A C Discovery
TURE rts & ULFestival 2-10 December 2014
Artwork by Susan Park, Year 11
rts &
African Tribal Storytelling
Brazilian Capoeira
Chinese Watercolour Painting with Judyanna Li
Chinese Dragon Dancing
Street Dance with DMR
Culture, Heritage and Love of Art
Installation Art
Drumming with Kumi
Stage Fighting
Graffiti Art
Carnival Parade
14 - 15
Senior Student Electives
16 - 17
No Boundaries Bamboo Grove
Busker’s Corner
Beatles Mania
Diploma Work in Progress Exhibition 20 Diploma Film Night
DC Ensemble Evening
Vinegar Tom
‘Celebrate! with Scotty & Lulu’
The Multicultural Face of Hong Kong - Photography Competition 23 www.discovery.edu.hk/artsfest Patrons & Acknowledgements 24 - 25
to Discovery Arts & Culture Festival 2014-15 Now in it’s seventh year, Discovery College’s Arts Festival is evolving to be even more inclusive and celebratory of the wonderful cultural elements of our community and the world around us. With this evolution, the official title has become the ‘Discovery Arts & Culture Festival’. On the cultural side, this year sees activities, electives and exhibitions including reflections on students’ extraordinary No Boundaries experiences, local Cantonese artist studio visits, Chinese watercolour painting, Japanese drumming, African tribal story telling, Chinese dragon dance and Brazilian capoeira. Alongside these exciting events, the arts and culture definition stretches further from workshops in graffiti art and DJing, to movie making and film dubbing, cake decorating, creative writing, comic story telling, singing, stage fighting, app building and costume design.
This kaleidoscope of experiences allows a step sideways for our students to experience things that they may not get the opportunity to sample in their classroom programme. Where possible the activities are tied to classroom activities and units of inquiry. Sometimes they simply provide our students with an opportunity to expand their experiences and benefit from different perspectives on arts and culture. This Festival would not be possible without the wonderful work and support of the College’s teaching and support staff and the work of volunteers from our PTA and parent body, led by Elspeth Shaw, Koren Thomas and Lauren Gordon. Our appreciation goes out to them once more. Peter Lasscock Deputy Head of School Chair, Arts & Culture Festival
Our visiting Artist-in-Residence Australian artist Nicole Voevodin-Cash, will offer students further inspiration through workshops and talks around her work as a landscape and installation artist.
2-10 December 2014
ULTURE Festival
A note from the DCPTA The Discovery College Parent Teacher Association is proud to support and fund Discovery Arts & Culture Festival 2014-15. It is a joy to see our students take part in a week of extraordinary drama, music, dance and visual arts activities, which they would likely not otherwise experience.
This year we are again privileged to have artists from Hong Kong and overseas take part in the Festival. Our thanks goes to Faust International Youth Theatre Company, Judyanna Li, Capoeira Hong Kong and DMR School of Ballet for their continued support. We also look forward to welcoming all the new and exciting artists who will take part in Discovery Arts & Culture Festival for the first time. There are a number of events which parents are warmly invited to attend. The Festival will start with the everpopular ‘Carnival Parade’, where students and teachers can dress as their favourite artist, musician, actor, dancer etc, or in a costume that represents their home country or culture. The week will showcase Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
our students’ artistic talents through a number of events, including a Diploma ‘Work in Progress’ visual arts exhibition, the staging of ‘Vinegar Tom’ by senior drama students, a Year 12 & 13 Diploma Film Night, ‘buskers corner’ and, on December 10, the College will host an Ensemble Evening. Do check this programme for when these activities will take place. If you have younger children, don’t miss the Scotty & Lulu show! During the Festival, the DCPTA is bringing these award-winning international children’s theatre performers to DC for a show full of their trademark songs, dance, fun and laughter. The duo will perform on December 5, 4-5pm, in the Performing Arts Theatre. For tickets go to www.ticketingover.com or visit the DC PTA Shop. The Festival Committee is made up of a wonderful group of parents and staff who share a passion for bringing the arts in all their forms into Discovery College. We would like to thank the teachers and support staff for all their help, and the many parents who give their time to be a part of the Festival – whether helping to run senior electives, playing music, telling stories, sharing their cultural heritage, or meeting
and greeting our visiting artists and educators. The Festival could not happen without them and is all the richer because of their participation. We would also like to thank those parents and businesses who have generously contributed as Patrons of Arts & Culture Festival. Festival funding is provided by the DCPTA. Support from parents at PTA functions and events helps enable us to support this special event and to bring international and local artists into our school to work with students and encourage their love and understanding of the art and culture that surround them. We hope you enjoy the 2014-15 Discovery Arts & Culture Festival. Elspeth Shaw DCPTA Arts & Culture Festival Committee
2-10 December 2014
African Tribal Storytelling Waka Waka! Chasing Tails. Percussion duo ‘Leon and Guy’ will weave a tale about tails in a session of story telling, song and drumming to engage Year 1s. Leon and Guy have played and performed for children and adult audiences in Hong Kong, Macau, Singapore, Philippines and China. Their repertoire ranges from traditional world music to modern electronic/house music.
