Dawson Trail Dispatch June 2017

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Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Local Business Donates Books to Lorette Students

Elementary school students who attend classes in the three Lorette schools eagerly show off their brand new books after a generous gift from Dave and Jessica Audette, owners of Lorette Home Hardware.

By Marianne Curtis A few hundred elementary students who attend three schools in Lorette were recently the recipients of a generous gift of literacy. On May 31, each elementary student from the Dawson Trail School (DTS), Ecole Lagimodiere and Ecole Lorette Immersion (ELI) received a brand new book at no cost to themselves or their parents thanks to the generosity of Dave and Jessica Audette. “Seeing the smiling faces and how excited they were to receive their books was a very special moment,” said Audette. “Seeing how excited the kids were yesterday [for the photo] was icing on the cake.”

The Audettes came up with the idea as a way to give back to a community that has been generous to them. Two years ago, the couple opened Lorette Home Hardware. “We have experienced first hand many times the importance of community and feel committed to giving back to the community that has been so good to us,” continued Audette. “The opportunity to support early literacy was something we feel could make a difference for some kids.” He noted that all three of his children are strong students and he recognizes that the schools in Lorette played a significant role in their academic success. “We have three kids, two of which have graduated from

the schools in Lorette and have moved on to the University of Manitoba,” Audette confided. “There is no question that the early years programming at DTS, particularly the early literacy program was a major influence.” To keep things simple, students at DTS and Ecole Lagimodiere were each able to choose a book from the Scholastic book order form. Students from ELI chose from a selection of books picked out by the school. “Our intention is to make this a yearly event, perhaps tying it into “I love to read” events in February,” Audette pledged. “I have been in contact with the minister of education’s office and will be doing my best to leverage this to make it better and better.”

June 2017

By-Election Called for Ritchot Council Manitoba Indigenous and Municipal Relations advised that Roger Bouvier, a retired municipal services officer and Chief Administrative Officer, be appointed as the administrator for the Rural Municipality (RM) of Ritchot. Under Section 103 of The Municipal Act, the Lieutenant Governor in council may appoint an administrator for the municipality if the number of members of a council is fewer than required for a quorum or if a council resigns. This appointment comes after the resignation of three council members that resulted in the RM of Ritchot council losing quorum. A council without quorum is unable to hold council meetings or make decisions on behalf of the municipality. The existing council and chief administrative officer of the municipality are deemed to have resigned from office by way of the appointment of an administrator under The Municipal Act. The existing CAO was immediately rehired by administrator to ensure continuity of administration. The administrator has called a by-election and voting is slated for July 19 for a new council. Nomination papers are available now and must be submitted starting June 7 to June 13. The administrator will oversee the day-to-day business of the municipality and respond to any emergencies that may arise until the new council is elected.

Motorcycle Accident Claims Life of Steinbach Man On June 2, the St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP responded to a fatal single motorcycle collision on Provincial Road 205 approximately 6 km west of Carey. RCMP said they were called to the collision around 7:50 pm. Upon arrival, police saw that a male driver was lying in a ditch with significant injuries. First responders were already providing medical assistance, but the driver succumbed to his injuries. St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP reported no other individuals or vehicles were involved in the collision, the driver was wearing a helmet, and alcohol is not considered a factor in the collision. The investigation is ongoing.

June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Steinbach RCMP Respond to Tragic Fatality On May 8 at approximately 6:45 pm, Steinbach RCMP received a report of a man pinned under a pickup truck on his driveway. When officers arrived on scene, it was discovered a 49-year-old male had been working on a pickup truck at his residence when the vehicle fell off the supports, pinning him underneath. The victim was pronounced deceased at the scene.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

No Injuries in Trailer Fire By Marianne Curtis On May 15, fire crews were called to a mid afternoon house fire in Ile des Chenes with the understanding there could be two occupants inside. At around 2 pm, the RM of Ritchot and Niverville Fire Departments were dispatched to a house fire on Bonneteau Ave. in Southside Estates Trailer Court. When crews arrived, they found a garden shed ablaze and an adjacent mobile home smoldering. Southside Estates owner John Wiens was on site when the blaze started. “I was watching a fire of some floorboards behind a neighbouring lot when suddenly I noticed the shed on fire. There was no spreading on the grass or any significant sparks coming from the fire, in fact, it was going out,” claimed Wiens. He added that a neighbour called 911 while other neighbours helped the two homeowners get out unharmed. “It took a long time for the fire department to get there and the fire spread to the home. Police, ambulance, and a bunch of helpful neighbours were there before the fire department,” Wiens continued. “In fact neighbours with fire extinguishers and garden hoses should be credited with preventing a total loss to the home. They deserve a lot of credit.” RCMP Spokesperson Sergeant Paul Manaigre confirmed that

the fire was not suspicious. “It was deemed accidental,” Manaigre told the Dispatch. “Apparently the neighbour was burning something and the corner of the trailer caught fire. Since the cause is known, I am assuming that insurance will take care of the situation.” However, the homeowner did not have insurance. “We are helping the uninsured tenants with repairs,” Wiens continued, confirming that the homeowners were uninsured. “I don’t know if I am doing the right thing by assisting in repairs, nobody should live in those conditions.” Despite structural and smoke damage, the homeowner refused to leave the home due a large number of animals that were found in the home. When the media arrived, Ritchot firefighters could be seen removing a quantity of kennels from the burning home while the distraught homeowner watched. In total 17 Chihuahuas and similar type, dogs and nine cats were found on site stacked in kennels inside the mobile home. There were also a large number of birds within stacked birdcages that firefighters did not remove. While fire crews contained the blaze, the provincial vet attended and examined the elderly animals. It was determined that since the animals were cared for they were not removed from the home. The RM of Ritchot animal control bylaw permits three dogs per residence.

Ritchot fire crews checked for hot spots during a mobile house fire in Ile des Chenes after a shed caught fire and spread to the house. Photo by Marianne Curtis

Boil Water Order Lifted in IDC Residents living within Southside Estate in Ile des Chenes can once again drink water straight from their taps after the province recently lifted a two-year-old boil water order. According to a letter from Dr. Mike Routledge Medical Officer of Health with Southern Regional Health Authority, “The Southside Estates water system has met all conditions for rescinding the boil water advisory and that all bacteriological testing results meet regulatory standards.” The boil water advisory has been

in place since June 2015, ultimately affecting about three hundred residents. It was placed as a precaution while the property owner upgraded the park’s water treatment system. Southside Estates residents receive their water from two private wells instead of the municipal water system. When Ile des Chenes connected to the system in 2000, residents within the mobile park were encouraged to connect to the town water. Unfortunately, the connection fees were about $3,000 per mobile home and out of financial range for a majority of the residents.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Former Mayor Makes Bid to Reclaim Seat Amid Allegations of Conflict of Interest By Marianne Curtis Former RM of Ritchot Mayor Jackie Hunt is the first official candidate to announce that she is making a bid to reclaim the mayor’s seat in the upcoming by-election. This may come as a shock to Ritchot residents because the July 19 by-election was called after Hunt, along with Councillors Jeannot Robert and Ron Mamchuck resigned suddenly on April 28. Hunt announced her candidacy in a statement to media issued May 30. “In stepping down as Mayor earlier this spring, I took a stand so that we could ensure that anyone wanting to dedicate their time to their communities could do so in a respectful working environment,” stated Hunt’s only statement on the matter. “Many individuals, from Ritchot and around the Province, have shared that no matter how difficult my decision was, it was the right thing to do to address an environment that was not only harmful to Council and staff but also to the Municipality as a whole.” In her official statement of resignation earlier in the month, Hunt claimed to resign to start a conversation on bullying at the municipal council level. “When a Council cannot function as a group, and when mediation does not work, and when name calling and belligerent behaviour become the norm, it is time to

re-evaluate your spot at the table,” said Hunt’s original statement. “I gave up my seat so that it might start a conversation at the Municipal and Provincial levels of government about how to better protect the residents that want to serve our communities. If I stayed and did nothing, then I became complicit and accepting of the behaviour. We are trying to encourage people to run for public office, and we need to ensure they are protected from bullying and inappropriate behaviour while serving their communities.” Hunt continued by saying that while she regrets the disruption her resignation caused, she is “Greatly encouraged by the conversations that this has started.” “I would like the opportunity to finish what I started and to continue to serve the public good in the role of Mayor,” Hunt continued. “Having other community-minded people around the table is important to me and now we have an opportunity to make that happen.” While Hunt claims to have resigned due to bullying, another public statement was released by the two councillors who have been accused of bullying. “Ms. Hunt’s resignation is too conveniently timed with a hearing that took place on April 19, 2017,” reads a statement issued by former Councillors Ernie Dumaine and Corinne Webb. “The truth of the matter is, Ms. Hunt voted on a conflict of in-

terest matter that she had a personal interest in which, in all likelihood, would have resulted in her being asked to step down as Mayor.” Under the Municipal Act, a sitting councillor or mayor can be removed from council if conflict of interest is proven. The conflict of interest issue dealt with a hockey rink that was put up next to a house in a small park in St. Adolphe. The statement goes on to cite all the different ways that council allegedly broke various bylaws and regulations pertaining to the construction of the Garden Ridge Park. When asked to clarify the situation, Hunt appears to have resigned instead of answering any questions on the matter. However, under The Municipal Council Conflict of Interest Act, a councillor is legally obliged to disclose all personal interests that may be voted on by council in an official meeting. Specifically, the legislation states that a councillor or any of their dependants that have a direct or indirect pecuniary interest including any person, corporation, partnership, or organization to then the councillor shall disclose the general nature of the interest and is required to withdraw from the meeting without a right to vote or participate in the discussion and refrain at all times from attempting to influence the matter. When a councillor violates any provision of the Act, the councillor is disqualified from office. The penalty for violation is

June 2017

Running for Mayor Publicly Announced I would like to take this opportunity to announce my candidacy for Mayor of the RM of Ritchot in the July 19 by-election. Serving our communities has been one of the great honours of my life. I would be privileged to resume this important work on behalf of the citizens of Ritchot. In stepping down as Mayor earlier this spring, I took a stand so that we could ensure that anyone wanting to dedicate their time to their communities could do so in a respectful working environment. Many individuals, from Ritchot and around the Province, have shared that no matter how difficult my decision was, it was the right thing to do to address an environment that was not only harmful to Council and staff but also to the Municipality as a whole. While I regret the disruption that this has caused, I am greatly encouraged by the conversations that this has started. I have also been overwhelmed with the support and encouragement I have received from across the municipality. The opportunity to serve and work with the great people of our communities is what has inspired me to enter this by-election race. As a result of the Province’s wise decision to dissolve the remaining two Council seats, residents will have an opportunity to elect a Mayor and Councilors for all four wards. I would like the opportunity to finish what I started and to continue to serve the public good in the role of Mayor. Having other community-minded people around the table is important to me and now we have an opportunity to make that happen. I believe I have the experience needed to benefit Council and the people of this Municipality. I want to be there to support our new Council as they transition into a role, which includes many projects that are underway and require immediate attention as our communities continue to grow and flourish. If re-elected, I commit to continuing to serve with integrity, respect and a spirit of collaboration. Together, we can strengthen all our communities to ensure a strong and prosperous Municipality for many years to come. Jackie Hunt declared by a judge and can include an order to the councillor to make restitution to any person, including the municipality, affected by the pecuniary gain up to six years after. While Hunt has made her intentions public, ratepayers will have to wait a few more days before finding out who else is running. Nominations officially close on June 13. “We don’t know who’s going to run yet,” said provincially appointed Administrator Roger Bouvier. “All I would say [to residents] right now is basically come out and vote,

you know, exercise your duty and vote.” When news of Hunt’s plan to reclaim her seat hit social media, many residents questioned how she could run again, if her resignation and the events following triggered the by-election. A spokesperson from the Department of Manitoba Indigenous and Municipal Relations said there is nothing “In the municipal act that would bar any of the previous council members from running in this by-election.”

Fire Claims Men’s Dorm at Providence College By Marianne Curtis On June 2, a devastating fire claimed one of Providence College’s main dormitories. RCMP and fire departments from Niverville, St. Malo and St. Pierre-Jolys tackled the blaze, but not much was left when the fire was contained later in the evening. Fire Departments were called to the fire around 5 pm to Bergan Hall, which is located on the college’s campus after an employee spotted smoke rising from the dormitory. The building was vacant and in the middle of exterior renovations at the time. It is still unclear how the fire started, however it appears to have started in the back of the building. Providence spokesperson Cherry Wiebe said the school does not know the full extent of the damage yet, but is not expecting to salvage much. “By the looks of it, it will most likely have to be torn down and then we’ll start from scratch,” she said. She added that Providence would like to recognize the efforts

of maintenance employees Andy expected to be housed for camps during the Martin and Randy Bechard, as well summer. as a neighbour Emile Morin, who A statement released by Providence supplied additional water to help put College states, “That a process is already out the blaze. in place that will see the development of The building was constructed in plans for immediate and long-term housing the 1980s and was undergoing ex- needs means we will be able to comfortably terior renovations at the time of the host everyone attending Sports Camps, the fire, Wiebe said. The 60-room dorm Summer Music Academy, Summer TESOL slept 120 people at maximum ca- and all other programs over the next few pacity, but was empty when the fire months.” broke out. Wiebe said the school has already received a handful of offers to help deal with the aftermath of the fire. Students will not need access to the dorms until September but different arrangements will have to be made for high Despite the valiant efforts of the St. Pierre-Jolys, St. Malo and Niverville school students Fire Departments, Bergan Hall, the men’s dorm at Providence College was destroyed by fire. that are Photos by Marianne Curtis

