Paradise Medspa Spring Summer 2014

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Spring/Summer 2014


Summer Skin


Effects of Hormones, Foods and Emotions

Favorite Beauty and Skin Products

letters 3

Hormones and Skin Spot-Free Skin

4 5 6 7

Top 5 Favorite Beauty and Skin Products Core Essential Vitamins for Weight Loss Got Iodine? Innovative New Dermal Filler Food Sensitivities

8 9 10

Mood Enhancing Effects of “ Feeling Pretty” Bad Tattoo? Introducing The Manor Spa for Men

Welcome to the third issue of Paradise Magazine! We hope that you are enjoying these bi-annual publications as much as we are enjoying making them. This issue has some really great information; from the mood-enhancing effects of FEELING PRETTY, to the latest advances in dermal filler agents and tattoo removal, we have the information you need to stay informed. We also have some exciting news to share with you regarding our NEW DOCTOR, Dr. Cheryl Kubacz and our NEW LOCATION in DC Ranch, Scottsdale! We truly value your patronage and loyalty as we enter into our 6th year of practice! Please feel free to share this publication with your friends or any one you may know who could benefit from this information. Without the support of our patients, our small, independently-owned practice, could never have survived through these tough economic conditions, yet, here we are, 6 years later and our business is thriving! It is so wonderful to have a job that allows me to make people feel pretty and feel happy every day. Thank you all so very much, we owe it all to you! ––Dr. Weiss

Welcome to our Spring Summer Newsletter. We hope you have enjoyed the information and helpful hints so far. This edition refocuses on Detoxification: Emptying out the Liver of stored toxins. It is time for Spring Cleaning after all. We are exposed to toxins in our environment every day. The air we breathe, the food we eat, the radiation from our electronics and most abundantly our stress. Doing a liver cleanse twice a year “at least” is recommended. We are also focusing on healthy eating and lifestyle changes. Taking sugars and gluten out of the diet can make a huge impact on your waistline and your overall health. Sugar and gluten lead to inflammation in the gut, in the joints, in the brain and in your FAT. We brought back the iodine article as low iodine can cause thyroid disorders, fibrocystic nodules in the breasts, fibroids in the uterus and prostate nodules. We also included a list of vitamins that assist the body in burning fat and maintaining a healthy metabolism. To learn more make an appointment with Dr. Kristine Sarna at Paradise Wellness and Weight Loss Center. ––Dr. Sarna

TO P T E N C O S M E T I C S E RV I C E S W I N T E R 2 01 4

Microneedling Treatments Hydrafacial Therapy Ultherapy Botox Injections Dermal Filler Injections (Juvederm, Voluma, Radiesse)

Rebecca Weiss, D.O. Editor & Founding Partner

Kristine Sarna, M.D. Editor & Founding Partner

Laser Tattoo Removal Tripollar Radiofrequency Skin Tightening Laser Hair Removal VASER/Smartlipo Body Contouring HCG Diet

Shelley Glasow Schadowsky Creative Director

Please Recycle. Copyright © 2013. All Rights Reserved. Printed in the USA.



Hormones are important for your Skin Aging is inevitable however they way our body is affected by the process can surely be slowed. As we age our hormone levels diminish and this can lead to well known symptoms such as hot flashes, mood irritability, sleeplessness, belly fat and brain fog. What you may not know is how these diminishing hormones affect your skin. Women in their 40′s and 50′s often notice skin changes including sagging, wrinkling, increased pore sizes and even acne. This is in part due to hormone deficiencies or suboptimal hormone balance.

What does it mean to have a suboptimal hormone balance? As we age, the natural hormones in our bodies such as Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone begin to deplete, however not always at the same rate. This causes a suboptimal hormone balance, also known by some as hormone imbalance. Like mentioned above, hormone imbalance in the body can result in a variety of different symptoms, poor skin being one of them.

How Progesterone Affects My Skin Progesterone is one of the first hormones in the body to become deficient. When our menstrual cycle becomes irregular we are likely not ovulating each month and therefore not making Progesterone. Unfortunately, Progesterone is a pretty important hormone as it is responsible for adequate circulation to the skin. Without this hormone we get congestion, puffiness and acne.

How Estrogen Affects My Skin Perimenopause and Menopause lead to fluctuating Estrogen

levels and finally NON levels as our ovaries stop working. Most women become quite symptomatic without Estrogen. For the skin, Estrogen is important for maintaining moisture and minimizing pore size. As the levels of Estrogen begin to fall, we start to see wrinkling take place.

