ZINE FAQs What is a zine?
A zine is a self-published magazine, meaning its creation and publication are completely controlled by the person or people making it.
What goes into a zine?
Anything you want! A zine can have poetry, essays, photography, drawings, cartoons, or pretty much anything else you can imagine.
How do people use zines? associate zines with riot grrrls in the 1990s, but zines have been and are a lion or a way to get the word out about something you care about.
Zines, NYC, Barnard/Columbia, and YOU
zine librarian named Jenna Freedman. each semester and puts out a zine, so come to meetings and contribute! (We have oreos!)
join barnard zine club
website: zines.barnard.edu email: barnardzinesubmissions@gmail.com twitter/instagram: @barnardzineclub
feminist zine fest
website: feministzinefestnyc.wordpress.com
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In the early 1920’s many Ivy League schools began instituting “unofficial quotas” to limit admitance of Jewish students. Columbia’s was the most severe and slashed the Jewish population from 40% of students in 1920 to 22% in 1922 with particular discrimination against Sephardic and Eastern European Jews. Quotas like these remained at Yale, for example, until the 1960’s.
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In 1985, the SAS won their fight for divestment from South African Apartheid. Barnard and Columbia both divested their respective endowments from corporations doing business in South Africa, including IBM, CBS, General Motors, Ford Motors, Coca Cola, Chevron, Mobil Oil, Honeywell, and the Washington Post.
some ways to get yr $$$$’s worth there are lots of reasons to try to save money as a student at Columbia. it’s expensive to live in New York, and it’s expensive to go to these schools! here are some ways to try to squeeze all the money-based value you can out of your tuition: • sneak into dining halls (be careful) and bring Tupperware, or have a friend go in and just get food for you* • sign up for classes just to download a million PDFs from courseworks and read them later • utensils, salt and pepper, napkins from Ferris* • you can watch so many movies from online databases (w/NYPL or UNI) • free newspapers in John Jay • be savvy w/ free bus to subway transfers • if you take out a Federal Stafford Loan and are on the Barnard Aetna student health insurance plan, financial aid might pay for it (I don’t know why) (pay 4 insurance, not the loan) • take classes with field trips (barbados! death valley! cruises on the hudson river! special access to museums! new york archaelogical repository! state parks!) • free department and student life retreats • there’s free paper in the printers* • there’s a pool and a sauna in dodge • you are right next to 3 huge beautiful parks! go • you can get textbooks at the library : ILL and BorrowDirect are your friends; professors should be putting things on reserve and you can ask them to if they haven’t • there are free classes and teach-ins if you look (book-making! social justice!) • there’s sometimes free department / club swag beyond t-shirts! • get a NYPL card • you can sneak into big lectures if you just wanna audit one • free safer sex supplies all over • free IUD insertion for Barnard students (if you’re on Barnard health insurance it covers the cost of the IUD) • sometimes it’s cheaper to pay for a meal with points than a swipe • free boxes in the mailroom recycling bins • free packing tape in Barnard mailroom if you ask politely • join free food groups on FB • free short-term counselling at CPS and Furman • find and build community! love and friendship are priceless *some thoughts on “ethical stealing” (even from a large institution): consider what you can pay for and what things are worth paying for; consider that some departments have smaller budgets than others; consider that there’s not enough for *everybody* to steal what they want; consider that dining hall staff is just following orders when they yell at you for taking extra food; consider if you are in a financial position where you need to steal.
share yr resource$ equitably!
Marxist Student Association In the United States, millions of workers and youth have poured into the streets, outraged at the election of Donald Trump and the farright demonstrations in Charlottesville. Mass marches and demonstrations show our strength, but that's only the beginning; working together, we can accomplish much more. Our generation is the first to have a lower standard of living than the generation before us. Capitalism offers no way forward, which is why the majority of our generation is opposed to capitalism. But a better world is possible! In order to get there, the Columbia Marxist Student Association aims to study the lessons of revolutionary history and theory to inform how we can intervene in history. As students, it is imperative that we link up with the working class since it is the only class in society that can stop capitalism in its tracks.
“Without revolutionary theory, there can be no revolutionary movement.” –V.I. Lenin
“Life is beautiful. Let the future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression, and violence and enjoy it to the full.” –Leon Trotsky
“The philosophers have only interpreted the world, in various ways. The point, however, is to change it.” –Karl Marx
If you’re interested in our ideas, we hold weekly discussions on Mondays. Facebook: www.facebook.com/columbia.marxists/
Email: Columbia.marxists@gmail.com
Columbia University South Asian Feminism(s) Alliance SO UTH
SAFA’s mission is to encourage dialogue and mobilize leadership and community action against systems of oppression in the South Asian community. Our goal is to provide a space for South Asians, Indo-Caribbeans and allies to come together and find strength in our similarities and our differences, to learn about ourselves as well as others, and to find solace in each other when the rest of the world fails to accept us. ASIAN SAFA is a group for those who have dealt with misogyny and violence of all forms (including IPV or sexual violence) rampant in their homes, families, and communities. For those who have felt like their skin was too dark, their arms too hairy, their voices too opinionated. For those who are queer, trans, or gender non-conforming. For those who are not able-bodied or thin. For those who are not on a track to becoming doctors, engineers, lawyers. For those who have been othered within our communities because of their race, caste, or religion. This is a group for everyone who wishes to challenge South Asian gender norms and think critically about the intersection of one’s multiple identities. FEMINISM(S) Through group discussions, film screenings, mentorship programs and more, SAFA aims to cultivate awareness of struggles faced by so many members of the South Asian diaspora and folks at home, as well as to foster partnership and solidarity between SAFA and other activist and minority groups on campus. We urge anyone who identifies with our mission to come to a meeting and join us in making this campus a more inclusive place. ALLIANCE
We are a grassroots organization working to end sexual + domestic violence in our campus communities because we envision a world free of violence + oppression. We recognize that sexual violence is a manifestation of systemic gender oppression which cannot be separated from all other forms of oppression. Therefore, the fight to end sexual + domestic violence cannot be won without eradicating all other forms of oppression including but not limited to racism, classism, ableism, colonialism, homophobia, + transphobia. We seek to foster transparency around issues of sexual violence because we believe that a bottom up approach to building power is the only way to achieve justice. Our current campaign demands more support, accessibility, accountability, funding, + enforcement (SAAFE) to ensure that Columbia University is an inclusive educational environment where survivors can thrive, regardless of their identity (including but not limited to race, sex, gender, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, immigration status, + religion). A major demand of our campaign is for the creation of a rape crisis center that is physically open 24/7 + staffed with professional advocates trained in cultural competency. We believe that these changes will improve the quality of resources for all survivors, especially for survivors whose experiences don’t match traditional narratives and who come from marginalized communities. Want to get involved? Sign up for our listserv @ http://noredtapecu.org/newpage/ or email noredtapecu@gmail.com! Our weekly meetings are on Sundays from 7PM8PM. Go to www.NoRedTapeCU.org to learn more about our work + for info on resources.