June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Changes in the Political Landscape - Or Not The BC election was a dramatic change from the norm. A minority by the slimmest of margins, one seat short of victory has potential to change the Canadian economy. A potential coalition of NDP and Greens are opposed to the expansion of a pipeline from Alberta to the BC coast. At this time, they are making lots of political noise and seem to think that as soon as they form a government, cars and trucks will cease to use fuel. Aside from instantly fixing the traffic congestion problem nothing, much else would or could resemble reality. Their assumed green bona fides are getting in the way of common sense. The Green leader appears to not even know that this pipeline already exists and has been supplying a BC refinery for some time. The previous deal struck by the Federal, BC and Alberta governments was an expansion. This would be a boost to the hard-pressed Alberta government, which could use positive news after a long string of bad luck. This seems more like piling on Alberta without a political principal in site. This BC election will remain a murky picture for quite a long time and could still involve constitutional shenanigans. Integrity will suffer, leadership will be at a premium or missing and meanwhile the Canadian economy suffers from too much Provincial politics. Contrast this with the Nova Scotia election. More of the same from the outgoing government, but with a reduced majority. The province’s voter turnout was very low. I imagine the succulence of lobster and a cold beer run might have taken them away from the polling stations. On the Federal scene, a newly minted leader of the opposition has been unveiled. Picture Stephen Harper with a smile and short pants. Gives you a bit of a shudder doesn’t it. His ascendance had more to do with social conservatives than progressive tendencies, which were an eye opener. But time will tell how he will be repackaged. It’s a foregone conclusion that progressive and green minded will not be the adjectives, which define him. A complete surprise to most of us was the Quebec government wanting the Federal Government to re-open the constitution, to answer the same points as before, in a different manner. I don’t see or feel there is a resounding yes mood with Canadians for another Meech Lake. I could be wrong though.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Border Crossings and New Conservative Leader Chosen Dangerous Border Crossings Last week I was deeply saddened to learn of the death of Mavis Otuteye, who Minnesota police believe was attempting to cross into Canada between official border crossings. My thoughts and prayers are with her loved ones. One of the central reasons I have been calling for the closure of the loophole is to encourage individuals to enter Canada safely at portsof-entry. Canada has a safe, legal process in place at every airport and land border crossing for individuals looking to claim refugee status. Tragically, many people are being coached to cross illegally and dangerously because the current system incentivizes such crossings. While this is the first known instance of loss of life related to illegal border crossings, we know that others have endured serious physical consequences as well. To ensure the safety of all individuals looking to come to Canada, we must do all we can to promote safe, legal entry into Canada. Monitoring the situation is not enough and I will continue to demand that the Liberal government take action to close the loophole and remove the incentives that encourage dangerous border crossings between official ports of entry. Conservatives Elect Andrew Scheer As New Leader On Saturday May 27, I joined thousands of Conservatives in Toronto at the Conservative Leadership Convention. It was like no other political event I have experienced since first being elected to Parliament in 2013. The Convention centre was buzzing all afternoon in the lead-up to the announcement of the results, and the tension only increased as the day went on. As each round, unfolded, successive candidates were dropped from the ballot, with fifteen-minute breaks between the broadcast of each result - a break that many times felt more like an hour. In the end, after 13 rounds, it all came down to the final ballot between the last two

candidates still standing, Maxime Bernier and Andrew Scheer. As we waited for the result of the final ballot, the tension in the room was immense and could be seen etched on the faces of the two remaining candidates. Then, after tabulating over 141,000 votes from party members, (the most ever-in Canadian history) the results were finally in. “The next leader of the Conservative Party of Canada, with 51% of the vote is… Andrew Scheer!” The convention centre erupted with cheers for the new leader. As Andrew Scheer made his way to the podium to give his victory speech, Maxime Bernier quickly congratulated him with a handshake and a pat on the back. As he began his speech, many Canadians perhaps were left wondering, “Who exactly is Andrew Scheer?” While he is only 38 years old, Andrew Scheer has already had an exceptionally successful political career. When he first sought federal political office in 2004 at the young age of 25, he defeated popular New Democrat Lorne Nystrom, who at the time was the longest-serving MP in the country. In 2011, at only 32, he was elected Speaker of the House of Commons - the youngest person ever to hold that prestigious position. A quick glance at some of his policies helps to understand who Andrew Scheer is and what he stands for. During the campaign, he promised to focus on free speech, prioritizing real refugees, standing with Ukraine, Poland, and other Eastern European allies, support for Israel, greater accountability for First Nations, ending corporate welfare, freer trade, improving health care, standing up for religious freedom, a cleaner environment and respect for parents. His acceptance speech Saturday also gave Canadians a greater understanding of his motivations for seeking the leadership of the party. During the speech, he stated that under his leadership the Conservative

Party, “Will always be looking for new ways to make life more affordable, by cutting your taxes and making it easier for the private sector to create jobs.” He said that, “Conservatives have and always will be the party of prosperity, not envy,” and that “We will be the party that always represents taxpayers, not connected Ottawa insiders.” He received a loud applause when he stated that the Liberal carbon tax is “nothing more than a tax grab” which he then promised to repeal. But perhaps the largest applause of the evening was reserved for the following statement, “One of the things that has motivated me so much in this campaign is the very strong belief that I cannot allow Justin Trudeau to do the same thing to my five children that his father did to my generation.” I was proud to be an early supporter of Andrew when he first announced his leadership bid last September. Since then he has earned the respect and admiration of our caucus, supporters, and Canadians from across the country. This marks the beginning of an exciting new era for the Conservative party and I am looking forward to working closely with our new leader. With Andrew Scheer at the helm, we come out of this leadership campaign excited, united and ready to defeat Justin Trudeau and the Liberals in 2019. For more information on this or any other issue, please feel free to contact my office toll free at 1-866333-1933 or at 204-326-9889. You may also write my office at 76 PTH 12 N, Steinbach, MB, R5G 1T4, email me at ted.falk.ca@parl.gc.ca or visit my website at tedfalk.ca.

Message from Sunrise Corner By Jeannine Brandt “I am so excited to be working for Sunrise Corner! It’s funny how someone can live in a place their whole lives and still find new things to celebrate about their home. On Mother’s Day weekend, I took to the calm waters of the Roseau River with my mom and produced a video of my experience. Visit our Facebook page to see it! If you get the chance, stop your car beside the road and smell the blossoms grow-

ing all over the forests. You won’t have to walk far to find some, I promise! I also got a chance to visit the Spurgrave School in Carrick. What an amazing piece of history! On Instagram, we’ve started One Hundred Days of Photos. There are little pockets of beauty in Sunrise Corner that we don’t always see. To see our growing collection, follow us @sunrisecornermb. On my radar is the Hwy 201 Garage Sale, coming up on June 10. Don’t forget to come out to the

Sunrise Corner Summer Tourism Launch and introduction to geocaching event in Woodridge on June 10 from 11 am to 1 pm. The Sunrise Corner website is also filling up fast! There are already pictures and write-ups on every page! Check it out at sunrisecornermb.ca. There’s a lot more to do this coming month but if a full schedule isn’t your thing, there’s tons of time to chill and enjoy the area.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2017

La Broquerie Hosts Clean Air Hearings On May 8, the Clean Air Commission began public hearings in La Broquerie regarding the Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project. The Southeast Stakeholders Coalition is a group of landowners who say that Manitoba Hydro is trying to bribe them to overcome opposition to a proposed power line in the area, despite the fact the route has not been approved. The coalition represents 120 landowners in the RM’s of Tache, Ste. Anne and La Broquerie. The group raised concerns at a

Clean Environment Commission hearing into the $350-million Manitoba-Minnesota Transmission Project, a power line that has been in the works for years as part of a 308-megawatt power deal with the Green Bay-based Wisconsin Public Service. The proposed route would run from Dorsey Station, northwest of Winnipeg, to the ManitobaMinnesota border. The province approved the project in conjunction with a review by the Public Utilities Board in 2014. Hydro is offering landowners along the pro-

Leading By Example I recently had the opportunity to make a private member’s statement at the Manitoba legislature, highlighting the memory of John Blatz. John was a firm believer in our democratic system and led by example, showing people that anyone who wants to be involved can get involved in our political system. Throughout his career, he was very practical. He understood how our political system works and where people could make their voices heard. John had a very busy career in the political sphere. In the 1980s, he sat on the Manitoba Lotteries board. He later sat on the Highway Traffic Board and was promoted to become its Chair. He was also an active volunteer for politicians he believed in. To name a few, Bob Banman, Albert Driedger, Steinbach MLA Kelvin Goertzen, former Federal Health Minister Jake Epp, former Premier Gary Filmon and Premier Brian Pallister in his leadership campaign. John’s commitment and dedication were not qualities that went unnoticed. Filmon once said, “John Blatz was one of the most loyal and dedicated supporters that I had in the Steinbach area. I could always count on his leadership and commitment.” The passion and dedication John had was passed down to his daughter, Jenny Plett. Jenny, through her

dad’s example, saw something in me and encouraged me to run for office, which led to my sitting in the Manitoba Legislative Assembly today. It’s important for us to remember that it’s an extreme privilege to be able to express our political choices and opinions in a democratic society, especially when we see countries all over the world where this isn’t possible. John had always been aware of this, and always worked tirelessly for the causes he believed in. John passed away on July 29, 2014. It was my privilege to publicly recognize his dedication and spirit, and to recognize Jenny and Margaret Blatz, his wife. There are many outstanding constituents in Dawson Trail, and the highlight of my job is getting to meet them. I’m looking forward to a busy summer and to making the most of our Manitoba weather to travel through the riding to attend many exciting events. I am sure I will see a lot of you around our corner of the province this summer!

posed route 50 per cent of the land value up front in exchange for easement agreements allowing the power line to be built, as opposed to the standard $225. “Hydro’s been doing a number of things that really presume that they’re going to get exactly what they want, rather than waiting to actually get permission and then to start to talk to landowners,” said Kevin Toyne is a lawyer representing the Southeast Stakeholders Coalition. “Residents are very concerned about it; they see it as Hydro not only treating the process like it’s

a rubber stamp, but as a way to try to reduce opposition along the proposed right-of-way.” Toyne said his clients want Hydro to move the middle portion of the line’s route farther east, avoiding many of the affected landowners in Taché and La Broquerie. Residents are hoping that the Commission will send Hydro back to the drawing board to come up with a more appropriate route. Bruce Owen, with Manitoba Hydro said the Crown Corporation is not doing anything wrong. “We are acquiring voluntary

easements to allow us [to] begin construction as quickly as possible once all federal and provincial approvals are received,” Owen said in a statement. “This may help us avoid potential delays to the project.” Owen stressed that Hydro will not begin working on the project until receiving the green light from the federal and provincial governments. The Clean Environment Commission panel has 90 days after the completion of the hearing to present a report with recommendations to the province.

June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

RCMP Seek Salon Break-In Leads On April 30, the Steinbach RCMP received a report of a break and enter to Foxy Babes, a Main Street business located in Steinbach. Entry was gained through the back door between 12 and 9 am. Suspects stole boxes of salon product and a cash box. Steinbach RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating the individual(s) responsible for this incident. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Clear Cutting Concerns Piney Residents

Thousands of acres of live forest are being clear-cut in the Carrick, St. Labre and Woodridge areas.

By Marianne Curtis Residents living in the RM of Piney are growing increasingly alarmed over the alledged ruthless clear-cutting of thousands of acres of forest and they are demanding that someone step in and stop it. On June 1, a public meeting took place in Woodridge. It was called by local residents to discuss the matter with the RM of Piney, and officials from the province. While countless ratepayers from St. Labre, Carrick, Wo o d r i d g e and other areas showed up, not a single invited political representative attended to provide answers. Carrick resident Vance Rempel called the meeting because he estimates that about 500 cords of wood per day has been hauled out of the area

since last year. “Since last year, we have watched our forest disappear. Initially we thought they were just logging; then they started taking huge areas in the prime recreation land. We always thought this was prime tourism area and now they are clearcutting,” Rempel explained. “So we started asking questions and we were told they have a plan for the next 5 years, to clear all these lands and they’ve already done thousands of acres.” Rempel said they were told the province was trying to contain an influx of pine beetles. “They said they are going to combat it there, and keep it from moving east. We started researching pine beetles; there is nothing saying that pine beetles have taken over the forest in Manitoba,” Remple insists. “Plus, if there is a problem that means that Manitoba Forestry is not doing their job of managing the forest.” “Plus, there would be thousands of beetles on the trees, but we don’t seem them,” he added. “They [the province] just called in all these logging companies and is giving them a free for all, all poplar, spruce and birch. The pine beetle does not attack these species.” Manitoba Sustainable Development maintains that they are clear cutting timber in the Sandilands Provincial Forest, near Woodridge.

A load being hauled out.

“We are trying to control an outbreak of the Pine Bark Engraver Beetle,” stated a spokesperson from the Department. The Pine Bark Engraver Beetle is the most damaging bark beetle species attacking pines. Red and jack pine are the most common victims, although white pine and spruce can also be infested. Pine engraver beetles can quickly kill a few upper-canopy branches and eventually the entire tree in a matter of weeks. They prefer to attack stressed pine trees or freshly cut pine and spruce branches and trunks called slash, so healthy trees are usually unharmed. Rempel said residents are getting frustrated that no one is listening to them and they are getting ready to take action if needed to prevent the Sandilands forest from become a prairie. “We want to protect the forest, and we keep getting the run around. We invited council, the province, our MLA, or MP, no one came,” Rempel said. “People are very concerned; and they know its happening and they know it’s wrong and they are getting angry. They are threatening to barricade roads, and stop equipment. We have to try to get the department out, and get the Department of Forestry out. If they are planning to cut down every tree in this area, it is not going to go very well.”

