ExploringDe DiscoveringSotoDeSotoCommunityFeature&NewsPublication Online & Printed https://issuu.com/discoveringdesotoDistribution De Soto, Kansas in Western Johnson County 2022 SEPT•OCT•NOVFallIssue DistributionbytheCityofDeSoto De Soto City Publication NWCFD Community Report Business News Organizations Food Faith People Congratulations Health & Wellness and plenty of Fall Events in the area... LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 1 H 2 H 3 SPECIAL 4-PAGE PULL-OUT SECTION PAGES 19-22 W Indian Summer Fall 2022 A Season of High Hopes rooted in Rich History 58th ANNuAl

2 v Estate Lots backing to treed greenspace and the scenic outdoors. v Desirable Cul-de-sac, Corner, Daylight and Walk-out Home Sites v Highly-Rated USD 232 School District v Charming local businesses to shop and dine v Nearby Parks & Aquatic Center v Affordable HOA Dues v Homes in the $400’s Builders specially selected for their quality and innovative design, with an exceptional selection of floor plans. PHASE III MODELS NOW SiNgLE FAmiLy HOmES&ESTATELOTS On West 83rd Street four miles west of K-7 Kill Creek Road Exit Quick Access via K-10 One Exit Past Cedar Creek Parkway Kill RoadCreekExit Cedar ParkwayCreekExit RoadCreekKill 83rd Street Exit Next to Shawnee, Lenexa & Olathe. Easy highway access to Lawrence & Kansas City. Exceed Your Expectations! 83rd Street

3 CALL TEXT EMAIL Angie & Cole 913-444-2029 ArborRidgeKS@gmail.com ArborRidgeKS.com We look forward to introducing you to our community and a comfortable lifestyle. Over 30 rolling acres of green space and wooded areas, offering convenience and small-town charm. Tours of our community are available by appointment. Look for our booth at De Soto Days. OPEN D E S O t O D A y S

Discovering De Soto publisher/editor ExploringDe DiscoveringSotoDeSotoCommunityFeature&NewsPublication Online & Printed https://issuu.com/discoveringdesotoDistribution De Soto, Kansas in Western Johnson County 2022 SEPT•OCT•NOVFallIssue DistributionbytheCityofDeSoto De Soto City Publication NWCFD Community Report Business News Organizations Foo Faith People Congratulations Health & Wellness and plenty of Fall Events... LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 1H 2 H 3 W Indian Summer Fall 2022 A Season of High Hopes rooted in Rich History
4 CITY OF DE SOTO Pages Message from the Mayor ............................................5 Sunflower Redevelopment / Remediation 6-7 City Updates: Ottawa and Wea Street Projects..... 8 Water Shut Offs & Late Fees 8 Estimated Tax Notice................................................. 9 City Directory / De Soto Parks & Recreation .........10 hEalTh & bEauTY Shear Images Salon 11 Fall EvEnTS Special Events Calendar ................. 12-13 SPECIAL FEATURE “Indian Summer” Streets of De Soto/Native Arts................................. 14-15 buSInESS nEwS Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant...................... 16 Area Business News/ News Resource .................... 16-17 DE SOTO DaYS SPECIAL PULL-OUT SECTION 19-22 ORGanIZaTIOnS Johnson County Library ........................................... 24 USD 232 School District 2022-23 Calendar 24-25 De Soto Organizations .............................................. 26 Arts Extravaganza/Public Art ................................. 26-27 PEOPlE Discovering De Soto residents/Congratulations... 28-29 hEalTh & wEllnESS Alzheimer’s awareness ............................................... 30 Family update/Area races 31 FaITh Fall events / Transitions ............................. 32-34 In Remembrance 35 SPORTS Chiefs season ........................................... 37 NWCFD Community Report.............................. 39 Discovering De Soto is printed and distributed to De Soto residents and businesses throughout De Soto through funding from the City of De Soto. Additional distribution in portions of Lenexa, Olathe, Linwood and Shawnee. Independently owned and published by RMB Prints & Design, LLC. Published Quarterly Printed by Allen Press Lawrence, Kansas Online publications https://issuu.com/discoveringdesoto Not responsible for errors or misprints. Information is gathered from sources considered to be reliable; however, RMB Prints & Design, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of information and not liable for any incurrences as a result of this publication. The material in Discovering De Soto is not intended for diagnosing or giving medical advice. Business, Organization or Entity featured is not to be construed as an endorsement of the product, individual, business or organization. Businesses featured are objectively selected for newsworthy content and/or being applicable to the current issue’s theme/focus/emphasis. Publisher/Editor reserves the right on final editing of all content herein, including acceptance of submissions, editorial and advertising. FeatureCommunity&News Publication DiscoveringDeSoto W Online viewing of all discoveringdesoto/https://www.facebook.com/Likehttps://issuu.com/discoveringdesotoissues:usonfacebook Kudos to our Advertisers who fund the staffing & production of Discovering De Soto! Published by RMB Prints & Design, LLC Rose M. Burgweger, publisher / editor For editorial submissions and advertising information, contact Discovering De Soto by email: RMBprints@icloud.com ∂ Rose Burgweger, Brenna Zimmerman Graphic Design Katherine Diaz, Kris Meyer Contributing Writers Pam Ebert, Mickey Carrillo-Marquez Administrative Assistants Ashton DelVecchio, Helen Ash Copy Editors ∂ Special Thanks to The City of De Soto for Funding of Printing & Distribution City Pages written/designed by Whitney Lange ∂ Printed copies are available at these area locations: De Soto Harps Foods Steve’s Meat Market Downtown De Soto look for our bin Lenexa Suburban Lawn & Garden Shawnee Price Chopper courtesy of The Kansas City Star Earl May Monticello Library Sign up for free online subscription at RMBPrints@icloud.com All issues available online: https://issuu.com/discoveringdesoto Like us on https://www.facebook.com/DiscoveringDeSotofacebook wEl COME Our Fall 2022 Issue celebrates seven years of publications for the De Soto community and surrounding areas! This issue also celebrates the announcement of the Panasonic battery plant site identification on a portion of the annexed Sunflower Ammunition Plant acreage (pending approval by the Panasonic Holdings Corporation Board of Directors). The cover photo by Andy Shultz, WJP Aerial.com captures our season of high hopes for our growing area that is rooted in the rich history of the ammunition plant beginning in 1942. see City pages 6-7, and page 16 With COVID subsiding in its intensity, we are enjoying more celebrations and each other. The 58th annual De Soto Days see center spread pull-out section, and many other events are featured throughout the issue. This fall enjoy the Indian Summer Season, and learn about area remnants of Native American memories. As always, enjoy the issue and thank you for making Discovering De Soto one of the most read and treasured printed publications!
Sincerely, Burgweger



7 D E S O t O D A y S

The current two lane stretch of road from 82nd Street, over the railroad, to the entrance of Riverfest Park is approximately 24 feet in total width with no shoulder or sidewalk; this reconstruction project will make the trip out to Riverfest Park more easily accessible by widening the road to 32 feet (two 11 foot travel lanes and two 5 foot bike lanes). Additionally, there will be an 8 foot wide concrete sidewalk along the east side with grading for a future 5 foot sidewalk along the west side.
of agencies that offer
The Ottawa Street Reconstruction Project will begin after the conclusion of the City summer events at Riverfest Park, likely mid October First and foremost, if you are far behind with paying your water bill and have concerns, let us know, and we will work out a plan with you!
After two and a half years, the City will begin implementing utility late fees and water shut offs; this will begin during the October payment cycle Due to the financial impacts and strains on our citizens and businesses caused by COVID 19, in March of 2020 the City halted water utility shut offs and late fees. This means someone’s water wasn’t shut off if they couldn’t pay, and they wouldn’t have to worry about accruing additional fines through the late fees. The late payment timeline will return to this format:
The bridge and thus entrance to Riverfest Park, the Water Treatment Facility, brush site, and animal shelter will be closed until late May Access to these facilities will be limited to an Edgerton Road to 79th Street detour
This new sidewalk is just another step in creating complete connectivity throughout De Soto.
10th of the Month Water utility bill balance due 15th of the Month Penalties applied and late notices sent out
Contractors have almost completed this year’s Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) project, a new sidewalk along Wea Street from 82nd to the north! Crews also replaced the water main and several service line connections down Wea Street is list payment assistance:
Catholic Charities 913.782.4077 Johnson County Assistance 913 715 6653 El Centro 913 677 0100 Salvation Army 913.782.3640
Last Day of the Month Final day to pay balance before water shut off
1st Day of Next Month Water shut off

It's budget season! In addition to our annual budget hearing, there will be a Revenue Neutral Rate (RNR) Public Hearing, which is scheduled for September 1st @ 7pm at City Hall. ESTIMATED TAX NOTICE Visit the City website @ www desotoks us/293/Revenue Neutral
A jurisdiction doesn't only increase revenue to provide new services; they often need to increase property tax revenue to provide the same level of service as the year before.
If a City were to stay revenue neutral, they would have to provide next year's services with this year's budget, regardless of increased costs.
To provide residents with the same (or better) level of service, it costs more Cities often "exceed revenue neutral" and use a modest increase in revenue to help pay for things like the increased cost of chemicals for the city pool, asphalt for streets, mowing services, and other community priorities
If the City Council approves the increase in property revenues for the upcoming year (i e exceed revenue neutral), it is by a modest amount compared to the increase in appraised property values
As a De Soto property owner, your property is included in a number of "taxing jurisdictions", aka taxing subdivisions The State of Kansas, Johnson County, the City of De Soto, USD 232, and the Northwest Consolidated Fire District are all examples of taxing jurisdictions. In early August, all property owners should have received an "estimated tax notice" from Johnson County
While this recently added step to the budgeting process is important for municipal budget transparency, it does not take inflation into account As property values are rising, so is the cost of goods and services W i l l m y p r o p e r t y t a x e s i n c r e a s e a s m u c h a s m y a p p r a i s e d v a l u e ? 1. City Council has expressed intent to lower the mill levy rate from 22.4 mills to 20.8 mills, however, that mill rate still exceeds the revenue neutral rate, triggering a public hearing
JOCO ESTIMATED TAX NOTICE | DRAFT 2022 No The average property in De Soto increased in value by 17% this year, but actual taxes would 1. The revenue neutral rate and proposed mill levy tax rate for all taxing jurisdictions T h e n o t i c e f o r m t e l l s y o u t w o m a i n t h i n g s : Being revenue neutral means a taxing jurisdiction budgets the exact same amount of property tax revenue, in dollars, for the upcoming budget year as they did for the current year.
2. Notifications of public hearings for each taxing jurisdiction that plans to exceed the property tax revenue neutral rate not increase by that same amount The City lowers the mill levy to help re balance the "appraised value to collected property revenue" scale
W h y w o u l d t h e C i t y , o r a n y j u r i s d i c t i o n , w a n t t o i n c r e a s e r e v e n u e ?
2. Being revenue neutral would require the City to provide next year's services with this year's budget, regardless of increased costs 3 If approved, the City would use the modest increase in revenue to help pay for things like street maintenance, parks & recreation, and public safety
REVENUE NEUTRAL Basically, if a city budgets $1 million of property tax revenue in 2022, being revenue neutral means they plan to only budget $1 million in 2023 as well.
The revenue neutral rate is the mill levy rate that would generate the exact same amount of property tax revenue as the year before, using the current tax year's total assessed valuation

“We have three nail stations, two pedicure stations, an esthetician for facials and waxing, and three hair stylists with room to grow,” Kim was excited to share. She added “All our staff are independent and manage their own appointments, hours and pricing.”
New Shear Images Salon Location
“We needed to grow and were looking for space,” shared Kim Ingalls, owner of Shear Images Hair, Skin & Nails Salon. “There were not many commercial spaces available in the area, so when Danceography closed at the end of May 2022, we contacted Great Southern Bank. We became the new tenants in June 2022.”
With plenty of area involvement, Kim says, “I love the De Soto community and want to be there providing special services, devoted to making our clients beautiful from head to toe!” Staff all 302-3210 B 951-0979 M 226-9763 K
Stylist (918)
“It was quite the busy time, with plenty of long hours creating the newlydesigned beauty salon,” Kim informed. “I began in my kitchen and now this! “ With over 30 years as a hair stylist, Kim has had several shops in the area. The last three years Shear Images was located on Lexington Avenue, next to JT’s, with 600 square feet. They have expanded to 1,500 square feet, with a growing staff for a growing community.
Nail Tech (913) 353-6061 Lani Z Esthetician (913) 717-8227 Haircuts & Waxing•Facials•ManicuresStyling•Color&Pedicures d Beauty & selfcare from head to toe vISIT uS AT our NEw LocATIoN 34102 commerce Drive Suite c De Soto Great Southern Bank East Complex across from Pizza Hut D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S
your appointments: Kim Ingalls Stylist (913)
Walking into their spacious new location will uplift your spirits and well-being. The salon is home to all things of beauty and self care. Located in the Great Southern Bank Building in Suite C, across from Pizza Hut. Shear Images is an oasis providing head to toe beauty services for their clients.
Stylist (913)
hEalTh & bEauTY Contact our Salon
FALL 2022 11 TWO LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU: JAZZERCISE DE SOTO COmmUNITY CENTER • 32905 W. 84th St. CAUSE COFFEE DE SOTO NORTH • 33180 W. 83rd St. Class Schedules online https://www.jazzercise.com Call 913-226-4616 or email desotojazzercise@yahoo.com follow us on facebook: Jazzercise DeSoto Jackie Stecher, Jazzercise De Soto, Franchise Owner & Instructor If schools are closed due to weather, the 5:30 Am class is cancelled. Watch facebook for updates on other class times. membership Rates Include Burning Tree Golf & GreatLife Fitness Golf & Fitness Center Call 913-301- 3000 to set up your membership today! Membership includes both Golf & Fitness Single $39.99 plus tax Family $49.99 plus tax Freshly Circulated Air & Clean Equipment Fitness Center Open 24/7 Call pro shop or check Facebook for winter hours. https://www.greatlife-burningtree.comFitnessCenter City Hall Gymnasium 32905 West 84th Street • De Soto Burning Tree Golf 7909 Wyandotte • De Soto Just across the Kansas River Bridge