Welcome Chicanx Class of 2021
“Brown is not a color, It is a city, a continent, A whole world that expands beyond the s ea. Brown, is not a color, It’s a way of life, A way of struggle, A way to survive.” - Cherrie Moraga
Our Mission is to: Celebrate, empower, and highlight intersectionality and diversity in all its forms, especially as it pertains to Latinidad and Chicanidad. We aim to provide our membership with a safe and engaging environment in order to fulfill their educational goals, promote their cultural consciousness, and help them become active in serving the needs of their community.
BARNUMBIA SURVIVAL GUIDE FOR STUDENTS WITH DISABILITIES Being a student with a disability means you will have to work harder than most (if not all) of your classmates. This is not due to any fault of your own, but issues that arise from dealing with institutions. Barnard and Columbia, as well as the city of New York, were not built for you and that may make every step you take a challenge. This guide aims to make this process easier by identifying a few key actions to take upon your arrival on campus. You will have these tools and the help of other students to get beyond these hurdles.
Barnard Services:
Office of Disability Services (ODS) If you are a student living with disabilities you should register with ODS now, even if you have not previously needed accommodations, rather than wait until you might need their services because it takes time and documentation to be approved for services. Documentation from doctors and therapists of your disability is required. Only 3-4 people in ODS take care of over 400 students on campus. Accommodations: Academic: ODS can provide academic accommodations to help you in the classroom including extra time on tests and extra excused absences. You will need to meet with your professor to ‘prove’ your disability. Residential Life: ODS can provide housing accommodations to make life easier on campus such as a dorm with AC, a single, a building with wheelchair access, or having a service animal with you on campus. Res Life has more control than ODS in housing accommodations. Furman Counseling Center If you are a student living with mental health issues you must register with Furman. The intake process can be taxing as you must share details of your mental health history to determine whether you need long term or short- term counseling. The office will give you referrals but there is also a network of students to offer therapist recommendations.
Student Services:
Barnard Student Network for Disability Advocacy This student-created (non-university affiliated) Facebook page connects you to other students dealing with similar issues on campus. This is a place to ask for support, ask for recommendations, speak to the student health representative, be part of a greater community of people that want to help or just vent. Barnard Pay It Forward This student-created (non-university affiliated) Facebook page connects students who need someone to help run errands for them with students who are willing to help. This is for anyone who is unable to get out of bed that needs something from the store, not just students with disabilities (medication, groceries etc.). Students may post in the group either asking for something or offering to get something. Campus and the city of New York - Both campus and New York City may be difficult for students with mobility disabilities. Barnard and Columbia have very old buildings and (crappy) elevators (especially Milbank and Hamilton). You must leave early to get to class on time and it would be wise to inform your professor of your situation because you may be late for class. There are tunnels under Columbia that provide access to parts of Columbia for wheelchair users. - NYC’s public transportation system is not ADA compliant providing full access to people with mobility disabilities. The 116th subway line 1 stop on does not have an elevator (96th Street has an elevator).
Community Advice: -Avoid taking general education requirements that will be challenging for you until you are more acclimated to college life. -It is important to advocate for yourself but also important to be able to ask for help from a friend, faculty member, or member disability advocacy community. Dean Grabiner, the freshmen class dean, is an incredible resource and good person. -School may knock you down; it is okay if you don’t have the strength to get up again. Some students find the need to take a lighter academic load or to take a semester or year off. -You are not weak for taking time to work on your own health; it is an incredibly brave and important thing to do. You are attending a school that does not fully accommodate you and that takes a toll. You may have a different college experience but that doesn’t mean it won’t be a good one. No matter what anyone says, your disability absolutely does not mean you do not deserve to be here. There an entire community here excited for you to join us!
UndoCU Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’re aware that the undocumented immigrant community has been Trump’s and most targeted and most profitable scapegoat since day one of his campaign. Through sensationalism of the most hateful order, the Trump administration has led the dissolution of any discussion of immigration into a baseless yet firebrand decree of dehumanization, while his opponents, the Democratic Party, and third party politicians retort with plans to control, and regulate immigrants through a tired liberal narrative of the meritocratic, multicultural American dream—with no room in between for the actual self-determination of all immigrants. The Undocumented Student Initiative (we prefer UndoCU) exists to untangle these constrictions from all sides. We are the first undocumented student group at Columbia University, and our main objective is to protect and dignify the humanity of every undocumented person. We not only question the broken immigration system that produces the conditions of our collective subjectivity, but we critique the white supremacist settler colonial structure that is its root. Therefore, UndoCU is an intersectional movement that prioritizes solidarity with marginalized communities and the destruction of white supremacy. Following the 2016 election, UndoCU, with cooperation of Movimiento Cosecha, staged a walk-out in demand that undocumented students be protected and Undocu has since then become a prominent activist group on campus. We ensured Columbia would do its best to become a sanctuary campus, secured summer housing for at-risk students, educated the campus community at numerous speaking events, and have been featured on the Columbia Spectator, Mic.com, Democracy Now!, and—regrettably—Fox News. Having only formed in September 2016, UndoCU is a young movement that cannot spare to build slowly. During the Trump presidency, we do not possess the privilege of time. Our upcoming campus challenges include: abolishing the use of the word “illegal” in reference to immigrants or immigration in general, changing the manner by which the university labels undocumented students from “international” to “domestic”, creating an undocumented student resource center, and undocumented student scholarships. On a broader scale, the DREAM Act, the HOPE Act, and preventing the dissolution of DACA will all be our priorities as the American populace seems to not be tired of dissecting and devouring the humanity of immigrants. In the event that the federal position on undocumented immigrants becomes even harsher, we stand ready to resist, and we expect our allies to do the same. Why should you join UndoCU? If you are undocumented, because we love you and you matter. If you are an American citizen, because this political system considers you human above all of us, and an informed political education requires a rooted understanding of this construction. If you are neither, because we believe in your humanity as much as most Americans don’t believe in ours. Despite common pro-immigrant narratives, we have intersectional leadership and make sure that non-white, non-cisgender, and non-heterosexual identities are surely prioritized here.