Primary Event
African Tribal Storytelling Year 1 Events Thursday 4 December
Brazilian Capoeira Capoeira (pronounced cap-oh-air-ah) is a high-energy combination of martial arts and dance. Thought to have originated within Brazil’s slave culture in the 16th Century, Capoeira is renowned for its fast flying kicks, bobbing and weaving techniques and acrobatic cartwheels and back flips, all performed to a Brazilian drum beat. Year 2 students will workshop with Hong Kong Capoeira, blending dancing, music, acrobatics and self-defense. Primary Event
Brazilian Capoeira Year 2 Workshops Monday 8 December
2-10 December 2014
Chinese Watercolour Painting with Judyanna Li Year 3s will explore the rich culture and artistry of Chinese watercolour painting. Chinese watercolour painting is one of the world’s oldest continuing artistic traditions, dating back to early imperial China around 200BC. Using subtle colours and an economy of strokes, it beautifully conveys messages in its uniquely Chinese style. Students, mentored by Yuk Lin Judyanna Li, will focus on nature and landscapes, complementing a Unit of Inquiry Year 3s will be undertaking into How We Express Ourselves, with a focus on nature. Chinese Watercolour Painting Year 3 Workshops Wednesday 3 December
Primary Event
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
2-10 December 2014
Chinese Dragon Dancing Year 4s will be introduced to the traditions, techniques, teamwork and fun of dragon dancing and bring DC’s House Dragons to life in these high-energy workshops. DC’s very own Chinese Dragon Dance master, Deputy Head of School Peter Lasscock, will lead Y4s as they learn to dragon dance! Chinese Dragon Dancing Year 4 Workshops Tuesday 2 December
Primary Event
2-10 December 2014
Street Dance with DMR Primary Event
Street dance refers to dance styles—regardless of country of origin—that evolve outside of dance studios in open spaces such as streets, dance parties, parks, school yards and clubs. They are often improvisational and social in nature, encouraging interaction and contact with spectators and other dancers. Year 5 students will learn some popular street dance moves in workshops with DMR School of Ballet teacher Jane Herrlich at this year’s Arts & Culture Festival. Jane has taught ballet, tap, modern, jazz and street dance in the UK, Germany and here in Hong Kong and is an experienced choreographer for amateur and professional performance groups. Earlier this year she co-choreographed and performed in DMR’s 30th Anniversary show ‘Ask Alice’. Street Dancing Year 5 Workshops Thursday 4 December
Our Community
Parents Share their Culture, Heritage and Love of Art Parent storytelling has become an important and much-loved part of the Festival. Parents from across Primary will be coming into the classrooms to share their cultures and traditions through storytelling and music. Primary Event
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
2-10 December 2014
2-10 December 2014
Installation art with Nicole Voevodin-Cash Discovery College is delighted to have Australian artist Nicole Voevodin-Cash as our ‘Artist in Residence’ throughout Discovery Arts & Culture Festival 2014-15. Nicole Voevodin-Cash is a landscape artist, a geographer and an environmental and behavioural researcher who develops social sculptures. She is interested in the nature of human behaviour and experience, especially how we interact and engage with our world. Nicole works across a wide range of disciplines producing permanent, temporary and ephemeral works for public and gallery spaces, and merges art, architecture and landscape design in the production of her work. Nicole has undertaken national and international residencies and exhibitions and recently completed a three-month landscape and art research project in the UK and Ireland. She holds a diploma in Fine Arts, a graduate diploma in Art Education and a Masters in Visual Arts. She has been the recipient of a number of awards from the Australia Council, Arts Queensland, regional development programmes and has completed a number of public art commissions. Nicole will present and work with two year levels. Year 11 visual arts students and Year 6 students will undertake workshops with Nicole to make inflatable sculpture from recycled foil packaging. Years 12 and 13 Diploma visual arts students will have the privilege of an ‘Artist’s Talk’ with her. Come to the College to view one of Nicole’s own pieces – which she will install in the school for everyone to see throughout the festival. Year 6 Workshops Wednesday 3 December
Year 11 Workshops Thursday 4 December
Nicole will also run Year 12 & 13 Artist Talks during the Festival
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
Primary Event
Secondary Event
2-10 December 2014