How Testosterone Affects My Skin When our ovaries stop working or we are on birth control that prevents ovulation or even when we are stressed, our Testosterone level falls. Testosterone is an important hormone that helps maintain elasticity and prevents skin sagging. Depletion in Testosterone begins to have negative effects on your skin, causing unwanted sagging. Fortunately you can help re establish balance and replenish these declining hormones. We recommend replacement with Bio Identical Hormones. Bio Identical means using hormones that are chemically identical to the ones your body was producing. Additionally, having these hormones created from natural sources and compounded into topical creams or lozenges provides the safest option. Not only will your hot flashes, sleeplessness, mood irritability and brain fog diminish so will your wrinkles, congestion, acne, dryness and flaking. Estrogen, Progesterone and Testosterone decline or become unbalanced with time and as life stressors take place. Fortunately they can be replenished with Bio Identical Hormones. Call to make an appointment with Dr. Sarna at Paradise Medspa and Wellness to evaluate your hormone balance. Look as good on the outside as you feel on the inside. Feel Pretty!

Enjoy Spot-Free Skin with This Dark Red Fruit Courtesy of SHARECARE Sun spots are right up there with wrinkles when it comes to the list of skin defects we’d all rather avoid. But keeping sun spots at bay may be as easy as munching on sweet, tangy pomegranate seeds. Sunscreen is step one in avoiding sun spots. But according to Allison Tannis, author of Feed Your Skin, Starve Your Wrinkles, nutrients found in deep ruby-red pomegranate seeds may hinder abnormal changes in skin color brought on by longterm sun exposure. Pomegranate Protection The main nutrient in question? Ellagic acid. But that’s not all. The age-fighting antioxidants in pomegranates may be particularly skin-friendly as well. In fact, Tannis


claims that the antioxidant capacity of pomegranates is so powerful that they’re able to neutralize twice as many skindamaging free radicals as red wine, and seven times as many free radicals as green tea. (Find out what else is on the oh-solong list of pomegranate body-benefits.)

Cool the Flames Pomegranates are also loaded with anthocyanins -- powerful inflammation-fighting antioxidants that give the pomegranate even more super-for-your-skin status. So pick up a pom, and pop out those seeds. Or save yourself the inconvenience by buying frozen or refrigerated packages of preextracted pomegranate seeds from the grocery store. They’re great in cereal and oatmeal, on yogurt or salad, or just by the handful. Dr. Sarna specializes in integrative health and wellness. Please call 602-266-8144 for $50 off your personal wellness consultation fee. For more information, visit us on the web at

Spring/Summer 2014


Top 5

Favorite Beauty & Skin Products

By: Amanda Charette Oh gosh, where to begin. Asking me to choose what my top 5 are is like asking a Mom who her favorite child is. It’s so hard! Especially for me since I will confess, I am somewhat of a product junkie. I’d say about a solid 65% of my bathroom counter is covered with product… and yes I use every single one of them! I guess if I really think about it I do have a little extra love for a few of them. Right now my top 5 favorite products are

Intellishade Matte SPF 45 by Revision Skin Care I would have to say this one is probably my favorite right now. It‘s a sunscreen also doubles as make-up. The tint in the sunscreen is just enough to make your skin look flawless! Honestly, I thought nothing would be able to break me away from my liquid foundation and pressed powder but this product has done the impossible! Intellishade, a little blush and mascara and I am good to go. I haven’t even gotten to the best part! Not only can Intellishade double as make-up but it also has several skin benefits including: • Moisturizes and blends with the color of your skin • Provides maximum broad spectrum UVA and UVB protection • Contains ingredients that naturally brighten the skin • Protects skin against pre-mature aging • Corrects existing damage • Tones down redness after peels or procedures without causing irritation! This is truly an amazing product…and makes for a great stocking stuffer!

Benzoyl Peroxide 10% by Jan Marini This product is a life saver! I wish I had this when I was a teenager and my skin was at its worst. Though I rarely breakout these days I still use this product every day. Why you ask? Because it’s preventative. I don’t know about you but if there’s a product that reduces the possibility of having little angry friends pop up on my face at the most inconvenient times, then I am going to use it. If you are struggling with breakouts and want to clear up your skin, this product will become your new best friend. I have several clients using this product on a regular basis and all of them have had fabulous results with it. Whether you’re a teenager suffering with acne, an adult or just want to prevent breakouts this product is for you. My favorite part about this benzoyl is it doesn’t dry your skin and it’s non-irritating. Anybody can use this product and benefit!

