EnRicher June 2020

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Volume 23 Issue 1

Reaching Into the Sky

June 2020


Richer: It’s a Go!

The Richer Community Club (RCC), along with the Dawson Trail Museum and the Richer Fellowship Church have come together to plan one of southeast Manitoba’s only Canada Day celebrations. “We thought about it a lot from different angles to avoid the word cancellation,” said Darson Dueck with the RCC. “We have actually come up with a pretty good plan for the day.” The Dawson Trail Museum will

At fifty feet tall, the dome over the Dawson Trail Park outdoor rink is taking shape. Major construction should be completed within a few weeks. While a grand opening of the “Premier Tech Multiplex” has not been set due to the restrictions in place, the Richer Community Club is hoping to work on a program to gather the sponsors, volunteers and community together to celebrate this major accomplishment in the CONTINUED ON NEXT PAGE... community.

Canada Day continued... be hosting an outdoor event with free Canada Day cake, beverages and popcorn. Their programming starts at 2 pm. According to Yvonne Godard, precautions will be taken to ensure provincial guidelines are respected. The museum should be open to guests, again with certain rules such as a limited number of visitors inside. Later on, the Richer Community Club is hosting a “drive-in” style fireworks show at Dawson Trail Park. People can start showing up about an hour before dusk in their vehicles. Parking will be available in the park itself, by the front gate and of course, along the roads. Most residents with a sight line to the park should also be able to see the fireworks display as, according to Dueck, the show ordered for this year is made up of higher impact shots. Cars must be parked 6 feet apart and guests can setup blankets and lawn chairs outside their vehicles on the left hand side. This ADVERTISE in the


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or (204) 355-8798. The EnRicher is published as a service by the Richer Community Club Inc.

rule must be respected in order for the event to be hosted. The RCC is also handing out about 500 Canada Day children gift bags to the first arrivals. These will be delivered to cars with children by volunteers from the Richer Fellowship Church who are also going to go from car-to-car with hotdogs and popcorn available for a minimal cost. Phase 2 guidelines set out by the Province will be followed.

Phase 2 Guidelines

Organizations may hold outdoor events without limitation on numbers if people stay in their vehicles, or stand outside on the left side of their vehicles, as long as the windows of the vehicle next to them are closed and as long as people remain two metres apart at all times. The following guidelines should be followed by patrons, volunteers and staff: - Physical distancing must be observed at all times when outside the vehicle for essential purposes, such as to use the washroom, with a minimum of two metres between individuals when outside of their vehicles. - Vehicles must be separated by a minimum of two metres. - Windows and sunroofs may be open; doors and trunks should remain closed. - Only individuals from the same household may occupy the same vehicle. - If staff or volunteers are required to have contact with any equipment (e.g. speaker), the equipment must be cleaned and disinfected after each use. - Access to washroom facilities must be limited to no more than 25 people at one time. - Where washroom access is provided, frequent cleaning and disinfection must take place before, during and after the service. - Physical distancing of two metres must be maintained for those waiting for washroom facilities. - Food/concession services that are provided should follow applicable restaurant guidelines. - Where possible, payments should be accepted through contactless methods. - All other services and common areas must be suspended, including picnic areas and play areas. - Employees must have access to soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer for hand hygiene, as well as appropriate cleaner and disinfectants. - Employees and volunteers are required to stay home if they are sick or symptomatic. - Patrons should be reminded that anyone who is feeling sick or symptomatic must remain at home, even if they stay in their vehicle at all times.

Two Richer Groups Receive Provincial Grants Through the Building Sustainable Communities program, the Manitoba government has awarded the Richer Roughstock Rodeo with $21,575 and the Dawson Trail Museum with $13,369 for community development projects. “The Richer Dawson Trail Museum has been created to collect, preserve, study, and to interpret the human and natural history of Richer and surrounding area for the greater good and use of future generations. The results of having an electrical upgrade will be measured by not using extension cords when offering electricity to people that need power during activities, meetings, and or their electronics. This will also assure the safety of all visitors inside the museum, as well as outdoors,” said Yvonne Godard from Église de l’Enfant-Jésus Church. “We are pleased to receive funding from the government this year, especially as we all face challenges presented by COVID-19,” said Pat Stolwyck from the Richer Roughstock Rodeo committee. “The [province] has stepped up once again for infrastructure projects for our association.” The funding will go towards permanent livestock pens which will save the rodeo committee money in the future as they would no longer have to rent them. It will also make it more convenient for other livestock and equine events to be hosted in the park.