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2017

Niverville Wheels Residents Invited to Eco Centre’s Annual Recycle Your Oil Day Out Recycling Program By Marianne Curtis The Town of Niverville has launched a new recycling program, which has led to some controversy in the community. As of June 1, Niverville has switched to a tote system for their community wide recycling program. Mayor Myron Dyck said that last April, the town introduced the garbage cart system with great success. The new recycling system will be similar. The Town of Niverville has contracted Brital Hauling at a cost of just under $250 per ton. Dyck noted there are some differences in the two carts, with the recycling bins being the larger of the two. Under the new system, recycling will also only be picked up every second week, giving residents more time to fill them. “There is not going to be any additional costs to residents in the recycling program,” said Dyck. “We get paid per ton by the province, so we encourage recycling because it is a benefit to us as a community.” According to Councillor Nathan Dueck, the current program in 2015 and 2016 in recycling cost the town approximately $150,000. The town received a credit back in tonnage weight close to $156,000. Hence, the old system generated a positive balance of close to $6,000. The Town of Niverville’s new program costs $117,000. “We expect more Recycling to be done with the hope of generating a larger tonnage credit, $165,000 with the hope of creating and excess of $50,000 that can and will be used to offset costs in other areas as those costs increase over time,” Dueck explained. “Only problem is what does one do when you have too much recycling and Garbage?” He said residents could either break it down because 150 lbs of recycling in a container or families could start making, “More responsible decisions about what you are buying and the amount of garbage and recycling you bring into your house.” While the program is expected to be positive, residents are taking issue to a few aspects, including the by-weekly pickup. “For 95% of people, if they break down their trash, they will never fill up those containers. The 5% that do or do not break down their trash, would increase their neighbours’ cost if demanded pick up every week, which would cost the Town close to $230,000 a year with a return of $170,000,” said Dueck. “Adding $60,000 plus loading the potential profit of $50,000 and costing the town close to $110,000. Not a good idea.” As with any new program, there will be a review of the new recycling collection method to ensure the Town’s goals are being achieved. The Town of Niverville is optimistic that the new collection service will effectively resolve the challenge of recycling materials being blown around the community.

The City of Steinbach is once again inviting people to bring in their used oil, filters, plastic containers and other items to their upcoming Oil Recycling Day on June 14. Oil Recycling Day is an annual event to promote the network of Eco Centres and residents to safely dispose this waste. The City of Steinbach invites residents to bring in their used oil to the

community’s Eco Centre, located at the community landfill. In exchange, residents received a free litre of oil for every five litres of used motor oil brought into the depot. There is a limit of 205 litres per vehicle and up to five coupons per vehicle will be given out. The Manitoba Association for Resource Recovery Corporation (MARRC) hosts the annual event and on av-

erage, the city collects over 2,500 litres of used oil during the recycle day. A hot dog sale fundraiser coincides with the collection raising funds for South East Helping Hands, the local food bank. For those unable to attend the one-day event, used oil and tires can be recycled year round at the Steinbach Landfill’s Eco Centre.

Organizers hope all residents will participate in this important event as used oil, oil filters, and plastic oil containers need to be disposed of properly so they can be recycled into useful products instead of threatening our environment. For more information about the Steinbach Eco-Centre or Oil Recycling Day, please e-mail ewallman@steinbach.ca or call 204-346-6500.

June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Grunthal Man Charged After Colliding with School Bus A 19-year-old Grunthal man has been charged after he rear-ended a school bus near Kleefeld on May 26. The crash happened around 8:30 am when a school bus pulled over to pick up children on the shoulder of Highway 52 at the intersection of Honey Lane Road, about three kilometers northwest of Kleefeld. According to police, the bus had its flashing lights on and stop sign extended. Police said a vehicle came to a stop on the highway behind the bus waiting for it to move on before proceeding. The pickup came up behind that vehicle and tried pass it on the shoulder of the highway when it rear-ended the bus. There were about 20 children on the school bus at the time and no injuries were reported. The children who were on the bus during the accident were evaluated by EMS along the highway and then again at the Kleefeld School.

A Grunthal man has been charged after read ended a Hanover School Division School bus with 20 children on board.

The 19-year-old driver of the pickup truck was treated and released at the scene for minor injuries. A spokesperson for the RCMP said they expect to charge him

with careless driving or imprudent driving under the Highway Traffic Act. The RCMP is still investigating the incident.

Driver Charged After Highway 59 Crash A twenty-year-old woman from Niverville is lucky to be alive after the car she was driving was rear ended by a concrete pumper truck. At around 10 am on May 25, Kennedy Koop was making a Piston Ring delivery from Niverville to Ile des Chenes when she stopped for a car in front of her. While she waited for the car to make their left turn, she was suddenly hit from behind by a concrete pumper truck. Despite the appearance of her car, Koop sustained only cuts from glass and scrapes on her back that required almost a dozen stitches and staples. The St. Pierre-Jolys RCMP has charged the nineteenyear-old driver of the concrete pumper truck with distracted driving.

The twenty-year old female driver of this car sustained minor injuries after the car she was driving got rear ended by a concrete pumper truck.

Crash Claims Life of Ste. Agathe Man The community of Ste. Agathe is in mourning after a highway accident claimed one of their own. On May 26, Marc Potvin succumbed to injuries he sustained after a single vehicle accident. Around 11:55 pm on May 24, an RCMP officer patrolling Highway 75 found a pickup truck in the ditch, near PR 210. Upon investigation, the officer found the driver of the truck lying unconscious on the road where he had been ejected from his vehicle. While waiting for emergency crews to arrive, the officer performed CPR. According to RCMP, the truck was travelling northbound and

attempting to turn east bound onto be a hard worker who always lent a PR 210. The driver was going too hand to others. fast, lost control of the truck and it rolled into the ditch, RCMP said. The driver was not wearing a seat belt at the time of the crash and its unknown if alcohol was a factor, police added. The RCMP continues are continuing to investigate. Potvin was rushed to hospital with life-threatening injuries where he passed away two days later. The Ste. Agathe native is the only son of Gerald and Jocelyne Potvin. Sources close to the family say that Marc enjoyed spending his time in the outdoors, hunting, fishing, camping with friends and family and he enjoyed participating in various sports. He was also known to Marc Potvin

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2017

Ritchot in Limbo Until By-Election Summer in the City By Marianne Curtis RM of Ritchot residents will head to the polls in July to elect an entirely new council after the sudden resignation of the mayor, and two councillors at the end of April. This decision came as a result of the province officially stepping in and dissolving the remainder of council after a slew of sudden resignations a week earlier. On May 10, Roger Bouvier a retired municipal services officer and chief administrative officer was appointed as the Administrator for the RM of Ritchot. Under Section 103 of The Municipal Act, the Lieutenant Governor may appoint an administrator for the municipality if the number of members of a council is fewer than required for a quorum or if a council resigns.

The appointment was made after the resignation of three council members that resulted in the RM of Ritchot council losing quorum. Without a quorum, council is unable to make decisions on behalf of the municipality. The appointment deemed the remaining two council members and chief administrative officer (CAO) of the municipality as “resigned from office” by way of the appointment of an administrator under The Municipal Act. The existing CAO was immediately rehired by Bouvier to ensure continuity of administration. Bouvier’s first task was to call a by-election for July 19 to fill five vacant seats including the mayor and four councillors. “My job is to basically, number one, is to run a by-election, and I’ve done a lot of those, and we’re going to run

this one like we did all the rest,” Bouvier said. “All I would say [to residents] right now is basically come out and vote, you know, exercise your duty and vote.” Anyone wishing to run for council can pick up nomination papers from the RM of Ritchot municipal office in St. Adolphe. Nominations will only be accepted from June 7 to June 13 from 9 am to 4 pm. Candidates will be announced on June 15. The length of this term will be only sixteen months because the next general election takes place October 2018. Once elected, the new council will be expected to get to work immediately. One of the first tasks to be tackled by the new council will be the completion and approval of the 2017 municipal budget.

Hadashville Man Wins Big Co-Op Prize By Marianne Curtis A nineteen-year-old Hadashville man was the lucky winner of a brand new 2017 Ford F150 XLT after he participated in this year’s Coop Fuel Up to Win online contest. On May 23, Mathew Shedroski was presented with a cheque for $35,000 after he opted for the cash instead of the truck. “I had just filled up my truck and was driving away when I received a call from a Toronto number,” Shedroski explained. “I pulled over and answered it and a guy told me that I had won.” Shedroski said he went home and told his mom and sister, with whom he has decided to share his prize. He plans to save the rest and make a decision on how to spend it later. Ste. Anne Coop General Manager Henry Nickel said each year, thousands of prizes are awarded all over western Canada, but this was the first time one Fuel Up to Win winner Mathew Shedroski along with Don Esau Ste. Anne Coop Store Manager and Henry Nickel Ste. Anne Coop General Manager. of the big ones was won locally.

Canada’s Most Infamous UFO Sighting Celebrates 50 Years By Marianne Curtis On May 19 1967, Stephan Michalak stumbled out of the bush after prospecting in the Falcon Lake area. When he emerged with a wild look in his eyes, covered with burns and ill, Michalak claimed to have come in contact with two cigar-shaped crafts. While one flew away, the other landed on a rock about 150 feet away. Michalak managed to get near enough to touch it and a burst of light came from one of the ‘exhaust’ panels, which set fire to his shirt. He was treated in Winnipeg for first-degree burns and released. For several days after the incident, he was unable to keep

his food down and lost twenty-two pounds in weight. He suffered from various symptoms, including blackouts, severe headaches, nausea and there was a drastic drop in his lymphocyte count. Medical reports also showed that he had skin infections. All his symptoms pointed to radiation burns, and doctors were unable to find anything else as the cause. Altogether, Michalak was examined by a total of twenty-seven doctors, and not one was able to fully explain the cause of his symptoms. He ended up paying for all of his medical expenses, never receiving an explanation for his symptoms. Radioactivity was found at the landing site along with fragments of metal, mostly silver that had been exposed to great heat.

Unsolved Mysteries dubbed the “Falcon Lake Encounter” as the most credible, well documented cases in the world of a UFO sighting. The story has been accepted as genuine by most investigators and UFO groups. Despite being scrutinized by countless doctors, reputable scientists, the RCMP, Royal Canadian Air Force, the Federal Department of Health and Welfare, and the Manitoba Department of Health and Welfare, no one has been able to prove or disprove Michalak’s extraordinary encounter. Despite this, Michalak made no money from his encounter. He published a small booklet detailing his experience, but it failed to make a profit. He died in 1999.

Prepares to Take Over Steinbach The biggest celebration in Steinbach, Summer in the City runs from June 16 - 18. Tickets are available online at summerinthecity.ca and will be available for purchase at Earls Meat Market, Steinbach Arts Council and all 3 Ste. Anne Co-op locations in Steinbach. Friday night’s Mainstage Headliner, is Saskatchewan’s own Jess Moskaluke who will be bringing her infectious love of country music to Main Street. Moskaluke is the perfect addition to a Canadian focused Mainstage for this year’s festival. This year’s theme is Celebrating Canada’s 150th and what better way to do that than with one of our top female Canadian artists. Moskaluke is enjoying her third consecutive win of Female Artist of the Year with the CCMA and is the current 2017 Juno winner of the “Country Album of the Year” award. Acclaimed as the first female Canadian country solo artist since her childhood idol Shania Twain to achieve single platinum status, Moskaluke is sure to please country fans. Tom Cochrane and Red Rider to Perform Saturday on Mainstage Saturday night’s big Main Stage celebration of Canada’s 150th is with one of the most iconic musicians, Tom Cochrane and Red Rider. Songs that are etched on the history of the lives of Canadians, from Sinking Like a Sunset, The Boy Inside the Man, and Big League. Cochrane said, “I’m a proud Canadian and the biggest reward though is when someone comes up and says this song or that song got me through some tough times or was part of the best times in my life, or when I fell in love that was our song.” We can all tell stories about those songs and are excited to watch them be performed live on Main Street on Saturday, June 17. It’s time for a change with Dance in the City, which is now called Street Arts in the City in a new area of Summer in the City focusing on street culture. This year, Main Street will have a larger footprint dedicated to Street Arts in the City with a bigger stage, new location and exciting events to watch. Head to Main Street on Saturday and look for the crowds around the XCo Jr All Star competition from 12:30 to 3 pm and the XCo All Star competition from 4 to 8 pm. The always popular hip hop dance competition for junior and pro will be hosted by DJ Mav One with celebrity judges weighing in on what they like and handing out cash prizes to the winners. Take a break from the competition and check out the street car show happening all weekend long where local street racing car enthusiasts will show off their wheels. Graffiti

and hydrodipping artists will also be found in this area of the festival sharing their talents with the public. The Steinbach Skate Park will be hosting a duo of events during Street Arts in the City with cash prizes. The Summer Skate Series all ages round robin skateboard tournament on June 16. Shred in the City is Saturday June 17 at 2 pm and is an all ages skateboard, BMX and scooter competition. There is lots going on at this venue and you won’t want to miss taking it all in. Dreams turned into a reality as coordinators and sponsors announced this year’s festival extension from two days to three full days of events thanks to Worship in the City growing from a morning service to a full day of festivities. Some exciting news for Sunday, beginning in the morning for Worship in the City, will be guest speaker Milt Stegall, former Winnipeg Blue Bomber AllStar receiver and in the evening, the Christian music artist and 2016 Juno award winner Dan Bremnes will be headlining with a free evening concert. In addition, the morning service will feature worship led by Danny Plett & Project Worship while the afternoon will abound with various local Christian artists until Dan Bremnes wraps up the festival in the evening. With Sunday being Father’s Day, it will be a perfect opportunity for families to come out and spend the day together. All concerts are no charge including Dan Bremnes. A freewill offering will be taken where 50% of the offering will go to non-profit charities within Steinbach. Get a Taste of the World, with mouthwatering list of food at this year’s Summer in the City Cultures area. They have released the names of the countries that will be participating in the food vendor part of the festival. Wander through the booth area, choose a country to dine at and engage all your senses as you watch performances on the Cultures stage as you eat! Cultures food booths will be open on Sunday from 11 – 6. Head down to Main Street on Sunday, visit the midway, watch street performers and celebrate Father’s Day with some food from around the world. The countries sharing their culture this year are China with Chicken Balls, Scallop Shrimp, and Spring Rolls, Columbia with Lamb Burgers and Lamb Empanadas, Germany and its Currywurst, Steak or Schnitzel on a Bun, Jamaica’s Jerk Chicken, Curried Lamb, and Jamaican Patties, Mennonite Waffles with White Sauce, Mexico with Enchiladas and Tacos, Nigeria’s Fried Plantain, Chicken Stew, and Chin Chin, Paraguay’s Empanadas and the Philippines’ Pork BBQ Skewers and Halo Halo.