Are you looking for a community where your background, experiences, and identities are valued? Want to make friends with the coolest kids on campus? Join Mujeres! Mujeres provides an organization of cultural support and leadership development for Latinx students and allies at Barnard College, Columbia University. We promote awareness and pride in the diverse Latinx culture and heritage. We discuss everything from self-love to the decolonization of food, hold bake sales, and host an annual Mujeres Empowerment Dinner. Come say hi at our weekly general body meetings EVERY WEDNESDAY! FAQs: ● Do I have to self-identify as a Latina or as a woman to join? NOPE. Everyone is welcome! ● Is Mujeres for Barnard students only? No. While our meetings are held on Barnard’s campus, any student from the University is welcome. ● Why should I join? Because college is a time for self-growth and our Mujeres family is here to support you as a student, individual, and person of color on this campus.
Meeting topics are decided by YOU! Suggest your ideas at our first general body meeting in September. We’ll keep you posted on the date and time of our first g-body meeting soon. In the meantime…. ● Like Mujeres on Facebook ● Follow us on Instagram @barnardmujeres ● Connect with us through email at mujeres@barnard.edu
Mobilized African Diaspora (MAD) In 2015, following a string of racist incidents, black students at the University of Missouri gained national attention after they launched a campaign to end the culture of anti-blackness on campus and demand that the president of the university resign. In response, a group of black students at Columbia University, later named the Mobilized African Diaspora (MAD), began to hold meetings and planned a rally in solidarity. After the rally, MAD continued to hold meetings and crafted their first official list of demands. Since it’s inception, MAD has operated under a radical Black queer feminist lens, striving to use intersectional dialogue to combat violence inflicted upon Black queer folk, as well as uplift their voices. We utilize an intersectional approach because the liberation of queer Black women signifies freedom for all, as their freedom necessitates the destruction of all systems of oppression. Today, MAD serves as a productive space for Black students at Columbia University to organize against racism and use our privilege as students of this institution to fight against gentrification and Columbia’s role in furthering anti-blackness. When it comes to action, our members have dedicated impressive amounts of time and labor to ensure that Columbia not only feels our presence, but acknowledges and respects our demands. This involves many forms of action, but one of the most important is staying in tune with the concerns of the Black community on campus and in the surrounding area in order to inform our goals and missions. Last semester, for example, we hosted several grievance forums, where we allowed our fellow Black students to share their experiences in a safe space. Understanding Columbia’s long history of overlooking and disregarding the voices of Black students, we find it critical to provide such spaces. Our activism also includes teach-ins on issues such as eco-racism and legal rights training, organizing rallies that center the black, queer, feminist perspective, and launching campaigns, like our recent TJBDAY campaign, in which we dressed an on-campus statue of Thomas Jefferson in a KKK hood and released a statement demanding that the University acknowledge their persistent tolerance of a deeply rooted culture of white supremacy. Despite what we have already accomplished as a group, we recognize that there is much more to be done in order to reinforce and normalize Blackness so that our identities are not lost in the shadow of this predominantly white institution. We strongly believe that a university’s strength lies in the ability to foster respect and and a sense of community among its different groups, but here at Columbia, “diversity” is merely a facade—eclectic and complex forms of Blackness are often suppressed, while Blackness that can be categorized, owned, and advertized is praised. Resultantly, we have crafted a list of goals and demands to improve the black experience and hold the University accountable for its shortcomings. We demand that the University eliminate the student contribution and improve financial aid for minority groups. We demand that the University improve its Black faculty representation and restructure the Core Curriculum to include Intro to African-American Studies and Intro to
Comparative Ethnic Studies as requirements. We demand that the University prioritize the physical safety and mental health of women, queer, and trans people of color. Laterally, we aim to condemn and disassemble white supremacist, racist, heteronormative, and neo-colonialist ideals that place restraints on Blackness and harm all black life. We also aim to improve our own engagement with the Harlem community, work against the University’s efforts to gentrify the neighborhood and displace its primary and rightful residents, as well as continue researching and uncovering the harmful systems and mechanisms that threaten to impede the fight for Black liberation. We understand the scope of these goals and the hard work that it will take to accomplish them, and for that reason, we are always seeking new minds and voices to welcome into our group. While we strongly encourage that our members attend weekly meetings at a minimum, there is no set time commitment. MAD is a non-hierarchical organization, hence all roles and committees exist horizontally and equally to each other. To get involved, follow us on Facebook and Twitter, or email us at mad.columbia@gmail.com for information on upcoming meeting dates, teach-ins, and other events. As a member of MAD, you can join us in the fight to normalize the presence of othered groups in and around campus, as well as put an end to the social, political, and economic disenfranchisement perpetuated by the University.
~~89.9 on the dial and streaming online 24/7 at wkcr.org~~~ Our nickname, "The Original FM," is somewhat of a misnomer, but WKCR-FM is one of the oldest radio stations around. We are Columbia University's student-run radio station, founded in 1941. What we Broadcast can be summed up by other nickname: "The Alternative". We have a history of featuring music and talk programming that many consider commercially non-viable.(Not a problem for us: we're non-commercial.) Catch anything from Reggae, Hindustani, Celtic, Cumbia, Indie Rock, Non-Western Classical, Field Recordings, Experimental, Folk, Carnatic, Afrofunk, Film Hits, Ethio-Jazz, and Chuigushou to Hip Hop on our "In All Languages" programs. Check out our "New Music" Department, which played an important role in the establishment of what is known today as the New York Downtown Scene, which features experimental and avant-garde programming. Or tune in to Studio A, our Arts Department's weekly live literature show, which highlights poetry, prose and experimental work by queer writers and writers of color. KCR was one of the first radio stations to bring Jazz to the airwaves and we have maintained our reputation as one of the preeminent radio stations in the world for broadcasting Jazz of the past and present. Over the years our station has hosted icons Charles Mingus, Dizzy Gillespie, Duke Ellington, Sun Ra and many others.
