3=0.00; printf("what is r1, the radius of the core in km? "); scanf("%f", &r1); printf("what is p1, its density in g/cm^3? "); scanf("%f", &p1); printf("what is r2, outer edge of layer two in km? "); scanf("%f", &r2); printf("what is p2, density of layer two in g/cm^3? "); scanf("%f", &p2); printf("what is r3, the radius of layer 3 in km? "); scanf("%f", &r3); printf("what is p3, density of layer three in g/cm^3? "); scanf("%f", &p3); printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("r1=%.2f, r2=%.2f, r3=%.2f, p1=%.2f, p2=%.2f, p3=%.2f \n", r1,r2,r3,p1,p2,p3); printf("\n"); float R1, v1, m1, M1; { R1=(r1)*(1000.00)*(100.00); v1=(3.141)*(R1)*(R1)*(R1)*(4.00)/(3.00); m1=(p1)*(v1); M1=m1/1000.00; printf("the core has a mass of %.2f E23 Kg\n", M1/1E23); printf("thickness of core is %.2f \n", r1); } float R2, v2, m2, M2; { R2=(r2)*(1000.00)*(100.00); v2=(3.141)*(R2*R2*R2-R1*R1*R1)*(4.00)/(3.00); m2=(p2)*(v2); M2=m2/1000.00; printf("layer two has a mass of %.2f E23 Kg\n", M2/1E23); printf("layer two thickness is %.2f \n", r2-r1); } float R3, v3, m3, M3; { R3=(r3)*(1000.00)*(100.00); v3=(3.141)*(R3*R3*R3-R2*R2*R2)*(4.00)/(3.00); m3=(p3)*(v3); M3=m3/1000.00;
8 of 25 printf("layer three has a mass of %.2f E23 Kg\n", M3/1E23); printf("layer three thickness is %.2f \n", r3-r2); } printf("\n"); printf("\n"); printf("the mass of the planet is %.2f E24 Kg\n", (M1+M2+M3)/1E24); }
jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): make density clang -ggdb3 -O0 -std=c99 -Wall -Werror density.c -lcs50 -lm -o density jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): ./density what is r1, the radius of the core in km? 500 what is p1, its density in g/cm^3? 7.87 what is r2, outer edge of layer two in km? 5000 what is p2, density of layer two in g/cm^3? 8.91 what is r3, the radius of layer 3 in km? 6371 what is p3, density of layer three in g/cm^3? 2.33
r1=500.00, r2=5000.00, r3=6371.00, p1=7.87, p2=8.91, p3=2.33 the core has a mass of 0.04 E23 Kg thickness of core is 500.00 layer two has a mass of 46.60 E23 Kg layer two thickness is 4500.00 layer three has a mass of 13.04 E23 Kg layer three thickness is 1371.00 note: 1371~S_0~1370=solar constant in watts/m^2
the mass of the planet is 5.97 E24 Kg jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): The actual mass of the Earth is 5.972E24 The Modeled Value is 100% accurate We used Iron core, Nickel middle region, Silicon outer region While there are more than three layers to the Earth Iron, Nickel, Silicon are only predominant to the regions And, are not the only elements or compounds found in them We used the actual densities of Iron, Nickel, and Siliconâ&#x20AC;Š
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W_n(n1) is the probability of landing at n2-n1 in N jumps. N=n1+n2 and p+q=1. For instance, to land at +4 in 10 jumps, you need to jump n1=3 to the left and n2=7 to the right.
