What do you love about NK?
Photographic Competition Application Form
North Kesteven District Council Photography Competition 2014/15
Capture what you love about NK. Something in your village or maybe your favourite place to visit; we want to capture the distinctive character of North Kesteven from its heritage and history to its diverse landscapes and communities. Winning entries will be featured in our NEW calendar available from November 2015. First prize will include an opportunity to spend half a day with a professional photographer.
Address....................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... .............................................................................Postcode......................... Telephone....................................................................................................
Complete the entry form and send with your CD/ DVD/ Memory Stick of images to: NKDC Tourism Team, North Kesteven District Council, Kesteven Street, Sleaford, NG34 7EF
Email....................................................................................... Brief description of photograph(s) including location and title (please continue on an extra sheet if necessary)
Please note that these will not be returnable. ..................................................................................................................... Alternatively you can email your entry to discovernk@n-kesteven.gov.uk with ‘Photographic Competition 2014’ in the subject line. Closing date: Friday 3 July 2015
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Terms & Conditions
..................................................................................................................... Images that have people present must have the individual(s) consent before submitting an entry (a consent for is provided in this pack). Individuals under the age of 16 must have parental/guardian consent. Images must be submitted in digital format on CD/ DVD/ Memory Stick or email to the above address, labelled with your name. Any images not sent in this method will not be entered into the competition.
Images must have been taken in North Kesteven.
A maximum of one image per person can be entered into the competition.
Winners will be contacted & announced on our website, Facebook, Twitter and in the local media.
..................................................................................................................... ..................................................................................................................... I give my permission for the image submitted for entry to be used free of charge and in perpetuity and exclusively by North Kesteven District Council in its literature and publicity, on their website, social media and in the calendar. Signed........................................................ Date...........................................