Enlighten by Jan Marini Though I have never personally used this product, I am absolutely loving it. I have a lot of clients with pigment concerns so I recommend Enlighten and they are seeing a significant improve-


Spring/Summer 2014

ment. The Enlighten combined with professional treatments will really make an impact on your skin. What is so unique about this product is it not only lightens existing pigment; it also prevents existing hyperpigmentation, all while being anti-aging because it has retinol in it! Winning!

Regeneration Booster by Jan Marini This is by far the coolest product of them all! It dramatically increases the vitality of your skin by: • • • • • •

Reducing wrinkles Evening texture Reducing pore size Improving elasticity Increasing hydration Improving overall skin quality

If you use the product correctly you will see visible results in as little as two weeks! The Regeneration Booster is scientifically proven to lengthen life of your cells which means it slows down the aging process and rebuilds the skin on a cellular level. Who doesn’t want to stay forever young?! And even if we don’t feel it, at least we can look it!

Clarisonic Love, Love….Love it!!! I was first introduced to this product when I was in school and it has forever changed the way I cleanse my face. My skin appears so much more vibrant when I use the Clarisonic. When I use my hands to clean my face, I tend to feel like it’s not getting clean enough and that it looks dull. The best part about the Clarisonic is that I have the satisfaction of knowing all the products I have on my bathroom counter are better able to get into my skin and do their job. The Clarisonic has been proven to cleanse your face 6 times more than if you just use your hands, and trust me, you can feel the difference. I believe this product is essential for everyone and with the Holidays right around the corner this will make the perfect gift! (or a wonderful treat for yourself!) Well there you have it, my top 5 favorite beauty products. It was hard to narrow it down but I chose these because anybody can use them and benefit! Schedule a facial consultion with Dr. Weiss today and learn more about what products are right for you! Visit our website for more information on services available at or call 602-266-8144.


Dr. Sarna’s Recommended Core Essential Vitamins for Weight Loss Omega 3 fatty acids such as Fish Oils Omega 3 fatty acids make up your cell walls and are critically important for cellular communication and metabolism. These healthy fats also curb your appetite. It is important to get your fish oils from a quality source that tests its product for potency and for ocean poisons such as mercury. Buying the cheapest fish oils could be poisoning you! We recommend Omegagenics EPA/DHA 720.

MultiVitamin with Minerals A Multivitamin with Minerals will fill in the missing nutrients from your diet. We recommend KPAX pro Fuel for Life during a weight loss program because it has inositol, choline, green tea extract, chromium, alpha lipoic acid and many other nutrients that help power the cells balance blood sugar and improve your metabolism.

ProBiotics Probiotics are good bacteria that protect your body from invasion and infection. They are also critically important for absorbing nutrients needed to run chemical reactions for metabolism. Fat burning or fat deposition is directly affected by the bacteria we have in our gut lining. Daily environmental influences and taking antibiotics will clear out your good bacteria upsetting the natural balance of “flora”. Having the right gut bacteria is also important for immune system function. Eating Yogurt daily is not enough as it provides only 1-2 million organisms. The body needs billions of organisms to replenish lost balance. We recommend Ultra Flora Balance or Ultra Flora Spectrum for general Probiotic needs.

B Complex Vitamins The B Vitamins power up your cells and your body. They provide energy and mental focus too. We recommend Glycogenics as a great combination of B Vitamins during a weight loss program. At Paradise Wellness and Weight Loss Center we also offer weight loss injections with B Vitamins and methionine, inositol , choline and carnitine if you need an extra push.

Appecurb Appecurb is an appetite suppressant and craving controller. It has key amino acids that form the neurotransmitters involved with appetite control, carbohydrate and fat cravings and mood. It also has Chromium for blood sugar control. Adding Appecurb to any weight loss program will ensure success. If this interests you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Sarna at 602-266-8144 for your personal wellness consultation or visit us on the web at


Spring/Summer 2014


Mood Enhancing Effects of “Feeling Pretty” A recent article in the Dermatologic Times demonstrates the fact that Botulinum toxin injections actually have antidepressive effects, a theory that I have hypothesized myself, for many years.