Drumming around the world with Kumi Japanese drumming and percussion maestro Kumi Masunaga will work with Year 7 students on a 100% hands-on, interactive drumming experience. This will be an exciting opportunity for students to create music on a wide variety of drums and percussion instruments from around the world. Feel the power of the beat! Discover your own rhythm! Students’ work with Kumi will complement elements of their music programme. Drumming around the world Year 7 Workshops Thursday 4 December Secondary Event
Bringing Our DC Community Together On Thursday 4 December all DC students and staff are invited to a special Lunchtime Drum Jam run by Kumi. After school she will host a Community Drum Circle for the entire school community – students, staff, parents, helpers all welcome. DC Lunchtime Community Circle & After School Community Drum Circle Thursday 4 December
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2-10 December 2014
Stage Fighting Faust International Youth Theatre Company will instruct Year 8s in action-packed workshops on the demanding craft of Stage Fighting. The workshops will explore the world of stage combat in performance though a series of exercises and techniques. Students will focus on individual poses and footwork, followed by one-on-one combat skills. Safety will be paramount and students will learn how to engage in this fun, energetic theatrical skill while protecting themselves and their fellow actors. Stage Fighting with Faust Year 8 Workshops Thursday 4 and Friday 5 December
Secondary Event
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
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2-10 December 2014
Graffiti Art Discovery College is delighted to have contemporary artist Miguel Souchon running graffiti workshops with Year 9 students. Miguel (aka Hobsek, as he’s known in the graffiti world) is a graphic and product designer as well as graffiti artist, who began his career in his home town of Montpellier, France. Miguel “loves to add life and colour to an otherwise mundane cityscape” with his creations. He is known for his style of cute characters and enjoys “painting letters applying unique techniques and creating characters that bridge across both the real and graphic worlds; blending a combination of styles through my inspirations and self-creations”. Miguel says there are exciting developments in the graffiti art scene in Asia. “It is very interesting for me to witness and be a part of this new wave in Asia which is bringing new perspectives and adding fresh blood and different cultural approaches to the art form,” he says. “The coming years are going to be very exciting!” Graffiti Art Year 9 Workshops Tuesday 2 and Wednesday 3 December
Secondary Event
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2-10 December 2014
Arts & Culture Festival Carnival Parade Launching the festival will be the colourful, cultural Carnival Parade. Students and teachers are asked to dress up as their favourite artist, such as a musician, painter, actor or dancer, or as their favourite character from a play, book or movie. As the festival has this year evolved to better reflect the international mindedness and multicultural community of the college, students and teachers also have the option of wearing a costume that represents the culture of their home country. The parade includes our whole school and parents are warmly invited to attend. Arts & Culture Festival Carnival Parade 8.45-9.15am Tuesday 2 December G/F Foyer
Whole School Event
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
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2-10 December 2014
Schedule Tuesday 2 December
Wednesday 3 December
Thursday 4 December
8.45-9.15 Arts & Culture Festival Carnival Parade – Dress up as your favourite artist, musician, actor, or dress in something that represents your, or another, culture.
8.35-9.30am 3.1 JES Chinese Watercolour Painting with Juliana
8am-8.25am - Buskers Corner , School entrance
PRIMARY 9.35-10.25am 4.1 KSE Dragon Dance 10.45-11.40am 4.2 DMI Dragon Dance 11.40-12.35pm 4.3 TSI Dragon Dance 1.25-2.20pm 4.4 LWE Dragon Dance SECONDARY 9.00-11.40am¬ 9.1 Graffiti Art 11.40-3.15pm 9.3 Graffiti Art 3.15-4.15 Graffiti Art additional time
8.35-10.25am 6.3 KHN Installation artist Nicole Voevodin-Cash 9.35-10.25am 3.2 KCL Chinese Watercolour Painting with Juliana 10.45-11.40am 3.3 CTA Chinese Watercolour Painting with Juliana
3.15pm – Community Drum Circle with Kumi PRIMARY 8.45-9.15am 1.1 RMN African Tribal Story Telling 9.20-9.50am 1.2 LST African Tribal Story Telling
10.45-12.35am 6.2 AWD Installation artist Nicole Voevodin-Cash
9.55-10.25am 1.3 NON African Tribal Story Telling
11.40-12.35pm 3.4 EBN Chinese Watercolour Painting with Juliana
11.40-12.35pm 5.3 KWD Street Dance with DMR
1.25-3.30pm 6.1 KJY Installation artist Nicole Voevodin-Cash SECONDARY 8.35-11.40am 9.4 Graffiti Art 11.40-3.15pm 9.2 Graffiti Art 3.15-4.15 Graffiti Art additional time WHOLE SCHOOL EVENTS 5.00-7.00pm, Diploma Work in Progress Exhibition The Foyer, DC Performing Arts Theatre 5.30-6.30pm, Film Night DC Performing Arts Theatre - Free seating, public welcome. *Please note some content is not suitable for younger students.