CALENDAR! The Dawson Trail Museum committee will hold the monthly meeting at the museum on June 8th at 1 pm. You are welcome to attend as long as social distancing is practiced.

Saturday, June 13 and 27: Recycling Collection. 9:30 am - 12 noon. 1st stop Burnell’s, 2nd stop Richer Inn, 3rd stop Tibeauville, 4th stop Timberline, with the 5th stop at the Richer Husky where the recyclers will remain until noon. Recycling can also be dropped off in the recycling shed located in the Richer Husky parking lot at your convenience. FREE BBQ on Fathers Day! On Fathers Day (Sunday, June 21) the Richer Fellowship Church will be offering a free Barbeque to help celebrate Fathers. Social distancing will be expected and enforced.

Friday, June 26: Deadline for submissions for the June issue of the EnRicher. CANADA DAY CELEBRATIONS on July 1 at the Dawson Trail Museum and the Dawson Trail Park! Food, Fireworks and Gift Bags for the first 500 children. Social distancing rules apply. Provincial Phase 2 guidelines must be followed. Please bring lawnchairs, blankets, etc and remain by you car at the park.

Richer service groups are working hard to create events in the community within Provincial guidelines. Please have patience as we navigate the rules and regulations on the path back to being one of the most active communities in southeast Manitoba!

Richer Fellowship Church on YouTube and FM Radio! I would like to invite our readers to tune in to our YouTube Channel “Richer Fellowship” Sunday mornings at 10:30 am. You may also go to our channel anytime and watch the different services that are posted. You are also encouraged to sneak into our parking lot at that same time and check us out on 87.9 on your FM radio, anonymously, if you like.

From The Pastor’s Desk...

The Value of Fathers

I often reflect on fathers or fatherhood itself as I go about my life. This month, the month of June, is when we celebrate a special day that celebrates fathers. Fathers and their value in our home, community, society, and the state is often undermined, or even held in contempt. That is genuinely a sad reality, because it contributes to instability in each of the fields listed above. There are many men who have fathered and have not been active as fathers or been part of fatherhood. Children need fathers in their lives, in combination with mothers to create balance in their lives. Our culture seems to place little value on the role of fathers in the family. You see, each gender has a different parenting style through which the child receives better skills for life and the realities they may face in their own life. I would like to encourage each father out there to remain faithful to your family as a father. We must be mindful that we truly are more than an adult male in the home. We have value and bring value to the relationship and fellowship of the home. Space here does not allow for listing all the findings on the research on the value of fathers in the home. There are significant studies in the sociological world that demonstrate beyond the shadow of a doubt that fathers have an important and irreplaceable role in the life of a child as it develops. As we celebrate Father’s Day this month let’s all compliment the father in our life for being father. The father in our life has value and needs to be valued by each one of us. Fathers remem-

ber… the many voices that you may be hearing, whose narrative appears to send messages of demasculation, that message would be false. Happy Father’s Day to all the fathers in our community and beyond. You see, God is our Father, and He understands fatherhood. You can have significant conversation with Him any time, any where. God bless you from Pastor Ben Funk.

Richer Fireside Youth...

Overcoming Obstacles

At our last Youth meeting in April, Guest Speaker Nina Hempel, along with Grace, our Youth Leader, gave a slide show presentation on Bethany Hamilton, the courageous surfer who defied odds by making a comeback after a shark attack. Hamilton, a teenager at the time, rode the waves in Hawaii and almost lost her life after a shark bit off her arm. Now a young mother, Hamilton is just as agile on a surf board with one arm, than with two! She continues to offer hope to girls through speaking engagements and newsletters, sharing about her faith, how she faced death, and what it took to get back up again. Hempel shared that Hamilton has offered encouraging news for young girls battling any kind of challenge. Her

message is about overcoming obstacles. In May, Youth leaders mailed homemade cards with words fitly written to each Youth showing them they are unique and not forgotten, encouraging them to use their time at home wisely, to grow in their walk with God, and to study hard. Youth will get together for games at Richer Park during the summer months. Dates will be announced. For more info, please text Michelle at 204 371-8021, call 204 424-5216 or email richerfiresideyouth@ gmail.com.

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