‘An ambition of the 2023 - 2028 UCC Strategy ‘Securing our Future’ is to “align the South/ Southwest Hospitals Research Framework with that of the University to support the development of an Academic Health Sciences System” (Goal 1: Research & Innovation, Strategic Approach 1 5 v) UCC Academic Health Sciences was established in 2022 and the continued development of an Academic Health Sciences System is a key priority for the College of Medicine and Health We are pleased to launch the Academic Health Sciences Seed Funding Awards (AHS Awards) to support new collaborations amongst the Academic Health Sciences System partners Funding is available through the continued support of our corporate partners Pfizer, Boston Scientific, Laya Healthcare and GSK The AHS Awards will support new research collaborations to develop larger grant applications to National and International Calls to support the on-going development of the work and to maximise impact Projects should align to the UCC 2023 - 2028 Strategic Plan, Goal One: Research and Innovation by seeking to align to one or more of the UCC Futures areas ’
Funding Up to €30,000 or Up to €10,000
Duration: 12 months commencing October 2024
Eligibility: Applications are accepted from a new collaborative team, of at least 2 applicants where the lead applicant is a member of CoMH Academic Staff of Lecturer Grade and above, with a primary affiliation to a member School and the Primary Co-Applicant is a member of Healthcare Staff in an affiliated Clinical Institution.
Deadline: 5th May 2024
Nomination Details
Submission Deadline: 5PM, 19th April 2024
Dr. Allison Mula PhD Fellow
Click image below or HERE to access
Ayat Elgammal PhD Researcher
School of Pharmacy
Click image below or HERE to access
will be held 2nd October 2024
The competition will support Doctoral Students to develop as confident Research Communicators. Applicants are asked to present their research using one slide taking a maximum of three minutes. The aim of the presentation is to communicate research to a diverse audience.
Deadline for video submissions: 4th June
The winner will represent UCC at a National Competition in November
2023 National Finalist Presentations are available HERE
Shortlisted applicants must be able to attend in-person on-campus on the 2nd of October 2024
Submission details will be available closer to the deadline
Nomination Form
Past Recipients
The Committee
Nomination Form Deadline: 5th April 2024
1. Nomination letter in support, less than 1,000 words, of the research on which nomination is based and its significance in the field of Circulatory Diseases.
2. A brief biographical sketch of the nominee (NIH format, 4 pages).
3. Nominee’s most significant publications related to the research noted under Item 1, and reason for their significance
4. Outline of proposed research and/or academic activities (seminars, discussions) to be carried out at McGill and names of potential McGill correspondents and host laboratories. A one-to-two-week residence at McGill University during the academic year should be anticipated by the nominee. The potential for collaborative research with McGill University faculty members is an important goal of the visit.
5. Full Curriculum Vitae, including training, positions held and awards received by the nominee and, if available and applicable, a summary of grant funding, including amounts, during the last 5 years and a complete listing of the nominee’s publications (please omit abstracts)
Nomination Form and Supporting Materials to Dr. Terry Hébert, Chair of the Louis and Artur Lucian Award Committee - lucianaward@mcgill.ca
For further information contact Dr. Terry Hébert - terence.hebert@mcgill.ca
Issue Date:
The Department of Further and Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science, through the Higher Education Authority, has provided additional funding to UCC to fund the purchase of new or additional research equipment or research equipment upgrades, where appropriate and cost effective.
Funding will cover the costs of:
Research Equipment
Installation where necessary
Transportation where necessary
Professional fees associated with the purchase or installation of equipment, where necessary
Value Added Tax (VAT)
Closing Cate: 5PM, 31st May
Queries regarding this call should be directed to Ms Aoife Murphy (aoifemurphy@ucc.ie)
Application Form
Call Details
Disciplines: All Disciplines
Open to: NUI graduates planning on pursuing, or in their first year of, doctoral research with a substantial travel component
Value: up to €120,000 over 4 years
Closing date: 25th March
Further details
Full range of NUI Awards 2024
Should you have any questions, the NUI Awards Team can be contacted at awards@nui.ie
Deadline Extended to 1PM 17th May 2024
The SFI Frontiers for the Future Programme provides opportunities for independent investigators to conduct highly innovative, collaborative research with the potential to deliver impact, whilst also providing opportunities for high-risk, high-reward research projects.
