THIS MONTH: Welcome to Main Street!
Committee Reports
Upcoming Events
Strategic Planning 2022
THE FIRST EVER VOLUNTEER NEWSLETTER FROM DOWNTOWN BERNARDSVILLE This is the first of several communications that we hope will help to connect all of our volunteers. All too often, Main Street organizations find their committees, although working well independently, become siloed, or never actually work together. Since forming earlier this year, each of our committees has hit the ground running, and for this I am beyond grateful! Thank you to all of you who have been supportive and passionate along the way! To stay connected, up to date on Board news and activity, hear about any openings for committee chairs and board positions, and more, this monthly newsletter will begin to help bridge that gap between committees. We welcome any committee or board member to help contribute to this newsletter with content.
Please note, this is not a forum for public opinion or announcing other organization information. This newsletter is solely for the purpose of informing and supporting each other about project wins, event updates, asking all volunteers to provide input on a topic, and more. Please reach out to me with thoughts, ideas, or questions! Remember, if you need to connect with me, head over to and set up a date and time on my calendar! Feel free to send an email to as well. Thank you, all, for your hard work and dedication! Happy reading!
~ Olivia
WELCOME TO MAIN STREET! We did it! Bernardsville is now a Main Street designated community! THANK YOU to everyone who has stepped up and joined us this year (this means YOU!). Your support, time, and passion to improving Bernardsville is what helped to make this happen, so thank you.
The key element of this designation is the wealth of information we now have at our fingertips for any volunteer to take advantage of and for our leadership to dive into so that our projects, programs and events are not only successful, but turn Bernardsville into a thriving and bustling community!
For decades many before us attempted to "revitalize" this town. In the 50s, it was modifying parking in Olcott Square. In the late 80s/early 90s, it was a first attempt at joining Main Street America.
I encourage you to take some time and participate in an upcoming training, be a part of our annual strategic planning session, attend quarterly community meetings, volunteer for events, and lead a project in your committee.
Now, we are a Main Street New Jersey designated community, slated to receive training, resources, and access to a massive national network of communities, directors, and volunteers who have all been down this path.
We have already done so much this year to take this work a step further and I am so grateful to be working with you on making these changes for Bernardsville.
This program is not a handout, nor is it a specific grant that we have received. Grant funding is most certainly available and now, with this designation, we are eligible to apply.
Anyone interested to take things a step further, there are additional guidebooks, member blogs, and a certification program that can offer courses and a great deal more information about community revitalization processes and more. Please contact me if you might be interested to pursue some of this information further. Additionally, an annual conference (held in a different city every May) will be held by Main Street America, which committee and board members are welcome to attend. For now, thank you for being a part of Downtown Bernardsville and sharing our mission! I am so excited to see everything we will be able to do in the coming months, years, and beyond.
Available on is already a great deal of information that anyone is welcome to begin taking a look. Even without a member log in, feel free to begin reviewing their blogs and resources, as you are interested to see.
IN OTHER NEWS DOWNTOWN BERNARDSVILLE WINS 2021 EXCELLENCE IN THE ARTS AWARD FROM THE SOMERSET COUNTY CULTURAL & HERITAGE COMMISSION IN THE CATEGORY OF ARTS IN THE COMMUNITY FOR THE BERNARDSVILLE (MOUNT AIRY ROAD) MURAL PROJECT On a biennial basis, the Somerset County Cultural & Heritage Commission welcomes nominations for its Excellence in the Arts Awards, dedicated to honoring those individuals and organizations demonstrating exemplary leadership and dedication to fostering the fine and performing arts in Somerset County. This program celebrates those leaders, visionaries, partners, educators and volunteers in our communities who, through their passion and creative excellence, have increased the visibility and viability of the arts and arts education for the residents of Somerset County. The purpose of the awards program is to:
Increase public awareness of the fine and performing arts, and arts education in Somerset County, Highlight models of innovative and successful business partnerships, educational programming, volunteerism and outreach for the fine and performing arts; Promote excellence in the fine and performing arts. Celebrate exemplary individuals, organizations and corporations.
1. #LetsTalkTrash The receptacles in town are rusty,
All around, the I Love Bernardsville 5K and Walk on
Inconsistent, and not regularly cleaned. With a full scale
September 5 was a well received course and event. The
promotional campaign of "#TalkingTrash" this project aims to
financial goals were not met, however, lacking in sponsorship
update the receptacles and encouraging using the garbage
and attendance of the health fair participants. Partnering with
can and not the street to dispose of garbage!
the Recreation's Health Fair, held just a couple weeks after the
2. Maintaining Downtown. This project will focus on the
5K was determined a good fit for next year's event, in an effort
upkeep of weeds, with the intent to partner with the Garden
to bolster attendance.