12 Discovering De Soto SPECIAL EVENTS CALENDAR Harvest Festival Building a Legacy theBarnatKillCreekFarm@gmail.com 913-535-4092 theBarnatKillCreekFarm.org Our family-owned farmstead has been part of the De Soto community for more than 70 years. From Farmers’ markets and art festivals, to family celebrations and community gatherings, The Barn stands as a testament to hard work and community support. Join us for our HARVESt FEStIVAl Saturday, September 17 10 am to 4 pm Games • Farm Animals • Hayrack Rides • Vendors • Hay Slide lunch served from 11 am to 1 pm A Free Event for the Community Hosted by De Soto Baptist Church Reverend Richard Copeland Retirement Sunday, August 28 • Reception 12:30-3:30 De Soto Baptist Church 8655 Copeland Way See page 34 ... 58th annual De Soto Days Festival 2022 Thursday, Friday, Saturday • September 1-2-3 Labor Day Weekend in Downtown De Soto Car Cruise Friday 7 pm • Parade Saturday 10 am • Carnival Rides Live Entertainment • Food • Vendors • Car Show and more! https://www.desotodays.com Pull-Out Section pages 19-22 5K-9 & Family Fun Run Sunday • September 4 https://runsignup.com/Race/KS/DeSoto/5K9race ... The Barn at Kill Creek Farm Harvest Festival Saturday, September 17 • 10 am to 4 pm 9200 Kill Creek Road (K10 & Kill Creek Road) Enjoy our Free Event for the Community! Food & Drinks 11am-1pm, Farm animans, games, hayrack rides, hay slide vendors and more! See Ad Below http://thebarnatkillcreekfarm.org ... Alzheimer’s Charity Event September 22 See page 30 for additional information Hosted by Carriage Houses of Johnson County Sunset ‘n Smoke BBQ & Air Show
September 23 • gates open at 6 pm 29230 West 83rd Street The Rub Food Truck Music by Dating Sarah https://www.facebook.com/CarriageHouses/ See page 38 for info ... Presented by De Soto Rotary & Great American Bank Oktoberfest Barn Dance Friday, September 23 • 6 pm to 10 pm The Barn at Kill Creek Farm 9200 Kill Creek Road Food, Live Music, Country & Polka Dancing, Beer $30 donation See Ad Below http://thebarnatkillcreekfarm.org ... Great American Bank Appreciation Day! Friday, September 30 • 11 am to 2 pm 33050 W. 83rd Street Lunch from Steve’s Meat Market and PRIZES ... De Soto Half Marathon & 5K Sunday, October 2 • 8 am Proceeds benefit the Kansas City Chapter of PanCan.org Sign up online by October 1 https://runsignup.com/Race/KS/DeSoto/DeSotoHalfMarathonand5k De Soto Rotary Presents BarnOktoberfestDance Sponsored by Great American Bank Friday, September 23 6-10 PM Live Music & Dancing 7:00-9:00 PM German Food & Beer! $30 Donation Per Person Limited to 100 people Reservation & Information: Kim Ingalls kimingalls2019@gmail.com913.302.3210 Lori Murdock lorimurdock@att.net913.636.2679 Event held at The Barn at Kill Creek Farm 9200 Kill Creek Road

13 FALL 2022 Anabel’s Makers Market’s Fall Fiesta Saturday, October 22 • 10am to 4 pm Enjoy Family Fun, Local Shopping Vendors and more! ... Sponsored by De Soto Baptist Church Alzheimer’s Information Seminar Tuesday, October 18 • 7 pm De Soto Baptist Church 8655 Copeland Way Free Presentation by Don Minter, Senior Care Authority. ... Bless my Home Coffee House October 22 Fall Trunk-n-Treats October 30-31 See Faith Pages 32-33 for times and locations ... Presented by the De Soto Arts Council Arts Extravaganza Weekend! Fine Arts Show Friday, November 4 • 6 pm to 9 pm Saturday, November 5 • 9 am to 4 pm Linden-Tripkos VFW Post 6654 33725 W 84th Street Musical Sunday, November 6 • 7 pm www.desotoartsks.org See pages 26-27 for additonal information Annual LTMS Veteran’s Day Tribute Friday, November 11 • 8am The public is invited to attend Lexington Trails Middle School’s annual “Patriotic Assemby” honoring our servicemen and women. Polls are open 7 am to 7 pm Registration Deadline 21 days before election registrationhttps://jocoelection.org/ Election Day! Tuesday, November 8 • Vote 7am-7pm Annual De Soto United Methodist Church Election Day Dinner Tuesday, November 8 • 5:30 pm to 7 pm 8760 Kill Creek Road A tradition since 1936. Enjoy a complete dinner. ... Weekend of The Arts November 4 • 5 • 6 more info: www.desotoartsks.org De Soto Arts Council Arts Extravaganza! Presenting the original Musical The SPARKLe TONeS Sunday, Nov 6 • 7 pm 8800 Penner Ave De Soto lexington trails MS theatre FINE ARtS SHOW Friday, Nov 4 • 6pm-9pm Saturday, Nov 5 • 9am-4pm linden-tripkos VFW Post 6654 • 33725 West 84th Street Show opens Friday at 6 pm • Wine & Cheese Reception • Meet local and area Artists • Great variety of 2D and 3D media • Saturday enjoy De Soto’s local bakers & ART! CAll FOR ARtIStS: APPly AND JOIN uS!

14Aman of many skills and talents, Mike Ash, artist, shown above is truly humble and a fine gentleman. He has many interesting stories and adventures. Here we share his lifelong love of the Native American Arts. Throughout his life, he has been blessed to have many individuals teach and mentor him, which helped develop his own skills.
“If you kept your dues up, you got a subscription to Boy’s Life Magazine,” shared Mike. “Boy did I love those!” Mike was introduced to Ben Hunt through an article on woodcarving in the publication. With only a pocket knife, Mike got himselft started on woodcarving. He learned much as he read through Ben Hunt’s Indian Crafts & Lore and other books. Proudly displayed in his studio is the ax he made in 1946 while in the Boy Scouts.
As a young boy, his interest in Indian skills began in the Boy Scouts. Marvin “Bud” Ford was his scoutmaster and “one of the finest men, a great mentor,” Mike says with great appreciation.
While in the Navy, Mike took the Famous Artist Course out of Westport, Connecticut that Norman Rockwell helped develop. Through their assignments he honed his illustration and painting skills. While stationed in Spain, he once again became involved with the Boy Scouts–this time as Cubmaster. He still has the head dress he made in 1969 with turkey feathers that were painted like bald eagle’s feathers. Returning home from the Navy, Mike began silversmithing classes with Native American instructor, Tae Gle Ha. He attended an Earth Sciences Show in Kansas City, and met George Eklund, who invited him to a group that made arrowheads in Fort Osage, Missouri. There Mike learned to “knap.” He adds that knap is actually a German word meaning to hit and break off. Mike remembers “It really was a great time when we all would come together!”
With fine instructors, and a good amount of reading and research, Mike is very skilled in a variety of 2D and 3D mediums. Much of his work is reminiscent of Native American Art.
As a young adult, Mike began a Naval Career, which gave him the opportunity to see the world–Taiwan, Guam, Philippines, Japan and Spain. Two years were spent on the USS Shangra La Aircraft Carrier as a radioman in SanDeigo before his worldwide journeys.
“From the time I was in Boy Scouts I admired indians–I loved their artwork and talent. The Southwest Art is just beautiful. The Plains Indians are great artists and gifted people. The Northern Pacific Tribes are talented wood sculptors with their totum poles” –Mike Ash, De Soto resident
Returning to the states, he was stationed two years at the Naval Communication Station in D.C., and later on the USS Constant MSO 427 Mine Sweeper. To this day, the group still has reunions. A West Pack Tour brought him to the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.
Indian Summer Photography by WJPAerial.com
A season of warm winds, blue skies and the golden colors of Autumn days...
Remembering De Soto’s Indian Heritage and a rich appreciation of Native American Arts.
As a young boy, Mike remembers his grandfather finding arrowheads when he plowed their farm. He was always interested and intrigued. “Knapping is not as easy as one would think,” explained Mike. “It is really a process, and you need to know where to hit a rock.” Most arrowheads are made out of flint, and any rock with high silica content works well. Native Americans would start with a river rock, using moose or deer antlers as their tools to shape arrowheads.
–Rose Burgweger, publisher and neighbor to Mike and Helen Ash on Native American Art

In 1854, John, a Shawnee Indian, and his wife were granted 740 acres by the federal government. The land they owned was located south of the Kansas River and encompassed downtown De Soto, stretching from the river to West 87th Street. By 1858, John sold 80 acres to John F. Legate, S. Todd and Stratton and Williams, according to Dot Ashlock-Longstreth’s “De Soto, Kansas Is 100 Years Old 1857-1957,” who chronicled De Soto’s history. The 80 acres served to establish the town. Later in 1861, John sold another 80 acres, to the De Soto Town Co. James B. Abbott (non-Native American) was appointed as the Shawnee Indian agent in 1861. Excerpt from “De Soto, Kansas Is 100 Years Old 1857-1957”: “I found that this was the Shawnee Reservation with Harry McBride the Indian Agent for the territory, and after the war, Major James B. Abbott was local agent, and moved the tribe further south.” He had Abbott Hall constructed in 1865 after settling in De Soto and was highly involved in the development of the town.
Online Ordering: https://www.bowlinfarms.net Soto
John and Hattie Possum are forever written in local history as being the first to sell land that established what is today the City of De Soto.
Visit our booth at De
In Mike’s knapping group, Percy Adkinson had a gourd farm and introduced him to the fine art of gourd carving. Shown below, on right, are gourds “cured” over the winter and into the summer. “Then they are put into hot water and the epidermal film is removed,” informed Mike. “The outside of a gourd is quite hard, and my diamond silversmith tools can cut right through them.” He also uses woodcarving tools to outline or emphasize lines in his designs.
Knapped out of Australian Opal, the arrowhead is set in a 14kt gold frame, shown above left.
Photography by Mike Ash and Rose Burgweger
(913) 208-1186 31915 W. 115th Street (115th & Kill Creek Road) (913) 583-9902
In our current day, you will find the same Indian Tribe names remaining in the same locations.
American Eagle, “Charlie,” is a wood sculpture carved out of black walnut, shown on left page. “He is named after a Redtailed Hawk that nested on our property,” Mike explained.
Take a drive and take a look, then research the Indian Tribes on the internet to learn more about each one.
Farm Stand Closes for Season October 31!
Original De Soto Street Names of Indian Tribes date back to Map of 1866 Penned by Major James B. Abbott Streets shown above from west to east: Kickapoo, Ottawa, Peoria, Wea, Shawnee, Delaware, Wyandotte, Osage and Ferry. This part of town had previously been owned by Shawnee Indian, John Possum, who sold the land that established De Soto.
Also see the Spring Exploration Edition of Discovering De Soto, 2017, page 10, for additional De Soto historical information. https://issuu.com/discoveringdesoto
Days Farm OPENStandtillOct 31 M-S 9am-8pm Sun FreshNoon-6pmFruits&Vegetables Tasty Melons Honey Butters Salsa Jams Pumpkins Mums Zinnias D E S O t O D A y S
15 Discovering De Soto SPECIAL FEATURE Indian Summer FALL 2022
“Snow Chick on Ice” Gourd Sculpture shown below. Drawn, painted and sculpted by Mike Ash. A custom-design is drawn, before painting with acrylics and antiquing. Fine silver arrow handcrafted by Mike Ash, shown above. The arrow is fine silver tubing with an arrowhead wrapped with fine silver wire. Feathers were created with a fine silver textured sheet. (Fine silver is pure silver, while Sterling is 92.5% pure silver and 7.5% copper.)