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Part 1
Percent Development
hp 35s
W001 LBL W W002 INPUT N W003 ! W004 STO X W005 INPUT A W006 ! W007 STO Y W008 INPUT B W009 ! W010 STO Z W011 INPUT P W012 RCL A W013 y^x W014 STO U W015 INPUT Q W016 RCL B W017 y^x W018 STO V W019 RCL U W020 RCL V W021 X (MULTIPLY) W022 STO C W023 RCL Y W024 RCL Z W025 X (MULTIPLY) W026 STO D W027 RCL X W028 RCL C W029 X (MULTIPLY) W030 RCL D W031 / (DIVIDE) W032 100 W033 X (MULTIPLY) W034 RTN To run this, type: XEQ W000 N? 10 R/S A? 3 R/S B? 7 R/S P? 0.5 R/S Q?i 0.5 R/S …… RUNNING Answer: 11 23/32
Which is correct, it rounds to 12%
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Computes the growth constant, k, given the time, T, over which the growth occurs:â&#x20AC;Š
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Part 2
Growth Rate
hp 35s (Using result from part 1, W.HP)
R001 LBL R R002 INPUT W R003 LOG R004 STO W R005 INPUT T R006 STO T R007 2.718 R008 LOG R009 STO L R010 RCL W R011 RCL T R012 / (DIVIDE) R013 RCL L R014 / (DIVIDE) R015 RTN To run this, type: XEQ R000 W? 12 T? 40
…… RUNNING Answer: 178/2865 = 0.0621 (Which is Correct)
Note: 0.0621~0.062 and 10(0.062)=0.62~phi
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Given the growth constant, k, we can find the time to reach 100%:â&#x20AC;Š
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Part 3
Time Objective Achieved hp 35s (Using results from part 2, R.HP)
T001 LBL T T002 INPUT R T003 STO R T004 100 T005 LOG T006 STO L T007 2.718 T008 LOG T009 STO E T010 RCL L T011 RCL R T012 / (DIVIDE) T013 RCL E T014 / (DIVIDE) T015 RTN To run, type: XEQ T000 R? 0.0621
Answer: 74 167/1012 =74.165 years ~ 74 years (Which is correct) 1969 + 74 =2043
15 of 25 If we think of 0.618, 0.62 and 0.0621 all of the number 621 trying to be expressed then we we will proceed with the idea that 621 is important.â&#x20AC;Š
16 of 25 It would seem civilization arose separately and independently in Egypt and Mesopotamia. To say that civilization arose is to say that nomads who wandered and gathered, and hunted, settled down, and farmed. These people in Mesopotamia were the Sumerians. Not being on the go they built homes, in the case of the Sumerians, they fired clay to make bricks to to make their homes. Settling down and farming, they created mathematics, government, writing, school, institutionalized religion. It would seem the Sumerians had a pantheon of Gods, Anu and Antu, husband and wife, at the top. It would seem later Semitic tribes who invaded this region, Akkadians, Assyrians, … derive their religions from the Sumerians. In essence the effect spread all the way to Greece and India. For example, the Greek equivalent of the Assyrian Ishtar, would be Venus. The scribes of ancient times take the form of the Egyptian Thoth, the Greek Hermes, and the Indian Vyasa. The Hebrews wrote their Torah much later than the religion found in the Sumerian cuneiform tablets, which probably goes back to about ten to twelve thousand BC. The Torah, from which the old testament is derived, was written in Babylonian captivity about 300 BC. In the original Torah, God has a wife as did the Sumerian Anu. She was called Ashara, which sounds much like the Assyrian top God Ashur. The Hebrew word Nephilim is translated in the Torah as Giants, but Zecharia Sitchin says it should translate as “Those who came from above”, and this is precisely what he says Anunaki means in Sumerian. The Sumerians printed their letters into clay tablets and, documented their is the story of how a people came from the skies and gave them science, math, and engineering. The Sumerians called them the Anunaki, and said they came from a planet called Nibiru. Because they are found in the Hebrew Torah, or the Old Testament, as the Nephilm, they also go by that name. This is how Zecharia Sitchin tells it. There are rankings for the various Anunaki. Enki and Enlil were the two brothers who oversaw the Earth. Enki was associated with the number 40 and Enlil was associated with the number 50. 40 we have derived in the sense that the growth rate constant (k = 0.0621) occurs when we evaluate 12% growth over a 40 year time period. Thus Enki is the source of our 621 and is thereby representative of human progress. This makes sense because in the thesis of Zecharia Sitchin, Enlil engineered humans from their hominid ancestors as a slave species and Enki thought humans should be free and arranged their freedom. Here we derive the number 50 that represents Enlil.