Feel Pretty, Feel Happy At Paradise Medspa & Wellness, we came up with the slogan for our practice of “FEEL PRETTY” based on this notion that when you feel pretty, you feel better. When you feel pretty, you exude confidence. Others can sense this confidence, thus, your interpersonal relationships improve. You walk with your head held a little higher and life is good! Just the same is true when you don’t feel pretty. When you feel self-conscious of how you look, you act differently. Just think about how your mood is affected when you have a large pimple on your face, or you are having a bad hair day. Perhaps you stay seated at your desk more that day rather than walking around and mingling. You become more withdrawn. There seems to be a ‘trickle down’ effect to the rest of our affect based upon the way we interpret our appearance. I believe that feeling pretty is a mood and energy booster, much more powerful than Prozac® or any other anti-depressant medication. This study, though small, also seems to indicate that the mood enhancing effect of one Botox® injection lasts up to 12 weeks longer than the cosmetic improvement, which was a surprise for the researchers. It is hypothesized that this prolonged effect is due to the fact that the injections down-regulate the transmission from our trigeminal nerve to the area in our brain that stimulates anxiety and


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depression. I would hypothesize that the ‘trickle down’ effects of the cosmetic improvement seen after botulinum toxin injections are further reaching, and thus, take longer to wear off. For example, you get a treatment with Botox® (or a chemical peel, or a laser treatment…fill in the blank), a few weeks later, you start to feel prettier, this, in turn gives you a confidence boost, which instills more confidence in your abilities by your coworkers, they treat you with more respect which further boosts your confidence, you then perform better on the job and your performance is rewarded with a promotion. This may be a slight exaggeration, however, you can see how the domino effect of feeling pretty (or handsome, for that matter) can really pay off! Botox® – The Path to Nirvana…. So, are botulinum toxin injections the medical miracle of the century? Maybe not, but its benefits are further reaching than the wrinkles on our face! From stopping migraine headaches and underarm sweating to elevating our mood, this little liquid elixir is proving itself to be more than worthy of the hype it receives. That said, like I eluded to earlier, I think that ANY cosmetic-enhancing treatment could very well improve depression and anxiety, so long as it makes the patient feel more attractive. Unfortunately, there are those patients who, for whatever reason, are never going to be truly content with their appearance, patients with Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD), for example, and for those patients, no amount of Botox® or cosmetic surgery, will make them truly feel pretty. Luckily, for those patients, we still have anti-depressants that can and psychotherapy to help them see that they really are beautiful, they just have to see past all of the other, underlying, problems in their lives to see it when they look in the mirror. For the complete article in Dermatologic Times, visit: Botulinum toxin injections demonstrate anti-depressive effects. Schedule a consultion with Dr. Weiss today and learn more about what products are right for you! Visit our website for more information on services available at or call 602-266-8144.


VOLUMA- Innovative New Dermal Filler That Fills The VOID! Back in the 1980’s when face lift surgeries became popular, the philosophy was ‘the tighter, the better’. Over time, we realized that this was, in fact, not where the emphasis should be. As we age, our faces naturally lose volume and with the simultaneous halt in the production of collagen, our faces begin to sag. Jowls form, our eyes appear more hollow, and our cheeks deflate. UGH! The resulting nasolabial fold area, or “parenthesis” lines, that appear on each side of our mouth gained our attention when dermal fillers came into vogue. We see these lines when we look in the mirror, our two-dimensional view of ourselves cries out to us….’Fill those cracks!’ So, for many years now we have been putting focus on the nasolabial fold region. People (myself included) were generally happy with their results from products like Juvederm, Restylane, and such. But, as time went on, and the volume of our mid-face region – our cheeks – continued to dwindle, those same people (myself included) began to look a little ‘flat’.

Enter, VOLUMA®. From the makers of Juvederm and Botox (Allergan, Inc.), Voluma is the first hyaluronic acid-based filler specifically approved by the FDA to address the loss of volume in the mid-face. Voluma has arrived just in time to take us from the two-dimensional perspective to the, actual, three-dimensional view that everyone else sees when they look at us. The cross-linking technology found in Voluma creates a lift; think of it more like a mousse than a gel, that restores the natural curve to the cheek areas. The majority of patients in the Allergan study on Voluma reported looking 5 years younger after receiving their treatment. And, the best part?