3.10pm – Year 5 Street Dance Flash Mob
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10.45-11.15am 1.4 JAN African Tribal Story Telling 1.00-1.20pm Lunch Drum Jam with Kumi 1.25-2.20pm 5.2 KMD Street Dance with DMR 2.20-3.15pm 5.1 TES Street Dance with DMR SECONDARY 8.35-3.15 Year 11 Art classes – all day with Installation artist Nicole Voevodin-Cash 8.35-10.25 8.1 Stage Fighting with Faust 9.35-10.25am 7.3 Kumi percussion session 10.45-12.35 8.2 Stage Fighting with Faust 10.45-11.40am 7.2 Kumi percussion session 11.40-12.35pm 7.1 Kumi percussion session 1.35-1.55 Lunch Drum Jam with Kumi 2.20-3.30pm 7.4 Kumi percussion session
2-10 December 2014
of Events Friday 5 December
Monday 8 December
Tuesday 9 December
8am-8.25am - Buskers Corner , College entrance
8.35-9.30am 2.1 LRO Capoeira
8.35-3.15pm Elective workshops for all Year 10-12
9.35-10.25am 2.2 LSN Capoeira
1.00pm - Singing for Fun CCA Group
10.45-11.40am 2.3 CHN Capoeira
11.40-12.35pm 2.4 SMD Capoeira
8.35-10.25am 8.3 Stage Fighting with Faust
10.45-12.35pm 8.4 Stage Fighting with Faust
11.40-1.30pm Year 11-13 Matinee Performance of Vinegar Tom 11-13 production
1.30pm (secondary Lunchtime)– Year 9 Beatles Performances
Includes: Creative Writing with Nury Vittachi, Indian Culture, Comic Story Telling with Fred Boot, Costume Design, Bamboo Display, Make your own Crazy Golf Course, Disney Studio Visit, Complete Deelite Cake Decorating, Ceramics Workshop, App Building, Heritage Trail Excursion, Singing Masterclass, Photography Workshop, Young Film Makers and Discoveryland Airtrek & Rock Climbing.
‘Celebrate! It’s party time with Scotty & Lulu’ Show
1.30pm (Secondary Lunchtime)– Year 9 Beatles Performances SENIOR SCHOOL PRODUCTION 6.30pm Vinegar Tom Year 11-13 production (suitable for students in Year 10 or above only)
Open to the DC community and general public Friday 5 December, 4-5pm DC Performing Arts Theatre Tickets: $190 (children aged one and under who will be seated on a parent or guardian’s lap go free)
Reserve your tickets on the College website
Wednesday 10 December
PRIMARY 1.00pm - Singing for Fun CCA Group - Foyer WHOLE SCHOOL 6.00pm Ensemble Evening featuring the Primary and Secondary Cobra Choirs
Tickets for Scotty & Lulu are available on:
NOTE: Please visit our website for changes or updates at www.discovery.edu.hk/artsfest
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
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2-10 December 2014
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2-10 December 2014
Senior Student Electives The Arts & Culture Festival Elective Programme for senior students returns with a wonderful line-up of guest teachers, events and activities to engage and enrich our Year 10s, 11s and 12s. Students can choose from a range of electives, based on their curriculum needs and personal interests. Electives will include creative writing with Hong Kong’s inimitable journalist and author Nury Vittachi, a behind-the scenes visit to the Disney Dubbing and Theatrical Studios, cartoon art and storytelling with French cartoonist and graphic designer Fred Boot, a singing masterclass with Louise Thoreau, art studio visits, exploring Indian culture, film making, app building, costume design, Air Trek & Rock Climbing at Discoveryland, DJing, and more.