June 2017

Pat Porter Active Living Centre offers programs, activities, services and volunteer opportunities, striving to promote healthy and active living for mature adults of the southeast region. We invite you to come and pay us a visit and consider participating in some of our programs and events. Rentals and Functions: **We have 1 Hut available to rent immediately!** Please call Lynda at 204-320-4600 or Kim at 204-3204602 for further information. Volunteer Opportunities: Volunteer with us - we could use volunteers in many different areas. Whatever your skill set or age we have a place for you. Whether you can volunteer for an hour a month, week or day or several hours we can accommodate you with tasks. ** We are in need of Volunteers for the following duties: Gardening/Weeding, Reception and Special events. Call Lynda at 204320-4603 for more information. Special Events: Thursday, June 8 - Save the Date - AGM from 3 - 4 pm. Volunteer Appreciation Bar-beque from 4:30 – 7:30 pm. Entertainment will be Prairie Soul Dancers. Thursday, June 15 - World Elder Abuse Awareness Day from 12 1:30 pm. Presenter Maggie Magnusson on this important topic. Fee is $5 per person which includes a purple lunch. Everyone is welcomed however it is important to register by Thursday, June 8 at 204-320-4600. Monday, June 19, Father’s Day Afternoon - Come enjoy an afternoon of dainties and entertainment. Fee is $3 per person. Everyone is welcomed but must register by Monday, June 12. Buddy Up – New Program. If you live alone or spend part of your week alone this would be a program for you! You would “Buddy Up” with someone and then you can touch base with each other to ensure safety. Example: If you fall or become ill and your buddy cannot reach you, they would come by your place or call someone of your choice (pre-arranged) to go and check in on you. This is only one example of how this program would work. If you are interested please contact Lynda for more details. Program is FREE. Regular Activities: Make sure to check out our quarterly Newsletter. All Programs have a fee of $2 to participate unless otherwise stated. Walking Program: Every morning from 8:30 - 9 am (Weekdays) in our Auditorium. Free to the public! Enjoy Free Coffee or Tea after. The New Connection: If you are New to the community or have had a significant change in your life (i.e. loss of a significant other, divorce, living arrangement or need a friend) we would like to

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

welcome you. This program will run the first and third Thursday of each month. Choir: Will be taking a break for the summer from May until the fall. Fitness Class: Will resume in the fall every Tuesday - Everyone (all ages) welcomed. Fun Bingo: 3rd Thursday of each month from 10 - 11:30 am. No Cash prizes – fun prizes are offered. Movie Time: 4th Monday of each month from 1 -4 pm. Floor Curling/Floor Shuffle: Wednesdays from 1:30 - 4 pm. Pickleball: Monday, Thursday and Fridays from 9 - 11:30 am. Tuesdays from 9 - 10:30 am. Drop in Billiards: Monday - Friday from 9: am - 4 pm. Computer Classes: Wednesdays from 9 am -1 pm. Call 204-3204600 to book an appointment. Cards: Monday – Canasta; Wednesday – Cribbage. All card games are from 1 - 4 pm. Old Time Country Jam: Wednesdays from 7- 9 pm. Ho Model Railway Project: Monday - Friday from 9 am - 4 pm (Wednesday the Train Conductors are here). Free Programs: Crafty Corner: Every Friday from 2 - 4 pm. Bring your craft (anything goes – knitting, scrapbooking, wood work, etc) and have some good conversation, coffee and share in learning from each other. Special guests + activities once a month. Cozy Corner Coffee Time: 10:30 am every morning for FREE coffee, tea, and a cookie. Meet new people and staff in a friendly and inviting atmosphere. Walking Program: Every Morning from 8:30 - 9 am (Weekdays) in our Auditorium. FREE to the public! Enjoy Free Coffee or Tea after! Other Programs/Services Provided: Noon Meals: Available Monday through Friday. Cost $6. Come join us for lunch. Call Deb at 204-320-4605 the day before or by 9 am that day to reserve your meal. Tai Chi: Monday evening at 7 pm and Wednesday mornings at 10 am. Foot Care Clinic: Foot care is available the first Tuesday and Wednesday of every month and the third Tuesday and Thursday of every month. Call Reception at 204-320-4600 to book your appointment. Beltone Hearing Clinic: Third Friday of the month. Call 1-800661-2653 to book your appointment. For more information on our programs, activities or volunteer opportunities, drop by the Centre Monday to Friday from 8:30 am - 4 pm or call reception desk at 204-320-4600 or Lynda at 204320-4603. Visit our website at patporteralc.com.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Memorial Bench Installed in Ste. Anne

Doreen Pchajek ordered this special bench to be installed near the Ste. Anne Splash Park in memory of her daughter Stacey.

A very special bench has been put up in Ste. Anne in memory of a young woman who was died accidentally nineteen years ago. Doreen Pchajek of Ste. Anne ordered the bench in memory of her daughter Stacey. “When I heard about the new Splash Pad Park in Ste. Anne located by the pavilion I thought what a wonderful idea to put a memorial bench there for Stacey,” Pchajek explained. “I’m so happy that there is now a permanent memorialisation of my

beautiful daughter, Stacey Leanne Pchajek.” Pchajek says the granite bench was made to order by Larsen’s Memorial. “They did a fantastic job etching her picture on the front as well as her “Friendship” poem on the back. Stacey wrote that poem just a few months before her death and it was published in a book called Theater of the Mind,” Pchajek explained. The Stacey Pchajek Memorial Foundation is a registered Canadian Charity and the main purpose is to

provide scholarships, bursaries, and prizes to students graduating grades 8 & 12 in Ste. Anne. To date the foundation has awarded 13 grade 8 awards and 33 grade 12 awards at SAC. Also, in 2015 the foundation started the “Marianne Curtis Award” at SRSS and three students have received that award. These amounts do not include this year’s recipient as these have not been given out yet. The foundations main source of funding is the SPMF Monday Night Bingo in Richer (LGA4164).

St. Malo Native Named NHL Foundation Player Award Finalist The National Hockey League’s (NHL), New York Islanders defenseman and St. Malo native Travis Hamonic has been named as a finalist for the NHL Foundation Player Award. The award is given out annually to a player, “Who applies the core values of hockey, commitment, perseverance and teamwork to enrich the lives of the people in the community.” This season marks the fifth season of “Hamonic’s D-Partner” program. The St. Malo native started the program in honour of his father, who passed away when he was 10-years-old. During each Islanders home game, Hamonic invites a child or family, who have lost a parent unexpectedly, to attend a game as his guest. The kids get to high-five the team as the players take to the ice and watch the action from Hamonic’s personal seats. After the game, the guest(s) meet Hamonic, receive autographs, take pictures and receive Islander gifts.

He makes the program intimate and personal by sitting down with each youth to encourage them to share stories about their lost family members. “The first thing that comes to mind is that it teaches me I’m not alone in it,” explained Hamonic, empathetically. “It is humbling that people trust me with their personal stories, their history and their life and allow me to be able to hear what they are going through.” Hamonic builds long-lasting friendships through the program. During each meeting with a family, he has had a connection with; he encourages them to stay in touch by means of his personal email. He has worked with more than 150 families and over 200 kids since the program’s inaugural season and spent more than $50,000 on season tickets for the DPartner Program over five seasons. ESPN featured the program two years ago, and how he

gets requests from families while on the road. At home, the program now has a waiting list for families hoping to connect with the Islanders alternate captain. The seven-year NHL veteran regularly takes time throughout the summer to participate in charity events and programs to help continue to grow the game of hockey back home in Canada as well as on Long Island.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Third Annual Pet Adoption Fest a Huge Success On May 26, about seventeen animal rescues from around the province converged at Waldenway Canine and Kitty Camp near Ste. Anne when they hosted the third Eastman Pet Adoption Fair. A Waldenway Canine and Kitty Camp spokesperson said that the mission for the event was to make sure all animals in rescue have the opportunity to find a permanent home. “It was our best year yet, with an even bigger turnout than last year! We couldn’t have asked for better weather... it was perfect!” she added. “We hope to make it even bigger and better next year.” About five hundred people came out to meet a new four-legged friend available for adoption from any of the dozen dogs and cat rescues in attendance.

This pup is one of many adorable dogs available for adoption from a variety of rescues throughout the province.

On top of a variety of pets looking for new homes, there were activities for the entire family, including bouncers, face painting, horse and pony rides, dog demonstrations,

tours, music and vendors offering great products such as feeders, beds, and nutritious treats.

There were activities for the whole family.

Sixteen Locals Named as Torchbearers Sixteen community and local sports leaders have been selected from southern Manitoba as official Torchbearers for the 2017 Canada Summer Games, which marks its 50th anniversary. “Torchbearers are an important tradition of any major multisport games. They help celebrate the games, rally fans, and inspire communities to support and participate in sport,” said the Hon. Carla Qualtrough, Minister of Sport and Persons with Disabilities. “I truly believe that those selected to carry the torch will remain a part of Canada’s history long after the Games.” The Steinbach Torch Relay will kick off on June 23 with a special event and then selected torchbearers will begin carrying the Roly McLenahan Torch heading across

Manitoba to nine Winnipeg locations and nine rural communities. The selected Torchbearers for the first leg of the relay include Jonas Desrosiers, Sabrina Castellano Smith, Kyana Brown, Louis Reis, Gilbert Fehr, Jared Driedger, Amanda Peters, Michelle SawatzkyKoop, Ivann Miloutinov, Teaghan Mitchell, Francois Grenier, Amanda Clark Allison Mack, Reese Tufford and Steffan Reimer. Selection committees made up of volunteers from each community hosting the Relay poured over applications, looking for people who have shown a commitment to youth, sport, community and culture. Selection criteria included volunteerism, past Canada Games experience, community involvement, passion for sport and/or the Canada Games. The committee

also gave consideration to representing diverse aspects of Manitoba’s population. Over 200 applications were selected, with 67 in Winnipeg and 10-20 torchbearers for each of the 10 rural community torch relay celebrations. The 2017 Canada Summer Games are taking place in Winnipeg from July 28 – August 13. The event features 16 sports, over 250 events and a major cultural festival. This year’s Games are expected to attract over 4,000 athletes and coaches and more than 20,000 visitors.

Register for Fall Programs! The Steinbach Arts Council is working on a great line-up of programs starting this fall! Don’t miss out on the creativity, wellness, summer camps, visual arts, theatre and so much more! Check them out at steinbachartscouncil.ca and register online. Summer Arts Day Camp Themes. The Steinbach Cultural Arts Council is offering a variety of Summer Arts Day Camps for kids ages 5 - 8 and ages 9 12. Weekly day camps start July 3 and run to August 18. Canada’s 150th Birthday July 3 – July 7. Let’s have a party! Celebrating Canada’s 150th birthday through the arts! Dance, music, drama, visual arts, recreation and more! Touring the World July 10 – July 14. Grab your passport and let’s go! Travelling around the world together dancing the hula in Hawaii, visiting the Eiffel tower in Paris and exploring the pyramids in Egypt are only a few of our destinations. Are you ready? Our Community July 17 – July 21. How much do you know about your community? What exactly do firefighters do? What does a radio station look like? And what can you see at the City Hall? All of these questions and more will be answered if you join us for “Our Community” week at the SAC. Life at Sea July 24 – July 28. Find out about everything Life at Sea has to offer. Jump on our cruise and together we will explore the life of a sailor, encounter pirates and look at all the beautiful creatures of the sea. Be careful, or you might get wet. Score! Sports Week July 31 – August 4. It’s time to get your gym clothes out and get active! Whether its soccer, tennis or basketball, we have it all. Whether you are an athlete and you want to show us some of your tricks, or you just want to have fun and be fit, then this is for you! Animal Planet August 8 – August 11 *Note: 4 Day Camp, as August 7 is a holiday. Explore a world of animals from the jungle, to the farm, to the desert and more! Create masks, learn animal calls and discover what nature has to offer. Disney August 14 – August 18. Do you love Disney movies, characters? Come join us for a week full of creative Disney activities through dance, music, visual arts, drama, games and more! Who’s your favorite Disney character? To register, call the SAC Office at 204-346-1077 or register online at steinbachartscouncil.ca. Limited spaces! Each camp takes a maximum of 30 kids – call now to reserve your spot. First come, first served. Looking for Volunteers – Creative Opportunities: Looking for volunteers to help us at Summer in the City in the Artist Tent– Call Cassandra or Alyssa. Celebrating Canada’s 150th Birthday at Summer in the City! Red, White & You! On the SCU Main Stage Summer in the City: On Friday, June 16, Jess Moskaluke. Jess is enjoying her third consecutive win of Female Artist of the Year with the CCMA and is the current 2017 Juno winner of the country Album of the Year award. She is the first female headliner for this festival and one of the top rising stars in Canadian

June 2017


country music. We are thrilled to host her – check out jessmoskaluke.com for more details. General Admission $25 and VIP $50. Summer in the City – On Saturday, June 17, Tom Cochrane and Red Rider, Juno award winning Canadian classic rock artist! General Admission $35 and VIP $50 online summerinthecity.ca or at Steinbach Arts Council Office 304 Second Street. Gates opens at 6 pm! Canvas & Cabernet Paint Nites… Come Join the Paint Nite Party It’s called Flower Power, and it’s time for YOU to try it out! Check our website for the creative themes and more details. So popular, filling up fast, limited numbers. Sign up now online or call the office today. Limited numbers in each night. The other nights coming up are: June 7: Farm Side with Gabrielle Doll June 22: Tropic Heat with Arlene Enns For $35, each night includes fun filled creative themes, appetizers and wine/beverage, instruction, supplies and instruction by talented accomplished artists from 6:30 - 9 pm. New! Sign up for Paint in the City – it’s Free! Summer in the City along with Steinbach Arts Council has collaborated to bring a new party to Main Street! Main Street Steinbach will be hosting its first paint party series! That’s right! Visual Artist Arlene Enns will be guiding participants in a step-by-step process to create their own masterpiece right on Main Street! Paint Party Times with Visual Artists Arlene Enns! Especially for Seniors on Friday June 16, 45 minute sessions at 1 pm and 3 pm. On Saturday June 17 - 45 minute sessions – 1 pm, 3 pm and 5pm. For kids only at 1 pm. On Sunday, June 18 - 45 minute sessions – 1 pm and 3 pm. Cost - Free! Paints and canvases donated by Steinbach Arts Council. Register by June 1 by calling Steinbach Arts Council office at 204-346-1077. Free Live Entertainment! KR Barkman Concerts in the Park Bring your lawn chairs down to the KR Barkman Park on Main Street in Steinbach – just look for the gazebo. Enjoy music, drama and dance, plus artists painting in the park. On Saturday, June 10 at 7 pm: Accent – All-women contemporary group. On Sunday, June 11 at 6:30 pm: Caity Rose – Country/Pop, at 7 pm - Shannon Shewchuk – Christian/Folk/Pop, and at 7:45 pm - Darryl Marsch Band – Country/Rock./Pop/Oldies. On Thursday, June 22 at 6:30 pm: Mitchell Middle School Band. On Friday, June 23 at 6:30 pm:LMNK – Pop/Christian Solo Artist and at 7:15 pm – The Chammartin Family – Classic Country.Folk/Gospel. On Sunday, June 25 at 6:30 pm: – P Noise – Reggae/Rock, at 7:15 pm – Karen-Lynn Smith – Country and at 8 pm – The Hernandez band – Cotemp./ Alternative. KR Barkman Concerts in the Park is proudly sponsored by Barkman Concrete Foundation and presented by The Steinbach Arts Council.