Those results lasted for TWO YEARS! Finally, we have a product that can take us into the 21st century of aesthetics. Gone are the days of ‘tight’. Say ‘hello’ to the days of beautiful, natural, volume. Injected into the mid-face, most patients feel that Voluma, not only volumizes the cheek region, but also improves the look of the undereye and nasolabial fold regions, even when injections were not placed in these areas. Paradise Medspa is proud to be one of the first offices in the area to offer Voluma to our patients. For a limited time, we are offering an introductory price of only $1500 for two syringes. The average number of syringes required to achieve full correction is anywhere from 2-4 syringes, depending upon how much volume loss you have suffered over the years. Injections are thought to be more comfortable than with other similar filler products and less swelling is noticed post-treatment, so there is virtually no downtime and results are seen immediately. For more information on Voluma®, you can visit the Juvederm® website or check out our dermal filler section at! Voluma is also part of Allergan’s Brilliant Distinctions program, which provides patients with rewards points for each treatment that equate to savings off of future injections. For more information about the Brilliant Distinctions program, please visit Schedule a consultion with Dr. Weiss today and learn more about what products are right for you! Visit our website for more information on services available at paradisemedspa. com or call 602-266-8144.

Food Sensitivities Are you suffering from unexplained brain fog, anxiety and depression, headaches, stomach ache, rash or inability to lose weight? “Aren’t we all?” Your symptoms may be due to food allergies and/or sensitivities. Recognition of food sensitivity was first recorded by Hippocrates, who observed that milk could cause stomach upset and hives. Many foods can cause problems for us. Today’s Standard American Diet includes pre processed foods with additives and even genetic manipulation. Wheat or “gluten” was genetically modified in the 1970s to produce for the masses. This genetic modification left the gluten molecule virtually indigestible. These new foreign molecules are seen by the body as invaders and produce an immune modulated assault. This inflammatory response may be the source of a multitude of symptoms including


those mentioned above. Some foods cause an “allergic response” known as an IgE immune response. These would be the classic hives, flushing, swelling and eczema. Others cause a “delayed response” known as an IgG immune response. These symptoms may occur hours to days after exposure and can include anxiety/depression, joint pain, brain fog and a metabolic shift that leads to weight gain. It is believed that both types of responses may even play a part in childhood ADHD and learning disabilities. The common foods that cause allergic and “sensitivity” symptoms include dairy, wheat (gluten), soy, corn and nuts. You could take all these out of your diet and always eat organic, you might make a big difference. However how do you know what you can eat? The good news is that we can evaluate you for such food allergies and sensitivities with a simple blood test.

Armed with this information you can avoid the foods that are known to bother you. Another part of this issue is the state the gut lining is in with regards to how your body over reacts to certain foods. Probiotics are very important to digestion and immune health. Having the right type and balance of good bacteria is key. If you could heal the lining, your system may begin to tolerate some of your favorite foods and you could eat them again in moderation. Yea, so life doesn’t look so glum after all. If this interests you, schedule an appointment with Dr. Sarna to determine if food sensitivities are the root of your evils. Dr. Sarna specializes in integrative health and wellness. Please call 602-2668144 for $50 off your personal wellness consultation fee. For more information, visit us on the web at

Spring/Summer 2014


Meet Dr. Kubacz

Got Iodine? How To Get Enough I o d i n e Through Your Diet Courtesy of ZRT Laboratory Iodine is an essential component of thyroid hormone (T3 & T4) and important for normal thyroid functioning. It also functions as an antioxidant, an anti-infective agent, and is protective in certain cystic conditions like fibrocystic breast disease and ovarian cysts. Iodine is found in the soil and the ocean; however iodine content in soil varies from region to region. Subsequently, foods grown in different regions vary in iodine content as well.

How much iodine is needed each day? The Recommended Daily Allowance (RDA) for iodine is 150 micrograms per day for proper thyroid functioning. It is important to note that many other tissues of the body need iodine for good health as well. Dr. Cheryl Kubacz has been passionate about health from the time she was in her early teens. This passion is what led her to become a naturopathic physician. Originally from a small town outside Milwaukee, Wisconsin, she has been living in Arizona since 1997. Dr. Kubacz quickly became interested in medical aesthetics once she saw the benefits of addressing beauty from the inside and out. She has received advanced training in laser skin care and medical aesthetic procedures, including botulinum toxin and dermal filler injections, sclerotherapy, and hormone treatments. Dr. Kubacz was previously a medical director for DermaHealth in Paradise Valley where she was awarded Doctor of The Year for 2013 and “Most Caring Doctor”. We are grateful to have her join our team as we expand into our new Scottsdale location. Dr. Kubacz has a passion for travel, nature, adventure, and fitness. Her work has taken her to Africa, China, Mexico, and South America to work with communities located in rural areas, to share her expertise in health. She has found great fulfillment in giving these people tools for health and appreciates their receptiveness and willingness to be empowered. She also spends time working with cancer survivors, empowering them to live healthier lives by partnering with them to create a plan for detoxification, implementing strength, nutritional and supplemental protocols. Dr. Kubacz loves connecting and creating partnerships with her patients. She listens intently to the patient and does everything in her ability to help them achieve their goals for beauty and wellness. She is currently licensed in the state of Arizona. Dr. Kubacz will be seeing patients at both our Phoenix and Scottsdale locations.