Awards and Projects Stream Application Forms available on SESAME
As the Awards Stream remains open on a rolling call basis, applicants should contact UCC Research to arrange a time slot for review.
Internal Deadline for Review of below listed by: 1PM, 2nd May
Draft of Budget (Excel)
Draft of Budget Justification (Word)
Draft Data Management Plan (Word)
Draft Proposal – all other sections (Word)
Due to the high volume of applications expected, review of drafts received thereafter cannot be guaranteed.
Submission Deadline via SESAME platform: 1PM 17th May
Designed to bring knowledge users and researchers together to develop research projects that address a specific need within the Irish health or social care system, the research findings will have a direct impact on decision-making in the knowledge user organisation.
The awards are open to all areas of health. In this round, specifically welcomed are applications in the area of mental health, to support work related to Sharing the Vision –A Mental Health Policy for Everyone These projects should use health services and population health research methods and approaches to support the implementation of the recommendations and associated actions in the Sharing the Vision Implementation Plan 2022-2024. A dedicated budget for mental health research has been provided by the Department of Health for this purpose As such, quality permitting, additional awards in the area of mental health will be funded through this call.
Cycle 1 Deadline: 12NOON, 10th April
Cycle 2 Deadline: 12NOON, 18th December
To ensure institutional endorsement of applications, notify UCC Research at hrbapplications@ucc.ie of intent to apply.
Internal Deadlines
Cycle 1 Applications
Budget Review/Approval to: hrbapplications@ucc.ie by 1PM, 2nd April
Submission to HRB GEMS Portal for UCC Endorsement: 1PM, 9th April
This call includes strong emphasis on Public and Patient Involvement (PPI), see page 14, Section 8 of Guidance Notes
€22,000 minimum Stipend per annum over full-time (3 or 4 years) or part-time basis
Open to graduates of a relevant background (e.g., biomedical, life science, dentistry, pharmaceutical, medical or translational research etc.) with a project focusing on translational or clinical research.
Open to graduates of a relevant background (e.g., nursing, psychology, dietetics, occupational therapy, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy, genetic counselling, radiology, biomedical, life science, dentistry, pharmaceutical, medical, or translational research, etc.), with a project focusing on cancer research in underserved communities.
Open to graduates of a relevant background (e.g., nursing, psychology, dietetics, occupational therapy, radiology, genetic counselling, physiotherapy, speech and language therapy etc.), with a project focusing on cancer survivorship research. Survivorship research covers the period from prevention to diagnosis to treatment outcome.
The Irish Cancer Society invites eligible Non-Consultant Hospital Doctors (NCHD’s) training in any Oncology related disciplines, to submit an application to this call. The purpose of this award is to provide the opportunity for NCHD’s to develop Cancer Research experience. This is intended to be a transformative investment for a Clinician who has already demonstrated that they are passionate about undertaking active, patientfocused cancer research, but needs the extra support to enable them to accelerate their trajectory to leading and directing research based in Ireland. This award can provide funding for a variety of research activities, e.g. salary, running costs associated with a specific research project(s), training and dissemination costs, PPI costs, M.D. or Ph.D. fees etc.
Funding Period
18 48 months
Maximum Total Funding Available €100,000
Applications are made through the Gateway Grant Tracker Online System
Application Deadline: 3PM, 16th April
Review of Applications: April/May 2024
Interviews: Late May 2024
Award Announced: June 2024
Application Guidelines and Downloadable Forms HERE
UCC is a founding partner of UNIC (European University of Cities in PostIndustrial Transition), an ERASMUS-funded partnership of 10 Universities across Europe working with their cities and one another to tackle urban challenges and develop shared, sustainable futures through Teaching, Research & Community Engagement
Professor Minna Isomursu, University of Oulu is coordinating an application to the Digital Europe Programme DIGITAL-2023-SKILLS-05-SPECIALEDUSpecialised Education Programmes in Key Capacity Areas and is seeking UCC collaborators.