June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Ste. Anne Resident Celebrates 102nd Birthday

June 2017


Police Respond to Attempted Child Luring On May 9, Steinbach RCMP responded to a call reporting that an unknown male had approached a 9year-old girl living on Maplewood Street in Steinbach and had attempted to persuade her to come with him. Around 4 pm, the male possibly followed the girl home from Elmdale School and then stood in the yard at her residence with a red camera. He attempted to speak to her and asked her to unlock her doors and come with him. The male is described to be in his 40s or 50s, with a stocky build and grey/brown hair. He was wearing a red t-shirt, jeans, and black shoes. The male was driving an older model brown or tan car with four doors. RCMP are seeking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating this male. Police are also reminding parents with concerns to review some safety guidelines for their children. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Thief Grabs Tools from Vehicle

The family and friends of Lucienne (Boisvert) Sluis had the joy and the privilege of wishing her a wonderful 102nd birthday. The family shared with her how precious her presence amongst them is and how her friendship and her joie de vivre inspire all. What a model of life! Happy Birthday Lucienne.

On May 10, Steinbach RCMP responded to a report of a theft from a vehicle located in RM of Tache on Sunset Lane. Several tools were stolen from a truck. It’s believed to have occurred early in the morning, sometime between 12 and 6 am. The RCMP is seeking the public’s assistance in identifying and locating the individual responsible for this incident. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at 204-326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800222-8477 or manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).


June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

C ommunity E vents Giroux Bingo - Every Thursday at Giroux Hall. Doors open at 5 pm, Bingo starts at 7 pm. Hall rental information for Socials, weddings, family functions, Meetings and more please call Debbie 204-424-5506 or Mike 204-326-6260.

Lorette Scribblers Coffee House – On Thursday, June 8 at 7 pm featuring Duncan Cox and the CLC choir and band at the Bibliothèque Taché Library. Admission is Free. Collection for the main act, coffee and goodies. Open Mic to follow.

Grunthal South Oaks Gospel Music Festival – On Saturday, June 10 from 2 - 9 pm and Sunday, June 11 from 10 am – 9 pm at the Greenvalley Park. Come join us for our 29th Annual Music Festival. Food and beverages are available. This is a family event and has activities for young children.

TD Summer Reading Club – Registration starts Tuesday, June 27 hosted by Bibliothèque Taché Library. It’s free. Open to kids age 0 - 17. Craft & Storytime every week. Prizes to be won! Every participant that hands in their reading logs will receive a goody bag at the end of the summer.

Hadashville Tae Kwon Do - Every Wednesday at 6 pm at the Hadashville Community Club (Reynolds Recreational Centre) from 6 years old to adults. Pursue a black belt or learn new skills, great stress release and have an excellent workout at the same time. Cost after registration fee is $40/month per person. Ask about 2 week free trial. Contact Shelly at 204-426-5266 or KSTA. academy@gmail.com. Ile-des-Chênes Knights of Columbus 50th Anniversary – On Saturday, Jun 24, the Ile-des-Chênes Knights of Columbus Council #5979 will be celebrating. Begins with commemorative Mass at 5 pm in the Notre-Dame-de-la-Miséricorde Catholic Church in Ile-desChênes; followed by a reception with cocktails, cash bar at 6 pm at the TransCanada Centre, 1 Rivard St. Dinner at 7 pm wine included and entertainment is Carmine La Rosa (live). Cost $40. Contact Armand 204-878-3358, Gaëtan 204-7931035, Phil 204-781-5557, Roger 204-818-0415 or Roméo 204-791-3151. Ritchot Senior Services Foot Care Clinic - On Monday, June 19 and July 10 by appointment. To reserve contact Janice 204883-2880. With Cheryl Palmer, foot care nurse. Taekwondo – Tuesdays and Thursdays from 6:30 – 8 pm at the Ecole Ile Des Chene School. Cost $40/month, family rates available. Contact Kangs.mb.ca, Master Bill Tam 204-296-8217. Parent Child Playgroup - Wednesdays from 10 am – 12 pm at the School, Rm142. Contact idc.mb.playgroup@gmail.com. Story Time in Pyjamas - Every Thursday evening at the Ritchot Library Ecole Regional Gabrielle-Roy at 6:30 pm. Ages 2-8 however all ages are welcome. Yoga- On Tuesdays and Thursdays at 6:30 - 7:30 pm at the TransCanada Centre. Cost is $15/class or 10 for $125. Zumba - On Mondays and Wednesdays, from 7 pm – 8 pm at the TransCanada Centre. 10 classes for $75 or $10 drop in. Contact sarah.abraham@gmail.com. 50+ Programs - At the Trans Canada Centre Indoor Walking - Mondays, Wednesday & Friday 9 – 10 am Yoga - Monday 10 -11 am Coffee Talk - Wednesday 10 - 11 am Block Therapy - Tuesday 10 - 11 am Water Colour Painting – Thursday 10 - 11:30 am Line Dancing - Thursday 7 - 8 pm Floor Curling - Friday 10 am – 12 pm To register Mary Ann vintageclub@transcanadacentre.com, 204-339-6141. Our Lady of the Roses Prayer Group – Meets on the first Saturday of every month, at 6:30 pm to recite the Rosary and learn about Our Lady of the Roses, Mary Help of Mothers and receive Blessed Rose Petals and other Sacramentals from Blessed Mother’s place of miracles. Contact Corinna 204-878-4908 or email her at corinnaswetz@hotmail.com for more info and register. Kleefeld Community Playgroup - For parents, caregivers and children up to age 5. Activities include time for playing, stories, songs and snacks. Every 2nd and 4th Thursday of the month at the Kleefeld Rec Centre. Contact Irene Ascough 204-377-5013. La Broquerie Fête de la St-Jean-Baptiste – From Saturday, June 24 – Sunday June 25, festivities begin with a free pancake breakfast at 9 am in the arena. Baseball tournament (16 teams – Registration $200 a team with for 3 guaranteed games), Beer gardens and canteen, children’s activities, at 3 pm the official unveiling of La Broquerie “Lieu Dits” interpretive plaques, followed by Amazing race La Broquerie, Social evening with Craig and Ash (Tickets $10 in advance or $15 at the door) and Fireworks. On Sunday, mass at 10 am followed by parade, the 120th anniversary community BBQ, Main stage entertainment begins at 1 pm. Les Casual Tee’s, Les Louis Boys, Carmen Campagne and Small Town Limits. Contact sdclabroquerie@gmail.com or 204-371-0379. Eastman Immigration Services - International Cooking Classes – On the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month in La Broquerie. Space is limited. Contact to register 204-346-6609 or email lois@eastmanis.com. Seine River Services for Seniors- Health Centre/Centre de Santé from Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 4 pm. Services and programs for seniors. Income Tax help, Lifeline, mobility equipment, foot care, hair care, transportation, home maintenance, yard maintenance, Telecheck, E.R.I.K. program, puzzles and games. Contact Community Resource Coordinator Juliette Rowan, 204-4245285 or labseinerss@gmail.com. Shopping Trips to Winnipeg’s St.Vital Mall every first Thursday of the month, leaving at 10 am - 3 pm. Cost $15. Steinbach’s Clearspring Centre every last Thursday of the month, from 10 am - 1 pm. Cost $10.

Lego Club – On the last Wednesday and Thursday of the month from 6:30 - 7:30 pm at the Tache Library, 1082 Dawson Rd. Please register, as space is limited. Open to all ages! Contact 204-878-9488, email btl@srsd.ca. New Horizons Seniors - Play cards, Scrabble and more. Drop in Tuesdays 1 - 5 pm at Foyer Notre Dame Lorette, 12 St. Amant Ave. Contact Iris 204-878-3552. Ritchot Senior Services Foot Care Clinic - On Wednesdays, June 14, July 5 and July 26 by appointment. To reserve contact Janice 204-883-2880. With Cheryl Palmer, foot care nurse. Marchand Logging Days – From Saturday, August 19 – Sunday, August 20. Slow pitch Tournament, evening dance in the park, kids games and so much more!

Adult & Teen Challenge Concerned Persons Support Group - Join us Thursday evenings at 7 pm, in the Richer Fellowship Church, 50 Southeast Drive. If you have a relationship with someone who has a life-controlling problem, join us for this nine-week Living Free course. Receive encouragement and support in a safe setting, and learn practical ways to best help your loved one. Contact Pastor Ben Funk at 204-326-2254 or phone the church at 204-422-5308. Richer Recovery AA - Group meets Monday from 7:30 - 8:30 pm at LUD Hall in Richer. Contact Paul at 204-422-7673. Monday Night Bingos - To raise funds for Stacey Pchajek Memorial Foundation Inc. The foundation provides scholarships, bursaries and prizes to students graduating grades 8 and 12. Children under 14 must be accompanied by an adult to be on premises and must play bingo. Doors Open at 5:30 pm at the Young at Heart Club, 22 Dawson Rd. MGCC License # BI/BO4164. Contact Doreen Pchajek at 422-5243 or doreen@spmf.ca. Ross Family Fun Day – On Saturday, June 10 from 1 – 4 pm, meet your neighbours. We will have the bouncy castle set up, games, and face painting for the kids. Hamburgers and hot dogs will be served courtesy of Simply Connected, and cake will be served later in the day.

Mitchell Senior Centre - Breakfasts on Tuesdays from 8 - 10 am at 130 Ash St.

Sarto Ukrainian Dance Club – On Mondays from 7 - 8 pm at the Sarto Hall. Join the Sarto Polevnyi Ukrainian Dance Club for the season! You do not need to be Ukrainian to dance! Boys & girls, ages 3 to adult, no prior experience required! Cost starts at $150/year.

New Bothwell Summer Fair – On Friday, June 23 at 6 pm and Saturday, June 24 to 11 pm at the Rec. Centre. Come on out for a great weekend of fun! Lots of great activities for all ages throughout the weekend! Cost: Free.

Sprague Sprague & District Historical Museum - Open by appointment from June – September 30. Explore life as it was in the early days. Free Admission. Donations Accepted. Contact 204-4372210, 204-437-2209 or 204-437-4686.

Niverville Walk for Alzheimer’s – On Tuesday, June 13 at 10 am at the Friendship Centre and a hot dog lunch. Join the Nation-Wide Movement! Contact or to register online, visit alzheimer.mb.ca/ wfa2017 or 204-943-6622.

St. Adolphe Forever Young Dance Club – On Saturday, June 10 from 7 -11 pm, music with Small Town Limits. At 457 Main St. Cost $15 includes lunch. Reservations required contact Rae 204-883-2440 or Denise 204-883-2429.

The Crow Wing Toastmasters Club – Meets every Monday at 7:30 pm at the Niverville Heritage Centre. If you want to become a better speaker, run meetings that are more effective or develop leadership skills, a Toastmasters Club is the place to start. Contact Sheryl Berglund, Sberglund4@shaw.ca.

The Ritchot Chamber of Commerce Golf Tournament - On Wednesday, June 13 at the River Oaks Golf Course, west of St. Adolphe. Teams of 4 – Texas Scramble. Registration at 9 am – Tee off 10 am – Cost $100 per player. Includes entry into all events, 18 holes of golf, golf cart, lunch and dinner. Contact Yvette to register yvette@ritchotchamber.com or 204881-2351.

GriefShare - If you or someone you know has experienced the loss of a loved one we wish to help, you get support and learn about the grieving process. Contact 204-381-1155 to register or go to Nivervillegriefshare.com. Moms N’ Tots Playgroup - Moms with children up to age six. Wednesday mornings from 9:30 - 11:30 am located in the lower level of Fourth Avenue Bible Church (62-4th Avenue S.) Free drop-in program with coffee and snacks provided, along with a large open space for the kids to play while the moms visit. Contact Karen at klenzrpeters@hotmail.com. Paradise Village Paradise Squares Dance Club - On Tuesdays from 7 – 9:30 pm at the Paradise Village Rec. Hall. Modern Square Dancing is fun and a great social activity. Couples and singles are welcome. Contact Larry 204-422-5424. Prawda Circuit 30 - Alternate aerobic and weight exercises, with cool down and stretch exercises. Wear comfortable clothing, clean runners, and bring a bottle of water. Cost $2/class, Mondays and Thursdays at 7 pm, in the Reynolds School Gym. Contact Wendy 204-348-2433. Busy Bodies Playgroup – Every Wednesday from 9 - 11 am at the Reynolds School Gym. Free to parents and children. Snacks provided. Contact Cassie 204-793-8290. Richer Annual Tractor Trek! – On Saturday, June 10 at 11 am. Join us at the lunch stopover at the Dawson Trail Park. 50 antique and vintage tractors rolling in. View tractors free, add $8 for lunch. Add the tour of the Dawson Trail Museum and have lunch all for $15. Part of the proceeds goes towards the Eden Foundation and the Mennonite Heritage Village. Richer Young at Heart Dinner and Dance – On Saturday, June 17 from 5 – 11 pm, Dinner and Dance. Bar opens at 5 pm, Supper at 6 pm and Dance till 11 pm with live entertainment Buckskin and Satin. Cost $20. To reserve contact Marie 204-422-3052 or Irene 204-422-5932. Canada Day in Richer - Celebrate Canada 150 on Saturday, July 1. Lots of music, food and kids activities with fireworks at dusk. Take in events at the Dawson Trail Museum from noon to 5 pm and then head over to the Dawson Trail Park for events from 5 pm to midnight! Everyone welcome. Richer Community Club Chase the Ace! - Every Saturday at the Richer Inn from 5:30 - 7:45 pm. Tickets only $1 each. Jackpot is growing! Door prizes on random Saturdays ranging from glassware to Jets tickets and jerseys! Bud, Spud and Steak Special and more! Check out and like Richer Community Club Facebook page for updates. LGA License #1392RF.