Secondary Event
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
Senior Student Electives Tuesday 9 December
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2-10 December 2014
No Boundaries Bamboo Grove Come and see our special bamboo sculpture, created by senior students during their Electives Day on 9 December. The sculpture will be used to display images that reflect on the experiences of our Year 10-12 students on their No Boundaries trips in November. No Boundaries saw our students travelling to countries including China, Cambodia, Indonesia, Vietnam, Malaysian Borneo and the Philippines. The programme introduced students to experiences that they would not meet in the confines of the classroom, developing their independence and interpersonal skills by being placed outside of their comfort zones. Through No Boundaries, students are encouraged to develop an understanding and appreciation of different cultures and communities and, where appropriate, empathy for those who have less access to resources than they do. The bamboo sculpture will display students’ No Boundaries reflections in images from 10 December. The sculpture will be able to be stored and used in future as a divider, display space, and screen that celebrates creativity in an important, sustainable, local material. Creating the No Boundaries Bamboo Grove Years 10 to 12 Tuesday 9 and Wednesday 10 December Secondary Event
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Whole School Event
2-10 December 2014
Busker’s Corner Singers, musicians, actors, orators…..with so much artistic talent in Discovery College look out for performances from our budding student stars at the Festival’s ‘Busker’s Corner’. Busker’s Corner 8am-8.25am Thursday 4 and Friday 5 December School entrance
Beatles Mania Year 9s are set to wow the College with performances of Beatles hits, which they have been working on in music class during Term 1. Beatles Mania From 1.30pm (Secondary lunchtime) Monday 8 and Tuesday 9 December DC Entry Courtyard
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Whole School Event
Year 12 and 13 Diploma Work in Progress Exhibition
Our talented Year 12 and 13 Diploma students will showcase some of the work they have produced in the IB Diploma visual arts course. The IB Diploma visual arts course is a two-year programme of study that culminates in an exhibition of student work. Please join us for the opening 5.00-7.00pm Wednesday 3 December The Foyer, DC Performing Arts Theatre
Whole School Events
Year 12 and 13 Diploma Film Night The Year 12 and 13 Diploma Film students present highlights of the work they have produced in the IB Diploma Film course. Join us for a wonderful ‘Film Night’ 5.30-6.30pm Wednesday 3 December DC Performing Arts Theatre Free seating, public welcome **Please note some content is not suitable for younger students.
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2-10 December 2014
DC Ensemble Evening Discovery College’s Ensemble Evening will present the music learned during Term 1 by a variety of DC Ensembles, including the Cobra Choir, Secondary Choir, Vocal Arts Ensemble, and others. The Ensembles will entertain the audience with songs encompassing a variety of styles and genres. Come along and be delighted and entertained by the talent and energy of these student performances. DC Ensemble Evening 6.30pm Wednesday 10 December DC Entrance Foyer Fee admission and free seating
Vinegar Tom Directed by Year 13 students Boris Choy and Samantha Van den Esschert, Caryl Churchill’s play, Vinegar Tom, tells the stories of four women condemned for witchcraft. Students from Years 11-13 have worked collaboratively to debate and explore the feminist themes within this text and their relevance within today’s society. They have created an entirely student-led production of this thought-provoking play, utilsing chorus work, song and physical theatre techniques. Vinegar Tom (suitable for students in Year 10 or above only) Monday 8 December – Matinees for Years 11 to 13 Tuesday 9 December – Public Performance, 7.30pm DC Performing Arts Theatre Tickets can be booked through the College website. $100 adults. $70 students.
Whole School Events Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
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2-10 December 2014
Celebrate! It’s party time with Scotty & Lulu Kiddie pop sensation Scotty & Lulu (aka Scott Ligertwood and Nick Harvey) are winging their way from the UK to Hong Kong for a very special show at Discovery College! Treat the family to an hour of dance, song and festive fun, as Scotty & Lulu – the award-winning children’s musical theatre duo - take you on an exciting musical adventure. Featuring songs, comedy routines, story telling and live interactive music, Celebrate! is guaranteed to have the whole family dancing, laughing, singing and jumping in their seats. Scotty & Lulu have been writing and performing children’s music for over 20 years. They have performed more than 5000 shows all over the world and have released award-winning children?s music CDs and DVDs. Free music downloads and video clips are available at www.scottylulu.com. So if you love to laugh and dance on your seat, to shout out loud and jump to the beat, to whirl and twirl with friends in the street then Celebrate! is your perfect winter treat!
