1 of 10 Solarfocus: Using One’s Own Home As An Archaeoastronomical Site by Ian Beardsley © 2016
2 of 10 Indeed megalithic structure have been built throughout the world since ancient times that make use of the sun to produce shadows in the shapes of familiar things upon an opposing megalithic stone. Can one use their own contemporary home as an archaeoastronomical site? This house, though not old compared to stonehenge, is older than most homes in the new world, being over 100 years old. Ian Beardsley May 29, 2016 
3 of 10 May 27, 2016: As I have said before, 27 is a Manuel number. I was sitting on my bed, and the sunbeam coming in the western window of the den split into three beams, one which focused an image of itself on the Eastern Wall of my room (circled top right), an image of itself on the television (circled lower right), and illuminated the book on my bookshelf called The Urantia Book (circled lower left). If you are not familiar with The Urantia Book, it is said to have been channeled to a doctor by a man he was treating that was, I believe coming in and out of a coma, and it was said to be a survival guide given to humans by extraterrestrials. It is a rare phenomena, which is akin to being inside a camera where the window behaves as a lens that is the right distance from the wall to be in focus, thus producing an image of itself where the film would go. 
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Close-up of the focused image of the sun on the Eastern wall. 
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Close-up of the sun illuminating The Urantia Book. 
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May 29, 2016 7:20 PM The sun now focuses on the ceiling as it did two days ago as it illuminates The Urantia Book. Before doing this, it was focused (7:12 PM -7:15 PM) on the book “Space Technology”, and the book “Analytical Mechanics”, used to understand it, as well as the book, “Calculus of Variations and “The Western Fertilizer Handbook”. The focused image disappears at 7:28 PM as the sun sets. It no longer focuses on the television at the same time with The Urantia Book and the ceiling. That must be a May 27 event. That is interesting because 27 is a Manuel number. My birthday is in May (May 20).
7 of 10 Sun focused on Space Technology 
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I now see that the image on the television that I thought was the sun was from the camera flash, after looking at photos taken with the camera with a flash. However the sun does illuminate Space Technology, then as it sets, focuses on the ceiling and, illuminates The Urantia Book at the same time. However, if you do use a camera with a flash, it is interesting a false image of the subject, the sun, produces itself on the television:
9 of 10 Again, the image without a flash on the camera, the sun focused on the ceiling and simultaneously illuminating The Urantia Book: 
10 of 10 The Experiencer