Attendees were able to hear firsthand former Sunflower Plant employees share experiences and recollections. The overall consensus was the people were great, as it took a group of good people from all over the country to work together safely.
On July 13, Kansas Governor Laura Kelly announced that Panasonic Energy Co., Ltd., plans to build one of the largest electric vehicle (EV) battery manufacturing facilities of its kind in the United States in Kansas. Pending approval by Panasonic Holdings Corporation Board of Directors, the company has identified a site in De Soto for the potential project.3 releases from the City of De Soto, the State of Kansas and Panasonic Energy can all be found on the City of De Soto’s website:
Shown above Sunflower Ammunition Plant in De Soto, Kansas. Photo taken by Andy Shultz of WJP Aerial.
U.S. Army public meeting held to provide update on cleanup of former Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant
The Barn at Kill Creek Farm plans to make this an annual event, with next year’s Harvest Festival scheduled for October 28, 2023.
On Wednesday, July 20, area residents and media gathered at De Soto City Hall and attended a public meeting about the Army’s cleanup program at the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant (AAP).
Darrel reminisces about selling pumpkins by the pound using huge platform scales during the initial years of the Harvest Festival in the 1990s. One of his favorite activities was to let kids climb up onto the platform scales to see what they would cost if they were a pumpkin.
The Harvest Festival will feature vendors inside and out, along with the De Soto Baptist Church selling homemade pies and fun games like pumpkin bowling, tic-tac-toe and checkers.
The De Soto Historical Society also has a wealth of information about the history of the Sunflower Ammunition Plant and its rich history and impact on De Soto. See Organizations, page 26 for group information.
The Army will continue its public outreach and anticipates providing cleanup updates about three times a year. The Sunflower AAP website has been updated and you are invited to visit the online site: https://aec.army.mil/index.php/sfaap
According to the Sunflower AAP Cleanup Team, “We did not receive enough interest to form a Restoration Advisory Board (RAB) at this time, and therefore, in 24 months we will re-solicit for interest in a RAB for the former Sunflower AAP. We appreciate those who stepped up and were willing to volunteer their time.”
2 n
https://www.desotoks.us/297/Sunflower-Redevelopment 1 https://www.desotoks.us/297/Sunflower-Redevelopment 2 https://www.jocogov.org/newsroom/bocc-takes-action-former-sunflowerenergy-electric-vehicle-battery-plant/3army-ammunition-plant-propertyhttps://governor.kansas.gov/kansas-lands-4b-4000-job-panasonic-
Fall Brings Harvest Festival at The Barn September 17
–submitted by Janice Kresin, The Barn at Kill Creek Farm
The program was recorded and can be viewed on the Eudora Area Historical Society facebook page or on YouTube.
Sunflower Plant’s Rich History Portrayed at Eudora Program
The Barn at Kill Creek Farm opens its doors to the community again this fall with its Fall Harvest Festival, on September 17, 2022. The free community event will feature hayrack rides, farm animals, games, a hay slide, vendors, photo ops and a free lunch.
Last year’s event celebrated The Barn’s 20th anniversary, which marked two decades of having a barn on at Zimmerman’s Kill Creek Farm. As locals may know, owner Darrel Zimmerman launched the farm’s first Harvest Festival in 1994 under a tent. It was a way to sell the pumpkins he grew on his property along the Kansas River bottoms. After operating the festival under a tent for a few years, Darrel decided that the farm needed a barn, and thus began the legacy of The Barn at Kill Creek Farm.
In 2022, the De Soto City Council unanimously voted to annex approximately 6,375* acres of land (almost 10 square miles), including a 6,000-acre portion of the 9,000-acre property formerly known as the Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant. Prior to the annexation, De Soto was approximately 7,400 acres.
–submitted by the Sunflower AAP Cleanup Team
Sunflower Army Ammunition Plant 29080 West 95th Street, De Soto
On February 10, the Johnson County Board of County Commissioners amended the redevelopment agreement, addressing the annexation of 6,000 acres by the City of De Soto and protecting the beneficiaries of park land and other public uses. The plant property is located south of K-10 Highway, in De Soto.
There were many residents from De Soto that attended the recent History of the Sunflower Plant Program that was hosted by the Eudora Area Historical Society on Thursday, July 21.
The presentation from the July 2022 Meeting is also available online: index.php/sfaap/sfaap-resourceshttps://aec.army.mil/ If you would like additional information, have suggestions or would like to be notified of upcoming public meetings, please email cathryn.l.kropp.civ@army.mil
A Season of High Hopes Rooted in Rich History Kansas, the City of De Soto and the Sunflower Ammunition Plant have all had a season of much news in the public media in 2022.
Discovering De Soto 16 buSInESS nEwS
“The actions taken by the BOCC are a good step forward to begin redevelopment,” said Chairman Ed Eilert. “The board’s action supports the opportunity of economic development, which will benefit the City of De Soto and Johnson County.”
World’s Largest Ammunition Plant Comes to De Soto was featured in the Fall 2017 Issue of Discovering De Soto, with a history timeline.
The annexed land brings the total acreage to around 13,775.1
Recent events like the Harvest Festival at the Kill Creek Farm serve to teach attendees about rural farm life in Johnson County. Currently, the family raises cattle, goats, chickens and quail on the property— and some of these animals will be on display during the 2022 Harvest Festival. The Barn itself continues to be a highlight on the property as well, with its oak beam timbers and wood-peg construction.

Spike and Patti Durkin Retire from the Farm “We can’t thank everyone enough or properly express our feelings to all the people who made our lives so wonderful during our Happy Valley Farm years,” shared Spike and Patti. “But it’s time to move on, enjoying the fruits of our labor in Missouri.” Updates to follow on the new owners.
FALL 2022 17 HARPS
It’s a
https://shawneemissionpost.com/shawnee-mission-postsubscriptions/ DeSoto Feed & Garden Grass Seed & Fertilizers Cat Food • Dog Food Chicken, Horse & Livestock Feed Bird Seed & Feeders Fairy & Miniature Garden Items Outdoor Garden Decor Hay Bales Refill Propane Bottles DeSoto Feed & Garden Locally Owned & Operated for 16 Years www.desotofeed.com 8155 Hadley Road (across from Miller Park) Phone 913-583-1112 Open Monday-Friday 8:30 to 5 Saturday 9 to 2 D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S
Welcome Connie Philippeit, new De Soto Harps Store Manager! Connie shown at left, has been with Harps for seven years. When Harps opened in November 2016, Connie was the grocery manager and helped open the new location for one year. She then became the store manager at Richmond, Missouri, also opening that new location. She looks forward to being part of the De Soto community once again. Enjoy shopping at Harps, which is open daily 6 am to 10 pm.
Founded in 2010, the Shawnee Mission Post is an onlineonly local news publication for the communities within the Shawnee Mission and De Soto USD 232 School Districts.
Harps Announces New Store Manager
While Discovering De Soto is a quarterly feature magazine, the Shawnee Mission Post publishes news stories every weekday. great local news source, especially as De Soto grows. both current and past news features.
Search De Soto for
Prior manager Shane Murray has relocated to the Richmond, Missouri location. Our first manager, Johnny Chapman is now a district manager for Harps Food. Congratulations to all.

18 Join us for some Good Cheer! “Some of the best fries and beer TacoexceptAVAILABLETAKEOUTaround!”Tuesdays. “Great place and atmosphere.”great 9150 Lexington Avenue • 913-585-1416 Open Sunday-Thursday 11 to 11 • Friday-Saturday 11 to 2am monthly live Bands Check our Facebook page for updates BEER:30 Fried SandwichesBologna 1/4” with Cheese Texas Toast Selected Appetizers 1/2 Price Saturday 3-7 Happy Hour Monday-Friday 3-6 Sunday all day Home of the Hog Wings AngusBurgersBeef TacoTuesday Loaded with Hearty Meat! EL PATRON 34429 West 91st Street u De Soto 913-586-3060 u ElpatronDesoto.com Open Monday-Thursday 10am -9pm Friday & Saturday 10am -10pm Sunday 10am -9pm MEXICAN FOOD • BAR & GRILL Mondays u 1/2 Price Kids Meals Wednesdays u Seniors 10% off With Coupon (kids under 10 / seniors over 60) Authentic Mexican Food Food Prepared Hot, Fresh & Right off the Grill! Dine in & DRiVe THRU OPen Appetizers, Salads, Ala Carte & Combos Variety of Mexican Enchiladas, Burritos, Fajitas Quesadillas, Pork, Chicken & Steaks, Seafood, Vegetarian Imported & Domestic Beers u Wines u Sangria u 10 Varieties of Margaritas Take out Online with Full Menus facebookSpecialspage el Patron De Soto Enjoy De Soto’s Food Establishments While Attending De Soto Days Cause Coffee closed 8/16-9/8 for summer break. Visit our Booth at De Soto Days Visit our Beer Garden at De Soto Days 3 3 4 9 0 L e x i n g t o n A v e D e S o t o K S 6 6 0 1 8 9 1 3 . 2 8 9 . 3 5 3 6 O a s i s N u t r i t i o n E N E R G Y T E A S / P R O T E I N S H A K E S / P R O T E I N C O F F E E / P R O T E I N B I T E S C A L L A H E A D & D E L I V E R Y A V A I L A B L E O A S I S N U T R I T I O N O A S I S N U T R I T I O N K S ENERGY TEAS/ PROTEIN SHAKES/ PROTEIN COFFEE/ PROTEIN BITES CALL AHEAD & DELIVERY AVAILABLEALLMEGA DRINKS with coupon 33490 L EXINGTON A VE D E S OTO 913.289.3536KS OASISNUTRITIONKSOASISNUTRITION_ CUSTOM CUT-TO-ORDER MEAT Monthly Stock-up Specials Deer processing USDA slaughter house Online Specials www.stevesmeat.com Great Recipes & Tips online at “The Butcher’s Blog” 10% OFF Thursdays Sides of beef, sold hogs, turkeys or Specials are not included Expires 12 -1-22 Regular Prices Only with COuPOn Steve’s MEAT MARKET New Hours Tues-Fri 10am - 6pm Sat 9am - 5pm Closed Sunday / Monday 32685 Lexington Avenue in De Soto 913-583-1390 FallMeatsFreshforGrilling! Smoked Ribs Chicken & Pork Caring For Our Customers Since 1969 D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S

19 Discovering De Soto SPECIAL PULL-OUT SECTION De Soto Days 2022 DE SOTO PARADEDAYS SATURDAY, SEPT 3•10 am See inside for parade route Parade line up 8:30 am De Soto High School H Most Creative H Most Original H Best Performance H Best of Parade H Mayor’s Choice H Grand Marshal H CAR SHOW leads the parade 9:30 am H Car Show line up 8:30 am Lexington Trails Middle School LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 1 H 2 H 3 DeSotoDays.com 58th ANNuAl Photography WJPAerial.comby LIVE ENTERTAINMENTHCARnivALHCAR CRUiSE & SHOW FOOD & vEnDORSHPiE COnTESTH5K-9 FAMiLY RUn & more

20 Discovering De Soto SPECIAL PULL-OUT SECTION Evans Midland CARnivAL THURSDAY, SEPT 1•6pm -10pm WRiSTBAnDS $22 FRiDAY, SEPT 2•6pm -10pm WRiSTBAnDS $24 SATURDAY, SEPT 3•WRiSTBAnDS $24 per session two CASHsessions•12noon-5pm•5pm-10pmOnLY•ATMOn-SiTE Photos courtesy of De Soto Days facebook submissions Handicapped Parking USD232 EntertainmentVendorStaffParkingPost Office Library Cause Coffee StationNWCFD13 83rd Street 6 StreetPeoria alleyway USD232 : First DunkAidTank l l Vendor Area throughoutactivitiesNWCFDtheday 84th Street Dunk Tank SAT Unleashedsponsored12-4byPetRescue AreaVendor AreaVendorWestStage PARADE ROUTE W 91st St LexingtonAvePennerAveLexingtonAveLTMS De HighSotoSchooParkingLot PARADE 10am SATURDAY, SEPT 3 Parade begins at 10 am De Soto High School/ Lexington Middle School CAR CRUiSE FRiDAY, SEPT 2•7 pm lineup at Linden-Tripkos vFW 5pm-6:45 pm CAR SHOW SATURDAY, SEPT 3•11am -3 pm De Soto City Hall 32905 W 84th St. free online registration & online https://www.desotodays.com/car-cruisevoting: 58th ANNuAl Parade begins at DHS 10 am Please use your wise discretion with masks and social distancing, for your safety and the safety of others, when attending De Soto Days and public gatherings. Mon-SunBarricade 6BarricadeSatonly ParadeRoute AreaVendor AreaVendor