St. Adolphe Curling Club Golf Tournament – On Saturday, June 17 at Maplewood Golf Course, in St. Pierre-Jolys. Cost $110 per person and includes round trip bus ride, round of golf, supper, and prizes! Deadline to enter is Friday, June 9. Contact Serge Lemoine to enter a team at 204-479-7577 or email s_lemoine@hotmail.com. Perron Park Music Festival, - On Saturday, June 17 from Noon - 8 pm. Local talent and invited guests. Bring your own lawn chairs and BBQs for a free concert in the park. Contact Roger 204-999-9539 for more information. Grouille ou Rouille -Move or Rust – Wednesday, June 25, the Ritchot Senior Services presents a fun day of physical activity and good food. Information on healthy eating with registered dietician, Lynne LePage and fun activities to keep you moving. Preregister with Janice 204-883-2880. Canada 150 BBQ and Mural Unveiling – On Thursday, June 29 at the St. Adolphe School at 12 pm. C.H.I.L.D program – On Wednesdays from 9:30 - 10:30 am at Ecole St. Adolphe School. Children’s introduction to learning and development. Contact sas@srsd.ca or 204-883-2182. Pickle Ball – On Thursdays from 6 – 7:30 pm hosted by Club Amical at the St. Adolphe school gym. Contact Alma at 204883-2251. Lunches & Bingo – On Thursdays hosted by Club Amical. Contact 204-883-2491. Athena Women’s Beginner Hockey – Contact Bahia Taylor, bahia@envypaintanddesign.com for details and costs. Badminton Nights - At the school gym on Monday nights between 6 - 8 pm. $2 drop-in is required. Contact yvandupuis@ gmail.com. Ritchot Senior Services – Monday - Thursday from 9 am- 2 pm at 457 Main Street. Contact 204 883-2880 or Ritchotseniors@mymts.net. Monthly Activities: Block Therapy - On first Wednesday of the month 6 – 7 pm. Mood Disorders - Monthly Meeting - On first Thursday of the month at 2:15 pm Art Class - On first Monday and second Tuesday of the month, from 7 – 8 pm. Weekly Activities: Cardio Fit - On Mondays 9:30 – 10:30 am. Chair Fit - On Mondays from 11 – 11:40 am. Yoga - On Wednesdays from 1 – 2 pm. Muscle Fit - On Thursdays from 9:30- 10:30 am Foot Care Clinic - On Friday, June 16, Tuesday July 4 and Friday, July 28 by appointment. To reserve contact Janice 204-8832880. Cheryl Palmer, foot care nurse.

The Ritchot Senior Services - Join us June 13 for a guest speaking event; we have Rachel Chaput, branch manager of Caisse financial group coming in to speak about frauds, scams and financial abuse. 457 Main Street. Weekly Bingo – On Tuesday nights at the St. Adolphe Community Club. Doors open at 6 pm, 6:55 pm - Speedo Game, 7 pm - Early Bird Games, 7:30 pm - Regular Games. We hope to see you there! Proceeds will support the Community Club. St. Malo Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba - On the last Monday each month at 7 pm at Paroisse St-Malo/Blessed Marguerite Catholic Community, #5 St. Malo St. For persons experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, bi-polar disorder and other mental health/emotional concerns; individual and support groups. Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. St. Pierre-Jolys The Knights of Columbus - The St-Pierre Carillon Council – On the first Thursday of the month at 482 Jolys Ave. W. Contact 204-433-7633. Ste. Agathe Grouille ou Rouille -Move or Rust – On Wednesday, June 7, the Ritchot Senior Services presents a fun day of physical activity and good food. Information on healthy eating with registered dietician, Lynne LePage and fun activities to keep you moving. Pre-register with Lynne at 204-882-2827. Ritchot Senior Services Foot Care Clinic - On Tuesdays, June 6, July 18, August 29, October 11 and November 21 by appointment. To reserve contact Janice 204-883-2880. With Cheryl Palmer, foot care nurse. Ladies Hockey – At the Arena. All levels welcome, including first timers. Contact cougarsrechockey@gmail.com for more info and costs. Walking/Running Club - A walking and running club held on various weekdays 7 pm, contact carly.flowers@hotmail.com. Taekwondo - Every Tuesday and Thursday from 6:15 - 7:30 pm at Ecole Sainte Agathe hosted by Kang’s Taekwondo Academy. Cost $40/month. Family rates available. Contact Jason Barnabe, jason.barnabe@gmail.com or 204-802-3458. Ste. Anne Walk for Alzheimer’s – On Saturday, June 10 at 10 am at the Family Kite Festival join the Nation-Wide movement to support those affected by dementia. Hot dog lunch by the Lion’s Club. Register online, alzheimer.mb.ca/wfa2017 or 204-943-6622. Family Kite Festival- On Saturday, June 10 free event, 100 Year Celebrations of Lions Clubs at the soccer field from 10:30 am – 3:30 pm. Contact 204-380-9698. Learn to Play Pickleball – Calling all active seniors. On Monday, Wednesdays and Fridays at 9:30 am, at the Ste. Anne Tennis Courts (weather permitting). You only need good clean running shoes, sunscreen, water, and a lawn chair (optional). Drop in fee of $3 or register $25 for the season. Contact Erika 204 422-5843. It’s Story Time at Your Library- Wednesday at 1 pm and Friday at 11 am at the Bibliothèque Sainte Anne Library. Come and enjoy story time with your preschooler. Please call or email to reserve a spot 204-422-9958 or email steannelib@steannemb.ca. Seine River Services for Seniors – Services and programs for seniors. Income Tax help, Lifeline, mobility equipment, foot care, hair care, transportation, home maintenance, yard maintenance, Telecheck, E.R.I.K. program, puzzles and games. Shopping Trips to Winnipeg’s St.Vital Mall every first Thursday of the month, leaving at 10 am - 3 pm. Cost $15. Steinbach’s Clearspring Centre every last Thursday of the month, from 10 am - 1 pm. Cost $10. Contact Juliette Rowan at 204-424-5285 Community Resource Coordinator for local services or e-mail labseinerss@ gmail.com. Ste. Geneviève Library Night - Bibliothèque Taché Library at the Community Centre on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 6:30 - 8 pm. A large selection of books in both French and English, for children and adults. Special requests can be made to the librarian, email btl@srsd.ca or 204-878-9488 or in person. Come for a visit and see what we are all about. Steinbach Walk for Alzheimer’s – On Thursday, June 8 at 5:30 pm at A.D. Penner Park Picnic Shelter and a hot dog supper by the Lions Club. Join the Nation-Wide Movement! Contact or to register online, visit alzheimer.mb.ca/wfa2017 or 204-943-6622. Oil Recycling Day – On Wednesday, June 14 from 9 am – 5 pm at the Landfill. For every 4L of used oil you bring to the Eco Centre (max. 205 litres per vehicle) at 104 Hanover Rd. E., receive a coupon for 1L of Co-op 5W-30 Sonic Silver Motor Oil (max. 5 coupons per vehicle) Free! Enjoy a hot dog and drink for $2 from 11 am - 2 pm. Summer Reading Club - Registration from Monday, June 19 - Friday, June 30, from 10 am – 9 pm. Join us at Jake Epp Library for a summer full of fun and reading! Register for 7-week home-based reading program free with a library membership. All children finished kindergarten through grade 8 are welcome. Keep your kids reading all summer long! Craft classes and reading circle (book club) are also available.

Drop In Book Club – 2nd Tuesday every month at 7 pm in the Jake Epp Library. We’ll post the book for discussion that month and if you’d like to join us please stop by. If you want to start your own book club instead, you can always take advantage of our Book Club collections. No sign up required. Just read the book and come hang out. Knit-Wits Drop-In Club for Adults - Knit-Wits - Every 4th Monday of the month, from 6 – 9 pm at the Jake Epp Library. This is for anyone interested in fibre handcrafts such as knitting, crocheting, cross-stitch, needlepoint etc. This is not a class but a casual knitting circle for all skill levels. Please bring your own items/supplies. TOPS (Take Off Pounds Sensibly) – On Wednesdays, from 8:45 - 10:30 am at the Royal Canadian Legion. Cost $2/week. A weight control support group that helps take off pounds sensibly and keep off pounds sensibly. Contact Betty-Lou Toews at 326-6397. Eastman Immigrant Services - Many events and activities to support and help you make new friends. Start to make this community feel like your home. Volunteer to help at our community events. Every Day English All Levels - Every Wednesday 1 – 3 pm. Reading & Writing – All Levels on Monday and Wednesday from 10 am – 12 pm. Pronunciation All Levels - On Monday and Wednesday from 7 – 9 pm at D4-284 Reimer Ave. Classes are free. Contact 204-346-6609 or email lois@eastmanis.com. Eastman Safety Upcoming Programs - Located at 385 Loewen Blvd. Register online at eastmansafety.ca or contact 1-204371-1595. Mommies Group at Kidzone - On Wednesdays, from 9 am - 1 pm. Come by to meet other moms to chat with and get your kids to make some new friends. Cost $7, free coffee. Creativi-Tea Time - Need to relax? Every second Wednesday of the month, from 6:30 - 8:30 pm at the Jake Epp Library. Come and go as it suits you. We’ll provide basic supplies; feel free to bring your own. Includes tea and coffee. Games Day & Games Night – Every 1st Saturday of the month from 12 – 5 pm and the 3rd Wednesday of the month from 6 – 8:30 pm, at the Jake Epp Library. Come down to play strategy games. Bring a friend, your strategies and games. Test your skills and have fun. Ages 14 and up unless accompanied by an adult. Contact 204-326-6841, programs@jakeepplibrary.com. Royal Canadian Legion - On 1st Tuesday every month at 8 pm and Ladies Auxiliary meets 1st Monday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Steinbach Legion Community Hall, 294 Lumber Ave. For the summer months, last meeting is in June. Steinbach Girl Guides - Every Tuesday at the United Church of Steinbach, 541 Main St. Registration for girls 5-17. Develop personal values and well-being, self-respect and respect for others; promote fun, friendship, adventure and challenges through new experiences; develop leadership and decision-making skills; give service to the community; value the natural environment. The Steinbach Rotary Club - meets every Monday at noon except when Monday falls on a long weekend at the Chicken Chef, 365 Main Street, visitors are welcome. Contact Cornie at 326-3155. Mental Health Information and Support sessions - for family and friends of people with mental health issues are held the 2nd Tuesday of every month from 7 – 8:30 pm at the Eden East building, 21 Loewen Blvd. Contact Kim at 371-0824 or email eastmanmss@mts.net MS Monthly Self-Help group meeting - for people living with multiple sclerosis. The group meets on the second Thursday evening of each month from 6 - 7 pm at Fernwood Place apartments. Contact Nadine Konyk, Rural Client Services Coordinator at 1-800-268-7582 or email nadine.konyk@mssociety.ca. MS Lunch Group- On 4th Thursday of every month, from 12 – 1 pm at All D’s Restaurant 320 Main Street. Contact Stephanie Bevacqua 204-988-0904, Stephanie.Bevacqua@mssociety. ca. Mood Disorders Association of Manitoba individual and support groups - Meets on the first Tuesday of each month from 1:30 – 3 pm at The Eden East Office, 21 Loewen Blvd For persons experiencing depression, anxiety, stress, bi-polar disorder and other mental health/emotional concerns. Contact Judy Dunn 204-444-5228. The Bethesda Regional Healthcare Auxiliary - meets on the first Tuesday of every month except for the months of July and August at the Bethesda Hospital. We welcome anyone interested in auxiliary work. Contact Verna Thiessen at 326-3028. Steinbach and Area Lions Club - Meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month at the Magnolia Restaurant. Contact 204-326-2313. Carillon Toastmasters - Meetings open to adults who want to improve their leadership and communication skills. Thursdays at 7 pm at the Jake Epp Public Library 255 Elmdale Street, Contact Sheryl at 204-326-7628 or Irene at 204-424-5737. Al-Anon Program – Meets on Mondays at 7:30 pm at the Cultural Arts Centre back door, downstairs. Contact Lloyd 204326-4365.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Al-Anon 12 Step Recovery Group - Meets on Wednesdays at 7:30 pm at United Church, 541 Main St, front door, ring doorbell. All are welcome. Young moms to be - Bi-weekly support group starts at 4:30 pm at Steinbach Family Resource Centre B-11, Hwy 12N. Contact 204-346-0413. Vita Canada Day and Rodeo – Begins Saturday, July 1. Woodridge The Mobile Clinic – Is onsite on the third Thursday of every month from 9 am – 4 pm at the Community Club. Contact for appointments 1-855-644-3515 or southernhealth.ca. General Free Monthly Bus Trips to the Casinos of Winnipeg- Let us do the driving! Join us for a fun filled day. Starts again in the fall. Tour from 8:30 am - 7:15 pm. Begins at 8:30 am, pick-ups in Steinbach, Ste. Anne and Paradise Village. Must be 18 years of age or older. Prizes and cash giveaways every trip. Bingo played on the bus to and from the casinos for those wishing to play. Bi-monthly overnight trips to South Beach Casino are also available, amazing prices on these trips so call for details. Contact Marilyn at 204-326-4939 for information and reserve a seat. Please email your local community events to editor@dawsontrail.ca for inclusion each month.