Our Latin Department was the first to bring salsa to the airwaves and continues to celebrate genres such as mambo, chachachá and bugalú. Like Hip Hop? KCR's Sketch Armstrong and Bobbito García Show is considered one of the most influential radio programs of the 1990's dedicated to underground Hip Hop. Their show gave exposure to artists who would go on to become the biggest names in Hip Hop, including Nas, Notorious B.I.G., the Wu-Tang Clan, Jay Z, Eminem and The Fugees. The WKCR News Department provides a unique take on local, national, and global issues. Student reporters continue the tradition of KCR’s award-winning coverage of the Columbia University student strike of 1968, and highlight issues relevant to Columbia and its surrounding communities (eg.Harlem). In recent months, the department has covered many activist initiatives and demonstrations taking place in the greater New York area. ~~If you are interested in becoming a DJ, you can find contact information for each department at wkcr.org!~~
the next few pages are reprinted w/ permission from the zine A Brief History of Civil Disobedi
ience @ Columbia University! Email disguide2016@gmail if you want more info
THE HARLEM RAIDS It was still early morning when residents of the Grant and Manhattanville Houses heard helicopters buzzing outside their windows. It was June 4, 2014, the day when police burst through residents’ doors in what was then the largest police raid in city history. Later, parents whose children were arrested would recall police entering their homes without permits, handcuffing innocent people, and taking their belongings as evidence. “ The police that were in my house were having a conversation in front of me about media coverage,” one parent said after the raids. “That's not a good feeling, that you're using me to get a promotion.” 103 people were indicted in the raid; that day, police arrested over 40 people. The Grant and Manhattanville Houses are New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA) buildings located about ten blocks from Columbia’s Morningside campus, and across the street from the rapidly developing Manhattanville campus. The NYPD’s justification for the raid was the same as what Columbia students heard from their own administration: safety. An email went out the day after the raids informing students that it would “make our city and community safer.” The reality, however, is that a persistent lack of resources for youth in the community is the reason for the violence there, and that services, not incarceration, are necessary if the situation is to improve. What’s more, it has become clear that although promises of community investment were made to Grant and Manhattanville residents when Columbia won approval to build a new campus across the street from their homes, the expansion has brought them only band-aid solutions and increased police violence. There had been violence among youth at the Houses off-and-on over the past 40 years, but tensions had quieted in 2011, when Tayshanna “Chicken” Murphy, a nationally ranked high school basketball player, was shot at Grant. In light of the resulting tumult, community activists stepped up their efforts to bring resources to youth in the area, ideally in the form of a building between the Houses that could provide emergency services, after school activities, and employment training to young residents of Grant and
Manhattanville. The Community Benefits Agreement promised $3 million specifically to residents of Manhattanville and Grant, but the West Harlem Development Corporation— the group responsible giving out grants from that pool of money--has been slow to act. The WHDC, mired in controversy since its director stepped down in 2014 when a large grant went to his sister’s nonprofit, has been more willing to give money to outside groups that run small-scale arts or sports programming for kids. These programs aren’t bad, but they keep the money away from organizers who are actually from the Houses, and they don’t provide the core services--employment and crisis response--that would actually stop the cycle of violence at the Houses. Now, many of those arrested in the raids are coming back to a situation that has largely remained the same, and in many ways has worsened. NYCHA decided in 2015 to permanently exclude residents convicted of crimes, which means whole families may lose their homes as a result of the raid. If they decide they want to continue living with their children when they return from prison, NYCHA will take away their homes. What’s more, the NYPD announced at the beginning of this summer that they would be carrying out dozens of raids. The 2014 raid of Grant and Manhattanville is no longer the biggest in city history: That title now belongs to a raid in the Bronx that indicted 120 people, arresting 88 in one day. As students, we can’t accept the argument that raids keep us safe. They represent the worst possible response to an issue of systemic racism and inequality. Far from contributing to safe communities, police raids are the last resort of a city that chronically under-services Black and Latino neighborhoods. As our University expands to literally become the neighbor of the Grant and Manhattanville Houses, it is in the University’s interest to heighten surveillance in the surrounding communities. It is trying to create a campus bubble in a place where real people have lived--and, in the case of Grant and Manhattanville, been ignored--for years. It is far easier to cast prior residents as criminals who must be removed than to include them in the “development” that Columbia promises to the community. Mass incarceration is just one aspect of Columbia’s broader effect on the neighborhood: dispossession and displacement. The University’s outright support for the raids, coupled with its lack of follow-up on the promises made to Manhattanville and Grant, sends a clear message to residents: Columbia is coming to your neighborhood, but it is not here for you.
Where and what is Manhattanville? Where and what is Manhattanville? Manhattanville extends from West 122nd street north to West 134th street and from the H Manhattanville extends from West 122ndudson street n River west to the City College campus. It is home to Manhattanville residents that generally River w est t o t he C ity C ollege c ampus. I t is home have fewer economic and educational opportunities than residents of Morningside Heights, haveinfNewer economic educational home to the most well-endowed institution ew York City. Thisadnd ynamic is felt dailyobpportun y those who are effectively locked-out of o ur gated butw itell-endowed is felt with additional strength home toctampus, he most institution in N on the too frequent occasion that Columbia U niversity f lexes i ts w allet t o s hape t he a rea i n i ts those who are effectively locked-out of our gated white-columned image.
on the too frequent occasion that Columbia Univ image. How has Columbia used its economic awhite-columned dvantage to take advantage?