21 De Soto Days 2022 FOOD VENDORS Chip‘n Doh•Christy’s on Wheels Ed’s ice-Cold Drinks•Frenzel’s BBQ MOGO KC•Hamburguesas Mexicanas Jason’s Lunchbox•Kansas City Popcorn Kathy’s Kitchen•Logan’s Lemonade Oasis nutrition•Pink Taco Premier Shaved ice•Polar Oasis Rivera’s Tacos•Old Shawnee Pizza The ice Cream Parlor•The Jitter Buggy COMMERCiAL & CRAFT vEnDORS A&E Accessories & More•Abel Boards Amy’s Handmade Leather•Arte Perdida Blue Diamondz Designs•Bowlin Farms Brown Suga•Busca tu Flor Country Road Farms•CPM Crunch Time Creations•De Alvarado Designs Delyetful Soaps•Epicure•Eudorable Home Forge Martial Arts•Greta June Designs Hague Quality Water•KC Handmade Goods Leaf Guard•Midwest Dixie Boutique Midwest Live Edge•Moore Water Treatment More Than 13 impossible Things norwex•O’Reilly Auto Parts Quilting in Kansas•Rehrig Pacific Company Resurrected Resin Creations Rose & Dolores Soapery & Candles Spark•Steve’s Bees•Trust Think Products The Custom Made Sisters Tracker Door Systems•Wooden Flag Haus Woodland Custom Cookies Presented by Always & Furever Midwest Animal Sanctuary & De Soto vet Clinic SUNDAY new! 5K-9/Family Fun Run SEPT 4 , 9 am/10 am DHS https://runsignup.com/Race/KS/DeSoto/5K9race see page 31 for more info BankAmericanGreatHandicappedParkingInformationTent ChurchReach BuildingMason KJ’s Pizza De HistorialSotoSociety KlestinskeDr. Office Perky’s Cafe Anabel’s Makers Market H 6 Mon-SunBarricadeMon-SunBaricade 6 BarricadeMon-Sun 6BarricadeMon-Sun 6BarricadeSatonlyafterBarricadeparade 6 Dale’s Auto Public Tent seating area StageMain Stage2 StreetWea StreetShawnee StreetDelaware84th 83rdStreetStreetalleywayGardenBeerFoodFoodFood FoodPortaPots AreaVendor Carnival AreaCarnival Parade ends at Miller Park Dean Weller Memorial Car Show 6 BarricadeMon-Sun 6 alleyway Car Show Area CommunityCenter CommunityPool Pie Contest FRUIT PIE BAKE-OFF SATURDAY, SEPT 3 Adults & Youth Free Register & Pie Drop-off 11:30am -1pm Pies sold benefit The De Soto Food Pantry Double crust fruit pies OnLY disposable tins Questions: chyann_34@hotmail.com l alleywayAreaVendor Food Beer:30 Beer Garden Thurs 6-10•Fri 6-11•Sat noon-11 PARADE ROUTE Big Time Grain Co.Pompous JackCaprice ClassicThe Merlots SATURDAY EVENTS FREE to the public 11-3 Balloon Creations 3-7 Caricatures 11-7 Face Painting 11:30-4 Fruit Pie Contest Pie slices $5 or 2 canned goods 12-4 Dunk Tank 83rd St Peoria RdFerry Hadley Rd 84th St Wyandotte Delaware LivE MUSiC MAIN STAGE THURSDAY SEPT 1•6:30-8:30 THE MERLOTS FRIDAY SEPT 2•7-10 CAPRiCE CLASSiC SATURDAY SEPT 3 12:30-2:30•FOLK in THE FLOW 4:30-6:30•BEAUTY & MCBEEST 6:30-8:30•POMPOUS JACK 8:30-10:30•BiG TiME GRAin CO. ENTERTAINMENT WEST STAGE THURSDAY SEPT 1• 6-7 White Tiger 7-8 MiTCH LAnGLEY FRIDAY SEPT 2•6:30-8 KARAOKE Contest–Sandi Meo SATURDAY SEPT 3 •9-10 Sela/Claire Kennard & Bryson Kendall 11:30-12 KC Wolf-Kansas City Chiefs 12:15-1 Dance Expressions 1-1:30 Blue-Sporting KC 1:30-2 Spiderman 1:45-2:15 DHS Dance Team 2:30-3 Danceography 3-4 Marshall-PAW Patrol 3-4 KC Hoop Troupe 4:30-5 Belle-Beauty & The Beast 5-5:30 Michelangelo 5-6:30 DJ Music 6:30-7 Elsa-Frozen 7-7:30 Grupo Folklorico izcalli 7:30-8:30 Line Dancing Miller Park 2nd Annual JT’s De Soto DaysTreasure Hunt $500 Prize official rules posted Aug 29 jtsgrilldesoto clues posted Sept 2 9am-9pm till found

The De Soto Days Festival is the largest ongoing event in our community. It began in 1964 by the Jaycees, who encouraged all of our community organizations to join in the event. In true Jaycee spirit, the De Soto Festival’s mission was to:
De Soto Days Committee P.O. Box 188, De Soto, Kansas 66018
2022forSee2022MUCHdesotodaysks@gmail.comTHAnKSSponsors!backpagelistingofourSponsors 58th ANNuAl
Currently, the Evans Midland Carnival Company has guaranteed their participation over Labor Day weekend. A Saturday morning parade & car cruise has almost always kicked off the festival’s celebration. Food vendors, craft booths, a car show and live music are just a few of the scheduled events that are part of each year’s festival.
• Develop a yearly event to enhance the lives of the De Soto residents & members of neighboring communities through events which appeal to a diverse audience
22 Discovering De Soto SPECIAL PULL-OUT SECTION De Soto Days 2022 MUCH THAnKS 2022 Committee volunteers! Committee Chairman Rhonda Patterson Treasurer Jaime Church Advertising Chair Angela Shopper Car Show Co-Chairs Ron Creason & Angela Shopper Entertainment Co-Chairs Dan Leap, Kristi Hinkle & Lisa Austin Parade Chair Heidi Capling Sponsorship Chair Toni Caldwell Vendor Chair Anabel Sanchez Website Leslie Fischer General Committee: Doug Bedford, Loya Beery, Garret Capling, Amy Carey, Carol Coffman, Jeff & Nancy Cook, Mark Crumbaker, Emmet & Molly Kurtz, Chyann Franklin, Laura Huffman, Whitney Lange, Mitzi Ryburn, Dave Thelen, Michelle Thompson, Lois Vance, Whitey Whitney, Bob Zindler De Soto Days History• 1964-2022
• Unite the citizens of De Soto
After the Jaycees, the event was organized by The City, and then passed to the City Park Board with help from the De Soto Chamber of Commerce. It is now organized by a volunteer group of citizens who spend many months and hours planning.
• Celebrate the past & envision the future De Soto Days has been held at various locations over the years: both sides of 83rd Street, in the old High School football field, Riverfest Park, Miller Memorial Park and Downtown De Soto.
• Promote the City of De Soto with pride and enthusiasm

D E S O t O D A y S
Company offers DreamSecure Flexible Life Insurance, with coverage that can change as your life changes*. It’s a unique, customizable way to protect your family. Julie Coover, Agent 32565 Lexington Ave Ste B, De Soto 12715 W 87th St Pkwy #102, Lenexa 583-1219juliecooveragency@amfam.com(913) *Subject to policy terms and conditions. American Family Life Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 ©2015 008190 – Rev. 3/22 – 16652222 Policy Forms: ICC21 L141 MS 01 22, L141 ND 02 22, L141 SD 02 22 FLEXIBLE LIFE INSURANCE American Family Life Insurance Company offers DreamSecure Flexible Life Insurance, with coverage that can change as your life changes*. It’s a unique, customizable way to protect your family. D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S
23 Great American BankGreat BankGreat 33050 West 83rd Street, De Soto, KS33050 West 83rd Street, De Soto, KS33050 Phone: 913Phone: 913-585585585-1131 / greatambank.com1131 /1131 / greatambank.comGreatAmerican BankGreat American Bank 33050 West 83rd Street, De Soto, KSWest 83rd Soto, KS 585585585 1131 / greatambank.com1131 / greatambank.com/ Great American Bank is your hometown community bank that provides a personal touch to both consumer and business banking. *Approval is required for cash management services and mobile deposit services. Identity Theft Protection is now available at Great American Bank! Great American Bank is excited to offer a new add on benefit to your checking account! If you become a victim of identity theft, CyberScout, will be your single source to help you resolve your problem from start to finish. Call today to inquire! Personal Banking: Checking, Savings and Money Market accounts CDs and IRAs offered at competitive rates Online banking, bill pay and e statement options Mobile Deposit* Checking Plus benefits that include Identity Theft Protection and Cell Phone Protection Business Banking: Checking, Savings and Money Market accounts Cash Management* Mobile Deposit * Online banking, bill pay and e statement options Business Debit Cards VICTIM THEFT?IDENTITYOF Happy Holidays from your locally own y Hbank! appy Holidays from your locally own y Hbank! appy own bank! 888A New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS Phone 785 838 9704 3500 Clinton PhoneLawrence,PkwyKS785 838 9704 33050 West 83rd St. De Soto, KS Phone 913 585 1131 3901 Main St. Kansas City, MO Phone 816 561 8866 12418 South 7 Highway Lake Lotawana, MO Phone 816 246 5663 Come in to any of our 5 branches and see us today! Great American BankGreat American 33050 West 83rd Street, De Soto, KSWest De Soto, KSDe Phone: 913 913 913 585585585 1131 / greatambank.com1131 / greatambank.com your hometown community bank that to both consumer and business banking. services. Protection is now available American Bank! new add on benefit to your checking theft, CyberScout, will be your single start to finish. Call today to inquire! statementratesaccountsoptionsIdentityTheft Business Banking: Checking, Savings and Money Market accounts Cash Management* Mobile Deposit * Online banking, bill pay and e statement options Business Debit Cards VICTIM THEFT?IDENTITYOF r locally owned community rbank! locally owned community rbank! locally bank! 33050 West 83rd St. De Soto, KS Phone 913 585 1131 3901 Main St. Kansas City, MO Phone 816 561 8866 12418 South 7 Highway Lake Lotawana, MO Phone 816 246 5663 our 5 branches and see us today! Great American Bank is your communityhometownbank that provides a personal touch to consumer and business banking. Great American BankGreat American BankAmerican 33050 West 83rd Street, De Soto, KS33050 Street, De Soto, Phone: 913Phone: 913Phone: 585585585 1131 / greatambank.com/ greatambank.com Great American Bank is your hometown community bank that provides a personal touch to both consumer and business banking. *Approval is required for cash management services and mobile deposit services. Identity Theft Protection is now available at Great American Bank! Great American Bank is excited to offer a new add on benefit to your checking account! If you become a victim of identity theft, CyberScout, will be your single source to help you resolve your problem from start to finish. Call today to inquire! Personal Banking: Checking, Savings and Money Market accounts CDs and IRAs offered at competitive rates Online banking, bill pay and e statement options Mobile Deposit* Checking Plus benefits that include Identity Theft Protection and Cell Phone Protection Business Banking: Checking, Savings and Money Market accounts Cash Management* Mobile Deposit * Online banking, bill pay and e statement options Business Debit Cards VICTIM THEFT?IDENTITYOF Happy Holidays from your locally owned community Hbank! appy Holidays from your locally owned Hbank! appy locally owned bank! 888A New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS Phone 785 838 9704 3500 Clinton PhoneLawrence,PkwyKS785 838 9704 33050 West 83rd St. De Soto, KS Phone 913 585 1131 3901 Main St. Kansas City, MO Phone 816 561 8866 12418 South 7 Highway Lake Lotawana, MO Phone 816 246 5663 Come in to any of our 5 branches and see us today! Great American Bank is excited to offer a new add on benefit to your checking account! If you become a victim of identity theft, CyberScout will be your single source to help you resolve your problem from start to finish. Call today to inquire! 33050 West 83rd St. De Soto, KS Phone 913-585-1131 888A New Hampshire St. Lawrence, KS Phone 785-838-9704 1400 Kasold Dr. Lawrence, KS Phone 785-841-1988 3670 Broadway Blvd. Kansas City, MO Phone 816-561-8866 12418 South 7 Highway Lake Lotawana, MO Phone 816-246-5663 Friday, September 30 11 am to 2 pm Lunch from Steve’s Meat Market and Prizes! Join Us For Our Annual Customer Appreciation Day! H 7070 Renner Road, Suite 100 Shawnee, KS Cell 816-392-9365 krisjohnson@kw.com 7070 Renner Rd, Ste 100 Shawnee, KS 66217 krisjohnson@kw.com krisjohnson.kw.com C: 816.392.9365 D: 9 1 3 . 8 2 5 . 3 1 1 6 B: 9 1 3 8 2 5 2 1 0 0 KRIS JOHNSON S u p e r v i s i n g B r o k e r LEGACY PARTNERS So excited for the future of De Soto! Have called it my home for 17 years. If you are thinking about selling or buying lets talk soon. Call, text or email to begin! Julie Coover, Agent 32565 Lexington Ave Ste B, De Soto 12715 W 87th St Pkwy #102, Lenexa 583-1219juliecooveragency@amfam.com(913) *Subject to policy terms and conditions. American Family Life Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 ©2015 008190 – Rev. 3/22 – 16652222 Policy Forms: ICC21 L141 MS 01 22, L141 ND 02 22, L141 SD 02 22 FLEXIBLE LIFE INSURANCE American Family Life Insurance Company offers DreamSecure Flexible Life Insurance, with coverage that can change as your life changes*. It’s a unique, customizable way to protect your family. Julie Coover, Agent 32565 Lexington Ave Ste B, De Soto 12715 W 87th St Pkwy #102, Lenexa 583-1219juliecooveragency@amfam.com(913) *Subject to policy terms and conditions. American Family Life Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 ©2015 008190 – Rev. 3/22 – 16652222 Policy Forms: ICC21 L141 MS 01 22, L141 ND 02 22, L141 SD 02 22
American Family Life Insurance
Great American Bank has a long Soto history, dating back to 1901, when it was founded as The De Soto State Bank. The original 1912 red brick building was demolished in 1960. A new building was constructed on the site and remodeled in 1979, doubling its size.