Farm Friendly Recycling Offered in Stuartburn By Marianne Curtis The RM of Stuartburn recently became the first municipality in southern Manitoba to offer a free recycling program specifically for agricultural film and twine. According to RM of Stuartburn council, the program is an extension of the municipality’s combined mission of building a stronger community. From now until the end of October, growers can return bale and silage wrap, grain bags, silage film and plastic (polypropylene) twine for recycling at the RM of Stuartburn landfill site. Materials must be kept separate and be returned in a clean and dry condition, free from dirt, straw and moisture. Large rolls of grain bags or silage film can be tied securely with twine. Nylon twine/rope, netting, feed/seed bags and excessively dirty materials will not be accepted. Farmers can also pick up free recycling bags from their collection site or municipal office. The program is part of the agricultural industry’s commitment to responsible management of its products throughout their entire lifecycle. Since 2013, more than 35,000 kilograms of agricultural plastics have been diverted from burn piles and landfills. Last year, the City of Steinbach Landfill Facility was among eight municipalities who piloted the program. The program was such a success, this year it was expanded to include six municipalities, including Stuartburn. For program information, collection sites and hours, visit cleanfarms.ca.

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2017


Matching, Hatching, and Dispatching Before talking about your marital status, a quick note about the June 15 deadline. If you need to make instalment payments for 2017, June 15 is the next quarterly deadline. And if you are a snowbird and in the US on average 120 days or more per year, you may need to file a special tax notice for the IRS to let them know you have closer ties to Canada and won’t be filing a US tax return. And if you are self-employed (or spouse of), you need to file your taxes by June 15 to avoid tax filing penalties. When it comes to Canada Revenue Agency (CRA), it’s very important to advise them when your marital status changes throughout your life. When you become common-law, married, add children (born or adopted), separate, or a spouse dies, your tax situation changes and you need to let CRA know about it. Failure to report your status properly can lead to adjusted taxes (usually you have to pay some refunds back) or repayment of benefits including Canada Child Benefit, GST Credits, and Guaranteed Income Supplement. Getting married is pretty straightforward for the CRA. It’s clear when it happened. But do make sure CRA knows right away; they will recalculate the GST credit for both of you. It’s possible one or both of you qualified for GST credits when you were single, but now that you’re married, the credit is based on your combined income and is probably less (and only one of you will receive it) or it may be eliminated if your combined income is too high. Common Law is not as clear. According to the CRA, you are common law after you have been living together for 12 months in a “married like relationship”. Be sure both of you contact CRA as soon as it has been 12 months of living together so your GST credit is recalculated at that point.

If you don’t let them know at the 12-month mark, they will demand repayment of all the GST credits you received from that time until you advise them. And make sure you are clear with CRA when the 12 months occurred after you moved together (don’t give them the date you moved together; it’s the one year anniversary after that). If one or both of you have children, then when you get married or move in together, the Canada Child Benefit will be recalculated based on your combined income. Let CRA know right away, otherwise you may be repaying some or all of what you received incorrectly. If both parents are the biological parents, Common Law is effective immediately. If only one parent is the biological parent, then CRA considers you Common Law immediately unless it can be proven that the non-biological parent is NOT financially responsible for the care and upbringing of the child (ren). This may be tough to do. Don’t wait to do this, next time you file your taxes, contact CRA immediately when you become Common-Law according to their definition. If you are not sure, contact me and I can walk you through it. When a child is born, normally the paper work is completed at the hospital for Manitoba Vital Statistics and for the CRA Canada Child Benefit (CCB). But if you don’t start receiving the Canada Child Benefit for that child within a month or two, contact CRA to make sure they did receive the application. I have helped a few families in the area that had to re-apply for the CCB since CRA did not receive the application from the Vital Statistics or the hospital. When you separate (whether you were Married or Common Law), let CRA know after 90 days. CRA’s definition is different from the legal term for separation. CRA considers you separated once you are no longer living under the same roof. And one or both of you may have to

prove it. Although you can only notify CRA after 90 days, your Canada Child Benefit and GST credit will be recalculated back to the date of separation. So once one partner leaves, it’s important the remaining partner returns all physical mail “no longer at this address.” I have spent lots of time with some separated single moms trying to prove their partner has left. The leaving partner doesn’t always change the address with CRA right away and if they move with parents or family or “couch surf” it’s hard to prove he/she has actually physically moved out. They may not be paying rent, and no utilities in their own name, and they may not change addresses with the bank, etc. Learn from these mothers: if your partner no longer lives with you, don’t keep the mail for them. “Return to Sender”. It may seem harsh, but you need to let every organization know that they no longer live with you. Tell your doctor, your child’s doctor, your child’s day care or school. Tell as many “third party professionals” as possible, so they can vouch for you if you have to prove it to CRA. The legal separation date can be quite different from the separation date that CRA will recognize. And the legal separation agreement often takes years to get in place. Also once you have separated and you have children, advise CRA about the custody of your children. If the custody is “shared” (CRA definition is 50/50 or 60/40), then you need to advise CRA so the Canada Child Benefit is calculated properly. If you do not advise CRA of the custody arrangements and CRA determines later that you should have been only receiving 50% of the Canada Child Benefit, you will need to pay it back. It can be quite a hardship, so be upfront with CRA. Don’t just report separated on your tax return; call CRA directly to adjust your Canada Child Benefit. When a spouse dies, CRA is nor-

mally notified fairly quickly. Most funerals assist with documents to apply for the CPP (Canada Pension Plan) Death Benefit and the CPP Survivor Benefit. Once Service Canada is aware of the death, they do share that info with CRA. It’s still important to advise CRA in order for the GST credit to be recalculated and to be paid to the surviving spouse. Service Canada looks after CPP (Canada Pension Plan) and OAS (Old Age Security) and GIS (Guaranteed Income Supplement) and is a completely different department. They have their own application forms. So whether you are getting married, have been living common law for 12 months or immediately if you have children under 18, or if you separate or if your spouse dies, you need to let CRA know fairly quickly. The sooner you do, the easier it is to deal with CRA and less likely some of your benefits will be “clawed back” if they were incorrectly paid to you. A final reminder to get your 2016 taxes filed as soon as possible. If you (or your spouse) were self-employed in 2016, you have until June 15 2017 to file your taxes on time without penalty. If you are not selfemployed, your deadline was April 30 and if you owe CRA, you now have penalties to pay (5% plus 1% for each month you are late). So get your taxes done now! Anni Markmann is a Personal Income Tax Professional and Certified Financial Planner; living, working, and volunteering in our community. Contact her at 204-422-6631 or 36 Dawson Road in Ste Anne (near Coop) or Info@SteAnneTaxService.ca.


June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Volunteers Needed to St. Malo Quilters Surpass a Thousand Touch Quilts Help Species at Risk

Volunteers working a project in Whitemouth last year.

By Marianne Curtis The Nature Conservancy of Canada has put out a call for volunteers to help the country’s at-risk species by caring for the special areas where these plants and animals live. The Nature Conservancy of Canada (NCC) is a private, not-for-profit land conservation organization. NCC’s Conservation Volunteers program offers weekly activities designed to benefit species and habitats while offering people the chance to learn new skills, make friends and see some of Canada’s most spectacular natural places. Nature Conservancy of Canada spokesperson Christine Chilton encourages anyone to volunteer because they will play a very important role in the success of the program. “This is a way for people to get out in nature and help learn a lot about the areas in their provinces,” explained Chilton. “At the same time, they get to come out and help us do some pretty hands-on, fun stuff to help improve nature and protect wildlife.” Canadians of all ages are invited to participate in a variety of activi-

ties, such as counting and recording species, building or enhancing trails and boardwalks, planting native trees, shoreline cleanups, removing invasive species and building nest boxes. Some upcoming Manitoban events include Tall Grass Prairie Monarch Surveys on July 21 and August 19. On both dates, NCC staff will be conducting surveys for milkweed and Monarchs in Manitoba’s Tall Grass Prairie, which is located near Stuartburn. This information will help measure the effectiveness of conservation work in providing suitable habitat for this species. The data will be submitted to the Mission Monarch project, a Canada-wide initiative to collect information about the distribution and status of the Monarch. Caring for nature, not only has local benefits, it also means caring for migratory species, such as butterflies, birds and waterfowl, that need healthy Canadian habitats as places to breed and forage for food, Chilton added. For more information on these two events and others, visit conservationvolunteers.ca.

In March 2015, the Compassionate Quilters of Vita, led by Florence Petrash, held a 2-day Touch Quilt workshop at the Chalet Malouin in St. Malo. Among the 36 ladies present were Lucie Tardiff and Irene Catellier. After the two days, these ladies were inspired to pick up that baton and continue quilting for the Alzheimer Society. In less than two years, they, together with a group of 6 ladies, have gone on to create over 1,000 more Touch Quilts. The group now calls themselves the St. Malo Quilters. They have not only provided Touch Quilts for all the residents living in Personal Care Homes (PCH) in the south east corner of Manitoba but have supplied quilts to a PCH in the Interlake, and two PCH’s in Winnipeg. Marlene Reimer, a volunteer with the Alzheimer Society who keeps track of the ladies volunteer hours (now around 7,000 hours), recently hosted a Tea in their honour at the Steinbach Alzheimer Society Office. “This group of ladies is so ambitious and creative; they put so much consideration and care into each quilt making sure that there are quilts that reflect unique interests for the residents,” explained Leona Doerksen, Regional Coordinator for

the Alzheimer Society for the South Eastman region. Many notes of thanks came in from various PCHs that have been recipients of the Touch Quilts. The quilts are often included in a welcome package that a person receives upon moving into a PCH. The new residents are told that this is a gift from their community to let them know that they are not forgotten. It is also a small way to say thank you for the contribution that the resident has made to their community, and for the legacy that they have left. The Touch Quilts are specially designed to be a variety of weights, colors and textures. They are also

adorned with several activity squares to provide some extra stimulation and interest. The ladies thoughtfully pick theme squares like farming, gardening, or animals, for each quilt so that residents can choose one that fits their personal interests and history. The ladies hope that when they can no longer quilt the next generation of quilters will take the baton from them and carry on their legacy. The group is the largest contributor to date to the over 6,000 quilts that the Society has gifted PCHs in Manitoba. With another 4,000 quilts to go just to “cover” each PCH at least once, there is still plenty of work left to do.

Members of the group include Irene Catellier (lead), Lucie Tardiff, Carmelle Bourgeous, Gilbert Fillion, Leonne Dupuis, Lucie Lambert, Irene Maynard and Carol Mitchel.

Down-To-Earth People Philippians 4:8 . . . Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable--if anything is excellent or praiseworthy think about such things. (NIV) Two people walking in the woods. One is a doubter and the other is an idealist. As they walk under some trees, a little bird decides it is time for some high-flying dive bombing and plop, the doubter receives a moist one in the eye, and so he shouts at the bird, “Birdie, birdie in the sky, why did you do that in my eye?” The idealist says to the bird, “Birdie, birdie in the sky, I am just glad cows do not fly.” This is a bit funny but in a sense, many things and many times in life we can dispense with life’s problems in the same fashion as these two hikers. One says it is terrible the other says it could be worse, much worse. Our minds do strange things at times. If I start thinking about something often enough, I will come to the stage when I cannot stop thinking about it. My thoughts will get stuck in a groove, out of which, I just cannot seem to get unstuck. That is why it is so very important that you and I think about such things that are right, things that will honour God and other people. Clear thinking will cause people to like being around you and your positive attitude will make them feel good. In the verse we just read, the apostle Paul has listed several things that we should set our minds on, such

as, things that are true. Many things in this world are misleading and not real, promising what they can never deliver, offering a false peace and happiness. We should try always to set our thoughts on things, which will not let us down because our thoughts shape our lives. What we believe determines how we behave. How I look at the world and think about the world determines how I respond to circumstances and other people. Our thoughts also determine what we will become. In the book of Proverbs (23:7) for he is the kind of person who is always thinking about the cost “Eat and drink,” he says to you, but his heart is not with you. (NIV) As a man thinks in his heart, so he is. In other words, what we focus on determines how we live. In verse eight, the apostle Paul is really talking about the power of positive Christian thinking. It is not enough simply to reject non-constructive thinking and focus on the positive. I must go a step further and retrain my mind to focus on those things that God wants me to understand. He is asking me to think about things that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy. He is asking us to reject thinking that is impure, unrighteous and ungodly. And he is asking us to embrace a new kind of thinking that which is righteous and holy. You and I must put into practice what we believe. When Jesus called his disciples, he called them to follow him. And the call to be a Christian is still a call to follow Christ today. If you and I live right, it will encourage others to live and think right. Should we be different? Would you agree it is better to have a positive Chris-

tian attitude; thinking and doing this Christ i a n stuff, which t h e apostle Paul says we should do in verse eight? Or should we live like those who do not live and promote Christian values? Did you know that our families and friends are watching us? You and I must live above this world’s standard and we must never forget that God has left us in the world to be a testimony to His grace. We are here to show the world what it is like to be a Christian. Therefore, our challenge is to live our lives in such a way, people, when they see us, desire what we have. The choice is really ours. If we begin to think and do the things that God wants us to do, we will become optimistic and hopeful, filled with faith. We will become a blessing to others and we will find that life is filled with God’s goodness… To God be the Glory Great Things He Has Done. Would you pray this prayer with me? “Lord Jesus, come into my heart. Forgive my sins. I want my life to change. My thoughts and my attitude need to change. I do not have peace in my heart, I really want that peace, joy, and happiness that I long for. Please let the Holy Spirit help me be the kind of Christian that will bring honor to Your Name.” Amen.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

The Meaning of Thank You Does the Bible teach the principle and practice of giving thanks? “Thanks” is an expression of gratitude. When a waitress brings your meal in a restaurant, it is proper to say, “Thank you.” When someone helps you, it is always good to thank them. The Bible is very adamant on the giving of thanks. Thanksgiving is mentioned over 100 times in the Bible, 32 times in the Psalms and 45 times in the Pauline epistles to the churches. 10 times in the Bible, it says, “O give thanks unto the Lord.” Whether people acknowledge or believe it or not, everything we are and have comes from God. Therefore our thanks ought to be directed toward Him. Several times the Bible says, “Thanks be to God.” Ephesians 5:20 says, “Giving thanks always for all things.” I Thessalonians 5:18 says, “In everything give thanks for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you.” It’s easy to give thanks when you’re in a good mood. It’s easy to give thanks when everything is going your way. But it sure doesn’t come natural to give thanks when you’re in a bad mood and nothing is going your way. Here are some points that may help you give thanks even during the tough times. 1. To truly be thankful and mean it from your heart, you need to be saved, God’s child and believe that Jesus Christ died and shed His blood to pay for your sins (Romans 10:9).