1960s - Columbia (CU) plans to build a g ym in Morningside Park that would largely exclude local residents. The plan becomes known as “Gym How has CCrow.” olumbia used its economic advantag Also begins eliminating Single Room Occupancy h ousing in the(CU) area;pblans y oneto estimate, 1960s - Columbia build aC gU ym in M displaced over 7,000 residents in the decade before 1968. local residents. The plan becomes known as “Gy 1968 - “Gym Crow” scraped after week-long occupation of campus buildings by the student barlem eginsceommunity liminating Single Room Occupancy Afro-American Society coordinated withAlso the H displaced 7,000 residents in tshe decade 1990 - CU purchases the Audubon Ballroom, where o Mver alcolm X delivered several peeches and bef was assassinated, and tries to turn it into a l aboratory. C ommunity g roups p rotest t he p roject 1968 - “Gym Crow” scraped after week-long occ and succeed in preserving the landmark. Afro-American Society coordinated with the Har 1991 - Mville Community Board 9 starts work on a redevelopment plan; it is certified in 2005 1990 - CU purchases the Audubon Ballroom, wh 2003 - CU submits plan for $6.7 billion expansion into Manhattanville that would require the was assassinated, and ptries turn it into a labor acquisition and demolition of a ll but three buildings in the 17-acre rojectto area. 2006 - Empire State Development Corporation (ESDC) iennters contract wtith lee King Rosen & and succeed preserving he Alandmark. Fleming, a planning and engineering consulting f irm, t o d etermine w hether M suffers 1991 - Mville Community Board ville 9 starts work on from “urban blight” (precondition for use of eminent domain). Both corporations h ad been 2003 - CU submits plan for $6.7 billion expansio previously contracted and paid by CU in relation to this project. acquisition and demolition f all but three buildi 2008 - ESDC deems neighborhood “blighted.” Nick Sprayegen, owner of o Tuck-It-Away Empire State Development Storage, and gas station owners Gurnam2006 Singh -a nd Parminder Kaur, sue the state. Corporation 2009 - The New York State Supreme Court, Appellate ivision rules eminent domain was Fleming, a pD lanning andthat engineering consulting illegal in this case because it was for thefrom benefit o f a n “ elite” p rivate i nstitution “urban blight” (precondition for use of emi 2009 - ESDC appeals to New York State Court of Appeals, which overturns the ruling in favor previously contracted and paid by CU in relation of Columbia ESDC eemsColumbia neighborhood N 2010 - U.S. Supreme Court decides not t2008 o hear -the case, d giving the green“lblighted.” ight to Storage,and and gastheir station owners Gurnam Singh a give the store owners market rate compensation take properties. 2014 – NYPD executes early morning raid at Manhattanville ouses. Residents had tried to App 2009 - The New H York State Supreme Court, collaborate with city officials, law enforcement, and CU for a year to stem gang violence in a illegal in this case because it was for the benefit way that might not obstruct the futures of so many young people. CU boasted of raid in an - ESDC athat ppeals Naew York State Court o email and is believed to have assisted in2009 the surveillance led toto the rrests. of Columbia 2016/2017 - Manhattanville Campus opens 2010 - U.S. Supreme Court decides not to hear t
2016/2017 - Manhattanville Campus opens CU Manhattanville Expansion The expansion uprooted a community to which it returned little in terms of opportunities for th north to West 34 street aH nd from the H udson education and1e mployment. aving learned from previous efforts to uproot the neighborhood e t(Gym o Manhattanville r esidents t hat g enerally Crow), Columbia created a fund for local programs and initiatives in West Harlem, but without also implementing structure forH the dispersal of these funds, money has been nities than residents of Maorningside eights, difficult t o a ccess a nd i n t he e nd, i t w on’t d o e nough New York City. This dynamic is felt daily by to help the community. As Columbia faculty and students start looking to live close to their Manhattanville campus, they will price d campus, but it is felt with additional strength long-term residents out of their homes and properties and break up long-standing social versity flexes ts w allet shape the ainrea in eits networks. In fiact this has tso tarted already these arly days of the new campus. Moving Forward needatdvantage? o build a means of communication between Columbia University students, to whom ge t W o etake the university administrators listen much more often than community residents, and those Morningside Park that would largely exclude residents whose needs aren’t being met in a community which Columbia directly exploits. ym Crow.” y hPast ousing in the area; by one estimate, CU Student Efforts CAGE (Coalition Against Gentrification) – frequent meetings with members of the community, fore 1968. led the protests against the expansion cupation of campus buildings by the student City News at the Columbia Spectator – published articles exposing Columbia’s interaction with rlem c ommunity the community and made this news accessible to students and community members; some of here Malcolm Xere delivered peeches and these stories w picked upsbeveral y largersn ews organizations ratory. Community groups protest the project Further Reading “The Radiant University,” Steven Gregory n a redevelopment plan; it is certified in 2005 “Understanding Columbia University’s Expansion into West Harlem: An Activist’s Guide” on City intoNM anhattanville wCould require the ews (old coverage)tohat n the olumbia Spectator ings in tthat heB1ind: 7-acre project rea. “Ties Checking on tahe Manhattanville Community Benefits Agreement, six years later,” T he E ye, T he C olumbia S pectator (ESDC) enters contract with Alee King Rosen & “Organizing Against Gw entrification U.,” SsocialistWorker.org firm, to determine hether Mville uffers
inent domain). Both corporations had been n to this project. Nick Sprayegen, owner of Tuck-It-Away and Parminder Kaur, sue the state. pellate Division rules that eminent domain was of an “elite” private institution of Appeals, which overturns the ruling in favor
the case, giving Columbia the green light to
re:claim magazine
calling wr it er s & ar t ist s! re:claim is a publication at Columbia that works to center the voices, well-being, and liberation of Black people, people of color, disabled and neurodivergent people, femme, queer, gender-nonconforming and trans people, migrants, workers, and all marginalized identities in both content and in leadership. We strive to embody values rooted in histories of organizing, anti-oppression politics, creative resistance, and freedom of expression for those who have been historically silenced. We started up in the late winter/early spring of 2016 as a staff consisting predominantly of people of color, women and femmes in conversation with people doing organizing of all kinds. For many of us, helping to build re:claim came in response to the hurt we have experienced at the hands of mainstream campus media, which routinely excludes Black people and people of color from its ranks, and demonizes activist groups. We do not purport to be "objective" (and maintain suspicion of those who claim objectivity), but instead aim to create, solicit, and honor content rooted in our own experiences and communities. re:claim publishes first-person narrative, news, creative writing, and visual art. In the coming year, we specifically want to prioritize group structures that challenge the burdens of labor placed on marginalized groups as a “default� in organizing and publishing spaces at Columbia, addressing this within our publication as well as in our larger communities. Please reach out to reclaim.at.cu@gmail.com or any of the folks listed on reclaimatcu.wixsite.com/reclaimatcu if you are interested in getting involved! We make decisions by consensus using a non-hierarchal structure. Recognizing that people have different capacities for and ways of contributing labor, time, and energy, we strive to make involvement as accessible and accommodating as possible. On-boarding involves a brief conversation with a couple current committee members just to make sure we're on the same page. We'd love to have you!
W hat W e’ve Published Why I’m Occupying a Building at Columbia: Love, Power, and Climate Justice by Iliana Salazar-Dodge
Untitled by Megan Wicks
“We must believe that we can change for the better and that we deserve better. In addition to symbolically taking down the fossil fuel industry and other villains of our capitalist economy, we must use this moment to redirect resources towards the creation of the beautiful.”
Dreams and Visions by Thando Miambo
Senior Interview: Kevin Chen and Rachel Poirier by Claire Zuo “‘I think there are several things embedded in activist groups and activist identity that don’t really get accounted for. Who’s bearing the brunt of the emotional labor, what does the leadership look like, how are these configured?’ --R.P. ‘What do we want? In care it’s easy to lose sight of that -- it’s easy to lose sight of what we actually desire, so that people end up feeling burnt out, exhausted, bearing the brunt of this.’”--K.C.