Proposed Project: aims to develop learning content and teaching methods for Advanced Digital Skills for Degree Programmes educating professionals working with Health Data Work may be done on a new or existing programme The ultimate goal is that Europe would have more professionals who have capacity to use and innovate around Health Data UL and TCD are also collaborating on this proposal
Award Provides: 50% funding which covers the design of new learning content together with the consortium, and teaching of the content It may be used for providing financial support for students, hiring external experts for teaching etc The Call also asks for developing self-standing modules targeted for working professionals, but it needs to be in addition to Degree Programmes.
If interested, contact Professor Isomursu minna.isomursu@oulu.fi and cc Mathias Reckmann, UCC UNIC Programme Manager, mathias.reckmann@ucc.ie
Wellcome Discovery Research Funding
Early Career Awards
Sample Application Form
Sample Application Form
Discovery Awards
Sample Application Form
Useful Wellcome Links
Research Culture
Call Now Open
Deadline: 5PM GMT, 21st May
Prefunding Process Map
Call Opens: 12th April Deadline: 5PM BST, 25th July
Awardee Story
Call Opens: 17th April Deadline: 5PM BST, 30th July
Established Researchers Webinar
Grant Writing Tips
Research Environment
Funding Remit
Researcher Stories
Joint Transnational Call
‘Identification or Validation of Targets for Personalised Medicine Approaches
Personalised Medicine (PM) represents a paradigm shift from a “one size fits all” approach to an optimised strategy for prevention, diagnosis and treatment of disease for everyone, based on their unique characteristics, including biological features (e.g. phenotype, endotype, genotype), as well as lifestyle and environmental factors. PM puts the patient at the centre of healthcare, aiming for optimised health promotion, treatments and management of disease or predisposition to disease. Today, PM has been advancing rapidly and the range of technologies, methodologies and information utilised is much broader, supporting improved healthcare, diagnostics and tailormade treatments, including rehabilitation, and prevention strategies
Eligibility Checklist
Applicant Guidelines
Call Text Partnering Tool
Call Deadlines
Preproposal Form
Notification of Pre-Proposal Results: 20th May TBC
Invite to Full Proposal Stage: 20th May TBC
Full Proposal Deadline: 5PM CEST, 20th June
Rebuttal Stage: Mid/End August
Notification of Funding Decisions: October
Project Start Date: End of 2024 / Start of 2025
This call covers all nine specific objectives addressed by the Programme and follows a two-step process. In Step 1 applicants will focus on the project need and justification, its objective, the added value of the proposed approach and the relevance of the partnership. All projects which successfully pass Step 1 will be invited to submit a more detailed application, including a complete work plan and budget.
Over the lifetime of the Programme, €287 million of ERDF (European Regional Development Fund) will be allocated to projects.
The Programme is looking for transnational cooperation initiatives that can deliver concrete results for the North-West Europe area. If you have an idea that could make one of the Programme objectives a reality, get in touch with Contact Point Dr. Paolo Saporito psaporito@ucc.ie
Overview Guidance for Applicants Information Session Key
Call Deadline (Step 1): 12NOON CET, 21st March
Are you an established, leading Principal Investigator who wants long-term funding to pursue a ground-breaking, ambitious project, then the ERC Advanced Grant could be for you.
Applicants for the ERC Advanced Grants (Principal Investigators (PI)) are expected to be active researchers who have a track-record of significant research achievements in the last 10 years and should be exceptional leaders in terms of originality and significance of their research contributions.
No specific eligibility criteria with respect to the academic requirements are foreseen.
Call Opens: 29th May
Deadline: 28th August
Funding available from Enterprise Ireland (up to €16,000) to facilitate preparation and submission of a competitive ERC proposal.
To discuss potential proposals at UCC Research - niamh.mundow@ucc.ie
Writing Part 1 of Proposal
Step by Step to ERC Application Process
Writing Part 2 of Proposal
Innovative Health Initiative Call 6
Two Stage Call with topics on treatment persistency and use of real-world data / evidence.
