Barnard/Columbia Disorientation Guide 2021

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INSTAGRAM: @undo_cu FACEBOOK: @undocumentedcu EMAIL: The Undocumented Students Initiative (we prefer UndoCU) is the first undocumented student group at Columbia University, and our main objective is to protect and dignify the humanity of every undocumented person. Following the 2016 election, UndoCU, with cooperation of Movimiento Cosecha, staged a walk-out in demand that undocumented students be protected and UndoCU has since then become a prominent activist group on campus. In order to have more freedom from the university’s rules and to keep our members’ identity safe, we choose to remain unrecognized by the Activities Board of Columbia. Therefore, we are currently an independent organization that does not receive funding from the university. We not only question the broken immigration system that produces the conditions of our collective subjectivity, but we critique the white supremacist settler colonial structure that is its root. Therefore, UndoCU is an intersectional movement that prioritizes solidarity with marginalized communities and the destruction of white supremacy. Our accomplishments so far: ● Keeping administration accountable for its promises of sanctuary to undocumented students ● Secured summer housing for at-risk students ● Expanded financial support for undocumented students ● Launched and organized College Access for Undocumented Students’ Education (CAUSE), a Fall Semester college application program for undocumented high school students in the NYC area, facilitating information and college councelling services to over undocumented 100 students and parents ● Provided workshops for educators on best practices to serve undocumented middle and high school students ● Educated the campus community at numerous speaking events ● Featured on the Columbia Spectator,, Democracy Now!, and—regrettably—Fox News. Our present priorities include sustaining these accomplishments, supporting the undocumented campus community at-large, and supporting city-wide and national efforts to overhaul immigration legislation. For more info check out our 2019 list of demands (posted on our FB page) and sign our petition to demand Columbia cuts ties with Customs and Border Protection, the government agency that oversees the camps and ICE) Why should you join UndoCU? ● If you are undocumented, because we love you and you matter. ● If you are an American citizen, because this political system considers you human above all of us, and an informed political education requires a rooted understanding of this construction. ● If you are neither, because we believe in your humanity as much as most Americans don’t believe in ours. Despite common pro-immigrant narratives, we have intersectional leadership and make sure that non-white, non-cisgender, and non-heterosexual identities are surely prioritized here.

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