Club and Friends for a Greener Bernardsville to maintain spaces like Fenwick Park, and offering a plan to maintain the
The Promotions committee is currently working on a thank you letter program in an effort to more efficiently thank our
downtown area on a regular basis. 3. Way finding and History. This project is going to be very
donors and sponsors. Anyone available to assist in the first run
exciting for the community as we work to create way finding
of handwriting some notes on the thank you letters would be
signage throughout the commercial corridor. Additionally,
greatly appreciated! Please contact Amiee Watts
this project will take the current historical walking tour pdf
( to collect a quantity of
and turn it into an exiting digital audio tour, equipped with
actors, stories and highlighting Bernardsville's rich history!
Take a look at the 2021 Holiday Gift Guide Cover!
Economic Vitality In an effort to build a relationship with the 300 businesses in Bernardsville, this committee Is organizing a Networking event to celebrate our local businesses. 2020 and even 2021 have been difficult and our local economy has not only made it through but are opening businesses and beginning to thrive.
Advertising opportunities are now open, as is the call for
We are excited to offer this celebration of our businesses to the
articles, recipes, and how tos, among other content for the
business community, all the while providing information about
holidays. If you or someone you know would like to contribute
our organization, offering assistance as needed, and begin to
to the guide (articles and content are welcome at no charge!),
slowly build a rapport with the community for business owners
please contact Olivia Manning or visit the website at
to rely on and trust. to submit a piece. The event will be scheduled for a date in January, with a
location to be announced. We encourage all committee
The committee has been working to select a project following
members to attend this networking event to get to know our
the completion of the mural project in May this year. Following a tour of a portion of the downtown, the committee has narrowed down focus to 3 main projects:
business owners, to share what your committee is working on and help build this positive relationship.
UPCOMING EVENTS OCTOBER Scarecrow Stroll: Oct 16-30 All groups, students, residents, businesses and beyond are invited to decorate a scarecrow and bring to Fenwick Park on October 16 to set up. We will provide zip ties and a location for your scarecrow to be posted. Please encourage your neighbors to decorate a scarecrow (on your own at home!) and bring to town on 10/16!
NOVEMBER Small Business Saturday: Nov 27 From 9am to 3pm, we will have a table set up at Fenwick Park (near the statue of Milicent Fenwick) to highlight local business deals and discounts for the holidays. Copies of the Holiday Gift Guide will be available and businesses will be able to have an item to giveaway! We will also be combining this with a Coat Drive.
STRATEGIC PLANNING SESSION FOR 2022 SAVE THE DATE!! We invite all committee members and board of directors to attend the first of many annual planning sessions. Please save the date for:
SATURDAY, JANUARY 8 During this session, we will be reviewing results from the community survey, exploring market data, and gathering ideas for projects to be completed in 2022 and in future years. The goal of this session is to bring all of the committees and board of directors together to generate ideas, plans, goals ,and intentions for the future. We will be looking forward to making this an annual event, incorporating a networking element to connect and be connected.
Town wide Trick or Treat & Costume Contest: Oct 30 This Is a collaborative project with Bernardsville Recreation. From 3-5pm, we look forward to welcoming all ages and pets to show their best costumes for the chance to win prizes! Businesses are encouraged to offer candy to walkers, kids, and all walking through town. Visit to sign up for the costume contest and for more Information.
DECEMBER Holiday Parade: Dec 4 At 7pm, the parade will kick off from Seney Drive and Anderson Hill Road, making their way down Anderson Hill, making a left of Olcott Avenue and finishing up at Bernards High. We encourage the community to create floats, walk in the parade, and participate as inclusion in the parade is free to all! We welcome ALL our volunteers to walk with us and represent the organization!
From there, each committee will select projects to complete throughout the year, incorporating elements from other committees to work together. The goal will be to create an action plan for the year, as well as a long term strategy that is in line with our mission. We will be welcoming a representative from Main Street New Jersey or Main Street America for training, assistance, and to facilitate an effective session. Please plan on being with us from 9am to 12pm on this date. More details and updates to come as we get closer.
Holiday Lights Competition: Dec 1-23 Residents and businesses will have the opportunity to either simply list their home on the lights tour or enter in the competition (or both!). We are looking for our 3 or 5 judges to tour the community and check out competitors based on a few criteria points. Last year's winners are invited to walk in the parade!
GET TO KNOW... The Board of Directors
Bob Frawley (Secretary) Amy Shaver (Treasurer) Mary Jane Canose Amiee Watts Patrice Cummings Cheryl Maddaluna Leah Horowitz Bob Markowick Christina Gianni Chris Caponigro Malcolm Salovaara Olivia Manning
Executive Director Olivia Manning
Committee Chairs Promotions Amiee Watts
Design Cheryl Maddaluna Lisa Diaz
Economic Vitality Open Seat