Short Proposal Submission Deadline: 5PM GMT+1, 16th April
Full proposal submission deadline: 5PM GMT+1, 10th October Call 7
Single Stage Call with topics on Heart Disease, Healthcare Workforce and Biomarkers.
Full Proposal Submission Deadline: 5PM GMT+1, 22nd May
Deadline: Open while funding remains available
Respiratory Pathogens - A large number of pathogens target the human respiratory tract, resulting in a broad spectrum of clinical manifestations including life-threatening acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS). While serious respiratory infections are predominantly caused by RNA viruses, other types of pathogens can be involved. The modes of transmission of respiratory pathogens often give them a significant epidemic potential The ISIDORe consortium supports scientists with an interest in these respiratory pathogens.
Vector-Borne Pathogens and their Vectors - The geographic and host ranges of vector-borne diseases are expanding, mostly due to anthropogenic factors. With rising temperatures and changing weather patterns, the risk of these diseases affecting increasingly large areas of the world will continue to rise, as reflected by the record number cases of dengue (including non-imported ones) and West Nile virus observed in Europe in 2022. The ISIDORe consortium supports scientists with an interest in the causative agents and vectors of these fast-spreading diseases
Other Pathogens with Epidemic Potential - Will the next global infectious threat be an orthopoxvirus, or an enterovirus? Will it be even caused by a known pathogen? Can we be ready for the next pathogen X? The ISIDORe consortium supports scientists with an interest in epidemicprone pathogens, including pathogen X.
Presented by:
Dr. Usama Boles, Consultant Cardiologist and Electrophysiologist, Senior Lecturer RCSI, Cardiology Department, Tipperary University Hospital
Time and Date: 1PM – 1.50PM, 20th March
Inperson Venue: CUH Main Auditorium
INFANT Research Centre and The Cerebral Palsy Foundation are hosting a free educational Town Hall to share the latest updates and overall management of Cerebral Palsy with families.
Time and Date: 12.30PM – 2PM, 23rd March 2024
Venue: Hayfield Manor Hotel, Cork
The event is open to parents and families of children with Cerebral Palsy.
Professor Deirdre Murray Consultant Paediatrician, Paediatric Research Lead at INFANT and Professor of Paediatrics, in UCC’s Department of Paediatrics and Child Health will present on how research leads to clinical changes which will be followed by a panel discussion with Professor Murray, Professor Geraldine Boylan, Professor of Neonatal Physiology, Department of Paediatrics & Child Health, University College Cork and Director of the Irish Centre Maternal & Child Health Research – INFANT and a Parent Advocate discussing cerebral palsy and the impacts of research in lived experience both from a researcher and parents perspective.
Moderated by Rachel Byrne, Executive Director at the Cerebral Palsy Foundation.
If you have any questions, please contact infant@ucc.ie
COST is a funding organisation that connects research initiatives and networks across Europe and beyond. The deadline is 11AM Irish Time, 23 October 2024. Two upcoming opportunities to learn more about COST
COST is running a webinar on how to participate in COST Actions or submit a COST Action proposal, the role and impact of the COST programme, and the benefits that COST offers.
Time and Date: 9AM – 10.30AM 27th March
UCC Research session for researchers interested in learning more about COST Action this year. Participants will include Ireland’s National Contact Point David Flood, Dr. Órla Murphy (COST Scientific Committee Vice Chair), and three UCC researchers who are currently engaged in COST Actions in different capacities, who will offer feedback from their own experience:
Dr. Markus Eichhorn, School of BEES & Environmental Research Institute, Dr. Craig Neville, School of Education Prof. Laura Sahm, School of Pharmacy
Time and Date: 1PM – 2PM, 29th April
Registration is not required.
If you have any queries or would like to find out more about COST and available supports, please contact fiona.riordan@ucc.ie
Registration: 7.30AM – 8.15AM
Session 1: 8.15AM – 10.15AM
Q & A Session: 10.15AM – 10.25AM
Tea, Coffee, Pastries: 10.25AM – 11AM
Session 2: 11AM – 12.30PM
Q & A Session: 12.30PM – 12.40PM
Lunch & Viewing of Posters: 12.40PM – 13.40PM
Session 3: 13.40PM – 15.40PM
Q & A Session: 15.40PM – 15.50PM
Poster Prizes, Raffle & Closing Address: 15.50PM – 4PM
‘Targeted Therapy in Neuro-Oncology: Where are we and Where are we Going?