Mill Valley High School Jagwire https://www.mvnews.org
“Imagine” and “Lucky Leaf” pages posted along park pathway. De Soto Public Library 33145 West 83rd Street, De Soto Open Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday
De Soto High School the Green Pride https://dhsnews.org
Discovering De Soto 24
ORGanIZaTIOnS Walk and Read at
Following is a message for the USD 232 Community from Dr. Frank Harwood, Superintendent of Schools: The historic announcement of identifying the City of De Soto as the location for Panasonic’s new electric vehicle battery facility continues to generate excitement and questions. Kansas Governor Laura Kelly shared the major news at a special event on Wednesday, July 13.
Recognizing the economic growth that will impact our community, USD 232 will continue to stay actively involved with city, county, state, and regional governments to properly plan for growth. In fact, for the last three years the Board of Education has made future planning part of its strategic goals. When the voters of USD 232 overwhelmingly approved a bond issue in 2018, the Board of Education set aside funds specifically for land acquisition. As an example, in April 2022 the school board took steps to purchase land for future schools, located on 150 acres in the southern portion of our community.
am Resources and more at https://www.jocolibrary.org/birth-to-six David Williams Treating your property like a real “Estate” Real Estate Consultant | Platinum Realty Residential Investment Recreational Properties c: 913.221.3729 o: 888.220.0988 w: movewithplatinum.com/davjd williams l: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dndwilliams e: dwilliams@movewithplatinum.com Ready to Buy or Sell?
The Kansas Department of Commerce is projecting thousands of new jobs because of the $4 billion investment by Panasonic. The Governor said a new facility of this size is transformational, not only for the City of De Soto and Johnson County, but also for the entire state.
your move.
We are excited about potential connections for our students as a result of the new plant. The district will engage with Panasonic North America to identify innovative opportunities for students to participate and discover new career paths in the areas of advanced manufacturing, science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. This type of real-world academic programming is well suited for our new Cedar Trails Exploration Center, located at the corner of 83rd Street and Mize Boulevard in Lenexa. We will also investigate partnerships in higher education, like Johnson County Community College, to establish pathways to educate, train, and prepare a highly qualified workforce.
Our School Community
12037 West 71st Street, Shawnee Saturday, September 17-Sunday,
uSD 232 School District information is available online at the district’s website: https://www.usd232.org
am Baby Storytime: Thursday mornings 9:30
City of De Soto identified as site for $4B Panasonic Electric Vehicle Battery Plant
Saturday 10 am-2 pm Closed Sunday and Monday De Soto Library: Past, Present and Future Look for this feature in the upcoming Johnson County Library Fall Guide, available at branches beginning August 8. Monticello Public Library 22435 West 66th Street, Shawnee Open Monday-Thursday 9 am-8 pm Friday 9 am-6 pm Saturday 9 am-5 pm Sunday 1 pm-5 pm Family, Toddler & Baby Storytimes September-December Held in the Storytime Room at 9:30 am/10:30 am Family Storytime: Monday mornings 9:30 am/10:30 am Toddler Storytime: Wednesday mornings 9:30
School District Planning
–submitted by Frank Harwood, USD 232 Superintendent of Schools Listowel Park September 25 All Day/Drop In 10 am-6 pm Thursday 1 pm-8 pm am/10:30 am/10:30 This may be the perfect time to make Let’s talk! Being a resident of De Soto, I knows the market. Specialist in Western Shawnee De Soto area. Licensed in KS & MO since 1994. Ready to Buy or Sell? This may be the perfect time to make your move. Let’s talk! Being a resident of De Soto, I know the market. Specialist in Western Shawnee and De Soto areas. Licensed in KS and MO since 1994.
Opportunities for Students and Staff
Many of you already know that USD 232 welcomes approximately 7,400 students each day from the communities of De Soto, Shawnee, Lenexa, a portion of Olathe, and unincorporated areas of the county. We have 13 campuses and our district covers nearly 100 square miles in northwest Johnson County. We are humbled by your continued support of our schools and of our mission to prepare all students for their future through excellent, innovative learning opportunities.
913.221.3729 cell 888.220.0988 office email https://www.linkedin.com/in/dndwilliamshttps://www.movewithplatinum.com/davidwilliamswebsitedwilliams@movewithplatinum.com D E S O t O D A y S

FALL 202225
The school district recently launched a new effort to help support community engagement by providing district news and information to community members. The new content will cover a number of important topics and will highlight the great things students and staff are doing in USD 232.
The new communication series What’s New in 232 will include regular updates through podcast episodes, blog posts, and a video edition. The series launched at the end of March 2022 and will continue providing new content throughout the 2022-23 school year.
While the series may be new, the district has provided regular What’s New in 232 updates on its website for many years. Learn more by visiting www.usd232.org.
USD #232 School Calendar 2022-2023 • K-12 (with Early Education) 1st Quarter • August 17-October 20 2nd Quarter • October 25-December 20 August 2022 17 First Day ½ Day Kindergarten, Grades 1-6 and 9 18 First Day ½ Day Early Childhood First Day Grades 7-8, 10-12 Full Day Grades K-12 September 2022 5 No School Labor Day 21 2-Hour Delayed Start K-12, No A.M. Early Childhood 2 Hours Teacher Professional Development 28 ½ Day K-8 Full Day 9-12 No School Early Childhood Elementary and Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences 29 No School Parent-Teacher Conferences 30 No School Buildings Closed October 2022 21 No School Professional In-Service/Teacher Workday 24 No School Professional In-Service Day 25 Classes Resume November 2022 9 2-Hour Delayed Start K-12 No A.M. Early Childhood 2 Hours Teacher Professional Development 23-25 No School Thanksgiving December 2022 19-20 ½ Day High School Final Exams 20 ½ Day Grades K-12 No School Early Childhood 21-30 No School Winter Break 3rd Quarter • January 5-March 10 4th Quarter • March 21-May 25 January 2023 2 No School Buildings Closed 3 No SchoolProfessional In-Service Day 4 No School Teacher Workday 5 Classes Resume 16 No School Martin Luther King, Jr. Day February 2023 15 ½ Day K-8 Full Day 9-12 No School Early Childhood Elementary and Secondary Parent-Teacher Conferences 16 No School Parent-Teacher Conferences 17 No School Buildings Closed 20 No School Presidents’ Day 21 Classes Resume March 2023 13-17 No School Spring Break 20 No School Professional In-Service/Teacher Workday 21 Classes Resume April 2023 12 2-Hour Delayed Start K-12 No A.M. Early Childhood 2 Hours Teacher Professional Development 21 No School Buildings Closed 24 No School Professional In-Service Day May 2023 20 High School Graduation Ceremonies 24 Last Day Early Childhood 24-25 ½ Day High School Final Exams 25 ½ Day K-11 26 Teacher Workday Four emergency closure days are included in the calendar. The Board reserves the right to change the calendar to respond to unforeseen circumstances. Board approved July 12, 2021. 25
USD 232 Parents as Teachers (PAT) Program for District Parents of Birth to Three Learn more about the district’s FREE early childhood program at: https://www.usd232.org/Page/4578 Information provided in both English and Spanish. For parents of children birth to 3. Personal home visits, weekly play groups and monthly family events.
District Launches What’s New in 232 Series

The Barn at Kill Creek Farm 9200 Kill Creek Road See Fall Events on page 12 for more information.
In addition, many local businesses support this event. Sponsorship information can also be found on the site.
Meetings are held monthly on the first and third Fridays at 7 am at De Soto Methodist Church, 8760 Kill Creek Road (lower level).
The award-winning play was written by Krista Eyler and Barb Nichols, who created an original musical that ended up winning top honors in New York City. They established Sharp Women, LLC, and develop original works in playwriting, musical theatre and female leadership. Find more information about the organization and upcoming play at: https://www.sharpwomen.org/the-sparkletones-musical “The Sparkletones” Musical Sunday, November 6 • 7 pm De Soto Chapter of the Oldtime Fiddlers, Pickers & Singers
n A Call for Artists can be found on the De Soto Arts Council website: https://www.desotoartsks.org/fall-art-show
“A lyrical love letter to a time and place where song and sentiment hit the road, have some fun, and find their truth,” says Derek McCracken, writer, BroadwayWorld.com
The John and Hattie Possum Chapter meets monthly and provides many avenues to serve
November 4 and 5 will be the annual De Soto Arts Council Fine Arts Show at the Linden-Tripkos VFW Post #6654, located at 33725 West 84th Street in De Soto. The annual juried event attracts excellent artists from our community and surrounding areas. The show opens at 6 pm on Friday, November 4, with a wine and cheese reception. On Saturday, enjoy delicious treats from De Soto’s local bakers. Meet with artists exhibiting a variety of medias and find that perfect piece for your home, business or as a gift.
Sunday, November 6 at 7 pm, a live musical theatre play will be presented at Lexington Trails MS Theatre. This was made possible with the generous donations of our local Premier Sponsors, TriCentury Bank and KTen Place Apartments. The play is a heartwarming musical drama about sisterhood and song, and how love endures.
The De Soto Garden Club began after the summer issue of Discovering De Soto, “How does Garden Grow?” Area gardeners have come together share help beautify De Soto. Shown above Sabrina Fleming, KTen Place Apartments and Travis Hicks, TriCentury Bank, presenting Diana Zwahlen, De Soto Arts Council president, sponsorship money for the upcoming 2022 Arts Musical.
ideas and
ARTS Extravaganza–a weekend of The Arts! Weekend of The Arts November 4 • 5 • 6 De Soto Arts Council Arts Extravaganza
Sept 23 Oktoberfest 6 pm-10 pm
Meets at various De Soto home Contact:https://www.facebook.com/groups/355458523327217gardensteriScottwissingerscott@yahoo.com Meetings are held monthly
Contact:https://www.facebook.com/groups/kofpsDougDannerddanner1@kc.rr.com (913) 441-2713 Meets 3rd Friday of each month 5 pm-9 pm De Soto Senior Center of City Hall Meetings are open to the public to perform or just listen. The music is primarily traditional country or bluegrass with some gospel mixed in. However, musicians and singers of all genres are welcome. Meeting information/cancellations De Soto Garden Club on the second Monday at 7 pm
Discovering De Soto 26 , De Soto Historical Society 33055 West 83rd Street • Downtown De Soto Contact:https://www.facebook.com/desotokshistoricalsocietyKathyRosskathy@grandmasshop.com De Soto Historical Building is open Thursdays from 10 am-4 pm. Enjoy viewing a great collection of De Soto’s history! Saturday, September 3 De Soto Days Open House 9 am-5 pm • 2023 Historical Calendars Available for Purchase • Historical & Memorabila Raffle September 1–December 1 Bring in a historical photo of De Soto landmarks, residents and/or memorabilia to be scanned, copied or donated. For each item presented, your name is placed in a raffle jar. Prize $100! (photos before 1970, no school portraits or annual photos, identifiable) Monthly Meetings on Wednesdays at 6:30 pm Held at the De Soto Historical Society Building unless otherwise noted. August 31 local Citizen Forum Darrel Zimmerman will share his thoughts and insights. September 28 local Citizen Forum Boots Linden and MaryAnn Ross will share their thoughts and insights. October 26 “The Civil War in Kansas” Kansas Humanities Presenter Will Haynes will be our guest speaker. De Soto Rotary Contact:Rotary-Club-112342748793494/https://www.facebook.com/De-Soto-KS-https://portal.clubrunner.ca/4383ClubKimIngallsdesotorotaryclub@gmail.com
posted on the facebook page. NEW!
National Daughters of the American Revolution (DAR) Contact:http://www.johnandhattiepossum.net/SherryBowlinsherrybowlindar@gmail.com
The De Soto Arts Council is ecstatic to present

