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From the Editor Looking back and looking ahead
I have often employed the philosophy in life and work that goes something like, “You can’t get where you’re going if you don’t know where you’ve been.” Throughout my years as a journalist, to understand what was about to happen next, I would look back at what came before.
I guess I have always been fascinated by history. Instead of Nancy Drew mysteries as a child, you would most likely find me perusing the pages of biographies. I loved the little-known facts about people, places and things. I remember them, and I share them. I think it’s what made me a good reporter in my newspaper days. It’s a fascination that lives on in me today.
As we celebrate the beginning of our 13th year of Discover St. Clair Magazine this month, you no doubt see the influence history has on our content. From the very beginning, Traveling the Backroads, our official nod to local history has been the constant.
The stories behind the people, places and things throughout St. Clair County – little known facts, places to discover and rediscover, anecdotes tinged with happiness as well as sadness – are all a part of the driving force behind this magazine. And this issue is no different. Historian Joe Whitten takes you on a journey through Slasham Valley, introducing you to its people, its places of note, and yes, its history.
The same holds true for the next time the bell tolls at Our Lady of the Lake Catholic Church in Pell City. Now, you’ll know the story behind the tower that encases it and how the bell itself came to be.
In our medical section, you’ll learn about how a St. Clair native son returned to his hometown to share his medical skills and build the largest health care practice in the county. Look no further than one man’s quest to trace his ancestry to uncover historic roots. You may even learn a thing or two about tracing your own along the way.
And as our county embarks on another five-year strategic plan for economic development with history as our teacher, you’ll understand not only how we ascended to one of the fastest growing counties in the state, you can envision where we’re heading from here.
History and so much more are all in this issue of Discover With a ‘thank you’ to our readers and advertisers for helping us get to this point, turn the page and discover what the beginning of year number 13 has in store.
Carol Pappas Editor and Publisher