Dr. Giuseppe Lombardi, Veneto Institute of Oncology
‘Microglia Activation is essential for Peripheral Macrophage Recruitment in IDH1 Wildtype Glioma’
Dr. Lily Keane, UCC / Karolinska Institute
Time and Date: 1PM, 15th April
Meeting Registration Link
This meeting is approved by RCPI for 1 CPD Credit in the External Category. This CPD Recognition is accepted by all Irish Postgraduate Training Bodies.
are planning a series of events as part of this annual initiative which commenced in 2019 targeting awareness growth around Public Health and encouraging collaboration among the community in Europe.
The team are happy to link in or synchronise with others in the College of Medicine and Health who may be organising activities.
If interested, please contact Dr. Monica O'Mullane m.omullane@ucc.ie
9.30AM - 2.30PM, 22nd April
Albert Lecture Theatre, RCSI, 123 St Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2
Speakers include:
Dr. Caitriona Cahir, Senior Lecturer, Data Science Centre, RCSI
Angela Carrington, Lead Pharmacist for Medication Safety NI
Dr. Nicole Cosgrave, Clinical Lecturer in Medicine, RCSI; Specialist Registrar in Geriatric Medicine, Beaumont Hospital
Prof. Tamasine Grimes, Associate Professor, School of Pharmacy, TCD
John E. Hughes, PhD Researcher, School of Population Health, RSCI
Ciara Kirke, Clinical Lead, National Medication Safety Programme, HSE National Quality & Patient Safety Directorate
Anne Mooney, Patients for Patient Safety Ireland
Dr. Frank Moriarty, Senior Lecturer, School of Pharmacy & Biomolecular Sciences, RCSI
Dr. Bernadine O’Donovan, Senior Postdoctoral Researcher, School of Population Health, RCSI
Niamh O’Hanlon, Chair, Irish Medication Safety Network
Prof. Denis O’Mahony, Professor in Medicine, UCC; Consultant Physician, Cork University Hospital and St Finbarr’s Hospital, Cork
Prof. Rupert Payne, Professor of Primary Care and Clinical Pharmacology, University of Exeter
Prof. Emma Wallace, Professor of General Practice, UCC
The Irish Marie Skłodowska-Curie Office is hosting a Zoom webinar on the next MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Call. The panel features speakers from the European Commission and host organisations in Ireland.
Time and Date: 12.15PM – 1.30PM 22nd March
For more information on the MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowship Call, contact UCC Research at msca-pf@ucc.ie (contact person Dr. Paolo Saporito)
A decolonising research methodology is an approach that is used to challenge research methods that may not take account of local knowledge and experiences of marginalised groups This webinar seeks to extend the debate into research and research methodologies to ask how can a decolonised research culture improve research integrity and what are the ethical implications?
Time and Date: 10AM – 11AM GMT, 17th April
This 2-day event at the Postillion Hotel and Convention Centre WTC, Rotterdam will bring together Policy Makers, Start-Ups, Investors, Educators, Healthcare Professionals and more to discuss:
• How to drive transition toward trusted data sharing
• Future-proofing the healthcare workforce
• Governing AI
• European Health Data Space
Speaker line-up
• Sinead O'Connor, Adjunct Associate Professor, School of Medicine, Trinity College Dublin
• Natalie Walsh, Director of Entrepreneurial Development, University of Galway
• Michele Calabro, Director, EUREGHA
• Niklas Blomberg, Executive Director, Innovative Health Initiative (IHI)
Dates: 18th to 19th April
Purchase Tickets
Call for Abstracts
UCC Transcare invite proposals from a broad range of disciplines, including Philosophy, Critical Theory, Gender Studies, Literary Studies, History, Sociology, Medical Humanities, Nursing and Midwifery Studies, Psychoanalysis, as well as from Healthcare Professionals and Activists whose work is relevant to the topic of the Transcare 2024 Conference, An interdisciplinary conference to discuss the needs and concerns of intersex, trans and gender-diverse people in health settings and envision gender-affirmative education for healthcare professionals.