27 De Soto Arts Council 32905 West 84th Street, De Soto City Hall (lower level) Contact:http://www.desotoartsks.orgDianaZwahlendesotoartsks@gmail.com The De Soto Arts Council is a non-profit organization encouraging and promoting art within De Soto and surrounding areas. Meetings are held monthly on the third Thursdays at 7 pm in the De Soto Arts Council Room (lower level of City Hall) n Art Swap & Shop Tuesday, September 27, 5:30 pm-8 pm See www.desotoartsks.org for full details n Call for Mural Artists: Paint the Caprine Supply Building https://www.desotoartsks.org/mural for more information. 23 33485 Lexington Avenue in De Soto Phone 913-583-3222 TriCentury bank PROuD PREMIER SPOnSOR of The arts Musical “Your Hometown Bank” Headquartered locally in De Soto–Supporting The Arts in De Soto! www.TriCentury.bank apply for a home Equity line of credit from your hometown bank! Use your home’s equity and get a competitive rate! No annual fee! LOBBY HOURS: Monday–Friday 8 am to 5 pm, Sat 9 am to noon Night Drop–ATM Available 24 Hours a Day DRIVE THRU HOURS: Monday – Wednesday 8 am to 5 pm, Thursday – Friday 8 am to 6 pm, Sat 9 am to noon a variety of accounts for all your personal, family and business needs. We look forward to providing your banking services!D E S O t O D A y S De Soto Public Art On Thursday, August 4, the City Council voted to purchase the “Native Spirit” Sculpture by Timothy Mispagel as a permanent exhibit. Two additional sculptures will be on consignment: “Summer Fun” by Rhonda Powers and a sculpture collection of horses by Butch Murphy. Look for these sculptures to be publicly displayed this fall. D E S O t O D A y S

Courtney also enjoys her horse, Brazil, whom she cares for daily. shown at right “Of course we moved here and then there was the pandemic,” Courtney recalls. “I do have to say one of our favorite things about De Soto continues to be all the parks and trails. I think for a town this size, having all of the natural resources with the river and parks is incredible.”
Discovering De Soto 28 PEOPlE residents DiscoveringDeSoto W local Resident on November Ballot for Kansas State House District 117
RESIDENTIAL I RURAL I COMMERCIAL I RECYCLING D E S O t O D A y KansasS House District 117 Kansas House District 117 redistricted in 2022
Community Giving Circle
“I found myself uniquely qualified, as I’ve worked in each of those areas professionally,” she explains. “So I have this opportunity to take my passion for giving back to the community, as well as my professional experience, and really be an advocate for all people who live here and call it home.”
USD 232 Community Giving Circle members donated $100 prior to the event and 100% of their donations were awarded to The Bridge Program.
“My husband and I really fell in love with De Soto and this area,” Courtney says. “I lovingly found my ‘Goldilocks place,’ you know, it’s not too big, it’s not too small.” She and her husband, Asa Bailey, became acquainted with the town during kayaking trips on the Kansas River, when they discovered De Soto. Having lived previously in an apartment in Lenexa, Courtney and Asa found their ideal house in 2019. De Soto’s location was the perfect in-between for the couple, with Asa working in Lawrence and Courtney having close friends in the Kansas City area. K-10 Highway grants them easy access to both directions.
While De Soto has won Courtney’s heart, she sees challenges that need to be addressed. Some of those areas are education, healthcare and infrastructure, which are the three main focuses of Courtney’s campaign.
On behalf of the USD 232 Education Foundation, thank you to the 2022 Community Giving Circle members who helped guide the direction of educational innovation in our schools. Congratulations to The Bridge–who help to provide a pathway to independence for district students ages 18-21.
Giving circles are an accessible way for individuals to pool their money to make a positive impact on society. Giving circles offer donors an avenue to learn about local needs and inspire community growth.
–written by Katherine Diaz, contributing writer
Members gathered to hear presentations from three inspirational teachers with an innovative concept/plan to enhance educational excellence within their respective programs. Following the presentations, members voted for their preferred concept. This year, the Community Giving Circle awarded their first $10,000 grant to The Bridge Program! This grant will support expanding student-led business enterprises for 18–21-year-old special education students within USD 232.
–written by Kris Meyer, contributing writer
An important note stated on Courtney’s website informs the community that Kansas House District 117 was relocated during the 2022 redistricting process. It includes parts of Western Shawnee and Lenexa, De Soto, Eudora and Lawrence, as well as parts of rural Johnson and Douglas counties along K-10. shown at right “With the new district, there’s an open seat,” Courtney says. “It’s an opportunity for our district, our area, our city to have a larger voice.” More information can be found online at: https://courtney4kansas.com/
In the short time Courtney Tripp has lived in De Soto, she’s felt empowered to contribute to a community she regards as “the perfect home.” Courtney decided the best way to do so was using her personal background and professional experience and run for Kansas State House District 117.
In partnership with the USD 232 Education Foundation, community members and public education advocates Kris Meyer and Jessica Brandmeyer hosted the inaugural Community Giving Circle Event on Thursday, April 21. The event was held at Cause Coffee, where coffee shop owner Tara Stucky graciously provided free coffee and an inviting space for Community Giving Circle members to learn about the visions of USD 232 educators.

FALL 202229
Former Pioneer 4-H member, becomes Director of Communications for the American Royal
Allyssa attended Baker University, receiving her Bachelor of Science Degree in Mass Communications / Broadcast Journalism. An internship with the American Royal began her career. Her skills were expanded in 2012 with the Equine Manager positon, and in 2017 as the Livestock Manager.
Erica Baruth 913.307.4075 913.323.7222
Allyssa King grew up in De Soto and was part of the Pioneer 4-H club since she was 7 years old, until turning 17. (Her mom, Denise King, was the 4-H leader during those years, and led an awesome sheep project for many in the community.)
10592 S. Ridgeview Road, Olathe
–Rebekah Wheeler, Pioneer 4-H Community Leader
Beckett Hague was the grand champion winner in the woodworking project with an entertainment center he made by hand. Annika Wheeler was the grand champion in the fashion purchased garment project at the annual fashion revue. Lastly, Boden Hague won reserve champion in Hampshire Breeding Gilt with his pig. There were many purples, blues, and red ribbons won as well. Pioneer is proud of each 4-Her and all the hard work that went into learning or broadening new skills. Meetings are held monthly on the fourth Monday. More information on joining Pioneer, the county’s oldest 4-H club, can be found online at: https://www.johnson.k-state.edu/4-h
OFF ice
Local resident artist, Cindy Heller was part of the Parade of Hearts KC Exhibit March 1-June10. Her piece, Growing Peace, Love and Harmony in KC was purchased by the Roeland Park Arts Advistory Committee. Profits benefit region KC organizations. https://theparadeofhearts.com
Congratulations to 2022 De Soto High School graduate, Waverly Altis, who won the Kansas round of Doodle for Google competition. shown at left. The annual contest is open to grades K-12.Family and friends celebrated Boots Linden’s 90th Birthday on July 16. An open house was held at her home, easily found with the signage shown above!
In May 2022, Allyssa King, shown at right became the Director of Communications for the American Royal. “I am very excited for this opportunity,” Allyssa shares. “I look forward to this next adventure and I am proud and blessed to work with so many amazing team members and volunteers.”
She remains active in her community as the secretary on the Johnson County Executive Fair Board and volunteers at the Johnson County Spring Livestock Show. Allyssa was recently recognized as the Agricultural Business Council’s inaugural class of Young Leaders in Agribusiness. She is also proud of her neice, Kaylee King, who was the Grand Champion Market Goat winner at the Johnson County Fair. Rose Burgweger, former sheep project parent Pioneer 4-H Johnson County Fair “Carnival of Fun!” The Johnson County fair lived up to its theme of “Carnival of Fun.” It was a lot of fun, but it was also hot and humid as usual. However, that didn’t stop the Pioneer 4-H club from making a good showing in both livestock and static projects. With many new families joining the club in 2022 there were a variety of projects represented including art and photography, fashion, foods and nutrition, woodworking, and even table setting. Each year, the club not only participates in project judging but also volunteers at the 4-H food stand, which is the largest fundraiser for county-level 4-H. They also help clean up the fairgrounds before and after the fair. A few of our 4-Hers will go on to represent Johnson County 4-H in the Kansas State Fair in Hutchinson, Kansas in September.

Don and Elaine Minter, senior living advisors for Senior Care Authority, will host several Alzheimer’s awareness this fall. Many of Don and Elaine’s placements are related to advanced dementia or diagnosed Alzheimer’s disease.
Tuesday, October 18 7 pm 8655 Copeland Way
Discovering De Soto 30 The Alzheimer’s Association Walk to End Alzheimer’s® is full of flowers, each carried by someone committed to Alzheimer’s and other types of dementia. Learn more about Walk to end Alzheimer’s at: https://www.alz.org/ Senior Care Authority Personalized assistance in locating the best senior living and care options at no charge for our clients Independent Living • Assisted Living • Memory Care Enhanced Care Suites • Residential Care Homes Don & Elaine seniorcare-kansascity.com913.488.8609Minter At Senior Care Authority, our goal is to help you nd the safest, most a ordable senior housing and care resources based on your criteria. We will de ne a customized search for you and help you through every step in the process. Contact us today for a FREE consultation! !"#$%&%"' (")%*#+,'-%.*#+/!(,0!" hEalTh & wElln JOIN US FOR OUR UPCOMING EVENT! Buy ALZ In Event Tickets! or Use the QR Code Above Team Senior Care Authority Alzheimer’s awareness Area events to inform, create awareness and benefit the Alzheimer’s Association We’re Alz In a charity event benefiting the Alzheimer Association Local De Soto residents
For more information, text or call 913-669-1991, Karen Wall, ABW Church and Community Associate.
Don and Elaine have found great satisfaction in helping guide seniors and their families to excellent outcomes. Don developed his love for working with seniors when he was a food and beverage director in a continuing care retirement community. Elaine is a registered pharmacist with experience in long-term care. Together they are a team who are true senior advocates!
Thursday, Sept. 22 6 pm-9 pm Blue Jacket Vineyard 1969 N. 1250th Road, Eudora
Don Minter, Senior Care Authority, will give a general overview of these topics and give strategies for those we dearly love. This will be followed by a Q & A time. Many in our community have utilized Don’s services and have found them to be incredibly helpful, supportive and wise in their guidance.
Alzheimer’s Informational Seminar sponsored by De Soto Baptist Church; led by Don Minter, Senior Care Authority
As a team, Senior Care Authority along with Blue Jacket Crossing Vineyard will present “We’re Alz In”–a charity event benefiting the Alzheimer’s Association. All proceeds from ticket sales and the silent auction benefit the Alzheimer’s Association. Enjoy an evening of live music, a full meal, and a complimentary glass of wine.
Tickets may be purchased online for $20 per person at: https://act.alz.org/goto/SCA or scan the QR Code above.
The community is invited to a free informational seminar to gain knowledge and understanding on a variety of aging and progressive diseases. Learn about coping and caring for family members and making important and caring decisions.

5K-9 & Family Fun Run
Dr. Matt Fehr, September 17, 2022 9 am S. Homestead Lane,
that many prayers were answered.
D E S O t O D A y S De Soto Vet Clini
Racers will enjoy acres of nature, hiking and biking trails. Race rain or shine! Two-hour solo race or 6-hour team races, biking and paddling through the park. Proceeds benefit the Parks & Recreation Foundation of Johnson County.
De Soto High School 35000 West 91st https://runsignup.com/Race/KS/DeSoto/5K9raceStreet
Organized by Derek Tate, DHS grad, the race benefits the Kansas City Chapter of pancan.org An organization dedicated to providing support, research and finding a cure for pancreatic cancer. Enjoy the charm of De Soto as you wind your way through the streets while competing in the 5k or half marathon.
Garrett Family Update Grant Garrett, an adventurous six-year-old diagnosed with a rare bone marrow disease called Aplastic Anemia (featured in the Spring 2022 issue of Discovering De Soto) has been a strong trooper. pictured at left His parents, CJ and Samantha Garrett, were unyielding in their search for a donor and we are happy to report to our readers Grant received a transplant in April, is doing well, and the family is beyond grateful!
Following the De Soto Days Festival, this family and fur-friendly event is being presented by Always & Furever Midwest Animal Sanctuary and the De Soto Veterinary Clinic. Your vaccinated, people-friendly dog can join you at no charge! Come out and see some adoptable dogs, and a fun run. Make a difference in the lives of homeless pups in need!
Olathe https://jcprd.com/1742/timberRidge-Adventure-Race
–written by Kris Meyer, contributing writer C
oGroomingdesotovetclinic.comDMv913.585.111533900LexingtonAveMicrochippingBookApptsonlinepenMonday-Friday7:45am-5:30pmdailylunch12noon-1:30pmwellness visits Prevention Medicine chiropractic Adjustments Surgery Acupuncture online Pharmacy D E S O t O D A y S area races timberRidge Adventure Race Saturday,
FALL 2022 31 Located inside Harps 34040 Commerce Drive Phone (913) 583-1117 Fax (913) www.CedarCreekPharmacy.org585-9801 Drive Thru Open Monday-Friday 9 to 6 • Sat 9 to 1 • Sunday closed Cedar Creek Pharmacy& Wellness Center Health & Wellness for Life Your Hometown Full-Service Pharmacy Serving the De Soto Community Since 1992 Full-Service Prescription Care • Delivery Immunization Services • Syncing Medications Pharmacists Lori Murdock, Betsey Gallinger and Caleb Weinhold look forward to assisting You! Health & Wellness Center Vitamins • Botanicals • Homeopathic Remedies OptimalConsultationsWellness To Schedule Call 913-583-1117 Health & Wellness for Life Monthly Seminars Resuming later this year. Contact Lori Murdock for more information.
Sunday, September 4, 2022 9 am, 10 am & 11 am
According to Samantha,“The first year after a transplant is full of ups and downs. Grant is no longer transfusion-dependent, so his donor marrow is working hard!” To date, his body has accepted the donor’s cells without any adverse reactions. Grant’s immune system is still under major construction, as the chemotherapy conditioning treatment prepares his body to accept transplanted cells. To prevent graft rejection, he continues immunosuppressive medications, which compromise his ability to fight infections. Due to the risk of contracting any virus, the Garretts remain well-isolated. While Grant continues to recover, he has been able to take walks and enjoy fishing.
Walk to End Alzheimer’s https://www.alz.org/ October 1 Topeka October 2 Kansas City October 22 Lawrence De Soto Half Marathon and 5K Sunday, October 2, 2022 8 am & 8:10 am De Soto High School 35000 West 91st DeSotoHalfMarathonand5khttps://runsignup.com/Race/KS/DeSoto/Street