“Our Cry: Gynnya” by Rosalyn Huff [Content warning: This piece discusses anti-Black violence, death and misogynoir.]
“Our men are stolen from us every day. We rally. We riot. We rage. We are stolen, too. They retreat. ‘Say her name!’ Her family cries. ‘GYNNYA!’ Our men fail us every day. We fuss. We fight. We forgive. We never fail. They forget.”
Urgent: Letter from Eyricka King at Franklin Correctional Facility [Content warning: physical abuse, sexual assault, anti-Blackness (specifically anti-Black state violence), transmisogyny, state violence]
“They are denying me medical treatment.… Please contact everybody, the news stations, call the facility.… I wrote you 3 different times since this happened only to get the mail returned to me shredded up in pieces.… They only care once you have people from the outside call in.”
Read/listen online: ● “Why Students Need the #RighttoRecord” by Brandee Blocker ● “Velvet: A Playlist” by Charlene Adhiambo, and more…...
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How Barnard Contingent Faculty Won Their First Contract By Gerard Di Trolio *Reprinted from In These Times
The contingent faculty at Barnard College have won their first contract, adding another victory for precarious academic workers across the country. Barnard Contingent Faculty-UAW Local 2110 (BCF-UAW) is made up of about 200 adjunct professors and term faculty, predominantly women. It was certified back in October 2015 and had been negotiating with Barnard’s administration since February of last year. In December, after getting nowhere, union members voted by an overwhelming majority—89 percent—in support of a strike. A strike date was set for February 21, and a tentative agreement was reached with just five days to spare. On March 26, BCF-UAW announced that a five-year contract had been ratified by its membership. More than 90 percent voted in favor. "I think it's a strong contract. In some ways we had to compromise and there's room for improvement but we have a very good first contract and it creates a foundation for us moving forward," says Siobhan Burke, a Barnard graduate and adjunct lecturer of dance, who also sits on BCF-UAW's bargaining committee. The main issues for members were wages, benefits, workload and job security. Adjuncts will now get $7,000 per three-credit course, instead of the current average of $6,000, and that will increase to $10,000 over the course of the contract. Full-time term professors will have a
minimum salary of $60,000, rising to $70,000 within five years. Adjuncts will also have access to healthcare for the first time, with those teaching six or more credits in an academic year receiving a 50 percent contribution from Barnard for medical insurance costs. And in the area of job security, adjuncts will have access to some severance and be able to receive multi-year appointments. They will also receive earlier notification of their teaching status and course loads, under the new contract. "We are pleased that the Barnard Contingent F aculty union has ratified its first contract, which reflects the College’s deep respect for union members’ significant contributions to our community. We look forward to continue building a strong partnership with our contingent faculty, to ensure our students and our academic program flourish,” Provost Linda Bell said in a statement. Mobilizing membership BCF-UAW's victory was in large part due to its mobilizing strategy. "At each key step of the way—particularly organizing the strike authorization vote and preparing for a strike—we reached out to our members through phone banking, email, social media, informational meetings and one-on-one conversations on campus. Because many adjuncts juggle multiple jobs, it's a challenging group to organize. They're
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How Barnard Contingent Faculty Won Their First Contract By Gerard Di Trolio *Reprinted from In These Times
pulled in many directions. So staying in contact, keeping people informed and maintaining open lines of communication was essential," says Burke. Barnard went to significant lengths to have contract negotiations go its way. The college hired notorious union busting law firm Jackson Lewis, and a federal mediator was brought in, showing how fraught the negotiations were. Burke cautions that how Barnard respects the contract remains to be seen. "Will they try to create new job titles that are outside the recognition clause of our contract? And find ways around the contract? Based on the process we went through, I wouldn't be surprised," she said. Student support Another major factor in BCF-UAW's victory was the role of student activism. When a possible strike was on the horizon, Barnard students mobilized to pressure the administration through the Student-Worker Solidarity (SWS) organization. "In January and February, we started door knocking in the dorms and gathered more than 700 signatures on a student petition. At the same time, we encouraged students to get their parents to call the president and provost of the college," says Meghan Brophy, a Barnard student and SWS member. "It was a good way to talk to
students who didn't know what was happening or who were only reading emails from the administration. I think we learned a lot of practical organizing skills from that experience, and it helped us remember to really see what information we needed to publicize more." The group also spearheaded a number of actions like having students line the halls that Barnard's bargaining team had to travel down to reach the negotiating table, organized marches and helped to circulate a petition among alumni. "The administration tries all these divide-and-conquer tactics like pitting financial aid and campus programs against living wages and benefits for contingent faculty. We want to show we will be united and not divided by all these tactics," said Brophy. The irony behind an elite women's college trying to stonewall a bargaining unit that is predominantly women was not lost on students. "When Barnard says that it advocates for women, especially women in the academy and higher education, they're speaking about a very specific subset of women,” said Becca Breslaw, a Barnard student and SWS member. “There are a lot of leaders that have come out of Barnard that they push for us that represent this corporate feminist appeal rather than advocating for all women, especially working-class women.
Women’s College vs. Women Workers Women’s College vs. Women Workers
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Don't be fooled by their progressive rhetoric. Even the most "socially conscious" university Don't be fooled by their progressive rhetoric. Even the most "socially conscious" university administrator is still a boss. administrator is still a boss. *Reprinted from Jacobin Magazine *Reprinted from Jacobin Magazine
By Meghan Brophy By Meghan Brophy
Debates about cultural appropriation and Debates about cultural appropriation and free speech at elite universities have free speech at elite universities have consumed both the Left and Right lately. consumed both the Left and Right lately. While some college administrators have While some college administrators have acquiesced to student demands around acquiesced to student demands around these issues, with many incoming student these issues, with many incoming student orientation programs incorporating the orientation programs incorporating the language of social justice and language of social justice and intersectionality,the underlying class intersectionality,the underlying class dynamics of these schools remain dynamics of these schools remain unchanged. Amid left-sounding rhetoric unchanged. Amid left-sounding rhetoric from the top, workers at these elite colleges from the top, workers at these elite colleges continue to run into barriers when continue to run into barriers when organizing on campus. organizing on campus.
Barnard College, a women’s liberal arts Barnard College, a women’s liberal arts college where I am a student, exemplifies college where I am a student, exemplifies the ability of progressive rhetoric and class the ability of progressive rhetoric and class inequality to coexist. From its Social Justice inequality to coexist. From its Social Justice Institute to its Zine Library, Barnard Institute to its Zine Library, Barnard showcases its feminist credentials, showcases its feminist credentials, marketing itself as an institution dedicated marketing itself as an institution dedicated to “address[ing] issues of gender in all of to “address[ing] issues of gender in all of their complexity and urgency.” their complexity and urgency.”