Oral and Poster submissions welcomed. The team are happy to consider unconventional contributions beyond traditional presentations.
For those with Works of art or Performances that align with the conference theme, contact transcare@ucc.ie to discuss your proposal.
Submit Abstract of 300 words HERE by 31st of March
For any further information, contact transcare@ucc.ie
This event is funded by the Irish Research Council under grant number NF/2023/1564 and organized in association with SWIP-Ireland
Call for Abstract Details
Submit Abstracts
Transcare 2024 Conference Details
The goal of the programme is to match younger students with students who have research experience with a focus on their individual areas of interest (e.g. conference attendance, publication, wet lab, etc.) as well as Final Year Project advice. Mentors will have the opportunity to improve their communication, leadership and teaching skills, while mentees will benefit from the experience of their peers and have less hesitancy entering academic pursuits. Participation in the programme will also provide opportunities for Travel Bursaries, Research Events, and access to Workshops and Speakers.
Signup for the Programme: HERE
Application Deadline: 29th March
Should you have any questions, please send an email to medicalresearchtech@uccsocieties.ie
On the 21st February 2024, the College of Medicine and Health was delighted to host Professor Sarah Kittel-Schneider’s Inaugural Professorial Lecture at Brookfield Health Sciences Complex BHSC.
A sincere thanks to all who joined Professor Helen Whelton, Head of College, Professor Paula O’Leary, Head of School of Medicine and Professor Kittel-Schneider, Chair and Head of the Department of Psychiatry and Neurobehavioural Science, UCC for the lecture.
A recording of the lecture can be accessed HERE or scan the QR Code
Drop-in Support Hours
Time and Date: 2PM – 4PM, 20th March
Video Editing Basics - Adobe Premiere Pro
Time and Date: 2PM – 4PM, 20th March
Introduction to Graphic Design using Canva
Time and Date: 5.30PM – 7PM, 21st March
Drop-in Support Hours
Time and Date: 2PM – 4PM, 27th March
Drop-in Support Hours
Time and Date: 2PM – 4PM, 3rd April
Drop-in Support Hours
Time and Date: 2PM – 4PM, 10th April
Drop-in Support Hours
Time and Date: 2PM – 4PM, 17th April
Epigeum Online Courses
Supervisors and Mentors should ensure new Research Postgraduates and Postdoctoral Researchers undertake the necessary training
Engaged Research
Time and Date: 11AM – 12NOON, 22nd March
Understanding Proposal Writing
Time and Date: 11AM – 12NOON, 5th April
Targeted at Researchers at all career levels, this programme entails a series of workshops covering a wide range of topics including dissemination of research, the identification, capture and management of research funding, and research relevant policies.
Time and Date: 12NOON – 1PM, 28th March
Venue TBC
The Programme is listed as a CPD course. Attending 5 sessions will entitle researchers to a Certificate of Completion. Inperson attendees will be required to record their attendance in a Feedback Form / those joining online should join the Teams link via their UCC account to ensure attendance is recorded. For further information about the programme, contact Dr. Paolo Saporito psaporito@ucc.ie
HRB CRF-UCC in conjunction with HRB TMRN are hosting an Online Training Day (Free Entry)
13:00 – 17:00 (UTC+1), 2nd May
Funding Opportunities, Grant Supports, Latest Funding and Policy Information, Clinical Studies Information and Support, College of Medicine and Health Funding News UCC Access Only via link below or QR Code
Tips for Writing a Press Release and Media Guidance (UCC Access Only)
Briefing Template for Publication Announcements
Briefing Template for CoMH Comms - Press, Web Releases
UCC Media and Communications SharePoint (UCC Access Only)
Media & Communications
Clinic for Researchers – UCC Access Only
Watch Video HERE
1) Researcher name (please include title e.g. Dr, Prof, Assoc Professor), name of the publication, its significance.