‘Celebrate! It’s party time with Scotty & Lulu’ Show Open to the DC community and general public Friday 5 December, 4-5pm DC Performing Arts Theatre Tickets: $190 (children aged one and under who will be seated on a parent or guardian’s lap go free) Tickets available online at www.ticketingover.com and at the DC PTA Shop
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Public Event
2-10 December 2014
The Multicultural Face of Hong Kong - Photography Competition
Working to the theme ‘The Multicultural Face of Hong Kong’, Year 10, 11, 12 and 13 students have been busy taking photographs across our vibrant and contrasting city. The winning entries will be those which, in the judges’ opinions, most aptly capture the content and spirit of ‘the multicultural face of Hong Kong’. The first prize is a one-on-one workshop with photographer Claire Fraser of Highjump Photography. Commendation Certificates will be awarded to the five runners-up. The winning photos will be published on the school website and the first prize winning photo will be placed on display in the school. The top 10 photographs will be mounted and can be bought to support the funding of our ‘Discovery Arts & Cultural Festival’.
Last year’s winning photo by senior student, Hannah Henderson
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
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2-10 December 2014
Patrons & Acknowledgements Platinum The Allardice Family The Aubert Family Katherine Bakker Csobán, Csende & Csombor Balogh Mark Beach Christopher Bond Vicky Bond Edward Chan Viola Chan & Family Lynette Cheng The Dann Family Katie & Becky Edwards Hugo Agung Falcon Adam Tie Fan’s Family Tie, Ashley, Adrian & Benjamin Bela & Noah Fernandes Amy & Sophie Forsyth The Gemassmer Family The Gordon Family The Haagen Family
Gold Ashni Healey Rhoda Ip The Ishibashi Family The Jacobsen Family Nicholas Jardin The Kendall Family Hailey Kwok Peter Lasscock Miley Lee Joshua Leong Aidan Lu Angelina Lu The Lunn Family Henry & Maxwell Moore The Morley Family The Park Family The Pivet Wong Family Ben, Matthew & Josh Robbins Andrew Sbarro John Sbarro Riyaan Shah
A &C Discovery
Discovery College and the DCPTA would like to thank the many parents, staff and students who have given their time and support to Discovery Arts & Culture Festival. The festival would not be possible without their amazing contribution.
Richellene Bonaccorso Hazel Cheung Amber Choi Elvis Choi Daniel D’Silva Jayson D’Silva Cayden Feng Darren Guan Jada & Lillian Ho’s Family Adela Hood Charles Jiao Kevin Kang Alexander Lillo Natalie Mak Finn Meecham Zoë Meecham Aiden Nantha Dasari Panya Jemima Reynolds Tam Hiu Lam The Wang Family Sophie Zhou
The Shaw Family Matthew Sin Sophia & Michael Smith Kevin Song The Suardi Family Evan Sun Cheryl & Ashley Sze Tang Hai Wei Man Yiu Tang The Thomas Family Victoria Tilberis Keira & Tiana Tsang The Ward Family Phoebe Whalley Sophie Whalley Eric, Kevin & Michael Xin
ULTURE Festival
2-10 December 2014
We would particularly like to thank: Parents: Amy Freed Susie Morley Alice Ng
Music: Matt Davis HOD Dionne Lashley Michael Burrows
Visual Arts: Natalie Kunst HOD Fiona Altoft Dion Kay Kate Saunders
Performing Arts: Emily Moran Miranda O’Brien Frank Donnoli
Arts Support Staff: Dorothy Ng (VA) Sebastian Falcon (PA) Terry Young (VA/Film) Communications: Michelle Mouton Margaret Lee Pete Stewart David Thapa
Design: Suet Yi Yip Yook Coote
Artwork by Susan Park, Year 11
Site Team: Donald Croucher Peter Wong Peter Ellery Michael Kwan
Programme Cover design by Susan Park (Year 11)
Photography: Claire Fraser, Highjump Photography
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We would also like to thank Year 11 student Susan Park for designing this year’s Arts & Culture Festival programme cover and posters. 2-10 December 2014
Corporate Sponsors & Patrons Thank you to the DCPTA sponsors and the businesses and parents who have so generously contributed as Patrons of Discovery Arts & Culture Festival 2014-15. We truly appreciate your support.
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
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2-10 December 2014
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2-10 December 2014
Discovery Arts & Culture Festival
2-10 December 2014