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Discovering De Soto
Community Feature & News Publication
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As we stand at the edge of much growth, this issue reflects on The Rural Side of De Soto...the land, farmers and ranchers, 4-H, The Barn at Kill Creek Farm and all that makes this area rich in so many ways. We reminisce past rural days and those who continue on to preserve the rural aspects of De Soto.
As I near the completion of this issue, I realize that these pages cannot contain all of “The Rural Side of De Soto.” Many individuals, agribusinesses, gardeners and farmers will continue to keep De Soto green and healthy. Dietitians tell us to “eat your greens,” psychologists say, “get outside” and thankfully, city planners do value the abundant “green spaces” in Johnson County. Grow De Soto, but grow green spaces.
As more business development is on the horizon, let us preserve the green that holds golden benefits. As always, enjoy the issue and thank you for making Discovering De Soto one of the most read and treasured printed publications!
Sincerely, Rose Burgweger
Discovering De Soto publisher/editor
Not responsible for errors or misprints. Information is gathered from sources considered to be reliable; however, RMB Prints & Design, LLC is not responsible for the accuracy of information and not liable for any incurrences as a result of this publication. The material in Discovering De Soto is not intended for diagnosing or giving medical advice. Businesses, Organizations or Entities featured are not to be construed as an endorsement of the product, individual, business or organization. Businesses featured are selected for newsworthy content and/or being applicable to the issue’s emphasis. Publisher/Editor reserves the right on final editing of all content herein, including acceptance of submissions, editorial and advertising.
Kudos to our Advertisers who fund the staffing & production of Discovering De Soto! Published by RMB Prints & Design, LLC
Rose M. Burgweger, publisher / editor
For editorial submissions and advertising information, contact Discovering De Soto by email: RMBprints@icloud.com
Blake Bradford Graphic Design Assistant
Katherine Diaz, Kris Meyer Contributing Writers
Pam Ebert Administrative Assistant
Ashton DelVecchio, Helen Ash Copy Editors
David Grodowitz Advertising Assistant & Distribution
Special Thanks to The City of De Soto for Funding of Printing & Distribution
City Pages written/designed by Whitney Lange
Printed copies are available at these area locations: De Soto Harps Foods Steve’s Meat Market
Downtown De Soto look for our bin
Lenexa Suburban Lawn & Garden
Shawnee Price Chopper courtesy of The Kansas City Star
Earl May Monticello Library Prayer Box Cafe
ViEw ALL iSSuES onLinE: issuu.com/discoveringdesoto

GreatLife Golf & Fitness Center Host Community Golf Events

The De Soto Chamber of Commerce held their annual Golf Tournament on April 21 at GreatLife Golf with a total of eleven four-man teams. Attendees enjoyed sunshine and blue skies for the 18-hole, four-man scramble. Lunch included a delicious taco bar from JT’s Grill. Attendees also were able to Shoot the Nitrogen Air Gun Golf Ball Launcher for the Closest to the Pin Challenge. A silent auction was held after the tournament. Much thanks goes out to all sponsors, participants and volunteers. The fundraising event is held annually, along with a fall tournament.

De Soto High School will host the Home Invitational Junior Varsity 5A High School Golf Tournament in May at GreatLife Golf. The tournament has been held there for the past several years. Last year the DHS JV Golf Team placed 2nd with a score of 180.

New De Soto Business
Village Vibes Massage 33064 West 83rd Street

Downtown De Soto 913-954-7147
A new private massage practice is now open in Downtown De Soto. Owner Emily Lednicky, licensed massage therapist, is a Reiki Master and Energy Work Practitioner. She offers 30, 60 and 90-minute massages, that includes warm towels; along with a special package of 4 massages. Dynamic Cupping Massages add-on service available. Hot Stone coming soon. emilylednicky@gmail.com