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Rural and In-Town Residents Build more Space Outbuildings
n Building began with the delivery of wood, trusses and posts manufactured specifically for the building we custom designed.

The land had been cleared and prepped prior to the build.
n Crews worked diligently and quickly, setting the footings in concrete and built the structure according the approved plans.

n An insulation barrier was installed and covered with painted metal steel sheets (available in a variety of colors).
Windows, doors and gutters were installed by crews n Concrete was poured after construction. Crews spread, smoothed and finished interior floors and exterior patios. n The finished outbuilding was completed as envisioned.

Much of De Soto offers spacious land opportunities–and with that space, areas to build outbuildings. First and foremost is accessibility to an outbuilding, stated Mike Dorrell, Quality Structures, LLC. “People don’t realize you have to be able to get to the building to construct it and then to be able to have access to the building,” said Mike. Trees can be cleared, land leveled, but you’ll want to look at the best location and land preparation costs, along with building placement.
You and/or your builder will also want to check with the City of De Soto for building permit requirements: desotoks.us/ 176/Guidelines-Standards-Policies During the last two years the City has issued over 50 building permits for outbuildings. They have also built several City outbuildings for various uses. Exteriors can be customized with overhangs and/or porches, wainscoting. Windows and doors have standard options to choose from. Electrical and additional insulation are added by the owner after construction is complete. Interior can also be sectioned off into rooms or spaces, with non-load bearing walls. Before venturing into our building project we looked at several outbuildings. Walking into a completed outbuilding gave us tangible spaces to view, which helped us envision what we wanted to achieve. Our 32’ wide by 44’ long outbuilding would replace an existing smaller barn that was over 30 years old with a dirt floor.

Referred to as barns, sheds, stables, garages, hobby shops, equipment storage areas, man caves, she sheds, and more–these structures provide a variety of purposes for both rural and in-town residents, for personal and business use.