17 of 25 We notice that what I call yin (soon explained) is 9/5. This ratio is in the ratio of the solar radius (R) to the lunar orbital radius (r) and, in the ratio of the most precious metals gold (Au) to silver (Ag). That is: R/r = Au/Ag = 9/5 Where we have taken the molar masses of Au and Ag. We say that six-fold symmetry is: 360/6 = 60 360 - 60 = 300 300/360 = 5/6 5/6 +1 = 11/6 (We also have another definition for six-fold, as will be explained). The earth rotates through 360 degrees in 24 hours. (24 hours)(60 minutes)(60 seconds) = 86400 seconds 360/86400 =0.004166667=1/240 degrees per second Let us consider standard concert pitch, which is A440 = 440 cycles per second 440 cycles/240 seconds = 1.833333333 = 11/6 = six fold symmetry
18 of 25 Six Fold Symmetry 360/6 = 60 A six sided regular polygon (regular hexagon) has central angles of 60 degrees, but perimeter angles of 120. Therefore we add 60 to 60: 60 + 60 = 120 360 - 120 = 240 240/360 = 2/3 2/3 + 1 = 5/3 Five Fold Symmetry 360/5 = 72 360 -72 = 288 288/360 = 4/5 4/5 + 1 = 9/5 It was the Russian scientist, Shubnikov who notices the biological, like flower petal arrangements and starfish, most often meet with five-fold symmetry while the physical, like snowflakes, most often meet with six-fold symmetry. If we say yin = 9/5 and yang = 5/3
Then we can write:
19 of 25 If we say that M = 15 because the earth rotates through 15 degrees in one hour, then L = 621 120 is the yang angle of 5/3. Replacing 120 with five thirds in the above equation we get that:
This the sin 45 = cos 45 = M degrees is the angle in the special triangle 45-45-90 and is the angle for maximum range of a projectile. We say M~0.707106781. With this value for M we can write:
Which tells us indeed, A440 is an important frequency. But we notice that L=23*27 But, 23+27=50 50 is the Sumerian ranking for Enlil, one of two Anunaki brothers who oversaw the Earth. 15 is the Goddess Inanna whose Assyrian equivalent is Ishtar and is the Greek, Venus. I discovered this when I was writing some computer programs in Python: 621 then makes square root of two over two simultaneous with 15 and is an expression of Enlil.
20 of 25 print("multiplication verse division"); print("consider a and b"); a=int(raw_input("give me a: ")); b=int(raw_input("give me b: ")); product=0; while b!=0: product=product+a; # here we add a to a until b is zero b=b-1; else: print("product="+str(product)); big=int(raw_input("Give me a big number: ")); small=int(raw_input("Give me a small number: ")); result=0; while (big!=0): result=result+1; # here we add 1 to zero until big is zero big=big-small; else: print("ratio="+str(result));
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def multiply(a, b): result=0 while (b!=0): result+=a b-=1 return result
# here we define the meaning of multiply
def add(a, b): result=a+b; return result
#here we define add
#shorthand for result=result+a #shorthad for b=b-1 #shorthand bor print result
22 of 25 But, 621, 11/6, sqrt(2)/2, and A440 also are the elements of the Sothic cycle of the Egyptian Calendar. The Sothic cycle of the Egyptian Calendar is 1,460 Julian years, each year Julian year being 365.25 days. A star rises 4 minutes earlier each day: (4 minutes)(60 seconds) = 240 seconds earlier each day.
Sumeria and Egypt were the first civilizations, and they arose independently of one another.â&#x20AC;Š
23 of 25 a=int(raw_input("Enter a: ")); N=0; result=0; while (N<621): N=N+1; result=result+a; else: print("n= " + str(result));
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25 of 25 The Author