Volume 20 Issue 3
August 2017
The Richer Community Club Chase the Ace has become pretty exciting with the Jackpot now sitting at almost $11,500 with only 21 cards left in the deck. The RCC is using the funds raised to improve further infrastructure at the Dawson Trail Park.
Rodeo Committee Plans for Exciting Event!
Photo by Laura Zimmerman
The Richer Rodeo Committee is working overtime to bring together the final details of what has turned into one of the largest community events in eastern Manitoba. The rodeo, which starts on Friday, August 11, is expected to bring in thousands of spectators to Richer, creating a small city over the weekend. See www.richerrodeo for all the details.
Fireside Youth
Display Business Ads cost per issue: 1” x 1 column - $10 2” x 1 column - $18 4” x 1 column - $30 2” x 2 column - $30 Front Banner - $65 1/4 Page - $55 1/2 Page - $95 Full Page - $175 Multiple booking discounts: 6 issues (save 10%) 12 issues (save 20%) Birthdays! Special Days! Garage Sales! Classified Ads are $5 each up to 25 words, extra words are 20 cents each. For ads or news stories contact Dan at enricher@simplyconnected.ca or (204) 355-8798. The EnRicher is published as a service by the Richer Community Club Inc.
The “Son” was shining on Saturday July 8, as 5 Youth and 1adult openly declared their faith in Jesus by getting baptized in a 2 acre pond at the home of one of the candidates. Families from Richer and as far as Winkler came out to show their support. We had a great turn out for our first Wiener Roast Monday on July 10. All Youth are welcome to join us for a wiener roast, games and a Bible lesson around the fireside twice a month during July and from 6:30-8:30 pm at the Daw- Driedger at 204 424-5216 or August. Our next Wiener Roast son Trail Park. email richerfiresideyouth@gmail. Monday is Monday August 14 For more info contact Michelle com.
Crib Club News
The June tournament, held on June 13th, was a fun evening! Carole Marleau came in first, while Don Dmitruk took second place. Dave Haraldson brought up third place and Norm Burnell came in fourth. Aurele Robert got the booby prize, and it was Carole’s lucky day as she also won the 50/50. Our July tournament on the 11th had some exciting moments when a thunderstorm shook the building, and it rained so hard, it sounded like heavy hail on the roof. But it wasn’t and it passed, and we continued our play. Rochelle Anderson took first place, Claire Logan placed second, and third was a tie between Norm Burnell and Will Linklater. Aurele Robert came in fourth and got the dimes. The booby prize went to Gayle Carriere, and Wally Adair won the 50/50. Congratulations to all our winners! Our August tournament will be on the 8th, and will be our last summer tournament as September will see the start of our regular season. So come out and join us at the Young at Heart at 7 p.m. You’ll be glad you did!
From The Pastor’s Desk Hey Richer listen up! Let’s talk about perception of the public and the clergy. Richer Fellowship Church in a unique church. Not only is it the only Evangelical Church in town (it is the only church in town) it also has a pastor that does not fit the definition of traditional pastor. We could say, he and his wife are the only Harley riding pastor couple in southeastern Manitoba who each ride their own machine. Now this may mess with some people’s perception of a pastor... what is our perception when we hear that a pastor rides a Harley? Does that fit into our frame of religion and faith in the world of clergy.
In reality all the ones that work in the world of spiritual service have interests in the physical world of recreation and entertainment like any other person. Some golf, others go fishing, still others ride Harley’s. This category in particular, seems to get a closer look in disbelief. Preachers, never mind pastors, do not ride Harley’s due to a persons perception of Harley Davidson and its association with the dark side of the world. This pastor has been set free to declare Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour and ride a Harley. If our perception of the person of the cloth can be redefine then we be-
gin to realize that they are persons who are no different than you. This pastor was riding a Harley Davidson long before he became a pastor. When you come to visit Richer Fellowship you will likely find him wearing a Harley shirt as well. Again, Perception... is it a fashion statement? Probably not. It is a clothing line choice no different than Edie Bauer and the like. Come and visit us, we are down to earth in our lives, while loving Jesus Christ with all of our hearts. See you soon. See you at the Rodeo grounds August 13, 99:30 am. Cheers... Harley Riding Pastor Ben.
CALENDAR! The Richer Community Club will not have a meeting in August. We will resume our regular meetings on September 13th, 2017. The Richer Dawson Trail Museum committee will hold their annual Fall Supper on September 17th from 4 pm to 7 pm at the Richer Young at Heart Hall. We will be serving roast beef dinner with all the trimmings. Tickets are available at the door. Adults $15, 6 to 12 years $7 and children 5 and under dine for free. We will hold a 50/50 door prize draw. If you are willing to help during these hours please call Yvonne at 204 422 9369. The Dawson Trail Museum is opened on Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday from 1 pm to 4 pm. Come visit with your family and friends. Tour fee is $5 per visitor. We will hold an Open House on Rodeo weekend Saturday & Sunday from 1 pm to 4 pm on August 12 & 13th. We will also resume our regular meetings on September 11th at the LUD Hall at 1 pm. Paradise Squares Dance club will begin their new season on Sept. 12 at 7 pm with a Start-Up Dance at the Paradise Village Rec. Hall. Modern Square Dancing is fun and a great social activity. Dancing is Tuesday evenings from 7 – 9:30 pm. We dance from September to May. The Start-Up Dance is free for beginners and new dancers. Couples and singles are welcome. Coffee and doughnuts will be served. For further info contact Larry at 204-422-5424 / Joy at 204-422-8080. Every Monday: A.A. Meeting, 7:30-8:30 p.m. at LUD Hall. Open to all.
SPMF Monday Night Bingos in Richer. Doors open at 5:30 pm; Earlybirds at 7 pm Followed by Regular Bingo. Check out our Facebook page “SPMF Monday Night Bingo in Richer” & “Like” us. LGA Lic. # 4164. Richer Community Club Chase the Ace every Saturday at the Richer Inn. Tickets only $1 and on sale from 5:30 pm until 7:45 pm. Pot grows every week until won and is over $11,400! Richer Fellowship Church at 50 Southeast Drive service is Sundays at 10:30 am with Pastor Ben Funk. Everyone is welcome. Friday, August 25th: Deadline for submissions for the September issue of the EnRicher. Saturday, August 12 and 26: Recycling Collection. 9:30 am - 12 noon. 1st stop Burnell’s Foods, 2nd Stop Richer Inn, 3rd stop Tibeauville, 4th stop Timberline, with the 5th stop at the Richer Husky where the recyclers will remain until noon. Recycling can also be dropped off in the recycling shed located in the Richer Husky parking lot at your convenience.
YARD SALE August 11, 12 & 13 from 9 am to 4 pm at 114 Southeast Drive, Richer. Fabric, crochet cotton yarn, craft books and some antiques. Call Lucy for more info at 204-422-6879.
“Rodeo” Church Service Sunday, 9 am at the Busking Stage Everyone Welcome!
We’re Ready! Are You??