Spring/Summer 2014

• RDA Adults: 150 micrograms/day • RDA Children: 90-120 micrograms/day • RDA Pregnant: 220 micrograms/day • RDA Breastfeeding: 290 micrograms/day Higher levels of iodine intake have been shown to be protective against benign breast changes such as fibrocystic breast disease. Studies show a daily intake of 3000 - 6000 micrograms per day to be helpful and tolerable for this condition. These higher levels are similar to the typical daily intake seen in Japan. To make sure our bodies are sufficient in iodine, we can eat foods high in iodine and/or take an iodine supplement. Below is a list of the amount of iodine found in various foods. Many people assume all seaweeds have a lot of iodine. But there is a great deal of variability in the amount of iodine found in different types of seaweed. Kelp has the most, and nori has the least. This means your weekly nori roll at the sushi restaurant may not be giving sufficient iodine!

Dietary sources of Iodine in micrograms: SEAWEEDS 1 tsp Kelp: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3400 1 tbsp Arame: . . . . . . . . . . 730 1 tbsp: Wakame . . . . . . . . . . 80 1 sheet Nori: . . . . . . . . . . . . 32 SALT 1 tsp Iodized salt: . . . . . . . . 76 FISH 3 oz Cod: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 341 3 oz Shrimp: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79 3 oz Halibut: . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3 oz Herring: . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 3 oz Sardines: . . . . . . . . . . . 30 3 oz Tuna: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

DAIRY 1 cup cow’s milk (US): . . . . 56 1 oz mozzarella cheese: . . 10 1 cup yogurt: . . . . . . . . . . . . 87 OTHER FOODS 3 oz turkey breast: . . . . . . . 34 1 cup strawberries: . . . . . . 12 1 egg: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 SUPPLEMENTS 1 tablet Iodoral TM: . . . 12,000 1 drop Lugol’s TM 5%: . . 6250 1 typical multi vitamin dose: . . . . . . . . . . . 150

References: Medical Nutrition from Marz 2nd edition. Russell Marz ND MAcOP C 1999 Omni Pennington JAT, Schoen SA, Salmon GD, Young B, Johnson RD, Marts RW. Composition of core foods of the U.S. food supply, 1982-1991. III. Copper, manganese, selenium, iodine. J Food Comp Anal. 1995;8:171-217. bid=69#references. Teas, J., Pino, S., Critchley, A., Braverman, L.E., 2004. Variability of iodine content in common commercially available edible seaweeds. Thyroid 14, 836–841.


What Was I Thinking? Janet Fales, L.E., L.T. If I’ve heard it once, I’ve heard it a thousand times; “I got this tattoo about 10 years ago, and I don’t know what I was thinking!” and then, “Can you help me?” I love to hear the interesting stories and see the incredible artwork that people have placed on their bodies. At the same time, my heart goes out to those who feel that they have had to live with something they feel embarrassed by, and spend time trying to hide or cover it up in social situations. Over 45 million Americans have tattoos and about 20% of them regret having done so. The reasons are limitless; for some individuals it’s due to change in employment, relationship status, or life changes. For others, they just chose a sub-par artist and would like to have their tattoo lightened so they can replace it with one that is more aesthetically pleasing. In the past, options for tattoo removal involved one or more of the following treatments: • acid removal • excision • dermabrasion These methods not only did a poor job, but damaged the surrounding tissue leaving unsightly discoloration and/or scars. Thanks to advancements in technology, lasers offer safe, fast and effective tattoo removal. Basically, the pigment (ink) is targeted with a laser beam which shatters it into smaller molecules that are absorbed and eliminated through the body’s lymphatic system. But don’t be fooled; not all tattoo removal lasers are created equal! The RevLite SI is able to remove tattoos by delivering high energy evenly over the skin’s surface with a nanosecond pulse dispersion. All of this means that multi-colored tattoos can be removed with greater efficacy and comfort with no unwanted side effects.