2) CoMH School/Department/Research Centres mentioned in the article, relevant to this piece.
3) Key messages in this article in simple, lay language (Title of the article – two/three paragraphs are enough).
4) Brief quote to be used in the press release/news article (what is most important message here).
5) Any social media (especially Twitter and LinkedIn) handles for us to tag when possible.
6) List here any other people or institutions (with social media handles) relevant to his article (We could tag them on social media to increase the reach and impact).
7) Attach to the email high-resolution pictures for use on social media and news article (Pictures of researchers in action in a research sense are brilliant for the news article and press release – we also need a profile/headshot to use in Social Media posts).
8) Completed information should be sent to Helen Kelleher HKelleher@ucc.ie
1. Researcher name (please include title e.g. Dr, Prof, Assoc Professor), duration of the Project, value of the award.
2. CoMH School/Department/Research Centres of the winner.
3. Project details in simple/lay language (Title and a short description of the research that will be undertaken –two/three paragraphs are enough).
4. Brief quote to be used in the press release/news article (What it means for you to have secured the funding, and what you are looking forward to doing with your research).
5. Any social media (especially Twitter and LinkedIn) handles for us to tag when possible.
6. List here any other people or institutions (with social media handles) that are involved in your project (We could tag them on social media to increase the reach and impact).
7. Attach to the email high-resolution pictures for use on social media and news article (Pictures of researchers in action in a research sense are brilliant for the news article and press release – we also need a profile/headshot to use in Social Media posts).
8. Completed information should be sent to Helen Kelleher HKelleher@ucc.ie
An inter-disciplinary group within the College of Medicine & Health of academics, researchers and practitioners committed to establishing more equitable and inclusive health care provision.
Members are welcome from any discipline with an interest in this area.
Enquiries to IHRG Co-Convenors:
Dr. Angela Flynn Angela.Flynn@ucc.ie
Mary Cronin mary.cronin@ucc.ie
The HRB CRF-UCC provides the dedicated infrastructure and experienced research staff working to the required international quality standards that are critical for the successful conduct of regulated and other forms of complex patient-focused research.
Contact Erin Crowley, Academic Study Co-ordinator at academic-cordinator@ucc.ie for information on supports that the CRF can provide for grant applications or study.
SharePoint resource provides access to information about facilities, research supports, communications assets and latest news from Cancer Research @ UCC and the UCC Clinical Trials Group.
New Resources
AI Challenge
Managing Research Misconduct Investigations
Misconduct in Research Procedure
Mental Health and Well-being
Widening Participation
Research Culture Initiatives in the UK
• Recommended Checklist for Researchers
• Responsibilities of a Research Assistant/Technician in improving research culture
• Culture Change of the Research Excellence Framework REF 2028
• Correcting the scholarly record, and dispelling myths around corrections
• Research Misconduct Reporting Checklist
• Advice to unhappy complainants in research misconduct investigations
• Webinar Link - How Openness Facilitates Collaboration
Subscribers can access the UKRIO portal which includes new resources and functions for networking
ecrin - EU- -CT Initiative Mapping Exercises
EU Cross-border Clinical Trials Multistakeholder Initiative
Survey 1
aims to map all regulatory frameworks or legal guidance about cross-border access to clinical trials that already exist in Europe
Survey 2
aims to map all the different paying schemes for crossborder access to clinical trials that already exist in Europe
Survey 3
aims to gather information from Investigators and Sponsors / Clinical Operations Experts who have already participated or engaged in cross-border trials
SFI Publications
SFI Annual Programmes Plan 2024
National Research Infrastructure Evaluation
Publications Listing
The Health Research Board (HRB) will employ Researchfish to record outcomes, impact and output for HRB funded projects. The platform will enable Principal Investigators (PI’s) to carry out outcome reports and connect their portfolio of projects.
14th March – 12th April 2024
Access Survey HERE
The survey is the library’s internationally-benchmarked measure of library user satisfaction with all aspects of library services and helps inform the development of UCC Library.
Queries about the UCC survey can be sent to librarysurvey@ucc.ie or contact the Library Services Desk at (021) 4902292