In recent years, Barnard has hosted In recent years, Barnard has hosted commencement speakers such as Sheryl commencement speakers such as Sheryl Sandberg and Hillary Clinton. It even Sandberg and Hillary Clinton. It even awarded a Medal of Distinction to Lena awarded a Medal of Distinction to Lena Dunham. Yet at the same time, Barnard Dunham. Yet at the same time, Barnard administrations past and present have come administrations past and present have come into conflict with workers on campus. into conflict with workers on campus.
Whether by attempting to cut back on office Whether by attempting to cut back on office workers’ and dorm attendants’ health workers’ and dorm attendants’ health benefits in 1996, a move that sparked one benefits in 1996, a move that sparked one ofthe longest strikes ever to take place at a ofthe longest strikes ever to take place at a college in the United States, or by hiring a college in the United States, or by hiring a
notorious anti-labor law firm to negotiate notorious anti-labor law firm to negotiate with its newly organized contingent faculty with its newly organized contingent faculty union in 2016, Barnard, like many other union in 2016, Barnard, like many other colleges, is riven by the class divide between colleges, is riven by the class divide between administrators and campus workers. administrators and campus workers.
These conflicts suggest that rather than These conflicts suggest that rather than producing a more egalitarian institution, producing a more egalitarian institution, Barnard’s social justice rhetoric is part of a Barnard’s social justice rhetoric is part of a limited brand of liberal, “lean-in” feminism. limited brand of liberal, “lean-in” feminism.
“Barnard Cuts Women and Children “Barnard Cuts Women and Children First” First”
In 1996, about 165 office workers and In 1996, about 165 office workers and dormitory attendants,the majority of whom dormitory attendants,the majority of whom were women of color, carried out a were women of color, carried out a successful six-month strike following the successful six-month strike following administration’s proposal to reducethe their administration’s p roposal t o r educe their health benefits. health benefits.
Originally organized in 1972, Barnard Originally organized in 1972, Barnard workers in UAW Local 2110 (then District workers in UAW Local 2110 (then District 65) were among the lowest paid workers on 65) were among the lowest paid workers on campus in an increasingly unaffordable city. campus in an increasingly unaffordable city. In an interview with the New York Times, In an interview with the New York Times, Local 2110 President Maida Rosenstein Local 2110 President Maida Rosenstein described many of the strikers as “single described many of the strikers as “single mothers who barely make it paycheck to mothers who barely make it paycheck to paycheck.” Barnard wanted to add health paycheck.” Barnard wanted to add health care premiums to their list of expenses. care premiums to their list of expenses.
During this time, sympathetic faculty moved During this time, sympathetic faculty moved classes off campus and students organized classes off campus and students organized to support the strikers. Workers at Yale, to support the strikers. Workers at Yale, who were on strike at the same time, held a who were on strike at the same time, held a joint rally with Local 2110 in New York City. joint rally with Local 2110 in New York City. The Student Strike Committee staged The Student Strike Committee staged
Women’s College vs. Women Workers
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Don't be fooled by their progressive rhetoric. Even the most "socially conscious" university administrator is still a boss. *Reprinted from Jacobin Magazine
By Meghan Brophy
demonstrations and eventually, a sit-in in solidarity with the striking workers. In response, Barnard withheld their diplomas. With the ongoing strike and suppression of student activism in support of it,the 1996 graduation became a site of struggle. During the ceremony, both strikers outside the main gates and students in the audience held protest signs. As Judith Shapiro, a renowned feminist anthropologist and Barnard’s president at the time, began to speak, students unfurled a banner reading “Anti-Worker = Anti-Woman, Contract Now.” Eventually, Barnard withdrew its health care proposal and conceded to the strikers’ demands. But the school hasn’t changed. As recently as 2012,the administration sought to freeze pay and reduce maternity leave for the same group of workers, leading to the creation of Barnard and Columbia’s United Students Against Sweatshops local, Student-Worker Solidarity. Faculty Fight Back On Equal Pay Day,the provost of Barnard College discussed her research on the importance of women-led firms in closing the gender pay gap. Yet just a few months earlier, Barnard Contingent Faculty—about two thirds of whom are women—set a strike deadline during their fight for a fair first contract.
Organized and certified in 2015, Barnard Contingent F aculty-UAW Local 2110 began yearlong negotiations with Barnard College in February 2016. Like many others in the growing academic precariat, Barnard’s adjuncts and other non-tenure-track faculty were fighting for demands such as higher minimum per course pay, access to affordable health and retirement benefits, a grievance procedure, and job security. While Barnard’s president was busy writing an op-ed for the New York Times about body image, cosmetic surgery, and aging among her “liberal, feminist-leaning, highly educated peer group” on the Upper East Side,the anti-union law firm Jackson Lewis handled negotiations with the contingent faculty on behalf of the administration. Frustrated by months of the administration stalling, contingent faculty voted to approve a strike deadline by an overwhelming majority of 89 percent in December. In a campus-wide email,the administration implied that a strike would contribute to students’ post-election distress. Meanwhile,the law firm they retained wrote that Obama-era anti-discrimination laws were “aggressive” and that Trump would “return to traditional theories of discrimination.” Students organized rallies and went door-to-door in dorms to petition in support of professors. With student support rapidly growing,the administration attempted to pit living wages and benefits for adjunct
Don't be fooled by their progressive rhetoric. Even the most "socially conscious" university administrator is still a boss. *Reprinted from Jacobin Magazine
By Meghan Brophy
professors against financial aid and campus programs for students. Ultimately, Barnard Contingent Faculty-UAW Local 2110 reached an agreement a few days before the strike deadline. Their first contract—which included the highest minimum per course pay for adjuncts of any college in New York City—was ratified in March 2017. Not Just Barnard The problem is not confined to Barnard or its administration. While one Barnard student correctly called the school “a women’s college for the one percent” in the Columbia Spectator,these patterns extend far beyond one college in New York City. This kind of anti-worker liberal hypocrisy is nothing new on college campuses. Likewise, the ascendance of corporate “lean in” feminism—prominently displayed in the Clinton campaign and in much of the mainstream women’s movement—is not confined to campuses. Elite universities may try to hide it behind the progressive language of their brochures, but their place in the system at-large hasn’t changed. While many college presidents criticized the Trump administration in graduation speeches this year,they’ve also been eagerly awaiting Trump’s National Labor Relations Board appointments in hopes these appointees will overturn the board ruling that allows graduate workers to organize unions.