After eight years serving De Soto United Methodist Church, Pastor Jeff Prothro has returned to Asbury Methodist Church in Prairie Village, as senior pastor. Prior to coming to De Soto UMC, Pastor Jeff was an associate pastor at Asbury Methodist.
“The biggest thing was keeping that communal feel for people worshipping during COVID, as it was a challenging time for all,” recalled Pastor Jeff. He is thankful for the many opportunities at De Soto UMC that helped build community–providing space for the Blessing Box Eagle Scout Project, annual election dinner, trunkn-treat, bierocks and working with local schools Starside and LTMS, sponsoring “Girls on the Run.”
continued on page 34
The coffeehouse fundraiser will benefit Bless my Home Ministry which provides furnishings and household goods to those transitioning out of homelessness. https://blessmyhome.org Harvest Ridge Covenant Church will host the event. Saturday, October 22 7 pm to 9 pm 22015 Midland Drive, Shawnee.
Both Richard and Mary Etta came away saying, “They need a minister.” They have felt reaffirmed through the years in staying here, and found they wanted to stay. “I have felt more like a chaplain to the community,” said Reverend Copeland.
“Earlier this year, my friend Fred Jones, a deacon, was talking about the church’s strengths and weaknesses, and that I had been dragging my feet about retirement,” shared Richard. “God spoke to me through this.” In February 2022, I made the announcement of my retirement at the church’s business meeting.
God also spoke clearly in1967, when Richard was 27 years old. At that time they were involved in campus ministry in Pittsburg. “We were so excited, but it just was not it,” Richard explained. They were pastors of two open country churches near Wellsville and Ottawa, both bigger than De Soto. They reluctantly visited De Soto, after a regional minister said, “Don’t say no until you look it over.” Ironically, both sets of parents said, “Do not go to De Soto.”
Bless my Home Coffeehouse Fundraiser
Discovering De Soto 32 “Well done, good and faithful servants!” –from Matthew 25:23 FaITh 8655 Copeland Way | 913-585-1026 www.desotobaptistchurch.com11amSundayServices both in-person and online 9:45 am Sunday School for all ages Men’s & Women’s Bible Study 2nd & 4th Mondays check our church website/facebook for updates updates on church www.desotobaptistchurch.comwebsite/facebook
“The new pastor, Young Je Kim, will keep things rollin’ and he will do a great job,” said Pastor Jeff, who served as a mentor to Young Je during his ordination. continued on page 34
“I had begun to think about retirement in 2019, just before COVID, but wanted to see the church through this,” explained Richard.“We navigated through that challenging time, adapted and appreciated everyone’s help.”
Pastor Jeff Prothro returns to Asbury Methodist, Reverend Young Je Kim joins De Soto UMC
Reverend Richard Copeland and Mary Etta shown at right have been strong pillars in the community since 1967 when they came to De Soto. Now they cross a milestone of 55 years of service, shepherding and ministering to De Soto Baptist Church and the community.
Enjoy live performances by local musicians, freshly-brewed coffee and delicious desserts during an entertaining evening.
Reverend Copeland Retiring from De Soto Baptist
“I was blessed to have worked and served with so many great people,” shared Pastor Jeff. “Our congregation helped me grow, and we did a lot of great stuff together. I was happy to serve as pastor.” He felt more of a presence was created in the community for all ages.

FALL 2022 33 trunk ‘n treat Community Events Families are invited to bring their children to any and all of these fun gatherings. Check church websites for additional information. Reach Church De Soto www.reachdesoto.com 33085 West 83rd Street, De Soto Saturday, October 29 from 5 pm-7 pm Harvest Ridge Covenant Church www.harvestridge.org 22015 Midland Drive, Shawnee Sunday, October 30 from 4 pm-6 pm De Soto united Methodist Church www.desotoumc.com Held in the TriCentury Parking Lot at 33485 Lexington Avenue Sunday, October 30 from 3 pm-5 pm See Fall Events page 13 for Election Day Dinner 5:30 pm to 7 pm De Soto Baptist Church www.desotobaptistchurch.com 8655 Copeland Way, De Soto Sunday, October 30 beginning at 5 pm D E S O t O D A y S

–Richard and Mary Etta Copeland
“For us, the last 55 years here in De Soto have been memorable and a true blessing. We have an incredible feeling of gratitude for each and every person who has crossed our paths and for the countless experiences which have made our lives meaningful. This community was a great place to raise a family, and will continue to be a great place to live out the rest of our lives!”
RSVP Linda Lane 12oakslane@gmail.com
Richard and Mary Etta will enter a new phase of life–remaining in the area, where much of their family also resides. This September, at the American Baptist Church Central Region Gathering, Richard will be a speaker. He will have many years of wisdom to share.
Discovering De Soto 34 FaITh continued from page 32 When the Copelands first came, the upstairs did not exist. There was only the downstairs area where 50-75 people fit in the area between the furnace room and the kitchen. There was no organ, but there was an upright piano from the downtown Baptist Theological Seminary. When the upper church was built, the seminary gave their pews for the sanctuary so the church would have them for Lana Pinkleton’s wedding. Many updates were made over the years.
Welcome Reverend Young Je Kim to Kansas! light of the World lutheran Church in De Soto
“The Holy Spirit always provides a message. He has never let me down,” stated Reverend Copeland. And we trust that when Reverend Richard Copeland preaches his fairwell sermon on Sunday, August 28, God’s Holy Spirit will give him a message of encouragement for all as we all navigate this big transition together.
Sunday, August 28, 2022 De Soto Baptist Church 8655 Copeland Way, De Soto 11 am Sanctuary Worship & Sermon 12:30 pm to 3:30 pm Reception lower level after church service Refreshments will be served
In ministry, I am passionate about inspirational worship, healthy families in faith, hospitality for those beginning their new faith journey, growth of next generations, care of former generations, and listening to people to learn about them.
Sunday, August 28 will mark his retirement after 55 years of service to De Soto Baptist Church, the congregation and the community of De Soto. All are invited to this celebration.
Also see “50 Years of Ministry Serving De Soto” Fall 2017 Discovering De Soto https://issuu.com/discoveringdesoto
“It is hard to pick out highlights...I enjoyed every day, being with people, and welcomed into families doing weddings and funerals,” Reverend Richard said about his congregation and the community he cared for. Over the span of his ministry, there were over 1,000 baptisms, 646 weddings and 715 funerals.
continued from page 32
God has led me to learn and grow at Hyupsung University, South Korea for my Bachelor of Theology; Methodist Theological Seminary, South Korea for Master of Theology; Drew Theological Seminary, New Jersey for my Master of Divinity; and currently Daybreak University, California in a Marriage and Family Therapist course. I am blessed to be called a husband and a dad. My wife and I have been married since 2006 and have two daughters. When I am not in the role as a pastor, I enjoy spending time with my family, traveling, walking, playing board games and watching movies together.
Rose M. Burgweger, Interview with Richard and Mary Etta at De Soto Baptist Church
“What was really the highlight though, is when you see a person’s life changed with the presence of God in their lives,” said Reverend Richard, emphasizing how meaningful that is. This past month, he has been preaching on favorite hymns and Scripture. He also had Christmas in July–where he did his tradition of portraying a Biblical character in costume. One of his favorite times, the Sunday before Christmas, he would preach as a Biblical character in first person to emulate their feelings. They were just common people–Roman soldier, Joseph, 14 characters in total–that he would tie into Christmas throughout the years.
“All the youth trips with the youth choir were special, and one trip especially with a ‘golf ball incident,’” he recollected.
The church has been meeting the first and third Sundays of each month at 6:45 pm in the De Soto Senior Center for Bible study and fellowship. Pastor Bert and Renae Tegtmeier came to the area when Bert retired from full-time ministry, having served as a Lutheran pastor for 40 years. They are working with a group of Christians in the De Soto / Eudora communities to help start a Lutheran Church. For more information, email norbert.tegtmeier1953@gmail.com or call 620-343-4371. Please join us in celebrating the retirement of Pastor Copeland’s 55 years of dedicated service at De Soto Baptist Church serving as a leader, shepherd and friend within our community.
Reverend Young Je Kim came from the Virginia area, where the Great Plains Conference had loaned him to a local church for a period of one year. Prior to that, he served in Nebraska. The following is an introduction from Reverend Kim: Hello! I originally came from South Korea and served churches in South Korea, New Jersey, Nebraska and Virginia before I came to De Soto. Now, I am so happy to be called a Kansan!

Sadly, after being given the Covid shot, post polio syndrome reactivated and Paul suffered tremendously the past six months.
In Remembrance
Jaslene began her school years in De Soto and was a student at Lexington Trails Middle School. She loved sports and was very accomplished in volleyball and track. She was also looking forward to starting lacrosse. Jaslene loved family. She was her mom’s best friend, and they were always together. She loved being an aunt and enjoyed her nieces and nephews. She wahhs quite the prankster. Her dogs, Princess, Toby and Max were very special to her. She loved to travel and loved all music. She was an adventurist, fearless and triumphant in all she did. She had aspirations of being a model. Her love for her dear family and love for her many friends will always be timeless. Her smile would light up a room with her presence. Heaven gained a beautiful angel. Jaslene was so loved and will be missed beyond comprehension.
Paul attended Alton Elementary School until the family moved to De Soto, Kansas in June, 1953, where he attended De Soto schools and graduated from De Soto High School in May 1962. After graduation, he attended Kansas City Business College and then joined Local 518 Cement Finishers Union in 1964. He worked side by side with his dad finishing concrete for several years. Paul also helped his dad with breaking and training horses and was a farrier. He showed horses for many years and won ribbons and trophies at the American Royal on his horse, Little Bit, for barrel racing and roping. In 1969, he was hired by then Sheriff Fred Allenbrand and worked as a jailer for Johnson County for seven years. Paul also taught firearms instruction at the FBI Academy in Quantico, Virginia for several years. He was an expert shot and was awarded by the FBI for his perfect marksmanship. Paul was called for duty in the security detail for President Gerald Ford when he visited Kansas City and was humbled by being personally invited to visit with President Ford. Paul was a member of the De Soto Masonic Lodge and was a 32nd degree Mason. In 1976, Paul attended Kansas City Auctioneering School and then opened Pingleton Auctioneering Service in De Soto. He held many auctions in De Soto and also auctioned several years for the Ducks Unlimited organization. He worked security for Oak Park Mall, the Great Mall of the Plains, Cedar Creek Development, and Intervet before retiring. Paul loved taking pictures of Kansas wildlife and shared his photos with Kansas Wildlife and Parks. There is a life-size metal mural of Paul on his beloved mule, Precious, in the town of Melvern, Kansas. He enjoyed dancing and didn’t care if he had a partner or not. He loved life and making people laugh. If you knew Paul, you knew he had a loud voice and a big personality. He loved De Soto and was always happy to tell everyone about beautiful downtown De Soto. As a young boy, he delivered the Grit newspaper on his donkey. Paul enjoyed visiting with people and helping them. He always had a smile and a wave when he passed by in his little Ford truck. Besides all the stories and memories, Paul leaves behind his brothers Philip (Kathy) Pingleton of Topeka, KS; David (Patricia) Pingleton of Pflugerville, TX; Charles Pingleton of California, MO; and sister Lana (Ian) McPherson of De Soto, KS; and many nieces, nephews, and cousins. His parents and sister, Phyllis Pingleton, preceded him in death. We will miss his laughs, stories and songs, his horse nickering and whistle, and most of all, his generous heart. Memorial donations may be made to the Friends of the Kaw or Children’s Mercy Hospital. A celebration of life was held June 13 at De Soto Baptist Church. Friends wore their cowboy attire and hats to honor Paul.
Afflicted with polio at the age of 2 1/2 years, Paul went through years of physical therapy, leg casts and braces, and much pain.
Paul Allan Pingleton of De Soto, Kansas, 78, born June 3, 1944, in Alton, Oregon County, Missouri, to Alfred and Mittie Nickless Pingleton, departed this world on June 5, 2022.
The De Soto Community would like to remember several De Soto residents and their families with heartfelt thoughts and prayers, as they navigate through their losses. May all find healing through time and comfort from many.
Jaslene Galindo of De Soto, Kansas, 13, born August 5, 2008, in Apple Valley, California to Celso and Juana (Montoya) Galindo.
On Monday, June 6, 2022, the community gathered at the De Soto High School football field for a balloon release in honor of Jaslene. Funeral services were held June 10, 2022, at St. Paul’s Catholic Church, 21650 West 115 Terrace, Olathe, KS with a visitation. Memorial contributions may be made to Cedar Crest Memorial Chapel or TriCentury Bank, both located in De Soto. A GoFundMe account for the Galindo family has also been created: https://www.gofundme.com/f/x8c3q-galindo-family
Survivors include: parents Celso and Juana Galindo of the home, brother Brian Galindo, sisters Lesly Galindo and Evelyn Galindo, nieces and nephews Gizelle, Jordan, Everly, Aiden and Alan.
In Remembrance
FALL 2022 35