Here are some things you’ll want to know about the tattoo removal procedure: • Typically 8 to 12 treatments are needed. If you are just looking to lighten your tattoo so that new artwork can replace it, only a few treatments may be necessary to achieve the desired result. • The cost varies based on the size of the tattoo and can typically range anywhere from $45 to $850 per treatment. • Treatments are scheduled every 4–6 weeks. • The sensation feels similar to getting a tattoo. While not required, cooling, local anesthesia, or a numbing cream may be used to help minimize discomfort.

Here’s what you can expect after your tattoo removal procedure: • Redness and swelling in the treatment area are common, but this usually resolves itself within 24 to 48 hours. • The treated area needs to be kept covered and exposure to the sun should be avoided at all times. The Physicians at Paradise Medspa & Wellness select only the best equipment in order to deliver superior results to our patients. Now that we have purchased the RevLite Laser and added Tattoo Removal to our services menu, we would love the opportunity to help erase the mistake(s) from your past! The procedure is safe, effective and fast! Schedule a FREE consultion with Dr. Weiss today and learn more about what products are right for you! Visit our website for more information on services available at or call 602-266-8144.

Spring/Summer 2014


Paradise Medspa features the Valley’s first medical spa for MEN! Women have long known the value of good grooming and cosmetic treatments, however, more and more men are catching on to the concept as well! Whether it’s to compete in the workplace or to get back into the dating game, men are looking to clean up their appearance these days, almost as much as women.

Enter, The Manor™.

N E W C L I E N T S O N LY. E X P I R E S 1 2 / 3 1 / 1 4

The Manor™ & Paradise Medspa Market Street at DC Ranch 20945 N. Pima Road, Building B, Suite 120 Scottsdale, AZ 85255 p. 480-636-8911/602-266-8144


Spring/Summer 2014

The Manor - Shave Bar & Vitality Lounge™, was created by Dr. Rebecca Weiss, with the intent to create a male-friendly atmosphere, where men can seek out cosmetic treatments in an environment that is comfortable for them. Featuring a new Shave Bar concept, men can treat themselves to a luxurious straight-razor shave, complete with a cocktail-inspired gentleman’s facial service, shoulder massage and shoe shine. Beards and mustaches are trimmed and groomed to perfection while you sit back, relax and enjoy the view - ie. Plenty of good-looking hostesses are available to get you a beverage (liquor license pending, until then, you can sip on the non-alcoholic variety) or assist you in deciphering the menu of cosmetic services available in the Vitality Lounge. Services like testosterone therapy, NeoGraft® Hair Restoration, laser hair & tattoo removal are all available to get you looking and feeling your most manly. The Manor’s medical-grade skin care line, The ManoRx, keeps the act of skin care for men to a minimum while including all of the ingredients necessary to keep their skin looking healthy. Nutritional supplements are specifically formulated with men’s needs in mind, ranging from Rocket Man, a metabolism booster and sexual health formula proven to improve energy, boost weight loss efforts and improve sexual function, to their Essential Manors for Men, a daily vitamin pack with all of the essentials every man needs - like omega-3’s and antioxidants, plus a patented cancer-blocking agent with the same amount of daily nutrients as a bucket full of broccoli. If you love your experience at The Manor™ as much as we think you will, you may want to consider joining one of their Club Manor Memberships starting at only $75. With options ranging from monthly Shave Bar services to their VIP Membership, which allows access to all of their Vitality services, in addition to, a monthly grooming regimen at the Shave Bar. The Manor™ will be opening at Market Street in DC Ranch, North Scottsdale this summer! Stay tuned for more information by visiting their website at and ‘liking’ them on Facebook! From now through the end of August, the first 200 people to like their Facebook page will be entered into weekly drawings for services ranging from Signature Shaves to Laser Hair Removal packages, The ManoRx product give-aways and MORE! Hey, ladies! Don’t fret. Paradise Medspa’s second location is directly adjacent The Manor™ and will feature the most advanced laser skin care and cosmetic treatments available in the valley! With services ranging from Botox® and Dermal Fillers to Ulthera and Liposonix, you are sure to find the treatment that you are looking for to get you Feeling Pretty in no time! For more information visit



Spring/Summer 2014



Spring/Summer 2014


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