2. It pleases God when He hears His people giving thanks. 3. Giving thanks will change your attitude from anger, resentment and bitterness to gratitude and joy. 4. It often helps heal physical ailments (Proverbs 17:22). 5. Although it may be hard to believe at present, God’s desire is for your good (Romans 8:28). 6. God tests His children to teach them Bible truths and prepare them for a special work. Giving thanks helps us pass that test. 7. Although your life may look impossible at present, God is in full control of all things and nothing is impossible for Him. 8. Giving thanks shows a respect for your Maker. 9. Giving thanks shows a willingness and desire on your part to please God and put yourself in His hands. May God strengthen, encourage and lead you as you learn to give thanks to Him in all things!

June 2017



June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Sunrise Corner Launches Geocache Challenges

Prospective geocachers learn how to enjoy the hobby during the first launch in Vita.

By Marianne Curtis Geocache lovers are encouraged to make the trip to the most southeastern portion of the region after Sunrise Corner announced their first geocache challenge. On June 3, Sunrise Corner hosted the first of two geocache challenges within the RM of Piney and RM of Stuartburn. The event included a BBQ and a special presentation from the Manitoba Geocaching Association as well as a practice geocache challenge with prizes. Jeannine Brandt, who recently joined Sunrise Corners as Tourism Coordinator, is organizing the event. “The actual geocache challenge does not have an official start date yet, but we are installing permanent monuments around Sunrise Corner with caches for people to find. I am also working on a ‘Rules/Guidelines’ poster with the GPS coordinates to be ready in time for the start date,” explained Brandt. Geocaching is an increasingly popular,

inclusive, fun and healthy pastime for individuals of all ages. It is great for groups like families, friends, classes and youth groups working as teams. The core of the sport consists of using a hand held GPS receiver unit to guide you to a destination, where a hidden container, a “cache” is stored. Once found, you log your visit into the logbook, and optionally trade a contained “goodies” for one of your own.” Everyone who participates will be entered to win one of the geocache challenge’s first-place prizes, a hanging metal ‘Welcome’ sign. Sunrise Corner is a tourism initiative between the RM of Piney and the RM of Stuartburn. The municipalities worked together to create the tourism strategy to better promote communities and the area as a whole. The next launch event is taking place June 10 at the Woodridge Community Centre from 11 am-1 pm. To find out about Sunrise Corner and their geocache challenge visit sunrisecornermb.ca.

Huge Turnout for Ride for Mom The second annual Ride for Mom hosted by the Eastman ATV Association took place on June 3 with a sold out crowd over 800 hundred participants. The one day event took place in support of CancerCare Manitoba Foundation and their work with helping women with breast cancer. This year’s ride took place on a new eighty kilometer trail that is the first of its kind built on Crown Land which goes

through the Richer and Sandilands area. Derek Roth, from Adventure Power Products in Ile des Chenes is one of the event’s major sponsors. “This is an absolute sell out! Lined up for 2 miles! What a great event!” he stated. All funds raised by CancerCare Manitoba Foundation stay in Manitoba and more than $104 million have been granted since 2000 for patient care, support and research.

Over 800 hundred people with 500 ATVs took to the trails to raise funds for CancerCare Manitoba.

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Toss the Training Wheels! Last month, something wonderful happened. My eightyear-old daughter learned to ride her bike without training wheels! I am so proud of her! I had started teaching her how to ride a bike a few years ago but our daughter just did not seem too interested in it and was even less interested in having the training wheels removed. I have learned that it is a very hard thing to teach someone how to ride a bike when they really don’t want to. Last year, she would occasionally pedal around our gravel driveway with the training wheels on but finally she and I both agreed that it was time to remove them. Thus began the struggle to teach her how to balance, pedal and steer all at the same time. Once again, she regressed and did not want to ride anymore. Winter started and the bikes were put away. This spring, it seemed as though something had changed in her mind. This time she wanted to learn how to ride! Taking the bike out of storage, I did a bit of spring maintenance on it, strapped a helmet on her head and then we began the attempts. Time after time, she would sit on the seat with her daddy standing next to her and she would push off and start pedalling. I would run along behind her, holding on to her seat, waist or even the handlebars to help keep her upright. Running along, I could feel those odd moments when she was balanced and I would let go but stay near her to catch her when she would fall. Sadly, we were unsuccessful with learning. The next day, I wasn’t able to be out with her but I encouraged her to give it a go on her own. I think that she spent more time standing and looking at the bike than actually trying to pedal it. For the rest of the week, we would spend parts of our evenings attempting to learn this skill. Surprisingly, it just happened. As I ran along behind her, I felt her balancing and I let go and stood in awe as she cruised away from me for quite a long distance. Going again, she once again found her balance and pedalled off. I saw her heading onto the grass (I figured that she’d hit the brakes and stick a leg out to stop herself from falling) but I was shocked when she used the handlebars to steer herself back onto the driveway and pedal on. Now, she no longer needs any help to get started and she’s going for super long distances on the driveway and is aiming for the grass to see how far she can go before it gets too hard for her to pedal. Jokingly, I’ve asked her if I should put the training wheels back on but she laughs and says, “No way!” I think that she is really enjoying her newfound freedom. Until next time, take care and keep your world spinning.

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2017


Local Residents Named to Appeal Board Three southeast residents were recently named among the list of 12 new members to the province’s Social Services Appeal Board. The province selected James C. McCrae of Brandon to serve a two-year term as Board Chair.

The minister named Teresa Banman of Steinbach, Taranjit Dhaliwal of St. Adolphe and Helene Lariviere of St. Malo to one and two-year terms. The 15-member board reviews appeals from Manitobans who use government programs such as Em-

ployment and Income Assistance, Rent Assist, Manitoba Prenatal Benefit, marketAbilities, Community Living disABILITY and 55-Plus: A Manitoba Income Supplement. It also hears licensing appeals for adoption agencies, childcare and residential-care facilities.

The purpose of the board is to give Manitobans a fair, impartial and informal appeal process for decisions that relate to various social services and programs.


June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Wrecking Ball Claims Historic St. Adolphe Nursing Home By Marianne Curtis On May 24, the St. Adolphe Nursing Home succumbed to the wrecking ball after standing proudly at the centre of the community for over a hundred years. On the business side, destroying the historic building made sense, especially in light of the costs associated with a possible renovation. Rhea Trudeau, who grew up in St. Adolphe was a former student at the convent and she worked as an employee at St. Adolphe Nursing Home. She said her heart was heavy while watching the building crumble. “I’m very sad to say goodbye to this historic building... this community has been blessed to have you in our lives,” said Trudeau. Every single member of her family, including her husband and son all worked in the building at some point. “It was very hard to watch it being torn down... so many memories.” The St. Adolphe Nursing home has been empty since 2013 when the residents were relocated to a brand new facility in Niverville after Heritage Holdings purchased the property. Initial plans were to renovate the former convent, until it was discovered that asbestos was present throughout the building.

It was formerly known as the Dubuc School for the local students and for many boarders from Manitoba, Saskatchewan and Ontario. The building was also once a novitiate and served as the Mother House for the Order of the Filles de la Croix; it even contained a “Miracle Room” hidden between the 2nd and 3rd floors where a nun close to dying of tuberculosis was once cured. In 1970, it was bought by the Brousseau family and transformed into a personal care home. It was sold again in 2009 to Heritage Holdings Inc. of Niverville. The residents of the nursing home were transferred to the new Heritage Life Personal Care Home in Niverville. Heritage Holdings planned to salvage the structure until asbestos was discovered. A cairn made from salvaged materials will be built on the site at a later date. “But through the power of literature, the history of this building will remain alive for future generations,” Trudeau added. After the convent closed, former staff and students formed a committee and published a souvenir book called “The Old Convent Tells Its Story”. Copies are available by contacting Rhea Trudeau at 204 883-2055 or Alice DeVos at 204 883-2566.

It did not take very long for wrecking crews to turn the historic four-story convent in St. Adolphe into a pile of bricks and timber. Photos by Marianne Curtis

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

June 2017


CAA Manitoba’s Great Chamber Welcomes New Executive Director Canadian Vacation Road Tips The Steinbach Chamber of Commerce is pleased to welcome Ben Dueck as its new Executive Director. Dueck explained that he is excited, “To work together with a team of people, both in the office but also with the chamber at large, to make a difference, not only in their businesses but also how that will then affect and enhance the community of Steinbach itself.” Dueck said Steinbach has an impressive business community that is built on hard work and mentoring. “The Chamber stood out to me as an organization that is moving forward and making a difference. I also think that there are always ways to improve an organization,” said Dueck. “I’d like to see how we can continue to provide solid value to the current members but also look at how we can reach out to the businesses in Steinbach that are not part of the Chamber and see if there are ways for us to connect with them.”

Ben Dueck joined the Steinbach Chamber as a new Executive Director.

Dueck’s past experience includes fundraising and alumni relations at Steinbach Bible College. He also currently runs his own home building company.

Graffiti Damages La Broquerie School

On April 11, sometime during the early morning, three male suspects walked onto the Ecole St. Joachim school property and drew graffiti on the South side and the roof of the school. The mischief was caught on video. Police are requesting the public’s assistance to identify these suspects. If you have any information in regards to the above you are asked to contact the Steinbach RCMP Detachment at (204) 326-4452 or CrimeStoppers at 1-800-222-8477 or www.manitobacrimestoppers.com or text “TIPMAN” plus your message to Crimes (274637).

Thanks to Canada’s 150th anniversary and the high US dollar, CAA Manitoba expects many drivers to hit the highway to Canadian destinations this summer. “Canada has some of the most beautiful landscapes in the world and driving is one of the best ways to experience them,” said Erika Miller, public and media relations specialist for CAA Manitoba. “Make the most of your great Canadian vacation by making sure you’re properly packed and prepared to explore the open road.” The best thing to do before the rubber hits the road is to take your vehicle in for an inspection, have the oil changed, fluid levels checked, battery tested and tires inspected, including your spare. Ensure that the emergency roadside kit in your car is customized and stocked with enough food, water, clothing and first-aid items for the number of passengers travelling with you. Five stress-free summer road trip tips - Get a sense of driving conditions;

check live road camera feeds from around the province at CAAManitoba.com/roadcams. - Prevent a lockout by bringing a spare set of keys and storing them away from your set or giving them to a passenger. - Reduce distractions while driving. If you’re driving with someone, designate them as the texter and ask them to answer all calls and messages. If you’re driving alone, let friends and family know your ETA before you go, and that you won’t be able to respond immediately to calls or texts. - Bring an entertainment kit if you’re travelling with kids, a backpack filled with soft toys, books and games can keep them occupied during the ride and reduce the amount of times they ask, “Are we there yet?” - Plan ahead with the Passport 2017 app. CAA is the app’s official sponsor of travel information for at-

tractions across Canada, including hours of operation, contact information and admission cost (if applicable). Download the Passport 2017 app to learn more about events and locations for the Canada 150 celebrations. Of course, some things can’t be avoided even with the bestlaid plans. Save yourself stress and keep your CAA card in your wallet, it protects you no matter whose vehicle you’re travelling in. CAA Members can request roadside assistance at caamanitoba.com, with the CAA app, or call 1-800-222-4357.


June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Dawson Trail Dispatch

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Provincial Parks Open and Ready for Camping and Fishing

Manitoba provincial campgrounds are once again ready for visitors and many have significant improvements and upgrades. “Manitobans love the great outdoors, so the start of camping and fishing season is an exciting time for people who have been waiting to get out and enjoy all the beautiful parks and campgrounds our province has to offer,” said Sustainable Development Minister Cathy Cox. “We have added many new amenities to parks and campgrounds, and we encourage people to explore our great province this season.” Significant improvements to campgrounds include additional electrical sites at Manipogo, Rainbow Beach and St. Malo campgrounds, new family group-use campsites at Rainbow Beach and Blue Lakes campgrounds within the group-use area and all showers have been converted to pay showers at St. Malo campground. There are six new yurts at Paint Lake this spring and six new yurts to open later this summer at Tulabi Falls. In addition, the new campground entrance for Kiche Manitou Campground (Spruce Woods) is open at the south end of the campground. Fires should only be started in approved fire pits and campers are reminded not to move firewood. Transporting firewood can introduce forest invasive species such as the emerald ash borer to Manitoba. Angling licences are available at Manitoba Sustainable Development offices and numerous licence vendors throughout the province. Full details on limits, regions and regulations are outlined in the 2017 Manitoba Anglers Guide, which is available online at manitobafisheries.com. Anglers are encouraged to carefully handle and release any fish they catch that is spawning or full of eggs. By releasing spawning fish, anglers will help protect stocks and sustain Manitoba’s fisheries resource now and for future generations. Boaters and watercraft users are reminded everyone has a role to play in the protection of lakes, rivers and wetlands from the transfer of aquatic invasive species. When leaving a water body, it is important to clean, drain and dry the watercraft, trailer and all water-related equipment and dispose of unwanted bait in the trash. For more information on invasive species, visit manitoba.ca/stopthespread or call toll-free1-87-STOP AIS0, 1-877-867-2470. It is important to note that while the government of Canada is celebrating Canada 150 with free entry to national parks, a provincial park pass is still required when visiting provincial parks, the minister said. Passes are available at park offices, online through Canada Map Sales at canadamapsales.com, and anywhere hunting and fishing licences are sold. Annual passes are also available at Manitoba Liquor Mart locations and Manitoba Public Insurance service centres. To make a reservation in a provincial campground, visit manitobaparks.com.

June 2017



June 2017

Celebrating Over 20 Years of Service to Our Communities!

Dawson Trail Dispatch

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