36 Locally owned Lumber One – in business for 18 years, since 2004 Serving single-family and multi-family home builders, commercial builders, remodelers and walk-in retail customers. You’ll find we are Close and Convenient. Every Job Matters–Big and small. Supplying materials for residential and commercial projects. One of the larger lumber yards in the KC Metro area. Our products include all types of lumber and related hardware, trusses, rebar, exterior windows and doors, and all types of millwork. We offer quality, trusted labor referrals–Expertise for all your projects. Our team has over 200 years of combined experience! Where Customer Service is our #1 Priority Open Monday-Friday 7am to 5pm 9800 Sunflower Road in De Soto Phone 913-583-9889 Fax: 913-583-9887 www.LumberOnekc.com We’re Here to Help with All of your Fall Projects Free local Delivery . . . De Soto Water Tower LakeLexingtonPark 95th91stSt St RdSunflowerRdEdgerton K-10 K-10 Easy Access via 95th or 91st Streets to Sunflower Road 9800 Sunflower Road in De Soto ClearviewCity95thSt LexingtonAve W 103rd St Working locally with Harding Contracting, Bowlin Construction, and Arbor Ridge Homes. Voted #1 Kansas City lumber Company in 2020 city-lumber-companies-building-material-suppliershttps://kansascity.bloggerlocal.com/reviews/kansasD E S O t O D A y S

Sep 25 at Indianapolis Colts 12 noon CBS Oct 2 at Tampa Bay Buccaneers 7:20 pm NBC Oct 10 vs Las Vegas Raiders 7:15 pm ESPN Oct 16 vs Buffalo Bills 3:25 pm CBS Oct 23 at San Francisco 49ers 3:25 pm FOX Nov 6 vs Tennessee Titans 7:20 pm NBC Nov 13 vs Jacksonville Jaguars 12 noon CBS Nov 20 at Los Angeles Chargers 3:25 pm CBS
Nov 27 vs Los Angeles Rams 3:25 pm FOX Dec 4 at Cincinnati Bengals 3:25 pm CBS Dec 11 at Denver Broncos 7:20 pm NBC Dec 18 at Houston Texans 12 noon CBS Dec 24 vs Seattle Seahawks 12 noon FOX
https://kclibrary.org/blog/how-did-arrowhead-stadium-get-its-name-we-answer-reader%E2%80%99s-kc-qhttps://www.chiefs.com/americanindianheritage/ D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S 2nd Annual Jt’s De Soto Days treasure Hunt $500 Prize jtsgrilldesoto posted on fb Sept. 2 hourly clues 9am-9pm till found
The origin of the Chiefs’ name came from the nickname given to the 1960’s mayor of Kansas City, H. Roe Bartle of “Chief.” Mayor Bartle encouraged team owner Lamar Hunt to bring the Dallas Texans to the area in 1963. The name of the team was changed in honor of Bartle’s efforts to bring pro football to the metro. Once the Chiefs joined the NFL, Hunt declared the stadium be named Arrowhead, saying, “We feel that Arrowhead is a most symbolic name for the Chiefs home.” The Chiefs are committed to honoring American Indians and work with them to celebrate American Indian heritage.
FALL 2022 37 Chiefs season Premium Cigars & Accessories Cigar Lockers Cigar Lounge with BIG Screens Chill & Enjoy Camaraderie Walk-in Humidor Open Monday-Friday 1pm-8pm Saturday 11am-8pm Sunday noon-5pm OPEn LAtE FOR GAMES! Come in for some great gift ideas! 9170 Lexington Avenue • 913-208-5352 9160 Lexington Avenue 913-583-1711 Open Mon-Thurs 9am-9pm Fri-Sat 9am-10pm Sunday 11am-8pm MIKE’S LIQUOR WINE LOVERS SUNDAYS 10% OFF! Walk-in Beer Cooler Coldest beer in town! GREAT SELECTIONS & BRANDS Locally Owned for 15 Years! Raising CommercialOneSatisfactionCustomerDoorataTime&ResidentialServices Tracker Door Systems is an authorized dealer of Commercial & Residential Overhead Doors, Dock Equipment, Security Shutters and Gate Door Openers n New/Replacement Garage Doors n Repairs All Types n 24-Hour Emergency Service Call or Visit Our Website for Free Estimates Operating our Business Since 1999 35000 West 95th Street De Soto We Come to you trackerdoorkc.com913-585-3100 DOMESTICCHEESEBURGERSHAMBURGERSPITCHERS Duringallchiefsgames nOW every11am–10pmOPEnday 33255 Lexington Ave 913-585-1116 trivia kitchen closes at 9 Kansas City Chiefs Fall 2022 Sep 11 at Arizona Cardinals 3:25 pm CBS Sep 15 vs Los Angeles Chargers 7:15 pm Prime Video
Jan 1 vs Denver Broncos 12 noon CBS
Jan 7/8 at Las Vegas Raiders TBD TBD Games played at Arrowhead Stadium in Red Schedule as listed at www.chiefs.com/schedule as of July 18, 2022

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https://www.facebook.com/CarriageHouses/ D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S
38 Discovering De Soto Your Local Agent for Auto, Home, Renters, Life, General Liability and Workers Compensation! Call Me to Save!! Mitzi 913-631-0201AgencyRyburn www.MitziInsures.comMitzi@MitziInsures.com I’m inviting you to make our roads safer and get rewarded for doing so. Are you in? Contact me today to get started. Call Me To Save!!! 913-631-0201 Mitzi Ryburn Agency 10818 Johnson Drive, www.MitziInsures.comMitzi@MitziInsures.comShawnee Serving the Communities of De Soto and Western Shawnee. 913-631-0201
Keys Made in De Soto Business Deliveries Available I enjoyed a summer stroll through the neighborhood in the 1931 Ford Model A (restored by Dean Weller) that resides in the lobby of TriCentury Bank in De Soto. On July 15, Travis Hicks, TriCentury Bank president, offered rides in the restored vehicle to the public. It was delightful riding through De Soto and reminiscent of days gone by.
See Our weekly Ad and Order Online For in-Store www.carquest.com/stores/ks/de-soto/5241Pickup AUTO PARTS Monday -
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The Carriage Houses of Johnson County continue to host their 2nd annual BBQ Contest. The event kicks off with the popular Sunset N Smoke Air Show on Friday evening, September 23. Gates open to the public at 6 pm to enjoy the air show at 6:50 pm. BBQ contestants will cook through the night. The Rub BBQ truck will have food available for purchase, and Dating Sarah will provide live entertainment from 7:30 pm to 9:30 pm. There will be an informal park, Show N Go Car Show at 6 pm. Event information at: http://www.garagecondoskc.com
Photo from last year’s Sunset N Smoke Air Show posted September 19.
Carriage Houses of Johnson County 2nd Annual Sunset N Smoke Air Show & BBQ September 23
and video
This year the air formation team is being sponsored by partner Craig Wilcox, who has begun a new venture. Airpark, similar to Carriage Houses, offers people their own private hangers. Homes can also be built at a nearby private airfield. Friday 8 AM PM Saturday AM PM SOTO 585-3180 SOTO & SINCE 1983 Managed by Mike Woods

Northwest Consolidated Fire District Community Report
2022 De Soto Days Festival and Parade
The NWCFD assists in helping to make this event safe. First aid, basic life support, and fire/rescue response services are provided for the event. NWCFD is also part of the De Soto Days Planning Committee. We will be located at Station 13, at 33150 West 83rd Street.
In an Emergency Call 911 non-emergency 913-583-3886 nORThWEST COnSOlIDATED FIRE DISTRICT Proudly serving the City of De Soto and Northwest Johnson County https://www.nwcfd.org https://www.facebook.com/NWCFD Station 11 De Soto 9745 Kill Creek Road Station 12 lexington/Olathe 29520 West 127th Street Station 13 De Soto 33150 West 83rd Street• •• NWCFD FALL 2022
NWCFD continues to invest in water rescue training. Four new members attended swiftwater rescue certification training in Golden, Colorado in June 2022.
New Water Tender 11 Apparatus Addition is now in service! Built by Midwest Fire, The new T11 is a 2022 Freightliner Truck 108SD Tender/Pumper with a 3,000-gallon water tank capacity, a Waterous 1,000 GPM pump, and a Cummins diesel engine with an automatic Allison transmission. This replaces the 30-year-old truck that had served us well.
The new T11 carries as much water as three fire engines! NWCFD uses water tenders to supply water to the fire engines when there are no fire hydrants available, or there are water distribution problems. The truck can quickly off-load water from three sides of the truck. We can either nurse-feed a fire apparatus pump or dump water into portable tanks, creating a portable water supply while we shuttle water from another source. This replacement truck is crucial to our risk management assessments and audits that factor into property owners’ insurance premiums.
national First Responders Day is October 28 In 2017, Congress declared October 28 as National First Responder Day to honor the men and women who are on the front lines–Firefighters, Police Officers, EMTs, Paramedics, and Dispatchers. According to the Department of Homeland Security, about 4.6 million career and volunteer first responders support the communities where they live. When you call 911 you first speak with the Call Taker, who takes your information and sends it to the Dispatcher. The Call Taker can also provide assistance over the phone, depending on the situation. For example, they can give instructions on how to perform CPR. Once the Call Taker and Dispatcher have the caller’s information and reason for calling 911, they will dispatch the appropriate departments. Depending on the Dispatcher’s information, you could have the Fire Department, Police Department, Med-Act, or all three arrive. Listening to the Call Taker’s questions and speaking clearly and concisely are essential in getting you the needed emergency help.
The NWCFD Fire Board is committed to equipping firefighters with the appropriate tools and apparatus to do their jobs safely. Thank you to the Fire District patrons for making these upgrades possible.
Shown below: All shifts have been working hard training with the new apparatus. Training includes truck familiarization, setting up the dump tank, pumping and drafting operations, and driving.

Postal Customer De Soto, KS 66018 Like us on facebook and receive community updates https://www.facebook.com/discoveringdesoto DiscoveringDe Soto W A community located in Western Johnson County, Kansas. LABOR DAY WEEKEND SEPTEMBER 1 H 2 H 3 SPECIAL 4-PAGE PULL-OUT SECTION ON PAGES 19-22 MAnY THAnKS TO ALL OUR 2022 De Soto Days Sponsors! MITZIE RYBURN De Soto Vet Clinic Dale’s Service Garage Alex’s Tree Service Cedar Creek Pharmacy Dale & Janice Walker Discovering De Soto De Soto Auto Parts De Soto Chamber of Commerce De Soto Feed & Grain Dr. Reith–De Soto Chiropractic Emmet & Molly Kurtz • Jeff & Nancy Cook Joe & Kristin Sabo • KJ’s Pizzeria Lumber One • Loya Beery • Mary Guntert Mike & Toni Caldwell • Ron Creason Steve’s Meat Market Arbor John’sFreedomRidgeConcreteAutoRepair JT’s Grill • Kris Johnson Marquette Physical Therapy Mayor Rick Walker Suburban Rod & Custom JULIE COOVER Julie Coover, Agent 32565 Lexington Ave Ste B, De Soto 12715 W 87th St Pkwy #102, Lenexa 583-1219juliecooveragency@amfam.com(913) *Subject to policy terms and conditions. American Family Life Insurance Company, 6000 American Parkway, Madison, WI 53783 ©2015 008190 – Rev. 3/22 – 16652222 Policy Forms: ICC21 L141 MS 01 22, L141 ND 02 22, L141 SD 02 22 FLEXIBLE LIFE INSURANCE American Family Life Insurance Company offers DreamSecure Flexible Life Insurance, with coverage that can change as your life changes*. It’s a unique, customizable way to protect your family. D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S D E S O t O D A y S Golf & Fitness Center