A few months ago, a dean at Yale who has touted her commitment to supporting students’ “multifaceted identities” made headlines for publicly calling New Haven residents “white trash” and “low class folks.” When housekeepers at the Harvard-owned Doubletree Hotel were organizing a union in 2014, as Sarah Leonard and Rebecca Rojer have detailed, Sheryl Sandberg couldn’t find time to meet with them when she was on campus to speak. Harvard’s first woman president fought them every step ofthe way. The list goes on. Elite universities’ administrations can accommodate a particular brand of identity politics and progressive rhetoric. That rhetoric does not threaten their bottom line or tight grip on control of the campus. But when university workers engage in some old-fashioned collective action on the job,these administrators suddenly drop their intersectional commitments—or, even worse, use that progressive rhetoric against those workers. Don’t be fooled by their progressive posturing. Even the most “socially conscious” college administrator is still a boss.
The Columbia Queer Alliance (CQA) is a student organization for queer and trans students. CQA recognizes the diverse intersections of identities, backgrounds and needs of our community, and remains committed queer and trans liberation hand-in-hand with anti-racism, anti-sexism and anti-imperialism. [image description: the CQA logo. the letters 'cqa' in curly font, filled in with rainbow colors, with a Columbia crown on top of the 'q' and a heart after the 'a']
ia mb
Why is it that we have all the technology and means to produce immense wealth—enough food to feed everyone 4 meals per day, enough homes and construction materials to house everyone, the capacity to provide education and healthcare for all—and yet, in the U.S., the top 1% controls more than a third of the nation’s wealth? Why is it that 66 million children still go hungry each year, that millions of people are homeless, and that the overwhelming majority still do not have access to quality schools and medical services? The reason is that the system we currently live under--capitalism--is fundamentally based on exploiting the many to make profit for the few. Under capitalism, a minority ruling class directly profits off of the labor of the majority, the working class, who is forced to sell their ability to work in order to survive. Capitalism is responsible for countless wars, endless poverty, and mass exploitation and oppression for the sake of profit; and as a capitalist institution, Columbia is complicit in all of these processes. Columbia is not simply an intellectual island in which independent inquiry is allowed to flourish. Its administration directly benefits from maintaining capitalism and the inevitably racist, sexist, classist, and homophobic conditions that arise from it. Columbia is a place where students are molded into the next generation of bosses, politicians, and CEOs who have a stake in maintaining the status quo. Its primary function as a capitalist institution is far more corporate than educational: it exists to train the 1% to rule and reproduce intellectual workers and research for profit at the expense of students, workers, neighboring residents, and the global community at large. Columbia’s actions have made this evident throughout the course of its history. Columbia’s administration is currently hard at work displacing hundreds of Harlem residents for the sake of its expansion into Manhattanville; supporting the oppression of Palestinians both through its investments and by suppressing anti-Israel speech by students and faculty; funding the destruction of the planet; and worrying about its reputation rather than guaranteeing rights and resources for survivors of sexual violence (just to name a few examples). This is all in addition to what Columbia students already know--that Columbia extracts exorbitant fees well over the median family income from students, while paying its president millions of dollars per year to chastise student activists and act as Columbia’s respectable, liberal figurehead. While Bollinger gets paid an outrageous salary, it is actually the workers on this campus--from custodians to professors, support staff to TAs, most of whom are woefully underpaid--that allow Columbia to function. As students, we also occupy a unique space within the corporate institution that is Columbia, and that position gives us the power to make a real change, especially when we can collaborate with workers on campus and people in the communities around Columbia. All the issues mentioned above are embedded within contexts outside of the university, but we can still make a disproportionate impact by acting against the profit-driven motives of the administration. We’re the ones the university is meant to accommodate, we’re the ones who uphold their reputation, and we’re the ones who often pay (either through tuition and/or donations as alumni). As stakeholders in a capitalist institution, we don’t only have the power, but also the responsibility to fight against its oppressive policy. As you can see in Columbia’s own history of student activism, student movements can often lead to change on a larger scale; just think of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions movement against apartheid South Africa, which inspired a new generation of students to push their administration to withdraw its investments from the private prison industry. Now, a new wave of students is pushing for divestment from fossil fuel companies and Israeli apartheid. We, as socialists, see that these issues of oppression are all interrelated because they all have the same roots in the foundations of the capitalist system. The fight against sexual violence is part of the fight against transphobia, which is part of the fight against prisons, which is part of the fight against racism, and so on and so forth. Moreover, this fight is global, and there are revolutionary socialists fighting for justice all over the world; from Greece to South Africa, from Egypt to Puerto Rico. Because the fight against oppression and exploitation spans so many issues and regions across the world, we must develop political principles and experience that we carry outside of the gates of Columbia and well past our graduation. We enter campus with a choice: Are we here simply to get a degree from an elite school, or are we going to actually challenge the inequality and oppression that Columbia perpetuates? We don’t look proudly at the institution of Columbia University; and yet, we have a vision of a world beyond corporatized schooling in which access to quality education is available to all, in which the students, faculty, and workers who run schools democratically design the institutions that they want to be a part of, and in which education, inquiry, and scholarship are the uninhibited governing values that drive our schools.
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5 YEARS OF SOLIDARITY: began in 2012 to support Barnard dorm attendants and clerical workers who were fighting against proposed cuts to benefits and maternity leave.
On October 19th 2012, the workers reached a contract that met every one of their demands. Student-Worker Solidarity has been fighting for labor justice since! Since then, we supported workers in the Indus Valley restaurant who fought against wage theft ( ); Worked along with UNITE HERE to help Faculty House Workers win their contract; helped defeat unsafe working conditions in John Jay Dining Hall and discriminatory treatment of workers at the Butler Cafe; joined the nationwide Fight For Fifteen Campaign to win 15 on campus; and supported the unionization efforts and contract campaign by Barnard's Contingent faculty (successful!) and Columbia Graduate Students (still fighting)
end the illegal yet prevalent occurrence of late pay on campus stand with the Graduate Workers and pressure CU to respect their vote fight against retaliation by Barnard administration against contingent faculty work with USAS to get Barnard to affiliate with Worker Rights Consortium educate ourselves and raise awareness about labor history and its importance
what questions do you still have? what are you thinking about? this is a free writing/drawing/thinking space
by Fred Moten and Stefano Harney