1 of 9 Objective by Ian Beardsley © 2016
2 of 9 Having completed the better part of my work modeling the future with Alpha Centauri, using that star to determine the rate of human progress, we can now make a short, simple program to help map the human trajectory. 
3 of 9 jharvard@appliance (~): cd Dropbox jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox): ./objective If we use alphacentauri as the key to our model, for modeling the future, then our task has been reduced, through the work I have done, to quite a simple one. growthrate=k=0.0621, objective=log 100/log e = 4.6 achievements, Tzero=1969 when we landed on the moon, which at 2009 is 0.552=.0.12(4.6) 1/0.55 = 1.8=9/5 = R/r = Au/Ag, putting us in the age of gold:silver Our equation is then, Time=(Object Achieved)/(Achievements/year) How many simulations would you like to run (10 max)? 8 What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? 15 What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?1969 Time to object=43.612415 years. That is the year: 2012.612427 What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? 30 What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?1969 Time to object=54.775364 years. That is the year: 2023.775391 What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? 45 What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?1969 Time to object=61.305267 years. That is the year: 2030.305298 What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? 60 What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?1969 Time to object=65.938309 years. That is the year: 2034.938354 What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? 75 What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?1969 Time to object=69.531982 years. That is the year: 2038.531982 What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? 90 What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?1969 Time to object=72.468216 years. That is the year: 2041.468262 What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? 100 What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?1969 Time to object=74.165016 years. That is the year: 2043.165039
4 of 9 What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? 100 What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?1969 Time to object=74.165016 years. That is the year: 2043.165039 jharvard@appliance (~/Dropbox):  
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We see as percent progress (blue) climbs steady, the time to do it becomes less and less.
6 of 9 #include <stdio.h> #include <math.h> int main (void) { printf("\n"); float object, Tzero, T, time, L; int n; printf("If we use alphacentauri as the key to our model,\n"); printf("for modeling the future, then our task has been reduced,\n"); printf("through the work I have done, to quite a simple one.\n"); printf("growthrate=k=0.0621, objective=log 100/log e = 4.6 achievements,\n"); printf("Tzero=1969 when we landed on the moon, which at 2009 is 0.552=.0.12(4.6)\n"); printf("1/0.55 = 1.8=9/5 = R/r = Au/Ag, putting us in the age of gold:silver\n"); printf("Our equation is then, Time=(Object Achieved)/(Achievements/ year)\n"); printf("\n"); do { printf("How many simulations would you like to run (10 max)? "); scanf("%d", &n); } while (n>10 && n<=0); for (int i=1; i<=n; i++) { do { printf("What is percent develpment towards objective(0-100)? "); scanf("%f", &object); } while (n<0 && n>100); printf("What is the starting point (year:enter 1969) ?"); scanf("%f", &Tzero); L= ((log10 (object))/((log10 (2.718)))); T=L/(0.0621); time= Tzero+T; printf("Time to object=%f years.\n", T); printf("That is the year: %f\n", time); printf("\n"); } }
7 of 9 The Authorâ&#x20AC;Š
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